Archive for May, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Killed–What was done right

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Osama Bin Laden was killed by Navy Seals. That is the descriptive narrative. Now for some serious analysis.

Today I will look at what was done right and tomorrow what was either done wrong or could be a problem going forward.

The good news is that a lot went right. I can honestly say that with regards to President Obama handling this situation…I am genuinely proud of him.

Again, well done Mr. Obama. Good job sir. Let’s not sugarcoat this. Excellent job sir. Big thumbs up.

Mr. Obama took a bold gamble. He could have just dropped bombs and been done with it. Yet he insisted on us being able to identify the remains of Bin Laden to ward off conspiracy theorists. Had this bold gamble failed, I would not have ripped into him. Had it failed and he blamed everybody else, then I absolutely would have unloaded.

He deserves full credit for making a tough decision and getting it right. Virtually every criticism I have had of him on other issues disappeared on this issue. He showed real leadership. He was presidential.

Some on the right will say that the real credit goes to the Navy Seals, and not Mr. Obama. Wrong. I excoriated liberals for years when they would say they were glad Saddam was gone and supported the troops, but gave George W. Bush zero credit. I said then that you cannot praise a successful military action without giving credit to the man making the final decision. The Navy Seals are phenomenal, but Mr. Obama did the right thing in dispatching them the way he did. He has my appreciation for this.

Another thing Mr. Obama got right was the order to kill Bin Laden and not capture him. The notion of a debate on where to hold a trial like we faced with Khalid Sheik Mohammed would have been a nightmare. Bin Laden is dead. Problem solved. Again, I credit Mr. Obama for clearly getting this thought process right.

For those criticizing the decision to quickly dispatch of the body with a funeral according to Muslim law, let it go. As much fun as it is to be jingiostic (yes, I mean me too) and say that we should douse him in bacon grease and force other Al Qaeda members to eat him, that is not the right answer. Normally when the issue of inflaming the Arab world is brought up, I point out that they are born angry and die that way anyway, so nobody should care.

This time we should care. For those who read “The Iliad” by Homer, the vivid imagery of Achilles dragging Hector’s body all around until the gods had had enough applies here. We got him. We killed him. He’s buried. Leave it alone. A protracted argument over what to do with the body would be almost as bad as that type of debate over a trial. Mr. Obama got this one right.

Mr. Obama acted unilaterally. He did not seek permission or even discuss the matter with the United Nations, our allies, Pakistan, or even members of congress. I have always supported presidential prerogative in the name of national security, and that stance will not only be when Republicans are in the White House.

New York Congressman Peter King was asked if he was upset about not being consulted. He sincerely said he was fine with being left in the dark, because sometimes the presidency requires secrecy. Congressmen simply cannot keep their d@mn mouths shut. The only thing worse is telling a member of the media to keep quiet.

Mr. Obama had every right to handle this without consulting others, since he takes the blame if it fails. Had it been George W. Bush, liberals would have been screaming bloody murder. Nevertheless, my stand is consistent.

As for Pakistan, let them complain about their “sovereignty.” Too d@mn bad. They were hiding a mass murderer off Americans, and an American President has an obligation to the American people, nobody else. This is not “cowboy diplomacy.” It is high time the left stopped trying to be “neutral” when every other nation defends their own. Again, Mr. Obama got it totally right.

I also thank Mr. Obama for having the decency to call President Bush and Congressman King before the news leaked (another reason to justify secrecy….a “precious few” were told what transpired, and it leaked quickly). Had Mr. Bush not gotten such a call, it would have been very rude. I am glad Mr. Obama got this right.

Even Hillary Clinton got it right. Yes, I concede this with shock, but it is true.

Normally I say that her entire job is to issue meaningless blather. She does it well. Yet this one time, she issued “good” meaningless blather.

She went on television and said that Pakistan cooperated with the situation. This is nonsense. They certainly have not been as faithful as they could have been.

Yet as Sir Charles of Krauthammer points out, “The whole point of diplomacy is to lie.”

