Archive for November, 2010

George W. Bush and Kanye West–A real teachable moment

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Since Barack Obama became President, there has been much liberal blathering from him and his supporters about “teachable moments.”

The problem with those teachable moments is that they occur when Barack Obama screws something up, and then condescendingly shows us how we can learn from his mistakes.

Whether it be falsely accusing a white cop of racism or firing a black subordinate and then backtracking, Barack Obama sometimes shoots first and asks questions later.

As an academic, Mr. Obama loves to lecture people, but most of his teachable moments are where he needs to learn something, not us. He is teaching us not to overreact without having all the facts, but we already know that.

A real teachable moment occurs when an individual points out how they can improve themselves.

The words “teachable moment” are those types of situations where a parent can turn to their child and say, “this is what character is all about. This is what I want you to emulate in terms of behavior.” It is called leading by example.

Recent comments by rapper Kanye West involving former President George W. Bush provide a real teachable moment.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. President Bush was roundly criticized for the failure of the government to act in an expeditious manner. While I personally felt the criticism was unfair, political disputes are legitimate. The Katrina situation wrecked the core perception of the Bush administration as one of competency.

Yet Kanye West took it a step further. Mr. West is black, and he accused President Bush of racism. He even had a line in one of his songs that said, “George W Bush doesn’t care about black people.” It was a disgusting accusation, especially for a president who took great pride in being the first president to have a black Secretary of State, black National Security Council Head, and Black Deputy Attorney General.

President Bush refused to hit back, and his staff was under orders to follow his rules, which meant acting with dignity, class, and grace (For one thing, it drove his critics bonkers that he refused to sink to their level) in the face of malevolence.

The perception of President George Bush as a racist was a horrible act of character assassination, and Kanye West started it.

Then the tables were turned on Kanye West.

At a music awards show, Taylor Swift, who is white, was on stage accepting an award. Kanye West rushed the stage and jokingly announced that the award should have gone to Beyonce, who is black.

While Mr. West did not mention race, was barely coherent, and most likely just clowning around, he was branded a racist by people for upstaging Swift. While his defenders saw it as an attempt at being funny that backfired, virtually everybody in the entertainment industry took Swift’s side.

Fast forward to this week. President Bush is about to release his memoirs, entitled “Decision Points.” While the left is already sneering and feeding their Bush Derangement Syndrome (Get ready for leftist jokes about whether it is a coloring book, since anger at him is all they have.), excerpts have leaked out.

One excerpt that has gone public is President Bush stating how bothered he was by Kanye’s remarks. Those remarks still bother him. Of course they do. The left cannot figure this out, but President Bush is a human being made of blood and plasma. Accusations of racism, especially false ones, should hurt.

Kanye West was on a radio show this week, and when told of President Bush’s remarks, he did something that most people have trouble doing.

He admitted he was wrong.

He took responsibility for his comments and said he wished he had not said them. He said that when he faced his own accusation of racism, it made him realize how President Bush must have felt.

I am not saying we should nominate Kanye West for Sainthood, but this does matter.

The whole adage of not knowing a man until you walk a mile in his shoes is still true today.

Kanye West and George W Bush have had very different upbringings and life experiences.

Kanye West unfairly and inaccurately judged George W. Bush.

Yet despite all of the initial comments, Kanye West took a wrong and sincerely attempted to make it right.

He did not equivocate or make excuses. He took responsibility for his words and rescinded them.

It takes a big man to do this.

It also takes a big man to forgive. I suspect President Bush will forgive Kanye West because Mr. Bush deeply believes in the Christianity that his secular detractors despise. Christianity is not just about social political issues. It is a set of values, and President Bush honestly adheres to those values. So forgiving Kanye West is consistent with his character.

Character…that is what matters in the long run.

That is what we want to teach our children and future generations.

I would like to thank Kanye West for being a big enough man to admit that he was wrong about President Bush. We can disagree about politics without being enemies, and Kanye’s own experiences have showed him this.

This is what life, and life experiences, are about.

So if Kanye West can grow from this, and President Bush can forgive him, can’t we all give each other a little more slack before we rush to impugn the motives of people and their hearts just because we disagree?

If the answer is yes, then Kanye West and President Bush have given us a valuable lesson for the ages.

That is what a teachable moment is all about.


The UCLA MES Supports Gay Genocide Part II

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

The UCLA MES supports gay genocide.

I recently attended the 2010 University of Crooked Lying Arabists Queer Studies Conference, in addition to other pro-bigotry conferences. While I find the word “queer” to be an offensive anti-gay slur, this is UCLA after all. Flying planes into towers is offensive, but the university’s commitment to “diversity” does not explore such radical notions.

I have attended several of these conferences and reported from them. Yet today is not a specific report of any specific conference, nor is it endorsed by anybody except yours truly.

This is just a random set of observations, a compendium of the most delightful forms of idiocy mashed together in a series of thoughts.

For those offended by my observations, you deserve it.

If 10% of people are gay, and Arabs are people, doesn’t that mean that statistically speaking, 10% of all wealthy Saudi Princes and Iranian Mullahs are homosexual? To deny this would be to treat them as unequal to everybody else, and therefore make me insensitive.

If the West has so much power, why don’t we force the other 90% of them to become gay so in 100 years they will cease to exist? We can’t even give the Mullahs laryngitis. Even if we did, they would take lozenges most likely made in Israel and blame that on a Jewish conspiracy.

Some of these professors are almost too boring for UCLA MES Professor and gender neutral Susan Slyomovics. Susan Slyomovics finding you boring is like the Mullahs finding innocent gay people intolerant.

Islamist professors spend so much time talking about sex that they most likely take out their repression on those equally confused and repressed.

I believe Rob Schneider made a movie about that called “Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo.” Schneider is Jewish, further proof of the (Jewgalo Zionist Conspiracy) secret and unspoken (until now) JZC.

When one professor pointed out that “queer includes the butch feminine,” Susan Slyomovics perked up instantly at that comment for undisclosed reasons.

(Think the Julia Sweeney character “Pat” from Saturday Night Live.)

When a professor says that terms for gay people do not translate well, the simple translation is that typical Islamist Bigots refuse to acknowledge gay existence.

In Hebrew terms, UCLA MES professors are full of Falafel.

Self-loathing crosses all boundaries, including Arab Muslim culture.

These professors are fixated on gay sex, Jewish sex, and other forms of minority sex, all in the name of “research.”

So yes, virtually every Islamist is truly obsessed with Rob Schneider.

Some of these Islamofascist professors most likely consider research to be collecting dollar bills that were received from gay Islamist bathhouses where the head Mullahs sing in prayer “Hallelujah, It’s Raining Men.”

Whatever the homosexual equivalent of an Oedipus Complex is, these professors protest way too much.

I did not know that everybody in the Mediterranean was a gay Arab Muslim. UCLA MES education is valuable after all.

When an Islamist calls others the fringe, the world truly is upside down around the Mediterranean.

Pro-bigotry conferences would not be complete without a leftist Jew supporting the Arab Muslim point of view in the name of tolerance and peace.

We should “Stop hiding from false morals. Why are some homosexuals gayer than others and obsessed with sex?”

How would I know? These academic perverts are more obsessed with gay sex than Professor Garrison from South Park, Colorado. I just show up to study homophobic Islamist professors in their natural leftist habitat.

One intellectual genius (by university, not real standards) opined that the more Jews who become homosexuals, the more of both of them there are. This seems to defy the laws of gravity, childbirth, and numbers combined. This man could win multiple Nobel Prizes in literature and science, and mathematics if the committee would create that.

A Jew is anybody born to a Jewish mother. In the same way, UCLA MES professors are goats. Also, “goat” when rearranged spells “toga,” the type of party that allows UCLA college students to be less sexually repressed than the MES professors and the Islamists they adore.

“Queer disability has also grown, in terms of television and gay pride parades.”

Being an Islamist professor is a disability, and 
I now realize why I support sending MES professors to Guantanamo Bay.

Susan Slyomovics seems to match her intellectual deficiencies with structural ones, rendering me unable to determine how many genders she has been in her current and past lifetimes.

(At this point I could again consult Julia Sweeney, although Shirley McLaine might be a better expert witness.)

For those wondering why any serious university would have a “performance” by a woman named Vagina Davis, the answer is that Gray Davis and California University Nasty Tawdry Davis were unavailable.

So what could possibly unite such disparate groups such as radical feminists, radical Islamists, and radical gay Islamist-loving extremists?

The obvious conclusion that when the experimental drugs were being handed out on campus, none of the misfits in any these categories were in the placebo group.


The UCLA MES Supports Gay Genocide

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

I recently attended another terrorist sleeper cell meeting at UCLA that billed itself as an academic conference. The anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-American rhetoric flowed like a fabulous fragrance from a homosexual Islamist cologne bottle. The links to the column are at Campus Watch and American Thinker.

I would like to thank Daniel Pipes at the Middle East Forum and Richard Baehr and Thomas Lifson at American Thinker for their friendship, support, and total commitment to defeating Radical Islam.


Election 2010–Explaining California

Monday, November 8th, 2010

I will not be covering the bulk of President Obama’s remarks on 60 Minutes because he just repeated the same nonsense from his Wednesday news conference.

“Republicans were able to paint my governing philosophy as a classic traditional big government liberal, and that is not something the American people want.”

Then don’t be one. Joe Manchin survived by being a moderate Democrat. Mr. Obama left out one word in this sentence. The word is “accurately.” They accurately portrayed him as he actually is.

He decried partisan bickering while taking a cheap shot at Mitt Romney. Such is the world of the First Spoiled Brat in Chief.

Anyway, he is useless. I don;t have time to wait for him to become an adult. Today is about California.

While the Republicans won big in the 2010 elections throughout America, California moved further to the left.

Telegenic rising stars Damon Dunn and Tony Strickland went down to defeat in their respective races for Secretary of State and Controller.

Meg Whitman spent over $150 million dollars, and lost the Governor’s race to Jerry Brown.

Carly Fiorina faced a very vulnerable Barbara Boxer, yet despite sky high negatives, Boxer comfortably survived.

Republican Steve Cooley did win his race for District Attorney, but he was the incumbent. Every other statewide office is in the power of the Democrats.

So the question outsiders want to know is…how did this happen? What the heck is wrong with California?

As much as it will frustrate outsiders, the results were not surprising, or abnormal. In fact, they made perfect sense.

The national results were a rejection of Barack Obama. The left can kick, cry, an scream, because that is what they do. No amount of yelling will change the fact that the leadership at the top was seen as not getting the job done. All across the country, Democrats lost because of Barack Obama. He is a Democrat, so people voted Republican.

In California, the situation was the mirror image of the nation.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is seen as a failed leader. He is a Republican. Therefore, Californians voted for Democrats.

One thing I will never do is blame the voters. Barack Obama said that Americans were frustrated and confused. No. They clearly rejected him.

So it would be hypocritical of me to say that the majority of voters in California are imbeciles, as tempting as that is.

Supporting the imbecile theory is the notion of what Californians care about.

In Oklahoma, as we face a War on Terror, citizens there passed an initiative banning Sharia Law.

In California, as the state is broke, voters focus on…legalizing marijuana.

Think about it. While the state is collapsing, 40% of voters are concerned with getting stoned. Even if one is pro-legalization (I am not), is that issue so important that it merits attention in this election cycle?

So while the rest of America focuses on the economy and national security, California decides to just hang loose and get high. Real productive.

Nevertheless, again, that is not what hurt Republicans at the polls.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was an albatross around Republican necks.

Some people will question this analysis because Arnold Schwarzenegger is not even a “real” Republican. He is a very liberal Republican who is married to a Kennedy.

This does not matter. He has the “R” next to his name.

The lesson for conservatives is to stop trying to compromise with the left on core principles. It is imposible to win over everybody, but it is possible to lose everybody.

Arnold moved sharply to the left after his first year in office. He lose the Republican base, many who were suspicious of him from the very beginning.

Yet given his move to the left, was he rewarded with love from the left?

No. Of course not. He had the “R,” and was therefore evil once elections came around.

(John McCain was a media darling when bashing his fellow Republicans. Yet the minute he ran against a true liberal in Barack Obama, the media turned on him. He was a man with the left and the right upset with him.)

Arnold Schwarzenegger lost everybody. Meg Whitman was seen as the second coming of Arnold.

I saw Meg Whitman as the potential second coming of Pete Wilson. He was reviled at the time, but ended up a fabulous leader who is revered today among many Californians as an elder statesman.

Meg Whitman was smart, likable, and business-minded. Wasn’t she running against Jerry Brown, the leftist nutcase?

No. She was running against Jerry Brown 2.0.

(Joe Manchin in West Virginia was tied to Obama, but the voters didn’t buy it. He was a moderate Democrat, and the voters saw this.)

Jerry Brown was nuts in the 1970s. He was Governor Moonbeam. He appointed Rose Bird and thwarted the will of the people regarding the death penalty.

Then something happened to him. He did what many liberals refuse to do. He grew up and became an adult.

His stint as Mayor of Oakland did him a world of good. People expected him to be anti-police, allowing black panthers and other criminals to wreck the city.

Jerry Brown was seen as pro-police without totally angering the minority community of Oakland. Many police officers were shocked at his stances, often in their favor.

Then he became Attorney General. He actually enforced the law. He was not a leftist crusader. He put his head down and did his job.

I want to make it clear that I am not a Jerry Brown supporter. I did not vote for him. He could turn out to be every bit as insane as the right thinks he is.

Yet I would not be surprised if he is different this time. Enough voters were not scared of him. He was an acceptable alternative.

He was also likable. Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown tried to demonize each other, but neither one was detestable personally. So that became a wash.

In a tough year for Republicans at the state level, only a very good Republican could defeat a very bad Democrat. Steve Cooley survived.

The Senate race was different. Neither candidate was liked.

Barbara Boxer is loathsome. She is a vile, detestable woman. She votes the same way as Dianne Feinstein, but Feinstein is pleasant (and pretty much unbeatable). Boxer is a shrew. It is not her being liberal or being a woman. It is her being herself.

So a likable person like Meg Whitman could have beaten her.

In the primaries, Chuck DeVore was a strong candidate (I backed him). He was a real conservative, but one that did not frighten voters. He is friendly and likable. He is very conservative on social issues, but he kept emphasizing economics. He could have debated Boxer and won.

Chuck DeVore and Carly Fiorina were in a close primary, with Carly ahead. Then the race took a twist.

Tom Campbell was a distant third in the gubernatorial race behind Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner. He had no chance of winning. So instead, he dropped out and entered the Senate race. He and Carly were tied, and DeVore was a close third.

