A meaningless milestone in the form of an unrealistic artificial timeline was celebrated with a meaningless speech by an artificial leader specializing in meaningless words.
His chin was tilted to the perfect angle to hide the lack of meaning. He looked downright authoritative and serious with his meaningless proclamations.
Then the evening went downhill when President Obama stopped doing his “wow, I look important” pose and began the lecture.
The blatherer in chief let us know that the flu virus situatin was “serious.” The government is “doing something about it.” He told us to wash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough.
He claimed that his recovery package “saved or created $150,000 jobs, and gave a tax cut to 95% of all working families.”
Hey, they guy makes up numbers out of thin air and the media blindly accepts it, but let’s be fair. His suit looked good, his shirt was crisp, and his necktie was perfect. The Jayson Blair Times will be doing a three part expose on whether he prefers the Windsor knot or a more traditional tie style.
He even claimed that his housing plan led to a spike in refinaincing, which in Obamaland, “is the equivalent of another tax cut.”
Yeah, and my doctor just put on the rubber glove and checked me for testicular cancer. It’s the same thing as when my girlfriend visits, except it is completely different. It depends what the word “equivalent” is. Equivalent is a word that lying politicians and makers of diet soda use. The equivalent is just as good, except it is not.
“We have to lay a new foundation for growth.”
He is just brilliant.
He bragged about closing Gitmo, without addressing whether he will actually work on a plan to place the detainees.
He claimed to be against torture “without exception,” which I thought meant he would end his speech right there. No, he continued.
He thinks he is doing a good job. He is pleased with himself. Now there is a surprise.
He acknowledges that projected deficits are still too high, without acknowledging that he is the cause of the projected increases.
He will continue scowering the budget for savings and eliminate programs that don’t work. The man is a genius.
The first question belonged to AP reporter Jennifer Loven, who is a left wing hack married to a former John Kerry campaign staffer. Oh, and she is unbiased. She asked about closing the Mexican border and possibly quarantining people. This allowed him to come across as “compassionate,” as if there was any chance he would say yes.
He actually said that “the Bush administration did a good job” regarding the bird flu epidemic in 2005. He should get some hate mail from the leftist lunatics for that remark.
He reiterated washing hands and covering the mouth when coughing. He then admitted that what he was talking about “sounded trivial.” He then told people to stay home from work if they are sick, and not to fly when they are sick, as if that will ever happen.Then again, maybe he can change the behavior of the entire human race.
For some bizarre reason, the Detroit News was allowed to ask a question. President Obama spoke about Chrysler and General Motors. He said nothing of consequence, but nothing harmful.
ABC News asked if waterboarding was torture, with the obligatory war crimes accusation against President George W. Bush. President Obama insists that we could have gotten vital information”in other ways, in ways that are ocnsistent with our values.” of course he did not elaborate because that would mean having a solution. He then rambled about Winston Churchill in World War II, and how Churchill did not torture.
Churchill would have taken any steps to win, but let’s not confuse facts with President Obama.
Shockingly enough, President Obama was comfortable with his decision. President Obama would not commit to pursuing war crimes charges against President Bush. He wants no part of that powder keg.
I found irony in the fact that the conversation was about terrorism, especially since the next questioner looked like a terrorist. It turns out the fellow with a beard scruffier than most vagrants was actually Mark Knoller of CBS Radio. I have nothing against Mr. Knoller, but when entering a room with the President, even I would shave, or at least trim.
Mr. Knoller asked if President Obama would use coerced interrogation methods if there was an “imminent threat.” President Obama insists that we could have gotten the valued information without torture. Apparently Khalid Sheik Mohammed disagrees with President Obama.
President Obama then said, “I will do whatever is required to keep the American p[eople safe, but…”
There is no “but.” That is where President Obama goes off the tracks.
He then said, “There is no information I have seen that makes me second guess the decision I have made.”
There is a surprise. When a guy makes up his mind before the question is asked, there is little room for reflection.
Naturally, MSNBC got to aska question. Chuck Todd asked President Obama to promise to secure loose nuclear weapons in Pakistan. Barack Obama crossed his heat and hoped to…well, not die.
He is confident on the issue. This seems to be a recurring theme.
CBS News asked if the Arlen Specter switch would lead to “one party rule, where he runs roughshod over the Republican Party.”
He replied, “I am under no illusions that I will have a rubber stamp Senate.”
He meant to say that he would NOT have a rubber stamp Senate. That was an interesting Freudian slip that the leftist media ignored. With regards to Republicans, “reaching out to them has been genuine.”
Inviting them to a Super Bowl party is not reaching out. Reaching out does not mean politely listening to opposing views and then dismissing them. Nobody questions his politeness.It’s his sincerity that is the problem.
He then reminded America that he won a historic election.
Ed Henry of CNN asked if the President would keep his promise to sign the Freedom of Choice Act.
This allowed Obama to be at his most weaselly. He went out of his way to say that he respects those with an opposing view. Yet that is not the same as actually offering an ounce of compromise on an issue. He should have just said, “I am pro-choice, so yes.” He tries so hard to sound moderate that one could believe that he actually is a moderate, if one was a media lapdog.
He then said that the Freedom of Choice Act was “not my highest legislative priority.” NARAL will find a way to take that dismissal and claim that he supports them.
The Jayson Blair Times, never won to show an ounce of humility or ask a tough question of a liberal, asked what surprised, troubled, enchanted, and humbled the President about his office.
The surprise came in the form of the number of issues coming to a head at the same time. President Obama did not anticipate “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression,” despite talking about it on the campaign trail repeatedly. He claimed arbitrarily that “other presidents have two or three crises, while he has seven or eight.”
He is troubled by the partisanship, which is odd since he is a driving force behind it. For one thing, he will not rein in the Pelosiraptor.
He likes our troops. He claims that they are “really good at their job.” Now if only he would let them.
He is humbled by the power of the Presidency, and the patience of the American people.
Black Entertainment Network got to aska question on what the president would do to lessen the impact of the recession on black people. President Obama smartly responded that he was trying to help all people.
I give him credit on this issue. He simply refuses to become like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. He may be doing this because he knows white America will not tolerate it, but that does not change the fact that he is right to stay away from it.
Time Magazine asked about the State Secret Doctrine. President Obama wants it “modified,” which is a fancy way of saying, “mend it, don’t end it.” This guy really is not Jesse Jackson. He doesn’t even rhyme.
He doesn’t want to reveal covert information which might compromise our safety. In short, he will do exactly what President Bush did without saying so.
The Wall Street Journal asked him what kind of shareholder he would be, regarding auto companies. Then Barbara Walters asked him what kind of tree he would be.
President Obama claimed that he did not want to own auto companies or banks. Yet at the same time, he refuses to let banks pay back the TARP money.
He wants to “help these companies make tough decisions.”
The banks that are screaming that they do not want or need his help are being ignored.
I have to concede that his five minute speech was not dreadful. The remaining 55 minutes were inconsequential.
Then again, those who want substance should wait for his Republican successor.