Archive for the ‘MILITARY’ Category

The Top 10 News Stories of 2024

Thursday, December 26th, 2024

Top 10 news stories of 2024

10.) The Detroit Lions — For decades, these lovable losers were about as likely to be successful with a football as Charlie Brown. They epitomized a losing culture, even becoming the first NFL team to ever go 0-16 in 2008. Yet Coach Dan Campbell came along and changed the culture. The Lions began this calendar year by reaching the NFC Title Game. Proving they were no fluke, this season’s team has a legitimate chance of reaching their first ever Super Bowl. They last won a championship in 1957. For the first time in their entire history, they were even favored by the betting markets to win it all. History matters. It took decades of suffering, but Lions fans can now roar with pride.

9.) Dow Jones 45k, Nasdaq 20k — Over time, the stock market always goes up. While not a completely accurate reflection of the overall economy, more Americans than ever directly or indirectly own stocks. United States corporations continue to provide the ingenuity that revolutionizes the world. The first three American business revolutions were agriculture, industrial, and the information age that began in 1995. Now the artificial intelligence revolution could remake society in ways we cannot begin to fathom. AI itself would be a bigger story, but we are at least one year away from seeing what it does. For now, this new technology has made many big and small investors far wealthier than they were. The business of America remains business, and the stock market remains its beating heart.

8.) United Healthcare CEO murdered — Not all business stories are positive. In an act of evil, United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was shot to death by a young man with a grudge against healthcare companies. In an even more vile display, the killer became a hero to many leftist Americans disgruntled with CEOs in general and healthcare executives in particular. Ghoulish comments from leftists in government including Senator Liz Warren tried to rationalize the killing as understandable frustration. Despite the “eat the rich” rhetoric from the left, the real victim was Thompson, a husband and father. He started with nothing and rose to success through honest, hard work. The killer was a rich white leftist heir to a multi-million dollar business empire.

7.) SCOTUS Chevron Doctrine reversed and Presidential immunity decision — The United States Supreme Court alway matters, but this year brought two blockbuster decisions that will reverberate for years if not decades. The most famous case dealt with presidential immunity. The High Court split the difference, even answering questions that were not asked. The court ruled that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official decisions made in the capacity of their presidential duties. This means a president after leaving office cannot be indicted for bombing another nation and killing people. The court also ruled that a president does not have immunity from actions taken in office that were unrelated to the job. Illegal activities are still illegal. Yet on the issue of whether President Trump’s January 6th actions deserved immunity, the Roberts Court basically said “We’re not touching that powder keg” and continued its long tradition of deciding not to decide.

Yet while presidential immunity was the most high profile case, the most significant was Chevron. For decades, the Chevron Doctrine required that businesses and individuals defer to administrative agency state bureaucrats under the notion that these administrative staters were “experts.” This horrendous anti-business ruling allowed the government expert leviathan to exponentially explode, with diminishing results. The overturning of Chevron finally lays bare a message that conservatives have been screaming for years. The supposed experts don’t know everything. In fact, many of them don’t know anything. The Chevron ruling restores sanity to the business world by returning decisions on what businesses do to the people who actually have expertise in doing those things. This ruling if properly followed should lead to the defanging of the administrative state altogether.

6.) Ivy League anti-Semitic violence — Jews have always felt comfortable in America. 2024 was the year where that ceased to be the case. College campuses in recent years had always had pockets of leftist radicals promoting anti-Jewish attitudes. In 2024 the radicals became the norm. Anti-Jewish violence exploded on campuses, funded by everyone from leftist George Soros to Islamists backed by Iran. During a congressional hearing on the matter, the female presidents of Harvard and other universities refused to condemn overt anti-Jewish violence. Thankfully, that disastrous hearing led to a backlash. Several university heads were fired or resigned under pressure. Wealthy Jewish donors canceled their donations. Anti-Jewish protesters were put into a database so that Jewish businesses would know not to hire them. The Jew-hating left crossed the line from hateful but protected speech into physical violence. The response from a largely pro-Jewish nation put the Jew-haters on their heels. The battle for the campuses is ongoing.

5.) The Middle East is being remade — The October 7th, 2023 attacks on Israel shocked the conscience. Israel has a history of waging war successfully but then stopping short of finishing the job. They buckle under cruel intentional pressure motivated mainly by antisemitism. Yet this time was different. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to finish the job, and that “total victory” was his goal. He was derided by the world’s leftists, who insisted that such a goal was impossible. Under heavy pressure from his own left flank, President Joe Biden pressured Mr. Netanyahu to fold. Netanyahu defied the world and was proven right. Hamas was smashed. Hezbollah was blasted. Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Nasrallah were liquidated. A brilliant operation involving exploding pagers had Hamas and Hezbollah on their heels. While not permanently eliminated yet, they were devastated militarily and financially. This tightened the noose on Iran, and indirectly Syria. A domino fell when the Syrian government collapsed. Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad fled to Russia. The incoming Trump administration has given Israel the green light to do what it needs to do to defend itself. Targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities remains an option. Israel’s biggest military victory since 1967 is already having reverberations. A full normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia is back on the table. Outside of college campuses, “Palestinians” are an afterthought. Israel seems to have finally won.

4.) Biden forced out — For the first time in 56 years, an incumbent president was forced out of the race for reelection. In 1968, anger over the Vietnam war split the Democrats and led to RFK threatening to take down LBJ. President Lyndon B. Johnson backed down and decided not to run. Yet at least 1968 was a legitimate fight over policy. 2024 was far more sinister. For several years, Democrats hid that presidential candidate and then President Joe Biden was in a state of deep mental decline. Anyone pointing out his mental decline was ostracized. Democrats have a history of such shenanigans, covering up Woodrow Wilson’s stroke and FDR’s polio. The Biden health coverup collapsed during his 2024 presidential debate with former President Donald Trump. Biden was exposed on live television to 100 million debate watchers to be mentally shot.

When Biden refused to voluntarily drop out, former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi effectively blackmailed him. Either he drops out, or they publicly leak damaging information to force him out. The party that was all about “saving democracy” engineered a coup. Rather than have an open primary process like in 1968, Obama and Pelosi forced Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee. This was expected given that the Obamas forced Biden to put her on the 2020 ticket. Harris, not Biden, was the true ideological heir to the Obama presidency. Biden was forced out for only one reason, that he looked like he would lose. This was craven unprincipled political opportunism. The plan backfired when it became clear that Harris was terrible at campaigning. She did worse with some constituencies than Biden did in 2020. Yet the real story was that Biden and Harris were both puppets. Obama won a third term, and was unable to secure a fourth term. By backing losers, Obama damaged his own brand. His endorsement no longer matters and his party no longer worships him.

3) Trump law fare cases collapse — Terrified that Trump might win reelection in 2024, Democrats devised a complex law fare scheme to ban him from running. They tried arguing that he was an insurrectionist even though neither he or anyone else was ever charged with insurrection. Democrats in multiple states tried to cite the 14th Amendment to have him removed from state ballots. The U.S. Supreme Court tossed out those challenges in a unanimous 9-0 ruling.

