Archive for June, 2024

The Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2024

Friday, June 21st, 2024

YBs 2024

Welcome to Summer. Every June 21st, I release my list of the Top 30 hottest women in politics. This list was originally known as the Top 120 political yummy bouncies. Anyway, this is a bare bones list. You can Google the photos yourself. The top 10 liberals, centrists and conservatives are listed for your viewing pleasure. I threw in one major curveball due to the changing times. 

Racist whitey-hating bully Angel Reese and her white target Caitlan Clark did not make the list. Clark’s refusal to become black, woke or a lesbian is leading to her being physically attacked. Nevertheless, nobody cares about the WNBA. 

Taylor Swift did not make the list. If you’re not over the whole Swift thing, you should be. Enough already. 


10.) Eva Longoria — The Eva Longoria rule is simple. When this Desperate Housewives star intentionally says or does anything political, she automatically tops the list. This year she is on the list but not at the top because her actions were unintentional. President Joe Biden tried to grope her in full public view in 2023. She pushed his hands off of her body. Don’t expect her to show any self-respect beyond that. She will likely make excuses for his behavior and campaign for his reelection. Inadvertantly exposing more hypocrisy in the #MeToo movement puts her on the list, but not at the top. If she makes another speech for him at the 2024 DNC Convention, she will show that self-respect matters less than power. 

9.) Julia Louise-Dreyfuss — She plays Kamala Harris on television as a completely incompetent Vice President in Veep. She is famous because she road Jerry Seinfeld’s coattails on his hit television show about nothing. Her obnoxious speech at the 2020 DNC Convention has been followed up with her criticizing Seinfeld for demanding freedom in comedy. She believes political correctness has a place in comedy. A comedian who favors censorship is not funny. 

8.) Gretchen Whitmer — She locked down her state of Michigan with draconian Covid restrictions that she and her husband openly disobeyed. She bashed Florida during Covid while secretly visiting the state. Somehow, she managed to get reelected. She is a future presidential candidate only because Michigan is a swing state and Democrats have abandoned all pretenses of moderation. If Biden or Harris is ousted, she will try to make the leap.

7.) Kathy Hochul — The failed New York Governor was initially appointed when Democrats forced out the more moderate Andrew Cuomo over a few cases of grab-@ss. Hochul is a radical leftist who was elected to a full term by the skin of her teeth. Her arrogance cost Democrats five congressional seats and control of Congress. Her total failure at everything makes her a perfect future Democrat presidential candidate. If Biden or Harris are tossed aside, she will try to make the climb up. She has managed to take solid blue New York and make it competitive for Republicans. 

6.) Sheng Thao — The Mayor of Oakland had her home raided by the FBI in a corruption probe. While Democrats usually skate on such matters, taking down a low level Democrat would allow the FBI to maintain a phony cloak of non-partisan neutrality. You have to be very corrupt to be held accountable as a Democrat, especially in a Democrat administration. She grew up in poverty, and supports policies that will enrich her while keeping her constituents in poverty. She with significant help from her predecessor Libby Schaaf have helped rid Oakland of all remaining professional spots teams and their pesky job-creation mechanisms.

5.) Letitia James — The only thing bigger than the New York Attorney General’s ego is her badonkadonk, and it’s a close call. She campaigned on a promise to frame Donald Trump for crimes, and in the short term she has succeeded. She would rank higher but her work will most likely be overturned by a sane judge. However, if Joe Biden gets reelected before this happens, James will rocket up this list. 

4.) Bailey Anne Kennedy — Miss Maryland is transgender. This means she is more confused about women than Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. For those wondering why beauty pageants are failing, it is because they keep putting politically correct insanity over what has always been normal. Putting Kennedy on top of the female beauty pyramid is not groundbreaking. It is simply crazy. 

3.) Claudia Sheinbaum — Mexico’s first female president happens to be Jewish. She is also a hardcore leftist socialist, which means she will be a nightmare for Jews. If she messes up in office, her critics will remind everyone that she is Jewish. If Karl Marx were a Mexican woman, he would have nothing on Sheinbaum. She is expected to allow the few people still living in Mexico to illegally enter the United States. Any fentanyl that crosses the border and kills Americans is just coincidental. 

