Archive for May, 2011

Ioana Stoica–Another liberal feminist shrew

Friday, May 13th, 2011

I wrote a column awhile ago praising a certain political woman for being gorgeous. Conservative women were amused and the subject was flattered. Liberal women acted like themselves, which meant complaints. One Ioana Stoica needs to have the Stoica removed from her backside.

She complained to me privately, and I told her to go public with her complaints. So she complained to my editors.

Here is what I said:

“Please post your comment publicly if you feel that strongly. Maybe others will agree with you.

After all, given that you are most likely a liberal and a feminist, hypersensitivity comes with the territory.

My inbox has been flooded by conservative Republican women who loved the article.

So do not think for one minute you speak for all, or even a majority of women.

I did not mention rape or violence against women, and your extrapolating such information from thin air is simple feminist hysteria.

I am against rape and violence against women. I am in favor of men complimenting hot women on their beauty. This bothers liberal women because unlike the conservative women I cited, fewer men are admiring them. After all, hot women don’t need feminism.

I am not interested in being sensitive. I am still right.

Challenge me in the court of public opinion. Post your comments publicly.

eric  :)  aka the Tygrrrr Express

P.S. Feminists do not care about women. They care about a left-wing political agenda. Until George W. Bush and Sarah Palin are considered feminists and Hillary Clinton is not, then feminism is worthless.”

Her screed was lengthy and boring, even by hyperfeminist crybaby standards.

“To the Editorial Board at the Washington Times,

I was disturbed to read Eric Golub’s derogatory article on women from March 4, “The Reason Governor Scott Should Resign Now,”, and wrote him a letter to express my outrage at his sexist comments.  (Though I do appreciate it is his First Amendment right to be as hateful and as sexist as he deems necessary in order to get his “humor” across). I am not writing to complain about the original article, but rather about his correspondence with me since.

Mr. Golub replied to my email quickly (but unfortunately I did not receive it until today, upon cleaning out my “spam box”). I am including his message below so you may deem for yourself if his conduct is indeed what you expect from your newspaper if indeed you have any pretense at actually being a major newspaper with some sort of credibility.

Also to note, Mr. Golub wrote me back to ask me to please post my comment publicly, which I appreciate. It is very appropriate that a journalist would want criticism as well as praise to be published, and I would have truly appreciated if Mr. Golub was actually open to other opinions being discussed on his blog. However, what Mr. Golub does not say below is that I DID comment on the website, in fact, before my email, but that he deleted or otherwise “moderated out” my post. Two months later, looking at the comments on this post, I find only ones that agree with him, and others that I had seen there in the past that disagreed have been deleted, including my own post (which, because it has been deleted from the website and because I used the website form to email Mr. Golub, I do not have a copy of. However, you should still be able to find it in your records of either website comments or emails, unless you have deleted these. I have nothing to hide, as my initial email/post was certainly outraged but not unprofessional or childishly immature, as Mr. Golub’s comments to me. The original email was written by myself from my other email account, [email protected])

My concern is that Mr. Golub is unprofessional beyond plain sexism, bigotry, or otherwise inappropriate comments. His email to me, ranting about liberal women not being “as hot” as “conservative women” who agree with him, about his not caring what I/one say/s because he “is right” (even though clearly he is expressing an opinion) and otherwise calling me a “hysterical feminist” (he claims if I was “hot” I would “not need” feminism) are outrageous for a person employed by a major newspaper. I would not expect correspondence like this coming from ANY professional organization.

Civil dialogue between adults I would understand–also, disagreement, or respectful opinionated replies. However, inane commentary of an ignorant and petty nature that serves only to further personal attacks should be beyond the pale for a professional news organization like the Washington Times.

I wanted to point out this inappropriate email so that Washington Times has a better idea about the emails their employees are sending out to customers and readers. I urge you to take this into consideration as you consider your national image and reputation. I WILL be posting this insensitive and ignorant email of Mr. Golub’s around to various sites and blogs, and will be sending it along to other media outlets to showcase the type of unprofessionalism supported by the Washington Times.

Ioana Stoica

WOW. I am going to be sending this message around the blogosphere and also to your editors and boss. This is pretty low, even for a misogynist womanizer…

“hot women don’t need feminism”??? liberal women are less attractive which is why they need feminism? if your comments were not insensitive and completely out of line before, they are now.

Thanks for giving me the perfect email to send to your boss as well as around the net. Beautifully done!

PS: you don’t know JACK about feminism if you think it’s a “liberal agenda” of “unattractive women.” But it’s not my job to educate you and I am not going to waste one more minute on this email and connecting with such an immature and laughingly ignorant human being.

To recommend some reading to assuage your blind ignorance, only a little bit (there’s so much out there): try bell hooks, Audre Lorde, Simone DeBeauvoir, Henry Giroux and Michael Apple, Nel Noddings… many many men and women of all political stripes are ‘feminists’ because they fight for equal opportunities for men and women, including opportunities to NOT be sexually harassed and intimidated by people like yourself.”

