A pair of debates regarding the 2008 election took place on two separate Jewish college campus environments.
Supporting Barack Obama was former Congressman Mel Levine, who is now a lawyer.
Supporting John McCain was former Naval Serviceman and current California Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Larry Greenfield.
(Full disclosure: Larry is a friend of mine.)
These debates occurred a couple weeks apart from each other. Given the significant overlap in the dialogue, the debates have been combined.
The only major difference between the two debates was that the first debate occurred in a hyperpartisan left wing environment, while the second debate took place in a more neutral setting.
The moderator of the first debate let the audience know that for the sake of civility, there was to be no discussion of Obama being a closet Muslim, attending a Madrassa, or being a puppet of Louis Farrakhan. While I agree that all of these notions are offensive and wrong, I find it odd that civility requires that only one side disarm. Mel Levine spent a significant amount of time in both debates attacking the Republican Jewish Coalition, of which I am a proud member. Attacking the RJC was a direct way of attempting to invalidate Larry Greenfield. Naturally, Mel Levine was the one who accused the right of “Swiftboating” while hitting way below the belt in this specific manner.
There was levity at the beginning when the crowd was complimented for attending a Los Angeles political debate at the same time the Lakers were playing the Celtics in the NBA Finals (Those at the debate missed one of the great games of all time.). It was pointed out that this same Temple invited Simon Wiesenthal to speak on Superbowl Sunday, showing that they never learn.
With that, I bring the amalgamation of the two debates between Mel Levine and Larry Greenfield.
ML: “There has never been as extraordinary a candidate as Barack Obama, who is better for the U.S.-Israel relationship, who can restore America.”
“President Bush went on a European tour and could not even speak publicly.”
“Caroline Kennedy said that ‘Obama is running a dignified and honest campaign. Those around him have the highest ethical standards.'”
“My life is dedicated to Israel’s survival.”
“Obama wants a strong America and a strong Israel.”
“He has an extraordinary authenticity. He is not poll driven. He is consistent with different audiences.”
“In Ramallah, he lectured Palestinian students about the need for a secure Israel.”
“The RJC questions democrats with regard to their commitment to Israel. This is deeply offensive.”
“Obama is perfect on Israel. He has stated that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, and that military action is on the table.”
“On Israel, Obama is no different from McCain in terms of objectives.”
“President Bush is responsible for high gas prices.”
“Obama believes that we need to fight terror the right way, not as a lone ranger. We need an international coalition.”
“He can engage Muslims. There is no harsh partisanship coming from Obama.”
“McCain is a hero. I am fond of him personally. Yet thanks to George W. Bush, we are more isolated in the world than ever. This is bad for Israel. I sreal needs a strong respected America.”
“Thomas Friedman in the New York Times supports Obama. He writes, ‘I don’t vote on Israel. I vote on America. A strong America is good for Israel. President Bush believes in Israel, but he has no energy policy, and the Middle East hates us. Forget what is in his heart. Richard Nixon had good actions. Obama will reverse Bush’s failure under Iran, which has been dangerous. Bush refused to use diplomacy. Try diplomacy first. Get cooperation from Russia and China.”
LG: “In 1992, the Jewish republican vote was 10%. It could be 50/50 in 10 years. Reasons for this include rising Anti-zionism and anti-semitism coming from the left on college campuses.”
“Why are Jews becoming more conservative today? On issues such as school choice and competition, merit pay for teachers, and breaking the monopoly on the NEA…and health care, getting lawyers out of doctors’ offices…republicans ask ‘What works?'”
“Technology, not taxes, leads to investment.”
“The GOP is a green elephant. ANWR is a 2000 acre postage stamp. New technology allows us to drill without doing any harm to any animals or the environment.”
“Politics used to stop at the water’s edge. We were unified during World War II. Since Vietnam, the left wing has launched an assault on our military. Durbin, Murtha, Reid, and Kerry have slandered our troops. Luckily, our troops have more maturity and dignity than their critics. Democratic Congressman James Clyburn admitted that good news for Iraq is bad news for the democrats.”
“The democrats opposed missile defense systems, which save Israel.”
“In the 1990s, the United States was seen by Bin Laden and others as a paper Tiger. This was due to a string of liberal retreats from Vietnam to Afghanistan after the Russians left to Blackhawk Down.”
“Democrats pushed the Armenian Genocide Resolution. While it may have been worthwhile, it angered a critical ally in Turkey at a critical time.”