Yet many Republicans wanted Campbell stopped at all costs. He is a very liberal Republican, and the conservatives distrusted him. He was also seen as pro-Palestinian, making Jewish Republicans very nervous. Barbara Boxer claims to be pro-Israel, but she is a leftist Obama sycophant who stood up for Jesse Jackson when he made his Hymietown remarks. Yet against Campbell, she would have played the Jewish card.

So while DeVore was the best choice, especially for conservatives, the desperation to stop Campbell led Republicans to rally around Carly.

(A great parallel was the 1996 GOP Presidential race. Dick Lugar and Lamar Alexander were good candidates, but once Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire, everybody rallied around Bob Dole to stop Buchanan. The Democrats went through this in 1988. Al Gore and Dick Gephardt were serious candidates, but Jesse Jackson became a threat and everybody rallied around Michael Dukakis. Dukakis and Dole showed what happened when voters settle.)

I am not here to bash Carly Fiorina. Having said that, there was plenty of grumbling about her style. Many Republicans found her prickly and downright unlikable. This never came up with Meg Whitman.

So both candidates for Governor were liked and both candidates for Senator were disliked. It was a wash, which is a loss for Republicans when the top of the ticket is Republican and intensely disliked.

So where does California go from here?

Well a couple of propositions just passed could cripple Democrats.

One proposition that passed reduced the votes needed to pass the budget from a 2/3 majority to a simple majority. I was against this, because it will allow the left to ram through their agenda.

Yet all is not fabulous for the left because another proposition that passed increased the votes required to raise taxes from a simple majority to a 2/3 majority.

So Democrats will get all the blame for the budget because Republicans cannot block it. Yet Democrats cannot enact tax increased. This means that to pass a budget, Democrats will have to make steep cuts. The fight will be between Democrats and other Democrats. It will be bloody as they fight over what to cut.

Cuts will be good for the state, but nobody wants to make the cuts because it is electoral suicide.

Yet refusing to make the cuts just makes matters worse.

Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to make the tough choices. He dragged the party down.

That is how California got into this mess. Republicans acted like Democrats, and were punished for it.

California is not a blue state. It is a swing state. Barbara Boxer won 52-43, not 80-20.

Some will say that the left won big because they won in a GOP year.

Again, in California, this was set up to be a big year for the Democrats. They won as expected.

Now they have to govern. If they do as well as the Democrats did on the national level with Obama and the Pelosiraptor, Republicans could be back in power in California very soon.

Of course, if marijuana becomes legalized, the Democrats will win in perpetuity because it will not be repealed. Trying to take beer away from Joe 6-Pack is a non-starter. Trying to take the marijuana away from Joe Hippie Pothead will not happen.


NFL 2010–Week 9 Recap

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Does anybody care about hyperbole on an NFL Sunday? Not one bit. Let’s get down to the business of the greatest game on Earth, professional football in America. Here is the 2010 Week 9 Recap.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Atlanta Falcons–Everybody thought these teams would be 5-2. Riiiiight. While Mike Smith looks like an average non-descript White Guy named Mike Smith, he coaches with internal fire. Early on the Falcons had 4th and 2 at the Tampa Bay 39. Smith decided to go for it, and Matt Ryan passed for the first down to keep the drive going. Michael Turner capped off the drive with a 3 yard touchdown run to have the Falcons up 7-0.

In the second quarter Matty Ice hit Jenkins for a 43 yard gain to set up Michael Turner on the ground from 12 yards out to have the Falcons up 14-0. Raheem Morris still insists the Bucs are the best team in the NFC. Michael Spurlock returned the ensuing kickoff 66 yards to the Atlanta 30, as Morris clarified that he meant the Bucs had the best special teams in the NFC. He then asked to play San Diego next week. Josh Freeman hit Aurelias Marcus for a 15 yard touchdown to get the Buccaneers within 14-7.

Ryan had the Falcons on the move again, but with 5 1/2 minutes left in the half they had to settle for a 31 yard Matt Bryant field goal as the Falcons led 17-7. Yet Freeman fired a slant pass to Mike Williams, who took it 58 yards for a touchdown as the Buccaneers were right back in it at 17-14.

The third quarter began disastrously for the Bucs as Freeman was intercepted, setting up the Falcons at the Tampa Bay 15. On 3rd and goal from the 5, Ryan fired for the touchdown to Palmer to give the Falcons some breathing room at 24-14. With less than one minute in the third quarter, Matt Bryant tacked on a 41 yard field goal to have the Falcons up 27-14.

In 2007, Michael Spurlock returned a kickoff for a touchdown, which would have been no big deal except that it was the first kickoff touchdown return in Buccaneers history, that being 31 years. 3 years later, Spurlock gave the Buccaneers their second kickoff return for a touchdown in team history, as he broke several tackles on his way to an 89 yard trip to paydirt. The third quarter ended with the Buccaneers hanging around, only down 27-21.

With 5 minutes to play, a 33 yard defensive pass interference call had the Buccaneers at the Atlanta 11. On 3rd and 3 a run had the Bucs just short. On 4th and 1 with 3 minutes left, Freeman called timeout. The collision happened, and the Atlanta defense won the battle in the trenches.

The Buccaneers were game, but one play near the goal line made the difference as the Falcons lead Tampa Bay and New Orleans by one game at 6-2 in the ultra-competitive NFC South. 27-21 Falcons

Miami Dolphins @ Baltimore Ravens–Willis McGahee broke off a 32 yard touchdown run to have the Ravens up 7-0. Chad Henne brought the Dolphins right back, and a 10 yard touchdown pass to Brandon Marshall had the game tied 7-7.

The second quarter began with the Ravens inside the Miami 10, but a 3rd down run went nowhere and John Harbaugh brought in Billy Cundiff for the chip shot, which had the Ravens up 10-7.

Henne was then intercepted by Lardarius Webb, who returned it inside the Miami 5. It wa the first time Henne had ever been intercepted by a man named Lardarius. A sack of Joe Flacco followed by delay of game set up 3rd and goal at the 20. From 38 yards out, Cundiff never got a chance to kick another field goal as the snap was fumbled.

The Ravens got the ball and Flacco drove them deep again. Yet offensive pass interference, delay of game, and a sack led to another field goal attempt. This time Cundiff was good from 31 as the Ravens led 13-7.

With seconds left in the half, the Dolphins reached the Ravens 9. A second down pass got down to the one, and on 3rd and goal Henne fired incomplete. On 4th and goal at the one, Tony Sparano decided to take the points and the field goal as Miami trailed 13-10 at intermission.

Joe Flacco quickly led the Ravens 81 yards in the third quarter, with a 12 yard touchdown pass to Derrick Mason putting the Ravens up 20-10.  The Dolphins turned down a gift touchdown when a Flacco pass in the flat that shoud have been intercepted for a touchdown the other way was dropped. Yet the Ravens missed another chance to extend the lead as the third quarter was ending when Cundiff missed his second field goal of the day.

Miami returned the favor with a missed field goal of their own, and the Ravens sought to ice the game. Yet on 4th and 1 from the Miami 3 with 7 minutes left, Harbaugh took no chances. Cundiff nailed the 20 yarder to have the Ravens leading 23-10.

Ed Reed put the nail in the coffin with an interception of Henne. Reed missed the first 6 games this year while recovering from injury. The Hall of Famer has 3 interceptions in 2 games back. It set up Cundiff’s 4th field goal in 6 tries, as just over 2 minutes remained.

Until this game Tony Sparano had seen his team go 4-0 on the road and 0-3 at home. He wanted to break that cycle, but I am sure he would have preferred a home win rather than a road loss. John Harbaugh has the Ravens playing as nasty and tough as ever. 26-10 Ravens

Chicago Bears @ Buffalo Bills–This game was played in Toronto, proving we hate Canada more than England, which says a lot. After a 3-0 start, the Bears are fading and Lovie Smith might be banished back to Gilligan’s Island with Thurston Howell III. Both of these entire teams should have been banished somewhere after a scoreless first quarter.

After a 3-0 start, the Bears are fading and Lovie Smith might be banished back to Gilligan’s Island with Thurston Howell III. Both of these entire teams should have been banished somewhere after a scoreless first quarter. In the second quarter Jay Cutler hit Greg Olsen for a short touchdown to have the Bears up 7-0. The Bears almost added to this thriller with a missed field goal. Late in the half Ryan Fitzpatrick hit Roscoe Parrish for the touchdown to tie the game 7-7.

This battle of whatever the opposite of titans are saw Cutler lead a 60 yard drive that was capped off with Chester Taylor running it in from one yard out to have the Bears up 14-7. Fitzpatrick brought the Bills right back with a 45 yard pass to St Johnson to set up Jackson from 4 yards out. Ryan Lindell had his extra point blocked as the Bills trailed 14-13.

Buffalo got the ball back, and with 10 1/2 minutes left in regulation McIntyre rammed it one from one yard out. The 2 point conversion failed, but the Bills led 19-14. The Bills tried to pad the lead, but an interception of Fitzpatrick was returned 39 yards to have the Bears in business.

On 3rd and 10 from the Buffalo 23, Cutler hit Greg Olsen for 18 yards, and then Bennett for the 2 yard touchdown. Cutler hit Matt Forte for the 2 point conversion as the Bears led by a field goal with 6 1/2 minutes left in regulation.

Fitzpatrick would finish 31 of 51 for 299 yards and a touchdown, and he led the Bills from their own 20 to  4th and 10 at the Chicago 44 with 2:24 to play. Chan Gailey opted against a 62 yard field goal attempt, and Fitpatrick fired incomplete. The Bears only picked up 9 yards, but a perfect punt had the Bills back at their own 1 with 1:04 left. Fitzpatrick got them to the 25, but was then intercepted by Harris to end things.

Buffalo fell to 0-8 as poor Ralph Wilson is waiting for his 92nd birthday present. Buffalo joined Denver as the only tea to lose in two countries, although at least with Buffalo it was the same continent. The Bears are not a good team, but they are winning ugly games against bad teams barely, and that still counts. 22-19 Bears

New Orleans Saints @ Carolina Panthers–Drew Brees saw a 54 yard run by Julius Jones wasted when his pass was deflected and intercepted, and returned 70 yards the other way as Carolina moved inside the Saints 10 yard line. The drive stalled, and John Kasay hit the 21 yard field goal to have the Panthers up 3-0.
Jimmy Stewart got nailed on a run, resulting in a fumble that the Saints recovered at the Carolina 28. Stewart was injured on the play as well. The Saints capitalized as Brees hit Jeremy Shockey for the touchdown to have the Saints up 7-3. The Panthers missed a chance to get on the board again when the normally reliable Kasay missed a 40 yard field goal.

With less than 3 minutes left in the half, Brees hit Graham for a 19 yard touchdown to give the Saints the 14-3 lead and increasing the hot seat for John Fox and his 1-6 Panthers. Jimmy Clausen came in for the injured Matt Moore. It did not matter as the Saints added a field goal to lead 17-3 at the half.

In the third quarter a defensive personal foul on the Panthers due to hitting a defenseless receiver in the head set the Saints up deep. The Carolina defense held, but another field goal had the Saints up 20-3. Clausen then threw a pass to Jabari Greer, who plays defense for the Saints. Greer took it 30 yards for the score as the Saints were coasting 27-3.

Ladell Betts took it in from one yard out to extend the blowout as Jerry Richardson saw his once proud Panthers fall to 1-7 while they are still doing the Benson Boogie in the French Quarter as Sean Payton saw his team look like champions. 34-3 Saints

New England Patriots @ Cleveland Browns–Yes, the Browns defeated New Orleans on the road, but surely the 6-1 Patirots would rip them to shreds. That’s why they play the games. Colt McCoy moved Cleveland down the field to set up a Phil Dawson field goal. The Patriots then fumbled the ensuing kickoff, allowing Peyton Hillis to ram it in from 2 yards out to have the Browns up 10-0.

The Browns got the ball back, as Walrus Mike Holmgren was on the verge of not firing Eric Mangini. Yet Mangini decided to have the Browns go for it on 4th and 1 from their own 36. This did not work well when Evil Hoodie Bill Bellichick tried it a couple years back, but maybe Mangenious knows more than his old boss. Anyway, McCoy spread the field and then snuck over for the first down. Yet the drive ended when Hillis fumbled and and the Patriots recovered.

Midway through the second quarter Tom Brady finally got the Patriots moving. On 2nd and goal from the Cleveland 2, A pass was batted up in the air and somehow caught in the back of the end zone by Hernandez for the score to get the Patriots within 10-7.

Yet McCoy stayed poised and led a 60 yard drive that was capped off when Chancy Stuckey ran it in from 11 yards out to have the Browns up 17-7. Speaking of fumbles, Ernest Byner cost the Browns a playoff win in the 1987 season when he fumbled at the 2 yard line. This time it was New England fumbling at the 2 yard line as the Browns recovered.

In the third quarter Colt McCoy channeled his inner Steve Young, scrambling for a 26 yard touchdown jut past the end zone marker as the Browns were leading in a shocker 24-7.

Dawson tacked on another field goal as the Dawg Pound went wild, with the Browns leading a stunned New England 27-7 with 11 minutes left in regulation.

A controversial defensive pass interference penalty set up a Tom Brady touchdown pass to Hernandez to give New England a ray of hope. Making things interesting was that Stephen Gostkowski was injured, so wide receiver Wes Welker came in for the extra point. Welker made it. Yet that was it for the Patriots on the day. Instead, Peyton Hills burst free for a 40 yard touchdown exclamation point as the shocker of the day remained a 20 point blowout.

With 2:20 left, Mangini actually received a Gatorade bath, lowering the bar for celebrations. Yet he does love beating his old boss, and the ultimate ignominy was Bellichick calling for Brady to take a knee rather than pile up garbage statistics. Usually the losing team does not do this, but there was nothing usual about this as the 2 men actually shook hands very briefly afterward. 34-14 Browns.

New York Jets @ Detroit Lions–Matthew Stafford hit Brandon Pettigrew from 11 yards out as the Lions moved easily on the Jets early on to have the Lions up 7-0 early on after an 11 play, 80 yard drive. Late in the firs half Sanchez brought the Jets inside the Detroit 10, but on 3rd down out of the shotgun, a fumbled snap killed the touchdown threat. Rex Ryan had to settle for a field goal as the Jets pulled within 7-3, although the 3 points were more than they scored last week.

The Jets got the ball back, and in one play the game changed as Sanchez went for the bomb and found Braylon Edwards for a 74 yard touchdown to put the Jets up 10-7.

