Archive for September, 2008

2008 Republican Convention–Rudy Giuliani

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

One day before 9/11, the only leader that comes to my mind is former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

One year ago, on Tuesday, 9/11, 2007, Rudy Giuliani gave a rousing speech at Sean Hannity’s 9/11 Freedom Concert in New York. Actually it was at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey, but that counts as New York. I backed him for President, and hope he is given serious candidate for Attorney General or Secretary of Defense in a John McCain administration.

I met him a couple weeks later, and was thrilled to see and hear a true leader.

Several weeks later he gave a phenomenal presentation at the Republican Jewish Coalition 2008 Candidates Forum.

His speech at the 2004 Republican Convention was an A+.,2933,130670,00.html

He was just as fabulous in 2008.

Rudy Giuliani came out fighting, and decked the democrats right across their Kumbaya singing, surrender loving faces.

“People decide the President, not the left wing media or Hollywood celebrities.”

“If two men were applying for a job, I would look at their resumes. So let’s compare their resumes and qualifications for the job.”

“One has dedicated his life to service of the United States. Everyone acknowledges that John McCain is a hero.”

“He loves America as we
all do. He has sacrificed for America as few do.”

“He has proved his commitment with his blood. He earned a life of peace and preservation. Instead, he went into public service.”

“The other applicant is a gifted man with an Ivy League education.”

“He worked as a community organizer. That is the first problem on the resume.”

“He is immersed in Chicago machine politics.”

“Nearly 130 times, he voted ‘present.’ He couldn’t make a decision. It was too tough.”

“I didn’t know about voting present as the Mayor of New York City. Executives can’t vote present. It isn’t good enough. You have to make decisions.”

“He is a celebrity Senator. His rise can only happen in the United States of America.”

“He has never run a city. He has never run a state. He has never run a business. He has never run anything. He has never led. Nothing! Nada!”

“Substance is more important than style. This is no time for on the job training. We agree with Joe Biden this one time until he flip flopped on this one as well.”

“Nothing nature throws or that terrorists bring will rattle John McCain. We and our children and our country will be safe in the hands of John McCain.”

“The other side believes that if you don’t like the facts, just change them.”

“Change is not a destination, and hope is not a strategy.”

“In four days in Denver, the democrats did not one time say the words Islamic terrorism. Are they afraid to insult terrorists? They rarely mentioned 9/11. They are living in a state of denial. If you deny a problem, and then don’t deal with a problem, then you can’t face the problem.”

“McCain can face the problem and win, and bring victory.”

“When the democratic party gave up on Iraq, they gave up on America.”

“They said that the war is lost. Lost? If America lost, who won? Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden won.”

“On the single biggest issue, John McCain got it right, and Barack Obama got it wrong.”

“As for change, how many times did we see Barack Obama change? On public financing, he said he would participate and then broke his word and opted out. On wiretapping he changed his position. He said he was in favor of an undivided Jerusalem, and the very next day changed his position. If I were Joe Biden, I would get the VP thing in writing.”

“John McCain said that we are all Georgians. Barack Obama began by creating a moral equivalancy between Georgia and Russia, the same way he created a moral equivalancy between the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel. After discussing the issue with his 300 advisers, he then turned to the U.N. Security Council for a solution. None of his advisers told him that Russia has a U.N. veto. He then changed his position to the position of John McCain. I have advice for Obama…Next time, just call John McCain.”

“Sarah Palin is the future. McCain looked forward. Obama reached back to the past.”

“Sarah Palin has more executive experience than the entire democratic ticket.”

“Wasilla, Alaska, is not cosmopolitan. It is not flashy enough. Maybe they cling to religion.”

“On Palin’s first day as Mayor she had more experience than Obama.”

“How dare they question whether Palin has time to be VP and spend time with her children.”

“We are the party that gives workers the right to work, and parents the right to choose their schools for their children.”

As 9/10 of 2008 turns into another 9/11, I mourn the loss of my fellow New Yorkers. I thank almighty God that some men such as George W. Bush, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani are actually willing to do something about making sure that those that committed this act, financed this act, or contributed to worldwide terrorism in any way, are brought to justice.

For those that are not still enraged, go look at the hole in the ground. I will see it again in a couple weeks, and well up with anger.

This is the world we live in. Violent Radical Islamofacism is the beiggest threat that faces the world today. Nothing comes a close second.

It must be eradicated, one murderous zealot at a time.

Nothing less is acceptable.

Rudy Giuliani understands this.

His speech may hurt the feelings of some people.

Those people mean nothing to me. I want their feelings hurt.

One thing has not changed. Rudy Giuliani remains right.


2008 Republican Convention–Meeting Fred Thompson

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

I had the pleasure of meeting Senator Fred Thompson at the 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis. He was speaking at a blogger brunch. Later that evening he gave a stemwinder for John McCain that would have made Zell Miller proud.

I first met Fred Thompson in October of 2007 at the Republican Jewish Coalition 2008 Candidates Forum.

I asked him a tough question, and his answer was brilliant. I then took a picture with him and his wife.

Although I was not an original Fred head, I absolutely respected him as a top tier candidate.

His remarks to the blogger brunch were fabulous.

“Politics makes you long for the sincerity of Hollywood.”

“Will I serve in a John McCain administration? I can’t answer that at this time.”

“Being a community organizer must be very important. It might be equal to being Governor of a State.”

“Who says you don’t get experience by being a Senator? Has anybody observed the gallery?”

“The media gives a pass to Senators. Being a Senator does not give you any Foriegn Relations experience or any Foreign Policy experience.”

“As for Sarah Palin, she does not have experience making wrong decisions about Iraq. She does not have experience making wrong decisions about the surge. It was Joe Biden that had a three state solution that was wrong.”

“The media understands William Ayers. How smart do you have to be to understand that bombing the U.S. Capital is wrong?”

“Obama’s educational policies are a waste. They are a waste of money, and we pay for it.”

After his speech I let him know that I was at the RJC Candidates Forum, and that I appreciated his staunch and unwavering support of Israel.

I spoke with his legislative aide about setting up an interview, which hopefully will come through.

As enjoyable as he was with the bloggers, the red meat he offered during his prime time convention speech reminded me how much I liked him. He nailed it perfectly.

“What is going on in the Gulf  Coast is important, but so is this convention. This is about electing the next President.”

“We are the strongest, freest, most prosperous nation in history.”

“Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air. She is a small town girl with small town values, which is not good enough for some. Others attack her family.”

“She governed, while others sat around on the Sunday talk shows.”

“The other side is in a state of panic.  She is not afraid of upsetting the establishment.  Does that sound like anyone else?”

“She is the only one I know to take down a moose. Well, except for maybe Teddy Roosevelt.”

“Forget alligators getting irritated. John McCain and Sarah Palin will drain the swamp.”

“Barack Obama doesn’t want to tax people. He only wants to tax businesses.” So unless you buy something from a business, such as food, fuel, or medicine…or work for and collect a paycheck from a business…don’t worry, it won’t affect you.”

“Look at John’s 96 year old mother Roberta McCain. had she been captured, the North Vietnamese would have surrendered.”

“John McCain had rebellious parents. I bet you can see where this is going.”

“He broke his dad’s record for demerits, not realizing this may not be seen as a good thing. Yet even as the leader of a rebellion, he never violated the honor code despite the demerits.”

“If you want to know what John McCain values, just look at the men in the military today.”

“We hear about hope. John McCain knows about hope. That was all he had.”

“When ordered by his captors to give up the other men in his squadron, John McCain gave his captors the names of the offensive line of the Green Bay Packers.”

“His bones were broken, but his spirit never was.”

“Being a POW doesn’t qualify a man to be President, but it does reveal character.”

“Civilizations since the beginning of time have sought this type of character in a leader.”

“The question must be asked of all who seek the office. Who is this man? Can we trust him to seek the Presidency?”

“John McCain went to Iraq to seek the truth, not publicity. He said no to President Reagan on Beirut. That’s character you can believe in.”

“He has worldwide respect, not a teleprompter speech to our critics abroad.”

“We stand with John McCain. We salute him.”

I salute Fred Thompson. He would make a fine Attorney General in a McCain administration. Then again, as he reminds us, given how beautiful and friendly politics can be, he might just opt for the safe, cozy, and kind existence of Hollywood.

I hope not. America needs top caliber people, and Fred Thompson stands tall in the saddle.


2008 Republican Convention–More

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Several fine individuals addressed the 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis.

Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge gave a serious address.

“Some actually questioned his resolve. They were waiting for that white flag of surrender. He looked at me and said, ‘Tom, you and I both know I have been through worse.'”

“He spread some papers across the table and said, ‘Let me tell you how I think we can.'”

“That’s John McCain.”

“Where some people see defeat, John McCain pursues victory.”

“John knows you run to win, but you win to govern. So who but John McCain but John McCain understands that America’s security and prosperity are tied to the security and prosperity of the rest of the world. He has already earned the trust and admiration of the rest of the world.”

“We need a leader who fits the times, not merely a candidate who feels its his time to lead.”

“It’s not who can take a 3am call. It is about who has answered the call throughout his entire life.”