“Organizations such as Moveon.org ran disgusting ads against General David Petraeus.”
“In 22 democratic debates, not once did the democrats mention Islamofacism. Radical Islam is 1400 years old. Democrats don’t understand this.”
“John McCain took his first trip to Israel in 1979, under the tutelage of Scoop Jackson. He has been grounded for 30 years in the understanding of the U.S. alliance with Israel. He went to Sderot, and saw the Qassam rockets rein down.”
“McCain is anti-earmark. Obama secured an earmarl for his wife’s employer. McCain is the reformer.”
“We will never know all of McCain’s stories. People need to know the story of Colonel Bud Day. Bud Day was captured and tortured, as was McCain. They left Day’s arms in a manner that would never allow them to grow right. Bud Day asked John McCain to break his arms, so that they could be reset properly. McCain refused because he did not want to break Day’s arms. Day insisted. McCain then broke Day’s arms, and used bamboo to reattach them properly. Colonel Bud Day is 85 years old now, and still flying. This is the man that is John McCain.”
ML: “The late Tom Lantos supported Obama, as does Congressman Howard Berman.”
“It is shameful and loonie to suggest we are respected in Europe. Why did England become anti-Israel? Because of the way this administration handles foreign policy.”
“Democrats are always being attacked for their patriotism. John Kerry was swiftboated. Dick Durbin does support the troops. It is not constructive to sling names.”
“On Iran, we need activist diplomacy.”
LG: “The notion that our relations around the world are damaged is absolutely false. South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, and France all have governments that are Pro-America and Pro-Israel. Red Ken Livingstone was voted out as Mayor of London, while Silvio Berlusconi is back in power in Italy.”
“Foreign policy is not about being liked. We are a superpower, which automatically means we will not be liked. Dumping allies like Israel would make us more liked. We will not do that.”
“Obama wants unilateral meetings with Iran, Syria, and Venezuela. He cites Kennedy meeting with Kruschev, which was a complete disaster. Kennedy was seen as young and naive. Kennedy’s blunder led to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs. Obama cites Reagan meeting with Gorbachev. Reagan took it to Gorbachev, the same Gorbachev who kicked Ted Kennedy out of his office. Reagan had missiles pointed at Russia, and called them an Evil Empire. Only then did he meet with Gorbachev.”
“Obama wants a contiguous Palestinian state. Then he states that he wants an undivided Jerusalem.”
“Obama is surrounded by radical left wing advisors and anti-Israel activists.”
ML: “The RJC is linking Zbigniew to Obama in an attempt to swiftboat Obama.”
“David Bonior is not an anti-semite. I do not agree with everything Bonior says, but McCain is no better than Bonior on Israel. Bonior is better on Israel than McCain according to AIPAC.”
“I am a foriegn policy advisor to Obama, as are Tony Lake, Bob Wexler, Tom Daschle, and Dianne Feinstein.”
“McCain wants to drill along the coastline. His answer to everything is drill, drill, drill.”
“A contiguous Palestinian state means within the West Bank. The RJC is to the right of Israel on this issue.”
LG: “Don’t smear by association? An administration is the association. Obama’s advisors are fair game. We are told to be quiet in case Obama wins.”
“Rasheed Khalid and Edward Said raised money for Palestinian refugee camps. Then there is William Ayers…ACORN…Saul Alinksy…”
“Back in Chicago, Ali Abuminah spoke of an ‘Electronic Intifada.’ Obama told Abuminah and their mutual Palestinian friends to ‘tone it down for awhile.’ Obama did not want any rhetoric coming to light while he was trying to build his political career.”
“Obama is against the security fence. We live in a world of walls, and the fence prevents attacks.”
“Obama opposed the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment, which labeled the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.”
“The Reverend Wright is fair game because it calls into question Obama’s judgment. Obama sat silently through 20 years of bigotry.”
“Robert Malley met with Hamas.”
“Obama voted against John Bolton, who overturned the UN resolution declaring that Zionism is racism.”
“Obama has made it clear on more than one occasion that, in his words, ‘It is not necessary to be Pro-Likud to be Pro-Israel.’ If Likud comes back into power, which is very likely, this raises concerns of how Obama would behave.”
ML: “Obama opposed Iraq provisions in the Kyle-Lieberman Amendment.”
“The Arab American Action Network is just a charity. Obama told them he supports Israel. To say otherwise is swiftboating.”