My response to her is simple. I WANT this woman to publish my comments. Her threatening to give me more publicity would only be better if she promised to keep her own trap shut.

She is a liberal feminist crybaby, which means she is boring and wrong.

The subject of the column loved it, and thought it was hilarious.

This harpie does not speak for all women, just the leftist ones who are man-hating hags too hideous to have a man ever compliment them.

So keep the hate mail coming you hysterical shrieking shrew.

eric  :)

Newt Gingrich–What if ideas and solutions actually do matter?

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has just announced that he is running for President.

In 2007 when he was contemplating a run, I wrote one of my very first columns about him. It was entitled:

“Newt Gingrich: If only ideas and solutions mattered.”

Newt Gingrich has always been a man with serious policy ideas and solutions in a nation unwilling and unprepared for them. In 1995 he tried to reform medicare. The Demagogic Party demagogued. He was accused of “cutting” and “gutting” Medicare. His proposal was actually slowing the rate of growth. Yet the left lied solely to stay in power.

Yet in 2011, a new question must be asked.

What if ideas and solutions finally actually do matter?

The left is going to carpet-bomb Mr. Gingrich with his very messy personal life. It will be up to him to answer questions about his past morality and conduct.

(Those claiming hypocrisy over his adultery while Bill Clinton was being impeached should get over it. Gingrich did not lie under oath and subvert the Constitution.)

Mr. Gingrich also has to show that he is not the same person who used to lob verbal grenades that only gave his political opponents ammunition to destroy him.

Yet a Gingrich candidacy does offer the nation a very rich debate. Even Newt’s strongest detractors concede that he is a serious intellectual heavyweight when it comes to discussing policy.

One does not have to agree with Mr. Gingrich to admit that a race between him and Mr. Obama would result in debates worth watching.

The left will try to make Mr. Gingrich out to be a racist, sexist, bigoted homophobe. This is what happens when a white conservative male disagrees with Mr. Obama for any reason. It will be up to Mr. Gingrich to not back down when the race card is inevitably dealt from the bottom of the deck.

The left will try to use his sister Candace Gingrich against him. Ms. Gingrich is a lesbian. Despite the 2004 backlash when John Kerry and John Edwards tried to exploit Vice President Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter Mary for political gain, the left will get in the gutter if it proves beneficial.

Mr. Obama cannot run on his record. So demonizing an opponent is the only strategy to win. Mr. Gingrich is not a difficult man to demonize.

Yet one moment in the 1990s shows the strength and weakness of Mr. Gingrich. When Bill Clinton was asked if he wore briefs or boxers, he laughed and answered the question. When Mr. Gingrich was asked the same question, he dressed down the questioner for asking a stupid question.

It was a stupid question. Just because Mr. Clinton chose to lower the dignity of his office did not mean Mr. Gingrich needed to do likewise. The weakness in this approach is that it allowed another opportunity for leftist critics to refer to Mr. Gingrich as “mean-spirited.” The strength was that if enough politicians would do this, we would slow the descent into becoming a nation of imbeciles.

Mr. Gingrich wants to have a serious conversation about issues. If the American people are finally after all of these years are finally ready, the 2012 election could end up being about things that actually matter, from the scope, size, and role of government to the approach America should take in foreign affairs.

With Mr. Gingrich, America would finally be able to possibly win the war against nonsense. We would be forced as a nation into adulthood. Outside of Congressman Paul Ryan and Governor Chris Christie, very few politicians ever put policy at the heart of politics.

Mr. Gingrich is all about policy.

So if ideas and solutions actually do matter, Mr. Gingrich could very well win the nomination and provide for a worthy general election for Americans everywhere.


South Carolina, Boeing, and Union Bullies

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

The union bullies are at it again. They will not be happy until every business in America is destroyed. Somehow the union bosses think that they will get a larger share from a pie that ceases to exist. Then again, union leaders are leftists, and leftists are fine with shared misery rather than anybody having more than anybody else.

The newest victim of union thuggery is Boeing. Boeing has decided to build a new plant in South Carolina. For the environmentalists in this country, a plant in this case is not greenery. It is a place where people can do business.

The National Labor Relations Board has decided to block the ability of this plant to be built. The NLRB is arguing that this is not the creation of a new plant, but a transfer of workers from Washington State. Washington is a labor friendly state while South Carolina is a right to work state.

While the NLRB is wrong, many people may wonder why it would even matter if the NLRB was right.

Logic would dictate that businesses want to do business in business friendly climates. This is not a revolutionary concept. Businesses are leaving California for Texas because California is anti-business and Texas is pro-business.

Unions can protest all they want. In fact, that is all they seem to do lately. Maybe if they spent less time protesting and more time actually working, they would not be seen as the obstructionists that they are.