So if Hillary’s remarks were full of bunk and everybody knows this, why were they good?

To publicly call out Pakistan would have been a gigantic mistake. She was not speaking to Americans. She was stroking the egos of the Pakistanis. This is another example of where inflaming a situation serves no purpose (it often does). Yes, even a Neocon myself will concede that every once in awhile, diplomacy is not completely useless. Many situation require a battering ram. This was a rare occasion where finesse was appropriate. Hillary was insincere, and it was proper for her to be this way.

If praising Hillary leaves me shocked, then I am downright stunned over my having to praise the college students who assembled outside the White House and the people who gathered in Times Square.

While there were one or two people in the crowd with Obama signs, the bulk of the people simply waived American flags. I would have been outraged had they been chanting “Yes, we can.” Instead they chanted “USA,” which is what we chanted on 9/11. In the days following 9/11, people were not embracing George W. Bush simply for being a conservative Republican. In 2011 Mr. Obama has received far too much praise by liberals simply for being one. Yet for the most part, these demonstrations were apolitical. These college students were not dopey. They were dignified. Even though they were very young when 9/11 happened, this should not take away from their patriotism. It is far too rare, but this was a great display by those who congregated.

As for the CIA, let’s give them some credit. The often maligned agency was brilliant this time. This was intelligence gathering and espionage at its finest.

Lastly, a several minute discussion moderated by Bill O’Reilly was brilliant because the two panelists were a pair of the biggest military intellectual heavyweights in the country. Colonels Ralph Peters and David Hunt offered a fascinating discussion that should be mandatory viewing for everybody.

Colonel Peters brought up the Obama version of the helicopter that malfunctioned. Apparently our Seals destroyed it to prevent Bin Laden and his henchmen from gleaming any intelligence information from it.

Peters offered a theory that while unprovable, was still provocative and yet also reasonable. He speculated that Bin Laden and his men were already dead when that helicopter malfunctioned. He posed the idea that the Seals destroyed it to prevent the Pakistanis from getting any information about it. If they did, the Pakistanis would sell it to the Chinese, who would just steal another American technology like they steal virtually everything else we do. This is just a theory, but interesting nonetheless.

Colonel Hunt explained why the hovering of a chopper overhead would not tip off Bin Laden to flee. Given that his compound was 35 miles from a major military base, choppers overhead were a frequent occurrence. Our Seals spent weeks training how to simulate the exact flight patters of a friendly helicopter. Bin Laden most likely thought the chopper was protecting him right up until the moment that he saw the Seals and realized what had happened. As Mr. Hunt pointed out, by keeping Bin Laden near a military base to hide him in plain sight, this time the Pakistanis “outsmarted themselves.”

Both Colonel Hunt and Colonel Peters are brilliant (Full disclosure: Colonel Peters endorsed my second book. I admired him long before he did. I have zero connection to Mr. Hunt.). Mr. O’Reilly gave them wide latitude, and this made for journalism at its finest.

There is plenty of time for armchair quarterbacking, and tomorrow will focus on some things that are not so right. Yet much more was right than was wrong.

I would also like to Thank George W. Bush. He was totally right, in keeping with his character, of not overshadowing Mr. Obama this week. Mr. Obama has every right to take a victory lap, provided it is not an 18 month victory lap. A couple of days is fine.

Those cautioning that we have more work to do are also very smart to say this. We cannot get complacent.

Yet back to Mr. Bush, his hard work throughout his presidency cannot and should not be discounted just because those on the left despise him. It is time that they stop beating the daylights out of him and just admit that disagreements aside, he genuinely cared about protecting All Americans.

The Global War on Terror was the right thing to do, and Mr. Bush was always more interested in getting good results rather than who got the credit. To this day he still refuses to take credit for things he should get praise for. Credit is not a finite pie. So if conservatives can be gracious and magnanimous enough to praise Mr. Obama for finishing something important, liberals can show equal humanity by crediting Mr. Bush and his administration for starting the process and doing much of the legwork.