“It’s not about building a record. It’s about having one.”

“It’s not about talking pretty. It’s about talking straight.”

“The challenge of our times is not simply to change. It is to leave nothing to chance.”

“He does not think in red versus blue. He only thinks in red, white, and blue. That’s John McCain.”

“He always puts his country first. A Reagan conservative, an optimist, a go to guy. That’s John McCain.”

“I’m so very proud to say that’s my friend. That’s John McCain.”

South Carolina Lindsay Graham had a lot to say. His state knows more than a thing or two about the military.

“This speech is for the troops. By every measure, the surge has worked.”

“15 out of the 18 political benchmarks have been met by the Iraqi government.”

“This week, Anbar province, once an Al Queda stronghold, has been returned to the Iraqis.”

“I promise you, above allothers, Al Queda knows the surge has worked. The only people who deny it are Barack Obama and his buddies at”

“Why won’t they admit i? Because Barack Obama’s campaign is built around losing in Iraq.”

“The soldiers gave Senator McCain something he knows a lot about…straight talk.”

“Some said that calling for more troops was political suicide. You know what? It was the right thing to do.”

“We came within 2 votes of a Congressionally mandated surrender. One democrat broke ranks. Thank God for Joe Lieberman.”

“It was John McCain that stopped the democrats from losing this war.”

“Those who voted to cut off funding will be footnotes in history. We are on the road to victory, we are winning, and America is safer.”

“Barack Obama preaches his support of the troops, but will not acknowledge their success. The troops have worked too hard for a patronizing pat on the back.”

“If Barack Obama cannot appreciate that we are winning in Iraq, he should not be Commander in Chief. I am not saying he doesn’t care. I am saying he doesn’t get it.”

“We should all be grateful that Barack Obama was unable to defeat the surge. The surge was a test for Obama. He failed miserably.”

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee then served up some of his bonhomie as only he can.

“John McCain will follow the fanatics to their cave.”

“Some of you enjoyed Barack Obama’s Excellent Adventure to people overseas who don’t vote.”

“It’s not what he took. It’s what he brought back…European values.”

“It was Abraham Lincoln who said that ‘A government that can do everything for us is a government that can take everything away from us.'”

“My family was not rich. My dad worked hard.”

“The only soap we had in my house was lava. It did not make for a good shower.”

“I’m not a republican because I’m rich. I’m a republican because I don’t want to end up poor waiting for the government to rescue me.”

“Sarah Palin had more experience as Mayor of Wasilla than Joe Biden had running for President.”

“John McCain is not marked by what he wants to receive, but by what he has already given.”

“John McCain is one of the people who fought for freedom so I could have a school desk.”

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney offered some red meat for the crowd.

“For decades, the Washington sun has been rising in the East because that is where the elites are. It should rise in the West, from Arizona.”

“Barack Obama is a liberal. Only a liberal could favor giving Gitmo detainees more rights than that of U.S. citizens.”

“Only a liberal could favor the teachers unions over the students.”

“Only a liberal could favor doing nothing on energy over investing in nuclear power.”

“I spent 25 years in the private sector. Liberals don’t have a clue. They think economic growth comes from government.”

“America can’t lead the family of nations if we can’t grow.”

“Dependency is death to initiative. We must government dependency like the poison that it is.”

“The part of big ideas is better than the party of big brother.”

“China is acting like Adam Smith on steroids. This is no time for timid liberal empty gestures. We need to take a weed whacker to government regulations that cripple businesses.”

“We need to stop the Tyrannosaurus Rex of unions.”

“We can save energy. Let’s keep Al Gore’s private jet on the ground.”

“Republicans believes that there is good and evil. Radical violent Islam is evil, and John McCain will defeat it.”

“The democrats didn’t talk about evil last week. Straight talk is better than politically correct talk.”

“We will never allow America to retreat in the face of evil extremism.”

“Just like you, there was never a day that I wasn’t proud to be an American.”

Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman did his part to calm the crowd. After all, noise control is important, and it is difficult to sleep at a convention when people are yelling and screaming with excitement.

“We are all members of our larger family.”

“As for George Washington, we are living the worst nightmare in the city that bears his name.”

“God only made one John McCain, and he is his own man.”

“If John McCain is just another partisan republican, then I am Michael Moore’s favorite democrat.”

“As for Barack Obama, eloquence is no substitute for a record.”

“Obama voted to cut off funding for the troops on the battlefield.”

“John McCain authorized the surge. Thousands of our trops are coming home with honor.”

“John McCain is a man that our allies will trust and our enemies will fear.”

“These are no ordinary times, and John McCain is no ordinary candidate.”

Tom Ridge, Lindsay Graham, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and Joe Lieberman are all good men. They are men of integrity with success in their various endeavors.

So why are none of them on the ticket?

Because none of them should be.

Tom Ridge is the most plausible of the 5 men. Every 4 years he is mentioned as a possible candidate. He is a Catholic, a powerful coveted voting bloc. He is a respected former governor that would instantly make Pennsylvania a likely win. His stint heading the Department of Homeland Security gives him credibility on Foreign Policy.

Unfortunately, he is pro-choice on abortion. This by itself would be less of a liability if he was more charismatic. If Rudy Giuliani cannot make it on the ticket, than the republican party is not ready for Tom Ridge.

Lindsay Graham should be beloved in the party because of his stint as one of the impeachment managers a decade ago. He delivered the best line of the entire process when he spoke of President Clinton. “The White House is a bully pulpit, but it should never be occupied by a bully.”

The downside is that South Carolina is a solid republican state. There is no strategic advantage. A bigger downside is that Graham is also a Senator. Tickets need executives, not legislators. Yet the biggest problem with Graham is that he is also a maverick. From supporting McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform to participating in the Gang of 14 on judges, Graham has enraged the base. He also enrages the base on illegal immigration. His nickname is Lindsay Grahamnesty.

Mike Huckabee has a good sense of humor, and is self deprecating in the same manner that Ronald Reagan was, an important trait.

Having said that, he is a disaster for everybody except the social conservatives. As a tax raiser, the Wall Street Journal Conservatives would be in a state of open revolt. Additionally, his hard line stances on social issues make him qualified to lead rural Iowa and nothing else. The democrats would paint him as a knuckle dragging neanderthal, leading to a democratic landslide.

Mitt Romney is a successful business executive who rescued the Olympics. Then again, rescuing the Olympics can be positive or negative depending on how one views those colossally boring games. Mitt Romney would make an excellent attack dog, a quality for a Vice Presidential candidate.

His downsides are numerous. For one, the democrats would paint him as a flip flipper because some of his positions changed when he decided to run for President. Evangelicals may or may not be willing to vote for a Mormon. Yes, this is bigotry, but bigotry exists. Yet the biggest problem with Romney is that his own success would be used against him. During tough economic times, a multimillionaire preaching personal responsibility and tough love would be a disaster. Democrats are masters of class warfare, and Romney would be easy to attack.

As for Joe Lieberman, he should be chosen if the republican party is out of its (redacted) mind. He is a lifelong democrat, who even as an independent, still caucuses with the democrats. He is dead right about the War on Terror and dead wrong about most everything else. To be on the republican ticket, one has to be a republican. Also, Lieberman is mind numbingly boring. He does put Florida in play, but puts people to sleep most everywhere else.

With John McCain as President and Sarah Palin as Vice President, there are roles for the rest of these fine men.

Mitt Romney would be a great fit as Treasury Secretary.

Mike Huckabee could be Secretary of Education, or head up the President’s faith based initiatives program.

Joe Lieberman could be Secretary of Defense, or Secretary of State if he wants to help Simon Wiesenthal clean out anti-semitism from its most hateful locations. Unless McCain secretly hates Lieberman, the Defense job would be a good reward.

Tom Ridge could be the head of the National Security Council.

Lindsay Graham could be the head of Veterans Affairs.

We shall see.


NFL 2008–Week 1 Recap

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

After 7 months, life has begun again. Forget hyperbole. Shakespeare said that the play is the thing. The game is the thing.

Below is my 60 second introduction on You Tube to the 2008 NFL Season.

NFL 2008

The players all wore GU on their outfits as a tribute to the dearly departed legend Gene Upshaw. The Hall of Fame Oakland Raiders left guard and longtime NFLPA Union Representative died of pancreatic cancer a couple of weeks ago. He will be missed by NFL fans everywhere.

With that, here is the recap of the first week of the 2008 NFL season.

