FBN Debate Recap Part II
FBN Debate Recap Part II
NFL 2015 Week 10 Prequel
FBN Debate recap
The undercard actually started with a real question about a topic that mattered.
Chris Christie was asked how he would put Americans back to work. Christie offered empathy and then tax reform and reducing regulations.
Huckabee was asked how Americans can survive in the transition from a manufacturing to a service economy. Huckabee spoke about the Fair Tax.
Santorum was asked if things were really good in the economy. Santorum spoke about how people are hurting but that employers are begging to hire tradespeople like welders and cannot find qualified employees. People can go to work, not college.
Jindal was asked if national job growth would be tied to oil the way his home state is. Jindal offered what is going right in Louisiana.
Christie was asked how the GOP can beat the Democrat message of free stuff. Christie pointed out that Democrats will have to raise taxes to 70 or 80%.
Santorum was asked how to give people the incentive to choose work when there is so much free stuff. Santorum spoke of pro-family tax credits. We need to incentivize marriage, not penalize it.
Huckabee was asked how to fix the culture of dependency. He spoke about how those in power on the left want poverty to allow the party of government to maintain power. He spoke about the successful welfare reform law of the 1990s.
Jindal was asked about Democrats winning the White House because of a better economic message. Jindal said the problem was Republicans running away from their own principles.
Huckabee was asked about why he raised taxes. He said he had tough choices to make. Jindal said that he cut government while Huckabee expanded it.
Christie was asked how he would reduce the size of government. Christie defended Huckabee and said they would all do better than Hillary Clinton. Christie emphasized entitlement reform. First day in office, no regulations from any government agency for first 120 days.
Santorum spoke about the difference between being a capitalist and a corporatist.
Huckabee was asked about whether America should accept Syrian refugees. He pointed out that the Obama administration has let Christians get slaughtered worldwide. Huckabee said what we should do is find out who the refugees are and find a place for them closer to where they live. Bringing them here makes no sense for anyone. We should ask the Saudis to step up.
Christie was asked about Chinese spying and unfair trade practices. Christie blamed the feckless foreign policy of Obama and Hillary. Christie said he was personally hacked. We will retaliate by showing the Chinese people Chinese government secrets.
Jindal is for trade deals if they are fair. With the new one, we have to read it first. Jindal went after Christie, saying spending went up in New Jersey. Christie did not take the bait, instead training his fire on the Democrats. He can win in a blue state. Jindal kept up the attack. Christie used humor to deflect. Jindal kept attacking. “I’ll give you a ribbon for participation and a juice box.”
Santorum pointed out that he got elected in a blue state while maintaining a 92% conservative voting record. He did welfare reform.
Asked who they most admire in Congress, the candidates refused to answer the question. Jindal was particularly angry about this question and throughout the night.
Huckabee was challenged that his Fair Tax would reduce consumer spending, and he joked that nothing would.
Christie again vowed to prosecute Hillary.
The candidates all object to the policies of the Federal Reserve.
Huckabee made a joke about his wife Janet yelling and Janet Yellen.
The candidates was asked about the VA scandal. He said there is no need for a VA healthcare system because we have a great private healthcare system.
They were all asked about restoring American pride in our military.
Jindal mentioned firing VA bureaucrats.
Huckabee lamented that we have not kept our promises to our soldiers.
Christie says it starts with a Commander in Chief who respects the military.
Santorum said no more conducting wars based on politics like Obama has done.
Closing statements:
Jindal: The only one who has cut spending.
Santorum: The dignity of being a carpenter and other blue collar workers.
Huckabee: He is the candidate of the people, not the rich.
Christie: Lacerated Hillary Clinton for calling Republicans the enemy.
Cavuto quickly set the tone.
He asked candidates about picketers demanding a $15 an hour minimum wage.
Trump said he can’t be sympathetic to them given the dire straits we are in. He actually said wages are too high.
Carson pointed out that minimum wage hikes hit young blacks especially hard. His earliest jobs were low pay but good experience.
Rubio was asked what he would take back rather than give away. if you raise the minimum wage you’re going to make people more expensive than a machine. “We need more welders & fewer philosophers.”
Maria Bartiromo kept the serious questions coming.
Kasich was asked how he would balance the budget given our large debt. He blasted Hillary Clinton’s tax ideas and insisted he has a plan but does not say what he would do. When pressed, he said he would slow the rate of growth of Medicare from 7% to 5%. Freeze non-defense discretionary spending for eight years.
When asked about his tax plan, Cruz noted the 1.2% growth under Obama. Government has three levers to spur the economy. One is tax reform. The second element is regulatory reform. The third is sound money.
Kasich interrupted Jeb and spoke of support for a VAT.
Asked what regulations he would repeal to get to 4% growth. He cited the WSJ Editorial Board calling his tax plan pro-growth. Repeal every rule Obama implemented. He mentioned internet deregulation, foreign waters, and other regulatory burdens. Jeb went after the Obama record hard and tied Hillary to him.
Fiorina was asked a loaded question about whether Democrat presidents are better at creating jobs. Carly went with the heartfelt story approach. She blamed big government in both parties. Zero-based budgeting, three page tax code, review of every regulation, put Congress in charge of regulations.
Paul was asked about income inequality. Paul pointed out that income inequality is worse under cities and states run by Democrats. He then lambasted the Federal Reserve. While it is his area of passion and expertise, a lecture on quantitative easing does not resonate with the average voter.
Cavuto asked Carson about the trust issue. Carson thanked Cavuto for not asking about the tenth grade. The crowd laughed. Carson said we should all be vetted, but the media and public officials should not lie. He accused Hillary Clinton of lying about Benghazi. “People who know me know that I’m an honest person.”
Bartiromo asked Trump about a federal appeals court striking down Obama’s executive amnesty.
“Nobody wants to listen to him, including the Democrats.” Trump said that if you don’t believe walls work, check with Israel.
Kasich wanted to comment on everything, and he interjected again. He took strong issue with Trump’s wanting to send illegals back.
Trump fired back, “You’re lucky Ohio struck oil.” He pointed out that Reagan moved 1.5 illegal immigrants far South into Mexico.
In an odd turn, Trump looked like the sober adult and Kasich was the obnoxious screamer.
Bush said that sending 12 million illegals back is not possible. He also noted that the Clinton campaign was celebrating Trump’s comments on illegals.
Trump noted that it was unfair to those trying to immigrate legally.
Gerard Baker asked Rubio about the new struggling economy.
Rubio was ready and on message. The telephone took 75 years tor each 100 million users. Candy crush needed one year to do it. That is the free market. He called the healthcare law “crazy.” our higher education system is outdated.
Baker asked Cruz about liberal interest groups blocking entitlement reform. Cruz said that Baker misrepresented his own view. Baker politely said that he referred to future retirees, not current ones. Cruz pivoted to amnesty and then said things would be different if people with journalism degrees were crossing the border and driving down media wages. He said that it is offensive to call securing the border anti-immigrant.
Fiorina was asked how we get rid of regulations choking businesses. She started with Obamacare and said she knew more about business regulations than others. The secret sauce of America is innovation and entrepreneurship. The alternative to Obamacare is to have states handle high risk pools. The free market is the answer.
Cavuto asked Carson how his tax plan differs from Trump. Carson favors a flat tax, Trump is ok with a graduated tax.
Carson was very well prepared. We had life before the federal income tax was created in 1913. Getting the economy moving is the best way to help poor people.
Cavuto asked if Paul’s tax plan creates a near term budget crisis.
Paul was fine with government starved. He cited “The Penny Plan” that Sean Hannity came up with. He also wants to get rid of the payroll tax, knowing Democrats will demagogue that issue. Home mortgage and charitable contributions are the only deductions he keeps.
Bartiromo asked Cruz how his tax plan would avoid bringing about more debt.
Cruz described his plan and said his website has the specific numbers. He eliminates the death tax and the corporate tax. Exports are free of corporate taxes, not imports. He said the Tax Foundation backed his plan. He mentioned administrative agencies he would cut.
Bartiromo asked Bush how important tax reform was to him. Would he guarantee he would tackle in it in his first year?
Bush said he absolutely would. It’s a top priority. He pointed out that the jobs currently being created are low paying jobs. He then cited a couple people he met. He concluded by blasting Hillary’s approach.
Baker challenged Rubio on his child tax credit, saying it would add more entitlement. He made clear that his top priority was helping families. In 35 of 50 states, childcare costs more than college.
Paul called Rubio’s plan a welfare transfer payment. He said that was not conservative. He said the same about Rubio’s trillion dollar increase in military spending.
Rubio said it was there money because they pay it through the payroll tax. “I know that Rand is a committed isolationist. I’m not.”
Paul: “You cannot be a conservative if you’re going to offer programs we cannot pay for.”
Rubio said we have jihadists trying to kill us. We need a strong military.
Cruz jumped in. “If you think defending this nation is expensive, try not defending it.” Cruz would end corporate welfare like sugar subsidies.
Fiorina again mentioned zero-based budgeting. “You cannot reduce taxes and reduce spending at the same time.” She just bashed supply-side theory.
Trump pointed out that we need a strong military and that each GOP tax plan is better than the mess we have now.
Kasich again tried to interrupt. This time he was stopped as Baker turned to Trump on trade.
Trump said the TPP was a horrible deal. He compared it to Obamacare in that nobody read it. We should make individual deals with individual countries. It’s costing us 1/2 a trillion with China, 75 billion with Japan, and 50 billion with Mexico.
When pressed further, Trump brought up currency manipulation. It is the biggest weapon countries have.
Paul pointed out that China is not part of the TPP. He also noted that we have given up too much power to the executive branch. Congress has become a bystander.
Bartiromo cited a 61% increase in terrorist attacks, and asked Carson about Obama’s Afghanistan approach.
Carson called 50 special ops people better than nothing. Our current strategy has been ineffective but we can’t give up ground. We have to destroy their Caliphate, and the easiest place to do that would be Iraq. Take Anbar where oil is. Our goal is not to contain them but to destroy them.
Bartiromo asked Bush what the biggest threat to America is. He said Islamic terrorism, not climate change. He cited growing Russian influence because of a lack of American leadership.
Bartiromo asked Trump about Obama’s mocking of Mitt Romney on Russia. How does Trump handle Putin?
Trump blasted the Iran deal and went on to China and North Korea. He said that if Putin wants to kill ISIS, let him do it. We cannot be the world’s policeman.
Bush said that Trump was wrong. America has to lead. Trump’s approach was Monopoly. America has to intervene and not cede Syria to Russia.
Trump pointed out that we have no idea who the Syrian rebels are. We should have taken Iraq’s oil and given it to families of American veterans.
Fiorina said that Trump and Paul would be coming to Putin from a position of weakness. She would not talk to Putin. She would put a few thousand more troops in Germany. She gave a stinging defense of American strength.
Paul rejected the idea of a no-fly zone. Russia already flies there with permission from Iraq. We will not be shooting down Russian planes. He said he would not give arms to enemies of America.
Rubio called Putin a gangster, an organized crime figure. Obama has “no strategy.” Rubio mentioned that Obama shows more respect to Iranian mullahs then the Israeli Prime Minister. Islamists do not hate us because of Israel. They hate us because we exist.
Baker asked Kasich about China. How can we stop them when they invest 50 billion in us.
Kasich said he would stand up to China and then began storytelling about his world experience. He was clamoring for more time the whole night, only to waste it when it was given to him.