If that were to happen, then all this talk about “coming together” like we did after 9/11 really would be sincere. For all of us as individuals and collectively as a nation, that would be the most right thing in all of this.

God bless the USA.


Osama Bin Laden killed by Americans

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Justice was done.

Osama Bin Laden was killed by Americans nearly ten years after murdering 3,000 innocent Americans.

I am born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island. I live in Los Angeles but will always be a New Yorker.

My country and my state were attacked. My fellow New Yorkers were executed in an act of pure evil.

Finally, justice was done.

Today is not a day for political score keeping. There will be plenty of time for dissecting every ounce of this situation.

Right now I just want the despots all over the world to remember what President George W. Bush said.

September 14, 2011…”I hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and pretty soon the people who knocked down these buildings will hear from all of us!”

September 20, 2011…”We will not falter, and we will not fail.”

The entire world was put on notice. Either you were with us or against us.

We had victories along the way. We captured Khalid Sheik Mohammed. We captured Saddam Hussein. We killed Zarquai.

With help from Israel, Sheik Yassin and his successor Rantisi were taken out.

Yet the big prize eluded us.

Osama Bin Laden may be less important from a strategic standpoint than Mohammed. KSM was the actual mastermind of the planning of 9/11. Yet from a psychological standpoint, getting Bin Laden does matter.

So let me put aside partisan politics and say it.

Well done Mr. Obama. Good job sir.

As for the men who carried out the orders, thank God for these brave men. When politicians of all stripes let our soldiers do their jobs, the job gets done and it gets done right.

Bin Laden was the target of a strike but that did not kill him.

A firefight ensued. Bin Laden was shot in the head facing his enemy.

Most importantly, reports have it that an American killed him.

The cooperation behind the scenes with Pakistan was important.

Reports are coming fast and furious, and I have decided to hold off until we know much more.

It is not about being first. It is about getting it right.

Thanks to actionable intelligence and brilliant military precision, the attack on Bin Laden was swift, severe, and fatal.

None of this will bring back the lives we lost. It will not end the War on Terror.

Yet it is absolutely a cause for celebration.

So to all the despots of the world, just know that America never rests until the job is done.

You can hide in caves, but eventually we will find you.

You will not have an ounce of rest until we end your days permanently.

An attack on one American is an attack on all of us.

For a decade, every single day at some point 9/11 was in my thoughts.

As President Bush said, some people went back to normal. I never did.

There is so much more work to do, but this does call for a peaceful night of sleep for anyone capable of feeling that peace.

Osama Bin Laden is burning in hell.

Best of all, it was American skill, steel, and resolve that put him there.

This was not vengeance. It was justice.

Justice was done.

Now to get every single last murderous Islamofascist zealot until the children born today can sleep at night without the pain we felt on 9/11.

Until that day…

God bless the USA.


Osama Bin Laden Killed–Inappropriate remarks

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Osama Bin Laden was killed.

Here are some totally inappropriate remarks. I don’t want to say them, but I would never forgive myself if I thought them and somebody said them before me.

Bin Laden is now burning in hell with his 72 Helen Thomases.

Finally, something to shift coverage away from the Royal Wedding.

The news of Bin Laden’s death was not released until after the Celebrity Apprentice episode had concluded. Donald Trump is that powerful. Conspiracy people, have at that one.

Geraldo Rivera accidentally said that Obama had been killed. Apparently Geraldo failed to report that the president perished by tripping and falling in Al Capone’s vaults.

The most insensitive joke in history comes not from me, but from Gilbert Gottfried 10 years ago. He waited a few weeks after 9/11, so his timing was good.

“I had an Al Qaeda nickname in junior high school. I was known as ‘Nevah Been Laidin'”

More insensitive remarks will be added as they come to me.

For now, justice has been done and the world is a better place today.

God bless the USA.


NFL 2011 Draft Analysis

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

The 2011 NFL Draft is now in the books as the on-again, off-again lockout is now on-again.

As I fly today from Dayton, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia and then to Columbia, South Carolina, here is my quick analysis of the 32 picks of the first round.