Trump also became the subject of four different criminal matters in three different states that were designed to financially bankrupt him or even imprison him unless he dropped out of the presidential race. Rules and laws were contorted and justice was turned upside down. His personal home was raided as Biden Department of Justice officials seized former First Lady Melania Trump’s underwear. These various cases each began to unravel when it became clear that Trump was the only person being charged for words and deeds that had never been criminal before him. These cases were carefully coordinated with the Biden White House. One by one the cases collapsed when it became clear that there was simply no there there. Democrats will keep insisting that he was guilty, but the voters saw through the ruse. Trump rightly reminded the world that if the law can be weaponized against him, it can be weaponized against anyone. Democrats keep bleating that no one is above the law, but the lesson of 2024 is that nobody is below the law either. If they were going to remove Trump, they would have to do so at the ballot box, not in the courtroom.

2.) Trump assassination attempts — When having Trump disqualified and imprisoned failed, the next step for his enemies was simply to try and kill him. America was rocked by the political assassinations of the 1960s and terrified by the shooting of President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Then came a lull of normalcy that was shattered on July 13th, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. A young assassin with possible ties to Iran fired off several shots a Trump rally, killing one person and nearly murdering Trump himself. At the very last moment, Trump turned his head, resulting in a bullet grazing his earlobe rather than hitting him straight between his eyes. As expected, many people on the left blamed Trump’s rhetoric for him getting shot. The overall American electorate was more kind than ghoulish, as decent Americans prayed for his recovery.

Immediately after being shot, Trump raised his fist in the air in an act of defiance. Serious Secret Service Breakdowns had people questioning whether the Biden administration deliberately short-shifted Trump from a security standpoint. That investigation is ongoing. Trump faced a second assassination attempt when someone tried to fire at him while he golfed at his Mara Lago resort in South Florida. Despite facing multiple assassination attempts that nearly succeeded, Democrats from Biden and Harris on down kept ramping up the incendiary rhetoric. They kept calling Trump a “fascist” and a “threat to democracy.” The assassination attempts themselves were horrifying, but the reaction was just as evil. Far too many people have gotten to the point where the assassination of a person they hate is “understandable,” a code word for “justified.”

They tried to disqualify him. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to imprison him. They tried to kill him. Then they finally tried to beat him at the ballot box. This brings us to the top news story of 2024.

1.) Trump returns — The 45th President is now the 47th President-Elect. Trump became the first President since Grover Cleveland to win the White House, lose his reelection, and then win reelection to serve two non-consecutive terms. His return sent a pair of forceful messages. First of all, Reagan’s maxim “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” still matters. Voters were dissatisfied in 2020 due to COVID. In 2024, with the pandemic having subsided, voters determined that the quality of life under Biden was worse than it was under Trump. Harris tried to run as a change agent while being the sitting Vice President. That strategy failed for Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, the sitting Secretary of State at the time of her run.

Yet beyond basic economic conditions and worries about the border and the overall world, Trump’s return was an anti-establishment revolt. Despite having been a sitting President, Trump remained an anti-establishment figure. He was a giant middle finger to the elitist snobs in government who live for regulations, mandates and bans. Voters just want to be free and be left alone. They do not want government taxing and regulating them out of existence. Trump voters were called deplorable, irredeemables, neanderthals, smelly Walmart people, racists, bigots, and other names voters do not appreciate. The voters struck back.

Most importantly, Trump now knows who to trust and who not to trust. His first term was undermined by subordinates defying his orders. Trump is the ultimate disruptor, and now he has bringing in a team of disruptors to root out insubordinate officials. This time his orders will be carried out. Eight years ago business leaders openly worked against him. Now the business community is falling all over themselves to kiss his ring and get on his good side. Even though Trump retakes office on January 20th of 2025, his dominating presence plus Biden’s decline and disappearance have world leaders treating Trump as president already.

Trump shocked the political world in 2016. Yet “The art of the deal” is less impressive than “The art of the comeback.” Trump’s business comeback from financially tough times in the 1990s was impressive. His political comeback is one for the ages. Richard Nixon came back, but not with this much drama and fanfare. Nixon’s victories did not end the Kennedy legacy. Trump’s comeback smashed the Obama and Clinton dynasties to pieces. He remade the entire Republican Party of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Paul Ryan into a populist party not seen since Teddy Roosevelt.

For these and other obvious reasons too numerous to mention, the return of Donald J. Trump to the White House is the top news story of 2024.


248 fun reasons to love America

Thursday, July 4th, 2024

248 fun reasons to love America

Thursday, July 4th, 2024

248 fun reasons to love America

1980 Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Team

1980s hard rock hair metal

2 Live Crew’s Banned in the USA

7-Eleven Big Gulps and Slurpees

ACDC’s You shook me, Thunderstruck, Moneytalks

Adam Sandler


Airheads band The Lone Rangers

Al D’Amato’s singing


America the Beautiful sung by Ray Charles

American soldiers and veterans


Anthony Clark

Bad Touch’s Discovery Channel

Batman: The Dark Knight

BB King and Lucille

Belker on Hill Street Blues

Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia

Biff Henderson

Bill Cosby, Himself video

Bill Murray’s Quick Change

Bill of Rights

Bill the Cat


Blue Collar Comedy Tour

Blue Bloods


Bluegrass Junction

Bounce houses

Bouncing 25 cent rubber balls

Boxing promoter Don King


Bubblebaths for two

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck


Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise movies



Capture the flag

Cards Against Humanity

Chabad Houses

Charitable people


Cheers’s Sam Mayday Malone and Norm Peterson

Cherry Lime Rickeys

Chocolate covered cherries

Chris Berman

Chris Gardner’s The Pursuit of Happyness

Chris Noth’s Mike Logan

Chris Tucker singing Barry White


Coed touch football


Commando and pantsless Wednesdays (until HR intervened)

Conan O’Brien’s In the Year 2000

Corn Fritters

Cosmic Bowling

County Fairs

Dale Intimidator Earnhardt’s 1998 Daytona 500

Dana Carvey

Dann Florek’s Captain Donald Cragen

David Letterman’s Top Ten Lists

Dazed and Confused — Mitch Kramer


Dennis Farina

Desperate Housewives

Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo

Dick Cheney and the Neocons

Die Hard

DirecTV NFL Package

Dog-riding monkey

Donald Trump–from the Apprentice to the White House to Twitter


Dr. Brown’s Black Cherry Soda

Dr. Charles Krauthammer

Duck Dynasty


Edible underthings



Eye of the tiger


Flavored massage oil

Founding Fathers

Fox News

Fraggle Rock

Freedom, liberty, right of dissent

Gaga (dodgeball using closed fist and cherry ball)

Game nights

Garlic knots

Gatorade dumping on coaches

George W. Bush picks up bullhorn

Glow sticks as fake cigars

Golden Corral

GPS trackers

Greg the Bunny

Greg Gutfeld


Happy face emoticons



Henny Youngman

Hot Chocolate’s You sexy thing (I believe in miracles)

Hot scantily clad women

Howard Stern

I once finger-(blanked) a hermit crab (whoever said that)

In n Out Burger

Independence Day BBQs

Instant messaging

Internet dating


Italian ices

J. Geils Band’s Centerfold

Jack Nicholson’s Colonel Nathan R. Jessup

Jacuzzi romps


Jell-O wrestling

Jerry Orbach’s Lenny Briscoe

Jerry Reed’s Eastbound and Down

Jim Carrey’s Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

John Cougar Mellencamp’s Pink Houses and Hurts so good

John Facenda’s The Autumn Wind

John McEnroe’s tennis tantrums

Judaism celebrated in peace

Justice Clarence Thomas

Justice Scalia’s scathing dissents

Karl Rove’s whiteboard


KFC Popcorn Chicken


Kim Kardashian’s bare bottom

King of the Hill


Kosher imitation bacon and crab

Krispy Kreme Donut Hamburgers


Larry Hagman’s J.R. Ewing on Dallas

Las Vegas

Lee Greenwood’s God bless the USA and Bandit Express

Lilo and Stitch — Ohana means family––––––––––––––

Louie Armstrong’s It’s a Wonderful World—————————————-

Louisiana Cajun Cooking (Especially with Justin Wilson)

Lucky Charms

Madden Football

Magnum, P.I.

