Archive for March, 2011

Libya, Los Angeles, Mexico, and the Second Amendment

Friday, March 4th, 2011

President Obama and Mexican President Calderon held a joint press conference where they congratulated each other on random insignificant non-achievements and then went their separate ways to do whatever it is these men do.

By diplomatic standards the press conference was a complete success, because it was utterly useless. Neither leader succeeded in saying or doing anything to end the world.

Yet an event of virtually total fluff featured one serious moment when a Mexican reporter did what American reporters refuse to do. The fellow asked a serious question. He wanted to know if President Obama could just veto the Second Amendment. Unlike American liberals who just deliberately ignore our founding document, this reporter was asking an earnest question of a foreign leader.

While Mr. Obama is far from the constitutional scholar that he claims to be, he does know how to play one for the camera when electoral votes are at stake. He explained that the Second Amendment giving private citizens the right to own guns is part of America and the law of the land.

What Mr. Obama could have said is why the Second Amendment is so important. Without it, there is no First Amendment.

Look at Libya right now. Moammar Khadafi is using his army to shoot innocent citizens on sight. He is judge, jury, and sadly enough, an out of control executioner. While the United Nations and Mr. Obama debate meaningless non-binding resolutions, sanctions, and other useless measures, Mr. Khadafi communicates with bullets. The citizens have nothing to fire back with, so their solution is to die in the vain hope that American leaders will care.

American elites will smugly point out that America is different from Libya, and that our “civilized” culture renders guns unnecessary. After all, we have checks and balances. These liberals fail to grasp that the reverse is true. The right to own guns is a check and a balance. It is the very right to own guns which keeps us civilized.

Picture a world that makes “Lord of the Flies” look peaceful. Picture savage animals running around committing rampant crime just because they can. Picture lawlessness and tyranny where a precious few get to dictate life to the long suffering masses.

Some may see this as Libya 2011. Try downtown Los Angeles in 1992.

A jury rendered a verdict in a criminal trial that many liberals disagreed with. Since the left disagreed with the law, they simply decided that the ruling was invalid and needed to be overturned. As the left always does, they resorted to violence long before anybody could find Wisconsin on a map.

The leftist mob (Be honest and admit that it was not Republicans in red and blue diagonal neckties rioting.) burned the city of Los Angeles.

I was in a safe neighborhood in Bel Air across the street from seven million dollar homes. Those homeowners did not call the police. They called the mayor, the governor, and in some cases, the president. Private security with orders to shoot to kill made sure that the mob was not going to throw so much as one match on their property.

Those not in the wealthy areas either had their own protection or were out of luck. Some Korean grocery store owners managed to save their stores by explaining to the mob the one entity that renders a language barrier moot. The mob saw the guns and retreated.

Yet the most telling tale was when the mob tried to burn down an old age home. A pair of teenage soldiers with semi-automatic weapons kept the mob at bay. Elderly people in wheelchairs would have choked to death from smoke inhalation. They were spared death by young men who knew right from wrong and had the ability to enforce it.

Leftists will in some cases still condescendingly point out that the Los Angeles riots were an aberration. It is not every day life. As somebody who has been downtown more than once, this point is debatable. Yet even if it is accepted as truth, those very special situations are exactly why the Second Amendment is justified.

People like Khadafi, Saddam Hussein, and other terrorists do not need to abuse their power daily. They only need to do so with quality, not quantity. Places where guns are restricted to police officers, judges, and other government officials are potential war zones. Places where citizens can own firearms are peace zones.

Several years ago homicide statistics were compared nationally. North Dakota and Washington, DC, had the same number of people. That year DC had 489 homicides. North Dakota had nine. DC had an outright ban on guns in a city filled with liberals. North Dakota had respect for guns and the rule of law. North Dakota had conservative Republicans.

So with all due respect to the Mexican people, they may wish to emulate our attitude about guns rather than lecture us to emulate their failed approach to crime.

With all due to respect to the Mexican leader who has the same surname as the drug lord on Miami Vice, Americans do not need a lecture on gun violence from Mexico.

What Americans and the world needs is less dictatorship and more liberty and democracy. The First Amendment is the heart of our nation. The Second Amendment protects that heart. A (potential) flow of bullets pumped into a bad guy trying to harm an innocent person is just as vital as the flow of oxygen to the brain and blood to the heart. Protected we live. Unprotected we become morgue numbers bagged and tagged, whether the cemetery be located in Tripoli or downtown Los Angeles.


Libya vs Wisconsin

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

At age 14 I tried to convince my father that social studies class was too hard. A Holocaust survivor, he looked at me unsympathetically and asked “Did the teacher try to shoot you?”

When I told him no, he motioned me to get upstairs, open the books, and learn personal responsibility. There were no victicrats in his household.