2.) Kamala Harris — This giggling, cackling hyena became an affirmative action hire when Barack and Michelle Obama ordered Joe Biden to put her on the ticket. Despite being terrible at everything, Harris has outlasted rivals Ron Klain and Susan Harris. She does virtually nothing, and what little she does, she does badly. Yet because of her race and gender, Biden cannot fire her from the ticket. He is stuck with her. She has the ultimate no-show job. She will have absolute power if anything happens to Biden. 

1.) Tiffany Henyard — The Mayor of Dolton, Illinois might be the most corrupt politician on earth. When a constituent criticizes her, she sics the police on them to raid their home. Her profligate spending is matched only by her brazenness. She is living proof that being a black female Democrat is an automatic license in politics to do whatever she pleases whenever she pleases without consequences. For having absolute power and bragging about it, Mayor Henyard is the hottest political liberal of 2024. 


10.) Kirsten Glavin — This New England NBC reporter covers Cape Cod and surrounding areas. Being non-controversial in New England is a rare talent. 

9.) Liz Cho — This New York City ABC reporter has managed to work in media in the most leftist market outside of New England while coming across as sane and reasonable. For refusing to politicize virtually everything, Cho may face career setbacks. So far she has survived, although to be fair, there is a lack of a talent pool in the triple-state area. 

8.) Courtney Friel — This former Fox News personality avoided partisan commentary. She decided that all politics is local, leaving Fox News for Fox KTLA in Los Angeles. She remains gorgeous, bright, and non-partisan. 

7..) Erin Burnett — It’s hard to call anyone a centrist at CNN, but Burnett seems far less crazy than most of her colleagues. She has managed to avoid disgracing herself at her network, not an easy feat. She would rank higher but virtually nobody watches CNN.

6.) Melissa Theuriau — This French journalist works for M6, the most profitable TV news entity in France. As beautiful as she is, her stories often get overlooked due to a global apathy toward the irrelevant nation of France. President Emanuel Macron suffering severe legislative election losses may cause a ripple if she reports on it. If she covered any other nation, she would be an even bigger superstar. The upcoming French elections will not make France relevant, but it could propel her to greater career heights. 

5.) Megyn Kelly — This former attorney turned Fox News personality left the network and sued her former boss Roger Ailes. Her stint at NBC was unsuccessful, but she has now rebounded as a top internet reporter and analyst, She is a tough as nails questioner who plays it straight down the line. She would rank higher if she were on a major television network. As great as she is, the internet just does not allow for the same exposure. 

4.) Susan Li — She was born in China and raised in Toronto, Canada. Now she is a Fox Business correspondent. She has interviewed top political and business leaders in Canada and the United States. 

3.) Robin Meade — This lead morning news anchor for Headline News was once Miss Ohio. In 2021 she even released a country music album. She is an example of drop-dead gorgeous and multi-talented women who deserve to be taken seriously. 

2.) Melania Trump — She is married to the former Republican president, but she has never been overtly political. She is a former model, not a political activist. Her stint as First Lady would have been completely non-controversial had the media not despised her husband so much. She is drop dead gorgeous but ranks low on the list for staying out of the spotlight this year. If Donald Trump wins the White House again, Melania will top the list again.

1.) Princess Kate — The Royal family does not have any political power, but they do have influence far beyond Britain. The death of the beloved and respected Queen Elizabeth led to the ridiculed Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles taking over. If they somehow do not permanently destroy the monarchy, Kate and her husband Prince William could restore it. Kate and her husband both conduct themselves with propriety and class, a sparkling contrast to the publicity seeking grifters Harry and Meghan. Kate’s role is more vital than ever given the wreckage around other family members. She has been a beacon of dignity and grace as she wages a brutal battle against cancer. For her kindness, boldness, and overall strength and dignity, Princess Kate is the hottest political centrist of 2024. 


10.) Kristi Noem — This great South Dakota Governor achieved plaudits for keeping her state completely open during the Covid pandemic. She has kept the state normal but lost the battle to have July 4th fireworks at Mount Rushmore an annual event. She was considered a presidential candidate and an even stronger vice presidential choice, but she ranks lower on this list for giving her dog the Old Yeller treatment. The issue of her shooting her dog is overblown, but she fumbled the media part of explaining her actions. 