The bottom line is the bottom line. Business are in business to conduct business. If they were meant to be charities they would be called charities. Everybody outside of unions seem to understand this.

The idea that the NLRB can tell a business where in America they can operate is insane. Make no mistake about it. President Obama could end this controversy by putting a leash on the NLRB. Given his ideological blindness, siding with a business over a labor group in any situation is unlikely.

Boeing is a legitimate company. They put out a legal product. They do so in a legal manner. Since no laws are being broken in any part of the supply chain, the NLRB has no justification for blocking Boeing.

This is another example of where the left is too smart and smug for its own good. They think that by bullying Boeing, other companies will be afraid to move. Failed (blue) states like New York, California, and Washington cannot compete with successful (red) states like Texas and South Carolina. The left is doing what liberals always do when they fail to compete. They sue for the sake of suing.

Yet Boeing has a third option. Being unable to move to South Carolina does not mean staying in Washington.

Boeing could do what many companies are doing. They could leave America entirely. They could move to China, India, or any number of countries where the wages are lower and the regulations are fewer.

This will lead to cries that these companies are being unpatriotic. This is hypocritical given that the unions are attacking their fellow Americans to begin with.

How many companies have to leave before liberals finally understand that if you chase people away, they will leave?

The solution is not to harass states that “get it.” The solution is for the unions to realize that they are the problem.

Unions exist today because they scare the daylights out of the American people. They manage to convince Americans that we are one day away from going back to the Gilded Age where workers were used and abused. Like aging revolutionaries who refuse to accept that they are an anachronism, union members refuse to concede that they won the battle ages ago and have long since shifted from defense to offense and greed.

Liberals need to answer very simple questions.

What will they do if American businesses leave?

If those businesses are somehow forced to stay, how do they prevent the higher costs from being passed on to consumers?

How can union members get any wages much less higher ones if the companies they work for lose money or worse go bankrupt?

How can a regulatory agency step in to block a business move by a company when not one aspect of the company, the product, or the business decisions and actions are illegal?

Boeing has every right to build a plant where ever it pleases. If Washington is upset with losing, then Washington should stop being a place for losers. The same goes for California and every other failed liberal experiment.

Spouses don’t like to be married to serial abusers and companies don’t like to be located in places where they are hated. South Carolina rolled out the red carpet. Who would you want to do business with, the suitor bringing flowers and candy or the one bringing union members wielding threats and baseball bats?

Being pro-business helps companies and the workers. Being anti-business hurts everybody.

Unions do not exist to help the companies. They exist to help themselves. Somewhere along the line they helped themselves to too much. The companies produce the stuff. The unions do not.

The NLRB has turned into the mother of all union bullies, led by one particular bully behind his presidential pulpit. The NLRB needs to be slapped down hard.

Boeing has every right to do business in South Carolina. The sooner this happens, the better.


Raging Southeastern Waters

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Tuscaloosa, Alabama now looks like a war zone. A tornado destroyed 15th street.

Now the Mississippi River crest is overflowing, and attacking Memphis, Tennessee.

Today I am flying from Louisville, Kentucky to my home in Los Angeles. Yet my stopover is in Memphis.

My biggest worry is that my flight will be delayed and I will have trouble making it home. Yet when I eventually arrive in Los Angeles at least I will have a home. The same cannot be said for those affected by the recent storms.

It is moments like these that me and many others realize how fragile everything we cherish truly is. Self-reflection and even self-criticism can be very healthy, and with that it has resulted in me deciding to make an alteration with the Tygrrrr Express blog. The change will be negligible, but it needs to be done.

It is time to give the Tygrrrr Express more “meaning.” No, this does not mean it will become boring. It just means that there is plenty of time to discuss foreign policy and presidential candidates. Right now people are suffering, and we all need to pitch in and help. In many cases people want to help but do not know how. So when I find out how, I will do a better job of disseminating that information in a quicker manner.

A brilliant article in the Wall Street Journal (redundant, I know…we get spoiled by how the brightst minds on Earth seem to keep the intelligence bar higher than everybody else.) tells the story of people helping others and how we can as well.

Clear Channel Radio in Tuscaloosa has a mainly white, conservative audience. Yet apparently that has not stopped the community from helping their liberal black brothers and sisters. Christian “zealots” are practicing their typical “religious intolerance” by loving their neighbors, and feeding and sheltering those in need.

Make no mistake about it. This is churches and churchgoers helping people out of love.

Clearchannel Tuscaloosa has removed Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and other national figures from the airwaves. Instead, the entire station is now a conduit connecting people who need with people who have and are willing and able to give.

Now I am continuing the pipeline by getting this information to all of you.

Gigi South is the station manager. God bless this woman. It was her decision to alter the programming. It comes at significant financial cost to the station but the human cost of not doing so would be greater.

People are dropping food and clothing off at the station, and others are getting it out to the people. In some cases people are just calling the station to say where they are and what they need. Then minutes later others call in to say they can deliver it.