Mardi Gras, New Orleans

Mark Levin’s rants

Married with Children’s Al Bundy

Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing and Let’s get it on



Meat and potatoes

Michael J. Fox’s Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties

Mills Lane yelling Let’s get it on

Miniature golf


Morris Day and the Time’s Jerk Out

Mountain Dew Code Red

MTV’s Celebrity Deathmatch

Murder, She Wrote

Nathan’s Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest

National Federation of Republican Women

National Football League


New Years Eve noisemakers

New York Post front and back page

New York Stock Exchange opening and closing bells

NFL Films

NFL Network

Oakland Raiders

Old School with Will Ferrell & Vince Vaughn & Godfather Luke Wilson

Overtime playoff hockey

Pajama parties

Peaceful transition of political power

Phil Hartman


Political Conventions

Pool volleyball


Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio


Queen’s I want it all

Raider Nation

Rainbow Sherbert

Redeye with Greg Gutfeld

Republican Jewish Brunettes

Republican Party Animals


Robin Williams

Ronald Reagan’s self-deprecating jokes 

Rudy Giuliani’s New York toughness


Rush Limbaugh

San Diego Wild Animal Park

Satellite TV

Save a horse, ride a cowboy


Sean Hannity’s Freedom Concerts



Sherman Hemsley’s George Jefferson


Sky high skyscrapers


Slim Jims

Snoopy’s Joe Cool

Snow football

Social networks for building businesses

South Beach, Miami Spring Break

South Park



Stock trading


Strip chess

Stuart Scott


Summer camp

Super Soakers

Supply-side tax cuts

T-shirt originals

Taco Bell

Talk radio

Thanksgiving with John Madden

The Color of Money

The Counter Build Your Own Burger

The Expendables

The Frat Pack

The Honeymooners

The Muppets

The Onion

Tim McGraw’s Indian Outlaw ——————————————————


Toby Keith’s Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

Train rides

Trampoline Dodgeball

Tygrrrr Express

USA Cartoon Express

Video Arcade Games

We’re not France

Weekend at Bernie’s

Western medicine

Whitesnake’s Here I go again video

Wifi on planes

XM Sirius Satellite Radio


Young Jewish Conservatives

Yummy bouncies and badonkadonks

ZZ Top’s Sleeping Bag and Sharp Dressed Man

The Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2024

Friday, June 21st, 2024

YBs 2024

Welcome to Summer. Every June 21st, I release my list of the Top 30 hottest women in politics. This list was originally known as the Top 120 political yummy bouncies. Anyway, this is a bare bones list. You can Google the photos yourself. The top 10 liberals, centrists and conservatives are listed for your viewing pleasure. I threw in one major curveball due to the changing times. 

Racist whitey-hating bully Angel Reese and her white target Caitlan Clark did not make the list. Clark’s refusal to become black, woke or a lesbian is leading to her being physically attacked. Nevertheless, nobody cares about the WNBA. 

Taylor Swift did not make the list. If you’re not over the whole Swift thing, you should be. Enough already. 


10.) Eva Longoria — The Eva Longoria rule is simple. When this Desperate Housewives star intentionally says or does anything political, she automatically tops the list. This year she is on the list but not at the top because her actions were unintentional. President Joe Biden tried to grope her in full public view in 2023. She pushed his hands off of her body. Don’t expect her to show any self-respect beyond that. She will likely make excuses for his behavior and campaign for his reelection. Inadvertantly exposing more hypocrisy in the #MeToo movement puts her on the list, but not at the top. If she makes another speech for him at the 2024 DNC Convention, she will show that self-respect matters less than power. 

9.) Julia Louise-Dreyfuss — She plays Kamala Harris on television as a completely incompetent Vice President in Veep. She is famous because she road Jerry Seinfeld’s coattails on his hit television show about nothing. Her obnoxious speech at the 2020 DNC Convention has been followed up with her criticizing Seinfeld for demanding freedom in comedy. She believes political correctness has a place in comedy. A comedian who favors censorship is not funny. 

8.) Gretchen Whitmer — She locked down her state of Michigan with draconian Covid restrictions that she and her husband openly disobeyed. She bashed Florida during Covid while secretly visiting the state. Somehow, she managed to get reelected. She is a future presidential candidate only because Michigan is a swing state and Democrats have abandoned all pretenses of moderation. If Biden or Harris is ousted, she will try to make the leap.

7.) Kathy Hochul — The failed New York Governor was initially appointed when Democrats forced out the more moderate Andrew Cuomo over a few cases of grab-@ss. Hochul is a radical leftist who was elected to a full term by the skin of her teeth. Her arrogance cost Democrats five congressional seats and control of Congress. Her total failure at everything makes her a perfect future Democrat presidential candidate. If Biden or Harris are tossed aside, she will try to make the climb up. She has managed to take solid blue New York and make it competitive for Republicans. 

6.) Sheng Thao — The Mayor of Oakland had her home raided by the FBI in a corruption probe. While Democrats usually skate on such matters, taking down a low level Democrat would allow the FBI to maintain a phony cloak of non-partisan neutrality. You have to be very corrupt to be held accountable as a Democrat, especially in a Democrat administration. She grew up in poverty, and supports policies that will enrich her while keeping her constituents in poverty. She with significant help from her predecessor Libby Schaaf have helped rid Oakland of all remaining professional spots teams and their pesky job-creation mechanisms.

5.) Letitia James — The only thing bigger than the New York Attorney General’s ego is her badonkadonk, and it’s a close call. She campaigned on a promise to frame Donald Trump for crimes, and in the short term she has succeeded. She would rank higher but her work will most likely be overturned by a sane judge. However, if Joe Biden gets reelected before this happens, James will rocket up this list. 

4.) Bailey Anne Kennedy — Miss Maryland is transgender. This means she is more confused about women than Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. For those wondering why beauty pageants are failing, it is because they keep putting politically correct insanity over what has always been normal. Putting Kennedy on top of the female beauty pyramid is not groundbreaking. It is simply crazy. 