1.) Carolina Panthers–Quarterback Cam Newton. This was a very dicey pick but the Panthers were backed into a corner. They wanted to trade down but in a very rare (perhaps unprecedented) scenario, nobody else wanted to trade up. Not a single team wanted the top pick. Part of it is the possible $55 million signing bonus. Part of it is that while Newton has plenty of talent, he has had off the field issues. He could be the next JaMarcus Russell. Yet the Panthers were left holding the bag, and they either have their quarterback of the future or a nightmare.

2.) Denver Broncos–Linebacker Von Miller. Jon Fox went from the worst team to the second worst team, but his forte is defense. This was a safe pick that was totally sensible. Denver needs defense.

3.) Buffalo Bills–Defensive Tackle Marcel Darreus. This was another safe pick. The Bills need help everywhere, and defense is the way to build through the draft.

4.) Cincinnati Bengals–Wide Receiver AJ Green. I hate this pick. The Bengals have offensive talent, but are a mess on defense. Maybe this kid will get Carson Palmer to unretire, but is Green a replacement for Chad Johnson or Terrell Owens, or does the team now have three receivers to complain and share the ball? Then the Bengals in the second round draft quarterback Andy Dalton, showing zero regard for Palmer. If Palmer does retire, Dalton will start surrounded by malcontents. Only Mike Brown could create such a mess.

5.) Arizona Cardinals–Cornerback Patrick Peterson. While the Cardinals still have not found the quarterback to replace Kurt Warner, it is hard to argue with this pick. Their division rivals have Michael Crabtree. Somebody needs to play better defense in this division.

6.) Atlanta Falcons–Wide Receiver Julio Jones. This might be the worst pick in the entire draft given that the Falcons gave up a king’s ransom. A pair of # 1s, a 3, and a pair of 4s? That might win in poker, but in the NFL? Atlanta is built right now to win it all, and yes this kid will be a great toy for Matt Ryan. Yet it was not the offense that gave up 48 points at home in the playoffs to Green Bay. They should have fortified the defense that got torched. If they do not win it all, they will decline rapidly. Super Bowl or bust.

7.) San Francisco 49ers–Defensive End Aldon Smith. Jim Harbaugh knows quarterbacks, and with several available I guess he did not like what he saw. This pick could have been made by Mike Singletary, but that does not mean there is anything wrong with it.  Shoring up the defense is never a bad thing.

8.) Tennessee Titans–Quarterback Jake Locker. This pick surprised me. While Mike Munchak said that Vince Young was not coming back, this did seem to be a bit early to take Locker. Tennessee should have tried to trade down. Then again, the kid will be ok if he knows how to hand off to Chris Johnson.

9.) Dallas Cowboys–Offensive Tackle Tyron Smith. I love this pick. Tony Romo ended last year on injured reserve. For years Flozell Adams protected the blind side, and now Romo has his shield.

10.) Jacksonville Jaguars–Quarterback Blaine Gabbert. This pick makes zero sense to me. I understand Jack Del Rio is on the hot seat and the team may have to move cities if they do not get a big name to put people in the stands. This is similar to Denver taking Tim Tebow when Kyle Orton was not the problem. There is nothing wrong with David Garrard, and this shoves Garrard under the bus. The Jaguars should have gone with defense, but anything other than quarterback made sense.

11.) Houston Texans–Defensive End JJ Watt. This pick is solid. Gary Kubiak has a fantastic offense but is on the hot seat because of a dreadful defense. Bring in Wade Phillips as defensive coordinator, and add a new toy to play alongside of Mario Williams and Brian Cushing. This was very smart. Matt Schaub, Arriun Foster, and Andre Johnson finally have help on the other side of the ball. Playoffs or blow the team up.

12.) Minnesota Vikings–Quarterback Christian Ponder. No way. Not at all. Look, we all think we know that # 4 Brett Favre is finally retired for real this time. We also know that backup Tarvaris Jackson was not the answer. Yet 3rd stringer Joe Webb looked impressive and should have been given a fair shot. Minnesota could have waited for this pick to fall. They got antsy. An offensive lineman would have made more sense.