Washington Redskins @ New York Giants–The opening Thursday night game was a celebration of the defending champion Giants. Jim Zorn made his debut as Head Coach of the Redskins. This came was typical New York Giant football, which has for the last half of a century consisted of boring offense, hard nosed running, and stifling defense. Winning ugly is the tradition, even for Superbowl winners. The Giants scored a touchdown on an opening 11 play, 84yard drive, and the defense then went into lockdown mode. Field goals were all the G-Men could muster afterwards, but it was more than enough. 16-7 Giants

Cincinnati Bengals @ Baltimore Ravens–Kyle Boller is out for the season, resulting in rookie Joe Flacco starting. Both teams started with a turnover, with Chris McCallister taking a deflected Carson Palmer pass for an interception. A perfectly executed double reverse led to Clayton running 42 yards for a touchdown and a 7-0 Ravens lead. An exchange of field goals had the Ravens up 10-3 at the half. The Ravens took a 17-3 lead in the second half. Carson Palmer had a miserable game, passing for only 75 yards. A fumble return for a touchdown with 10 minutes left got the Bengals to within 17-10. The Bengals got the ball back a minute later and reached the Baltimore 34. On 4th and 1, a run up the middle was blasted backwards by Ray Lewis. Joe Flacco, forgetting that he was playing in his first NFL game, led a drive that ran the final 7:15 off of the clock. This was a typical Ravens game, with stifling defense and just enough offense. 17-10 Ravens

New York Jets @ Miami Dolphins–This was supposed to be the worst game of the day. Then Brett Favre was traded from the Packers to the Jets. Chad Pennington was released, and now starts for the Dolphins. Also, Bill Parcells makes his debut as the President of the Dolphins, his 5th reclamation project. Despite not scoring on their first offensive possession, Favre actually ran for a first down, showing some life in the old legs. On the second Jets possession, Favre stepped back, and threw a 56 yard bomb to Jerricho Cotchery for a touchdown and a 7-0 Jets lead. Somewhere there was sobbing in Green Bay. Pro Football has returned to the Jets. On the next Jets drive, a roughing the passer call on Favre set up a 32 yard field goal attempt, which Mike Nugent pushed wide.

The miss led to a momentum shift, as Pennington took the Dolphins down the field, culminating in a 5 yard touchdown pass to Anthony Fasano and a 7-7 tie 3 minutes into the 2nd quarter. The 11 play drive took almost 6 minutes off the clock.

Favre moved the Jets back into field goal range, but Nugent appeared to have injured himself on the previous attempt. On 4th and 13 from the 23, the Jets called time out. They decided to eschew the 40 yard field goal and go for it. Favre avoided sack, threw up a miracle pass that was caught for a touchdown. With nobody to kick extra points, the 2 point conversion failed, although the Jets led 13-7. The 11 play, 60 yard drive took up nearly 6 minutes.

The opening drive of the 3rd quarter ended for the Jets when Favre was hit and fumbled, allowing Miami to take over at their own 11. They could not move the ball. A 6 yard scamper by Thomas Jones with one minute left in the 3rd quarter had the Jets up 20-7. It was a 6 play, 69 yard drive. With 9 minutes left in the game, the Dolphins had 4th and goal from the 3. A rollout pass was perfectly timed and broken up, preserving the goal line stand. An successful drive and short punt led to Pennington throwing a touchdown pass to close the gap to 20-14 with 3 1/2 minutes remaining.

The Dolphins got the ball back on their own 39 with 1:53 remaining. A Pennington completion had Miami at midfield with a minute remaining. Another Pennington completion had Miami at the 35 with 52 seconds left. With 23 seconds left, Miami was at the New York 19. The next pass was almost intercepted in the end zone and dropped. Another incomplete pass set up 3rd and 10 with 13 seconds remaining. Fvere could only watch and wonder why they did not try the earlier extra point. Mike Nugent watched helplessly. On the next play a jump ball was juggled and intercepted with 5 seconds left. A flag flew, but it was offensive pass interference. Favre took a knee and had his first win with the Jets. 20-14 Jets

Kansas City Chiefs @ New England Patriots–Despite not playing the entire preseason, Tom Brady started as expected. Despite having to punt on the first drive, Kansas City ran into the punter, giving New England new life. Howeer, the drive ended with a Wes Welker fumble. The next Patriots drive saw a perfect strike from Brady to Randy Moss culminate with Moss fumbling the ball away. Tom Brady got rocked on the net possession, leaving the game with an injured leg. Matt Cassell came in to start at his own 2 yard line.

On 3rd an 11 from their own 1, Matt Cassel did his Tom Brady impersonation, throwing a 52 yard bomb to the Kansas City 47. On 3rd and goal, Casell completed a touchdown in the back of the end zone to Randy Moss, for a 7-0 lead on a drive that went 98 yards in under 5 minutes. Brodie Croyle and the Chiefs struggled, but a drive led to a field goal with 17 seconds left in the half had the Chiefs within 7-3.

Cassel led the Patriots on an 11 play, 80 yard drive that ended in a 5 yard Morris run for a 14-3 Patriots lead with 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. Damon Huard came in for an injured Croyle and went right to work. 2 minutes into the 4th quarter, a 13 yard touchdown pass to Dwayne Bowe had the Chiefs to within 14-10. Ellis Hobbs returned the ensuing kickoff to the Kansas City 37. No points came out of it, but on the next Kansas City drive, Huard was intercepted by Ellis Hobbs. The Patriots drove deep, and a short field goal by Stephen Gostkowski had the Patriots up 17-10 with 2 1/2 minutes remaining.

After getting absolutely belted, Huard got up, threw a zone pass that split the seams, setting up a 1st and goal at the 5 with 53 seconds remaining. It was a total breakdown by the Patriots on defense. Yet this same defense held on 4 plays. The goal line stand did the job. It was ugly, but it was a win. There was no time to celebrate since the team had to focus on the injured Tom Brady. His knee injury was more serious than originally thought. He is out for the season. In 2001, Drew Bledsoe was injured, and an unknown 6th round draft pick named Tom Brady came in. Matt Cassel is 1-0. We shall see. 17-10 Patriots

Houston Texans @ Pittsburgh Steelers–Pittsburgh jumped all over the Texans, racing to a 21-0 lead. A Kris Brown field goal with 4 1/2 minutes left in the half cut the gap to 21-3. Willie Parker had 3 touchdown runs, as the Steelers increased their lead to 28-3. At 35-3, the game was officially declared a disaster area in Houston. Ben Roethlisberger had a pair of touchdowns to Hines Ward, the latter one for 16 yards. The Steelers coasted from there. 38-17 Steelers

Jacksonville Jaguars @ Tennessee Titans–These are two good teams with coaches that believe in hard nosed defense. A 50 yard return of the opening kickoff had Tennessee starting in Jacksonville territory. The Titans could move only 16 yards in 6 plays, but that was good enough for a field goal by punter Craig Hentrich and a 3-0 Titans lead. Both teams slugged it out as expected, but a touchdown pass by David Garrard had the Jaguars up 7-3 with 10 minutes left in the half. With 3 minutes left in the half the Titans were back on top 10-7.

The second half was all defense with the teams even trading interceptions at the 8 minute mark. With a little over 4 minutes left, Vince Young landed awkwardly and left the game. Kerry Collins came in. With the Jaguars expecting running plays, Collins set up a screen pass that went for a long gain. On 3rd and 6 from the red zone, a swing pass by Collins set up 1st and goal a the 1. An off tackle run had the Titans up 17-7 with 3:47 remaining.

Jacksonville drove for a field goal at the 2 minute warning, and got the ball back with 10 seconds remaining. In this defensive slugfest, a sack ended it. This was an old school slobberknocker, with Jeff Fisher and Jack Del Rio both having solide defenses to be watched. 17-10 Titans

Detroit Lions @ Atlanta Falcons–With Michael Vick in jail, all eyes were on Matt Ryan. The Ryan era exploded, as the Falcons raced to a 14-0 lead midway through the 1st quarter. Ryan’s first pass 90 seconds into the game was a 62 yard strike for a touchdown to Jenkins. With 3 minutes left in the opening quarter, the Falcons led 21-0, as Lions fans continued to burn President Matt Millen in effigy. Newly acquired running back Michael Turner had a 66 yard score. The Lions did crack the endzone with 4 minutes left in the half. A leaping touchdown catch by Mike Williams with 16 seconds left in the half had the Lions within 21-14.

Atlanta opened the second half with a field goal for 24-14 lead, and led 31-14 with 5 1/2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. Detroit pulled to within 31-21, but got no closer. Matt Ryan was the epitome of a game manager, going 9 for 13 with 161 yards and one touchdown. It was enough thanks to 220 yards on the ground by Turner. The Lions were 4-0 in preseason, proving once and for all the worthlessness of preseason. 34-21 Falcons

Seattle Seahawks @ Buffalo Bills–Mike Holmgren could not have been a happy Walrus in the opening game of his final season as coach. After the Bills took a 7-0 lead, a 63 yard punt return for a score by Roscoe Parrish had the Bills up 14-0. Matt Hasselbeck got Seattle back in the game with a 40 yard touchdown pass to Nate Burleson. Yet Buffalo responded, and led 20-7 at the half.

After closing to within 20-10, Buffalo put the game out of reach, with a touchdown pass with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter off of a fake field goal to put Buffalo up 27-10. A fumble on the ensuing kickoff followed by another Edwards touchdown pass had Buffalo up 34-10. 14 points in 25 seconds broke it open. 34-10 Bills

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New Orleans Saints–The Saints went right to work, and Drew Brees threw a 39 yard touchdown pass to David Smith to put the Saints up 7-0. The Buccaneers struck back to deadlock the game at 7-7 on a 26 yard interception return by Philip Buchanan. A field goal by Matt Bryant from short range had the Buccaneers up 10-7 late in the 1st half.