3.) Claudia Sheinbaum — Mexico’s first female president happens to be Jewish. She is also a hardcore leftist socialist, which means she will be a nightmare for Jews. If she messes up in office, her critics will remind everyone that she is Jewish. If Karl Marx were a Mexican woman, he would have nothing on Sheinbaum. She is expected to allow the few people still living in Mexico to illegally enter the United States. Any fentanyl that crosses the border and kills Americans is just coincidental. 

2.) Kamala Harris — This giggling, cackling hyena became an affirmative action hire when Barack and Michelle Obama ordered Joe Biden to put her on the ticket. Despite being terrible at everything, Harris has outlasted rivals Ron Klain and Susan Harris. She does virtually nothing, and what little she does, she does badly. Yet because of her race and gender, Biden cannot fire her from the ticket. He is stuck with her. She has the ultimate no-show job. She will have absolute power if anything happens to Biden. 

1.) Tiffany Henyard — The Mayor of Dolton, Illinois might be the most corrupt politician on earth. When a constituent criticizes her, she sics the police on them to raid their home. Her profligate spending is matched only by her brazenness. She is living proof that being a black female Democrat is an automatic license in politics to do whatever she pleases whenever she pleases without consequences. For having absolute power and bragging about it, Mayor Henyard is the hottest political liberal of 2024. 


10.) Kirsten Glavin — This New England NBC reporter covers Cape Cod and surrounding areas. Being non-controversial in New England is a rare talent. 

9.) Liz Cho — This New York City ABC reporter has managed to work in media in the most leftist market outside of New England while coming across as sane and reasonable. For refusing to politicize virtually everything, Cho may face career setbacks. So far she has survived, although to be fair, there is a lack of a talent pool in the triple-state area. 

8.) Courtney Friel — This former Fox News personality avoided partisan commentary. She decided that all politics is local, leaving Fox News for Fox KTLA in Los Angeles. She remains gorgeous, bright, and non-partisan. 

7..) Erin Burnett — It’s hard to call anyone a centrist at CNN, but Burnett seems far less crazy than most of her colleagues. She has managed to avoid disgracing herself at her network, not an easy feat. She would rank higher but virtually nobody watches CNN.

6.) Melissa Theuriau — This French journalist works for M6, the most profitable TV news entity in France. As beautiful as she is, her stories often get overlooked due to a global apathy toward the irrelevant nation of France. President Emanuel Macron suffering severe legislative election losses may cause a ripple if she reports on it. If she covered any other nation, she would be an even bigger superstar. The upcoming French elections will not make France relevant, but it could propel her to greater career heights. 

5.) Megyn Kelly — This former attorney turned Fox News personality left the network and sued her former boss Roger Ailes. Her stint at NBC was unsuccessful, but she has now rebounded as a top internet reporter and analyst, She is a tough as nails questioner who plays it straight down the line. She would rank higher if she were on a major television network. As great as she is, the internet just does not allow for the same exposure. 

4.) Susan Li — She was born in China and raised in Toronto, Canada. Now she is a Fox Business correspondent. She has interviewed top political and business leaders in Canada and the United States. 

3.) Robin Meade — This lead morning news anchor for Headline News was once Miss Ohio. In 2021 she even released a country music album. She is an example of drop-dead gorgeous and multi-talented women who deserve to be taken seriously. 

2.) Melania Trump — She is married to the former Republican president, but she has never been overtly political. She is a former model, not a political activist. Her stint as First Lady would have been completely non-controversial had the media not despised her husband so much. She is drop dead gorgeous but ranks low on the list for staying out of the spotlight this year. If Donald Trump wins the White House again, Melania will top the list again.

1.) Princess Kate — The Royal family does not have any political power, but they do have influence far beyond Britain. The death of the beloved and respected Queen Elizabeth led to the ridiculed Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles taking over. If they somehow do not permanently destroy the monarchy, Kate and her husband Prince William could restore it. Kate and her husband both conduct themselves with propriety and class, a sparkling contrast to the publicity seeking grifters Harry and Meghan. Kate’s role is more vital than ever given the wreckage around other family members. She has been a beacon of dignity and grace as she wages a brutal battle against cancer. For her kindness, boldness, and overall strength and dignity, Princess Kate is the hottest political centrist of 2024. 


10.) Kristi Noem — This great South Dakota Governor achieved plaudits for keeping her state completely open during the Covid pandemic. She has kept the state normal but lost the battle to have July 4th fireworks at Mount Rushmore an annual event. She was considered a presidential candidate and an even stronger vice presidential choice, but she ranks lower on this list for giving her dog the Old Yeller treatment. The issue of her shooting her dog is overblown, but she fumbled the media part of explaining her actions. 

9.) Lauren Boebert — While nobody should celebrate divorce, many single men perked up at the news that Lauren Boebert is about to be single. This stunning brunette is a sexy pistol packing hot mama. This Colorado congresswoman  barely survived her reelection, but is now fighting back hard against the anti-American Squad. She is held Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s feet to the fire. She will need to get reelected again to move up the list. She was involved in a sexually inappropriate incident in a movie theatre, but to be fair her date was a Democrat. 

8.) Anna Paulina Luna — She is the first Mexican-American to be elected to Congress in Florida. She is a warrior, leading the charge to have Merrick Garland and other corruptocrats impeached and Adam Schiff expelled from Congress. To move higher on this list, she needs to show staying power by getting reelected. She also needs to get results from her inquiries. So far, no Democrat she has targeted has been held accountable. 

7.) Mollie Hemingway/Miranda Devine — These are two of the hottest and smartest reporters in America. Hemingway writes for the Federalist, while the appropriately named Divine writes for the New York Post. Hemingway has done extensive work on exposing corruption involving the 2020 presidential election. Divine has brilliantly revealed the various controversies surrounding Hunter Biden and his laptop from hell. The more information dribbles out, the more these two women are seen as right. 

6.) Winsome Sears — The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia is a rock star. She is a proud black woman who served her country in the United States Marines. In her citizen life, she ran a homeless shelter. She has broken plenty of barriers in Virginia politics, which would make her a media darling if she were a Democrat. She has to settle for being loved by Republican voters nationwide. The Governor of Virginia is limited to one term, making her the logical successor to Governor Glenn Youngkin in 2025 or earlier if he becomes the Vice President. 

5.) Victoria Seaman — This gorgeous and successful businesswoman has a real chance of being the first Republican woman elected Mayor of Las Vegas in a very long time. She is a real conservative who understands the needs of small business owners. 

4.) Nikki Haley — This successful former South Carolina Governor and spectacular Ambassador to the United Nations is more than qualified to be President. Yet she ranks near the bottom of the pack. Some are seeing her as a candidate for Vice President. She has been more than competent at every government job she has ever held. Although she did not win the GOP nomination, coming in second place out of everyone is not bad. She still has a block of support. If she campaigns hard for Trump in 2024, she will earn good will in 2028. If she does not, she may be finished. 

3.) Sarah Huckabee Sanders — She was Donald Trump’s White House press secretary. Now she is the first female Arkansas Governor. Her father previously held that job when Bill Clinton’s successor Jim Guy Tucker resigned due to the Whitewater scandal. Succeeding the more moderate Asa Hutchinson, Sanders has battled critics while raising several children and moving her state sharply to the right. She has beaten back the Woke mob and largely won the culture wars in her state. She is drastically reducing taxes in an attempt to get her state income tax to zero. She could be President some day. 