This is what religious Christians in Alabama are all about.

Everybody is pitching in. From the Greek fraternities to the historically black Stillman College, students stayed and cooked over 7000 meals.

As expected, “evil” Walmart is stepping up bigtime.

The phone number of the radio station is 205-344-4589.

The fax is 205-366-9774.

The address is 3900 11th Ave North, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.

Other organizations that I trust that I know will get the job done are Chabad of Birmingham and the Alabama Republican Women. I have dealt with people running these organizations personally, and they love their community and have the manpower and womanpower to help effectively.

Chabad of Alabama is located at 3040 Overton Rd in Birmingham at the Beis Ariel Cultural Center.The phone number is 205-970-0100.

The Alabama Republican Women have all of their information on their website.

As always, B’Nai Brith and the Red Cross continue to excel at relief efforts.

The Alabama Republican Party is offering constant updates.

I am more than happy to take information from people besides Republicans and Jews. Yet since those are my circles, I have better contacts, who get back to me quickly. I want everybody, everywhere to help.

Ok, I spoke too soon. One of my sources is an Alabama Christian Democrat  who also happens to be gay. Tornadoes don’t care about sexual or political orientation.

He told me that a group on Facebook called “Toomers for Tuscaloosa” is worth checking out.

He also told me to emphasize that many other towns got belted hard. Hackleburg, Sawyerville, and Phil Campbell are among them. Because these are small towns that are lesser known, it took days before people knew that cell phones were dead and power liens were down.

Let this be a call to action. Everybody get me information and I will get it out.

Raging Southeastern waters have caused devastation, death, and pain that will be lasting for a long time after the media moves on to the next story.

Yet if we all roll up our sleeves, we can help. Use Facebook and Twitter. Continue the chain. Let people know about the situation and the sites I mentioned.

For those of you who can, send money. Every bit helps.

We are Americans. We rise to the occasion when our neighbors are hurting.

We can do this. Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.


GOP Convention 2011–South Carolina

Monday, May 9th, 2011

With the presidential race slowly taking shape, South Carolina has become ground zero for political junkies.

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the 2011 South Carolina GOP Convention.

Pleasure is an understatement. This was one of the best state conventions I have ever attended.

South Carolina dragged out the festivities by teaming up with Fox News to present the first 2012 presidential debate. That was on Thursday. Friday was the Silver Elephant Dinner followed by the convention the next day.

I came in a few days early and spoke throughout the entire state. I covered Hilton Head Island at the Southern tip all the way to Greenville up North.

I would like to thank Thomas Hatfield of the First Monday Club in Hilton Head, Rich Bolen of the Lexington GOP, Thomas Fort of the Midland Club in Columbia, and Dennis Saylor of the Aiken GOP for welcoming a complete stranger into their clubs and letting him leave a South Carolinian.

For those wanting to know anything and everything about South Carolina politics, Jane Page Thompson is the energizer rabbit of the state.

Yet if there are two people that will stay in my heart always, it is Claude and Sunny O’Donovan. Claude is the Vice Chair of the Aiken GOP. Aiken might be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. If it is not the Jewel of South Carolina, I do not know what is.

I arrived in South Carolina on May 1and drove from Columbia to Aiken where I met Claude and Sunny. That night we all watched as the news unfolded about Bin Laden’s death. I will always remember that when the worst of the worst died, I was spending time with the best of the best of people.

Much of South Carolina feels the same way, since Claude and Sunny won the annual volunteer of the year award. The GOP is lucky to have them.

Bin Laden’s death allowed me to immediately insert new material into my routine.

“Osama Bin Laden is now burning in hell with 72 Helen Thomases.”

“Osama Bin Laden did in death what none of us could do in life…get the Royal Wedding out of the news.”

“In further news, Osama Bin Laden is still dead and the Royal Wedding is still boring.”

“In conspiracy news, Donald Trump truly does dictate to Barack Obama. This is why the news of Bin Laden’s death was not released until after the Celebrity Apprentice episode that night had concluded.”

Thursday was more than just the debate. It was an entire day of festivities from morning until night, all in Greenville.

A luncheon honoring the South Carolina Republican Women was fantastic. I speak at many of these luncheons, but with 5 events in 3 days I was happy to be a quiet guest. Speakers included outgoing GOP Chair Karen Floyd, NFRW President Sue Lynch, and Senator Rick Santorum’s wife Karen.

Mrs. Santorum might be one of the loveliest people you will meet. They have 7 children, and their youngest is a miracle baby. The child was not expected to make it past one year, but recently celebrated a 3rd birthday.

Those who wish to demonize Rick Santorum for being a social conservative should get to know his wife.

As for Sue Lynch, she lit the room up. Although she has a folksy neighborly Wisconsin demeanor, she gets real tough when she gets to politics. She spoke about going to places in Nigeria to help them learn how to have free elections.