In the third quarter Sanchez completed a pass to Braylon Edwards, who then fumbled the ball, setting the Lions up with a short field. The drive stalled at the 2 yard line, and Jim Schwartz opted for the field goal. A brainless roughing the kicker penalty resulted in Jason Hanson limping off the field. Instead of a 10-10 game, the Lions had 1st and goal. It was the third defensive personal foul gaainst the Jets, and not what Rex Ryan had in mind with Hard Knocks. Mathew Staffotd made them pay b faking the handoff and fooling everybody, rolling around the end past the pileon to have the Lions up 13-10. Hanson could not even kick the extra point as Ndamokung Suh…yes, Ndamokung Suh…tried it. It bounced off the upright no good.

Early in the fourth quarter Stafford found Nate Burleson, who made an acrobatic catch for  36 yard gain. Stafford went deep to Pettigrew, and while it was ruled incomplete over the protests of Pettigrew, defensive pass interference put the ball on the 2 anyway.  Stafford hit Burleson for the touchdown as the Lions led 20-10 with 12 minutes left in regulation. The teams then each punted twice, and the Jets took over at their own 44 with 4 1/2 minutes left.

Sanchez hit Jerricho Cotcherry for 18 and Dustin Keller for 25 more. From the one, Sanchez plowed in as the Jets only trailed 20-17 2:46 to play. Rex Ryan decided not to go for the onsides kick, as the Lions took over at their own 34.

At the 2 minute warning, the Lions faced 3rd and 6 at their own 38. The Jets were out of timeouts. A running play would have taken 45 seconds or more off the clock. Yet these are the Lions, and Jim Schwartz picked the worst time to summon up the organization’s inner Rod Marinelli. Stafford fired incomplete, and the Jets took over after a put at their own 22 with 1:40 to play.

On 3rd and 9, Sanchez, hit Keller for 11. He then hit Ladanian Tomlinson for 10 more. With 49 seconds to play, Sanche hit Tomlinson for 13 more, and then an imbecilic personal foul out of bounds against the Detroit defense had the Jets in easy field goal range. These are the Lions. As the gun sounded, Nick Folk connected from 36 as the game went into overtime tied 20-20.

The Jets got the ball first in overtime at their own 32. Sanchez went deep to Santonio Holmes for a 52 yard gain to the Detroit 16. On 3rd and 6, Rex Ryan took no chances, bringing in Folk for the 30 yard field goal. Folk connected, and the Lions found a new way to extend their history of futility since Bobbie Layne retired. The Jets got lucky, but they are still 6-2. As for the Lions, the Ford Family should reconsider their initial decision to turn down a federal bailout. 23-20 Jets, OT

San Diego Chargers @ Houston Texans–Republicans and Democrats agree that Darrell Issa should use his chairmanship of the House Committee on Oversight to pursue impeachment proceedings against Norv Turner and the Chargers Special Teams Coach.

The Chargers began with their one billionth special teams error of 2010 as the Chargers fielded the opening kickoff at their own 3. Their one billionth and first special teams error was Mike Scifres having his 5th punt blocked 2 minutes into the game. The Texans needed one play on offense for Arriun Foster to run it in for a 8 yard touchdown and a 7-0 Texans lead.

Philip Rivers came right back as he channeled his inner Dan Fouts and went deep to Ajirotutu for a 55 yard touchdown bomb to tie the game 7-7. Matt Schaub brought the Texans back, but a pass to the end zone was dropped by one player on each team. A 28 yard field goal by Kris Brown had the Texans up 10-7.

Rivers executed a flea flicker that went to Wilson, in for injured Antonio Gates, for a big gain to the Texans 24. Rivers hit McMichaels for the 11 yard touchdown as the Chargers led 14-10. Yet later in the half the Chargers fumbled the ball again, and the Texans took over at the San Diego 43. Arrian Foster gashed the Chargers with a couple runs, and defensive pass interference set up the ball on the 2, as Foster took it in to have the Texans back on top 17-14.

Foster thought he had another touchdown later in the half, this time on a short pass. Yet the Calvin Johnson rule showed that Foster did not catch it, and instead a field goal by Neil Rackers from 21 yards out had the Texans up 20-14.

In the third quarter, Arriun Foster continued to run all over the Chargers, but again the Texans could not finish things near the goal line. A 25 yard field goal had them up 23-14.

Yet while the Texans kept kicking field goals, the Chargers were answering with touchdowns. From the Houston 13, Rivers threw his third touchdown pass, as Randy McMichaels imitated Antonio Gates with a one handed catch in the end zone to have the Chargers within 23-21.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, the Texans faced 4th and 1 fro the San Diego 18. Gary Kubiak had Arriun Foster, so going for it seemed the right thing to do. Yet this time Foster got stuffed, and San Diego took over. Yet Rivers threw an ill advised pass into double coverage that was intercepted near midfield. The Texans could not capitalize.

Rivers got the ball back, and a 28 yard touchdown touchdown pass to Ajirotutu had the Chargers on top. Mike Tolbert leapt over the top for the 2 point conversion to have the Chargers up 29-23.

With 3 1/2 minutes left in the game on 4th and 1, Schaub snuck for what appeared to be a first down. Yet when the chains were brought out, again the Chargers had held and took over.
The Texans got the ball back, and Foster quickly had the Texans past midfield. Yet with 90 seconds to play, a pass to Andre Johnson was bobbled and intercepted by Paul Oliver. Johnson will one day be in the Hall of Fame, but this bobble was a killer. The Chargers improved to 4-5, and the rest of the AFC is already looking over their shoulder. The Texans again failed to get to the next level, as they always look redy to just about turn the corner before they don’t. 29-23 Chargers

Arizona Cardinals @ Minnesota Vikings–Brad Childress is on the verge of losing the locker room if he has not already done so. First Childress, who is bald and Catholic, verbally scuffled with Brett Favre in a strange press conference. Then he got rid of Randy Moss over the objections of owner Zygi Wilf. Now reports have him nearly coming to blows with Percy Harvin.

Early on you could fry an egg on Chilly’s head, when Favre was  intercepted by Kerry Rhodes, who appeared to be running for a touchdown the other way. Yet just shy of the end zone, Greg Camarillo chopped the ball out of Rhodes’s hands, and it rolled out of the end zone for a touchback as the game remained scoreless.

In the second quarter, Favre fired a quick pass to Adrian Peterson, who took it 13 yards for a touchdown as the Vikings led 7-0. The lead lasted a few seconds as Stephens-Howlin returned the ensuing kickoff 96 yards for a touchdown to tie the game 7-7.

Later in the half Peterson got stopped on 3rd and short inside the Arizona 5 yard line. Brad Childress gambled last week, which led to a failed conversion, post game temper tantrums, and Randy Moss finding another team. This time Childress opted for the field goal. Ryan Longwell had the Vikings up 10-7.

The Vikings could not hold the lead as Anderson rapidly moved the Cardinals 81 yards before the end of the half, with a 30 yard touchdown pass to Roberts having the Cardinals up 14-10 at breaktime.

Percy Harvin is a gamebreaker, and the second half kickoff provided another touchdown. Yet this time it was for the Cardinals as Harvin was stripped of the ball, as the Cardinals went 30 yards the other way. The Cardinals led 21-10 as the relationship between Chilly and Harvin remained…well…chilly.

From the Arizona 7, Anderson led a time consuming drive all the way to the Minnesota 4. Minnesota held on defense, and a field goal with 12 1/2 minutes left in regulation had the Cardinals up 24-10 on the road. The relatonship between Chilly and owner Wilf got…well…very chilly. Yet Childress’s coaching seat got…well…blazing hot.

Favre brought the Vikings back again, as they reached the Arizona 5 yard line with 7 minutes left. On 3rd and goal Bernard Berrian had to come out of the end zone to catch a pass, setting up 4th and goal from the 1. Favre ran a play fake, rolled out, and fired incomplete. Chilly’s head exploded as he wondered why he wanted this job anyway, which will be an academic issue in a few weeks. Arizona held again.

This time the Vikings held, and after a punt got the ball back with a short field. Adrian Peterson banged it in from 2 yards out as the Vikings were within 7 points with 3 1/2 minutes left. Childress opted not to go for the onsides kick. Perhaps his relationship with kicker Ryan Longwell is… know.

The Vikings again held as Ken Whisenhunt could not see his team put the game away. Favre would have one more chance, and the all time leader in touchdowns and interceptions was going to provide another thrilling finish.

Favre took the Vikings 77 yards, and with 34 seconds left, he hit Vincente Shiancoe in the end zone for a 25 yard touchdown. Let me say it for the Minnesota radio announcer. Oh….my….heavens! Favre did it again. At that moment he was 35 of 46 for 424 yards. Even more amazing, in his 20th year, 424 yards was his career high. He once passed for 399 yards in one half but did not play the second half. That was the day after his dad died.

This time the Vikings had stormed back for 14 points in the final 3 minutes as the game was tied with 27 seconds left in regulation. The game went into overtime after Anderson was sacked twice.

The Cardinals got the ball first, and Anderson was sacked two more times, for six on the day and four in the last few plays. The Vikings took over, and Peterson ripped off a 40 yard gain to the Arizona 40. ANother run and a short completion to Berrian had the Vikings in field goal range.

On 4th and 1 from the Arizona 18, Childress brought in Longwell for a 35 yarder to win it. Longwell was perfect, and the Cardinals saw a 24-10 lead late in the game go up in smoke. The Vikings had a comeback for the ages. Minnesota asked television executives to change the name of television hit “Everybody Loves Raymond” to “Everybody Loves Chilly.” No, not really. Yet embattled Chilly Willy saw his team get to 3-5 with a bit of help from the Gunslinger, and Favre finished with 446 yards passing. The old man did it…again. 27-24 Vikings, OT

New York Giants @ Seattle Seahawks–The Giants have won four in a row while the Seahawks got blasted by 30 last week. With Charlie Whitehurst making his first start for injured Matt Hasselbeck, this game was a mismatch from the start. Seattle went 3 and out, and the Giants easily reached the Seattle 29 before fumbling the ball away. It was the last break Seattle would get. They punted again and the Giants took over at their own 48.

Eli Manning hit Ahmad Bradshaw for 13. On 3rd and 9, an incomplete pass was nullified by defensive pass interference at the Seattle 22. Manning hit Bradshaw for 9 yards down to the 10, and from the 2 Bradshaw ran it in to have Big Blue up 7-0.

Seattle went 3 and out again, and the Giants took over at their own 37. From the Manning his Pacoe for 10 yards. On 3rd and 8 jut shy of midfield, an incomplete pass was nullified by illegal contact as the Seattle defense killed themselves again. On the next play Manning went deep to Hakeem Nicks for a 46 yard touchdown as the G-Men led 14-0.

Pete Carroll could only watch helplessly as Seattle fumbled the ensuing kickoff. Goff picked it up at the Seattle 26 and returned it to the 4. One play was enough for Bradshaw to carry it in and have the Giants up 21-0, still in the first quarter.

The second quarter began with the Seahawks driving and facing a 2nd and 16 at the Giants 17. Whitehurst was then intercepted, as Thomas returned it to the Giants 28. Manning hit Steve Smith for 17 yards, and Brandon Jacobs rumbled for 14 more. On 3rd and 13 from the Seattle 43, Manning hit Nicks for 22. On 3rd and 5 from the 6, Manning hit Smith for the touchdown as the Giants led 28-0.

Whitehurst led the Seahawks on a drive to the Giants 25. Yet he was then intercepted by Webster, giving the Giants the ball back at their own 14. On 3rd and 4, Manning connected with Mario Manningham for 32 yards. Manning made it look easy as he hit Nicks for 13 more and finished the drive with a 5 yard touchdown to Kevin Boss. The Giants led 35-0 at halftime ina  game so thoroughly one-sided that Tom Coughlin almost smiled. Like his mentor bill Parcells, Coughlin may have almost been smiling on the inside as well.

The uneventful second half saw the Seahawks shut the Giants out of the end zone completely. Lawrence Tynes kicked a pair of field goals to have the Giants up 41-0, while Seattle eventually cracked the end zone. They needed 6 touchdowns and fell short by 5 of them. The Giants won their 5th straight to get to 6-2 while the Seahawks have lost their last 2 games by a combined 74-10 as Pete Carroll tires of the Seattle rain while USC flounders in the warm California sun. 41-7 Giants

Kansas City Chiefs @ Oakland Raiders–For more on the game of the day, go to

For the first time since 2002, the Raiders are no longer a bad team. They are 4-4, and have won back to back games by a combined 92-17. Yet they are still an average team, although a win over the surprising 5-2 Chiefs would push them in the direction of a good team. Jason Campbell again started instead of Bruce Gradkowski. More importantly for the Raiders, all world cornerback Nahmdi Asomugha was out with an ankle injury sustained in the fourth quarter last week when the Raiders were already up by 30. This is why starters should be on the bench relaxing during blowouts, but it is hard to blame Tom Cable for the freak injury.

As for the game itself, it was badly played early on. By the time the game was over the teams combined for 27 penalties, with the Chiefs committing 12 for 100 yards and the Raiders 15 for 140 yards. To start the game, the Chiefs went 3 and out, the Raiders did likewise, the Chiefs did again, and the Raiders reached the Chiefs 47 before punting again. The Chiefs faced a 2nd and 1 at the Oakland 41, but Thomas Jones failed to convert on 2 tries. On 4th and 1, Todd Haley decided to go for it, but a false start killed the drive and the Chiefs punted. The Raiders ran 3 plays, and on 4th and 5 from their own 46, a fake punt did not work as Cartwright was stopped after 2 yards. The Chiefs took over at the Oakland 47. From the 44, a defensive pass interference penalty on Chris Johnson had the Chiefs at the Oakland 14. Thomas Jones ran it to the 7 as the scoreless opening quarter ended.

Confusion then reigned for all involved. On 3rd and 2 from the 6, Cassel thought he had a touchdown. Cable challenged the call and it was reversed and ruled down at the one. Yet while everybody thought it was 4th and goal, Haley was screaming on the sideline that it was 1st and goal. The Chiefs were called for holding, yet the officials gathered and decided that it was 1st down. Cassel then fired an 11 yard touchdown to Tucker. Cable again challenged the call, and replays appeared to show the receiver not getting both feet down. Yet this call stood, the Chiefs led 7-0, and the Raiders were out of challenges for the game.

Disaster struck the Raiders on their ensuing play from scrimmage as Darren McFadden fumbled, giving the Chiefs the ball at the Raiders 26. The defense held, and Ryan Succop nailed a 43 yard field goal to have the Chiefs up 10-0. The game then settled into a slog of penalties and punts.

