Archive for June, 2007

Thank you again Mr. Reagan

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Dear President Reagan,

I wish you were still alive to see the world today that you left behind. It is not flawless, but it is better than you could have possibly imagined.

20 years ago you challenged Mr. Gorbachev to “Tear Down This Wall.” As you know, it came crashing down. Millions of Eastern Europeans are now free. You understood that freedom is not an American value. It is not uniquely Western. It is a gift from God, and everyone worldwide is entitled to it.

Today there are a billion Muslims, mostly Arabs, living under captivity. Some people believe that these people hate America, and everything we stand for. No, they don’t. They want to be free. They want to come here, and live the American Dream. They want to be able to make their government stronger without the fear of being shot on sight. Most of all, they want a sense of hope and optimism. This seems to be in shorter supply since you exited the world stage.

Mr. Reagan, if only you could see the Internet generation. The Russians were once seen as our enemies. People ducked under their desks in fear of nuclear war. Now Americans and Russians chat with each other on instant messenger. We send happy faces and jokes.

While young children worldwide play with each other online, adults are engaging in global commerce like never before. eBay and other websites allow people to conduct business globally with the touch of a button. Best of all, despite the efforts of some know-nothing politicians, internet commerce is currently not taxed.

The economy is strong. No, we have not defeated the business cycle, but President Bush brought back Reaganomics. You faced a recession and a bear market in stocks, but your supply-side tax cuts helped fuel an economic expansion and a bull market that defied expectations. President Bush also started out with a recession and a vicious bear market, but thanks to aggressive tax cuts, the stock market is higher than ever, and the economy is clicking on all cylinders.

Things are not perfect Mr. Reagan. Although we made peace with the Russians, Islamofacism is spiraling out of control. However, there is hope on the horizon. You bombed Libya in 1986 when Khadafi Duck was going crazy. This briefly kept him in check. Would you believe that our current President has brought democracy to Afghanistan, and toppled Saddam Hussein in Iraq? On top of that, Khadafi Duck decided to move Libya toward normalcy. He did not decide to act normal due to 20 years of negotiations. He saw the handwriting on the wall, and realized that he enjoyed being alive.

Mr. Reagan, our current President George W. Bush is under siege. He is a good man, but he is not a good communicator. He is plainspoken, but not articulate. He has an opposition that hates him in ways that make your Presidency seem like a love-fest. Yet he remains undaunted, not because of so-called stubbornness, but because he understands that visions do not get implemented overnight.

In 1987, there was talk of “Reagan fatigue.” People said you were losing your luster. The 1988 Republican candidates were said to be part of a losing ticket. You were mired in a scandal about nothing, and some said your Presidency was exhausted. One year later, your Vice President won a decisive victory. Gracious to the end, you refused to criticize those who came after you, preferring to let them write their own histories. If only one of the men you defeated had your class and graciousness.

It’s amazing what twenty years can do. You are ranked among the all-time greats, and every Republican nominee wants to carry your mantle. I hope they understand this as some of them run in terror from President George W. Bush. It amazes me how they can claim your mantle, yet run from the man who has embraced it not just in words, but in deeds.

America is still that shining city on a hill. My grandparents came here with nothing, escaping the Nazis. They saved up enough to survive. Their children made it to the American middle class, and owned a home in a nice suburban neighborhood. I managed to get an MBA, and have advanced even further. The American Dream is not a cliche for the privileged few. It is the norm.

The two things that do seem to be missing today are civility…and humor. Not humor at the expense of other people, but self-deprecating humor, a willingness to realize that while we are creatures of God, we are quite flawed. Your many quips are legendary, but the one that stays in my mind is how you reacted after you were shot. Looking up at the doctors, you said “I hope you’re all Republicans.” Many people who wanted to dislike you simply were unable to do so.

The media were polite with you, but were not your friends. You simply talked over and around them to those who mattered…the American people. You treated people with dignity, and were as beloved by Wall Street bankers as Iowa corn farmers. Would you believe that another movie star actor is now the Governor of California? In addition, yet another movie and television star became a Senator from Tennessee, and is a legitimate Presidential contender. The reason people like him is because he is simply…well…likable.

As I said Mr. Reagan, there are plenty of problems in this world. Yet the one thing you brought to the table was optimism. This was not pie-in-the-sky Pollyanna thinking. It was a true and unwavering belief in the human spirit, and the beauty of America. Would you believe that France, Germany and Canada all elected leaders that like America? Pro-American sentiment is spreading, despite attempts to prove otherwise.

People in Iraq voted in three separate democratic elections. It has been a bumpy ride, but isn’t all democracy fragile in the beginning? People are less patient than they used to be.

You were there to guide the nation when the Space Shuttle Challenger took seven lives from us. Your words that day healed the nation. I do not care who wrote them. Only you could have said them. Our current President had to deal with a space tragedy where more astronauts died. It never gets easier. Yet after taking time to heal, space exploration has soldiered on.

Speaking of soldiers, our military might is strong. Sometimes we fight, and sometimes we negotiate. Sometimes we have political opponents who want to fight battles that can be solved with conversations, and talk to people that need to be removed by force. You understood right from wrong, standing squarely with a small democracy called Israel against dictatorships that wanted to destroy it. That conflict still exists, but like you, our current President has allowed Israel to fiercely defend itself, consistent with his support for the nobility of democracy.

I remember being a teenager when you and Mr. Gorbachev shook hands. It was one of the greatest days in world history. Mr. Bush and Mr. Putin sometimes have an uneasy relationship that is complex, but they are certainly not at war. They often hold joint press conferences, and air their differences in a healthy manner.

Mr. Reagan, I hope you are resting comfortably in heaven. Just know that your vision of the world, slowly but surely, is being implemented, and the world is consistently better off for it. Anyone who thinks that they are destined to a life of misery and hopelessness should talk to people who lived through the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe.

One other front we are grappling with is that of world pestilences and diseases. Africa is suffering from AIDS, as is the rest of the world. However, by freeing pharmaceutical companies from endless regulations, they have created drugs that have plunged their profits into research and development, saving many lives and curing many diseases. Perhaps if they had a little more time, they could have cured Alzheimers disease and saved you the ignominy of your final years. Then again, perhaps your work was done, and you exited the world stage, having completed everything you needed to do. Nevertheless, a lot of people still miss you sir.