2.) Amy Coney Barrett — This United States Supreme Court justice is everything her supporters could have hoped for. She is Superwoman. A mother to seven children including a racially diverse mixture of adopted children, she went through her entire SCOTUS hearing without needing to take notes. She has sided with the conservative bloc on almost every issue, including the biggest decisions regarding abortion and guns. 

1.) Judge Aileen Cannon — This young smart judge was randomly chosen to oversee one of the indictment cases against Donald Trump. Because Trump appointed her, the left is already launching baseless attacks against her for bias. She has not backed down. She would rank higher but the cases against Trump are overrated in terms of significance. Very few if any people who love or hate Trump will be persuaded, regardless of the results. Once this is over, she will fade into the background. If she rules against Trump, she will briefly become a liberal hero until her next conservative ruling. A governor can influence a state. A Supreme Court justice can influence the entire nation. For being a key player in the 2024 presidential election, Judge Cannon can influence the entire world for several years to come. For this reason, she is the hottest politically conservative woman of 2024.


Israel’s best raid since Antebbe

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Lessons Learned and Not Learned From the al-Nuseirat Raid

The Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) of 2023

Friday, December 29th, 2023

Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys of 2023

This list is dedicated to the late radio host Austin Hill. He was a great guy who left us far too soon. He loved this list and gave it more attention than it ever deserved. May he never be forgotten.

This list was inspired by Dann Florek, who played Police Captain Donald Cragen on the “Law & Order” franchises for a couple decades.

A lot of people did not make the list. Joe Biden is ineligible until he admits his baldness and stops hiding behind hair plugs. Vladimir Putin is ineligible because he is a ruthless killer and I do not wish to die. If he asks, I think he has lovely hair. 

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, but he is no longer the CEO of Amazon. Being rich is not the same as being powerful. Bring powerful requires doing things. He seems either bored or retired. Rupert Murdoch seems to be retired as well. 

Virginia Congressman Bob Good will almost certainly make the list in 2024. He is the incoming Chair of the House Freedom Caucus. He does not take over until after the New Year begins, rendering him ineligible for 2023.

With that, here are the 2023 Austin Hill Awards dedicated to the Top 10 PBWGs of 2023.

10.) Chip Roy:  This Congressman from Texas is a member of the House Freedom Caucus. He says what he means and vice versa. He has spent the year dragging other politicians kicking and screaming into fiscal restraint. He would rank higher on the list except that he has had few successes on this front. It is tough to govern when you barely hold one of three branches of government. If and only if Republicans increase their majorities in 2024, expect Congressman Roy to have significantly more influence.  

9.) John Stanley: The CEO of A T & T is on the front lines of the newest tranche of the digital revolution. While this company has a reputation for nickeling and timing their customers, that also makes a terrible company a great stock over the long term. After destroying DirecTV, Mr. Stanley came in and spun it off. Mr. Stanley according to surveys of various companies ranks near the bottom in likability, with less than 5% of his employees approving of his job performance. To be fair, employees have gotten terribly worse, especially among young people. Mr. Stanley would rank higher, but A T& T is one of the most mind-numbingly boring companies in America. If they somehow catch the AI wave, his standing on this list might improve. 

8.) Kevin O’Leary: Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful” is one of the sharpest investors around. He speaks plainly and with common sense. He actually ran to be the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party in 2017. He should have been on this list for years but 2023 was his breakout year in terms of exposure. He went from being almost everywhere to everywhere. His insights are valuable. He would rank higher except sometimes it is hard to figure out exactly what it is he does. 

7.) Dave Calhoun: The CEO of Boeing is more influential than ever. Just when it looked like Russia and Ukraine were headed toward stalemate and possible ceasefire, Islamists in Gaza waged war on Israel. World War III may be bad for society, but it is great for defense contractors. with the Middle East on the verge of exploding into flames, Mr. Calhoun will make sure to crank out the necessary weapons.  More importantly, he seems to be a very competent CEO. Boeing stock recently hit an annual high. 

6.) Warren Buffett: On a personal level, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO suffered the loss of his Vice Chairman Charles Minger at age 99. By contrast, the Oracle of Omaha is a spry 93. Buffett is the epitome of a value investor. He avoided the dot com boom and bust a couple decades ago. Now he is warning anyone who will listen that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a scam. Buffett is also against woke investing despite being a lifelong Democrat. He refuses to bring his personal politics into his investing, which is why people across the spectrum trust him. He is often wrong in calling for higher taxes, but after all these decades, there is still nobody more respected when it comes to picking a stock. 

5.) Bob Casey Jr.: Like his father, Senator Casey the younger is that rarest of creatures, a pro-life Democrat. A staunch Catholic, Casey is an accurate representation of the heavily Catholic, blue collar Pennsylvania voters. Normally a reliable Democrat vote, Casey often confounds his own party. He has a brutally tough 2024 race against conservative David McCormack. If Casey can survive that race, his influence will grow if Democrats hold the Senate.    


4.) Jared Polis: The Colorado Governor is more than just the leader of one of the first states to allow recreational marijuana. Now he oversees the first state to suspend the rule of law and ban a major party presidential candidate from running for office. While it was the Colorado Supreme Court that made the decision to ban Trump based on an insurrection he was never charged with, Polis gets to have it both ways. He can pretend to be above the fray while privately maneuvering to be the 2024 Democrat nominee if President Biden resigns. Polis is not known for ever taking a brave stand, so his rise or fall on this list will be determined by how he navigates this Constitutional time bomb. Polis benefits if the U.S. Supreme Court renders the issue moot. 

3.) Gary Gensler: The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a political activist with a thirst for regulating everything in sight. With the stock market hitting all time highs, he is expected to throw cold water on the party. Gensler is fine with woke DEI at the expense of corporate profits but heaven forbid a good CEO not have enough diversity. With calls to regulate cryptocurrencies, Gensler will have even more power. He is a former Goldman Sachs guy, which propelled his access to power. Republicans are trying to have him fired, but Goldman Sachs power brokers are usually above the law.  

2.) John Fetterman: This rich white leftist spent his entire life doing hard drugs and leeching off of his parents. Like most failures, he became a hardcore leftist virtue-signaler. Despite suffering a stroke during the campaign, he still got elected as a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. He was expected to vote leftist down the line. Then he shocked the political world by offering startlingly lucid thoughts that broke from leftist Orthodoxy. He came out as a staunch supporter of Israel in a party with an increasingly influential and militant anti-Israel left wing. He also called for more border security. He even declared that he was not a progressive. When he was verbally accosted by an angry leftist who accused him of betrayal, he showed a surprising sense of humor. He pointed out his recent stroke and claimed that this left him unable to understand what the angry protester was saying. Senator Fetterman is less than one year into his term, and he has already angered people across the political spectrum. He has at least five more years to confound people without consequences. That is power. Yet for the second year in a row, Fetterman comes up one spot short. 