“AIPAC says Obama is perfect on Israel. Obama went to Idaho, where there are almost no Jews, and spoke to people about Israel.”
“The RJC has been malicious and defamatory. They have referred to him as B. Hussein Obama. Some people will stoop to any level to win.”
LG: “Lieberman was tossed out of the democratic party on military issues alone.”
“The RJC never attacked Obama on any Muslim stuff. We are into facts, not smears.”
“According to Lieberman, the top foreign policy objective of the democrats is to deny success.”
“McCain supports the F-22 fighter, which can reach Iran. Obama is against the F-22.”
“Bloomberg supports Kyl-Lieberman.”
“Tony McPeak is another advisor that condemned Israel’s strike on Syria. McPeak blames American foreign policy on powerful Jewish forces in New York and Miami.”
“George Soros is another supporter. He hates AIPAC.”
“Robert Malley did meet with Hamas, and Samantha Power did say we should end aid to Israel.”
“Obama has as an advisor former Congressman David Bonior, who has a history of being anti-Israel.”
ML: “With regards to Pastor Wright, I am not supporting Wright. I am supporting Obama.”
“Obama’s first book is inspirational. He helped the South Side of Chicago black community.”
“Obama said that he never heard Pastor Wright’s offensive words.”
(The crowd groaned at that.)
“Catholics are not leaving the Church because of the pedophilia scandal. The test for President is who he is, not who his supporters are.”
“McPeak is respected.”
“I would rather listen to the IDF than the RJC.”
LG: “I care what Israelis think. Obama is anti-Likud.”
“There is no more bipartisanship on Israel. The AAAN is anti-semitic.”
“Jimmy Carter is the head of democrats abroad. Lieberman left the party.”
“There are two types of black cultural leaders, those that want to reach across and heal, and those that want to exploit divisions. Obama threw his grandmother under the bus. He did not leave the Church. Obama’s left wing Chicago background is his ideology.”
“Left wing churches call for divestment from Israel.”
“There have been 14 attacks by Mel Levine against the RJC. He names Jewish Congressmen that support Obama. Liberals dominate conservatives 40-3 among Jews in Congress. of course they back Obama.”
“The RJC is not smearing Obama, and there is guilt in some of his associations.”
“Obama cannot be counted on to stand by Israel in a time of crisis.”
ML: “The RJC attacks Obama’s acquaintances. Obama was attacked by some in Chicago for being too close to the Jews.”
“I would not be for Obama if he was bad for Israel. Brad Sherman, Henry Waxman, and Jane Harman are all Pro-Israel. Israel needs deep bipartisanship, not the rhetoric of the RJC.”
The debate then turned to the Supreme Court.
LG: “McCain believes in Federalism. He wants quality jurists such as Roberts and Alito. The focus is not on social issues. McCain opposes a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. He wants to let the laboratory of democracy work.”
“For those Christians in the room, thank you for supporting Israel. We can argue in 1000 years over whether the coming of Jesus will be his first or second visit.”
“McCain crossed the aisle on judges. Yet he understands that terrorists and enemy combatants are not criminal defendants. The recent Supreme Court gave them more rights than American troops.”
“Kelo vs New London was a 5-4 decision. McCain thinks Roe vs Wade was bad law, which many liberal scholars such as Lawrence Tribe agree. Obama is poorly advised to favor abortion over national security.”
ML: “McCain wants an imbalanced court. He wants Roe vs Wade overturned. He is cloaked in low key moderation. He supports all Bush nominees.”
“Obama does not believe in litmus tests. He wants pro-choice judges.”
“McCain in 2000 was a maverick. In 2008 he said that America is a Christian nation.”
“McCain aggressively sought an endorsement from Pastor Hagee.”
“The religious left can also be intolerant and hostile, but they have less impact. The religious right has credibility, and are a danger to civil rights and civil liberties. They are a threat to Jewish liberties. There should be a wall of separation between Church and State, which runs counter to Christian theology.”
The debate then turned to foreign policy and foreign oil.
ML: “The GOP’s answer is to drill everywhere. Democrats understand that the environmental impact is important. Federal spending is necessary for environmental improvement. I have no confidence that the successor to Bush and Cheney will be free of big oil. Republicans are blocking a windfall profits tax. As for Iran, Obama has said that all options are on the table. Obama supported the Israel exercise a few days ago. Iran is a major state with major goals. Only one of those goals is destroying Israel. Obama is not proposing a Kumbaya session. I want Iran to stop terror. We emboldened extremists. President Bush strengthened Iran.