Yes Mr. Reagan, the Berlin Wall came crashing down. It tumbled, and crumbled. Yet if only you could see that what you started was only the beginning.

Godspeed Mr. Reagan. For free people everywhere, I thank you very much.


Liberals and Sopranos–a buildup to nothingness

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Bada boom. Bada Bing. Bada who the hell cares. There. I just summed up an entire series on television. The three or four times I watched this program it was boring, with one episode about guys threatening to kill each other since one guy said another guy’s wife’s hide was fat. Not since third grade, when one kid insulted another kid’s mother, has such intelligent discussion taken place. Last night, I watched an hour (so I would know what everyone was talking about, including my parents) of discussions that led to a good song by Journey and onion rings that most likely tasted delicious. I suspect Tony Soprano dies of either cholesterol problems or boredom from the script. To quote Billy Crystal, “Bada boom, Bada Bing, Betty Boop.”

Now when television promises and does not deliver, choosing to waste my time with nonsense, I can live with that. It is not real life. However, when my government, in this case democrats in congress, waste my time and tax dollars over complete and utter useless pursuits, I have to stand up and wonder when we can send the clowns back from where they came.

“Senate Democrats said Friday that they intended to bring a no-confidence resolution against Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales to a vote on Monday, a symbolic maneuver that could be their final effort to force his ouster. Democrats privately acknowledged that the nonbinding measure appeared to have little chance of passage, largely because they are unlikely to marshal the 60 supporters they need to limit debate and bring the resolution itself to a vote.”

Thus declareth the Jayson Blair Times, the newspaper of record for turning irrelevancies into top stories while relegating insignicant nuisances such as plots to blow up JFK airport to I believe the lifestyle section of the paper next to “27 ways to tell if your wife spends too much time reading lists.”

The only entity that matches the sheer brilliance of the Jayson Blair Times is the democratic congress itself. Actually, covering the democratic congress is proof that the JBT has nothing better to write about, unless nonevents are front page news.

So if I understand what our warm furry liberal friends are up to, they are trying to issue a nonbinding resolution that tells the Attorney General that they do not like him. Great. People who dislike George W. Bush also dislike members of his cabinet, especially when they are his friends. Call the presses, this is a live story. Now apparently the democrats do not have the votes to end debate. So they are failing to issue this resolution.

Ok, when did a story about congress failing to do something meaningless become news? I failed to make time during my lunch break today to call my dentist to tell him I am too busy to set up an appointment. I should email my friends and family immediately.

Now should the democrats actually succeed in getting enough votes, they will have succeeded in passing a nonbinding resolution. President Bush will rightly ignore it. Does this demagogic party stand for anything?

First it was nonbinding resolutions on the Iraq War. Then when it came to actually issuing concrete legislation, they deferred to the President, rightly so. Now they are unable to pass anything remotely resembling a policy. Why should they be trusted with anything that matters, when they are proving that they would rather spend time on items that do not matter at all? In addition, if they cannot even succeed on dealing with irrelevant issues, how can they be expected to deal with anything relevant, say for example, Islamofacists wanting to kill us?

Congress works three days a week. This is what they get paid for? Now I know many conservatives are delighted that the democrats are debating nonsense because it distracts the congress from enacting policies, which would make things worse. It is better, according to this logic, to have a useless congress, than a harmful congress.

This argument is not without significant merit, but it has one flaw. These legislators are not volunteers. They are paid, and rather handsomely, with my tax dollars. I am giving them money against my will to debate issues that have no chance of becoming passed, and if actually passed, will not matter.

Why not just storm Mr. Gonzales’s office, and ask him if he likes the President. If he says yes, shake him upside down until he promises not to like him any more. After all, this Alberto Gonzales issue has nthing to do with him. Nor do the assaults on Scooter Libby or Paul Wolfowitz have anything to do with them. People with Bush Derangement syndrome simply hate the President. They hate his guts, and short of floggig him in the town square, followed by a tar and feathering session, nothing will satisfy them.

Again, those who say that the right wing did this to the Clintonistas , thereby making it acceptable, keep deliberately overlooking the fact that the Clintonistas actually are and were corrupt (Watch your back Mr. Obama, they are coming for you next). The liberals’ anger (redundant, I know) over Mr. Bush’s refusal to be corrupt has left them with no other choice but to destroy his cabinet. I hope Vice President Cheney does not have any overdue library books, or there will be Pelosi to pay.

The left is angry that Mr. Bush had the nerve to fire employees that he can fire just because he d@mn well pleases to do so. The left will be even angrier when their politicians continue to knuckle under to the President, and then find themselves being fired by enraged Deaniacs (knuckle draggers themselves) who truly want the war against republicans to be the main issue in our lives. Failure by democrats to be hateful neough will lead to their undoing, and being too hateful will be their undoing. What are poor politicans to do?

The answer is what conservatives, although briefly forgetting, have been doing for decades…developing ideas…promoting policies…getting those policies enacted into laws…and enforcing those laws.

Or the left can do what it does best…pass nonbinding resolutions, or in this case…fail to accomplish even that.

Somebody give these left wing vegan clowns a helping of hamburgers and onion rings. Don’t get up or do anything useful. Sit there, stuff your faces, and say meaningless things like bada boom and bada bing, until the voters put you out of your nonaccomplishing, idea lacking misery.


Sir, I impregnated your daughter–No need to thank me

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

The Jewish community is dying. 6000 years of tradition are slowly being reduced to rubble. Somebody has got to step up and be a reluctant hero in the traditions of Abraham, Moses, and Jewish CPAs everywhere helping us battle the antisemitic tax collector. If not me, then who? If not now, then when? Allow me to show up, a white knight in shining armor (ok, an outlaw in a Raiders jacket).

Jews are not bringing more Jews into the world fast enough. The reasons why many Palestinians can raise a couple suicide bombers is because they still have 10 children left. Jews need live bodies, and we need them fast. I can no longer sit on the sidelines and watch us fail to grow. I need to do something.