1.) David Solomon — Normally the Head Sled at Golden Sachs is the top PBWG because Goldman Sachs runs the world. Goldman Sachs has a history of flitting in between corporate power and government power. Jon Corzine, Hank Paulson, and Lloyd Blankfein are all former Goldman Sachs PBWG top dogs. Solomon has missed out on the top spot in recent years due to tough economic times, war raging across the world, and an anti-Wall Street climate. Yet in 2023, happy days are here again. The stock market hit an all time high. Goldman Sachs now has its usual level of undue influence over the government. The company that is too big to fail with executives who are too big to jail escaped scrutiny during financial meltdowns. They are not going to lose power when Wall Street is making money hand over fist. 

For being the most powerful guy at the most powerful company, David Solomon is the Top Powerful Bald White Guy of 2023.  

The Top 10 News Stories of 2023

Thursday, December 28th, 2023

Top 10 News Stories of 2023

This list of the top 10 news stories of 2023 is about what matters. This is list of hard news stories that are important whether or not they are popular. Wars matter more than pop culture. Sports and pop culture only make the list of they involve history, because history matters. Life and death matters. Unprecedented life and death events matter most.

For these reasons, Taylor Swift did not make the list. Pipe down, Swifties. She’s a singer. She became a billionaire. She has screaming fans. She is the new Beatlemania. She almost made the cut but came in at #11. There were 10 events more important than her. Deal with it. 

The Southern border did not make the list. Fentanyl deaths did not make the list. Both of these have been problems for several years now. The war between Russia and Ukraine was the top story of 2022, but did not make the list this year. The reason is because at this moment, there is stalemate. A resolution one way or the other would instantly put this situation at or near the top of the list.

The 2024 presidential race did not make the list. There have been zero surprises on either side. The frontrunners have been entrenched for some time now. While the general election will most likely top the 2024 list, the primaries will not make the list unless something notable happens. Former president Trump’s many indictments did not make the list because there has been no resolution either way. President Biden did not make the list because he has been largely irrelevant. 

COVID waned, removing it from the list. Inflation remains stubbornly high, but has receded from the peak. It is not a new story for 2024.  

Matthew Perry’s death did not make the list. When someone dies at a young age, it is tragic. Yet Perry had a history of drug use. He died with a prescription drug in his system. Famous people die. He made the world a better place during his brief time here, but drug deaths have been happening for decades. 

The Nashville school shooting by radical trans activist Audrey Hale can very close to making the iist, but the horrific story is incomplete. Portions of Hale’s manifesto have been released, but until the entire manifesto is released, this story will not get the attention it deserves. 

With that, here are the Top 10 News Stories of 2023.

10.) House of Representatives recriminations: This was a year where members of the House tore each other to pieces. Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker after a record 15 ballots. He had to agree to a provision where one member could call for a vote to remove him. Matt Gaetz called that vote, and McCarthy went down. Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan tried to replace him, but neither one had the votes. Mike Rogers ended up being the consensus GOP candidate. He seems to have stopped the fratricide for now. After being ousted, McCarty announced he would leave Congress altogether at the end of this calendar year. Democrats saw several of their members face censures on the House Floor. Censure is a very rare rebuke. Adam Schiff was censured for his role in prolonging the Russia hoax. He was also stripped of one committee assignment. Rashida Tlaib was censured for antisemitic comments promoting anti-Jewish genocide. Ilhan Omar was stripped of one committee assignment for her antisemitic comments. Eric Swalwell was stripped of one committee assignment for his being compromised due to a sexual affair with a Chinese spy. For only the fifth time in House history, a member was expelled. There was bipartisan support to expel Republican George Santos, a gay Hispanic who pretended to be Jewish and allegedly engaged in repeated financial campaign misdeeds. He almost finished out his first term. This would have all ranked higher except that most people’s lives are unaffected by inside baseball described as palace intrigue.

9.) Detroit sports teams: Sports usually are not the top news stories. Sports are games. Yet two Detroit sports teams made history, and history matters. For Decades, the Lions have been a punching bag. In 2008, they became the first NFL team to ever go 0-16. Yet after 30 years, they are finally NFC North Division Champions again. They are 11-4 and have legitimate chance of making the Super Bowl. Coach Dan Campbell is fiery, and his team backs up his tough talk with tougher play. These Lions are no longer laughingstocks. They are hungry. On the flips side, the Pistons have made the worst kind of history. On December 26th, they lost their 27th straight game. That is an NBA record for most consecutive losses in a single season. The most consecutive losses is 28, but that was spread out over two seasons. This column will be updated to see how long the losing streak goes. The Pistons actually started 2-1 before the roof caved in. This would rank higher, but again, real life hard news events were far more serious.

8.) Colorado bans Trump: In a stunning and controversial ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court voted 4-3 to ban former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 Colorado state presidential ballot. The frontrunner for a major political party has for the very first time been banned from appearing on a state ballot. The Colorado justices declared that Trump is ineligible under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for his role in starting an insurrection against the United States on January 6th, 2021. This would rank higher except that the United States Supreme Court is expected to overturn the Colorado ruling. Every other state faced with this issue has rejected demands to remove Trump from the ballot. A key issue is that while Trump has repeatedly been accused by his political opponents of fomenting an insurrection, he has never formally been charged, much less convicted, with insurrection. To ban him from the ballot without due process of law sets a dangerous precedent. Republican governors across America are now debating whether to remove President Joe Biden from their state ballots due to allegations of bribery, money-laundering, and influence peddling. President Biden has not been formally charged with any crimes, but Colorado trying to lower that standard could have far-reaching consequences for all elected officials going forward. 

UPDATE: On December 28, 2023, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, unilaterally banned Trump from the Maine state ballot. She is not a judge, and no judge in Maine ruled either way before she made her arbitrary decision. She cited the 14th Amendment and insurrection. Again, Trump has not been charged with insurrection. 

7.) Stock market hits all time high: The previous stock market intraday high of 36,952 set on January 5th, 2022 was followed by a sharp retreat. The stock market dropped several thousand points. Yet happy days are here again on Wall Street. On December 13th of this year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new all-time high and broke 37,000 for the very first time. On December 27th, the DJIA hit a new intraday all time high of 37,683. On this same day, the Nasdaq hit an intraday high for the year of 15,114. Even by traditional Santa Clause rallies, 2023 has been generous. Storm clouds may be on the horizon. Much of the stock market has been powered by seven stocks known as the “Magnificent Seven.” Many stocks are not keeping pace with the overall market itself. 

6.) Damar Hamlin: Sports is normally not life and death, but this was. On January 2nd of this year, The Buffalo Bills were at the Cincinnati Bengals in a key Monday Night Football matchup. Both teams were legitimate Super Bowl contenders, but that soon became irrelevant in the moment. In the first quarter with the Bengals leading 7-3, Bills safety Damar Hamlin made what looked like a routine tackle on Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins. After the tackle, Hamlin got up, walked around, and then collapsed on the field. He was unconscious for nine minutes. Players and coaches prayed and cried together. Players have gotten injured in games before, but this was different. Hamlin was in cardiac arrest and at risk of dying. This was an unprecedented situation. Both coaches consulted with the league and decided to cancel the rest of the game. It was never replayed. The outpouring of love for Hamlin contributed to a miracle. After nearly dying, he was able to go home after nine days in the hospital. His charity to buy toys for children raised over seven million dollars in the days following his heart scare. He has now become an advocate for everyone learning CPR, since CPR saved his life. Hamlin even came full circle, playing full contact tackle football for the Bills in their October matchup this year against the rival Miami Dolphins. Thanks to God’s grace and top rate medical on the field, no NFL player has ever died on the field during a game (Korey stringer died during practice and Chuck Hughes collapsed on the field but died later at the hospital).