LG: “The key is new technology, not new taxes. Democrats block other options. I personally am still smarting from the smear against 50-100 million Christians. There is no Israel without them. With oil, McCain is for immediate techniques, and democrats block them. There are no wind farms off of Nantucket. As for Iran, Persians saved Jews after the destruction of the First Temple. Persians are not Arabs. Persians have a deep history. They invented many things, including chess. Those who say that the NIE report about Iran stated that they stopped their WMD program in 2003 are wrong. That report remains classified. Diplomacy and sanctions failed. The EU 3 failed. Iran has been at war with us for 30 years. The clock is ticking. Israelis feel that they have cover with President Bush. When asked how far they would go to stop Iran, an Israeli General said, “1100 kilometers.”
(The crowd laughed heartily.)
“Democrats like to say that liberal Jews rescued blacks, and Ethiopian Jews as well. Yet it was republicans that truly rescued blacks. Republicans passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. It was racist white democrats that gave us Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and the KKK. The GOP is the party of liberation. The democrats are the party of slavery.”
It was at this point that one of the debates got very ugly. A left wing activist that sponsored the first debate felt that his sponsorship gave him a right to sully the event. He said he had a question to ask, but the question just turned into a diatribe. I know the man personally, and he has been kind to me. This does not mitigate the fact that he acted like the deranged man in the town square.
“Americans are an obstacle to removing Syria. To say that Radical Islam has existed for 1400 years is an insult.”
The diatribe continued, because left wing Jews are more threatened by Jewish republicans wielding words, and Jew-loving Christians wielding a book, than Islamofacists wielding bombs and tools used to behead many, including left wing Jews.
When the man yelled that “not all Muslims are like this,” Larry Greenfield responded that, “Enough Muslims are crazy, and those are the ones in power.”
There was back and forth, when I jokingly yelled out, “Jews never argue, why start now!”
The crowd laughed, and order was restored once the left wing verbal bully was subdued.
The rules for a debate should be very simple. The only speakers should be the debaters, with careful facilitation from the moderator. Questioners should ask actual questions, not make statements. They should then sit down and be quiet, and listen to the answers.
The second debate was much calmer, with a brief allusion to the instigator of the chaos in the first debate slipped in.
ML: “Robert Malley was never an adviser. Congressman Robert Wexler supports Obama. So do other liberals. Tom Daschle does as well. It is disturbing that we object to Obama having Palestinian friends. Obama claims that he is not close to Rasheed Khalid. Tony McPeak supports Israel. Obama is standing here today due to Tikkun Olam.”
Several questions were asked, and the answers rehashed much of the debate. One pointless question asked about the candidates and their positions on abortion. The crowd groaned, knowing this was a waste of time. The candidates disagree, and their positions are well known. Mel Levine keeps referring to being pro-choice on abortion as being “consistent with Jewish values.” Nothing in the Torah mentions this. It is one thing when liberal try to make up unspoken words of the Founding Fathers. It is another when they decide that God supports the NOW.
My question of Mel Levine was about the liberal Jews supporting Obama.
“Mr. Levine, you have cited several liberal Jewish Congresspeople and a columnist for the Jayson Blair Times supporting Obama as something significant. Why should liberals supporting liberals matter? I am a conservative supporting John McCain, and I do not expect that to carry any more weight than those you cite. Why should it? Also, you spend very little time criticizing John McCain, preferring to go after President Bush and the RJC. Are you aware they are not on the ballot, because I know democrats have trouble reading ballots. Is McCain that good that you have nothing to criticize him about?
My question was sandwiched between a couple of left wing people engaging in filibusters, including one woman that tried to ask a question twice. It was the height of selfishness. Thankfully, when enough people pointed out that she had spoken once, her second turn was taken away. My question was never really answered, although this was less deliberate avoidance than time constraints brought on by other “questioners” sapping up time. People like this are another reason to support the National Rifle Association.
The closing arguments were a stark contrast.
ML: “Southern California is a wonderful window into Jewish views.”
“President Bush has done much harm. The world hates us. We need to work with the United Nations.”
“The Middle East has oil. All McCain wants to do is drill.”
“Again, Tom Friedman in the New York Times gives us his many reasons why we need to repair the damage done by President Bush.”