With 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, the Saints tied the game 10-10. The Buccaneers quickly responded with a field goal of their own with 33 seconds remaining in the quarter for a 13-10 lead. The Saints then needed 20 seconds to retaliate, as Drew Brees threw a bomb that went for a 84 yard touchdown to Devery Henderson and a 17-13 Saints lead. The game became a track meet as the Buccaneers went back up top 20-17 with 10 1/2 minutes remaining in the game. 3 minutes later Brees had the Saints up 24-20.

The defenses tightened, but the Buccaneers had 4th and 6 at the Saints 24. Scott Fujita intercepted Jeff Garcia to preserve the win. In a heart wrenching statistic, the Saints are now 3-0 in “Hurricane games.” They won the week after Katrina, the first week back in the Superdome a year later, and now the week after Gustav. Having Brees helps, as he passed for 343 yards. 24-20 Saints

St. Louis Rams @ Philadelphia Eagles–Despite a personally turbulent offseason, Andy Reid had the Eagles focused, as they jumped to a 14-0 lead at the end of the first quarter. McNabb came out firing, and a 5 yard touchdown pass to L J Smith began the onslaught. With 47 seconds left in the half, from their own 10 yard line, a long pass from Donovan McNabb to Hank Baskett went for a 90 yard touchdown and a 21-0 Eagles lead. McNabb was ridiculous 14 for 20 with 274 yard passing in the first half.

With 6 minutes left in th 3rd quarter, the Eagles increased their lead to 28-0. At 38-0, the Rams mounted a furious rally that fell just short by 5 touchdowns. 38-3 Eagles

Dallas Cowboys @ Cleveland Browns–The Cowboys jumped out to a 7-0 lead when Marion Barber leapt over the top of the defense for a 1 yard touchdown run. Cleveland responded with a 15 play drive that was a balance of runs and passes, with Derek Anderson throwing 3 yard rollout pass to Kellen Winslow. A defensive pass interference call on Adam “no longer Pacman” Jones in the end zone set up the score. Brady Quinn will remain holding a clipboard if Anderson keeps playing well.

Dallas is loaded on offense, and Tony Romo made it look easy with a 35 yard touchdown strike to Terrell Owens. Yet T.O. reminded people why he is so unlikable by receiving an unsportsmanlike conduct for excessive celebration afterwards. Nevertheless, Dallas led 14-7. A pass to T.O. set up another 1 yard Barber run and a 21-7 Cowboys lead with 26 seconds left in the half.

The Cowboys cruised in the second half, and shut down Cleveland. Down 28-7, Cleveland moved into Dallas territory with 10 minutes left in the game. In a curious decision by Coach Romeo Crennel, Cleveland kicked a field goal, reducing the deficit to 28-10. The 10 play, 70 yard drive ate up 5 1/2 minutes for only a field goal from 34 yards out. The game got no closer. 28-10 Cowboys

Carolina Panthers @ San Diego Chargers–The Panthers were injury wracked last year, but a Healthy Jake Delhomme moved Carolina down the field. On 4th and goal from the 1, San Diego held. The defenses ruled the fist quarter, but a John Kasay field goal put the Panthers up 3-0 only 2 1/2 minutes into the second quarter. 3 minutes later a Philip Rivers touchdown bomb put the Chargers up 7-3. The Panthers added another field goal with 4 1/2 minutes left in the half. Carolina got the ball back and moved deep into San Diego territory with seconds left, but a touchdown pass was broken up. A 3rd field goal with 8 seconds left in the half put the Panthers up 9-7.

The Chargers had a time consuming drive in the 3rd quarter that ate up over 7 minutes of the clock. The resulting field goal put San Diego up 10-9. San Diego had the ball again when Antonio Gates was stripped. The fumble was returned for a touchdown, putting the Panthers back up 16-10 with one minute left in the 3rd quarter. John Kasay’s 4th field goal of the day, a 49 yarder, had Carolina up 19-10 with 10 minutes remaining in the game. The 18 year veteran kicker was an original Panther in 1995, and is still kicking strong.

Gates redeemed himself by catching a touchdown pass from Rivers to pull within 19-17 with 6:46 remaining. Carolina then fumbled at their own 30, and the Chargers recovered with 5 minutes left. On 3rd and goal from 3, Rivers through a touchdown pass to Vincent Jackson. The Chargers led 24-19 with 2 1/2 minutes remaining. The Panthers had one time out remaining.

Despite terrible clock management, The Panthers reached the San Diego 14 with 2 seconds left. Despite a high snap, Delhomme out of the shotgun pumped a couple times, and found Rosario in the very back of the end zone. In front of a shocked home crowd, the Panthers pulled out a stunner on the final play. 26-24 Panthers

Arizona Cardinals @ San Francisco 49ers–Kurt Warner started in place of Matt Leinart. Leinart is not injured, just overrated and focusing on girls instead of football. The Cardiinals began their first drive at the San Francisco 40. The drive bogged down near the goal line, but a short Neil Rackers field goal had the Cardinals up 3-0. Alan Rossum then decided to return the kickoff 5 yards deep in the end zone, allowing the 49ers to start at their own 5 yard line. Coach Mike Nolan for some reason decided to come back. J T O’Sullivan started in place of Alex Smith, who was injured, although the same rationale as Arizona applies.

Frank Gore fumbled on the first play from scrimmage, but the 49ers saved disaster by recovering it. On the next play a swing play was fumbled again, and this time Arizona recovered. Starting at the San Francisco 11, the Cardinals reached the 1 yard line before an offensive personal foul led to a 33 yard field goal attempt that was wide. The 49ers were trying to give the game away but the Cardinals would not take it. Several mistackles later, Frank Gore had a 41 yard touchdown run for a 7-3 San Francisco lead.

The Cardinals intercepted O’Sullivan on the next drive but could not convert it into points. A perfect special teams play on a punt had the 49ers starting their next drive on their own one. After getting the ball back, a 40 yard bomb from Warner to Steve Breston set up a 2 yard touchdown pass to Larry Fitzgerald. The Cardinals led 10-7.

On the next drive, O’Sullivan was hit and fumbled. The Cardinals recovered, but could not score. Another great punt coverage play had the 49ers starting at their own 9 yard line. A time consuming drive set up a 44 yard field goal to tie the game 10-10.

In the second half, the Cardinals retook the lead 13-10, and then mounted a drive that set up a 4th and goal inside the one yard line. Rookie Tim Hightower crashed through, and the Cardinals led 20-10 with 4 1/2 minutes remaining in the 3rd quarter. Joe Nedney added a field goal to cut the Arizona lead to 20-13 with 12 minutes remaining. A field goal with 1:57 remaining put the game out of reach. The 49ers fumbled deep in their own territory on their next series, and the Cardinals ran out the clock. 23-13 Cardinals.

Chicago Bears @ Indianapolis Colts was the Sunday Night game. Yes, this was the rematch of the Superbowl a couple years ago, but it was really an expected mismatch. Peyton Manning, despite missing the preseason, was crisp early on. Yet Brian Urlacher and the defense were up to the challenge early on. As for return man Devon Hester, he is always a heart stopper.

The game was a defensive struggle early on, with an Adam Vinatieri field goal putting the Colts up 3-0 with 6 minutes left in the opening quarter. After a short kickoff to avoid Hester, the Bears started at their own 40. Running back Matt Forte broke through the line for a 60 yard touchdown run on 3rd and 6. The Bears led 7-3. With 9 1/2 minutes left in the half, Vinatieri added a 34 yard field gol to make it a 7-6 game.

With just over 4 minutes left in the half, Robbie Gould added a field goal to put the Bears up 10-6. On the next drive, the Colts were at their own 2 yard line. Joseph Addai was stopped in the end zone for a safety and a 12-6 Bears lead. After a free kick, Kyle Orton completed a 3rd and long to set up a field goal as the half ended. The Bears led 15-6.

In the second half, Devon Hester tried to get fancy and run a kick out of the end zone after pretending to down it. The Colts were not fooled, and the Bears started at their own 3. They went nowhere, and after a punt, the Colts started at their own 47. Manning went right to work, and with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, a touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne had the Colts to within 15-13.

On their next series, a swing pass to Marvin Harrison resulted in him being stripped. The fumble was returned 20 yards for a score to put the Bears up 22-13. The Colts faced a critical 4th and 1 at midfield on their next drive. Joseph Addai, who got hurt on the play before, was on the sidelines. The handoff to Dominic Rhodes was blown up in the backfield. The Bears then faced a 3rd and 1 of their own. Kyle Orton ran the play action pass perfectly, throwing a 26 yard pass down to the 1 yard line. One fullback crashing through on the next play had the Bears leading in a shocker with 9 minutes left, 29-13. With just over 4 minutes to go, the last chance for the Colts to get back in the game were snuffed out when a 4th and 7 from the Chicago 33 resulted in a low pass being dropped.

Minnesota Vikings @ Green Bay Packers was the first Monday Night game. It was a typical black and blue division game with one major exception. Brett Favre was in New York. This is usually a home and home series, so while Aaron Rodgers can be excused if the Metrodome is a house of horrors for him as well, he needed to win the game in Green Bay tonight.