On Jordan, Kasich said, “We want the king to reign for 1,000 years.” He praised Obama on TPP. Kasich said the Chinese are not our enemy or friend. He rambled on and on.
Baker asked Bush if he would have bailed out the banks in 2008. Bush said that we have to get rid of Dodd-Frank and too big to fail. Dodd-Frank is killing community banks. He mentioned Hillary’s many flip flops. When pressed further, Bush said he supported higher capital requirements for banks.
Baker asked Carson if JP Morgan and the other big banks should be broken up.
Carson said that the real problem was that we were over-regulated. Every single regulation costs money. It hurts the poor and middle class most. Carson does not want to tear anybody down, be they big banks or little people.
Rubio said that the government created the big banks because regulations crippled the small banks who cannot afford the lawyers for compliance purposes. Dodd-Frank codified too big to fail.
Kasich said there is too much Wall Street greed. Cavuto asked cruz if he would really go after Wall Street crooks.
Cruz said yes and that he would absolutely not bail out the big banks again. He said that big business and big government are in bed together.
Bartiromo drew boos when citing Hillary Clinton’s experience. She asked Rubio why he should be trusted more than her given her experience.
Rubio was totally prepared and cited all the problems America is facing and that she would exacerbate them. “The Democratic Party and the political left has no idea about the future.”
Cruz pointed out that Hillary’s policies have totally failed. “Hillary Clinton embodies the cronyism of Washington.” He cited the congressional exemption of Obamacare and said Congress would be held to the same laws as everyone else.
Cavuto asked Trump about his plan to bring back repatriated assets without a tax penalty. Isn’t that a get out of jail free card.
Trump spoke eloquently about corporate inversion. Both parties agree on bringing the money back. He thinks it is more than 2.5 trillion dollars.
Paul said to be a conservative, you have to cut defense spending.
Kasich said the conservative movement is about opportunity. Again he went over time.
Fiorina described the horror of a Hillary Clinton presidency. It will corrode the character of this nation.
Bush said we do not need an Agitator-In-Chief. We need a Commander in Chief.
Cruz spoke of his father’s escape from Cuba and the promise of America. We need to return to free market principles and Constitutional liberties.
Rubio spoke about leaving the next generation better off than the current one. We will expand the American dream.
Carson said that during the debate, 5 people have died from drugs, 2 vets have committed suicide, many abortions, other tragedies. We must never let political correctness interfere with trying to improve America.
Trump cited his job creation record and his self-funded campaign. He called Hillary the worst Secretary of State in the history of this country.
NFL 2015 Week 9 Recap
Cleveland Browns at Cincinnati Bengals was the Thursday night game. Johnny Manziel got the start over Josh McCown, which was a nice way of throwing Johnny football to the wolves. The unbeaten Bengal Tigers just devoured another opponent. Early on Red Rifle Andy Dalton led the Bengals 63 yards in 10 plays and 5 minutes. A 9 yard touchdown pass to Tyler Eifert made it 7-0 Bengals. Travis Coons hit a 27 yard field goal to get the Browns on the board.
In the second quarter dalton moved the Bengals 80 yards in 14 plays and 6 1/2 minutes. A 2 yard touchdown pass to Eifert made it 14-3 Bengals. Manuel did move the Browns 92 yards in 10 plays. A 12 yard touchdown pass to Johnson had the Browns only down 14-10 at halftime. In the second half the Bengald defense just clamped down. In the third quarter Mike Nugent hit a 28 yard field goal. The Bengals only led 17-10 after three quarters but in the fourth quarter Cincinnati put the game away.
The Bengals capped off a 91 yard drive when Mohammed san ran for a 25 yard touchdown. Then Dalton connected with Eifert for the third time on the day. The 19 yard touchdown pass ended the scoring. The Bengals are now 8-0 as Dalton finished a red hot 21 of 27 for 234 yards, 3 touchdown passes to Eifert, and 0 interceptions. 31-10 Bengals
Oakland Raiders at Pittsburgh Steelers — This was not the 1970s, but these are a pair of 4-3 football teams that have potential. The Steelers moved from their 21 to a 3rd and 4 at the Oakland 34. After Ben Roethlisberger threw incomplete, Mike Tomlin decided to go for it. Big Ben threw incomplete again and the Raiders took over. On the first play from scrimmage Carr threw a ball that was batted in the air and almost intercepted. On the next play Latavius Murray burst through the middle and got to the sideline for a 44 yard gain. On the third play Carr fired to the end zone and Michael Crabtree came down with the 22 yard touchdown. Only 3 minutes into the game, the Raiders led 7-0.
Roethlisberger went for the bomb on 3rd and 3 and threw incomplete, but a good punt had the Raiders starting their next drive at their own 2 yard line. Oakland went 3 and out and the Steelers took over at their own 40. They moved to a 3rd and 4 at the Oakland 16 when a pass by Roethlisberger was incomplete as the receiver fell down. A 34 yard field goal had the Steelers within 7-3.
The Raiders gained a couple first downs but then Carr threw 3 straight incompletions near midfield. Twice the ball was caught by Andre Holmes and both times Holmes could not get his feet down inbounds. The Steelers took over at their own 17. Roethlisberger went deep to Antonio Brown for a 59 yard gain. The second quarter began with the Steelers facing 3rd and 9 at the Oakland 23. Big Ben found Brown for 11 and 9. Williams got the last 3 yards on the ground. Mike Tomlin goes for 2 frequently and Roethlisberger hit Williams for the 2 pointer to make it 11-7 Steelers.
The Raiders moved after a touchback to the Pittsburgh 48, but a perfect pass on 1st and 10 was dropped in a first half where the Raiders multiple dropped passes. Carr threw incomplete on 3rd and 5. A good punt pinned the steelers back to their own two yard line. The defense held and a short punt had the Raiders starting at the Pittsburgh 40. Murray gained 2, 7 and 3 more on 3rd and 1. On 3rd and 10 from the Pittsburgh 28, Carr found Amari Cooper for 13. On the next play a defensive breakdown left Cooper wide open by an Oakland mile. He immediately motioned for the ball and Carr sent him the easiest touchdown in either player’s history as the Raiders led 14-11 with 6 minutes left in the half.
The Steelers took over at their own 22. On 3rd and 6 from the Pittsburgh 47, Big Ben went deep to Brown again for a 41 yard gain. On 3rd and 1 from the 3, Williams got stopped cold as the clock reached the 2 minute warning. Tomlin decided to go for it. Out of the shotgun, Williams got the carry again and this time bulled his way just over the plane of the goal line for the touchdown and the 18-14 Steelers lead.
The Raiders did less than nothing on their next drive, giving the Steelers the ball back at their own 41 with one minute left. Defensive pass interference moved the ball to the Oakland 48. Roethlisberger then avoided a sack and found Brown for 19 yards. After just missing on the home run ball and then avoiding a sack for an incompletion, a 3rd and 10 pass came up one yard short of the sticks. This time Tomlin decided not to gamble as Chris Boswell hit the 38 yard field goal to make it 21-14 Steelers. Roethlisberger had over 240 yards passing by halftime, with Antonio Brown torching the Raiders for nearly 200 yards receiving.
Things went from bad to worse for the Raiders to start the third quarter. On 3rd and 12 from the Oakland 25 on a day when Raiders players kept slipping and falling down, a short completion was followed by another fall down. The receiver tried to get back up, was hit, fumbled, and had the ball returned 20 yards for a Pittsburgh touchdown. The Raiders were saved when the score was reviewed and reversed and ruled that the Pittsburgh player went out of bounds and came back in before touching the ball. It didn’t matter. The Raiders tried to punt, and Marquette King had his punt partially blocked. The Steelers took over at the Oakland 45 with all the momentum. The Raiders dodged another bullet when Roetholisberger threw incomplete on 3rd and 7. The Raiders took over at their own 10.
Carr found Cooper for 14. Murray gained 15 more. Carr hit Seth Roberts for 18 yards. On 3rd and 5 from the Pittsburgh 37, Carr found Clive Walford for a 36 yard gain down to the one. Carr went back to Walford for the touchdown pass to tie the game 21-21 midway through the third quarter. It was Carr’s third touchdown pass of the day. He became the first Raiders quarterback to have three straight games of at least three touchdown passes since Rich Gannon in 2001. The Steelers took over at their own 12.
Roetholisberger went bombs away again and threw another perfect pass. Yet this time the ball was juggled and eventually dropped. The Raiders had dodged another killer. On 3rd and 13 from the Pittsburgh 14, Big Ben went deep again. This time he was intercepted by Amerson at the Pittsburgh 32. The Raiders had been given a gift, and they refused to accept it. Murray got the carry and he fumbled the ball back to the Steelers at the Pittsburgh 25. After two weeks without a turnover the Raiders now had a big one. Yet again the Raiders survived when a 41 yard field goal try by Boswell to give Pittsburgh the lead was wide no good.
Carr immediately hit Cooper for a 21 yard gain to the Pittsburgh 48. On 3rd and 5 Carr threw a short pass over the middle to Walford that at first appeared for a first down. Walford got blasted and the ball popped in the air and then looked to be intercepted. Walford was on the ground for awhile but eventually got up and walked off under his own power. Meanwhile, the officials correctly ruled that the ball hit the ground incomplete. The Raiders punted and the steelers took over at their own 9 yard line.
Williams ripped off a 53 yard gain to the Oakland 37 as the third quarter came to an end. On 3rd and 1 from the 28, Williams gained 2. On 3rd and 1 from the 17, Roethlisberger found Brown, who broke a tackle to gain 3. On the next play a short pass to Bryant, followed by several mistackles, turned a play of no gain into a 14 yard touchdown to complete the 91 yard drive. With 12 1/2 minutes left in regulation, the Steelers led 28-21.
The Raiders self-destructed as Taiwan Jones fumbled the ensuing kickoff. The Steelers recovered at the Oakland 6. Roethlisberger hit James for a 4 yard touchdown to make it 35-21 Steelers as 2 touchdowns in 60 seconds broke the game open. The Raiders got a break when the kickoff went out of bounds, giving Oakland the ball on their own 40. Carr quickly found Cooper for 12, Roberts for 19 and Smith for 10. From the Pittsburgh 19, Olawale burst through for a touchdown as the Raiders were within 35-28 with 9 1/2 minutes left.
The Raiders initially appeared to have no answers on defense as Pittsburgh moved from their 20 to the Oakland 43. A pair of incompletions set up a critical 3rd and 10. Roethlisberger had been avoiding sacks all day, but the Raiders finally got to him for an 11 yard loss. Big Ben had to be helped off the field. Midway through the fourth quarter, the Raiders got the ball back at their own 7 yard line. On 2nd and 6 Carr fired incomplete twice and the Raiders had to punt again.
Brown had been killing the Raiders all game receiving the ball, but he fumbled the punt and the Raiders recovered at the Pittsburgh 39 with 6 minutes left to play. Carr found Crabtree for 12. On 3rd and 6 from the Pittsburgh 23, Carr threw incomplete. However, he was hit low. The personal foul for roughing the passer meant 1st and 10 from the 11. The Steelers were sending the house on every play. On 2nd and 10 Carr fired to the end zone for Cooper. Cooper made a great grab but could not get both feet down inbounds. His second foot just hit the white chalk. On 3rd and 10 Carr made his only mistake of the game at the worst possible time. He was intercepted by Cockrell in the end zone. Cockrell returned it to the Pittsburgh 24. With 4 1/2 minutes left, an Oakland defense that had given up nearly 500 yards had to find a way to get a stop.