The Raiders went 3 and out, losing 12 yards, and punted. The Chiefs saw Thomas Jones fail to again convert on 3rd and 1 from their own 44, as they punted it back. The Raiders ran 3 plays, lost a yard, and Shane Lechler punted again. Arenas returned it 72 yards for a touchdown, but the 17-0 lead was for naught as an illegal block nullified the return. It got uglier.

With 1:23 left in the half, on 3rd and 1 form the Oakland 23, Cassel fired incomplete. On 4th and 1, Succop nailed a 41 yard field goal. Yet offensive holding nullified the kick, and while the Chiefs lined up for a 51 yard field goal, it was a fake and pooch punt instead. That backfired as it became a touchback.

From the Oakland 20, Campbell was quickly intercepted. He would finish the half 4 of 10 for a pathetic 18 yards, as the Raiders had 49 total yards at halftime. Meanwhile, the Chiefs had the ball at the Oakland 45 with a chance to do some real damage. Cassel hit Jamal Charles for 13 yards and Dwayne Bowe for 19 more as the Chiefs had 1st and 10 at the Oakland 13 with 51 seconds left in the half.

On 3rd and 10, Cassel fired incomplete. Yet defensive holding on Stanford Routt made it 1st and goal at the 8. Cassel was then sacked for a 6 yard loss by Michael Huff. On the next play, Cassel threw an ill advised pass into traffic that was deflected and intercepted in the end zone for a touchback by Ware. The Raiders dodged a bullet, and despite playing dreadfully on offense, were only down 10-0 at halftime.

The lifeless Raiders needed a spark in the second half, and Jacoby Ford provided it with a 94 yard kickoff return for a score. Just like that, the Raiders were within 10-7. A terrible excessive celebration penalty was called on the Raiders afterward. Apparently only one player is allowed to leap into the stands. When a second player leaps into the stands, it is unsportsmanlike conduct.

So the Raiders kicked off from their own 15.  Arenas returned it and got blasted by Cartwright, causing a fumble.  Eugene recovered it for the Raiders and took over at the Chiefs 34.  Yet a golden opportunity for the Silver and Black was wasted.  Campbell misfired on 3rd and 5, and Seabass missed wide on a 47 yard field goal as the Raiders still trailed.

The Chiefs took over at their own 37. From the Chiefs 48, An 11 yard pass to Moeaki with a horse collar penalty tacked on had the Chiefs at the Raiders 26. An offsides penalty followed by a 13 yard by Charles had the Chief with 1st and goal at the 8. Cassel was sacked for a 9 yard loss, and then he Charles for 11. Cassel was sacked again and Succop hit a 25 yard field goal to have the Chiefs up 13-7.

The Raiders took over at their own 26, and Campbell hit Ford for 16 yards. McFadden then broke off  24 yard run. On 3rd and 4 from the Chiefs 18, McFadden took a short pass for 16. From the 2, Campbell hit Khalif Barnes for the tackle eligible touchdown as the big fella celebrated. The Raiders led 14-13 after three quarters.

Kansas City punted, and with 11 1/2 minutes left in regulation, the Raiders faced 3rd and 8 at the Chiefs 44. Campbell rolled out, threw a terribly underthrown ball, and somehow Ford became a hero again when he slipped, fell down, and caught the ball while laying on the ground at the 7 yard line. The Raiders took the good fortune and wasted it again. Sebass kicked a 23 yard field goal as the Raiders led 17-13 with 10 minutes to play.

The Chiefs went nowhere and punted on 4th and 10 at their own 15 with a chance to take control of the game. Instead a nightmare occurred for the Raider Nation. Miller fumbled the punt. Although the replay clearly showed that Miller was down, the Raiders were out of challenges as Tom Cable screamed at the officials in vain. While this was not the Tuck Rule, the Raiders do not do well with fumble calls either way. The Chiefs took over at the Oakland 30. On 3rd and 11 from the 20, Cassel went to the end zone to Bowe for the touchdown. With 6 minute to play, the Chiefs led 20-17.

The Raiders appeared to have blown the game when the next series featured Campbell missing a wide open Darrius Heyward-Bey and then taking a sack. The Chiefs took over at their own 45 with 4 minutes left. Charles picked up 7 yards and Thomas Jones picked up 4 more as the Chiefs had 1st and 10 with 2:39 left and the Raiders took their first timeout. One more first down would end it.

The Raiders got a break when the Chiefs were called for offensive holding, making it 1st and 20. Charles picked up 12 and the Raiders took their second timeout. Jones then lost 3 yards to set up 3rd and 11 as the Raiders took their final timeout. With everything on the line, Cassell hit Bowe past the marker, but Bowe dropped it. If he catches it, the game is over. The Raiders had a shred of life. They got the ball back at their own 25 with 2:06 to play and no timeouts. A pass lost one yard at the 2 minute warning.

On 3rd and 11, Campbell hit Johnny Lee Higgins for 12 yards. Campbell spiked the ball to stop the clock, but before he did the officials had stopped play to review the Higgins catch. It was ruled a catch, so the Raiders were given another gift, as they could run an actual play on 1st and 10 instead of a spike. With 1 minute to play, the Raiders had 3rd and 3 at their own 43. Campbell threw incomplete, but defensive holding kept the drive going.

The Raiders tried a draw play, but McFadden only picked up 4 yards. Yet in another amazing stroke of luck, an injured Kansas City defender led to the second Chiefs timeout instead of the Raiders hurrying up to the line. 41 seconds remained. Yet hope he seemed lost when a 19 yard pass to Ford was nullified by offensive holding as the Raiders had 1st and 20 just shy of midfield with 24 seconds to play. They needed a miracle.

They got one. Jacoby Ford had been a hero all game, and when it counted most, Campbell found him for a 27 yard gain. The Raiders raced up to the line and made sure they were set, since any penalty would mean a 10 second runoff and game over. Campbell spiked the ball with 7 seconds left. Seabass came in for a 41 yard field goal. Earlier in the year he missed a 32 yarder in a loss to Arizona. Another miss would mean another loss and another failed attempt to get to .500. This time Seabass was perfect, and the game went into overtime deadlocked 20-20.

The Chiefs won the toss and elected to receive. Yet they mishandled the kick, and started at their own 10. Charles picked up 6 yards on first down, but  then the Chiefs went to the air which led to an incompletion and a false start and a punt. The Raiders took over at their own 38. Jason Campbell knows he is playing for his job, trying to fend off Bruce Gradkowki when he gets healthy. So Campbell asked himself a simple question. What would Al Davis do?

Campbell went for all the marbles on the first play, and completed the bomb to…who else…Jacoby Ford…for a 47 yard gain down to the Kansas City 15. Tom Cable took no chances, running one play to get the hashmark perfect and then bringing in Seabass on 2nd down. From 33 yards out, Seabass drilled it to end things 3 minutes into overtime.

For the first time since the 2002 Super Bowl Season, the Raiders defeated the hated Chiefs at home. The Raiders have won 3 straight, and are 5-4. Tom Cable and Hue Jackson have a team that has something missing for a long time…heart. The sellout Raider Nation crowd at the Mausoleum was rewarded with a thrilling win, one of the great all time Raiders comebacks.  The Raiders are only 1/2 a game behind the Chiefs as the Raiders go into their bye week with plenty of optimism. There is a long way to go, but the Raiders have earned their 5-4 record the hard way, and they are 3-0 in the division. 23-20 Raiders, OT

Indianapolis Colts @ Philadelphia Eagles–Walrus Lite Andy Reid had the Philly crowd fired up by starting Michael Vick over Kevin Kolb. Jim Caldwell showed no emotion as he started Peyton Manning over Curtis Painter.

The game could not have begun better for Philadelphia. From their own 28, McCoy ran around the end for a 62 yard gain. Vick then hit Desean Jackson for a 9 yard touchdown to have the Eagles up 7-0 less than 2 minutes into the game. Manning was then intercepted at the Indy 42 by Asante Samuel, who returned it to the Indy 9. Yet a golden opportunity produced only a field goal as the Eagles led 10-0.

Manning moved the Colts to a 3rd and 1 just shy of midfield. A handoff failed to reach midfield, and on 4th and 1 Jim Caldwell stoically decided to punt. It was perfect, as the Eagles were backed up to their own one. Yet on 3rd and 7 from the 4, Vick went deep to Jackson for a 58 yard gain. Vick hit Jackson again for 18 yards, and roughing the passer set up 1st and goal at the 8. Yet on 3rd and goal at the 3, Vick fired incomplete and the Eagles again settled for a field goal and a 13-0 first quarter lead.

Caldwell decided not to bench Manning for Painter and give Payton a chance to improve. He did. On 3rd and 10 from the Philly 40, Manning hit Reggie Wayne for 11. Defensive pass interference set up 1st and goal at the 10. Manning hit Tamme for a 3 yard touchdown as the Colts were within 13-7.

The Eagles took over at their own 32. On 3rd and 9, Vick scrambled for 24 yards. On 3rd and 7 from the Indy 40, Vick hit Avant on a short pass that went for 34 yards. Yet on 1st and goal from the 6, the Eagles again moved backwards, and had to settle for a 3rd straight David Akers field goal to lead 16-7.

With 4:40 left in the half, the Colt faced 3rd and 10 at their own 20. Manning fired over the middle to Austin Collie, who got nailed by 2 defenders like a ping pong ball. Collie was taken off the field on a stretcher with a concussion. While the hit seemed clean, an illegal contact penalty was called. Instead of the Eagles getting the ball back up by 9, the Colts moved forward. On 3rd and 2 from the 33, Brown gained 3. Another unnecessary roughness call moved the Colts to the Eagles 45.  Manning hit White for 33 yards, with a defensive facemask moving the ball to the 6. With James in for Addai, he ran it for the 6 yard touchdown as the Colts were within 16-14.

The Eagles took over at their own 30 with 1:53 left in the half. They went 3 and out, and an 18 yard punt gave the Colts the ball at midfield with 1:04 left. A 9 yard completion to Tamme and an 18 yarder to Wayne was followed by 3 incompletions. Adam Vinatieri kicked the 37 yard field goal to lead 17-16 entering the locker rooms. The Colts were playing in their 1955 uniforms, which may have explained the slow start.

The Colts and Eagles traded punts to start the third quarter, and after the Colts punted again, the Eagles took over at their own 46. Vick led them to the Indy 27, and a 44 yard David Akers field goal, his 4th of the day, had the Eagles back on top 19-17. Manning led the Colts from their own 18 to the Philly 47, but the drive stalled and the Colts punted. The Eagles took over at their own 20.

Vick hit Jackson for 11 and McCoy picked up 9 more. Vick hit Captain Morgan Brent Celek for a 56 yard touchdown, but it was nullified by offensive holding. The Eagles faced 2nd and 26 at their own 28. Vick Hit Jeremy Maclin for 22 yards. On 3rd and 4 from midfield, Vick showed why he is one of the most electrifying player in football, scrambling for 32 yards as the third quarter ended.

One minute into the fourth quarter, facing 2nd and goal from the 1, Vick scrambled for the score to complete the 10 play, 80 yard, 5 1/2 minute drive and have the Eagles up 26-17. The Colts punted again, and Vick led the Eagles on a time consuming drive. While it only moved the Eagles from their own 11 to midfield and resulted in no points, somehow 39 yards bled 6:45 off the clock. The Colts got the ball back at their own 15 needing 2 scores with only 6 minutes to play.

With 3 1/2 minutes left, the Colts faced 3rd and 18 at the Philly 41. Manning was sacked and fumbled, which appeared to end things. Instead, unnecessary roughness on the defense kept the Colts alive. From the Philly 31, Manning hit Wayne for 12 and Tamme for 7. It took 16 plays, but on 3rd and goal form the 1, James ran it in to get the Colts within a deuce with 1:50 to play. Jim Caldwell decided not to go for the onsides kick, kicking it deep and relying on the defense.

Jackson picked up 11 yards, and in a very questionable coaching decision, Caldwell did not stop the clock. A full 43 seconds elapsed. Only after the next play did the Colts call their first timeout, with 1:06 to play. With the Eagles facing 3rd and 2 at their own 39, a false start and a sack of Vick gave the Eagles one last shot. Yet the Colts had the ball at their own 26 with only 40 seconds left.
A field goal would win it, but Adam Vinatieri never got the chance. On 3rd and 10 from the Indy 41, Manning was intercepted by Asante Samuel. It was a tough win, and a very exciting game that could be a Super Bowl preview, although both of these very good teams still have tough division races on their hands. 26-24

Dallas Cowboys @ Green Bay Packers–Michelin Man Wade Phillips has seen his entire team become a stuffed turkey long before Thanksgiving as the pre-season Super Bowl contenders came in at 1-6. The Packers are still in the playoff hunt, playing not as well as expected in the pre-season but far better than Dallas. These teams battled in 1990s for the right to go to the Super Bowl, while today the Packers are just trying to make the playoffs and the Cowboys are plying for their jobs.

After Dallas punted, Aaron Rodgers led a 7 minute drive that produce no points when a field goal from 51 yards out by Mason Crosby was blocked. Yet Jon Kitna, playing for the next 8 weeks in place of injured Tony Romo, was intercepted, giving the Packers the ball at their own 35. Rodgers scrambled for 25 yards to have the Packers in scoring position again as the first quarter ended. Early in the second quarter, on 3rd and 2 from the Dallas 9, Rodgers hit Jackson for the touchdown to have the Packers up 7-0.

Dallas went 3 and out, and the Packers took over at their own 20. Rodgers hit Greg Jennings for 10 and then scrambled for 12 more. A 22 yard pass to Jones went to the Dallas 33. Rodgers went to Jones again all the way down to the 2 yard line. On the next play Jackson ran it in. Wade Phillips challenged the call to no avail. The Packers led 14-0, and Jerry Jones was prepared to blow up the stadium until it was again pointed out to him that it was a road game and he does not own Lambeau Field. Wade Phillips spent halftime researching real estate near where his father retired Coach Bum Phillips lives.

With 3 minutes left in the half, Rodgers went deep to Greg Jennings for a 33 yard gain and 1st and goal at the 10. Rodgers then hit Jennings for the touchdown just before the 2 minute warning to put the Cheeseheads up 21-0 and complete the 10 play, 93 yard drive. Bad went to worse saw a fumble returned for a touchdown to make it 28-0. Yet the Dallas runner clearly had his knee down. An easy challenge never happened because the Cowboys were out of timeouts. This is how teams become 1-7 and organizations get blown up.