She also recently attended an AIPAC event, as well as a trip to Israel. She gave a full-throttled defense of Israel, and made it clear that Republican Women’s Federated ladies around America were going to learn and understand why Israel matters. The NFRW Convention in Kansas City later this year will focus on advocacy, and will have an Israel workshop.

After the NFRW luncheon came the Greenville Tea Party. Chris Lawton put the event together. For 4 hours before the debate, tons of speakers gave quick remarks. I gave a 3 minute speech, which is harder than speaking at length. 3 minutes was enough, and Chris kept the trains running precisely on time.

Governor Nikke Haley spoke for a few minutes at this event. The Tea Party backed her early on, and she continues to repay that loyalty. Governor Haley is a lovely person. She is kind and friendly. With many people, she prefers giving them a hug to a handshake. She is warm and down to Earth.

I met her a couple of times during this week. I told her that I disliked her stance on traditional marriage, that being that she was married to somebody not me. I also let her know that if she ever wants a pay cut and a loss of prestige, I will pay her flight if she will become California Governor over Jerry Brown. She declined my marriage and business proposals, but was good-natured about it.

The debate itself, unfortunately, was nonsense. Without Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, or Newt Gingrich, this really was the third tier in attendance.

The only candidate close to even having a chance at being 1st tier was Tim Pawlenty, who probably should have skipped it. Rick Santorum and Herman Cain are dark horses who perform well. Cain got the best one-liners while Santorum came across as very serious, sober, and statesmanlike. I felt he won the debate. Pawlenty meandered too much. He is a great guy, but took too long to make his points.

Ron Paul was actually not the biggest crackpot at this debate, which says a lot. He still has his cult following, but at least this time Dr. Paul made a very useful point that I was happy to hear. He has been criticized by some as anti-Semitic for wanting to cut off all aid to Israel. His defenders said that he wants to cut off all foreign aid to everybody.

So when Dr. Paul was asked if the United States should stop Israel from attacking Iran, he got it right. He unequivocally made clear that Israel has a right to defend itself, and that the United States has no business telling Israel what to do. I still disagree with Dr. Paul on much of his foreign policy views, but I can now clearly say that he has no malice in his heart.

New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson was on stage, which pretty much devalued the event. He is a nice guy whose supporters are known for wanting to legalize marijuana. The stoner vote hopefully is not that large a share of the GOP. When Johnson was asked what type of reality tv show he would want to star in, politics really had been dumbed down.

The candidates were all asked about the other candidates not in attendance, which was a backhanded way of implying that the men on stage did not matter. Rick Santorum did win, and he won the convention straw poll with 37% of the vote. No other candidate topped 11%. Despite having his cult following, Ron Paul only got 2%. His offbeat libertarian hybrid fusion whatever it is does not seem to resonate in the Bible Belt. In all fairness, unlike at CPAC, his supporters here were polite, friendly, and pretty normal for the most part.

While every other major candidate skipped the debate, most of the candidates at the debate immediately left. Only Senator Santorum stayed and did other events.  I attended a luncheon of his on Friday, and he was fantastic. He gave his word that when he gets demonized, he will fight back. George W. Bush allowed his critics to define him, and Senator Santorum will not do that. Senator Santorum is very socially conservative, but there is not an ounce of malice or bigotry inside him. People who disagree with him should do so without being vicious.

I asked Senator Santorum a question he will always remember.

“Senator, given your principled stands, would you still be pro-life if modern technology were to show that the child would grow up to be ideologically defective like Barbara Boxer or Nancy Pelosi?”

He was masterful, and replied, “I have hope for every single child.”

I asked Senator Jim Demint the same question at the convention and he replied, “Now that is a hard decision, you made it hard.”

Senator Lindsey Graham was there as well, and reminded him that I was very impressed with his role as one of the 1998 House Impeachment Managers. He had the best line of the entire impeachment when he seriously intoned, “The White House is a bully pulpit, but it should never be occupied by a bully.” That line certainly applies today.

Senator Santorum was also the keynote speaker at the Silver Elephant Dinner. I did sneak away from the dinner only because it was Friday night. I quietly slipped out and went to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Columbia, not too far from the convention center. I managed to catch the very end of the service. It is a lovely synagogue.

Saturday was the convention itself. A spirited race to become the next State Chair of the South Carolina GOP took place between Chad Connelly, Bill Connor, and Stephen Brown. I met them all throughout the week, and they are all good men with bright political futures. Chad Connelly was the winner, and South Carolina is lucky to have him.

The GOP is much more diverse than the stereotypes from know-nothings. The Second Vice Chair of the party is black, as is their National Committeeman.

The Congressmen of South Carolina are fabulous.

Tim Scott is a freshman rising star, one of two black conservatives along with Colonel Allen West. Mr. Scott is also very friendly, very likable, and very principled. The guy is simply fantastic.

Jeff Duncan is another one to be on the lookout for. Aiken takes pride in putting him over the top.