Roethlisberger was out, and Landry Jones came in. Jones found Brown for a 14 yard gain as the clock kept moving. With 2:36 to play, the Steelers after a false start faced 3rd and 11 from their own 39. Jones hit brown for a 17 yard gain and it appeared the game was over. Yet offensive pass interference instead meant 3rd and 21. After an incompletion, the Raiders had life. They got the ball back at their own 31.
Carr hit Cooper for 9 as the clock reached the 2 minute warning. Carr went back to cooper, who split the seam. Yet Cooper dropped it. On 3rd and 1 Carr found Rivera for 8. On 3rd and 10, Carr found Crabtree for 14 at the Pittsburgh 38. On the next play Carr went deep to Crabtree for the touchdown. With 1:15 to ply the game was tied 35-35. Sebastian Janikowski boomed the kickoff out of the end zone.
At that moment both quarterbacks Roethlisberger and Carr were exactly 24 of 44. Carr had 301 yards and 4 touchdown passes while Roethlisberger had 334 yards and two touchdowns. Each quarterback was intercepted once. Yet it was Landry Jones who had a chance to be the hero. Williams broke free for a big gain, but offensive holding negated most of it. On 3rd and 2 from the Pittsburgh 28, Jones hit Brown on a slant, and Brown broke free for a 57 yard gain to the Oakland 15 with 45 seconds left. With the Raiders out of timeouts, they needed a miracle. Williams gained 5 and then 9 more down to the one with four seconds left. A false start moved the ball back to the six. Boswell made the 25 yard field goal and the Raiders were done.
Antonio Brown had 284 yards receiving and DeAngelo Williams gashed the Raiders for 170 yards on the ground. The Raiders piled up 440 yards of offense but the defense gave up 608 yards. The Steelers are 5-3 and the Raiders are 4-4. However, the Steelers will be in big trouble if Roethlisberger is injured again. 38-35 Steelers
Jacksonville Jaguars at New York Jets — A short punt had the Jaguars taking over at their own 44. Myers hit a 45 yard field goal to make it 3-0 Jaguars. Antonio Cromartie returned the ensuing kickoff all the way to midfield. From the Jags 32, Ryan Fitzpatrick for 25 yards and again for the 7 yard touchdown to make it 7-3 Jets. Blake Bortles was then intercepted, giving the jets the ball on the Jacksonville 32. On 4th and 3 Todd Bowles decided to go for it and Fitzpatrick hit Decker for 15 yards. On 3rd and goal at the one, Chris Ivory got in to make it 14-3 Jets. The Jets dominated the first 29 1/2 minutes when a poor punt had the Jaguars at midfield. Bottles went deep to Hurns for 20 and again for the 30 yard touchdown as the Jaguars only trailed 14-10 at halftime.
A field position game had the Jaguars at the jets 43. Myers hit a 39 yard field goal to get the Jaguars within 14-13. The Jets finally showed some more life on offense in moving 73 yards. Ivory got the last yard to make it 21-13 Jets after three quarters. The Jaguars moved from their 10 to the Jets 17 but Bortles threw 3 straight incompletions. Myers hit a 35 yard field goal as the Jaguars trailed 21-16 with 10 1/2 minutes left in regulation.
The Jaguars got it back at their own 10 and quickly moved to take the lead. Bottles found Marcedes Lewis for 27 yards and Yeldon ran around the end for a 45 yard gain to the Jets 10. Bortles got down to the 4, but holding moved the Jaguars back. Bottles was then sacked and fumbled as the Jets took over at their own 34 with 5 1/2 minutes left in regulation. The Jets had to punt, but the Jaguars fumbled it and the Jets took over at the Jags 25 with 3 1/2 minutes left. On 3rd and 5 from the 20, Fitzpatrick found Brandon Marshall for the touchdown to put the game out of reach at 28-16 Jets.
Yet the Jaguars kept fighting. Bortles needed only 3 plays and 25 seconds to move the Jaguars 72 yards. A 20 yard touchdown pass had the Jaguars back within 5 with 2:15 to play. The onside kick failed and the Jets took over at midfield. On 3rd and 4 with the Jags out of timeouts, the Jets fumbled the ball and were lucky to retain possession and punt. The Jaguars got it back at their own 8 yard line with 54 seconds left. Bortles was quickly intercepted as the Jets finally hung on to get to 5-3. Fitzpatrick was 21 of 34 for 272 yards while Bortles was 24 of 40 for 381 yards. Both quarterbacks threw two touchdown passes, but Bortles was intercepted twice while Fitzpatrick was not picked off. 28-23 Jets
St. Louis Rams at Minnesota Vikings — A 34 yard Blair Walsh field goal had the Vikings up 3-0 early. The Vikings got it back and moved 80 yards as a 6 yard Adrian Peterson run made it 10-0 Vikings. The Rams moved 80 yards and Todd Gurley got in from the one. The extra point failed but the Rams were within 10-6. In the second quarter Jeff fisher showed that he has plenty of confidence in Greg “The Leg” Zuerlein despite the missed extra point. He had Zuerlein try a 61 yard field goal. Zuerlein drilled it to get the Rams within 10-9. The Rams got it back and Zuerlein had much shorter field goal tries from 35 and 45. Again he was good as the Rams led 15-10 at intermission.
In the third quarter the Vikings moved 60 yards. Teddy Bridgewater ran for the 6 yard score and ran in the 2 point conversion himself to make it 18-15 Vikings. The defenses dominated as the Rams had one final chance at their own 39 with 1:14 to play. A 17 yard defensive pass interference penalty gave the Rams a chance to tie the game. With 17 seconds left, Zuerlein came in for a 53 yard try. He was good and the game went into overtime tied 18-18. 18 is a lucky number in Jewish culture, which has nothing to do with this game.
The Rams got the ball to start overtime and punted. Shekels returned the punt 26 yards just shy of midfield. On 3rd and 1, Peterson gained 11. With 9 1/2 minutes left in overtime, Walsh came in for a 40 yarder to win it. He was good, and the Vikings very quietly have become a 6-2 football team with a basic offense and a solid defense for Mike Zimmer. Jeff Fisher also has a defense, but quarterback play is the weak link on his team. 21-18 Vikings, OT
Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills — An early Bills punt had the Dolphins on their own 6. On their first play from scrimmage, a fumbled snap out of the shotgun went out the back of the end zone for a safety and a 2-0 Bills lead. After the free kick, LeSean McCoy broke off a 48 yard touchdown run for a 9-0 Bills lead. The Dolphins got back in it when they moved 85 yards in the second quarter. Miller got the last yard to get the Dolphins within 9-7. Dan Carpenter would hit a 43 yard field goal to make it 12-7 Bills. Tyron Taylor then went deep to Sammy Watkins for a 63 yard gain to the Miami 11. On the next play Williams ran it in for the score to make it 19-7 Bills.
The Dolphins took the second half kickoff and marched 80 yards. Miller again got in from the one as the Dolphins trailed 19-14. Miami got it back and faced 3rd and 12 at the Buffalo 42. Ryan Tannehill was sacked and fumbled, as the Bills recovered. With the Bills facing 3rd and 14 at the Miami 44, Tyrod Taylor went deep to sammy Watkins for the touchdown and a 26-14 Bills lead. In the fourth quarter Buffalo moved 80 yards in 10 plays and 6 minutes. Williams broke off a 38 yard touchdown run to put the game away and give Buffalo a season sweep of Miami. The Dolphins would tack on a field goal during garbage time. 33-17 Bills
Tennessee Titans at New Orleans Saints — The Saints have quietly gotten to 4-4 if Drew Brees throwing 7 touchdown passes counts as quiet. Ken Whisenhunt was fired a few days ago as an interim coach was expected to win this game. Early on Brees found Josh Hill for a 10 yard touchdown to make it 7-0 Saints. The Titans punted on 4th and 11 from their own 6, but the Saints fumbled it and the Titans took over at the Saints 42. On 2nd and 1, the Titans twice failed to get the yard. On 4th and 1 they went with the field goal and Ryan Succop hit from 51 to get the Titans within 7-3.
After a touchback Brees kept firing. On 3rd and 8 from the Saints 46, Brees found Marquis Colton for 16 and Cooks for a 38 yard touchdown to make it 14-3 Saints. The Titans took over at their 25. On 3rd and 4 from their 41, Marcus Mariota went deep to Walker for a 59 yard touchdown to get the Titans within 14-10. The Saints then moved 79 yards in 10 plays and 5 minutes. Brees got the last yard to make it 21-10 Saints.
The Titans then managed to get the luckiest touchdown they will have all year. Mariota threw a duck that was destined to be intercepted. Two Saints were around the ball and no receiver was in the area. The two defenders bumped into each other and bobbled the ball in the air. It was plucked out of the air by receiver Melanie Walker, who raced 61 yards for a touchdown. This was hardly the Immaculate Reception, but it got the Titans within 21-17.
In the third quarter Succop hit a 29 yard field goal as the Titans only trailed 21-20. The Saints then held the ball for 6 minutes into the fourth quarter in moving 62 yards in 13 plays. From the one, Brees hit Hoomanawanui for the touchdown and the 28-20 Saints lead with 11 1/2 minutes left in regulation. Dexter McCluster returned the ensuing kickoff 32 yards to the Tennessee 28 and a personal foul added 15 more yards. Mariota hit Hunter for an 8 yard touchdown and then found Walker for the 2 point conversion to tie the game 28-28 midway through the fourth quarter.
The Saints punted and the Titans had a chance to win it as Succop came in for a 55 yard field goal try at the 2 minute warning. The kick was straight enough and bounced off the crossbar no good. The Saints quickly moved from their 45 to the Tennessee 28. With one minute left, it was Kai Forbath from 46 trying to give the Saints the win. His kick was blocked.
The Titans got the ball first in overtime after a touchback. Mariota hit Green-Beckham for 14. Andrew gained 15 and Mariota found Stevens for 25. On 3rd and 2 from the 17, Mariota found Green-Beckham for 9. From the 5 yard line, five minutes into overtime, Mariota found Anthony Fasano for the touchdown and the win. Brees never saw the ball in overtime. Both quarterbacks finished exactly 28 of 39. Brees threw for 389 yards, 3 touchdowns, and one interception. Mariota was magnificent in piling up 371 yards, 4 touchdowns, and 0 interceptions. Had Mariota played last week, Ken Whisenhunt might still have his job. 34-28 Titans, OT
Washington Redskins at New England Patriots — In 1940 the Redskins lost 73-0. This game had the potential to be uglier. Tom Brady moved the Patriots 84 yards in 13 plays and 6 minutes. An 8 yard touchdown pass to Julian Edelman made it 7-0 Patriots. Kirk Cousins was intercepted, setting up the Patriots at the Washington 28. LaGuarrette Blount ran it in from the 5 to make it 14-0 Patriots. In the second quarter the Patriots moved again but settled for a 21 yard Stephen Gostkowski field goal to lead 17-0. The Redskins then held the ball for a 16 play, 75 yard, 8 minute drive. They settled for a 23 yard field goal to avoid the shutout and trail 17-3.