Therefore, I am prepared to impregnate the next Jewish girl I meet from an upper middle class family (Hey, raising kids is expensive). This must be done in July or August, because I will not have time once football season starts in September. Otherwise, this master plan will have to be delayed until May, to avoid the child being born during the NFL playoffs.

My credentials are simple. I am Jewish, I have a good job, and I have a pulse. I cook my own dinner (ok, I order it in), I do my own laundry (don’t like girls touching me unmentionables), and I am willing to switch from tighty whiteys to boxers to ensure that my healthy fellas can swim with the best of them.

I come from a good family (who right now is hanging their heads in shame), and I am prepared to try as many times as necessary to get it right. I come equipped with Marvin Gaye and Barry White records, and am willing to guarantee that the child will be healthy if your daughter and the doctors handle their end of things.

Now I know there will be some concern about what will happen if I impregnate two women simultaneously. I have thought about this. I never had a brother, so this guarantees the children will not grow up lonely, lacking a sibling.

Some of you may be concerned that this solution is similar to that proposed by Russian lunatic Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He wanted to repopulate Russia in his image. The difference is that he is an old man, and said he may need his lieutenants to help him. I am prepared to do all the heavy lifting myself.

For those of you fathers worried I will leave your daughter pregnant and unwed, fear not. My parents are members of the National Rifle Association, and they are fine with a shotgun wedding if necessary.

I tried waiting for the Jewish community to get its act together, and I can wait no longer. I am trying to save our lives here. Europe is already on its way to becoming a caliphate because they are not reproducing. Do we really want to emulate Europe with regards to anything at all?

Sir, if your daughter is politically liberal, then you should be overjoyed. You and your wife were hippy protesters at Woodstock, and you encouraged the free love society today. I am trying to honor your upbringing.

Sir, if your daughter is politically conservative, it was your repressive family values upbringing that forced her to rebel, so you caused this problem.

If Christians are willing to convert, I would be happy to accept their applications. We need all the crossovers we can get. Barely legal Catholic school girls dealing with repression issues are encouraged to apply.

I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs, but if your daughter wants to take morphine during the delivery I will consult Nancy Reagan to see what guidelines the “Just say no” campaign applies to this situation. If the Gipper’s wife is ok with it, I am as well.

My lawyer will be accepting blood and urine samples from Jewish women of childbearing years. The consent forms must be filled out in triplicate, with me retaining the white copy and my lawyer retaining the yellow and pink copies (You get your own copies).

My home has two bathrooms, so we never have to know what goes on behind closed doors. You can clean yours regularly if you want.

It is not easy being a Jewish hero, but I am up to the challenge. For the good of my community, I am prepared to bring life into this world. For the sake of all that is decent in society, I hope the child has my last name and your daughter’s everything else.

Sir, I cannot wait to give you the good news that I impregnated your daughter. If you are pleased with the results and have other daughters, I can see if my friends are available. I can only marry one of them, otherwise it is bigamy. Actually, it would be big of me.

Do not worry about the stigma sir. My late grandfather (rest his soul) was an Orthodox Rabbi. He told me that if the child is born 7 1/2 months after the wedding, nobody would notice. 6 weeks early is perfectly respectable. If the child is born 5 months after the wedding, he suggested we just call “Ripley’s Believe it or Not,” and immediately declare it a miracle baby. To be on the safe side, 6 weeks from impregnation to wedding works best.

Oh, and if she has a fabulous backside and an equally fabulous front side (which you should not be staring at, unless you are a pedophile trying to give your daughter an electra complex…let me judge her sides myself), I promise to love them like they were my very own appendages.

There is no need to thank me sir. I am delighted to do it. The Torah wants us to be fruitful and multiply. The Torah also mentions water on several occasions. So tell your daughter that the jacuzzi water in my condo is perfect, and biblical law commands this.

This one time offer is open to all Jewish brunettes of childbearing age between 4 ft 10 and 5 ft 7, and Shannon Doherty.

Ok, I need a midday nap. Heroism requires strength, so I am off to conserve mine.


Paris Hilton–accidental relevance

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

Through no fault of her own (the only aspect of this saga that was not her fault), Paris Hilton accidentally led people to ask serious questions about relevant issues.

Let me begin by saying that I fall into the hardliners camp (big surprise to those who know me). I think her parents should be executed for having had her, and that sterilizing her might be a good idea. Having said that, she herself is irrelevant, and so are her friends. Except for the fact they run around town without underwear on and sex like it’s going out of style, these young bimbos have no redeeming qualities.

However, some serious issues happened these last couple of days. First of all, Sheriff Lee Baca (who I have met, shaken hands with, found likable, and know nothing else about) allowed Paris to be released early, and Judge Sauer overruled him and ordered her back in jail. Somebody went beyond the bounds of their constitutional authority.

This is serious. While entertainment reporters and other parasites analyze Paris Hilton, which I refuse to do (something about being the product of intelligent design by either God, my parents, or both), I am more concerned that it took a useless bimbo to cause people in Los Angeles city government to realize that there is a potential constitutional crisis looming on the horizon. Either the Sheriff or the Judge has the right to decide whether someone can be released early. They cannot both have this authority. The buck has to stop with somebody.

Conservatives are constantly complaining about liberal activist judges, but conservative judicial activism is just as dangerous. Did the judge engage in judicial activism, or was he merely enforcing the law? Did the Sheriff violate a legitimate judicial order, or was he acting in his discretion as top law enforcement official? We have to find out who has what functions. If the Founding Fathers can set up a US Constitution with brilliant checks and balances that spells out who has what responsibilities, surely we can find out who in Mayberry is responsible for making sure the local jail is run properly.

The second very relevant issue deals with the overcrowding in the Los Angeles prisons. Paris Hilton, as unlikable as she is, is a low level nonviolent offender. Yes, drunk driving can injure people, but our criminal justice system punishes people on what actually occurs, not what could occur. There is no evidence she or her handlers even through punches at any paparazzi, rendering her not the worst Hollywood celebrity out there. So as badly as some people want to send her to Guantanamo Bay, cooler heads will agree she is not a national security threat. She is, again, a low level nonviolent offender. These people, it has been told to us, serve only 10% of their sentences due to overcrowded prisons.