With seconds left in the half, Kitna lobbed a 2 yard pass to the corner of the end zone, and Dez Bryant came down with it as the Cowboys trailed 28-7 at halftime.

After an exchange of punts in the third quarter, the Packers took over at their own 37. Rodgers hit Jennings for 8, Jones for 14, and Nelson for 27 down to the Dallas 10. On 3rd and goal, Rodgers hit Jones for the touchdown to have the Packers obliterating Dallas 35-7.

In the fourth quarter Rodgers led a staggering 16 play, 80 yard drive that took over 9 minutes off the clock. For once the Dallas defense held, but a 26 yard Mason Crosby field goal made it 38-7. The misery was compounded when Kitna was hit while trying to throw. Clay Matthews plucked the ball out of the air and lumbered 62 yards for a touchdown to have the packers up 45-7 with 8 1/2 minutes still remaining.

Dallas then fumbled a punt with the Packers taking over at the Cowboys 18. Mike McCarthy did not pile on, and no further points were scored. The game ended with Kitna being sacked. Speaking of sacked, Jerry Jones has some decisions to make. Wade Phillips went 11-5 for 3 straight years before this season, but Jones is not always rational. He may want to party like its 1989. They went 1-15 that year, but were holding the trophy 3 years later. Lost in all the Dallas drama is that Green Bay played very well tonight, and is a serious playoff contender. 45-7 Packers

Pittsburgh Steelers @ Cincinnati Bengals–The Steelers under Mike Tomlin have remained an elite franchise, while the Bengals alternate between the Bungles and the Bengwads. The Steelers have 2 championships in the last 5 years, while the Bengals have 2 reality tv divas with zero rings.

The Bengals fumbled the opening kickoff, and the Steelers recovered at the Cincinnati 25. On 3rd and 3 Ben Roethlisberger hit Mendhenhall down to the 2, and Mendenhall rammed it in to have the Steelers up 7-0 only 2 minutes into the game. The Bengals tried to punt, but it was blocked, and the Steelers took over at the Cincinnati 30. Mendenhall ran it for 20 yards to set up 1st and goal at the 10. The defense held, and a 25 yard field goal had the Steelers up 10-0.

The Bengals punted again, and Big Ben had the Steelers on the move. On 3rd and 6, Roethlisberger pulled a Houdini by escaping a sack and somehow shot-putting a completion to set up 4th and 1 just past midfield. Mike Tomlin decided to punt.

The Bengals took over at their own 12, but after moving the ball some, punted again. Early in the second quarter this had the Steelers starting at their own 1 yard line. Pittsburgh was on the move again but a fumble was recovered by the Bengals at the Pittsburgh 38. A couple plays later Carson Palmer went deep to Terrell Owens, who loves him some him, for the touchdown. Owens did an end zone dance to celebrate the Bengals being 2-5 and losing again at home.

With 5 minute left in the half, Palmer was intercepted, and the Steelers took over just shy of midfield. On 3rd and 2, Roethisberger, who is still not Jewish, went deep to Mike Wallace to set up 1st and goal at the 9. On 3rd and goal, Big Ben hit Hines Ward for the touchdown to have the Steelers up 17-7 with just over 2 minutes left in the half.

A long kickoff return had the Bengals at the Pittsburgh 43. The Bengals took advantage by failing to make a first down and missing a 51 yard field goal. With 45 seconds left, Big Ben immediately fired to Wallace and spiked the ball with 21 seconds left at the Cincy 35. Jeff Reed nailed a 53 yarder with 5 seconds left to have the Steelers up 20-7.

The Bengals again almost made things somewhere below exciting midway through the third quarter by missing another field goal, this time from 45 yards. The third quarter ended with the Bengals punting badly and the Steelers taking over at their own 44. The fourth quarter began with Big Ben handing off to Antwon Randle-El, who stopped, reversed, and threw the halfback option bomb to Mike Wallace in the end zone for another touchdown and a 27-7 lead. For some reason, the rest of the game was played.

This time the Bengals came right back, as padding stats is easy to do when the defense gets bored. Palmer went deep to Owens for a 50 yard touchdown bomb. Owens caught the ball, and ran into a security guy, knocking him down. The collision could not have been avoided, but Owens could have shown an ounce of class by helping the guy up. Instead he bounced off the guy and ran to the middle of the end zone to celebrate himself and his touchdown while the security guy stayed on the ground for a minute or so. The man was not hurt, although T.O. had no idea either way. 13 minutes still remained, plenty of time.

Big Ben was then intercepted, as the Bengals took over with a short field. A personal foul on Flozell Adams had the Bengals starting at the Pittsburgh 36. Another roughing the passer penalty had the Bengals at the 21. Defensive pass interference in the end zone had the Bengals at the one. The Bengals had 0 offensive yards on the drive, but the Steelers gave up 50 yards in personal fouls. They turned a laugher into a close game when Cedric Benson plowed over to get the Bengals within 27-21 with a full 9 minutes left.

The Steelers wanted to bleed the clock and ice the game. Big Ben did his job, getting the Steelers in position to put it away with a 46 yard field goal. Yet the kick was no good, and the Bengals had 4 minutes to go 65 yards. The STeelers had only blown leads of more than 10 twice in the last 23 years, both time to the Bengals. One of those games was last year. Yet the Steelers had never lost a game when up by 20 in their entire franchise history, winning 179 and tying once.

On 3rd and 15, with Pallmer about to get sacked, he found Cedric Benson, who bobbled it several times and somehow caught it for a first down at the Cincy 48 at the 2 minute warning. Defensive pass interference moved the ball 2 yards to midfield. The Bengals reached the Pittsburgh 37 with 1:15 left. Palmer found T.O. at the 17. T.O. got blasted over the middle, but to his credit, hung on to the ball with one minute to play as Palmer called Cincy’s first timeout. After an offensive holding penalty and an incompletion, Palmer hit Chad Johnson for 15 to set up 3rd and 5 at the 12 with 44 seconds left. Palmer fired incomplete, and it came down to the next play.

Palmer fired to Shipley at the 3 yard line, but Shipley got blasted by Ike Taylor and James Harrison. Harrison is glad he did not retire, and this hit was totally clean. As for Taylor, he hit harder on the play than Ike Turner. There would be no miracle for the Bengals. Some will praise them for a furious comeback, but they were lifeless for 45 minutes, and football is a 60 minute game, not a 15 minute sprint.

The Mike Tomlin Steelers got to 6-2, and remain a serious contender. The 2-6 Bengals once again are letting down Marvin Lewis, who is too good a man and coach to be saddled with such overpaid rejects. Perhaps if they spent less time on Twitter and more time practicing there would be better results. Perhaps not. 27-21 Steelers


The Top 100 NFL Players

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

The NFL recently came out with its list of the top 100 NFL players of all time.

NFL junkies will argue about it until the next list, and I am no exception.

First off, this is one rare time when I am glad the experts got to decide and not the fans. I normally see experts as no-nothing pinheads, but the fans put way too many current stars on the list. True football fans should learn about the tradition going back to the beginning when Walter Camp invented the forward pass, the scrimmage, and downs.

My only problem with the experts is that too many of them will not consider special teams players. This is wrong. Great players change the way an entire game is played, and that includes offense, defense, and special teams. Steve Tasker, Ray Guy, Jan Stenerud (the only special teams player in the Hall of Fame), Shane Lechler, Morton Anderson, Gary Anderson, Devon Hester, Mike Nelms, Billy “White Shoes” Johnson (the greatest dancer in NFL history), and Mel Gray should not be dismissed.

So this list is the top 100 offensive and defensive players.

I do not believe Super Bowl rings should play a role. Trent Dilfer has a ring and Dan Marino does not.

Even wins and losses can be misleading because some great players played on awful teams. That makes their achievements even more remarkable. I think of Fran Tarkenton, Barry Sanders, Dick Butkus, and Brian Urlacher.

Now for the individual disagreements.

Jerry Rice should not have been # 1, no how, no way. Top 5, yes, but # 1.

Football is a brutal game, often compared to war. Jerry Rice, with all due respect, plays a “finesse” position. I want my best player to either have blood on his hands or be inflicting pain on an opponent.

I personally would have had Jim Thorpe at # 1 because he played 4 different sports, but maybe that makes him the all time greatest athlete and not the all time greatest football player.

Therefore, if not Thorpe, Jim Brown deserved the top spot. Watch the film of him. He barreled over people. He was what football is all about.

Jerry Rice came to a system, that was already in place. The 49ers had 2 Super Bowl rings when he arrived. In fact, they were the defending champions coming off a 15-1 season.

Yes, his almost 200 touchdowns scored are far ahead of everyone else. Yet quarterbacks have thrown for more than twice that.

I would have put Rice below Jim Brown, Joe Montana and Johnny Unitas.

I might have put Unitas over Montana, but that is not a biggie. Lawrence Taylor should have been a few spots lower. In fact, I would have put Mean Joe Greene above LT and Reggie White.

Sam Huff, Fran Tarkenton, Ed Reed, Tony Dorsett, and Ernie Nevers should have been higher.

Ted Hendricks should have been higher because he was not only an amazing linebacker but an equally fantastic kick blocker.Marcus Allen was one of the most complete backs in terms of running, catching passes, and blocking.

Randy Moss affects the entire game just by being on the field. He should be higher because defenses have t figure out everything differently to factor him in.

Mike Singletary and Earl Campbell on sheer toughness should have been higher, along with Jim Otto.

Ladanian Tomlinson should have been ranked much lower. He played with Drew Brees and Philip Rivers. They were a past first team.

Eric Dickerson could have been a bit higher, and Ray Nitschke much higher, perhaps top 25.The same goes for Chuck Bednarik and Raymond Berry.

Tom Brady should have been ranked lower. Yes he has the rings, but I do not put him above Dan Marino or John Elway, both who should have been top 20. Elway got to 3 Super Bowls early on with little help.

Favre could have been higher for durability alone.

I am stunned that Dan Fouts and Jackie Slater were left off this list. Shannon Sharpe could have merited being on here. I would have added John Randle and Randall McDaniel. Steve Wisniewski could have eked on.

Lynn Swann, Cliff Branch, Andre Reed, and Cris Carter all were left off a list that only had 8 receivers.

As for quarterbacks, Jim Kelly absolutely belongs on this list. Dan Marino came to a team that had just been to the Super Bowl with David Woodley. Buffalo was miserable, and Kelly turned them around.

The list had only 37 defensive players. Joe Klecko merits consideration for the New York Sack Exchange.

Also, how does a man play 26 seasons and not make the list. George Blanda was the ultimate lunch pail guy long before Brett Favre, Darrell Greene and Jackie Slater did 20 years.

Anyway, I am sure I left out many people.

That is why they the games, and that is why we watch the games.


Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Atlanta Falcons

(Falcons by 8.5, they cover)

Miami Dolphins @ Baltimore Ravens

(Ravens by 5.5, they win but fail to cover)

Chicago Bears @ Buffalo Bills

(Bears by 3, Bills win outright)

New Orleans Saints @ Carolina Panthers

(Saints by 6.5, they win but fail to cover)

New England Patriots @ Cleveland Browns

(Patriots by 4.5, they cover)

New York Jets @ Detroit Lions

(Jets by 4, they cover)

San Diego Chargers @ Houston Texans

(Chargers by 3, they cover)

Arizona Cardinals @ Minnesota Vikings

(Vikings by 8, they win but fail to cover)

New York Giants @ Seattle Seahawks

(Giants by 7, they win but fail to cover)

Kansas City Chiefs @ Oakland Raiders

(Raiders by 1, they cover)

Indianapolis Colts @ Philadelphia Eagles

(Eagles by 3, Colts by outright)

Dallas Cowboys @ Green Bay Packers

(Packers by 7.5, they win but fail to cover)

Pittsburgh Steelers @ Cincinnati Bengals

(Steelers by 5, they win but fail to cover)


The Miami Shark and I broke up

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

The Miami Shark and I broke up.

It was an intense 5 months, and it is over.

In keeping with how I am, I will never publicly say a bad word about her. She remains an intelligent, beautiful woman with a good heart inside.

There was no alcohol or drug abuse. I did not beat her, nor was there any infidelity. She was the only one.

A part of me will always love her, but ending this relationship was absolutely the right thing to do.

We are both very intense and strong-willed individuals, and that made for passion and friction.

I hope that God gives her a lifetime of happiness.

We are both better off apart, but she will be missed.


Election 2010–How Harry Reid Survived

Friday, November 5th, 2010

I will be outsourcing my column today because somebody explained the Nevada Senate race in a much better manner than I could.

Going into the election, Sharron Angle had a 3 point lead over Harry Reid, yet he won by about 6 points. Yes, there was some corruption that will be dismissed as aberrations because liberals are noble and virtuous, so lying, cheating, and stealing is allowed. I am curious as to why the voting machines already were marked for Harry Reid. I am also interested in that SEIU criminals are the ones entrusted to “fix” them. They may have fixed them, but in a different kind of way. The fix was in.

I have done events with Sharron Angle, and she is a lovely person. Harry Reid, while professional in dealing with me personally, has a mean streak in him that is sad to watch.

Yet nobody respects sour grapes, so I am going to turn my column over today to somebody who is not a donkey or elephant. Wayne Root was the 2008 Libertarian candidate for Vice President, with former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr heading the ticket.

I have met Wayne more than once. He is a good guy, a family man, and a successful entrepreneur. He built a sportsbook business in Las Vegas from the ground up, and his policy proposals are sensible.

He lives in Nevada and understands politics. With that, I present the wisdom of Wayne Root on the Nevda Senate race.

Harry Reid won because:

A) Casino bosses DESPERATELY need him in his position of power (U.S. Senate Majority Leader)…so much so that even many Republican casino CEO’s in Las Vegas conspired to get him a victory….and appeared in TV ads for him…and bussed their 100,000 union employees to polls…reportedly with “suggested vote guides” in their hands.

B) Teachers unions reportedly offered $25 Starbucks gift cards to every teacher in the state…and literally gave every teacher Friday, Monday & Tuesday off for once a year “teachers conferences” so every teacher could vote Democrat to make sure they all keep their jobs…and obscene pensions…and also get future obscene raises in a depression.