In the third quarter the Patriots looked to put the game away. On 3rd and goal at the one, a fumble cost New England a couple yards but they retained possession. Gostkowski again hit from 21 to make it 20-3 Patriots. In the fourth quarter Tom Brady moved the Patriots 88 yards in 14 plays, taking nearly 8 minutes off the clock. An 18 yard touchdown pass to Bolden meant the expected blowout had materialized. The Redskins did manage one garbage touchdown in their garbage season as the Patriots easily got to 8-0. This is not why they play the games. 27-10 Patriots
Green Bay Packers at Carolina Panthers — The Panthers moved from their 30 to a 3rd and goal at the 2. Cam Newton threw incomplete as the Panthers settled for a 20 yard Graham Gano field goal and a 3-0 lead. Aaron Rodgers moved the Packers 65 yards in 11 plays in 6 minutes. From the one, he fired a laser to his non-relative Richard Rodgers to make it 7-3 Packers. In the second quarter the Panthers moved 80 yards. On 3rd and 16 from the Carolina 26, Newton went deep to Jerricho Cotchery for a 59 yard gain. Newton got the last yard to make it 10-7 Panthers.
Carolina got it back and Newton went deep to Finches for a 52 yard gain. A 7 yard touchdown pass to Greg Olsen made it 17-7 Panthers. Carolina got it back at their own 48, and Gano tacked on a 49 yard field goal to make it 20-7 Panthers. The Panthers got a gift when Eddie Lacy fumbled and the Panthers recovered at the Green Bay 24. Yet the Panthers lost a yard and Gano missed from 43. it didn’t matter as the Panthers got it back again and Newton threw a 39 yard touchdown pass to Brown to make it 27-7 Panthers.
One minute into the third quarter the Packers were within 27-14 as Rodgers connected with Randall Cobb for a 53 yard touchdown. The Panthers responded by moving 82 yards in 13 plays and 6 1/2 minutes. Inside the 5 the drive bogged down. Garo hit from 22 to make it 30-14 Panthers. Early in the fourth quarter the Panthers moved again from their own 26, aided by a 34 yard defensive pass interference penalty. On 3rd and 8 from the Green Bay 14, Newton found Finches for the touchdown. With 9 1/2 minutes to play, the Panthers led in a laugher 37-14. For the second straight week at home, they would not be laughing by the end of the game. Last week they blew a 17 point fourth quarter lead before winning an overtime thriller. This week was just as tough.
The Packers still had Aaron Rodgers, and he unleashed a flurry of passes. On 3rd and 10 from the Green Bay 21, Rodgers hit Adams for 13, James Starks for 30, and Starks again for the 29 yard touchdown. The 2 point conversion to Adams had the Packers within 37-22 with 8 minutes left. Carolina went 3 and out as the Packers got it back at their own 28 with 6 1/2 minutes left. On 4th and 14 from the Green Bay 44 with 5 minutes left, Rodgers found James Jones for 36 yards, Starks for 17 more, and Richard Rodgers for the final 3 and another touchdown. With 3:43 to play, the Packers were within 8.
After a touchback, Newton was quickly intercepted. The call was controversial but stood. Green Bay took over at the Carolina 22. On 4th and 5 from the 17, Rodgers found Randall Cobb for 8. At the 2 minute warning, everything came down to 4th and goal at the 4. Rodgers fired to the end zone and was intercepted. This time the Panthers had held. Green Bay did get it back at their own 21 with 6 seconds left, but there were no laterals for miracles. The Packers lost their second straight road game to fall to 6-2, with both losses coming against unbeaten teams. The Panthers are this year’s Cardiac Cats. Newton finished 15 of 30 for 297 yards and 3 touchdowns. Rodgers was 25 of 48 for 369 yards and 4 touchdowns. Each quarterback was intercepted once, and Mike McCarthy and Ron Rivera may see each other again in the NFC Title Game. 37-29 Panthers
Atlanta Falcons at San Francisco 49ers — The Falcons are a 6-2 team playing badly, including a disgraceful home loss last week to Tampa Bay. The 49ers are a 2-6 mess in full meltdown mode. Vernon Davis was traded and Colin Kaepernick has been benched for Blaine Gabbert. Yes, that Blaine Gabbert. Early on Matt Bryant hit a 44 yard field goal to make it 3-0 Falcons. In the second quarter Blaine Gabbert led a 12 play, 84 yard, 6 1/2 minute drive. That Blaine Gabbert? A one yard touchdown pass to Celek made it 7-3 Eagles. Matt Bryant hit a 36 yard field goal for the Falcons and Phil Dawson responded with a 44 yarder to make it 10-6 49ers.
Gabbers came back again, needing only 5 plays and barely more than one minute. An 11 yard touchdown pass to Celek made it 17-6 49ers. One minute and three plays later the Falcons responded as Matt Ryan found Freeman for a 22 yard touchdown pass to get the Falcons within 17-13.
A hideous second half saw no action until late. The Falcons moved the San Francisco 4 yard line but a completion on 3rd and goal only got a couple yards. With 3 1/2 minutes left, Dan Quinn decided to kick the field goal and trust his defense. Bryant’s third kick from 20 had the Falcons within one point. on 3rd and 4 from their own 26, Gabbert scrambled for 5. The Falcons used their last timeout on defense with 1:52 to play and the 49ers facing 2nd and 2 from their 39. Gaskins got the deuce and the 49ers ran out the clock. Yes, Blaine Gabbert won a game. Meanwhile, consecutive losses to bad teams are why the Falcons are the least respected 6-3 team in some time. 17-16 49ers
New York Giants at Tampa Bay Buccaneers — After a touchback, the Giants gave the ball away on the first play from scrimmage as Eli Manninh was quickly intercepted. Despite taking over at the Giants 13, the Bucs could not get in the end zone. Connor Barth hit from 25 to give the Buccaneers the lead. Josh Brown tied the game on a 35 yarder and Barth hit from 28 to make it 6-3 Buccaneers. Manning then led a 12 play, 80 yard drive that took over 7 minutes off the clock. An 8 yard pass to Reuben Randle made it 10-6 Giants.
On the first play of the second quarter, Doug Martin fumbled and the Giants recovered at the Tampa Bay 28. A 4 yard touchdown pass to Shane Vereen made it 17-6 Giants. The Bucs again drove deep but could not penetrate the end zone. Barth hit his third field goal from 21 to get the Buccaneers within 17-9.
In the third quarter the Buccaneers fumbled the ball at their own 44 and it was finally recovered by the Giants all the way at the Tampa 24. The Giants could not convert and settled for Brown from 35 to make it 20-9. Barth hit his fourth field goal from 53 to get the Buccaneers within 20-12. With 11 1/2 minutes left in regulation the Buccaneers got the ball back at their own 13. Sims took a handoff 59 yards and Jameis Winston hit Mike Evans for 18 more. On 3rd and goal at the 10, Winston took off running and leapt over the plane of the goal just before getting hit. The 2 point try failed but the Buccaneers were within 20-18 with 9 1/2 minutes left.
The Giants took over at their own 24. Manning found O’Dell Beckham for a 24 yard gain. On 3rd and 3 from the Tampa 34, Manning went deep just beyond the receiver’s reach incomplete. Brown hit the 53 yard field goal to make it 23-18 Giants midway through the fourth quarter. The Bucs moved after a touchback to just past midfield, but Winston threw 3 straight incompletions. With 5 minutes left, Lovie Smith decided to punt and trust his defense. After a touchback, the Giants tried to get rid of the rest of the clock.
On 3rd and 6 from the Giants 24, Manning found Beckham for 9 as the clock ticked down. With 1:11 to play and the Buccaneers out of timeouts, the Giants faced 3rd and 2 at the Bucs 25. Rashad Jennings lost a yard but the clock ticked down to 28 seconds. Brown came out for the 44 yard field goal. The kick was good. Now the Giants led 26-18. The Buccaneers took over at their own 6 with 18 seconds left. Attempting to lateral the ball for a miracle, it was picked up by a Giants defender and returned 2 yards for the touchdown. A very classy Tom Coughlin took a knee rather than try and kick the extra point as Big Blue got to 5-4 in the NFC Least. 32-18 Giants
Denver Broncos at Indianapolis Colts — Yes, Peyton Manning was returning battle the team who traded him. Stifling defense has gotten Denver to 7-0. The Colts lost a gut-wrenching road game at unbeaten Carolina last week. Andrew Luck is injured and the front office is dysfunctional. Yet early on this game was all Colts. Early on the Colts moved 80 yards. frank Gore ran for a 7 yard touchdown to make it 7-0 Colts. In the second quarter Adam Vinatieri tacked on a 43 yard field goal. The Colts got it back again and Luck hit Doyle for a 3 yard touchdown to make it 17-0 Colts.
The Colts had total control of the game. With 15 seconds left in the half, they punted from their own 31. Somebody should talk to another NFL Coach named Tom Coughlin what happens to teams who do not punt the ball out of bounds in these situations. Pat McAfee punted to Bolden, and Bolden returned it 83 yards for a touchdown as the half ended with the Broncos only down 17-7.
In the third quarter the Broncos got right back in it. With Denver facing 3rd and 14 at their own 36, Manning, who is supposed to be washed up, went deep to Emanuel Sanders for a 64 yard touchdown as Denver trailed 17-14. The Broncos got it back and soon faced 3rd and 6 at their own 14. Manning found Denarius Thomas for 12. From the Denver 45, Manning, who is supposed to be washed up, went deep to Owen Daniels for a 37 yard gain. The defense held but Brad McManus hit the 29 yard field goal to tie the game 17-17 with 5 minutes left in the third quarter.
The Colts soon faced 3rd and 4 at their 26. Luck hit TY Hilton for 7. On 3rd and 1 from the Indy 42, Luck hit Whalen for 4. On 3rd and 7 just shy of midfield, Luck went deep to Whalen for a 38 yard gain as the third quarter ended. On 3rd and 5 from the 8, Luck fired over the middle to Ahmad Bradshaw. Bradshaw leapt over the goal line as the Colts regained the lead 24-17 one minute into the fourth quarter. Manning brought the Colts back 80 yards. On 3rd and 14 from the Indy 32, Manning found Thomas for 17. On 3rd and 1 from the 6 Manning threw incomplete, but defensive pass interference in the end zone meant 1st and goal at the one. On the next play Manning hit Daniels for the touchdown. With 9 minutes left the game was tied 24-24.
The Colts moved from their 30 to a 2nd and 2 at the Denver 37. Luck threw incomplete twice. With 6 minutes left, Chuck Pagano decided to have Vinatieri try a 55 yard field goal. Vinatieri has made the biggest kicks on the biggest stage, and he made this one to give the Colts the 3 point lead. Manning was quickly intercepted, giving the Colts the ball just past midfield and a chance to ice the game.
On 3rd and 1 from the Denver 40, Frank Gore got the carry and got the tough yard. On 3rd and 10 from the Denver 34, Luck fired to Whalen for 18 yards to the Denver 16. The Broncos took their last timeout with 2:35 to play and the Colts facing 2nd and 9. Chuck Pagano played it safe, and a run gained 2 yards. Yet a boneheaded defensive personal foul on Aqib Talib after the play was over was a killer. Instead of 3rd and 7, the Colts had 1st and goal at the 7 with 2:24 to play. The Broncos held on defense, but only 28 seconds remained when Vinatieri came in for a 23 yard field goal.