Veteran Joe Wilson has been caricatured simply as the guy who said “You lie” during the State of the Union. It is unfair to reduce a man based on that. Congressman Wilson is not only a nice guy, but a brilliant historian. He told me things about Judaism and its interconnection with South Carolina that I had no idea about. He also can tell you about the various rotary clubs set up in Russia. He really is an amazing mix of historical facts and figures. His historical intelligence is off the charts.

Strom Thurmond’s son is very well regarded in the state, and is successful.

On several occasions, I also met former Governor Mark Sanford. We all know what happened to him, and yes he did it to himself. He knows that. The guy is also a human being, and a very approachable one. He seemed at peace, and I had the chance to speak with him on three separate occasions. Those on the left who wish to ridicule him should get their own moral houses in order. Whatever he did in his personal life, he was certainly good for South Carolina politically. He left the state in good hands.

All in all, the one thing that I can say about South Carolina is that it works. Politically, it is functional. From Governor Haley on down, it is a great place for a Republican to be.

More importantly, the people are just really fine people. It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of South Carolina political life for an entire week. I look forward to coming back many times over.

To the South Carolina GOP, and especially the Aiken GOP, I simply say thank you.

On to the next adventure.


Dear Mom 2011

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Dear Mom,

As you know today I am flying from South Carolina to Kentucky. Given that you live in neither of these places, it looks like we will not be having brunch. Plus, even if I was in Florida you know I like to sleep in anyway.

While much of the year is my reminding you that you hit the lottery by bringing me into this world, I have to admit that I and everybody else on this Earth who knows about you has benefited more from you.

This is not to deemphasize my spectacular achievements, but you are older than me and have had more time to develop a loyal following.

There are many things I want to say, but it is nobody else’s business. So I will call you today.

You are the best mom in the world. You let me raid the fridge and even let me drink the soda water that is for dad. I am terrible at replacing it but I do not know where you go shopping.

From visiting sick patients in the hospital on a regular basis to being charitable and kind toward everybody, people think I am fantastic when they think I do those things. Then I correct the record and say it is you doing them, not me. I still take credit for it since I come from a family who does wonderful things.

I pray for you and dad every night. I even tell God that if he has to choose between good health for you and dad, and giving me lots of money, power, and women, he should help you and dad first.

After all, even a wrathful angry God cannot find fault with a guy praying for his parents.

I know you pray for me as well, and that is why I am so blessed in this world.

I would tell you what is going on in sports today, but I doubt you care any more about that since I last saw you. Some teams scored more points than others, which is still what leads to them winning. Golf is an exception where the low score wins.

As a kid I wondered why there was no Son’s Day. Now as an adult I realize that Son’s Day was every day of your life.

I am the luckiest individual on this Earth outside of Dad.

Nothing makes me happier in this world than knowing what a great mom I have.

Don’t get me wrong, if it turns out you and Dad have a billion dollars stashed somewhere I would not mind retiring early and spending my remaining years pursuing various women. Then again I might be disappointed that both of you held out on me during my junior high school years when being rich would have really helped matters socially.

Anyway, the love you still give to me this day is endless, and so is your patience. I don’t know how you do it, but I am glad you do.

I love you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day from your darling son.


Kentucky Derby 2011

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Before getting to a word from a sponsor, a word from Kentucky…

“…and down the stretch they come!”

That will be the last thing heard on Saturday as 2 hours is devoted to an event that only takes 2 minutes.

Tomorrow is dedicated to all of the wonderful mothers who brought us into this world. Ironically I will be flying on Mother’s Day from South Carolina to Kentucky, missing the Derby by one day.

The South Carolina GOP Convention is political fun, but the weekend should be about sports.

Sadly, as of this moment, none are being played.

Baseball, soccer, and golf are as boring as ever.

(However in a sad note, farewell Seve Ballesteros. You left us too soon.) Live sex

The NFL is still on lockout.

My hockey team has been eliminated from the playoffs.

The Los Angeles Lakers are still the evil empire of basketball. They did fall behind, losing two games at home. They even fell behind 3 games to 0, and no team has ever come back from that in NBA playoff history. Yet knowing what usually happens with this team, the Lakers will stop being bored, win it all again, and convince Phil Jackson to keep sleeping with the boss’s daughter and keep his job. So until and unless they are eliminated, I will assume they will win like they always do.

In political blood sports, Bin Laden is still dead and the Royal Wedding is still the equivalent of Sominex.

So all we have is the Kentucky Derby. The blue hairs do look nice in their matching hats, and who does not like a good mint julip?

(Me actaully…never tried one.)

Anyway, it is only four months until kickoff. I have not snapped just yet. For those of you political junkies unable to make it to the Democratic Convention, their will be plenty of horses’ hides on television on this Saturday.

I still say John Kerry wins by a long face.

I would bet my money on the bobtail nag, but leave Secretary of State Clinton out of this.

And down the stretch they come!


Now for a word from a sponsor.