This is a major concern. Some states have “truth in sentencing” laws, where the person must serve 85% of their time in prison. We need to build more prisons. Overcrowding is not acceptable. The “Not in my back yard” crowd has to understand that property values be d@mned, we cannot have criminals out roaming the streets. No, Paris Hilton is not a hardened criminal. However, I refuse to believe that everyone released early is a low level nonviolent offender.

The bottom line is that while Paris Hilton will remain irrelevant, issues arising out of her arrest and rearrest are very relevant. If people lose faith in any system, be it Wall Street, the military, political institutions, or our criminal justice system, the system collapses. It is vital that these issues be addressed because to send somebody home, and then rearrest them, because our law enforcement people are not on the same page, is a big concern.

My uninformed belief is that the judge gave specific instructions, those instructions were violated, and the judge made it crystal clear that he was enforcing clearly laid down rules and conditions. Time will tell if that is what happened. Paris should not be treated better or worse than anybody else. Fair treatment will be impossible if the various agencies and institutions meting out punishment are working against each other, rather than being vital components of the same team.


William Jefferson is innocent by Louisiana standards

Friday, June 8th, 2007

This week, on “The Jeffersons…”

Life in Manhattan is too tough, So William and Weezie head to Lousiana. Now normally people might consider this a step down, but when you are rich in Louisiana, the quality of life is better because there apparently is no such thing as ill gotten gain. While George Jefferson owned a laundromat, William realized it was easier to just launder money. I can still picture the other William Jefferson (Clinton) as bank manager H.L Whittendale, formerly played by James B. McDougal. Actually given that Bill Clinton thinks he is black, perhaps he could play neighbor Tom Willis (although Hillary is no Roxie Roker, except for the part where she intimidates her husband). Anyway, enjoy the theme music.

“Cash can hide in the freezer…

Giving ethics the chills…

Took a whole lot of bribin’…

To stay on Capitol Hill…

Now I’m in the big leagues…

A powerful democrat…

As long as I live, I’ll take what you give…

Nothing the Feds can do about that…

I’m moving on up (moving on up)…

With nothing to hide (nothing to hide)…

Its Lousiana…

We take it in stride (take it in stride)…

I’m moving on up (moving on up)…

I’m getting my bribes (getting my bribes)…

Taking every piece of my constituents piiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee.”

So given that Mr. Jefferson is as innocent as Marion Barry having a relapse (picturing the late Burl Ives singing “The mayor smoked crack, but we don’t care…”), why is he going to be found innocent? Because he is entitled to a jury of his peers.

A famous mafia joke has the lawyer for a mobster telling the judge “You promised my client a jury of his peers. These are law abiding citizens.” Folks, William Jefferson will be tried in Louisiana. How many Lousiana politicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don’t know, but I still wonder how many Louisiana dimbulb politicians it takes to screw over their constituents. Whether it is klansmen or governors sleeping with call girls, Louisiana is just different. It is governed by French law, which may or may not make it subjected to the US Constitution.

Louisiana is not the only state that has the inmates running the asylum. One of the reasons Bill Clinton got away with all his machinations as an Arkansas politician was because, as James “Buzzard” Carville explains, “That’s just Arkansas politics.” No wonder Mike Huckabee has to keep reminding people not to blame him for his predecessors. There is no evidence Mr. Huckabee is a criminal, but America truly does have Arkansas fatigue.

Now there is Louisiana fatigue as well. As sad as we are about Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin did not win over much of America when he basically decided to ruin the good work of the Civil Rights movement by recommending Louisiana go back to segregation. David Duke must have been proud. Perhaps when Nagin said he wanted a chocolate city, he meant that a benefit concert by 70s soul group Hot Chocolate singing “You sexy thing (I believe in miracles)” would have lifted morale.

I have met the people of Louisiana. They are lovely people. The best food I have eaten has been in Louisiana, and the second best music outside of Chicago is there as well. It’s just that for some, politics is a craft. For Louisiana politicians, it’s graft.

Louisiana and Arkansas are basically one or two bada booms and bada bings from New Jersey, which is South America minus the pleasant climate. From Nascar style driving governors to scandals that combine national security with homosexuality, New Jersey truly is the pinnacle of politics for those who believe that rather than buy individual votes, it is easier just to buy people.

As Texas oil baron J.R. Ewing used to say, “It’s just business darlin’.” Everybody does it. It’s no big deal. Perhaps those $100 bills are napkins Mr. Jefferson uses for his mouth when having his morning corn flakes. Actually Louisiana, make that bacon, sausage, eggs, and crab flavored vodka (ok, I made that up).

Louisiana, Arkansas and Jersey…it’s not crime. It’s just politics and business. Then again, we do not know the depths of Mr. Jefferson’s crimes. Weezie did die under mysterious circumstances, and we do not know everything that was in his freezer. Actually, it’s no big deal. It’s just Louisiana politics…democrat style.


Immigration Gridlock–The system works

Friday, June 8th, 2007

As someone who never took a position on the immigration bill, and whose blog is completely neutral on the issue, I am amazed at how many people are blaming each other for the failure of the bill. More importantly, I am even more amazed at how many people see the failure of this bill as a failure of the political system.

The founding fathers created a system for virtually nothing to get done. Over 230 years later, that system is still working. I have no idea what was in this particular bill, but if it was good enough to pass, it would have done so. An old story about George Washington drinking tea comes to mind. When asked why it was necessary to have a Senate and a House of Representatives, George Washington replied that it was the same reason he put cream in his tea…to cool it. The House starts out hot, and the Senate’s job is to let cooler heads prevail. Sometimes bills collapse and die among partisan accusations and counterattacks, but this gridlock is exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted.