The kick was good and the Broncos needed a miracle. Instead, they never even got the ball. A defensive leverage penalty on the field goal meant an automatic first and goal at the two. Vinatieri’s field goal came off the board, but now Luck could just take a knee. Both quarterbacks were 21 of 36 with 2 touchdowns. Manning had the edge in yards 281-252, but Manning had two interceptions and Luck had none. The 4-5 Colts and their entire embattled team actually lead the pathetic AFC South. There are still three 8-0 teams this year, but the 7-1 Broncos are not one of them. 27-24 Colts
Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys was the Sunday night game. In the first half Matt Cassel led an 11 play, 93 yard, 6 minute drive. A 5 yard touchdown pass to Cole Beasley made it 7-0 Cowboys. In the second quarter the Eagles went 80 yards in 13 plays. Chip Kelly decided to go for it on 4th and goal at the one. Former Dallas running back DeMarco Murray bulled in to tie the game 7-7 in a badly played NFC Least first half.
In the third quarter the Eagles quickly moved 95 yards. Ryan Mathews scored from 6 yards out to make it 14-7 Eagles. The Cowboys answered with a 10 play, 80 yard, 6 1/2 minute drive. Cassel hit Beasley for a 17 yard touchdown to make it 14-14.
Early in the fourth quarter the Cowboys were driving for the lead. Cassel was then intercepted by Jordan Hicks, who raced 68 yards the other way for a defensive touchdown and a 21-14 Eagles lead.
The Cowboys got right back in it when Whitehead returned the ensuing kickoff 80 yards to the Philly 24. On 3rd and 10 Cassel scrambled around like Fran Tarkenton and threw a Hail Mary to the end zone. Dez Bryant somehow came down with the ball for a touchdown and a 21-21 tie with 11 minutes left.
The Eagles moved down the field again as a defensive slugfest was turning into a shoutout. This time the drive bogged down in the red zone. Caleb Sturgis hit a 32 yard field goal to put the Eagles up 24-21 midway through the fourth quarter.
Dallas responded again. Cassel moved the chains until the drive stalled just outside the red zone. Dan Bailey hit a 41 yard field goal. At 24-24, the game was tied for the fourth time with 3 minutes left.
Cassel came right back as a 34 yard completion to Matthews set up Sturgis from 53 yards out. Sturgis just snuck it over the crossbar and inside the right upright. The Eagles had the lead but they may have scored too early. After a touchback the Cowboys had 1:46 left and 2 timeouts.
On 4th and 5 the Cowboys took their second timeout. Cassel found Terrence Williams for 10. Dallas caught a break when an injury to a Philly defender stopped the clock with 52 seconds left. Defensive pass interference with 48 seconds left had the Cowboys at midfield.
A deep ball to Dez Bryant was dropped. Then on 3rd and 6 Cassel through incomplete but defensive pass interference bailed out Dallas again. With 19 seconds left the Cowboys were at the Philly 38. After a false start Cassel found Bryant at the Philly 31 with 12 seconds left. The Cowboys took their last timeout.
Cassel threw incomplete but defensive holding meant a 44 yard field goal try. Bailey doinked the ball off the left upright but it caromed through good. For the fifth time the game was tied as the teams went to overtime tied 27-27.
The Eagles got the ball first and soon faced 3rd and 3 at the Dallas 43. A short pass gained only 2 yards. Chip Kelly decided to go for it on 4th and 1. Murray gained 2 but then fumbled and the Cowboys recovered. However on further review Murray’s knee was down and the call was reversed on the next play Sam Bradford zipped a pass to Jordan Matthews, who broke a tackle and raced for a 41 yard touchdown. Just like that the game was over as each team won in the other’s backyard. 33-27 Eagles
Chicago Bears at San Diego Chargers was the Monday night game. A pair of underachieving teams each tried to salvage this season. Robbie Gould has been a rare bright spot for the Bears, but early on he missed a 47 yard field goal. Philip Rivers then marched the Chargers 63 yards. A 14 yard touchdown pass to Danny Woodhead made it 7-0 Chargers.
The Bears then moved to the San Diego 10 before Jay Cutler was sacked and fumbled the ball away. Cutler can always be counted on to deliver touchdowns, often to both teams. This time in the second quarter Cutler was intercepted by Verrett, who returned it 68 yards for a touchdown and a 13-0 Chargers lead after the missed extra point.
Cutler came back and hit Jeffery for a 47 yard gain and again for gains of 12 and 14. A one yard touchdown pass to Bennett had the Bears within 13-7.
The Chargers got it back at their own 5 and Rivers worked the clock well. Josh Lambo hit a 31 yard field goal to end the half for a 16-7 Chargers lead.
In the third quarter the Bears missed a golden opportunity when Gould missed again from 34 yards out. Chicago got it back at their own 7 and Cutler led a 14 play, 93 yard, 8 minute drive. On 3rd and goal from the one, Langford banged in. One minute into the fourth quarter the Bears only trailed 16-14.
Rivers moved the Chargers down the field with a chance to put the game away. San Diego got to the Chicago 4 yard line but a penalty pushed them back. Then a touchdown pass was nullified by another offensive penalty. Lambo hit the 22 yard field goal but the Chargers only led 19-14 with 8 minutes left.
The Chargers left the door open and the Bears rumbled through it. Cutler moved them 80 yards. From the San Diego 25, Cutler fired a pass to the end zone that appeared to be overthrown. Zachary Miller made a diving catch for the touchdown. Langford got in for the 2 point conversion as the Bears led by 3 with 3:19 to play.
At the 2 minute warning the Chargers had moved to a 1st and 10 at the Chicago 46. Needing one more first down for long field goal range, consecutive sacks of Rivers followed by an incomplete pass meant 4th and 23 with 1:17 left. Rivers threw a bomb where the only three players anywhere near the ball were Chicago defenders. 22-19 Bears
NFL 2015 Week 9 Prequel
Hillary Clinton remains in hiding
NFL 2015 Week 8 Recap
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots was the Thursday night game. While the Dolphins seemed revitalized under interim coach Dan Campbell, that was against two of the worst teams in the league. Now came the reality check against Bill Bellichick, Tom Brady and the unbeaten New England Patriots.
In the first quarter 80 yards came easily as Brady threw a 47 yard touchdown pass to Rob Gronkowski to make it 7-0 Patriots. in the second quarter out of the shotgun, the ball was snapped before Ryan Tannehill was ready for it. It sailed past him for a safety. The Patriots added a 52 yard Stephen Gostkowski field goal to lead 12-0. Brady added a 16 yard touchdown pass to Lewis to make it 19-0 Patriots at halftime.
The Dolphins tried to make a game of it in the third quarter by moving 80 yards. Miller got in from the one to get the Dolphins within 19-7. That was it as the Patriots took a 22-7 lead after three quarters with a 36 yard Gostkowski field goal. In the fourth quarter an interception of Tannehill was returned 30 yards to the Miami 15. A 10 yard touchdown pass to Julian Edelman made it 29-7. Brady went back to Edelman for a 16 yard touchdown to complete the scoring. Tannehill finished 28 of 44 for 300 yards, but 0 touchdowns and 2 interceptions. Brady was 26 of 38 for 356 yards, 4 touchdowns, and 0 interceptions. 36-7 Patriots
Detroit Lions at Kansas City Chiefs in London was the Sunday early morning game. This was supposed to be a game between 2 bad teams. Yet only one of the teams followed the script. Maybe the Lions forgot to change their clocks before the game. Dink and Dunk West Coast Offense Game Manager Alex Smith only threw for 145 yards, yet somehow that was enough to bury the Lions. With Halloween over, Cecil is not the only dead Lion.
Detroit got on the board first when Matt Prater kicked a 35 yard field goal. After that it was all Chiefs. Thomas ran for a 10 yard touchdown to make it 7-3 Chiefs. In the second quarter Smith ran for a 12 yard touchdown for a 14-3 Chiefs lead. Cairo Santos hit a 33 yard field goal for a 17-3 Chiefs lead. West ran for an 8 yard touchdown as the Chiefs took a 24-3 lead into the locker rooms. In the third quarter Smith threw a 2 yard touchdown pass to Kelce and in the fourth quarter Smith found Jeremy Maclin for a 17 yard touchdown and a 38-3 Chiefs lead.
The Lions at 1-6 are finished. Now the team needs to just avoid laying down like lambs or Jim Caldwell could be on the hot seat. Consecutive wins have the Chiefs at 3-5 and still in the playoff hunt, making Andy Reid one happy Walrus Lite. 45-10 Chiefs
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons — The Falcons won a hideous 10-7 slugfest last week to get to 6-1 while the Buccaneers blew a 24 point lead in one of the biggest collapses in a season gone wrong. Early on Matt Bryant hit a 21 yard field goal to get the Falcons on the board first. Later on in the quarter the Falcons faced 1st and 16 at their own 6. Matt Ryan found Julio Jones for a 35 yard gain, but Jones fumbled the ball and it was returned by Keenan Alexander 20 yards to the Atlanta 21. Connor Barth hit a 38 yard field goal for a 3-3 game.
In the second quarter the Falcons moved to the Tampa Bay 4 yard line and then fumbled the ball away. The Buccaneers moved from their 22 to the Atlanta 5. Barth hit from 23 to make it 6-3 Buccaneers. With 90 seconds left in the half Matt Ryan was intercepted, giving the Bucs the ball at midfield. Jameis Winston threw a 20 yard touchdown pass to Brate for a 13-3 Buccaneers lead at the break.
In the third quarter Winston moved the Bucs 76 yards and ran for the final 4 yards himself. The Bucs led 20-3 and were smelling upset. Ryan brought the Falcons back 80 yards in 10 plays and 6 minutes. A 7 yard touchdown pass to Jacob Tamme had the Falcons within 20-10. In the fourth quarter the Falcons moved 77 yards in 14 plays, taking over 7 minutes to do it. Yet on 3rd and 1 from the Tampa 3, Devonta Freeman got the carry and lost 3 yards. Bryant hit the 24 yard field goal but the Falcons still trailed 20-13 with 5 minutes left in regulation.
With the Buccaneers trying to put the game away, they faced 3rd and 1 at their own 40. Doug Martin got stopped as the clock hit the two minute warning. On 4th and 1 Lovie Smith made a decision that gets coaches fired. He decided to go for it. Forget the Herm Edwards line “You play to win the games.” Lovie did not trust his defense. Winston got the carry and got nothing. The rest was inevitable. With a short field, Matty Ice hit Jones for an 8 yard touchdown with 17 seconds left. Another collapse on the road one week after blowing a 24-0 lead now saw the Bucs blow a 20-3 lead. The teams went into overtime.
After a touchback to start overtime, Winston went straight to work. On 3rd and 3 from the Tampa 27, Winston hit Sims for 4 yards. On 3rd and 10 from the Tampa 31, Winston found Mike Evans for 14. On 3rd and 5 from the Atlanta 35, Winston found Humphries for 6. On 3rd and 4 from the Atlanta 7, Winston threw incomplete. Barth hit the 31 yard field goal. The Buccaneers had the lead but the Falcons would get one chance to tie or win the game. With 6 minutes left in overtime after a Ryan incompletion, the Falcons had 4th and 7 at their own 42. Ryan threw incomplete and the Bucs had the shocking upset. Ryan finished 37 of 45 for 397 yards, 2 touchdowns and one interception, but it was not enough as Atlanta fell to 6-2 after a 5-0 start. 23-20 Buccaneers
San Diego Chargers at Baltimore Ravens — These teams started the season with playoff aspirations and have seen a flurry of painful losses. Justin Tucker hit a 48 yard field goal for the Ravens while Josh Lambo answered from 42 for a 3-3 tie. Tucker hit again from 29 to make it 6-3 Ravens.