“Prominent GOP Senators privately like Obama.”
LG: “Jihad is a major issue, but democrats won’t say the words Islamofacism, Islamic Fundamentalism, or Radical Islam. The issue is Jihad. Democrats think these terrorists can be arrested as criminals.”
Before continuing the conclusion, a brief aside is in order. The individual that marred the first debate had an hour to himself before the second debate. He was allowed to speak unchallenged, which is how he likes it. He said that since the Israeli Government of Ehud Ohlmert is negotiating with Syria, American Jews should support that point of view. We should listen to the Israeli Government.
This led me to ask him a question. He knew who I was, but that did not stop me.
“You say that we should listen to the Israeli Prime Minister. Given that the Israeli Prime Minister is registering single digits in the polls, and is about as popular as Rush Limbaugh at a NOW conference, isn’t this peace process simply a desperate man trying to accomplish anything before being fired? Hasn’t he been discredited already?”
Many in the crowd roared with approval. The man responded.
“Ehud Ohlmert was elected on a platform of territorial concession for true peace.”
That answer is false. Ehud Ohlmert road Ariel Sharon’s coattails to power. Ariel Sharon was a warrior, known as “The Bulldozer.” People trusted him to make peace. People grieving over Sharon voted for Ohlmert in the same manner that LBJ won in America due to grief over JFK.
I bring this tangent up because while it was a separate session, those remarks of the prior speaker featured into the closing of this debate.
LG: “The previous speaker had a whole hour, and mentioned that we should listen to the Israeli Government. No. We should listen to the Israeli people, who have rejected this government. Listen to the Israelis. Accords, sanctions, and conferences have been tried. Israelis have rejected Ohlmert.”
“Obama does not hate Jews. He is just a Daily Kos democrat, not a Democratic Leadership Council democrat.”
“70% of the American people support Israel. The figure is 90% among republican men, and drifitng ever lower among democrats as the left drifts away.”
“Obama has zero history on Israel. He says different things to Jewish and Arab audiences. He opposed the security fence. He was absent on the Zionism vs racism fight, but voted against the fighter to overturn that resolution, Ambassador John Bolton.”
“John McCain is a bipartisan and a moderate. He has served on the Armed Services Committee.”
“Barack Obama is tied to Rasheed Khalid and Edward Said, not just the Palestinians.”
“John McCain is a leader. He is a hero. He is sophisticated. He is resolute.”
I spoke to Mel Levine after both debates. One of the things he likes to do is state that since his Israel credentials are beyond reproach (I agree, his career is fabulous on Israel.), any criticism of Obama would be an indictment of Mr. Levine himself because he supports Obama.
This is ridiculous. I am staunchly pro-Israel, and I support John McCain. Neither I or Mel Levine have an absolute last word, to quote Maureen Dowd fawning over Cindy Sheehan.
The left likes to use debates to claim that the right does not have the right to debate at all. Mel Levine attacked the RJC repeatedly and mercilessly. He also went after President Bush pretty hard, which is fine. He could not find much to criticize about John McCain, so he simply indicts anybody that criticizes Obama in any way.
Mel Levine requested that my conversations with him after both debates be off the record. I shall respect his wishes, even though betraying his trust could blunt his ability to be an effective Obama spokesman. I gave him my word.
Although the debates were combined for this column, the first debate was a draw, with Larry winning on substance but Mel winning on style. The harsh left wing environment was not helpful. The second debate was in a more neutral environment, and Larry won by a landslide according to the crowd.
I made it clear to Larry that if he turns in a bad performance, I will be the first to tell him. The goal is not to assuage feelings. That is for liberals. The goal is to get our message across as effectively as possible. Conservatives allow for self criticism.
As for the many reasons why Mel Levine is wrong, it will take another complete column to get into that.
As a conservative, I walked away from the debates emboldened. 15 years ago, these debates would have been pointless. Times are changing, and as Larry pointed out, the 90/10 split for Jews in favor of the democrats is headed towards a 50/50 showdown in the near future.
This makes for a stronger republican party. It forces the democrats to reevaluate where theyw ent wrong, which is healthy for their party.
This also benefits Jews. We have gone from being ignored by one party and takena dvantage of by the other to becoming a powerful voting bloc coveted by both.
Thankfully, Mel Levine and Larry Greenfield would agree that a strong Jewish voting bloc being great for the Jews is beyond debate.