Some people want to amend the US Constitution willy nilly, whether it be amendments to ban flag burning, budget deficits, or letting Uglo-Americans outdoors during the day. It may sound good on paper, but the demon is in the details. Sure it is easy for people everywhere to want to ban Uglo-Americans from being seen anywhere, but then what happens when people try to define Uglo-Americans? Some people find RuPaul to be downright gorgeous (ever since gadlfy Ron Paul decided to waste our time and air space, there has been a Rupaul resurgence. This column has not taken a position on whether that is good or bad), others less so. Are we only talking about people who are ugly on the outside, or ugly on the inside? Hollywood billionaires will not try to take sides on the legislation until they know whether it helps or hurts them. The Constitution has not been amended in a long time, because not every issue is significant enough to warrant such steps. Letting black people be more than 3/5ths of a human being merits altering the Constitution. Apparently, arguments over who is pretty and who is grotesque does not.

Anyone can stand up and say that we in America must have a crime bill, a health care bill, a welfare bill, an immigration bill, a duck-billed platypus bill, etc…The question that is important for legislators to ask is if doing nothing and having no bill at all is better than the bill in front of them. Now some people like to blame Americans for getting angry, screaming, and threatening legislators. Sorry to disappoint the elitists, but that is called democracy. The politicians work for us, and a bunch of people in 2006 got fired for forgetting that.

Hillary Clinton’s 1994 health care reform debacle did not even get to the bill stage. People wanted health care reform, but she demanded that it be her way or no way. No way won the day.

When enough citizens have concerns, those concerns must be addressed. Passing a bill to look like something is getting done is not actually doing productive things. Sometimes arguments into the night make for stronger and better laws, or less laws. My parents used to write letters for various organizations. Sometimes they would spend 10 minutes debating the meaning of one phrase, or even one word (No, they did not argue what “is” is). The result of this was that the letters they sent out were stronger, and written better.

In business, many people come up with ideas. They then go to coworkers who throw cold water on the party and discourage these ideas from ever seeing the light of day. This is often beneficial to everyone, including the employee who often later regrets thinking up idiotic ideas that could make him a laughingstock of the comapny if an elaborate boardroom Powerpoint presentation would be met with ridicule.

Consensus does not always equal brilliance. Confusion and acrimony does not always equal disaster.

Several things could happen as a result of this immigration bill collapsing. Possibly, the issue will die altogether and not resurface for awhile. Possibly, public relations efforts will be made by the current supporters of the bill to their constituents to explain to them why the bill is better than it is seen. Perhaps congress will start from scratch with a totally new bill. Perhaps they will take the current bill and tweak it around the margins.

No matter what happens, the USA will survive faster than you can say Gloria Gaynor. Yes, problems need to be dealt with, but speed often comes at the expense of accuracy. It is harder to undo a bad law than it is to kill a bill before it reaches that stage. American grumble about how long it takes the death penalty to lead to an execution, but rational minds do not advocate hanging someone from the nearest tree before guilt is certain. Signing off on documents affects human lives. Before people sign things, they have to know every detail, Lucifer be d@mned.

I again do not know completely what was in this immigration bill. I do know that if it was meant to pass, it would have. Rather than blame talk radio, the blogosphere, or private citizens, the correct thing to understand is that no group will get everything they want on every bill. Sometimes, not having a bill at all is the best option (lord knows I said that when Clinton was president).

Today we call what happened in congress gridlock. The Founding Fathers called it the system working, and as usual, they were right.

So before everyone goes apoplectic again, I offer this advice…it takes more effort to make things worse than to not make things better. So to those who want to, as Larry the Cable Guy says “Get r done,” I offer say this…Don’t just do something…Stand there!

In conclusion…he who hesitates…ummm…well…(shrug).


Operation Gratitude–You certainly have mine

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

Paris Hilton is an empty headed bimbo with no redeeming value to society. Anyone who spends more than 3 sentences on her worthless existence should be drawn and quartered.

There. Now on to what actually does matter…you know…actual real hard news. There is a War on Islamofacism going on, the troops need us as much as we need them. Now we can take leftist anti-war protesters and skewer them (verbally) until they cry (what are pacifists going to do, fight back?), but as much fun as that is, it is not enough. Those who support the troops need to do more.

Make no mistake about it. Saying you support the troops by bringing them home is nonsense, since the troops themselves want to finish the mission. They volunteered. Then they reenlisted. So for those who say they support the troops and actually mean it, there is an organization that you should check out. For the sake of full disclosure, I have no financial or other incentive for recommending them.

The group is “Operation Gratitude.” As a tax exempt organization, they are officially apolitical, but make no mistake about…you won’t find Code Pink or Daily Kos parasites here. It takes little energy to get out of bed and hate other people. It takes slightly more energy to say things that are positive. It takes a lot more effort to actually do things that are positive, especially for people you have never met, and who will most likely never meet you. In Jewish law, the greatest of all good deeds is “Tzedakah,” which means “charity.” The level of charity reaches a near zenith when the giver and receiver are unaware of each other. Operation Gratitude is truly fabulous in that regard.

What they do is send care packages to the troops. They send sundries, and other necessities and luxuries. The cynical would wonder why a or how sending bars of soap thousands of miles makes a difference. It does. For those of you who went to sleepaway summer camp, think about how great it felt when mail call was announced. Isolation and loneliness at being separated from family was temporarily eased with the comic books, potato chips and chocolate bars received.

Now picture you are not at summer camp, but at a place where you are getting shot at. You have not seen your family in months, and you go to sleep at night wondering if people care. You hear that the Jayson Blair Times is not only trying to undermine your morale, but trying to get you killed by revealing troop movements to your enemies. Does anyone care? Yes. Lots of people. Normally we call them the silent majority, but at times like this they cannot stay silent. You get that letter or that “care” package (appropriately named) from a total stranger, and you have made a friend for life. Somebody who has never met this soldier is thanking them for being a hero. The soldier has had a tough day, is gritty from the humidity, and probably just wants to wash his face and relax. That bar of soap is an oasis of happiness.

Now there are plenty of reasons to take part in Operation Gratitude. First of all, the woman who started it is incredibly hot. I would elaborate, but she is a married woman, and the last time I lusted after a married woman I started getting hate mail from the John Edwards campaign (No, it was not Elizabeth Edwards I was hitting on…sheesh!). Since this woman is married I will describe her as fetching and attractive, and leave it at that.