13.) Detroit Lions–Defensive Tackle Nick Fairley. Excellent pick. The Detroit Lions after years of losing ended last year 4-0. To have this guy line up next to Ndamokung Suh is fantastic. This entire team hinges on Matthew Stafford finally staying healthy. Phil Simms was injured early and often, but when he finally got healthy he was everything New York could want. Detroit could actually have a winning record this year. It may be time to stop belittling the Lions. They have had a couple excellent consecutive drafts at the top. Calvin Johnson is all world, and the defense should make his efforts worth it.

14.) St. Louis Rams–Defensive End Robert Quinn. The Rams struck gold with quarterback Matthew Stafford last year, and having Quinn line up with Chris Long should really keep the Rams in the hunt. They play in the NFC Worst, and nearly made the playoffs last year. This was a good pick.

15.) Miami Dolphins–Center Mike Pouncey. This was a good pick. Chad Henne is not washed up at quarterback, and this kid might help him stay upright longer.

16.) Washington Redskins–Defensive End Ryan Kerrigan. While Mike Shanahan has played Russian Roulette with his quarterbacks, this could make everybody forget about miscreant Albert Haynesworth. The pick made sense.

17.) New England Patriots–Offensive Lineman Nate Solder. This pick obtained from the Oakland Raiders for Richard Seymour is a good pickup. Keeping Tom Brady healthy is the difference between being contenders and missing the playoffs entirely.

18.) San Diego Chargers–Defensive Tackle Corey Liuget. The Chargers win in the regular season after a slow start and then blow up when it counts. They are simply soft. Too much finesse meant adding somebody like Liuget. He is not finesse. Perhaps the Chargers should have added help on their punt protection team, but nobody should be spending a 1st rounder on that. This pick was fine.

19.) New York Giants–Cornerback Prince Amukamara. He was not supposed to be available, so this was considered a steal. They got good value for a good price. Solid selection.

20.) Tampa Bay Buccaneers–Defensive Lineman Adrian Clayborn. Raheem Morris took the Buccaneers from losers to winners faster than anticipated. He is a defensive guy, and this pick fits in well.

21.) Cleveland Browns–Defensive Lineman Phil Taylor. Walrus Mike Holmgren robbed the Falcons blind and then traded up to take a sensible pick. They have all of those extra picks, and seem to be on the right track to restoring their franchise.

22.) Indianapolis Colts–Offensive Tackle Anthony Castonzo. As with rival New England, Indianapolis understands that keeping Peyton Manning healthy at all costs is the key. This pick is totally appropriate for a franchise that lives and dies by their signal caller.

23.) Philadelphia Eagles–Offensive Tackle Danny Watkins. Ditto keeping Michael Vick upright. Walrus Lite Andy Reid could have shocked the world and chosen a fullback who can gain a yard on 3rd and 1, but a good blocker is good enough. This pick is a good one.

24.) New Orleans Saints–Defensive End Cameron Jordan. The offense under Sean Payton and Drew Brees is as potent as ever, but the defense got gashed by a 7-9 Seattle team in the playoffs for 47 points. Shoring up the defense was absolutely the smart thing to do, and the Saints did it.

25.) Seattle Seahawks–Offensive Lineman James Carpenter. Quarterback Matt Hasselbeck may be eligible for social security, but he was not getting injured when he had perhaps the greatest left tackle in pro football history in Walter Jones. Whoever plays quarterback for Pete Carroll has a better chance of surviving with good protection.

26.) Kansas City Chiefs–Wide Receiver Jonathan Baldwin. I am not so sure about this pick. I still believe the Chiefs were a fluke last year. While this is a good addition for Matt Cassel to complement Dwayne Bowe, I would have considered going defense.

27.) Baltimore Ravens–Cornerback Jimmy Smith. A ton of confusion over a trade with the Chicago Bears that did not happen due to a “clerical error” by the Bears eventually led both teams getting who they wanted anyway. Ed Reed is getting old, and the secondary needs some new life breathed into it. Ray Lewis and Haloti Ngata will do the job up front, and now John Harbaugh has another piece. This is another team built to win now.