A close 10-6 game was broken open for Green Bay when Will Blackmun returned a punt 76 yards for a touchdown After 3 quarters, The Packers led 17-6. Rodgers was a cool 18 for 22, including a perfect 10 for 10 to close out the game. On the first play of the 4th quarter, the Vikings scored, with the 2 point conversion failing. Leading 17-12, a long Ryan Grant run set up a quarterback sneak from the goal line. Aaron Rodgers successfully completed his first Lambeau Leap, as Green Bay led 24-12 with 6 minutes left.

The Vikings struck right back, scoring a touchdown on Tavaris Jackson short toss with 2:39 left to close the game to within 24-19. However, some boneheaded plays by the Packers kept things tense. A leverage penalty on the meaningless extra point attempt meant that the onsides kick would be from the 45 instead of the 30. Even though it failed, and offensive penalty by the Packers stopped the clock, forcing the Packers to punt at the 2 minute warning instead of wth perhaps one minute left.

The Vikings took over at their own 31 with 1:51 left and no time outs. From the 45, with 1:08 left, Jackson was intercepted by Atari Bigsby. It was the only turnover of the game, and it proved decisive. 24-19 Packers

Denver Broncos @ Oakland Raiders is the later Monday Night game.

For more on the Raiders go to

The Broncos started on their own 27 and needed 5 minutes to make the Silver and Black ill. A 26 yard pass to Royal had Denver up 7-0. Johnny Lee Higgins returned the ensuing kickoff 58 yards all the way to the Denver 35. Darren McFadden barreled for 8 yards. Justin Fargas picked up only one yard, setting up 3rd and inches. Fargas picked up the first down. From the 19, Fargas picked up another 5 yards, but was stoned for a short gain on the next play, setting up 3rd and 3 from the 12. On a sweep Fargas set up 4th and inches from the 9 yard line. On the qb sneak, Russell was stopped short at first, but picked it up on the second effort. On first and goal from the 8, McFadden was stuffed. JaMarcus Russell finally threw his first pass, a rollout that was incomplete when defensive holding was ignored. On the next play a backwards pass was treated as a lateral and recovered by the Broncos. The Raiders spent 6 minutes, started in field goal range, and scored nothing.

The Broncos took over at their own 17 and went right to work. On 3rd and 2 from their own 39, an off tackle run was called a first down. Replays showed the runner being short, and coach Lane Kiffin challenged the spot. As somebody that is fiercely critical of Kiffin, it was absolutely the right decision. The challenge was successful, and on 4th and 1, Denver punted. After an illegal block in the penalty, the Raiders started out at their own 12. As the first quarter ended.

The Raider continued to run the ball, and a successful draw play to Fargas set up 3rd and 1. Rather than run the ball, a play action pass had a wide open Ronald Curry drop the ball. The ball was thrown high, but a catch could have been a touchdown. Instead, a punt that was downed at the one yard line was ruled a touchback.

On 2nd and 6 from the 24, a rollout pass to Tony Scheffler went for 72 yards down to the 4 yard line. It was another secondary breakdown for the Raiders. After a procedure penalty, a gift touchdown pass to Scheffler was dropped. A run that went nowhere followed by an incomplete pass set up a 26 yard field goal by Matt Prater. The Broncos led 10-0 with 10 minutes left in the half.

The Raiders started out at their own 20. Russell was sacked for a 12 yard loss. Russell had plenty of time to throw the ball. He will learn. On 3rd and 17, a draw play was a nice way of giving up. After a punt, the Broncos started at their own 43. On 3rd and inches, a completion with a defensive personal foul tacked on set up Denver at the Oakland 22. Another completion and another personal foul, again on Cornerback Deangelo Hall, had Denver at first and goal at the 4. Michael Pittman plowed through 2 plays later, and with 4:21 left in the half, the Broncos led 17-0. The Raiders were done for the year.

Yes, the determination can be made this early. The Raiders are a bad team on both sides of the ball, and that emanates from their coaches. There is no leadership.

On 1st down from their own 17, JaMarcus rolled out, launched it, and again overthrew the receiver by inches. On the next play, Russell completed his first pass of the game, a 19 yard gain. Fargas picked up another 13 yards for another first down. A double reverse backfired when Higgins bobbled the second lateral, for a 15 yard loss. On 3rd and 15, Russell was sacked. After a punt, Denver took over at their own 20 with 1:44 left and no time outs. On 4th and 2 from their own 46, Denver punted with 33 seconds left in the half. It didn’t matter. Jay Cutler already had over 200 yards passing. The Raiders ended the half on a false start, and Lame Kiffin was the first one in the locker room.

Russell came out firing in the second half, and the Raiders moved from their own 20 to the Denver 40. The drive bogged down, and on 4th and 7 from the 37, Kiffin decided to punt. Seabass has the leg for a 54 yard field goal, and going for it would be a reasonable decision as well. Nevertheless, the Raiders punted, and the Broncos took over at their own 8. 4 1/2 minutes yielded no points.

Denver moved with ease, as Cutler found Eddie Royal for a 29 yard gain. The Broncos tried a double reverse of their own, and while it failed, it didn’t matter. On the next play, a 48 yard pass from Cutler to Darrell Jackson, with one awful mistackle along the way, had Denver up 24-0 midway through the 3rd quarter.

Since 2003, I have been waiting for the Raiders to hit rock bottom. I truly thought Norv Turner was the low point. Lame Kiffin may be worse than Norv Turner.

The team has players. What the players don’t have is a team.

After another field goal had 27-0, the Raiders finally mounted a drive. On 3rd and goal at the 3, a naked bootleg lost 5 yards. Kiffin decided to go for it, and on 4th and goal at the 8, Russell’s fade route went for a touchdown when former Denver receiver Ashley Lelie outjumped the defender. 13:30 remained, and the Raiders had finally cracked the scoreboard.

The Raiders are a disaster, and the fault squarely belongs at the feet of Coach Kiffin. Al Davis went out and spent the money. Yes, this is a young team, but 5 personal fouls is a disgrace. The players are there. They need a coach that can inspire them. Some will say that this is only one game, but it has been 17 games plus 8 preseason games. The Raiders need a veteran coach.

41-14 Broncos


Convention Wrap Up–Temporary thoughts and permanent friends

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Saturday is usually a day for lighthearted human interest stories, and this Saturday will contain my sacred annual National Football League analysis (in a separate post) where I make my predictions that end up quickly being off the mark. I try to avoid politics. However, the heat of the moment from a pair of back to back conventions has my blog taking an approach that is anything but conventional.

This wrap up will actually not be the last word on the subject. I conducted so many interviews with so many politicians and media personalities that I will have enough material to get through the election already. It might get to the point where I am offering the predictions of others on Election 2008 after the election itself. Nothing benefits a blog like obsolete material.

Before giving out letter grades to the speakers, warm fuzzy memories can be offered before Monday, when the politics heats up again (Sunday is NFL time).

I also made friends I will have for life, and that is more important than any political event.

Even the politicos that could not grant me an interview on the record either due to legal and contractual reasons or time constraints were kind towards me when I told them things they may not hear on a daily basis.

Actor Stephen Baldwin gave me a hearty handshake when I pointed out that I knew nothing about the entertainment industry, but loved him on “The Apprentice.” I admired his ethics.

Correspondent Andrea Mitchell is not somebody I know much about, but she is married to Sir Alan of Greenspan. I told her that in my mind, her husband saved this country 20 years ago. People do not realize that the 1987 stock market crash could have wrecked our economy. Greenspan’s quick action staved off a financial meltdown.

Jim Angle of Fox News was very friendly, but was unable to be interviewed. The same was the case with Bill Schneider of CNN. I told them I was a republican blogger, and their positions require a neutrality that they cannot compromise. Others did the interviews but would not state preferences, only analysis.

Alan Colmes of Fox News was a decent enough guy. I say decent enough because it was midnight, and he was exhausted. I told him that I was a republican blogger who disagreed with him most of the time, but that I found him to be a decent and thoughtful man. He was being accused of taking cheap shots at Sarah Palin and her family. This was not the case. Many liberals do get vicious, and Alan Colmes had criticized them. He appreciated my defending him, although I again reminded him that I was on the other side.

Brett Baier of Fox News was genuinely touched when I offered prayers for his family. He and his wife had a newborn baby daughter that barely survived, and thankfully the child is better now. May God bless the Baier family.

Of all the people who had an impact on me during the experience, radio legend Hugh Hewitt topped the list. Hugh Hewitt is also the preeminent blogger in the country, the father of political blogging.

I did an interview with him that I will publish in several days. However, I did not want to wait any longer to publicly thank him for giving a lesser known blogger a shot at the big time.

Mr. Hewitt allowed me to be a guest on his radio show for 2-3 minutes to promote my blog. After I was done, my email inbox was flooded, and not just with people trying to sell me the key to refinancing my viagra purchases to be used while playing online poker with no money down.

I have a reputation for being sophomoric, but I played it serious and professional on his show.