In the second quarter Philip Rivers led a 13 play, 80 yard, 7 1/2 minute drive. A 9 yard touchdown pass to Malcolm Floyd made it 10-6 Chargers. Joe Flacco answered with an 11 play, 80 yard, 5 1/2 minute drive. A 3 yard touchdown pass to Crocket Gillmore made it 13-10 Ravens with 5 minutes left in the half. Rivers then marched the Chargers 80 yards in 14 plays. Rivers fired to the corner of the end zone to Keenan Allen, who made a great catch. The 13 yard touchdown with 9 seconds left in the half had the Chargers up 16-13. The extra point was blocked. The Browns clearly jumped offsides on the extra point try but it was not called.
In the first half, both quarterbacks were solid. Flacco was 14 of 19 for 161 yards and one touchdown. Rivers was a lights out 19 of 22 for 157 yards and 2 touchdowns. Neither quarterback was intercepted. In the third quarter Tucker hit from 48 to make it 16-16. With 3 minutes left in the third quarter, Rivers went bombs away to Floyd for a 70 yard touchdown and a 23-16 Chargers lead. On the last play of the third quarterTucker hit his fourth field goal from 45 as the Ravens were within 23-19. The Chargers punted from their own 1 and the Ravens took over at the San Diego 38. Flacco snuck in from the one to make it 26-23 Ravens with 4 1/2 minutes to play
Rivers moved the Chargers after a touchback to the Baltimore 26, but no further. Lambo hit a 49 yarder. The game was tied 26-26, but after a touchback the Ravens still had 2 1/2 minutes to get the win. Flacco found Givens for 18 and Aiken for 13. With 1:11 to play, the Ravens faced 3rd and 19 at the San Diego 43. Flacco went deep incomplete but a killer defensive pass interference penalty put the ball on the 22. With 3 seconds left, Tucker came in for a 39 yarder to win it. his fifth field goal was good as the Ravens got the win and both teams were 2-6. It was a hollow victory as Steve Smith blew out his achilles in the game and is out for the season. Before the season he announced his retirement at year’s end, so this may have been the future Hall of Famer’s final game. 29-26 Ravens
Minnesota Vikings at Chicago Bears — A field position game early on led to Robbie Gould hitting a 55 yard field goal for the Bears. Late in the first quarter Sherels returned a punt 65 yards for a touchdown and a 7-3 Vikings lead. Blair Walsh hit from 43 in the second quarter to make it 10-3 Vikings. Teddy Bridgewater was then intercepted by Fuller, who returned it 15 yards to the Minnesota 34. Jay Cutler went deep to Jeffery for a 21 yard touchdown pass for a 10-10 game.
Gould hit from 33 in the third quarter to make it 13-10 Bears. 90 seconds into the fourth quarter, Walsh hit from 48 to tie it 13-13. Cutler then led a killer drive. 14 plays and 74 yards chewed up 8 1/2 minutes off the clock. Cutler ran for the 4 yard touchdown as the Bears led 20-13 with 5 minutes left in regulation.
A sack of Bridgewater had the Vikings facing 2nd and 17 at their own 9. Bridgewater ran for a 19 yard gain to keep the drive going. At the 2 minute warning the Vikings faced 3rd and 4 at the Chicago 40. A short pass from Bridgewater to Diggs went all the way for the touchdown as the game was tied 20-20. The Bears went 3 and out and the Vikings took over at their own 34 with one minute left. Bridgewater threw a 35 yard pass to Chris Johnson. Adrian Peterson gained 9 yards as Walsh came in with 4 seconds to play for a 36 yard field goal try to win it. Walsh was good as the Vikings quietly got to 5-2 under Mike Zimmer. 23-20 Vikings
Arizona Cardinals at Cleveland Browns — On paper this looked like a mismatch. Carson Palmer went to work and led the Cardinals 82 yards in 11 plays and 7 minutes. An 11 yard touchdown pass to Niklas made it 7-0 Cardinals. Later on an Arizona fumble was returned 34 yards to the Arizona 9. On 3rd and goal, Josh McCown threw a 10 yard touchdown pass to Bryan Hartline to make it 7-7.
In the second quarter McCown hit Barnidge for a 3 yard touchdown to make it 14-7 Browns. Cleveland got it back and McCown led a 14 play, 72 yard drive that took 7 1/2 minutes. A 2 yard touchdown pass to Hardline made it 20-7 Browns. The extra point was no good. With 24 seconds left in the half the Cardinals got the ball at midfield. That was enough time for Chandler Catanzaro to hit from 37 as the Cardinals trailed 20-10 at halftime.
In the third quarter the Cardinals came to life. Palmer found Floyd for a 60 yard touchdown to get Arizona within 20-17. Then Patrick Peterson returned a punt 38 yards to the Cleveland 48. Palmer went deep to Brown for a 39 yard gain. On 3rd and goal at the 1, Palmer found Niklas for a 24-20 Cardinals lead. On the first play of the fourth quarter, the Browns faced 2nd and 9 at the Arizona 27. McCown went to the end zone to give the Browns the lead and was intercepted.
On 3rd and 4 form the Arizona 26, Palmer found Larry Fitzgerald for 12. On 3rd and 10 from the Arizona 38, Palmer found David Johnson for 34 yards. On 3rd and 4 from the Cleveland 9, Palmer scrambled for 8. Palmer hit Fitzgerald for a 6 yard touchdown to make it 31-20 Cardinals with 8 1/2 minutes left. Midway through the fourth quarter the Browns reached the Arizona 38. McCown was then sacked and fumbled and the Cardinals recovered. Catanzaro tacked on a 35 yard field goal to complete the scoring. 27 unanswered points has Bruce Arians at the helm of a scoring machine. Meanwhile, the Browns just can’t win against the league’s toughest teams. 34-20 Cardinals
Tennessee Titans at Houston Texans — While Texas sought to get out from under devastating rain, both of these teams had their seasons washed away weeks ago. This game may be for the top pick in the 2016 NFL Draft. Ryan Succop hit a 35 yard field goal for a 3-0 Titans lead. In the second quarter Bryan Hoyer hit Hopkins for a 21 yard touchdown to make it 7-3 Texans. Tennessee fumbled the ensuing kickoff and the Texans took over at the Titans 24. Nick Novak hit a 38 yard field goal to make it 10-3 Texans. In the third quarter Succop hit from 44 to get the Titans within 10-6. Yet the Texans came back 80 yards as a 42 yard touchdown pass from Hoyer to Nate Washington made it 17-6 Texans.
Meanwhile, Zach Mettenberger was having a miserable game in place of the injured Marcus Mariota. On the first play of the fourth quarter from midfield on 3rd and 10, Mettenberger was intercepted. One minute later the Titans had the ball back at their own 11. Mettenberger was sacked and fumbled. The Texans took over at the Titans 10 and naturally settled for a 24 yard Novak field goal to complete the scoring. On the next Tennessee series Mettenberger was sacked twice. 20-6 Texans
New York Giants at New Orleans Saints — Both of these teams have elite quarterbacks having a tougher than expected year. Eli Manning found O’Dell Beckham for a 2 yard touchdown for the Giants. Sean Payton went to the bag of tricks. Drew Brees responded with a 34 yard touchdown pass to Snead off of a flea flicker for a 7-7 ballgame. The Saints got it back and needed only 5 plays to go 96 yards. Brees threw a 26 yard touchdown to Cooks for a 14-7 Saints lead.
In the second quarter Manning moved the Giants 79 yards and found Beckham for a 1 yard touchdown to make it 14-14. The Saints came right back 80 yards as a 53 yard touchdown pass from Brees to Marquis Colton made it 21-14 Saints. The pinball machines kept rolling as the Saints got it back and Brees moved the Saints 80 yards in 14 plays and 7 minutes. A 2 yard touchdown pass to Snead made it 28-14 Saints. Yet Manning worked the 2 minute drill to perfection. 80 yards in 10 plays led to a 2 yard touchdown to Shane Vereen.
The Giants trailed 28-21 at halftime in a half where both quarterbacks put up Hall of Fame numbers. Both quarterbacks were white hot. They each threw 21 passes, with Manning completing 18 and Brees 19. Neither quarterback was intercepted. Manning had 165 yards passing in the first half where Brees had 300 passing yards by the break. Manning had 3 touchdown passes and Brees had 4 of them.
The quarterbacks kept firing in the third quarter. Manning found Beckham for a 50 yard touchdown to tie the game 28-28. Manning’s fourth touchdown pass was soon followed By Brees’s 5th touchdown pass. Brees quickly moved the Saints 80 yards again as a 21 yard touchdown to Cooks made it 35-28 Saints. Although Brees would go deep and throw the game’s first interception, the Saints got it back and again Brees moved the Saints 80 yards quickly and easily. A 20 yard touchdown pass to Watson made it 42-28 Saints after three quarters.
After three quarters, Manning was 24 of 30 for 265 yards, 4 touchdowns and 0 interceptions. Normally this would be a winning performance, but Brees was 28 of 34 for 408 yards, six touchdown passes, and one interception. The fourth quarter was still to come.
Manning had his turn moving the Giants 80 yards in 11 plays. On 4th and 5 from the Saints 9, a touchdown pass to Harris had the Giants within 42-35 with 12 1/2 minutes in regulation. Manning had five touchdown passes yet big Blue was losing as Giants fans wondered what in the name of Lawrence Taylor and Michael Strahan was going on. The Giants would not be losing for long. They got it back at their own 35 and needed only 3 plays and 1 minute to tie the game. Manning went back to Harris for a 20 yard touchdown. Each quarterback had 6 touchdown passes on the day in a 42-42 tie. This game was far from over.
A game with 12 touchdown passes turned on a defensive play. A pass by Brees was complete but then fumbled away. McBride picked up the fumble and rumbled 63 yards for a defensive touchdown. 21 straight fourth quarter points had the Giants up 49-42. Manning could not be stopped, but neither could Brees. He led a 14 play, 80 yard drive that took 6 1/2 minutes off the clock. Brees threw his NFL record tying seventh touchdown pass, a 9 yarder to CJ Spiller. With 36 seconds left, the game was tied.
The game seemed destined for overtime, and Brees had a chance to make NFL history in 2 different ways. An 8th touchdown pass in overtime would break the record of 7 first set by Sid Luckman in 1943 and tied by YA Tittle, George Blanda, Joe Kapp, Peyton Manning and Nick Foles. Brees also had 511 yards passing. The record of 554 was set by Norm Van Brocklin in 1951. One overtime drive would be more than enough.
Somehow, OT never came. The Giants have suffered through the Miracle at the Meadowlands I and II, the Joe Pisarcik fumble and a bizarre loss on a punt return. The fumble was returned by Herm Edwards, who famously said “You play to win the games.” so rather than take a knee in a game with almost no defense, Tom Coughlin kept it aggressive from the Giants 20 with 36 seconds left and all timeouts. Manning threw incomplete on 3rd and 5. With 20 seconds to play, the Giants had to punt from their 25. Chaos ensued.
In 2010, the Giants had a 31-10 lead against Philadelphia midway through the fourth quarter. With the game tied 31-31, the Giants punted on the final play of regulation. Tom Coughlin begged his punter to kick the ball out of bounds. Instead Desean Jackson fielded it at the Philly 35 and returned it 65 yards for the 38-31 Eagles win. Both teams were 9-4 and that play cost the Giants the division.