C) Hispanic workers by the thousands were bussed to polls by Democrats and unions (but I repeat myself) to vote for Reid. How do I know? Because Reid was down by 4 in every poll…but won by 5. That’s a 9 point swing. Nevada Republican Congressional candidate Dr. Joe Heck was up by 10 points in polls. He won by less than 1% (in upset over Democratic Congresswoman Dina Titus)- a swing of 9 points too (even though the Republican hung on). But interestingly the Hispanic GOP candidate for Governor Brian Sandoval won by double digits over Harry Reid’s own son. So it’s pretty obvious what happened. Hispanics voted a straight Democrat ticket- except for the Hispanic Republican candidate for Governor. Hispanics were obviously the key to the election.

Now to a little truthful criticism and self-analysis of a Tea Party defeat:

Republicans blew it.

Angle did not run a good campaign.

She avoided the press- and it’s time for conservatives to COURT the media, not demonize it, or run from it. There is no choice- learn to live with the media, because you can’t live without it.

The Nevada GOP is non-existent, dis-organized, rudderless, leader-less, and in decline. It provides no help to GOP candidates.

Angle did not have a strong “get out the vote” organization on the ground. The Angle Team (and the Nevada GOP) did not understand the importance of getting out the vote- it’s more important than any visible aspect of a campaign.

They did not understand how to attract Hispanic votes. And they had better learn fast if they want to win any future elections. Hispanics are good people, family is their foundation, there are many Hispanic small business owners, and Hispanics should be part of the conservative movement. Conservatives and Tea Parties must learn how to communicate with and win over Hispanic voters or risk becoming obsolete.

I would like to thank Wayne Root for breaking things down in a crystal clear easy to understand manner. It will not take away the fact that the results are awful, but analysis should be about facts, not opinions.


Election 2010–Mr. Obama remains obtuse

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

The Pelosiraptor for once in her life has decided to remain silent. The death watch on her political career is particularly enjoyable, given the smugness and total lack of humility she exhibited while dragging down her entire party. Perhaps she can return to the Cretaceous Period (in her case the Cretinous Period) from which this political dinosaur fossil came from.

Yet even if the Republicans had won every single seat in Congress, Mr. Obama was not on the ballot to be fired. He held a press conference yesterday. I predicted that he would begin veering rightward.

I am going to say something Mr. Obama cannot say.

I was wrong.

Bill Clinton had it easy. He stood for nothing except getting reelected. If you disagreed with him, you could just wait a few weeks. He governed by polling. So for him to say “I get the message” was one of his rare moment of sincerity. He did get the message. He was paraphrasing former Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, who is given credit for say, “When I feel the heat, I see the light.”

Bill Clinton cared about one thing. He wanted to get reelected, and he triangulated his way to a second term.

My prediction was that Barack Obama was like Bill Clinton and not Hillary Clinton. Hillary (who is also silent right now and hiding in Asia, a delightful turn of events for those who like silence) is a true believer. She pretends to be moderate, but she let her health care plan go down in flames because she cannot and will not compromise when she is so certain she is right and her critics were evil.

I had Barack Obama in the Bill Clinton category. I did not think he was an ideologue. I thought he was a cold, ruthless pragmatist who would do whatever it took to get reelected.

I was wrong.

His first press conference told me all I needed to know.

“Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have provided extraordinary leadership over the last 2 years.”

Extraordinary? Really?

“It has been a long night for me.”

It has been a long 2 years for the American people sir. It is not all about you.

“Power rests with the people we have the privilege to serve. Around the country, I did some talking, but mostly I did a lot of listening.”

No you didn’t. You don’t listen to anybody. The Q and A coming up in this very press conference proves it.

“We’ve made progress, but too many Americans haven’t felt that progress.”

Enough already. The voters are not wrong. Things are regressing, but you are too insulated to feel that regression.

He then went on to babble about “promoting a clean energy economy.”

How about dropping your greeniac obsessions and just focus on the economy alone? Push everything but the economy and national security aside. When those issues are better, then you can do your pet projects.

“I am eager to hear good ideas from wherever they come from.”

You said that 2 years ago. This is a lie. You are totally inflexible. You discount other opinions while nodding your head as if you are actually listening. You have zero interest in competing ideas and define those disagreeing with you as evil and enemies.

“I want an honest and civil debate.”

Then be civil. Don’t use racially charged rhetoric like telling Republicans to sit in the back of the bus. Don’t talk about punishing your enemies and rewarding your friends. It makes you sound like a Chicago Mafioso.

“Don’t spend the next 2 years fighting the political battles of the last 2.”

Republicans are not going to just shut up and roll over because you don’t get your agenda passed. If you keep fighting, so will we. It is all on you. You are the leader. Act like one.

“I do believe there is hope for civility. This nation has gone through much worse than what we are going through now.”

Then stop saying you inherited the worst situation since the Great Depression. That is a lie. Be civil and stop blaming your predecessor. You want a world where we act civil and you keep attacking.

“We are proud to be Americans. That is something we all need to remember right now.”

We were always proud. It is you and your wife that express discomfort with American pride and exceptionalism.

For the first time in their miserable lives, the media failed to ignore the real story. This election was a total rejection of Barack Obama based almost exclusively due to his detestable policies. It was not voter anger, frustration, stupidity, temper tantrums, or anything else. The key would be if Barack Obama would accept this. He could not.

Ben Feller, AP– “Was this a Rejection of your agenda?”

BO: “People were expressing great frustration, people were not feeling the progress, they can’t see it.”

It isn’t there. Things have gotten worse.

He then mentioned building electric cars and helping kids improve in science and math before saying that the “overwhelming message is we want you to work harder.”

No. We want you to focus on the economy and nothing else.

Savannah Guthrie, NBC: “Has their been No second guessing yourself or reflecting, thinking that maybe you are not getting it?

BO: “I Made tough decisions, but the right decisions, averting a second Great Depression. People looked at all this and felt government was getting more intrusive. It was an emergency situation. I’m sympathetic to folks who looked at it and felt it was potential overreach. We were in such a hurry to get things done that we did not change how things got done, and that frustrated people.”

He did not make the right decisions. He keeps saying that people “feel” a certain way, which is a polite way of discounting their feelings. He cannot possibly accept that those feelings are right and he is wrong.

He then spoke clinically about the earmarks process, as if most people cared.

Savannah continued. “Is it possible voters rejected the policy changes you made?”

BO: “Voters are not satisfied with the outcomes. I am looking at all ideas that are on the table. If Republicans have good ideas for job growth and we haven’t thought of them, we want to try some. We are not going to rule out ideas on Democrat or Republican, we want to see what works.”

How can voters be unhappy with the outcomes without blaming the source of the outcomes? This is bordering on lunacy. Voters were unhappy with his policies. As for seeing what works, he blathered about that 2 years ago He doesn’t mean it. He has no interest in other ideas.

Mike Emanuel, FNC: “Is healthcare reform in danger of repeal?”

BO: “It is misreading the election if we thought the American people want to relitigate arguments of last 2 years.”

That is a line in the sand. There will be no compromise on repeal. When he keeps bringing up relitigating, that means we should all shut up and move on while he does as he d@mn well pleases. Move forward means we shut up and agree with him. No sir. It does not work that way.

He then told a sob story of anonymous voters, discounting the sob stories of those hurt by the Obamacare law.

BO: “This was the right thing to do. If Republicans have ideas for how to improve health care system, if they want to suggest modifications, I am happy to consider some of those ideas.  The 1099 system has too much paperwork, too much filing. We can tweak and make progress on legislation.”

Paperwork? Filing? The entire car needs to be destroyed and he is willing to look at changing yellow fuzzy dice on the dashboard from blue to red. Until he actually accepts a significant GOP idea, he no longer gets the benefit of the doubt.

Mike followed up: “What about the fact that 1 of 2 voters want it overturned?”

BO: “1 of 2 voters think it was the right thing to do.”

No. This is nuts. Some had no opinion. Those wanting repeal far outweigh those who do not. This does not matter anyway. He insists he is right, and will not change it in any meaningful way.

Chip Reid, CBS: “Is spending to create jobs dead?”

BO: “It is Important for Democrats and Republicans. Will have a deficit commission that is bipartisan. Eliminate programs that don’t work, be more efficient, streamline government, make sure it isn’t cutting into core investments. What are our priorities? What do we care about? That will be a tough debate. A big deficit I inherited was made worse by the recession. People would agree there should be no cutting into education, research and development such as clean energy. Distinguish between stuff not adding to our growth and things that are absolutely necessary to growth. The single most important thing to do is make sure taxes don’t go up on middle class families. We need to sustain the recovery. We need budget cuts that are intelligent and smart.”

This man is a human platitude. Core investments are whatever he says they are, and how dare anybody want to cut education. Smart and intelligent cuts are whatever he decides. He blames his predecessor, yet he has had 2 years, and he has made things worse. People do not feel worse for no reason. Things are worse because of him. He cannot grasp this.

Chip followed up. “Do you see that what you call investments, others call wasteful spending?”

BO: “Without any GOP support on anything it is hard to get things done. Part of the message to Republicans is we want to see stronger job growth. If there are good ideas about putting people back to work, I know they will be willing to have a serious conversation about. Do we all come to the table with an open mind?”

Good lord, it is President Obama that comes to the table with a closed mind and predetermined opinions. His initial answer was “Elections have consequences. I won.” As for GOP support, the left had total control of everything. They had zero interest in bipartisanship. They got what they deserved yesterday.

Peter Baker, Jayson Blair Times: “What were the consequences of this election, what will you compromise on?”

BO: “I have been willing to compromise on the past and will be willing going forward on a whole range of issues.”

In other words, nothing. He will bash Republicans as obstructionists for not agreeing with his every desire.

He kept talking about electric cars, restarting the nuclear industry, and reducing greenhouse gases.

In other words, he spent his first year focusing on health care. He only cares about 3 things, health care, education, and environmental concerns. He got health care, and no matter how much the public begs for jobs, he keeps insisting that focusing on a green agenda will create jobs in the same way that his health care disaster would create jobs. He is an ideologue.

Jake Tapper, ABC: “Will you compromise on the higher income tax cuts? When you call your friends and see 19 state legislatures go to other side, what does it feel like?”

BO: “It feels bad. There is sadness about seeing them go and questioning on my part. Could I have done something different or something more? They said they do not have regrets because they were doing the right thing. Maybe they are trying to make me feel better, which is a sign of their character. The tax cuts, I don’t want a huge spike in tax cuts for middle class families.”

Of course they regret losing their jobs. Sheesh. He keeps saying he wants to extend the middle class tax cuts, which is his way of saying he will not extend all of them. That again is his inflexibility. He cannot accept that keeping the upper income tax cuts is good policy. Republicans must not bend on this. We are right, he is wrong.

Laura Meckler, WSJ: “Do you support the EPA regulating carbon emissions? Do you wish you had not made health care deals?”

BO: “Lowering costs was absolutely critical for this country. In this partisan environment, process is an ugly mess. I regret we could not make the process more healthier. The outcome was a good one. Regarding the EPA, the smartest thing to do is get Republicans and Democrats who are serious, and see if there are ways we can make progress in the short term. The EPA is under a court order saying greenhouse gases are a pollutant, and fall under their jurisdiction. It is important not to ignore the science. Cap and Trade was one way of skinning the cat, a means, not an end, there are other means.

In other words, he will use any means necessary to ram his greeniac agenda through, no matter what anybody else says. He wants Republicans who are “serious,” which means they agree with him. Will he listen to any Republicans skeptical of climate change? Of course not. They will be demonized as quacks.

With health care, he criticizes the process. He is the process. He could have chosen a better way of proceeding. He deliberately decided not to do so. He cannot admit he is at fault.

Ed Henry, CNN: “Is it possible that a majority of Americans think your policies are putting America in reverse? Will you backpedal on Don’t ask, don’t tell?”

“As Commander In Chief, I have said making this change needs to be done in an orderly fashion. Look at this in a systematic way. There will be a review that comes out that will have surveyed attitudes and opinions. That will give us time to act, potentially in the lame duck session.”

This is not necessary. Either do it or don’t do it. The CIC has the power to tell the military to do things. This man is amazing. He imposes his will on almost everybody with zero regard for dissent, all the while talking about working together. Then the one time he can settle an issue either with an executive order or by refusing to issue one, he stalls. This is like his Afghanistan decision to send troops. It was not careful deliberation. It was dithering and delaying according to polls. On gays in the military, the leader should just either way just lead and be done with the issue. Quit cowering.

Then he went to the very important first question of whether it was his policies that have us going in reverse.

BO: “In terms of how we move forward, THE American people understand we are still digging ourselves out of a big mess. They do not feel we have gotten all the way out of the ditch. The Democrats and Republicans need to both push some more.”

Thankfully Ed persisted one more time.

“Do you reject the idea that your policies have us in reverse?”

BO: “Yes. When I arrived things were in free fall. They have stabilized. It would be hard to argue we are going backwards.”

Things have not gotten better. It is easy to argue we are moving forward unless one is a total imbecile incapable of reason. This is exactly what Barack Obama thinks of his political opponents. He simply declares the debate over by implying that no possible reasonable person could see things differently from him. Then after subtly demonizing his opponents (when not calling them enemies), he blathers about coming together.

BO: “We have to come together. It will not be easy. What other proposals do they have to grow the economy? What affirmative policies do they have to promote growth? I don’t think that tax cuts alone will be a recipe for the kind of expansion we need. From 2001-2003 we cut taxes, and I did not see the expansion. Disagree without being disagreeable.”

So we should all come together, but Republicans have no policies. The Bush tax cuts absolutely created an expansion. If they were so awful, way are Democrats scared of letting them expire? They worked. Stop attacking the Bush tax cuts falsely and then lecture us on being disagreeable. This man cannot stop the partisanship. Until somebody verbally clubs him over the head that the Bush tax cuts worked, he cannot move on to the second step of his 12 step pretend to get along with people program.

Hans Nichols, Bloomberg: “How do you hit the set reset button with business?”

BO: “The only way America succeeds is if businesses are succeeding. America has had unparalleled success because the free market is dynamic. It must be nurtured and cultivated. I have to make clear to the business community and country is that most important thing we can do is encourage the business sector and make sure they are hiring.”

You cannot make sure they are hiring. You cannot make them hire. You can get the heck out of the way. You can stop demonizing businesses. You can stop forcing them to take on crippling health care and environmental costs. You are anti-business. Businesses do not need you to nurture and cultivate them. They are not  a San Francisco marijuana clinic. You are not their daddy. They need to be left alone to nurture and cultivate their own employees. You keep saying that you think that people “feel” government is too intrusive. No, government actually is too intrusive.” Be quiet, cut taxes, sit down, and keep being quiet. That’s it.

Matt Spetalnick, Reuters: “Do you see the election as showing you are out of touch, and will there be any changes in your leadership style?”