Mr. Hewitt even went one step further. He provided a link to my column yesterday on Sarah Palin being the second coming of Margaret Thatcher. This time it was my blog traffic that exploded. I had my third best day of hits ever. I hope Mr. Hewitt forgives me for getting 5 more hits from a Mark Steyn link, although I can always demand a recount. My best day was from Super Tuesday just after the Superbowl when I compared Barack Obama to Eli Manning, bringing in sports nuts and the politicos.

I am grateful for Mr. Hewitt’s willingness to risk his entire brand on a maverick in the blogging world.

I hope that by providing a link to him, I can increase his traffic as well.

I would also like to extend a hearty thank you to radio personality Armstrong Williams.

Armstrong is an unapologetic conservative, and has a great sense of humor to boot. I will publish my interview with him in several days as well.

He allowed me on his radio show as well, and he gave me about 10 minutes, a staggering amount of time for a neophyte. On this one I was a little more lighthearted, but did not say or do anything that ended his career. He is still on the air. He has talked about checking in with me from time to time about having me on again. Whether or not time allows for that, he was wonderful to give me the boost to begin with.

One person that I did not see at the convention, which was a tad disappointing, was Biff Henderson from the Late Show With David Letterman. I do not agree with his politics, but from a comedy standpoint, I love Dave. I do not like when he takes his shots at republicans, but otherwise, his New York edge is enjoyable. His stagehand Biff Henderson is “everyman,” and I hope to interview him one day. Then I hope they have me on the show. That is a hint Dave.

Yet of all the things that I will take away from this convention, the friendships I made with fellow bloggers and others was what was paramount. I had communicated with them on the internet, and in rare cases by telephone. It was nice to meet them in real life.

Chad Everson of the Grizzly Groundswell Network organized an entire group of republican bloggers together and unleashed us on the world, or at least Minnesota.

Doug Welch, also known as Stix, is now a friend for life. Hanging out with him was awesome.

It was Stix, and Tygrrrrs, and Bears, oh my!

It would be impossible to talk about these guys without talking about where we slept. 30 years from now I will smile and tell people that for an entire week, I slept in a sports bar. Yes, you read that correctly. Stix and Grizzly slept on the floor of a designated area, one guy had access to sleeping on the stage, and I slept in the loft with the Chicago Cannonball. My views do not express hers. She went home after 2 days as scheduled, and I slept alone in the loft the last 3 nights on her air mattress.

If Stix and Grizzly are reading this, please mail her the mattress so she does not shoot me.

We had full access to the bar. I drank diet coke and ate pizza at 2am. It was like going back to college. In fact, it was like the movie “Old School,” with Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, and Luke Wilson. The whole weekend I kept saying, “Blue! You’re my boy Blue! You’re my boy!” I also at least once a day turned to Stix and Chad and said, “Can you believe we are living in a sports bar?”

This truly was fantasy camp. I would like to thank Brad the owner and his son Josh. If you are in Downtown Minneapolis, go there and get some excellent tasting pizza.

Some other blogger friends that hung out with us included Dr. Bill from Arkansas. He is a genuinely nice and fun guy.

Pastor Ed Boston, aka Cyber Pastor, and his wife showed up. They are both lovely human beings with good hearts. Sheridan Folger is Irish, and proud of it. He is also highly entertaining.

Steve at No Runny Eggs drove for hours to meet us, and I regret that I only got to see him for a few minutes. I was having a private romantic dinner with the Chicago Cannonball, which trumps politics.

This probably would have turned into a fraternity party (actually it did most of the time) were it not for the civilizing influence of a lady blogger. Howard Stern has Robin Quivers. We had Skye from Flopping Aces. She is a master of photography and blogging.

She also shot a video of me taking on a couple protesters, one for Code Pink and the other for Ron Paul. I kicked rumpus of course.

I also got to meet Miss Texas. She is competing in the Miss America pageant.

The funny thing is that she approached me in the convention hall. She heard me verbally taking down the protesters, and came up to me to thank me. She was very pleasant, and I will publish my interview with her in the coming days. Although I took a picture with her, I let everybody know that my girlfriend was and is my Miss America.

Another beautiful and smart woman that I finally got to meet was Townhall reporter Amanda Carpenter. I have interviewed her before, and was glad to finally meet the incredibly nice person behind the solid reporting.

A great guy I had the pleasure of getting to know was Richie at Hip Hop Republican.

The Minnesota people were awesome, and the Minneapolis Police Department had some really cool cops. One of them gave me and Stix a ride home when the bus didn’t show up. We had a convoy of safety. Brad did what he does best, which was make sure they had pizza.

Yet beneath all the partying was politics. Below are my letter grades for the main candidates.

Denver Democrats:

Joe Biden–I was shocked. He is usually a gasbag, but this speech was warm and poignant. A+

Mark Warner–If the democrats ever learn how to be pro business, they will become normal. Mark Warner is pro business. A

Michelle Obama–Her job was to convince people she was a nice person, and not an angry hostile America hater. I felt she went way too far in the other direction. Her speech was so sugary that it would have killed a diabetic. However, it served its purpose. B

Bill Clinton–I gave him an A- in 2004. This speech was just not as good. His heart may not have been in it. B-

Barack Obama–I gave him an A+ in 2004. This time he did not live up. His speech was simply too negative. Vice Presidents and Keynoters can attack. Presidents have to be positive. C+

Bill Richardson–He has an impressive resume, but was terrible on the stump. He does not inspire, and in this case he did not fail to disappoint and underwhelm. C

Hillary Clinton–She could not bring herself to tell us why Barack Obama should be President. The only praise she gave him was that she favored something, he agreed with her, therefore he is right, because she was. Do not be fooled. She was selfish to the end. C-

Minnesota Republicans:

Sarah Palin–A star is born. The second coming of Margaret Thatcher is from Alaska. A+

Rudy Giuliani–I gave him an A+ in 2004, and he is as great as ever. Slash and burn is his approach, and he does it brilliantly. A+

Fred Thompson–He comes across as so laid back, but his biting wit just works. A+

President George W. Bush–I gave him an A- in 2004, and he was solid again. His line decking the angry left was the highlight. A-

Linda Lingle–The Governor of Hawaii is another rising star. She was effective and personable. A-

Mitt Romney–He was quite good, but there were so many great speeches that he might be downgraded on this arbitrary curve. B+

Cindy McCain–Her speech was harmless. She loves her husband. She is a good human being, but not a compelling speaker. C+

Joseph Lieberman–This man knows how to calm down a crowd. He is a good man, a fine human being, and a colossally boring speaker. He simply puts people to sleep. D

There were no Fs this year. In 2004 John Kerry got a D and Theresa Heinz Kerry got an F. The Bush twins got an F for their routine that had Grandmother Barbara displeased.

Anyway, that concludes my temporary wrap up of the 2008 Republican Convention.

I say temporary because this blog is topic driven when there are no events, and event driven when appropriate. The next couple months will be almost totally event driven. I will have tons of interviews to publish.

So consider this the wrap up for the day.


2008 NFL Predictions

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

It is time for my 2008 NFL Predictions. Below are my 2007 NFL Predictions. I look forward to being equally wrong this year, as usual.

I have said on many occasions that my passion for politics, while burning strong, pales in comparison to my passion for the National Football League. We have a couple months until we select our next world leader, and there will be many days to analyze it to death. For those who prefer politics to sports, come back tomorrow.

On Thursday September 4th, the Redskins are at the Giants. Everybody else must suffer in waiting until Sunday, September 7th. The 2008 NFL season starts in 2 days for me, when The hated Denver Broncos play the Oakland Raiders on Monday Night Football, so let’s get down to business.

For further NFL coverage, some fabulous websites are below.

To quote mutual fund manager Bill Fleckenstein, I am “often wrong, but never in doubt.” With that, here are my predictions for 2008.

NFC East:

Dallas Cowboys–This team is loaded, and they are hungry after last year’s playoff shocker. They are my favorites to get to the Superbowl. 13-3

Philadelphia Eagles–Andy Reid is an excellent coach, but the offseason has been a nightmare for him. His family pressures have to be weighing on his mind. Donovan McNabb has less talent around him than in past years, but Reid and McNabb could will the team to some wins. 9-7

New York Giants–At the risk of enraging the fans of the defending champions, they were not that good last year for most of the year. They were only 10-6, so a slight drop would not be out of the range of reason, especially with Strahan retired and Umenyora out for the season with a broken leg. They might miss the playoffs. 8-8

Washington Redskins–Jim Zorn is a new coach, and the Redskins are in building mode. 5-11

NFC North:

Green Bay Packers–Brett Favre is gone. The 13-3 team last year was not as good as their record. Favre willed them to some wins. Even with Favre I saw them sliding to 10-6. Therefore, if Aaron Rodgers goes 10-6, he will be unfairly criticized. I hope he has a thick skin. 9-7

Minnesota Vikings–Adrian Peterson had a great rookie season, and will get better. He has some help at defense but quarterback is a question mark. Brad Childress may be on the hot seat. 8-8

Detroit Lions–My comments are the same as last year. Yes, Mike Martz is a genius evil mad scientist, and yes, he has the personnel, and no, past performance does not guarantee future results, but they are the same old Lions until proven otherwise. 6-10