5 years later, another Giants horror came to pass. Again, punting the ball out of bounds would have meant overtime. The ball was fielded by Murphy at the Saints 29. He managed to return in 24 yards to the Giants 47. Murphy fumbled the ball forward, but it was recovered by the Saints. The ball had to go back to the 47 since it cannot be fumbled forward in the final two minutes of either half. That is the Holy Roller rule dedicated to Ken Stabler. That would leave time for a Hail Mary.
Well after the punt return came a very late penalty flag. A facemark penalty on the Giants moved the ball to the Giants 32. It appeared on the players on both teams grabbed each other’s facemasks, but the call only went one way. In a thrilling game, it was a shame the refs had to play even the slightest role in the outcome. With 5 seconds left, the Saints had time for a 50 yard field goal try by Kai Forbath to win it.
Forbath was good. Brees would not be in the history books, but he was happy with the win. Brees finished 40 of 50 for 511 yards passing, 7 touchdown passes, and one interception. Manning was “only” 30 of 41 for 350 yards, 6 touchdown passes, and 0 interceptions. These teams may be 4-4, but this gave of average teams is now an instant NFL Classic. Tom Coughlin is wondering if he can just hire one punter who can kick the ball out of bounds. 52-49 Saints
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers — The Bengals came in undefeated and clicking on all cylinders. The Steelers finally got back Big Ben Roethilsberger. Roethlisberger moved the Steelers 80 yards in 12 plays and over 7 minutes. A 1 yard touchdown pass to Antonio Brown made it 7-0 Steelers. The Bengals answered with a 44 yard Mike Nugent field goal to get within 7-3. A field position game and a short punt gave the Bengals a short field. on the first play of the second quarter, Nugent hit from 45 as the Bengals trailed 7-6. Chris Boswell hit a 32 yard field goal in the third quarter to make it 10-6 Steelers. Late in the third quarter the Bengals had a field goal try blocked.
In the fourth quarter the Bengals moved from their own 17 to a 3rd and goal at the 5. Andy Dalton went to the end zone and was intercepted by Blake, who made some gorgeous sideline moves in returning the interception to the Pittsburgh 40 with 9 minutes left in regulation. The Bengals got it back at their own 24 and a fumble on the snap resulted in a 15 yard loss. On 3rd and 25 from their own 9, Dalton went deep and was intercepted. The Steelers took over at their own 24 with 6 minutes left in regulation.
2 plays later the tables turned in a big way. Roethlisberger was intercepted, setting up the Bengals at the Pittsburgh 45. On 3rd and 5, Dalton found Bernard for 23 yards. With 3 minutes left the Bengals faced 3rd and 2 at the 9. Dalton found AJ Green for the touchdown. After being beaten up all game, the Bengals led 13-10.
On the first play after a touchback, Roethlisberger was intercepted again. The Bengals were at the Pittsburgh 26, but they could not put the game away. The Steelers held on defense and Nugent hit the 44 yard field goal. The Steelers trailed by 6 and got the ball back at their own 20 with 1:47 to play and one timeout. Big Ben led a tough final drive.
On 3rd and 2 from their 28, Roethlisberger threw incomplete. Yet defensive pass interference kept the drive going. From the Pittsburgh 25, Big Ben hit Heath Miller for 13, Williams for 12 to midfield, Miller for 11, and Bryant for 21. With 4 seconds left, the Steelers had one chance for the win from the Cincy 16 yard line. Big Ben fired to Antonio Brown. Brown caught the ball, but he was miles out of the back of the end zone for the wildly overthrown ball. The unbeaten Bengals never get any respect because they can’t beat Baltimore or Pittsburgh. The Bengals are 7-0 because they just gutted out a brutal AFC North win over the Steelers in Pittsburgh. Cincinnati is now for real, and the respect they are getting is earned. 16-10 Bengals
San Francisco 49ers at St. Louis Rams — The 49ers are a mess while the Rams are improving. Early on it was Phil Dawson hitting a 54 yard field goal for a 3-0 49ers lead. Later in the quarter a good punt had the 49ers facing 3rd and 12 at their own 1. Davis got the carry and was tackled in the end zone for a safety. The Rams trailed 3-2 as announcers everywhere made stupid baseball jokes that have never been funny.
In the second quarter Todd Gurley broke free for a 71 yard touchdown run. Nick Foles hit Cook for the 2 point conversion to make it 10-3 Rams. A field position game and the Rams taking over at the 49ers 39. Greg Zuerlein hit a 38 yard field goal to make it 13-3 Rams. Dawson countered from 26 to get the 49ers within 13-6 late in the half. Yet Foles worked the 2 minute drill brilliantly as 80 yards came easily. A 2 yard touchdown pass to Tavon Austin with 18 seconds left had the Rams up 20-6 at halftime.
An uneventful second half almost saw the 49ers get back into the game when they returned a fumble for a touchdown. The score was nullified by a defensive penalty and the 49ers were done. Folks added a late exclamation point by hooking up with Tavon Austin for a 66 yard touchdown. The Rams have quietly gotten to 4-3 while the 49ers are just wretched. Jeff Fisher’s defense has not given up a touchdown in consecutive weeks in outscoring their opponents by a combined 51-12. The NFC West crown is even within reach. 27-6 Rams
New York Jets at Oakland Raiders — Both of these teams went on the road last week with a chance to make a statement. The Raiders succeeded and the Jets did not, but the Jets lost to unbeaten New England while the Raiders feasted on San Diego. It has been a long time since the Raiders had a big win, and today was the day the fans would see if they could build on it.
The Jets moved well on their opening drive, going 63 yards in 13 plays and taking nearly 8 minutes off the clock. Yet Ryan Fitzpatrick was injured on the drive. Geno Smith lost his starting job when he was sucker punched by a teammate in preseason and suffered a broken jaw. His ex-teammate is gone and now Smith saw his first major action of the season. Nick Folk hit the 40 yard field goal to give the Jets the 3-0 lead.
After that the Raiders exploded on offense just like they did last week. Derek Carr led the Raiders 78 yards in 10 plays and 5 1/2 minutes. A 5 yard touchdown pass to Andre Holmes made it 7-3 Raiders. in the second quarter Carr moved the Raiders 76 yards in 10 plays and 6 minutes. A 36 yard touchdown pass to Michael Crabtree made it 14-3 Raiders, with the help of terrible Jets tackling. The Raiders got it back and went 78 yards. A 49 yard touchdown bomb from Carr to Andre Holmes made it 21-3 Raiders.
Folk kicked a 38 yard field goal to get the Jets within 21-6 at halftime, but Carr kept firing in the third quarter. He quickly moved the Raiders 93 yards. A short swing pass to Taiwan Jones followed by more awful tackling meant a 59 yard touchdown pass. The Raiders led 28-6. After barely more than one half of football, Carr was 17 of 21 for 261 yards passing, four touchdowns, and zero interceptions.
This is where the naysayers point out that the Raiders cannot finish games. They led San Diego 37-6 after three quarters last week but only won 37-29. San Diego scored on the final play to make the score deceptively close, but the Raiders did take their foot off the gas. Now they had another big lead, and it was time to see if they could protect it without the nerve-wracking suspense.
Meanwhile, Geno Smith was intercepted in the first half by Charles Woodson. The oldest player in the league is now tied for fifth all time with 65 career interceptions. His 5 interceptions this year leads the league. Trailing by 22, Smith finally got the Jets going. An 80 yard drive was capped off by Smith throwing a 4 yard touchdown pass to Eric Decker to get the Jets within 28-13.
The Raiders got a jolt when Jones took the kickoff 5 yards deep in the end zone and returned it 41 yards to the Oakland 36. Latavius Murray raced for a 25 yard gain. Yet on 2nd and 4 from the Jets 33, Carr threw incomplete twice. Janikowski leveled a 52 yard field goal to give the Jets more breathing room up 31-13 with 6 minutes left in the third quarter.
The Jets moved from their 20 to a 3rd and 1 at their 44. Smith was sacked for a 3 yard loss. The Raiders for the second time on the day were pinned back at their own 7. Carr found Crabber, who took a short pass 24 yards. On 3rd and 7 from the Oakland 34, Carr went deep to Seth Roberts for a 21 yard gain. After Murray gained 9, the Raiders began the fourth quarter with 2nd and 1 at the Jets 36 and a chance to put the game away. A penalty moved the Raiders back as they faced 3rd and 20 from the Jets 44. A short pass from Carr to Crabtree gained 16 yards. Seabass hit a 47 yard field goal to have the Jets up 34-13 with 13 minutes left in regulation.
The Jets would not go away. On 3rd and 5 from the Jets 34, Smith found Tompkins for 9. From the Oakland 44, smith ran for 29 yards. Defensive pass interference on the next play put the ball on the one. On 3rd and goal, Smith found Davis for the touchdown. With 8 1/2 minutes left the Jets were within 34-20. The Raiders went 3 and out, gained 0 yards, took less than one minute off the clock, and punted it away. The Jets were very much alive at their own 35. Again, the Raiders did not put a game away.
On 3rd and 1 from the Jets 44, Smith found Brandon Marshall for 11 yards. On 2nd and 10 from the Oakland 45, Smith threw incomplete to Marshall. Jack Del rio challenged the call, saying Marshall caught the ball and fumbled it away. The ruling on the field stood. Marshall was injured on the play. On 3rd and 10 Smith found Zac Stacy for 7 yards. With 5 1/2 minutes left the Jets faced 4th and 3 at the Oakland 38. This time Smith threw incomplete as the defense held. Now the offense had to finish the game. Instead, the Raiders again went 3 and out and used less than 1 minute of clock. The Jets took over at their own 18 with 5 minutes left and 2 timeouts.
On 3rd and 2 from the Jets 26, Smith was sacked for a 5 yard loss. On 4th and 7, with 3:30 to play, Todd Bowles made the curious decision to punt the ball. The Jets needed 2 scores, and now did not even have the ball. Jack Del Rio also saw his offensive coordinator Bill Musgrave make a curious decision to throw on 1st and 10 from the Oakland 31. An incompletion stopped the clock, saving the Jets the use of their timeouts. On 3rd and 9, Carr threw incomplete again. A punt pinned the Jets at their own 22 with 3 minutes left and one timeout, but one more run call would have forced the Jets to use all of their timeouts and even taken the clock down to 2:15.
On 2nd and 10 Smith was sacked for an 11 yard loss by Khalil Mack as the clock hit the 2 minute warning. On 4th and 19 from their own 13, the Jets had to go for it with 1:39 left. Smith found Decker for 21 yards as again the Raiders did not put a game away. Smith then found Tompkins for 12 more as the Jets took their last timeout with one minute left. Smith then found Marshall for 11 to the Oakland 43. Smith was injured on the play. Fitzpatrick had to come back into the game despite his injured hand. A pass to Kerley meant a 15 yard gain. After an incomplete pass, Smith came back in the game and threw incomplete twice to set up 4th and 10 at the Oakland 28 with 30 seconds left.
Smith threw deep incomplete and the Raiders finally had the win. The offense has put up 71 points in the last 2 weeks. Smith finished 27 of 42 for 265 yards and 2 touchdowns with 1 interception. Carr was magnificent, finishing 23 of 36 for 333 yards, 4 touchdowns, and 0 interceptions. The Raiders are now 4-3. They are finally becoming a real football team with the emphasis on team. 34-20 Raiders
Seattle Seahawks at Dallas Cowboys — Tony Romo is still out, with Matt Cassel at the helm. Dez Bryant was finally active. Both teams had long drives that did not reach the end zone early on. The Seahawks went 72 yards in 12 plays and 6 minutes but settled for a 26 yard Steve Hauschka field goal. The Cowboys answered with a 15 play, 65 yard, 8 minute drive. Dan Bailey kicked a 33 yarder for a 3-3 game after the first quarter.
