Ideological Bigotry Part XXX–DJLF Isaac Lieberman
Isaac Lieberman was once my friend. He was a great guy to party with. His house parties were among the best. He was always a hardcore leftist, but I thought that would not get in the way of the friendship. Sadly, I was wrong.
Isaac Lieberman accused me a few months ago of making public remarks at a synagogue containing racist overtones. That genie cannot be rebottled. My former friend unfortunately crossed a line and refuses to understand why his comments are so harmful. The transcript has been edited for length, but the context remains intact. Judge us both. Nobody should be above scrutiny.
- Isaac Lieberman: “I do think that because of your political persuasion and involvement, you are probably highly susceptible to spreading racism, which is, in my opinion, exactly what you did, to my great shock and disappointment, at VBS (Valley Beth Shalom).”
- Eric Golub: “My political persuasion…being a conservative…makes me highly susceptible to racism? In other words, anybody who is conservative, exists, and breathes air, is highly susceptible to racism.
- “Isaac Lieberman: “yes, unfortunately, that is so. In fact, I’d go so far as to say we are ALL susceptible to racism regardless of political affiliation.
- Eric Golub: “You did not say that. You said that because of MY political affiliation, I am susceptible to it. That is completely unacceptable.
- Isaac Lieberman: “but the right-wing, the Republicans, the party that is made up 80% of white males, is ESPECIALLY so.”
- Eric Golub: “Until you can accept that conservatives are human beings with views just as noble and valid as yours, then there is nothing to say. Replace the word ‘gay’ or ‘black’ with conservative and then ask yourself if you are being intellectually honest and fair. I do not have to prove I am not a racist. I know I am not one. Your leftist bullying and intimidation is not going to carry the day.
- Isaac Lieberman “Saying that in one instance, you did ‘spread racism,’ is most definitely NOT ‘calling you a racist,’ although I do understand why it would sting, especially if I didn’t say what specifically you said that I saw as ‘spreading racism.’I also believe, however, that those in the Republican party, the party that is 80% white male, the party that works hard to prevent people who are minorities from voting, are ESPECIALLY so. I don’t think you deliberately spread racism, and I wouldn’t call you ‘racist,’ and never did. But when you see racist reports or claims on FNC (Fox News), you are far less likely to recognize them for the racism that they are promoting, and as a result, unfortunately, you are more prone to spreading them.
- “Eric Golub “Again, until you can learn that somebody can disagree with you without being predisposed to racism, there is no point in me trying to get through to you. Playing the race card is the bottom of the barrel. I watch Fox News, am a proud Republican and Tea Partier, like Palin and Bachmann, think Obama is a disaster, am pro-gun, and anti-climate change nonsense. That makes me a mainstream conservative, not a racist. Until you can grasp this, again this conversation is simply you making excuses to justify ideological bigotry.
- “Isaac Lieberman: “I didn’t accuse you of being a racist, Eric Golub. I said that in one instance, in a debate, you did ‘spread racism.'”
- Eric Golub: “Unless you can give a specific example of EXACTLY what I said, you have nothing to say. The burden of proof is on you. Put up or shut up. Don’t say you don’t remember. If it was that serious, you would. Tell me the exact words I said that offended your delicate politically correct left-wing sensibilities. You don’t get the benefit of the doubt. I do since I am the one facing the accusation. Make your case. Right now. Tell the world how I spread racism. Bring it on.”
Lieberman responded with rambling screeds about Fox News and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He never gave a single example of actual racism. He equates racism with conservatism.
Lieberman is not my enemy, but he is no longer my friend. It saddens to me to see somebody so blinded by ideology that they cannot separate ideology from real racism.
Lieberman is not the first leftist to attack me personally, and he will not be the last. Yet at no time has anybody leveling that charge at me ever given an actual example to back it up.
Lieberman represents the angry left, which is different from the guilty white left. The guilty white left are rich people who convince themselves that embracing liberalism gives them cover for acting like self-indulgent spoiled brats who have utter contempt for the people they claim to care about. They publicly feel for the down-trodden, but would never let them in their homes.
The angry left consists of failed people. When one has failed at life, it is easier to blame Republicans and conservatives than to look in the mirror and take personal responsibility for bad choices.
As for Jewish leftists, at some point they need cranial-glutial extraction surgery. Their fellow leftists would slit their throats in a heartbeat, and see Jewish leftists as the “useful idiots” that Lenin initially cited when talking about liberals in general. Conservative Republicans are not the ones making excuses for Palestinian suicide bombers murdering innocent Jews.
As for my comments about President Obama, I stand by them. He is lazy. He is corrupt. He is of mediocre intelligence. He is boring. He is useless. Most of his supporters are Millennials with zero life experience, wealthy white liberals who often inherited their money, government dependents, and academic eggheads living in their ivory towers. In other words, President Obama, who has never had a real job or done real work, is supported by many people who have never had a real job or done real work.
Leftists care more about trees and bunny rabbits than human beings. Pro-choice on abortion, global warming, and gay marriage are all they care about. Meanwhile, the economy craters, and the third world genocidal radical Islamists are trying to kill us all. Leftists just shrug.
One can completely disagree with my analysis without playing the race card. DLFs refuse to do so because the race card is all they have.
I put my politics aside when spending time with Isaac. That is called respect. He refused to do so. That is why he is a DJLF and practitioner of ideological bigotry.
He cannot be redeemed, and conservatives should never, ever back down in the face of baseless and poisonous accusations by left-wing bomb-throwers. What Bill Ayers did with bombs, Isaac Lieberman did with words.
Judge us both, America. I am prepared.
Bring it on Isaac. Conservatives can handle radical Islamists, so we will certainly not back down when attacked by pseudo-bully wannabes who are nothing but DLFs or their pathetic sniveling, groveling cousins, the DJLFs.