The main reason for taking part in Operation Gratitude is that there are so many ways to help. The easiest way is to send them a check. Donations are always helpful. I bought an Operation Gratitude t-shirt. Another way to help is to bring stuff to them to give to the troops. Clothing, sundries, and even stuffed animals can be sent. However, for those who really want an uplifting experience, go to an Operation Gratitude event and become part of an assembly line of angels.

They need people to put the items in the Fedex boxes. They need people to wrap the boxes. They need people to slap the labels on the boxes. They need people, as Fred Thompson said in “Die Harder,” to “Back ’em, stack ’em, and rack ’em.” Loading the items onto the trucks is hard work. The least glamorous job is cleaning up, and the more people that show up, the quicker those who came in the early morning can go home.

Spend a day in a warehouse and you will never see shipping or logistics the same way again. Then again, it is nothing compared to being in a foxhole, which I thankfully have never experienced. The bottom line is every piece in the chain makes a difference. Preparing care packages to the troops does matter. It is as soul satisfying as it is relevant.

Go to the internet and research Operation Gratitude. They have events year round, and some coming up soon. We can win this War on Terror, and our soldiers are doing their part with honor and dignity. We need to do our part.

Forget the anti-war protesters. They are shrill in voice but low in numbers. Do not mistake their loudness or television face time for significance. The silent majority needs to speak up, and act now. We not only say we support the troops, but are prepared to put our money…and our time…where are mouths are.

Operation gratitude did more for me than I did for the troops. For that I thank them.


Mighty Ducks Win! Take That Canada!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Once again, the greatest nation on Earth has show its superiority in the one arena that matters more than anything else…professional sports.

Not since Ally McBeal was canceled for having the audacity to air opposite Monday Night Football (let’s see Calista Flockhart stop a running back on 4th and goal at the one yard line) have I been so elated about sports. This was not just a win by the Ducks. It was a victory for the good guys against the scourge of the North (in addition to proof that anything Disney separates itself from turns out well. They bought the team, and the team was terrible. They sold the team, and the team did well).

Some of you may think Canadians are nice people, but when it comes to sports they get downright dirty. As long as I live, I will remember the 1993 Stanley Cup Finals (This is hockey for those who do not know) when the Los Angeles Kings led the Montreal Canadians one game to none, and were about to go up two games to none. With less than two minutes left in the game, a horribly bad illegal stick call on King Marty McSorley allowed the Canadians (what the heck is a “Hab” anyway?) to tie the game, win it overtime, and win 3 more games (two in overtime) en route to a four games to one win. Couple this with the Toronto Blue Jays defeating the Atlanta Braves (baseball), and I was an angry American long before Toby Keith sang that song.

American history is defined by our being the best in sports. In 1979, America was in a malaise. People worldwide questioned whether or not America was # 1 anymore. Then we beat the Russians in the 1980 Olympics at Lake Placid, New York. 11 years later, the Berlin Wall came down and America had officially won the cold war.

1993 had to be avenged. I repeatedly watched the movie “Canadian Bacon.” Yes, It is a Michael Moore movie, and yes he is the scum of the Earth, but it is hysterically funny, and the only film he made that he admits is actually fiction.

In 1994, my New York Rangers defeated the Vancouver Canucks (what is a Canuck anyway?). The pain lessened a bit, but there were other tests. In 2004 the Calgary Flames led the Tampa Bay Lightning three games to two. Then a true world tragedy happened. Ronald Reagan died. Game six was supposed to be a Calgary coronation, but not on this American’s watch. If they had to win game 7 that was bad enough, but they were not going to win game 6. The Calgary Flames (What the heck is a Flame, anyway? Just kidding.) were not going to win the championship on the day the Gipper died. The game went into overtime, and when the Lightning won, I screamed out “Not today!” Reagan’s death was not going to be desecrated. Thankfully the Lightning won game 7, and the championship.

Detroit may be a disgrace with regards to automobiles, but I’ll be d@mned if the Red Wings (hockey) or Pistons (basketball) are going to lose to a Nordique (Quebec, the French part of Canada, as if regular Canada was not bad enough) or a Toronto Raptor.

A few years ago I was sitting next to a very nice guy on a plane. I asked him what he did, and he said that he played hockey. I clarified that I meant to ask as to what he did professionally. He again stated that he played hockey. When he stated he played for the Islanders, I remarked that I was disappointed they let him on the plane. He knew right away I was a Ranger fan. I was able to overlook that until I told him how bummed I was that the USA got destroyed in the 2002 Olympic Gold medal hockey game that had just been played in Salt Lake City, Utah. The guy was glad we lost. I was in shock. I asked him why, and he explained he was with the Canadian team. At first I told him he could root for whoever he wanted, but then he reminded me that he was an actual player, and that he played in the game for the winning team.

Anyway, Mike Peca turned out to be a very nice guy, and we got along well. It was a pleasant flight. He did disappoint me by telling me that Canadian skater and sex goddess Jamie Sale was unavailable and not as she seems, but I trust my opinion over his even though he met her. I told him I would root for him to have a great career, but would not root for his team. This became an issue in 2006 when he played for the Edmonton Eskimos in the finals against the Carolina Hurricanes.

First of all, when the Hurricanes do well, the Rock song “Rock you like a Hurricane,” by the Scorpions blares over the loudspeaker, which is uber-cool. Uber is German for way cool, which Will Smith would describe as “Jiggy,” which is the nickname of the goalie of the Ducks, this year’s champions. See? It all ties together perfectly. I did like the Eskimos as a kid, but only because they defeated the Islanders. Anyway, the Carolia Hurricanes won in 7 games, reinforcing American superiority.

Now the Ducks have defeated the Ottowa Senators. Unlike USA Senators, who can drag things out for months and months (it is called a filibuster), these Senators lasted only 5 games, winning only one.

Some will argue that even though the Americans keep winning, most of the players are Canadian. This is either a lie, or if truthful, completely irrelevant. I am declaring it both. It is the uniforms that matter. Otherwise, the Canadians cannot take credit for the Toronto Blue Jays, who were mostly Americans and Dominican Republicans. They are actually called Dominicans, but anything involving republicans should be celebrated.

I am going to listen to Toby Keith records tonight and gorge on beef jerky and potato chips. I might even drink regular soda tonight instead of diet. All I know is if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be an American Hockey Championship team, once again saving our nation against foreign invaders.