In the second quarter Russell Wilson hit his non-relative Luke Willson for a 22 yard touchdown pass to make it 10-3 Seahawks. Bailey hit a 35 yard field goal to get the Cowboys within 10-6. An uneventful game saw a gut-wrenching end to the half on a punt return. Ricardo Lockette got blasted on a legal hit. Football is a violent game. NFL fans everywhere love it but hate injuries. Although Lockett plays for the Seahawks, the Cowboys sent their medical staff out to help him as well. Players on both teams prayed during a lengthy delay. A stadium in stunned silence cheered loudly when Lockette raised his fist while being led away on a stretcher. Football fans everywhere hope he’s ok.
The Cowboys held the ball for 6 minutes to start the third quarter. They settled for a 52 yard Bailey field goal to get within 10-9. At the end of the third quarter, Wilson went back to pass from his own 34. The ball was batted in the air by Greg Hardy, who made a juggling interception. He should have scored on the play but he fell down after shaking a tackle at the Seattle 16. Yet with West Coast Offense dink and dunk game manager Matt Cassel in the game, a 3rd and 6 pass gained 3 yards to the Dallas 9. Bailey hit his fourth field goal from 27 as the Cowboys led 12-10.
The Seahawks moved from their 20 to a 4th and 4 at the Dallas 29. Hauschka came in for the 47 yard field goal try to give the Seahawks the lead with 9 minutes left. The kick was blocked. For some reason Wilcox decided to act like Leon Lett and try to pick up the ball even though it was beyond the line of scrimmage. This time there was no disaster as Wilcox returned it 19 yards to the Dallas 27. Had he not touched it the Cowboys would have automatically gotten the ball at their 37.
The Seahawks got the ball at their own 15 with 6 1/2 minutes to play. On 3rd and 6 from the Seattle 30, Wilson found Gresham for 8. On 3rd and 3 from the Seattle 45, Wilson found Tyler Lockett for 9. On 3rd and 7 from the Dallas 17, Wilson scrambled for 10 yards. At the 2 minute warning, the Seahawks faced 3rd and goal at the 11. The Cowboys were out of timeouts, so Wilson scrambled and did not risk an incompletion or worse. He gained 6 yards. With 1:10 to play, Hauschka came in for the 24 yard field goal to give the Seahawks the lead. Hauschka was good.
After a touchback Cassel went deep incomplete. Yet a questionable personal foul call on the defense gave the Cowboys 15 yards. On the next play the ball slipped out of Cassel’s hands. Players on both teams stopped, thinking it was an incomplete pass. The replay showed Cassel’s arm going forward but there was no whistle. An alert defender returned the fumble for a touchdown. However, on further review it was reversed to an incomplete pass. The officials got the call right. Another incompletion made it 3rd and 10 with 50 seconds to play. Consecutive sacks appeared to end the game, but the Cowboys actually benefitted from a penalty against themselves that is too convoluted to bother explaining. 12 seconds remained as the Cowboys faced 4th and 21 at their own 24. Cassel threw incomplete and the Seahawks finally had the ugly win. 13-12 Seahawks
Green Bay Packers at Denver Broncos was the Sunday night game. Super Bowl 49 1/2 was upon us as a pair of 6-0 teams faced off. This game was on at the same time as the World Series, which is why virtually nobody watched the World Series. On this night, Broncos owner Pat Bowlen was inducted into the team’s ring of honor. The home team did their beloved owner proud.
In the first quarter Denver moved the ball 83 yards and Ronnie Hillman got in from the one to make it 7-0 Broncos. In the second quarter Denver moved 85 yards and Hillman ran for a 15 yard touchdown to make it 14-0 Broncos. Brad McManus tacked on a 50 yard field goal as Denver was all over Green Bay 17-0.
The Packers finally started to make a game of it when they moved 80 yards in 10 plays and 5 minutes. Eddie Lacy got in from the 2 to get the Packers within 17-7 at halftime. In the third quarter Mason Crosby leveled a 56 yard field goal as the Packers only trailed 17-10. However, Denver moved 80 yards when CJ Anderson raced for a 28 yard touchdown to make it 24-10 Broncos.
In the fourth quarter Denver put the game away when McManus kicked a 24 yard field goal. Desperate to try and make something happen, the ensuing kickoff was returned to only to the Green Bay 13. On the next play Rodgers was sacked and fumbled. A scrum ensued and the Packers fell on the ball in their own end zone for a safety. Green Bay was knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten while Denver remained perfect. As for the supposedly washed up Peyton Manning, he finished 21 of 29 for 340 yards. His lone interception came late in the game when the outcome of the game was not in doubt. 29-10 Broncos
Indianapolis Colts at Carolina Panthers was the Monday night game. The unbeaten Panthers hosted a wounded Colts team marred by dysfunction. Yet this game was about the elements. A driving rain meant turnovers and low scoring. The Colts fumbled on the second play from scrimmage and the Panthers took over at the Indy 24. The Panthers did nothing but Graham Gano hit a 39 yard field goal to start the scoring. Three plays later Andrew Luck was intercepted, setting up the Panthers at the Indy 37. On 3rd and 9, Cam Newton hit Jerricho Cotchery for 13. On 4th and 1 from the 14, Riverboat Ron Rivera went for it. Newton gained 2. On 4th and 1 from the 3, Rivera went for it again. Stewart got the carry, appeared stopped, and just bull rushed his way into the end zone for a 10-0 Panthers lead.
In the second quarter a field position game had the Colts taking over at their own 44. Adam Vinatieri hit a 47 yard field goal to get the Colts on the scoreboard. On Carolina’s next drive they fumbled the ball away and the Colts took over at the Carolina 22. The Colts settled for a 34 yard Vinatieri field goal to trail 10-6. Newton threw an interception on the next Carolina drive but the Colts failed to capitalize. With one minute left in the half the Panthers faced 4th and 4 at the indy 32. Newton found Ted gin for a 28 yard gain but offensive pass interference pushed the Panthers out of field goal range.
Late in the third quarter the Panthers had moved to the Colts one yard line. Yet the Panthers fumbled the snap and the Colts recovered. Indy went 3 and out and an 18 yard punt return by Ginn set the Panthers up at the Indy 29. Newton went deep to Olsen for a 27 yard touchdown as the Panthers took a 17-6 lead. Early in the fourth quarter, Luck was intercepted, setting up Carolina with yet another short field at the Indy 30. Newton threw an 8 yard touchdown to Brown. The extra point was no good. Although 11 minutes still remained, at 23-6 the game was over.
Newton was a statistically unimpressive 11 of 26 at this point for 188 yards, but he also had 2 touchdown passes and 1 interception. Luck was a miserable 5 of 16 for 40 yards, 0 touchdowns and 2 interceptions. Then all of a sudden Carolina eased off the pressure and Indianapolis mounted a comeback.
Luck moved the Colts 86 yards. An 18 yard touchdown pass to Andre Johnson had the Colts within 23-13 midway through the fourth quarter. The Panthers soon faced 3rd and 5 at their 25. Newton gained 17 yards himself, but a killer offensive holding penalty meant a punt. The Colts got it back at their 43 with 4:41 to play. On 3rd and 10, Luck found Johnson for 20 and TY Hilton for 15 more. An 8 yard touchdown pass to Cory Fleener had the Colts within a field goal with 2 1/2 minutes left.
Since the Colts still had 2 timeouts left, Chuck Pagano decided to kick it deep and trust his defense rather than try the onside kick. The Colts took their last timeout with 2:16 to play as the Panthers faced 3rd and 3 at their own 27. This time the Panthers made a bad decision. Rather than run the ball and take the clock down to the 2 minute warning, Newton went back to pass. He threw a ball over the middle that was batted up in the air. It should have been intercepted but Newton was lucky to get away with an incompletion. The Colts got it back at their own 40 with 2:02 to play.
Three Luck incompletions set up 4th and 10. Luck fired over the middle to Whalen for a 12 yard gain. Although replays showed that the ball hit the ground, the call stood. Luck found Whalen again for 11 more to the Carolina 37. On 3rd and 4 from the 31, Luck found Moncrief for 5 with 45 seconds left. Luck then threw a short pass to Whalen. The refs again messed up by ruling that Whalen had gotten out of bounds even though he was clearly tackled inbounds. This allowed the clock to stop. On 3rd and 3 from the 19, Luck found Fleener for 7 and spiked the ball with 20 seconds left.
The Colts were well within field goal range but now they were going for the win. Without a timeout, Luck barely avoided a sack that would have ended the game. He scrambled away and got out of bounds. With 9 seconds left the Panthers took their final timeout on defense. The Colts faced 3rd and 4 from the 6. Carolina brought the house on defense. Luck fired over the middle straight into the arms of Carolina defensive star Luke Kuechly. kuechly thought he had the interception, but the ball hit the ground as he came to the ground. It was incomplete. Both teams were still alive. Vinatieri came in for the 24 yard field goal with 2 seconds left. The kick was good and the game went to overtime tied 23-23. In the fourth quarter Luck was 17 of 31 for 185 yards passing and two touchdowns.
The Colts won the toss and got to receive the ball against an exhausted Carolina defense. A strong kickoff return had the Colts starting at their own 45 with all the momentum. Luck scrambled for 6 and 11 but the Colts soon faced 3rd and 10 at the Carolina 38. Luck hit Fleener for 7 as Vinatieri came in for a 50 yarder to give the Colts the lead. Vinatieri has won two Super Bowls at the gun. On this night, he was just as dead center. After a touchback, the Panthers had one chance to tie or win the game.
Newton fired a perfect pass to a well covered Brown, who hauled it in for a 23 yard gain. Newton then went for it all. He threw a perfect bomb to a wide open Ginn, who could have crawled into the end zone and ended the game. Ginn dropped the ball. He just dropped it. Under heavy pressure, Newton went to Greg Olsen for a 19 yard gain to the Indy 37. Newton kept firing, hitting Ginn for 12 yards to the Indy 25. Now the Panthers were well within tying field goal range. They could go for the win. On 3rd and 8, Newton was hit as he threw the ball. It went incomplete. Garo came in for the 42 yarder to tie the game. His missed extra point was why the game was in overtime. This time Gano was good. The game was tied 26-26 midway through overtime. The game was now true sudden death, with the next score being the winning one.
The Colts quickly faced 2nd and 8 at their 31. Luck fired over the middle and the ball was batted into the air. This time Kuechly cradled the ball and was not letting the interception go. The Panthers took over at the Colts 39. Needing only a few yards for long field goal range, the Panthers quickly faced 3rd and 10. Newton found Cotchery for 5 as Gano came in for the 52 yard try to win the game. Gano got sweet redemption and bailed out Ginn as well. The Panthers remained the lone unbeaten NFC team. next week they are at home against Green Bay, who just got knocked from the unbeaten ranks. The Colts fell to 3-5. That might win the awful AFC South, but it will still give their critics plenty to feast on. Luck played injured, and he showed heart, guts and character in giving Carolina all they could handle. 29-26 Panthers, OT