Cowboys Come Away With A Solid Draft

Dallas failed to make the playoffs for the second time in three years last year, although they definitely picked up the effort after Jason Garrett was installed as the head coach, replacing Wade Phillips for the final eight games of the season. With the lockout no closer to being resolved, the Cowboys had to plug some holes in last week’s draft, and they came away with some solid players, including a stud offensive lineman.

The Cowboys were known in their glory days as having one of the top three offensive lines in the game as they opened holes for Emmitt Smith, and allowed Troy Aikman time to find Michael Irvin and his other targets. A good offensive line is key to a team improving their NFL future odds @ BetUs, and they picked up a sure thing with the ninth pick as they selected tackle Tyron Smith out of USC. Smith is an incredible athlete with the feet to move out on the best pass-rushers in the league, and the Cowboys need to keep Romo on the field after last year’s collarbone injury (Romo is fine now and plans on attempting to qualify for the U.S. Open).

Following that, the Cowboys picked up linebacker Bruce Carter from North Carolina, and he’ll back up Bradie James and Keith Brooking, who will become a free agent after the 2011 season. Even though they’re already loaded at running back, you can never have too many of those in the NFL, so the Cowboys went with DeMarco Murray out of Oklahoma, and he was on one of the All-Big 12 teams for three straight seasons in Norman, including a first-team pick in 2010. They also picked up a couple more offensive linemen in the later rounds, snagging Missouri State’s David Arkin in the fourth and Wisconsin’s Bill Nagy in the seventh round.

Dallas’ main goal was to improve their offensive line, and they’ve done enough to improve the quality and depth in the draft, especially with no chance to work the free-agent market because of the draft. The Cowboys should be sorted out up front.

Donald Trump’s birth certificate

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Francisco Franco is still dead. The Royal Wedding is still boring. Barack Obama is a Christian born in Hawaii.

We get it. Enough.

(Osama Bin Laden is still dead, but new information will immediately be reported. The GOP debate featured too many third tier candidates and not enough top tier ones. I will report on that waste of time over the weekend perhaps. I was there.)

Look, those trying to revoke statehood for Hawaii will not solve anything. Those born in Hawaii while it was a state get grandfathered in even if we remove it from the union.

Also, if the big earthquake in California finally makes it part of Russia, the people will have dual citizenship but not lose their California citizenship.

So now that all of that is out of the way, it is time to investigate Donald Trump’s birth certificate.

I like Donald Trump as a businessman and as a Celebrity Apprentice host. He is not my presidential candidate. It is one thing to speak truth to power. That can be debated. It is another to lower the dignity of the discussion. Why was Donald Trump channeling his inner Rahm Emanuel? Were those f-bombs necessary?

I have no problem with bellicose language with Iran. Blow it up, fine by me. Yet using curse words when dealing with the Chinese is a losing strategy. Militaristic language and actions are for murderous nations. The Chinese cheat at business. They do not try to bomb us. This is where diplomacy may not be worthless.

Anyway, the real issue is that Donald Trump has an issue in his background that should disqualify anybody from ever being the leader of America.

Mr. Trump claims to be a lifelong New Yorker.

I have discovered that he does business in…get ready for it…New Jersey.

It is one thing to do business with Chris Christie.

Trump has done business in Joisey for decades. This is inexcusable.

In fact, the hotels and casinos named after him are located in Atlantic City, which is in New Jersey.

Some people may say that this is smart business. New York does not allow gambling. That is an excuse. Trump should have used his forceful personality to make it happen.

How can he stand up to the Chinese when he could not stand up to David Dinkins?

How can Trump claim to be Mr. New York and then have business interests in New Jersey?

Next thing you know people will claim that the Jets and Giants play in New Jersey.

(Say that to an FDNY or NYPD guy and see how quickly you get beaten up. They both play in New York, and the Buffalo Bills play in Canada. End of discussion.)

I should have seen this coming. Trump owned the New Jersey Generals of the failed USFL in the 1980s. How could they have been the New Jersey Generals when they played in the Meadowlands and the New York Giants did as well?

(Let it go. The USFL went bankrupt so I am right.)

Who does Trump root for when the Rangers play the Devils in Hockey? What about the Knicks vs the Nets in basketball?

I am sick and tired of people claiming to be proud New Yorkers and then doing business with New Jersey just because New York is the worst business climate in the world outside of California?

Where is his sense of patriotism? Should a hostile business climate that makes it impossible to get anything done be a reason to just do business with the mistress across in the other room?

I suspect that Trump secretly was born in Hackensack.

Somebody find out if Trump prefers Six Flags Great Adventure over Action Park on Long Island. The fact that Action Park may not exist anymore is no excuse.

Mr. Trump, it was one thing when you built stuff in Florida. After all, Palm Beach is just New York relocated.

I hope that a thorough vetting of Mr. Trump will show that he is a New Yorker since birth.