Decades later, twin events in Wisconsin and Libya have me echoing my father’s words.

In Libya, Moammar Khadafi is determined to hold on to power. The people are rising up, and Mr. Khadafi is shooting them in the streets. This should not surprise people. Genocidal lunatics by definition alone are not the nicest individuals on the planet. Mr. Khadafi has calculated that the United Nations is too impotent to stop him and President Obama is preoccupied with domestic matters. The people are fighting for their very lives.

Yet when looking at true barbarism among the people, one only need look at leftist protesters in Wisconsin. Mob violence has led to chaos at the state capitol.

While paid leftist mercenaries will do what they do, simple questions needs to be asked of the few people protesting who are not on the Soros or Moveon payroll.

Is this really necessary?  Do you really believe this is life and death? Is anybody shooting at you? Is your liberty truly in danger to the point where the tactics being used by the left are reasonable? Do the ends really justify the means?

Forget the paid agitators. They are soulless, and impervious to the concept of shame. Yet if there is decency deep down among those truly not on the paid union thuggery payroll, now is the time to start looking in the mirror.

Is Wisconsin Walker Governor Walker using bullets, tear gas, fire hoses, or any other deadly means to subdue protesters? Has he tried to send his Jewish constituents to ovens to be burned alive like real Nazis tried to do to my Dad in the 1940s? If not, aren’t comparisons of Walker to Hitler over the top? If so, why will President Obama not condemn this rhetoric? Why will Wisconsin Democrats, especially Jewish ones, not stand up and condemn such vile comparisons?

Is it civilized to surround a Republican state lawmaker and try to intimidate him physically by making it difficult for him to get to work? Should it really get to a point where a Democratic lawmaker will have to scold the crowd to stop the madness?

Is it proper for a male Democratic lawmaker to tell a diminutive female Republican lawmaker that she is “(redacted) dead”?

Is it problematic that another Democratic lawmaker told a leftist crowd that it is time for people to “get bloody”?

Is there anything that these people are fighting for that cannot be solved by trying to win the next election peacefully?

Despite desperate attempts to paint conservative tea party attendees as violent, the overwhelming evidence was that those rallies were like Woodstock minus the drugs and filth.

Conservatives responded to the 2008 election loss with dignity. Conservatives looked in the mirror, analyzed what needed to be improved, and came to work as a loyal opposition minority. Hard work led to the 2010 election victories throughout the country.

Yet while Republicans went the way of ballots, the Democrats seem one small step away from bullets.

Forget momentarily that the entire strategy of the Wisconsin Democratic legislators is illegal. Getting the left to obey the law is often too much to ask.

Yet why is the real violence going on by American leftists not being condemned by any mainstream Democrats?

Do Democrats really believe that Governor Walker is Hitler, Mussolini, and Khadafi combined? Are they that far gone?

Are Democrats so incapable of reasonable civilized discussion that the concept of taking the debate with Governor Walker to 2012 is not good enough? Are death threats and stalking his personal home really how they do things?

Mainstream Democrats at this point are a contradiction because they will not weed out their own zealots. Worse, the zealots have won. They own the Democratic Party.

The sad answer to all of these questions is that it does not matter why they do what they do. The only thing that matters is what happens when victims of bullying have decided that they have had enough.

In Libya, the people truly are fighting tyranny and evil. Decades of being tortured is leading to the people saying they have had enough and want basic human dignity.

In Wisconsin, liberals are preparing to burn down the village because they might lose their right to collectively bargain. That is a policy issue, and not one of life and death. If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. could embrace non-violence on issues as serious as segregation, how could violence be justified on matters of finance?

The left banks on the fact that the right will be too scared of bad publicity to engage in forceful self-defense. Yet what happens if that calculation turns out to be false?

Violence is not the answer in this situation, but what should the innocent silent majority do if the leftist mob refuses to stop? If the choice becomes forcefully removing protesters from the capitol to ensure safety or allowing anarchy to reign supreme, the protesters cannot be allowed to win.

The Wisconsin protesters have made their point. They disagree with Governor Walker. They should do what the tea party movement did, which was field candidates and try to swing the political pendulum.

What the left is doing now is repeating the 1960s. While this led to conservative political dominance for decades, it also ripped America apart between traditionalists and those wanting to tear America asunder.

Yet even some of those liberals did more than illegal drugs. They fought for a noble cause that benefits all Americans, civil rights.

The leftist protesters today truly believe their cause is as noble as the struggle for freedom in Libya or 1960s America.

It is not. It is just wanton destruction for it’s own sake disguised as legitimate discourse.

The left needs to dial it down now. If not, they will have only themselves to blame when the right decides they have had it with being abused.