28.) New Orleans Saints–Running Back Mark Ingram. This may be the end of Reggie Bush. Bush was electrifying on punt returns but overrated out of the backfield. The son of the former New York great with the same name should fit in well with an offense that is heavy on the pass. Ingram will not be expected to carry the load.

29.) Chicago Bears–Offensive Lineman Gabe Carimi. This will be a boon to Jay Cutler. Yes I sound like a broken record, but quarterbacks need to be standing up to throw. They wanted to trade up to get him and screwed up the trade. They should give the Ravens the agreed upon 4th rounder anyway, and Roger Goodell should enforce this if they refuse. Saying sorry doesn’t cut it. The pick was fine, but the Bears offered to give up more to get it and should not let their own incompetence prevent them from honoring their agreement with Baltimore.

30.) New York Jets–Defensive Tackle Muhammad Wilkerson. Is anybody shocked that Rex Ryan took a defensive tackle? This is like watching Bill Parcell. We know what Rex Ryan likes, and what he does works. So getting another defender will hopefully get the Jets over the hump, since they believe this is their year. Rex Ryan believes that every year, but the throttling of New England in the playoffs last year gives them plenty of credibility in claiming that going into this season.

31.) Pittsburgh Steelers–Defensive Tackle Cam Heyward. While Mike Tomlin does it with less flash and brashness than his New York counterpart, this is another defensive coach taking a defensive guy on a team that is loaded virtually everywhere. New York came close but Pittsburgh came even closer. Pittsburgh was just shy of becoming another dynasty, and this selection may help them with that quest.

32.) Green Bay Packers–Offensive Lineman Derek Sherrod. This pick makes perfect sense. Despite winning the Super Bowl, one crack in the foundation of Green Bay is that Aaron Rodgers is one good hit away from retirement. He has suffered injuries and concussions in his brief career after following the Iron Man who did not miss a game for almost 20 years. Despite winning it all, Rodgers will still not be compared favorably if his career ends prematurely. This pick is designed to prevent that.

The most controversial pick in the draft outside of the ridiculous ransom the Falcons gave the Browns may have been the Patriots taking a quarterback in the third round. Tom Brady let the world know he plans to play another ten years. Favre kept Rodgers waiting forever, and Brady has no intention of letting Ryan Mallett see the field any time soon.

The only team not to have a 1st round pick was the Oakland Raiders. This was not a bad thing for several reasons. They gave up the pick for Richard Seymour, who has been a standout and helped turned the franchise around after several losing seasons. Also, this was a particularly weak 1st round draft overall compared to years past. There were no “can’t miss” quarterbacks like a John Elway or Peyton Manning. There was value in the later rounds. The Raiders suffered miserably with JaMarcus Russell but struck gold with Darren McFadden (when he is healthy).

The Raiders did not pick until the second round, # 48 overall. They could not have made a better choice. Stefen Wisniewski is the nephew of Raiders great Steve Wisniewski, the Perennial Pro Bowler and future Hall of Famer. One thing Al Davis has always done well is promoting from within, and having the elder Wisniewski on his staff as an offensive line coach is fantastic. Getting the younger Wiz kid is a great choice. Stefen can play center and guard. Robert Gallery was supposed to be the heir apparent to the elder Wiz. Gallery flopped at tackle but has beena  decent enough guard. So now the Raiders should have stability at offensive line not seen since the tragic pre-Super Bowl meltdown of another center.

Hue Jackson got it right, and if everyone wants to blame Al Davis for the bad picks, give him credit for the good ones. This was a good one, and the Silver and Black should be pleased. Let’s not declare the kid the next Art Shell, Gene Upshaw, or Jim Otto, but the name Wisniewski on an offensive line is every bit as valid as a Manning at quarterback.

Now to just get this lockout solved since there are only 4 /2 months until kickoff.