5.) Bud Light scandal, Harvard plagiarism: It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, but it can all be destroyed at the speed of (Bud) light. 2023 was the year where two of the most respected institutions in America destroyed their once platinum reputations. Anheiser Busch was one of the best companies in the history of American business. They did everything right. They wrapped themselves in the American flag. Their Super Bowl ads made us laugh with frogs and lizards and tugged at our patriotic heartstrings with noble Clydesdale horses and fire rescue dogs. Budweiser was America, the King of beers. Then a political activist named Alissa Heinerscheid joined the Anheiser Busch marketing department in a senior role. She came up with the worst marketing campaign in advertising history. She hired transgender social media personality Dylan Mulvaney to be a spokesperson for Bud Light.  The backlash was swift and severe. Making matters worse, Heinerscheid attacked her company’s own customer base as “fratty” and “out of touch.” Sales plummeted as customers flocked to Miller and other beer companies. Anheiser Busch dropped as low as 14th, and has yet to recover. On the education front, Harvard was the top of the top. Then they socially promoted an unqualified woman named Claudine Gay to the elite institution’s presidency solely because she is a black woman and hardcore activist for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement. Gay came under fire during a disastrous House committee hearing where she refused to condemn calls on her campus for genocide against Jews. Matters got worse for her when it was discovered that she is a serial plagiarizer She has been in open violation of rules that would get her own students expelled. Harvard’s Board of Trustees cannot fire her because that would require admitting that they were duped by the twin frauds of DEI and Ms. Gay herself. 20 years after the New York Times was humiliated for socially promoting Jason Blair, Harvard has learned nothing. For the first time in school history, students are rejecting early entry into the school. 

4.) Ivy League professors antisemitism: Claudine Gay is one of far too many professors who range from openly tolerating antisemitic to openly being antisemitic. Just before Hanukkah and only two months after a terrorist attack against Israel, Ivy League university presidents imploded at a House committee hearing. Congresswoamn Elise Stefanik asked three university presidents what should have been an easy question. Would calling for the genocide of Jews be against the rules and laws of their universities? Harvard President Claudine Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President  Sally Kornbluth all tried to whitewash antisemitic calls for genocide. They babbled about how such remarks had to be taken “in context,” as if there was ever was a justifiable context. Large donors immediately began canceling planned future gifts. Prestigious law firms and other companies vowed to no longer hire graduating students from these institutions. Three days after her disastrous congressional testimony, Magill resigned under pressure of being fired. The other two have survived for now. Former President Barack Obama personally lobbied behind the scenes to protect Gay, given their shared status as DEI cheerleaders and token hires under DEI themselves. 

3.) Ecological disasters from East Palestine to Maui: Ecological disasters are not new, but 2023 brought a pair that were truly heartbreaking. In February of this year, A train crash in East Plestine, Ohio released toxic chemicals into the air. This small town of three square miles and less than 5,000 people has been irreversibly harmed. Many of the town’s residents are suffering from respiratory ailments. The largely Republican residents in this small town have claimed to be abandoned by a Democrat President unconcerned with Trump voters. In August of this year, wildfires devastated the Hawaiian Island of Maui. Over 100 people died in Maui. The gorgeous town of Lahaina was practically wiped off of the map and rendered uninhabitable. Over 1% of all of Maui burned. This was a avoidable disaster. Hawaii’s electric utility admitted that its own flawed power lines started the fires. This was the deadliest wildfire in over a century. Hawaii also rarely gets attention in a presidential election, leaving the residents begging federal officials for desperately needed relief. 

2.) Pogroms in America: After the Holocaust, it was taken for granted that America was the one place besides Israel where Jews could feel comfortable. When the most recent war between Israel and her Arab neighbors broke out, carefully organized anti-Israel protests broke out all over America. Virulent antisemitism bubbling below the surface exploded out into the open on college campuses. America’s most “progressive” cities held rallies where people chanted genocidal claims such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Even New York and Los Angeles, home to the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel, felt the wrath of violent anti-Jewish mobs. These were not free speech rallies. They were pogroms. In Los Angeles, an Arab man assaulted and killed a Jewish man named Paul Kessler in broad daylight. The Arab killer is being tried for a lesser homicide charge but not murder. Pictures of Jewish hostages are being ripped down by anti-Jewish mobs. Jews are having their stores vandalized with Nazi symbols. Chants of “Go back to the ovens,” once unthinkable in America, are openly being said without consequences. The antisemitic mobs are claiming the right to free speech, but there is no constitutional right to violently riot. Jews are taking extra safety measures. The federal government has issued meaningless platitudes condemning all forms of hate including Islamophobia. Yet Jews are the ones explicitly being attacked, often with impunity. Despite efforts to blame everything on “MAGA,” this antisemitism os clearly coming from the left. Many of the rioters have rioted for other leftist causes including radical climate action and radical gay and transgender actions. “Queers for Palestine” marches loudly and proudly without a hint of self-awareness. Many young people on TikTok are openly supporting Hamas and even Osama bin Laden. Jews are attempting to fight back, but the battle is an uphill one.

This brings us to the obvious top news story of 2023.

1.) The October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel: For decades, Israel has had a far superior military advantage over her enemies. Perhaps complacency set in. In a shockingly brutal and effective surprise attack, Hamas crossed into Israel and murdered over 1,200 Israeli Jews. Several Americans were among the murdered. Hamas also seized 240 hostages. Many of the victims were people partying at an Israeli music festival. Innocent women and children were raped, tortured and even beheaded by Hamas terrorists. October 7th became Israel’s September 11th. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added opposition parties to his conservative government to form a unity wartime government. Unlike past wars, Prime Minister Netanyahu said this one would be vastly different. Israel was no longer seeking to minimize the threat for a few years. The Israeli Defense Forces were preparing to completely eradicate Hamas. The IDF was preparing once and for all to “finish the job.” while the IDF performed as effectively as expected, Israel faced a ticking clock from word bodies drowning in antisemitism. Calls for an immediate ceasefire were calls for Jews to disarm and let Hamas murder them. Israelis have never mastered the public relations game. Displaced Egyptians and Jordanians calling themselves “Palestinians” claimed that they suffered over 20,000 deaths. Yet those numbers come from the Gaza Health Ministry, an Islamist agency run by Hamas. The GHM does not distinguish civilian deaths from terrorist deaths, nor does it distinguish those dying from Israeli fire from those being killed by their own government. Israel’s operation revealed that Hamas used schools, hospitals and mosques as bases for terror operations, eliminating the protected status of these institutions during wartime. Israel has started flooding Hamas’s underground tunnels with seawater to flush the terrorists above ground. Hezbollah has also gotten involved in the fight. Israel has vowed to defeat them as well. Houthi rebels in Yemen have been firing rockets at Israel but also on over 100 American military bases. Most of these attacks on American bases have gone unpunished. In the past, American Democrats have bullied Israel into “restraint” that has often come back to harm Israel. This time seems different. Israel is at war, and they are determined to remove any and all threats to their security, from “Palestinians” to other Islamists. 