BO: “There is an Inherent danger being in the White House, being in the bubble. Folks did not have any complaints about my leadership style when I was running around Iowa. They got a good look at me for a year. When you’re in this place, it is hard to not seem removed. I need to have that opportunity to engage with the American people on a day to day basis and give them confidence I am listening to them. I read those letters every night, some break my heart and provide inspiration, but nobody is filming me read those letters. A couple of great communicators, Reagan and Clinton, were standing at this podium 2 years in getting very similar questions. This is something every president goes through. Responsibilities of this office are so enormous.

Woe is me, I have it so tougb with my $400k salary, I am so oppressed, the job is so hard, woe is me, me, me, me, me, me. Does this man ever stop? He is a first rate crybaby. Man up!

Ronald Reagan lost 26 seats, while Bubba lost 54 and Obama about 65. Ronald Reagan did not kvetch and complain about the job. He was too busy doing the job. Reagan was a leader. Obama is a whiner. People “seem to think” he is detached. No, he is detached. He is cold, clinical, unemotional, and rivaling Dr Spock in terms of actual human compassion.

BO: “One thing I want to end on is that getting out of here is good for me too. I always come away from interactions feeling optimistic about this country. We have so many good and decent people finding ways to live together. The American people always make me optimistic. I have never doubted that we are going to emerge stronger than before.”

Well then treat all Americans, even those who disagree with you, with dignity.

I believed Barack Obama was capable of changing.

I was wrong.

Despite an election rejection of epic historical proportions, he still truly believes that everybody else is wrong, evil, and stupid while he is right, noble, and brilliant.

He is simply a pompous gasbag, and it will take another election to get rid of his arrogance and narcissism.

One Pelosiraptor down, one Vulcan to go.


Election 2010–The verdict is in

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Yes we hope!

Change we can!

Blah blah blah!

Smoke a bowl!

Sorry, I was just doing my impersonation of young California voters, the only ones not taking part in the 2010 election in a rational sensible manner.

For the rest of Americans not spending their nights dreaming about touching themselves (while being too lazy to actually do it) while watching Jon Stewart , the crystal clear verdict is in.

The Republican avalanche seized the House and the Governorships, and came within a few thousand voting irregularities of taking back the Senate. State legislatures have shifted to the right.


3PM: First exit polls in Indiana and Kentucky. Fox News has Bret Baier doing election coverage. Not Beck, O’Reilly, or Hannity, but Baier. This is because Fox News, a real network, separates its news division from its opinion division. MSNBC has Keith Obermann and Rachel Maddow doing the coverage, proving that they have zero interest in serious news coverage, preferring bigotry and rage. CNN has Wolf Blitzer, who is professional and fair.

In the race for governor of New Hampshire, one candidate had a 50 point lead, but apparently only 12 votes came in and the Democrat led 9 to 3. Leftists call this a mandate. I just hope these are not the same 12 people in Dix Hills Notch that people will obsess over in 2012 the way they obsess over that d@ng groundhog. If the liberals see their shadows, it means 6 more weeks until they are officially fired.

3:55PM Sir Charles of Krauthammer speaks. Instead of political arguments, the Democrats offered epithets. The American people are proud and clear eyed, and they don’t like being condescended to.

4PM: Polls close in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Virginia.

4PM: Dan Coats easily wins Indiana senate seat, a GOP pickup. Rand Paul, Jim Demint and Patrick Leahy all hold serve. No surprises.

4:03PM: Rachel Maddow attacks Rand Paul, which on MSNBC is called analysis. Chris Matthews chimes in while Fox News and CNN get over it and move on to actual news. Fox News Wendell Goler reports from the White House while MSNBC crazies still go after Paul, bringing in left-wing hatemonger Ed Schultz for “analysis.” Maddow blasts Evan Bayh for the GOP picking up Indiana.

4:10PM: Fox News, supposedly a right-wing hate site, announces that early voting shows Harry Reid doing very well.

4:20PM: Chris Matthews has lengthy interview with DNC big shot Tim Kaine. RNC Chair Michael Steele is not interviewed at this time, typical for the unfair, unbalanced network.

4:29PM: Wolf Blitzer properly pointed out that networks should not make projections until polls close, and clearly explains why raw exit poll data can be imprecise.

4:30PM Polls close in North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia.

4:30PM Rob Portman wins in Ohio, a senate GOP hold.

4:30PM Chris Matthews points out the Iowa has Tom Harkin and Chuck Grassley, an odd combination. Ohio offers Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman. It is interesting.

4:34PM: Anderson Cooper is an amateur in the handsome borderline pretty boy department compared to Bill Hemmer. No guy should be that perfect looking.

4:37PM: Madcow attacks Portman and Coats. Another MSNBC analyst looks like Niles Crane from tv show Frasier.

4:41PM: On MSNBC, a man gives a bear hug to an actual bear. Ok, this turns out to be a commercial.

4:42PM: MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News are all on commercial. I should bring out my 4th tv and put on the Spanish station like I did in 2004. I do not speak Spanish, but the female announcers are smoking hot. The Spanish station was the only one to get it right in 2004 because they were unbiased. What did they care? It was not their country. They did a better job than our networks did in the 1990s covering Luis Donaldo Colosio in Mexico (Ernesto Zedillo won).

4:44PM MSNBC “analyst” Michael Isikoff cries over outside money helping Paul. No mention of Obama or Clinton union or Chinese money. At the next commercial MSNBC analysts get their diapers changed.

4:49PM: No matter what Eliot Spitzer says, it is hard not to giggle, especially when he talks about the stimulus package. I want to hear him talk about environmental policy and how he can reduce emissions. In a hilarious coincidence, the other tv shows a preview for “Sex and the City.”

4:57PM: Juan Williams is on Fox News, because they actually allow diverse viewpoints. Also, every single MSNBC commentator appears to be a white male, including Maddow. This proves they are all racists. Fox News allows black people to speak.

5PM: Polls close in 15 states and DC. Now we get rolling.

5PM: Senate races come in. Chris Coons wins easily in Delaware. Wolf Blitzer makes a snide remark. Marc Rubio wins big in Florida. Kelly Ayotte wins in New Hampshire. Richard Shelby and Tom Coburn win in Oklahomand Alabama, not surprising. Barbara Mikulski wins. Maddow has an orgasm, although it is not sure if it is because she sexually desires Barbara Mikulski or Mr. Coons. Somehow she does not like Christine O’Donnell, who is much prettier. No changes to the power structure. The New Hampshire Governor’s race is called for the Democrat with him only up 50-48% early.

5:06PM: Roy Blount defeats Robin Carnahan in the Missouri senate race.

5:07PM: MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman laments the loss of moderate Republicans, while not showing concerns over moderate Democrats. Johnny Isaakson wins the Georgia Senate seat, a hold.

5:10PM: The Democrat wins the lone Delaware house seat, a pickup for the Democrats. Keith Olbermann bashes the Tea Party movement and Christine O’Donnell, as does Madcow. Graciousness does not exist with these cannibals. They make plans to burn her in the town square, to keep in line with the witch jokes.

5:20PM: MSNBC calls the North Carolina Senate race for Richard Burr, a retention that should not have been that close.

5:30PM: Polls close in Arkansas, and other states. As expected, John Boozman trounced Blanche Lincoln, the 2nd GOP pickup. The Democrat Governor of Arkansas won easily. Bill Haslam helped the Republicans retain the Tennessee Governorship.

5:34PM: Joe Manchin wins the West Virginia senate seat, a major hold for Democrats.

5:38PM: Alan Grayson lost his Florida House seat, a pickup for Republicans and a victory for those who prefer decency over hatred. Grayson called his opponent a member of the Taliban. Grayson is a vile human being, and the reason one term should not mean a lifetime pension. Some house scum just got removed. Daniel Webster is the new limestone.

6PM: Polls close in Texas, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, and other states. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand retained their seats easily, and Andrew Cuomo did likewise as Governor. The nation moves right while the coasts move left. Gillibrand has to run again in 2012. Republicans easily win the North Dakota Senate seat, the 3rd GOP pickup. Sam Brownback wins the Kansas Governorship. Rick Snyder picks up the Michigan Governorship, the worst job in America and perhaps the only job left in Michigan under the destruction of Canadian Jennifer Granholm. John Thune won his South Dakota Senate seat, running unopposed, not normal for a senate race.

6:05PM–All 3 networks covering Rand Paul’s victory speech. To make matters worse, none of them are in sync, making for a triple echo. Paul comes out firing.

6:07PM–Rick Perry kept the Texas Governorship in GOP hands.

Maryland Democrats held their governorship, while Republicans took back theirs in Oklahoma.

6:12PM–Brett Baier projects Republicans winning 60 House seats to take control. 60 seconds later MSNBC does likewise, projecting 55 seats. CNN projects at least 50 only 4 minutes later.

6:20PM–Joe Manchin on all 3 networks as MSNBC begs their fellow liberals on the West Coast to not get discouraged and still go to the polls. They do not show such concern when Republican turnout gets depressed.

6:27PM–Louisiana Senator David Vitter retains his seat. Fox News calls Barney Frank the winner of his reelection bid. Only CNN covers the Marco Rubio speech from the beginning. He clearly gets it right when he says that “this is not a great victory for the Republican Party. It is a second chance.”

6:34PM–Johnny Isaakson easily wins the Georgia Senate seat, a retention. Keith Olbermann insults Christine O’Donnell right before her concession speech. As expected, she was as classy and dignified as Olbermann is hateful and vicious. Only Fox News does not cover her remarks at all.

6:42PM: Heineman retains the Nebraska GOP Governship.

6:50PM: Deval Patrick hangs on to the Massachusetts Governorship for the left.

6:57PM: Corbett wins the Pennsylvania Governship, a GOP pickup. The GOP with Haslam also picks up the Tennessee Governorship.

7PM: Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, and Iowa polls close. John McCain and Chuck Grassley easily retain seats in Arizona and Iowa, not surprising. Iowa Governor Terry Branstadt is a GOP pickup. Matt Mead picks up the Wyoming Governorship for the GOP.

7:05PM–Rachel Maddow announces that she is 37 years old, which can be frightening for so many reasons. 5 minutes later she was still ranting.

7:09PM–Democrats hang on to the New Hampshire Governorship.

7:13PM–Chris Matthews tries to get Michele Bachmann to blunder on his show like last time. She did not take the bait. Matthews kept bullying, and Bachmann stayed on message. Matthews asked her if she was hypnotized, and under a trance. She responded that the people were coming out of their nightmare. Olbermann and Madcow laughed at the trance remarks, as if insulting people is the same as discussing policy. Matthews said she looked moronically, his typically moronic self. He was incensed that she kept treating his questions as irrelevant, which they were and he is.

7:18PM–John Hickenlooper won the Governorship in Colorado for the Democrats.

7:23PM–MSNBC’s Niles Crane accused Eric Cantor of fiscally letting the country crash, forgetting that the Pelosiraptor kept raising the debt ceiling. Eric Cantor told Keith Olbermann “what a pleasure it was to be on a night like tonight.” Olbermann nearly choked on it as he and Niles Crane kept complaining and Matthews kept pummeling Bachmann.

7:28PM–Geraldine Ferraro made some very gracious remarks about Sarah Palin, and Palin reciprocated. The assault on women candidates, almost always conservative ones, is out of control. Palin referred to those critics as “neanderthals.”

7:32PM–MSNBC is the first to call the South Carolina Governorship for Republican Nikki Haley seconds after gleefully showing a graph of candidates endorsed by Palin losing 5 to 2, with 32 undecided. Make that 5 to 3 with 31 undecided.

7:35PM–Norah O’Donnell starts cackling for some unknown reason, although nobody asks if she is  braindead bimbo in a trance. Only conservative women get that treatment. Mike Lee holds the Utah Senate seat for the GOP.

7:36PM–New Mexico Governship flips to the GOP under Susanna Martinez.

7:38pm–Ron Johnson defeats Russ Feingold for the GOP pickup of the Wisconsin Senate seat, the 4th switch.

7:40pm–Republicans keep the Utah Governship.

7:48PM–Republicans pick up the Wisconsin Governorship. MSNBC asked Arianna Huffington for her opinion, for mystifying reasons. She is also white, continuing the racist trend of punditry at MSNBC.

7:52PM–Longtime North Dakota House Democrat Earl Pomeroy went down.

7:58PM–Liberal Republican Joseph Cao went down after one term. Perhaps William Jefferson will find money in the freezer to finance a comeback in 2012.

8PM: Polls closed in California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

8PM: In a shocker, Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer are immediately declared winners on the liberal side by Fox News for Governor and Senator, respectively.  Butch Otter easily won reelection as Idaho Governor and Mike Crapo as Senator, both for Republicans.  Ron Wyden coasted to reelection to retain the Oregon Senate seat for the Democrats.

8:08PM–Democrats eke out a win in the Connecticut Governor’s race, a flip.

8:12PM–Former NFL star John Runyan won as a Republican a New Jersey House seat in a tight race. MSNBC announces that Republican Michele Bachmann of Minnesota was reelected as the analysts went into full meltdown mode.

8:14PM–Irregularities in Nevada in terms of power failures near Las Vegas and long lines in Elko. Sharron Angle should be very worried.

8:18PM–A company named ACORN makes stairlifts for seniors. I remain suspicious.

8:19PM–Republicans held the Alabama Governorship. MSNBC was the only network gleefully showing Carl Paladino’s entire concession speech in an attempt to tar the entire GOP.

8:25PM–Reed beat Zeller for a GOP New York House seat pickup, making the state less pathetic than California. Liberal independent Chafee won the Rhode Island Governorship over a Republican 36 to 34%. The Democrat who told Obama to shove it got shoved into last. MSNBC talked to Ed Rendell for about 15 minutes.

8:34PM–The Politico called the Pennsylvania Governor’s race for Pat Toomey over Joe Sestak, and the Alan West Florida Congressional race both for Republicans, but none of the 3 cable news networks did.

8:38PM–RNC Chairman Michael Steele shows a Time Magazine cover from last year declaring Republicans an endangered species.

8:40PM–John Boehner spoke. He will be the next House Speaker, although the Pelosiraptor for once in her life was silent and hiding somewhere. Boehner gets choked up and cries when saying that he has “spent his entire life chasing the American Dream. Working every rotten job, working every night shift I could find, pouring my heart and soul into a small business. He thanked his 11 brothers and sisters. Keith Olbermann took the poignant moment and made a joke about Dan Akroyd and chortled in enjoying Barbara Boxer’s win.

8:45PM–Fox News calls Colonel Allen West the winner in Florida.