Take that Canada! Oh, and as bad as my Oakland Raiders (football) are, I think we can beat the Montreal Allouettes. What the heck is an Allouette, Anyway? That is why Americans watch Nascar. There are no Allouettes in Nascar.

Oh, and if the Vancouver Canucks win again, there is also a Vancouver in Washington State. I will declare them American. Hamilton can be annexed by Buffalo. Alaska is a gray area, although the players in “Mystery Alaska” did lose to the New York Rangers (so much for Russell Crowe being a tough guy).

Congratulations to the (artists formerly known as Mighty) Ducks. Between Emilio Estevez and Scott Neidermayer, you have a long lasting legacy of American greatness.


21 Questions CNN should ask the democrats

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Now that the Communist News Network has had their dream debate where they asked liberally biased questions designed to maximize criticism of President Bush, it is time to provide them with a list of similar questions for them to ask the democrats.

Before this is done, I would again like to remind the republican candidates to stop taking the media bait, and knock off the Bush bashing. It will not work in the general election. Some of you may be media darlings now, but you cannot out-liberal liberals, and the media will turn on you like rabid dogs, and use your words against you. You are inextricably and forever linked to President Bush, and must remember that many people, especially republicans, personally like him. Act like republicans, obey Reagan’s 11th commandments, and stop being so eager to separate yourself from the President. He is down in the polls right now, but a lot can change in a year. Just ask George Bush Senior, who was on a losing path in 1987 when Ronald Reagan was under siege.

Ok, CNN, let’s see if you even have the ability to be fair. Here are the questions the democrats should be forced to answer in the interest of fairness.

1) Terrorist attacks were committed against Americans while Bill Clinton was President. What were the biggest mistakes Bill Clinton made?

2) Would you support an independent counsel and/or a congressional investigation into the matter of why Sandy Berger stole classified documents from the National Archives?

3) Al Queda leaders have stated that Iraq is a central front in the War on Terror. Why do you believe otherwise?

4) You all state that it is fact that Saddam had no WMDs. Israeli intelligence officials, among the best in the world, believe they are hidden in Syria. Do you believe this is possible, or do you doubt the Israeli intelligence reports?

5) Are you open to Pre-emptive strikes against Iran and Syria, with all options including a nuclear strike on the table?

6) Are you in favor of a unilateral mission into Darfur in Sudan, which could involve nationbuilding? If so, why not favor this in Iraq? 

7) Would you be willing to shame Muslim countries into helping the people of Darfur, given that a billion Muslims can be a force for good and relieve Muslim suffering?

8) Are you willing to either repeal McCain-Feingold, or close the loophole that allows 527s, which are mostly liberal organziations funded by George Soros, from breaking the rules?

9) The areas with the strictest gun control laws have the highest crime rates, and vice versa. Why is this? What will you do to fix this problem?

10) Should crimes committed by people who hate fat people, short people, autistic people, bald people or white conservative evangelicals be considered hate crimes? How does one constitute what groups deserve hate crime protection?

11) Should the death penalty be expanded to include rape crimes?

12) Democrats and Republicans in Alaska support oil drilling in Alaska. How many of you have been to Alaska, and why not listen to the people who live there and know their land best? 

13) Oil companies are making record profits, but no evidence of gouging exists. Vladimir Putin broke up Yukos Oil and confiscated their profits. How would your approach to taking their profits or mandating what they do with them be different?

14) All politicians claim to support Israel. Are you willing to give Israel a free hand the way George Bush did with Ariel Sharon? Or will you force them to the negotiating table against their will as was done in 2000?

15) The Geneva convention states that when a religious institution is used for illegal purposes, such as terrorists hiding weapons in Mosques, it loses its protected status. If you know Osama Bin Laden is hiding in a Mosque with weapons, are you willing to blow up the Mosque?

16) North Korea violated the 1994 agreement negotiated under Bill Clinton. What safeguards can be put in to make sure that future agreements are honored? Can this be done, and if so, how?

17) The economy today by most objective economists is doing fabulous. What credit if any do you give to the current administration?

18) The politics of personal destruction have been directed at Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. In general, can you name 3 things you agree with George W. Bush about, and can you name anything you like about him personally?

19) What are your liberal credentials? Are you proud to be a liberal, and if so, why?

20) In Minnesota, Muslim cab drivers were refusing to carry passengers carrying alcohol. Is this an attempt to enforce Sharia Law in a part of the United States, and how will you prevent it?

21) Do you believe students should have the right to organize prayer groups on public school grounds? If 20 students want to go to a private room during lunch break or recess and have a prayer service, are you ok with that? Can a teacher lead the service?

These questions will most likely never be asked, because that would involve CNN removing itself as an appendage of the democratic party. I would state which appendage, but given that we are talking about democrats, donkeys is as donkeys does.



The GOP Debate Part II–The candidates

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Despite incredibly idiotic and biased questions by Al Jazeera West, aka the Communist News Network, the debate was won by the candidates that remembered that offering positive solutions makes more sense than bashing President Bush. The candidates that Bush-bashed want to be popular with the cool kids in the media, not realizing that if they win the nomination all the Bush bashing will not make them less hated. Here are the wins and losses.

Nothing has changed. There are three serious candidates in Giuliani, Romney and McCain. The 7 dwarfs are there mainly to create ratings, while gadfly (a polite word for nutcase) Ron Paul seems to have gotten lost on the way to his debate with Hillary, Edwards and Obama. The media loves him for obvious reasons, but he represents a miniscule view in the republican party. He is the fringe. Nothing changed, with the top tier being adults and many of the 7 dwarfs acting like they are not ready for prime time, hence their not being top tier.

Round 1: Romney won points by portraying the hindsight Iraq question as stupid. Brownback lost by wanting to partition Iraq, a horrible idea Joe Biden would like. McCain knocked Bush too forcefully on mismanagement.

Round 2: Tommy Thompson called Iraq a civil war, Duncan Hunter wants to train troops, Huckabee invoked Ronald Reagan, Ron Paul wants to sing kumbaya, Tancredo babbled about Ben Franklin while being against the surge. John McCain won the round by going hard after Hillary Clinton. McCain needs to remember that the opponent is Hillary, not President Bush.