Chicago Bears–They are simply not that good. Brian Urlacher cannot do it all by himself. 6-10

NFC South:

Tampa Bay Buccaneers–This analysis is unchanged from last year. They are back. Jon Gruden needs to settle his quarterback situation, but hard nosed running and stout defense should lead to typical “Buc-ball” wins of an ugly nature. 10-6

New Orleans Saints–Two years ago was a feel good story, with Gleason and Deloach contributing to the greatest blocked punt in NFL history. Yes, they were one win from a Superbowl, but they plummeted last year. They play in a tough division, and despite Reggie Bush and Drew Brees, I see another tough year. 7-9

Carolina Panthers–This team had so much potential, but have been injury wracked the last couple of years. Steve Smith is suspended for 2 games. John Fox is a good coach, but we shall see if Jake Delhomme rebounds. 7-9

Atlanta Falcons–Last year I said that they are done. No Vick, no franchise. Period. I was right, and Matt Ryan will not turn it around this year. They have too many holes. 3-13

NFC West:

Seattle Seahawks–As was the case last year, playing in a terrible division alone should be enough. If Matt Hasselbeck gets hurt, Seneca Wallace is a very able backup. Anyone running behind Walter Jones should be ok. 10-6

Arizona Cardinals–126 years of futility will not change this year unless Kurt Warner starts ahead of Matt Leinart. Matt Leinart may turn out to be good one day, but Warner far outplayed him in preseason. With Leinart, they go nowhere. With Wrner, they have a shot. 9-7

San Francisco 49ers–They are a mess. Alex Smith is not that good, and apparently has lost his starting job. Frank Gore is not that overwhelmingly special. A weak division helps, but not nearly enough. 4-12

St. Louis Rams–I still maintain that all being equal, Kurt Warner is better than Mark Bulger. Yet Warner is gone, and Bulger has less help. This is no longer the Greatest Show on Turf. 4-12

AFC East–New England Patriots–As was the case last year, there will be no drop off. It is almost unfair, but the team that was cruising towards a 4th ring before being shocked will have a chip on their shoulder, which is not normal for perennial champions. Randy Moss was the last piece of the puzzle, and Bill Belichick will not allow for the Superbowl hangover. 14-2

New York Jets–Brett Favre has gone from Cheesehead Green to Gang Green. He still has the fire. He has willed teams by himself, and may carry this team. 10-6

Buffalo Bills–Trent Edwards is a better quarterback than J.P. Losman. I do not see much on the horizon. 6-10

Miami Dolphins–New everything, many question marks, we shall see. Bill Parcells is one of the greatest Coaches ever. Yet he is not a legend as an executive yet. Now he has total control. Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor are gone. No player is Dolphin safe with this Tuna around. It will take time, but it will get done. 3-13

AFC North:

Pittsburgh Steelers: Mike Tomlin established himself as a typical Steelers coach, focusing on hard nosed running and a stifling defense. Big Ben is healthy, and the team has talent. 10-6

Cleveland Browns–As last year, Romeo Crennel is a good man, and he should get 2 years to develop Brady Quinn, but that might not happen. Derek Anderson is quite good, and the talent is there, but 10-6 may have been a peak rather than a stepping stone. They will step back before moving forward. A qb controversy could hurt as well. 8-8

Cincinnati Bengals–If Marvin Lewis can keep his guys out of jail, they should be ok. 3 years ago one would have said a playoff year was an aberration, and it is looking that this is true. Palmer has regressed, Chad Johnson is being a malcontent, and Rudi is gone. 6-10

Baltimore Ravens–The defense is still quite good, but with a new coach, and Steve McNair retired, it could be tough. Joe Flacco has showed promise, but Kyle Boller will not get it done. 5-11

AFC South:

Indianapolis Colts–Bill Polian to Tony Dungy to Peyton Manning, this team is first class all the way. They got the New England monkey off their back in previous years, but last year New England got the upper hand again. The team simply hows no sign of slipping. 12-4

Jacksonville Jaguars–Jack Del Rio has a defense, and a solid qb in David Garrard. They beat Pittsburgh twice last year in Pittsburgh. The two teams are a mirror image, and Jacksonville can run the ball. The division is tough, and they still might not get past Indy. 11-5

Tennessee Titans–Jeff Fisher is the best coach in the league right now. Vince Young regressed last year. They should contend if Young rebounds, but have a tough division. 9-7

Houston Texans–They are getting closer, but have too many tough games. 7-9

AFC West:

Denver Broncos–It all rests on the cannon arm of Jay Cutler. The team has rallied around him after he announced he had diabetes. Mike Shanahan teams will provide the offensive line and good running game. The division is weak. 9-7

San Diego Chargers–Even Norv Turner cannot destroy a 14-2 team in one year, but within 2 years have 8-8 written on them. San Diego is done. They have the players, but so did previous Turner teams. Lat year I correctly had them at 11-5, but was wrong in predicting their quick playoff exit. It will not be an issue this year. 8-8

Oakland Raiders–Jamarcus Russell is the real deal, and as special as Darren McFadden is, Michael Bush was the star during preseason. The team used to be loaded at wide receiver, but no more. The defense has superstars at the corners, but run stopping is suspect. Lane Kiffin is not the answer at coach. The Silver and Black are a year away. 5-11

Kansas City Chiefs–This team is horrible, and they open against a New England team that went 16-0 and is enraged. Brodie Croyle will have a tough year. 3-13

NFC Title Game–Dallas Cowboys defeat Tampa Bay Buccaneers (Outside of Dallas, the entire NFC remains pathetic).

AFC Title Game–New England Patriots defeat Indianapolis Colts (This still remains the Superbowl one game early).

Super Bowl–Just like last year, I will go to my grave knowing Tom Brady fumbled that ball against the Raiders in 2001. He also did not deserve the MVP in either of his first two Super Bowl wins, although he might have earned it the third time, when he did not win it. Nevertheless, Randy Moss fit in perfectly. Bill Belichick is the chess master, having escaped the legend of Bill Parcells. New England Patriots 31, Dallas Cowboys 21.

Then after the pro Bowl, where hopefully 3 Raider defenders and punter Shane Lechler will play, the countdown to the 2009 Draft will begin with Roger Goodell hopefully not beginning by saying, “The Oakland Raiders are on the clock.”

Are you ready for some football!!!!!

Let’s get it on!!!!!


Tygrrrr Express–My You Tube smackdown of left wing protesters

Friday, September 5th, 2008

The Tygrrrr Express took on a couple leftist protesters at the Minneapolis 2008 Republican Convention.

For those of you wondering what I look like, I am the guy in the fedora and the incredibly nice suit jacket.

The great unwashed leftists are the ones looking like themselves.

The video is 6 minutes long.

In the first clip I take on a Code Pinko who was attending a rally of Lesbian Anti-Semitic Vegans for Libya, or something like that.

In the second clip I take on some Ron Paul supporter. Perhaps he said Rupaul.

I thank Skye at Flopping Aces for the video and for being a take charge woman in the mold of Sarah Palin.

What was not on tape was a third exchange to a protester that insisted we were living in a police state.

When they complained about a police state and overaggressive police tactics, I set them straight.

I told them:

“I can prove you are wrong in 60 seconds. You claim the police use excessive force. I know this is wrong because I begged them to do it and they wouldn’t. I asked those cops (pointing towards them) to use tear gas, rubber bullets, and batons. I wanted Kent State 2008. They said no because we live in a democracy. So sorry to disappoint you, but as badly as you want it, you will not be savagely beaten. Now be quiet before I come back tomorrow with a razor and shave you all under your armpits.”

Sadly enough the police would not let me do that either.

Police state my rumpus. So yes, even leftist dregs of society have rights.

As for the Code Pinko protesters that stole access badges to disrupt John McCain’s speech, the Secret Service should just shoot to kill.

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

2008 Republican Convention Day 4–President John McCain

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Make John McCain President right now, effective January 20th 2009.

Nobody is entitled to be President. Yet if there ever was a man that should be President, it is John McCain.

As Fred Thompson said in the video introduction, when you lived in a box, you do what is necessary to make sure others do not have to live in that box.

Fresh off a triumphant evening featuring Linda Lingle, Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin, Cindy McCain took the stage on the final night to offer heartfelt words about her husband.

“Despite our challenges, we are still alive with hope and belief in the individual ability to make things right if only the federal government would get itself under control and out of our way.”

“The hand we feel on our shoulder belongs to Abraham Lincoln.”

“Nobody is better suited to go about serving America than the man I love, the man I have given 30 years of my life, my husband John McCain.”

“His courageous service to America in war and peace leaves no doubt what our forefathers would make of him.”

“Our party arose from a commitment to equality, human rights, and the dignity and equality of all people. We give way to no one and no party in that cause.”

“This is a man who always tells the truth. He is a good man, a worthy man. I know.”

John McCain then took the stage. He is not a natural orator. Heroes often feel uncomfortable talking about themselves as heroes. So while John McCain will never be the greatest communicator, he remains a sincere man of honor and valor who is one of America’s most noble servants.

He immediately praised President Bush, refusing to be intimidated by the democratic attack lines.