Everything comes at a price, and law and order must be restored to Wisconsin.

If violence is what the left wants, violence is what they will get. I pray that enough Democrats pull back from the brink and decide that the peace they often sing about truly is inside their hearts.


Why Scott Walker should resign now

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Readers of the Tygrrrr Express know that the unofficial motto of this blog is to never let principles get in the way of my own personal desires. They also know that I use fake headlines to see how many imbecilic liberal bloggers will link to me without reading the column because they think I agree with their wretched views.

While I have been a staunch supporter of Wisconsin Governor Walker, I now think he should step down.

No, I have not lost my conservative mind. I think he is fabulous. I would like to see him crush the unions and make them cry their eyes out in the town square. I would be fine with him hiring a bounty hunter to capture the missing Wisconsin Democrats. Put out a reward notice like we did with Arab terrorists in Afghanistan. Heck, waterboard protesters until one of them gives up the location of the AWOL leftist “leaders.”

Yet while I am totally committed to Governor Walker’s policy agenda, some things are more important than policy.

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch is gorgeous.

I want her beautiful face and flowing raven colored hair on my television every day. With Sarah Palin taking a lower profile and Michele Bachmann doing interviews more selectively, there is a shortage of brunette Republican Goddesses on television.

Those claiming sexism for worshiping at the altar of female beauty should can it. An entire industry called Hollywood exists where talent and substance are as illegal as illegal substances themselves.

Lt. Governor Kleefisch is every bit as conservative as Governor Walker but much hotter. This is not to disrespect Governor Walker. He is handsome enough, although not nearly as handsome as Paul Ryan. Yet the red and blue diagonal necktie look just does not do it for me. I have nothing against the gay community, but I am heterosexual. I was born this way. Just respect that.

She is also Jewish. Actually, she is not, but she has a Jewish sounding last name. Close enough. She is Christian, and Christians came from Jews anyway. Therefore she is Jewish.

(Several Rabbis are going to send me hate mail for that one. They are already married with kids, so they can pipe down and let a single Jewish Republican blogger loosely interpret the laws.)

Some will say that Lt. Governor Kleefisch is already married. Rumor has it that her family is entirely fictional, that they came with the wallet. She shows those pictures just so men will stop hitting on her. The fact that I started these rumors is irrelevant.

She is also a selfless woman. A woman as stunning as her could be rolling around on a beach in Barbados, but instead she spends time in the cold Wisconsin weather to serve America.

I forgot what I was saying. I distracted myself with the images of her and Barbados.

What was I saying again? Oh yeah, Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch is hot…really hot.

The only downside to this is that she melts the snow, and the snow is the only thing keeping the weaker protesters at bay.

No wonder liberals are always so angry and conservatives are happy. We have Palin, Bachmann and Kleefisch. They have Helen Thomas and Madeleine Albright.

Anyway, if Governor Walker refuses to resign, he needs to take a lower profile. For those wondering how a white, Midwestern Governor can possibly take a lower profile, I admit that is a challenge. Outside of Wisconsin, Governor Walker would most likely be mistaken for the local CPA. Given that it is tax season, I am sure California liberals would go up to him and demand their refund, as he explains that they have to pay taxes and actually work to get money back.

Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch should be the public face of every conservative organization on Earth. She is a bright woman, but no matter how intelligent her remarks, that is not enough. She should end every single press conference by batting her eyelashes and tossing her hair.

I would say more, but I just received an email message stating that the Wisconsin Secret Service has put a bounty on me. Apparently her husband is not fictional, and not amused.

I get into too much trouble on this blog. I guess the only solution is to somehow avoid noticing hot women.

I am therefore altering my position again and demanding that all hot women be banned from television. They are distracting. Governor Kleefisch should be demoted back to Lieutenant Governor, and Governor Walker can continue to lead provided he keeps it as bland as possible.

It was sweet while it lasted Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch. I will never forget these moments.

Well Governor Walker, since my plan to wed your Lieutenant Governor failed, I am now grumpy. Do something to cheer me up.

Go crush some unions.


Another weekend of leftist (yawn) rage

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

In drugged out, whored out, screwup news, Hollywood celebrities took time away from 364 days of admiring themselves to spend their annual evening admiring each other.

This concludes the Oscars report.

It is only fitting that leftists would choose the weekend where liberal narcissists celebrate liberal narcissism to engage in nationwide protests aimed at spreading liberal narcissism. The Democratic Party really should consider a Sheen-Lohan ticket, given that vandalism, theft, and lunatic rantings summarize the liberal platform.

Anyway, over at the Daily Caller is my column dealing with Wisconsin Governor Walker and another weekend of leftist (yawn) rage.

Wake me up when they are done screaming and crying about…oh, nobody cares. Crush them Gov.