These are the Top 10 News Stories of 2023. 


Hanukkah 2023 Epilogue

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

Hanukkah 2023 Epilogue

Eight Days and Nights of Good News

Hanukkah 2023 Night 1: Pearl Harbor

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

Come light the Menorah

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

We’ll all dance the Hora

Gather round the table

We’ll give you a treat

Lots of tasty chocolates

and latkes to eat

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

come light the Menorah…

247 fun reasons to love America

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

247 fun reasons to love America

1980 Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Team

1980s hard rock hair metal

2 Live Crew’s Banned in the USA

7-Eleven Big Gulps and Slurpees

ACDC’s You shook me, Thunderstruck, Moneytalks

Adam Sandler


Airheads band The Lone Rangers

Al D’Amato’s singing


America the Beautiful sung by Ray Charles

American soldiers and veterans


Anthony Clark

Bad Touch’s Discovery Channel

Batman: The Dark Knight

BB King and Lucille

Belker on Hill Street Blues

Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia

Biff Henderson

Bill Cosby, Himself video

Bill Murray’s Quick Change

Bill of Rights

Bill the Cat


Blue Collar Comedy Tour

Blue Bloods


Bluegrass Junction

Bounce houses

Bouncing 25 cent rubber balls

Boxing promoter Don King


Bubblebaths for two

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck


Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise movies



Capture the flag

Cards Against Humanity

Chabad Houses

Charitable people


Cheers’s Sam Mayday Malone and Norm Peterson

Cherry Lime Rickeys

Chocolate covered cherries

Chris Berman

Chris Gardner’s The Pursuit of Happyness

Chris Noth’s Mike Logan

Chris Tucker singing Barry White


Coed touch football


Commando and pantsless Wednesdays (until HR intervened)

Conan O’Brien’s In the Year 2000

Corn Fritters

Cosmic Bowling

County Fairs

Dale Intimidator Earnhardt’s 1998 Daytona 500

Dana Carvey

Dann Florek’s Captain Donald Cragen

David Letterman’s Top Ten Lists

Dazed and Confused — Mitch Kramer


Dennis Farina

Desperate Housewives

Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo

Die Hard

DirecTV NFL Package

Dog-riding monkey

Donald Trump–from the Apprentice to the White House to Twitter


Dr. Brown’s Black Cherry Soda

Dr. Charles Krauthammer

Duck Dynasty


Edible underthings



Eye of the tiger


Flavored massage oil

Founding Fathers

Fox News

Fraggle Rock

Freedom, liberty, right of dissent

Gaga (dodgeball using closed fist and cherry ball)

Game nights

Garlic knots

Gatorade dumping on coaches

George W. Bush picks up bullhorn

Glow sticks as fake cigars

Golden Corral

GPS trackers

Greg the Bunny

Greg Gutfeld


Happy face emoticons



Henny Youngman

Hot Chocolate’s You sexy thing (I believe in miracles)

Hot scantily clad women

Howard Stern

I once finger-(blanked) a hermit crab (whoever said that)

In n Out Burger

Independence Day BBQs

Instant messaging

Internet dating


Italian ices

J. Geils Band’s Centerfold

Jack Nicholson’s Colonel Nathan R. Jessup

Jacuzzi romps


Jell-O wrestling

Jerry Orbach’s Lenny Briscoe

Jerry Reed’s Eastbound and Down

Jim Carrey’s Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

John Cougar Mellencamp’s Pink Houses and Hurts so good

John Facenda’s The Autumn Wind

John McEnroe’s tennis tantrums

Judaism celebrated in peace

Justice Clarence Thomas

Justice Scalia’s scathing dissents

Karl Rove’s whiteboard


KFC Popcorn Chicken


Kim Kardashian’s bare bottom

King of the Hill


Kosher imitation bacon and crab

Krispy Kreme Donut Hamburgers


Larry Hagman’s J.R. Ewing on Dallas

Las Vegas

Lee Greenwood’s God bless the USA and Bandit Express

Lilo and Stitch — Ohana means family––––––––––––––

Louie Armstrong’s It’s a Wonderful World—————————————-

Louisiana Cajun Cooking (Especially with Justin Wilson)

Lucky Charms

Madden Football

Magnum, P.I.

Mardi Gras, New Orleans

Mark Levin’s rants

Married with Children’s Al Bundy

Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing and Let’s get it on



Meat and potatoes

Michael J. Fox’s Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties

Mills Lane yelling Let’s get it on

Miniature golf


Morris Day and the Time’s Jerk Out

Mountain Dew Code Red

MTV’s Celebrity Deathmatch

Murder, She Wrote

Nathan’s Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest

National Federation of Republican Women

National Football League


New Years Eve noisemakers

New York Post front and back page

New York Stock Exchange opening and closing bells

NFL Films

NFL Network

Oakland Raiders

Old School with Will Ferrell & Vince Vaughn & Godfather Luke Wilson

Overtime playoff hockey

Pajama parties

Peaceful transition of political power

Phil Hartman


Political Conventions

Pool volleyball


Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio


Queen’s I want it all

Raider Nation

Rainbow Sherbert

Redeye with Greg Gutfeld

Republican Jewish Brunettes

Republican Party Animals


Robin Williams

Ronald Reagan’s self-deprecating jokes 

Rudy Giuliani’s New York toughness


Rush Limbaugh

San Diego Wild Animal Park

Satellite TV

Save a horse, ride a cowboy


Sean Hannity’s Freedom Concerts



Sherman Hemsley’s George Jefferson


Sky high skyscrapers


Slim Jims

Snoopy’s Joe Cool

Snow football

Social networks for building businesses

South Beach, Miami Spring Break

South Park



Stock trading


Strip chess

Stuart Scott


Summer camp

Super Soakers

Supply-side tax cuts

T-shirt originals

Taco Bell

Talk radio

Thanksgiving with John Madden

The Color of Money

The Counter Build Your Own Burger

The Expendables

The Frat Pack

The Honeymooners

The Muppets

The Onion

Tim McGraw’s Indian Outlaw ——————————————————


Toby Keith’s Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

Train rides

Trampoline Dodgeball

Tygrrrr Express

USA Cartoon Express

Video Arcade Games

We’re not France

Weekend at Bernie’s

Western medicine

Whitesnake’s Here I go again video

Wifi on planes

XM Sirius Satellite Radio


Young Jewish Conservatives

Yummy bouncies and badonkadonks

ZZ Top’s Sleeping Bag and Sharp Dressed Man


Friday, March 11th, 2022
15 years ago today on March 11, 2007, the TYGRRRR EXPRESS was born. I chose March 11 because it was the 3 year anniversary of the Madrid bombing and the midpoint of 9/11.
I never thought people would care what I had to say. Yet somehow a tiny blog turned into 6 books, over 200 t-shirt designs, and a national professional speaking career that has taken me to all 50 states.
On March 11, 2022, I thank almighty God and anyone who has ever supported the TYGRRRR EXPRESS.
God bless you all.