“I am grateful to the President of the United States for leading us in the dark days after the worst attack in American history, and keeping us safe from another attack that many of us thought was inevitable.”

“Laura Bush is a model of grace in public and in private, and the 41st President and his bride of 63 years.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to win your trust. I intend to earn it.”

“To Obama supporters, you have my respect and admiration. We are fellow Americans. That is an association that means more to me than any other.”

“Please don’t be diverted by the static. Americans want us to stop yelling at each other.”

“All you want is for government to stand on your side and not in your way.”

“I am proud to have introduced the next Vice President to the country, but I can’t wait to introduce her to Washington.”

“To the me first, country second crowd, change is coming.”

“I don’t work for a party or a special interest or for myself. I work for you.”

“I fought for the right strategy and more troops in Iraq when it wasn’t the right thing to do.”

“Thanks to a brilliant General David Petraeus and the fine women and men he commands.”

“It matters less that you can fight. What you fight for is the real test.”

“We lost the trust when we valued our power over our principled. We are going to change that and recover the peoples trust.”

“The party of Lincoln and Reagan is going to get back to basics.”

“We believe in judges who administer justice impartially and don’t legislate from the bench.”

“Cutting the second highest business tax rates in the world will help business compete and keep jobs from going overseas.”

“We will help workers find jobs that won’t come back find a new one that won’t go away.”

“Education is the civil rights issue of this century.” “Equal education has been attained, but what is the value of access to a failing school? Let’s help bad teachers find a new line of work. Obama wants schools to answer to entrenched bureaucrats. I want schools to answer to parents and students. When I am President they will.”

“We will drill new wells offshore and we will drill them now.”

“Obama believes we can achieve energy independence without drilling or nuclear power. He knows better than that.”

“It is time to show the world again how Americans lead.”

“We face many dangerous threats in this world. I am not afraid of them. I am prepared for them.”

“I hate war. It is terrible beyond imagination. I will use all available resources, diplomatic and military, to build a foundation for a stable and enduring peace.”

“I have the record and the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not.”

“I have been an imperfect servant for many years, but I have been a servant first and last. Not a day happened where I didn’t thank God for the privilege.”

“I am not running for President because I have been blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need.”

“Nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself.”

“With hard work, strong faith, and a little courage, great things are always within our reach.”

“Fight with me. Fight for what’s right for our country. Fight for the ideals and the character of a free people. Fight for our children’s future. Fight for justice and opportunity. Stand up to defend our country against its enemies. Stand up for each other. Stand up. Stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We are Americans. We never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.”

John McCain is a hero. John McCain is a leader.

His opponent is a good decent man. His opponent is also irrelevant.

It is not that John McCain is a better man than Barack Obama. It is that John McCain is better than virtually every opponent.

It is not that John McCain is more qualified than Barack Obama. It is about John McCain being more qualified than virtually anybody and everybody that has ever served or sought to serve.

The left talks about history. Mostly they carp, lie, and complain about history.

John McCain makes history.

America needs leaders. The most giant nation on Earth must be led by a giant.

John McCain is a leader and a giant.

John McCain was there for America. We should be there for him.

John McCain should be President.


2008 Republican Convention Day 3–Sarah Palin, The Second Coming of Margaret Thatcher

Thursday, September 4th, 2008


Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow!


Lady Thatcher, your legacy shall be continued, and her name is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the next Vice President of the United States.

The democratic party is now in a state of either denial or full blown panic. With all due respect to Evander Holyfield, Sarah Palin is the real deal.

The emotions in the luxury box I was in at the XCEL Center were a mixture of elation and jubilation. Grown professional women were crying the moment she entered the room. The glass ceiling has not been broken. It has been shattered into thousands of tiny pieces.

Most importantly, it was shattered by somebody who is qualified for the job. The meritocracy that is America lives on and shines bright in this woman.

My only worry before her speech is that nobody should be forced to speak after Rudy Giuliani. He remains perhaps the greatest executive to ever lead a city, and he had the crowd fired up.

Then Sarah Palin walked in, and the electricity nearly blew the fuses.

Some of her remarks are below. They may have a shelf life of 1000 years.

“John McCain refused to hedge his bets on a war to free people from an enemy of America.”

“Pundits and pollsters who wrote him off overlooked one thing…the caliber of the man.”

“After 22 years of service, he refused to break with the troops. A the mom of one of the troops, that’s the man I want as commander in Chief.”

“On the outside, families seem typical. We are.”

“For families with special needs children, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.”

“This is America. Every woman can walk through every door of opportunity.”

“My opponent takes issue with my small town. We grow good people in these small towns. These people grow food, run our factories, fight our wars, love our country in good times and bad, and are always proud of America.”

“The difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull…lipstick.”

“When I ran for city council I didn’t need focus groups or polls. I knew these people and their families.”

“For those who don’t understand what a small town Mayor does, let me tell you what the job entails. A small town Mayor is like a community organizer, except with actual responsibilities.”

“John McCain does not talk differently to people in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. Wherever he goes, John McCain is the same man.”

“I’m not a member in good standing with the Washington elite. According to them, that is a disqualification for me alone. News flash…I am not going to Washington to seek their opinion. I am going to Washington to serve the people of this country.”

“The Alaska luxury jet…I sold it on Ebay.”

“The state budget is under control. We have a surplus.”

“I told Congress thanks but no thanks on the bridge to nowhere.”

“As for oil and gas, take it from a girl that knows the north slope. We’ve got lots of both.”

“Drilling will not solve everything, but that is no excuse not to do anything at all.”

“Our opponent has two memoirs, but not one law or reform. His war speeches never mention victory except when he is talking about his own campaign.”

“What is his plan after pushing back the waters and healing the planet? To grow the government and reduce American strength.’

“Victory in Iraq is in sight. He wants to forfeit.”

“Al Queda wants to end America. He worries someone won’t read them their rights.”

“Barack Obama wants to promote change to advance his career. John McCain promotes his career to advance change.”

“Some people talk about great things. Leaders like John McCain actually do great things.”

“John McCain is not looking for a fight, but he’s sure not afraid of one.”

“Harry Reid said that he cannot stand John McCain. No accolade is better proof that we chose the right man. Maybe what he was driving at was that he cannot stand up to John McCain.”

“The Presidency is not a journey of self discovery.”

“The world of threats is not a community, and it doesn’t need an organizer.”

“Only one man in this election ever really fought for you in places where winning is survival and defeat is death.”

“It’s a long way from a six foot cell in Hanoi to the Oval Office.”

“There is a special confidence of those who have seen evil, and overcome it.”

“For a season, one can inspire with words. For a lifetime, John McCain inspires with his deeds.”

After the speech, I remarked that Sarah Palin is not only the second coming of Lady Thatcher, but that she had more testosterone (the actual word was less dignified) than the entire democratic party.

A woman heard me and mentioned that she also had more of it than most of the republican party as well.

Sarah Palin is right about another thing. The left despises her. The attempts to destroy her continued moments after she finished speaking. The National Organization For Women has proven again that they only care about liberal women.

So what are the downsides to Sarah Palin? Well for one, her husband is not me.

Second of all, getting a face to face interview with her became next to impossible after she was selected to be on the ticket.

Third of all…see number one.

She may not be the Iron Lady, and she may not be Michael Steele, but steel is what her nerves are made of, to go with her razor sharp tongue and lightning quick mind.

I have not been this excited since George W. Bush put the world’s terrorists and media critics on notice with three words. Those three words apply to any leftist that thinks that they have what it takes to match up with her. Those words apply to factions of the left, from the smug elitists to the vicious smear merchants.

Those three words leave me emboldened as I race to embrace the ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

In the immortal words of the Dub…



NFL 2008 Kickoff Thursday

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Yes, there is a political speech being given by John McCain tonight. Yet when he finishes, more explosive action will be taking place.

The Super Bowl Champion New York Football Giants host the Washington Redskins in the National Football League 2008 Kickoff Thursday.

Some say the Republican National Committee should be shot for having McCain close the convention the same night that the NFL opens their season.

Much blame goes to the democrats, as usual. A gentlemen’s agreement between the two parties allows the party in power to hold their convention second, and get last licks. The conventions are done by August. The democrats deliberately picked August 25-28, figuring the republicans would have to go earlier, and not interfere with Labor Day.

This should be another example that republicans lose when they cower like children, and win when they simply deck the left at every turn. Yes, the left again tried to cheat. The republicans simply started on Labor Day.

Nevertheless, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell was gracious enough and patriotic enough to delay the kickoff until McCain finishes his speech.

Thank the Heavens that I have multiple televisions. After the speech, politics goes on the smaller television and the NFL goes where it belongs, on the big screen.

I have waited 7 months for football. I am ready to eat raw red meat and bite the bark off of trees. Tackling random objects is happening.

As pumped up as I am about politics, that pales in comparison to my narcotic addiction to the NFL.

I want the Oakland Raiders to win the Superbowl, and hope they do not fall 10 games short. We shall see if the Silver and Black are back soon enough.

So let’s kick this 2008 NFL Convention off with the words that inspire men everywhere a television, a burger, and a beverage are in the same room.

Giants vs Redskins…


LET’S GET IT ON!!!!!!!!