Round 3: Everyone except Sean (or is it Pope John) Paul wants the right to preemptively drop nukes on Iran if necessary. Good! That is called keeping America safe.

Round 4: Brownback and McCain support the immigration bill, probably because it is their bill. Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson are against the bill. Romney and Rudy won the round by stating what could be done to improve the bill, with Romney saying we need to first enforce the 1986 law, and Rudy discussing tracking initiatives in a very responsible matter, as someone who actually studies issues would.

Round 5: When asked about Fred Thompson and conservative credentials, Rudy gave a solid reiteration of his abortion position. Huckabee correctly pointed out that the evolution was a stupid question that should be asked of 8th grade science teachers, not presidential candidates. Brownback was thoughtful and intelligent in pointing out that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. McCain, Romney and Ron Paul punted effectively enough.

Round 6: Rudy caved on global warming, and McCain caved on going after big oil profits. Romney was the only one to mention drilling in Alaska, and Gilmore was the only one to bash the KYOTO treaty. Romney and Gilmore won. Ron Paul did defend the oil companies rights to profits, but then added meaningless commentary about corporate welfare.

Round 7: None of the candidates wanted to life the ban on gays overtly serving in the military, opting to keep “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Ron Paul and Huckabee correctly stated people should be judged on conduct, not orientation, but then should have voted to overturn the policy. Giuliani and McCain stated that the policy should not be changed during a war, which was a bit of a cop out. All the candidates said the policy is working, treading the line of trying to please the Christian Coalition without bashing gays. Time will tell if that is a successful straddle.

Round 8: The role for George W. Bush was answered best by Sam Brownback, who said he would ask Bush first. Thompson and Tancredo bashed Bush, Tancredo out of bitterness.

Round 9: Questions about where the GOP went wrong was answered badly by Huckabee, who offered a laundry list that would make the democrats proud. With regarding a pardon of Scooter Libby, several of the candidates were mealy mouthed, mumbling about having to read the report first. Giuliani and Romney offered fiery defenses of Libby, but stopped short of overturning the verdict. Thompson effectively compared it to Clinton, but stopped short of an outright yes answer. Only Sam Brownback said he would absolutely pardon Libby, giving him the win in this round. McCain should have stepped up.

Round 10: Bringing the troops home led McCain to criticize Brownback’s ludicrous partition idea. Unfortunately, McCain then engaged in more Bush bashing about mismanagement. Hunter supports the mission, but Rudy offered a full throttled defense as only he can.

Round 11: Stabilizing the Iraqi government gave Giuliani another chance to fiercely explain why the war in Iraq was right, and he called the media would refuse to report positive news from General Petreaus. Ron Paul acted like Ron Paul.

Round 12: The environmental questoin was handled by Gilmore and Tancredo adequately enough.

Round 13: Health Care issues were answered best by Giuliani, who emphasized the free market. Romney and Hunter did so with less force. Thompson, the so called health care expert, babbled about cutting down on paperwork.

Round 14: The most pressing moral issue was life for Huckabee and Brownback, but Huckabee handled it much better. Brownback issued a litmus test, while Huckabee went beyond the abortion question in a very thoughtful manner. RuPaul was against the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war. Giuliani easily won the round by again explaining why the War on Terror is the issue, not abortion.

Round 15: Romney was dignified in answering an insulting question that was beneath him. McCain offered praise to Hispanic soldiers. They won the round, and Tom Tancredo came dangerously close to brown bashing.

Round 16: Given attempts to Bush bash, McCain again took the bait, but his criticism of overspending has some validity. Huckabee offered a very fair criticism of Bush, that he does not communicate effectively. Huckabee came across as sincere, not out to score cheap points. RuPaul said America should stop trying to promote its empire. Giuliani correctly pointed out that republicans lost because they acted like democrats. He was able to do this without Bush bashing. Gilmore alluded to this, but less effectively. The other candidates totally ignored the question. Brownback spoke about cancer, which he has battled. As great as it is that he is alive and well, it was irrelevant to the question.

Round 17: Tancredo officially went nuts by offering to restrict legal immigration, allowing McCain to win the round by pouncing on this ludicrous idea.

Round 18: The way to win back the moderate republicans and independents was answered fine by all the candidates. Wolf Blitzer asked Hunter if republicans should emulate Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Hunter was dead right in flatly saying no. Arnold has to moderate himself because California is a sinking ship of liberalism. Much of America wants a republican to act like a republican, and the candidates understand this.

Scorecard–Tom Tancredo and Rupaul boggle my mind, but only because I am clear thinking and reasonable. Tommy Thompson and Jim Gilmore were in the room, although I doubt anyone noticed. Gilmore made no mistakes, Thompson did. Sam Brownback had flashes of brilliance but lost me when he made it clear that a litmus test on abortion was required. He did say he would support whoever the nominee was, but through gritted teeth. Huckabee spoke eloquently, but he rarely goes outside his range of moral issues. Sure he was asked those questions, but it is his job to break out of the stereotype created for him. Duncan Hunter made no gaffes, but added little.

So out of the 7 dwarfs, Gilmore and Huckabee are 2nd tier, Brownback and Hunter are 3rd tier, and Tancredo, Thompson, and Rupaul bringing up the rear 4th gear tier.

As for the serious candidates, John McCain is fabulous when defending why the war in Iraq is right, but he bashes Bush with too much ferocity. Perhaps it is to win favor in the media, which will fail when they turn on him. Perhaps it is bitterness over 2000, or even 2004 when he could not run. I hope he is better than that. He did not help himself tonight. Romney was very polished, and did well enough. He hit no major home runs but made no mistakes.

Rudy Giuliani clearly won this debate, and further cemented his deserved status as the front runner. He understands the major issues, and articulates them well. He has all of George W. Bush’s many positives, and is the only one who refuses to bash the President to score points (Romney is also very good on this issue). He also articulates the Bush Doctrine better than the President. Romney was good, coming in second. McCain came in third. Rudy Giuliani told us that he turned around New York City, and will turn around America.  Based on tonight, I believe him.