8:51PM–Ed Schultz focused on the outside money for Sharron Angle, ignoring the avalanche of late dollars for Harry Reid. Fair and honest by MSNBC standards.

8:52PM–John Kasich finally declared Governor of Ohio for Republicans over incumbent Ted Strickland.

8:53PM–Rudy Giuliani pointed out that “the vote, especially in places like Ohio, was a rejection of Barack Obama. The House race was every part of the country, while the Senate was only 1/3 of the country. This is not an unclear election. It was a clear message. If anything was rejected, it was Obamacare. We will find out tomorrow if Obama is an ideologue or a pragmatist. If he is an ideologue, he is finished.”

9PM: Polls close in Hawaii. Daniel Inouye was reelected Senator of Hawaii for the Democrats for the 8 billionth time. At age 86 he is the Junior Senator.

9:02PM: Sir Charles of Krauthammer speaketh. The rest of the tvs muted. This should happen worldwide. “The Obama agenda is dead. The only question is how much will be repealed and how much he will be willing to concede. Republicans will not win the Senate but will have de facto control. In 2 years Jim Webb in Virginia will be up for reelection, and Democrats will not be willing to walk the plank for Obama. For Republicans, it works well for 2012 strategy. You don’t want both houses of congress because then Obama can be like Harry Truman and attack the do nothing Congress. After extraordinary events, we are now returning to the norm. The map has returned to what has looked like for the last 30 years. 2006 and 2008 were aberrations to historical events, a war and a financial collapse. Obama has tried a 2 year experiment in hyper-liberalism and the country said no. Can a man of the left even try or pretend to go to the center? For the next 2 years he will try to do his liberalism through regulation, through the agencies. The EPA will approve environmental regulations that he would never get through Congress. The next 2 years will be small ball and skirmishing before the 2012 election.”

9:08PM: Pat Toomey won the nailbiter Pennsylvania Senate race for the 5th GOP pickup. This was a blow to the anti-Semites and self-loathing Jews  at J-Street. Fox News called it.

9:13PM: Israel lovers saw the anti-Jewish vote lose again as Mark Kirk survived in the Illinois Senate race for the 6th GOP pickup.  MSNBC called it. This was President Obama’s Senate seat. It was also Roland Burris’s seat.

9:15PM: Nikki Haley spoke with only Fox News covering it. “We are turning the page on where we have been, but the history is going to be on where we go. My goal was always to get you to care.” She offered very classy remarks to her defeated challenger.

9:18PM: Karl Rove: What a rebuke to the President and a needless loss in Illinois. Had they held a special election, that person would have had 2 years to ingratiate themselves to the voters. Instead Blagojevich engineered Roland Burris which led to Gionoulias.

9:18PM: Pat Toomey thanked the love of his life, his wife and mother of his children.

9:23PM: Joe Sestak spoke, with only his sycophants at MSNBC covering the concession speech. He did not offer anything for Toomey representing class.

9:27PM: Fox News, again the supposedly right wing network despite being the only one with balanced political panels, called the Nevada Senate race for Harry Reid over Sharron Angle. The Democrats retained the seat and officially held their Senate majority.

9:35PM: Bryan Sandoval was declared Governor of Nevada for the Republicans, and Jan Brewer was reelected as the GOP Governor of Arizona.

9:39PM: Republicans officially won the House. The Pelosiraptor has officially been fired.

9:43PM: Madcow spoke about the total collapse of the GOP in Nevada while forgetting that Democrats lost virtually everywhere else across America. Madcow then called Sharron Angle a racist. She was also called flaky. Remember, this is what MSNBC calls analysis. As for the Latino vote abandoning Republicans, Republican Governor Elect Bryan Sandoval is Latino. MSNBC never kets facts or logic interfere with leftist bile. Bill Richardson called Republicans anti-immigrant.

9:48PM: Larry Sabato said he has seen hundreds of state legislators switching to Republicans. “75% of it is because of the rotten economy. This is the best year Republicans have had in the midterm since World War II.”

9:55PM: Republicans pick up at least 3 House seats in New York. Proposition 19 fails in California, a victory for anti-druggies over stoners and slackers. Maybe now college students will finally leave here for good so we can convert the campuses into prisons since the criminals are already there. I can dream.

9:58PM: Liberal pollster Pat Caddel admitted that “passing Obamacare in the way it was passed was a crime against democracy.”

10PM: Polls close in Alaska. Write in votes, most likely for Lisa Murkowski, were ahead. The race might not be decided until November 18th. Murkowski would caucus with the Republicans, so that is a retained seat with her or Joe Miller, since the Democrat trailed badly in third in he great tradition of Kendrick Meek. Senate Republicans were very smart not to take away Murkowski’s committee chairmanships in the Senate. Otherwise, she could have exacted retribution in the same way Charlie Crist would have caucused with the Democrats.

10:11PM: Nathan Deal wins the Georgia Governorship for the GOP.

10:13PM: A pair of House seats in Wisconsin flip to the GOP.

10:15PM: Liberal analyst Kirsten Powers said that regarding compromise, “Obama, unlike Bill Clinton, is not built for this.”

10:17PM: For the 100th time tonight, it was simply fun to say that in South Carolina, Alvin Greene is not going to be Senator. The MSNBC people chortling over Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell, both lovely human beings, seem to be silent on felon Democrat Alvin Greene.

10:22PM: Ed Schultz complains about where Michele Bachmann has her victory party.

10:26PM: Leftist Joe Trippi, in talking about the Democrats getting shellacked, said about Obama that “at some point he has got to realize that this was because of him.” David Schweikert picked up an Arizona House seat for the GOP.

10:49PM Voting irregularities created a mess and again shockingly enough favor the Democrat.

10:50PM: Harry Reid came out classless. “Today Nevada chose hope over fear, moving forward, not backward.” All 3 cable news networks covered it. He did not mention Sharron Angle.

11PM: MSNBC announces that “the big story is that Harry Reid wins, and the Senate stays in Democratic control.” The Earthquake in the House gets lower billing.

11:03PM: Jerry Brown speaks, and only CNN covers it from the beginning. “They haven’t counted all the votes yet, but hell, it’s good enough for government work.” Yes, this is liberalism in California. He spoke about renewable energy and education, not mentioning one word about making California business friendly. He spoke about bipartisanship, and he seemed sincere despite not mentioning Meg Whitman.

11:14PM: A Republican is invited on to the panel on MSNBC after only 8 hours of coverage.

11:16PM: Carly Fiorina came out and celebrated the Republican sweep, mentioning John Boehner twice. Only afterward did she mention the Republicans getting trounced in the once Golden State.  Only CNN carried the initial remarks, and MSNBC missed them altogether.   Yet despite the fact that all 3 networks called the race, Fiorina did not concede.  “36% of the vote has been counted, and we are in a dead heat tie. It is too close to call. For all those people who already declared this race, maybe that was not a smart thing to do. It’s going to be a long night.”

11:19PM: Shockingly enough, MSNBC immediately went to cover Barbara Boxer in her imbecilic entirety. She immediately declared victory. She twice told the people to “listen up.” She said that the reason she went into politics was to make life better for the people she represents. Lord help us all. Never one to be gracious,  she claimed that her opponents were shadowy special interests while her supporters were small donors. Now she can get back to doing nothing for the next 6 years. She invoked the World Series in an idiotic manner.

11:27PM: An email from Josh Mandel in Ohio confirmed that he won the Ohio race for Treasurer for the GOP.

11:32PM: According to TEXAS GOP Vote on Facebook, rising star Pastor Edward Broden did not unseat Bernice Johnson as the Democrats retained that seat. Yet Republican Bill Flores did knock out longtime incumbent Chet Edwards, a GOP pickup.

11:37PM:  Meg Whitman spoke, with only Fox News covering the remarks at all. She had already called Jerry Brown and conceded, and encouraged all of California to come together. She said that “tomorrow, we are all Californians.”

11:41PM: Neil Abercrombie comfortably defeated Duke Aiona for the Hawaii Governorship, a pickup for the Democrats to replace retiring Republican Linda Lingle.

11:50PM: Michael Barone is breaking down every single household in every corner of the world, even where they do not have houses. I am not sure how he does it.

11:52PM: J-Streeter Jan Schakowsky defeated Joel Pollak in awful news for lovers of Israel and a retention for the far left.

11:57PM: Canseco took down Rodriguez for a Texas House seat, a GOP pickup. Neither of these men play pro baseball.

11:58PM: The Colorado Senate race and Florida Governor’s race were razor thin contests with the Republicans leading both but neither resolved. In Virginia, Democrat Gerry Connolly led Republican challenger Keith Fimian by a razor thin margin, a few hundred votes. The Democrat also had a microscopic lead in the Minnesota Governor’s race to replace Republican Tim Pawlenty. Former New York Knicks basketball player and Republican Chris Dudley led longtime Democratic incumbent John Kitzhaber in what would be a major upset in the Oregon Governor’s race that was too close to call. Nothing was announced in the Hawaii Congressional seat currently held by Republican Charles Djou. Raul Labrador led incumbent Walt Minnick in an Idaho Congressional race for a GOP pickup by 50-41%, although it was not official at this time.

11:59pm: Local media in Arizona finally declared Democrat Raul Grijalva the winner of his incumbent seat against strong challenger Republican Ruth McClung.

12:05AM: Lisa Murkowski claims victory with none of the networks calling the race. Then her supporters started chanting “Yes, We Can,” which is not something Republicans, even liberal ones, should be blathering.

12:07AM: Sharron Angle gave a speech that was conciliatory, but not a complete concession. For some reason, CNN replayed Harry Reid’s victory speech while Angle was speaking.

12:33AM: James Oberstar was elected in the Democratic wave in 1974 after Watergate. The Minnesota Congressman was trailing by 1% with 92% in.

12:35AM: MSNBC desperately needed something to hang on to, so they decided to interview Barbara Boxer. She described 2 Republicans breaking ranks and crossing over as an example of bipartisanship. She doesn’t get it and will never get it. She then got combative about health care, all of a sudden defending the bill in a way she never did during the campaign. She then brought up the secret donations again. An ounce of class is beyond her.

12:43AM: With 86% in, the Los Angeles Palestinian Times has Republican Dan Lungren holding on to his seat 50-43%. With 88% reporting, Republican challenger David Harmer led Democratic incumbent Jerry McNerney 48-47%. Neither race was called.

12:47AM: On MSNBC, Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee said Democrats lost because they did not fight hard enough for progressive policies such as a public option and breaking up the big banks. Just once I wish a leftist imbecile would not be Jewish. I am so tired of apologizing for my own people.

12:53AM: Most of the California races were blowouts for the incumbents. A moderately close race that did not involve a switch had incumbent Democrat Loretta Sanchez fending off Van Tran 51-42% with 74% in. Republicans saw incumbent Mary Bono Mack leading 53-40% with 51% counted. The safe seats that are so bad for Democracy will continue with Jerrymander Brown drawing districts again, as long as can get around another Democratically elected proposition preventing this. All he needs is one liberal Judge that he has appointed or will appoint, and that redistricting commission blocking him is toast.

1:02AM: Bob Seger wrote the song beautiful loser. In the case of Republican challenger Jill Rowland in New York, the song should be renamed to drop dead beautiful loser. My lord her husband is one lucky man. She is stunning.

1:05AM: The MSNBC announcer got confused between a recall and a recount. If a Republican had done this it would have been a Federal case, most likely pursued by Eric Holder.

1:20AM: With 99% reporting, Democrat Pat Quinn is in the fight of his life to retain his Illinois Governorship, leading by literally a few hundred votes.

1:36AM: By 50-49%, Republicans have captured the Connecticut Governor’s mansion. This one is final.

1:38AM: By 38-37%, the Republican Gubernatorial candidate led the Independent with only 89% in. This is not final, and Maine has a strong independent tradition, with Angus King winning in recent years and Ross Perot getting 30% to finish second in 1992. The Democrat was in third in this race.

Big Ears speaks at 10AM PST, Hillary is hiding in Asia, and the Peloiraptor is hiding, although nobody is looking for her. Her silence is refreshing.

9:30AM: A friend from the Garland County Republican Party in Arkansas calls to tell me that the “Paint Arkansas Red Rally” I spoke at got the desired results and beyond. Conservative but voting Democrat since reconstruction, the Republicans won 20 of 21 local races. They lost one race by 5 votes and are seeking a recount. It was a (blue)bloodbath.I apologized again for living in California. Congratulations to the fine people of Garland County.

9:30AM: Alex Sink conceded the Florida Governor’s race, immediately making Republican Rick Scott one of the top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys of 2010. That list gets published in late December. His performance in office will determine whether he makes the list in 2011.

10AM: President Obama held a one hour press conference. Unlike Bill Clinton, who in 1994 said, “I get the message,” Mr. Obama never did. He remained obtuse, refusing to in any way concede that he remotely is part of the problem. He blamed his predecessor, and insisted he was making progress. His entire remarks will be dissected tomorrow, because they go to the heart of his rigidly inflexible ideological leftist mindset.

11AM: Monica Crowley pointed out that he blew his political capital spending an entire year on healthcare instead of jobs. He still will not extend all of the Bush tax cuts. Bill Clinton admitted that he should have done welfare reform before healthcare reform. Mr. Obama cannot make such concessions out of narcissism. Nothing in his character to suggest moderation. There is a difference between listening to ideas and actually absorbing those ideas.

I will now do my impression of singer Lady Blah Blah, minus the Gaga wearing of meat.

“Are you listening President Obama? Are you listening????!!!!!!!!!”

No. He is not listening.

11:15AM: Democrat Michael Bennett declared victory in the Colorado Senate race despite no news organizations doing so. Why? Because liberals do this. The goal is to create inevitability so people get bored. Look for the left to use their tired cliche about how we should all just “move on,” which is code for, “we have a lead, cancel the rest of the clock.”

11:17AM: Pat Caddell: “Among Democrats favoring repeal of the healthcare bill, 36% voted Republican. Among independents favoring repeal, by 86-9% they voted Republican. The American people want it repealed, and he seems entirely tone deaf.”

12:41PM: Indiana Republican Mike Pence, who won easily and is a national star, is resigning his leadership post (while staying in Congress). This is the first volley of 2012.

The left can spin this election any way they want. The right destroyed them.

Let them celebrate a wounded Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer accomplishing nothing. The Pelosiraptor is fired. That is the story.

Republicans won big, picking up over 65 House seats and 6-8 Senate seats, in addition to a bunch of Governorships and state legislatures.

Oh yes, and the Pelosiraptor is fired.