9.) Lauren Boebert — While nobody should celebrate divorce, many single men perked up at the news that Lauren Boebert is about to be single. This stunning brunette is a sexy pistol packing hot mama. This Colorado congresswoman  barely survived her reelection, but is now fighting back hard against the anti-American Squad. She is held Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s feet to the fire. She will need to get reelected again to move up the list. She was involved in a sexually inappropriate incident in a movie theatre, but to be fair her date was a Democrat. 

8.) Anna Paulina Luna — She is the first Mexican-American to be elected to Congress in Florida. She is a warrior, leading the charge to have Merrick Garland and other corruptocrats impeached and Adam Schiff expelled from Congress. To move higher on this list, she needs to show staying power by getting reelected. She also needs to get results from her inquiries. So far, no Democrat she has targeted has been held accountable. 

7.) Mollie Hemingway/Miranda Devine — These are two of the hottest and smartest reporters in America. Hemingway writes for the Federalist, while the appropriately named Divine writes for the New York Post. Hemingway has done extensive work on exposing corruption involving the 2020 presidential election. Divine has brilliantly revealed the various controversies surrounding Hunter Biden and his laptop from hell. The more information dribbles out, the more these two women are seen as right. 

6.) Winsome Sears — The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia is a rock star. She is a proud black woman who served her country in the United States Marines. In her citizen life, she ran a homeless shelter. She has broken plenty of barriers in Virginia politics, which would make her a media darling if she were a Democrat. She has to settle for being loved by Republican voters nationwide. The Governor of Virginia is limited to one term, making her the logical successor to Governor Glenn Youngkin in 2025 or earlier if he becomes the Vice President. 

5.) Victoria Seaman — This gorgeous and successful businesswoman has a real chance of being the first Republican woman elected Mayor of Las Vegas in a very long time. She is a real conservative who understands the needs of small business owners. 

4.) Nikki Haley — This successful former South Carolina Governor and spectacular Ambassador to the United Nations is more than qualified to be President. Yet she ranks near the bottom of the pack. Some are seeing her as a candidate for Vice President. She has been more than competent at every government job she has ever held. Although she did not win the GOP nomination, coming in second place out of everyone is not bad. She still has a block of support. If she campaigns hard for Trump in 2024, she will earn good will in 2028. If she does not, she may be finished. 

3.) Sarah Huckabee Sanders — She was Donald Trump’s White House press secretary. Now she is the first female Arkansas Governor. Her father previously held that job when Bill Clinton’s successor Jim Guy Tucker resigned due to the Whitewater scandal. Succeeding the more moderate Asa Hutchinson, Sanders has battled critics while raising several children and moving her state sharply to the right. She has beaten back the Woke mob and largely won the culture wars in her state. She is drastically reducing taxes in an attempt to get her state income tax to zero. She could be President some day. 

2.) Amy Coney Barrett — This United States Supreme Court justice is everything her supporters could have hoped for. She is Superwoman. A mother to seven children including a racially diverse mixture of adopted children, she went through her entire SCOTUS hearing without needing to take notes. She has sided with the conservative bloc on almost every issue, including the biggest decisions regarding abortion and guns. 

1.) Judge Aileen Cannon — This young smart judge was randomly chosen to oversee one of the indictment cases against Donald Trump. Because Trump appointed her, the left is already launching baseless attacks against her for bias. She has not backed down. She would rank higher but the cases against Trump are overrated in terms of significance. Very few if any people who love or hate Trump will be persuaded, regardless of the results. Once this is over, she will fade into the background. If she rules against Trump, she will briefly become a liberal hero until her next conservative ruling. A governor can influence a state. A Supreme Court justice can influence the entire nation. For being a key player in the 2024 presidential election, Judge Cannon can influence the entire world for several years to come. For this reason, she is the hottest politically conservative woman of 2024.


Israel’s best raid since Antebbe

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Lessons Learned and Not Learned From the al-Nuseirat Raid