Archive for November, 2008

The California Propositions

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Below is my bland, standard, and exceptionally formulaic recitation of the propositions on the California ballot, and the stand that the Tygrrrr Express is taking.

There are two things that need to be clear from the outset. If you have no idea what the proposition actually says, vote no. That way you are not changing anything. I know that liberals are obsessed with change, but what they call change, conservatives call, “screwing things up and making them worse.” It is less attractive because it does not fit on a bumper sticker. The Founding Fathers wanted things left well alone, which is why they did not have direct election of legislators or the President. They are still right today.

The second thing that must be understood is that liberals will issue bonds for everything, and then say that the measure does not involve raising taxes.

(Grabbing a megaphone): BONDS…ARE…TAXES.

Issuing bonds means issuing debt, which means taxpayers are on the hook. Liberals like to use the word “invest” when they really mean “spend.” They do like to say they favor higher taxes, so they say that are just issuing bonds. They will then say that these bonds are for the children, because after all, who could possibly be against money fo children?

I can. So with rare exceptions, such as issuing bonds to fund mercenaries to kill Bin Laden, Assad, and Armageddonijad, anything that involves issuing bonds should get a vote of “no.” Voting yes, again, is akin to making things worse.

With that brings a dozen attempts at most likely making things worse.

1A) Safe, Reliable, High Speed Passenger Train Bond Act

NO. This is 20 billion to build trains connecting all of California. Amtrak already exists.

2) Standards for Confining Farm Animals, Initiative Statute

NO. Regulates the living space of cows and pigs. Animal cruelty is already illegal. This is a waste of time bigger than most animal waste.

3) Children’s Hospital Bond Act, Grant Program, Initiative Statute

NO. A billion dollars? It will most likely go to hospital bureaucrats, with very little ever helping the children themselves.

4) Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy, Initiative Constitutional Amendment

YES. Abortion is an issue I struggle with. I generally am pro-choice. I am against consent laws, but notification is not consent. I favor parental and spousal notification. I understand that some parents are downright vicious. Nevertheless, the state has to stop raising our children and let parents fill the role. Again, if it required consent, I would vote no.

5) Non-violent Drug Offenses, Sentencing, Parole and Rehabilitation, Initiative Statute

NO. This is left wing bleeding heart syndrome at its very worst. Rather than let drug addicts run wild, we should shoot drug dealers in the town square. Kill the dealers, and build more prisons.

6) Police and Law Enforcement Funding, Criminal Penalties and Laws, Initiative Statute

NEUTRAL. I am leaning yes, because it provides more money for police officers and district attorneys. However, the costs seem high, and I would like to see who is for and against this before saying yes.

7) Renewable Energy  Generation, Initiative Statute

NO. I wish we could take the Greeniacs and drill in their foreheads. While we could make the planet beautiful by destroying every American business, I will decline to end America as we know it.

8) Eliminates Right of Same Sex Couple to Marry, Initiative Constitutional Amendment

NEUTRAL. I am very torn on the gay marriage issue. I think the extremists on both sides are bigots. I also detest activists.To me marriage is a religious ceremony. I think everybody should have civil unions, and that civil unions should be the binding ceremony for matters of law. Then the marriage can be the religious ceremony. My worry is lawsuits. If a religious entity wants to refuse to perform the ceremony, they should be immune from lawsuits. Some say those protections already exist, but I want specific language banning lawsuits against any religious entity that refuses to perform a gay marriage. I stay largely out of the culture wars. Some gay activists are so relentless, that it pushes me in the other direction. The people on both sides should just shut up. Cut taxes and kill terrorists, and drop the culture warring.

9) Criminal Justice System, Victims Rights , Parole, Initiative, Constitutional Amendment and Statute

YES. Victims should have more rights than criminals. The reductions in parole hearings is a good start.

10) Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Renewable Energy, Bonds, Initiative Statute

NO. The Greeniacs want to give money to colleges to indoctrinate a new generation of zealots. Absolutely not. Being green should not be compulsory.

11) Redistricting, Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute

YES. Liberals have gerrymandered California into a one party state of fruits, nuts, and frosted flakes. Perpetual safe seats destroy democracy.

12) Veterans’ Bond Act of 2008

NEUTRAL. I want to vote yes because of the deep respect I have for veterans. However, further study is needed with regards to cost, and efficiency. This could be good for veterans, but their might be better ways.

Sadly enough, the attempt to sell San Francisco to Canada did not make the ballot. Canada did not want it.

I hope this helps, and if it does not, just know that citizen initiatives should not exist anyway.