Yet if he has ever set foot on New Jersey soil for commerce while people go hungry in the five boroughs, all hell will break loose politically.

Rudy Giuliani never would have put on a Devils’ cap. He knows that his beloved baseball team is the Bronx Bombers, not the Trenton Bombers.

Mr. Trump, you must put this issue to rest now. If you secretly have New Jersey pizza delivered to your apartment, you have to let us know.

(Also, for a man that rich, why is he in an apartment? With housing prices down, he should be able to buy one. Maybe Obama is worse than we thought.)

Mr. Trump, it is time for you to be vetted very thoroughly in a way Obama never was. I expect you sir to swear allegiance to a New York flag, with not a single Jersey star or stripe on it.

Anything less is unacceptable, and dare I say it sir…unpresidential.


Osama Bin Laden Killed–Where are the photos?

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Barack Obama gave an order to have Osama Bin Laden killed. Navy Seals executed the mission flawlessly.

Yet as is the case with so many missions, it is events afterward that can vex us.

Bin Laden was shot in the eye and killed. He was given the Muslim equivalent of a Viking funeral and removed from the Earth forever.

Yet one question still remains.

Where are the photos?

Do I believe that Barack Obama lied to the American people to distract us from domestic worries? Is this all one big conspiracy? Is Osama Bin Laden alive and well hiding in an Amish community in Pennsylvania?

No. Of course not.

The question then morphs.

Why are the photos not being released?

Some will argue that Mr. Obama has some very difficult decisions to make regarding these photos.

Will releasing the photos make matters worse? Will it make America and the world more or less safe? Are they too gruesome for people to see? Is there a national security reason the photos must stay hidden?

The problem with using the “difficult decision” argument is that Mr. Obama and his team had months to think about this.

People pilloried George W. Bush for “winning the war but being unprepared to win the peace.” He was ridiculed when he said that being President was “hard work.”

Well it is hard work. Yet Mr. Obama must have had this discussion with his advisers.

The “too gruesome” argument is very weak. Americans have seen photos of 9/11, JFK being shot, and Holocaust atrocities. We are adults. We can handle it. It is not the government’s job to decide what we can and cannot stomach. News reporters can warn parents to have their children leave the room. Then parents can decide what to do next.

National security is a valid consideration. Yet the problem is not that Mr. Obama is making an argument we may disagree with. The real problem is that he is not making an argument either way.

Forget the conspiracy nuts. Mr. Obama is never going to satisfy people who believe that his birth certificate would prove that Darth Vader was his father and Osama Bin Laden his mother.

Most people know that President Obama did a good job getting Bin Laden killed. Yet they want closure. We may not want to see the evidence, but many of us need to see it.

Jack Nicholson as Colonel Nathan R. Jessup bellowed “You can’t handle the truth.”
To quote Barack Obama, on this issue, “Yes, we can.”

Mr. Obama does have a reputation for being paternalistic. He does believe in the nanny state where the government knows what is best for us. If that is at play here, then he needs to understand that this is another example where he does not get to decide.

This is admittedly speculation, but if President Obama will not talk to us, then speculation is all that exists.

I have always been a supporter of presidential secrecy when appropriate. Presidents should have wide latitude to conceal things if disclosure would put the nation at risk.

If the issue is one of fear of inflaming the Muslim world, he needs to say this. This argument would be a weak one, but it is impossible to even consider a counter-argument when the initial argument is unknown.

The explanation may be completely reasonable. There could be something in the photos that must stay hidden. President Obama would not need to state specific details, but a general explanation must be forthcoming.

This issue of the photos is not going away. No amount of reality television, Royal weddings, or sporting events will end this conversation. This is about one of the most evil men the world has ever known. Unlike Japanese Earthquakes or even Libyan kinetic conflicts, this is not just a story. It is “the” story.

Mr. Obama must level with America, and he must do so quickly.

We need to either see the photos or be given the mother of all explanations as to why this will not happen.

In a world of Facebook, Twitter, DNA, and Wikileaks, nothing stays hidden forever. If the photos leak out instead of being released by the President, it would damage him and perhaps the country as well.

Mr. Obama, this cannot be delayed any longer. Release the photos and give Americans full closure.

At the very least, talk to us. Look us in the eye. You are known for talking. Sometimes your critics maintain you talk too much and do too little. This time you acted bravely and were rewarded for your boldness with a successful mission.

You did the hard part. Now do the easy part. Start talking sir. It is the right thing to do.


Osama Bin Laden Killed–What was done wrong

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Yesterday I analyzed what went right with regards to the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Today I will look at what either went wrong, or has the potential to be very wrong.

First let me again state that President Obama did virtually everything right with regards to the mission. Conservatives can praise him because we are not motivated by blind hatred of the man. The left should try this approach with George W. Bush and see if they can upgrade him to human status. If they cannot find anything positive thing to say about him regarding the War on Terror, then they need to look inward and see how far down in the depths they have sunk.

Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama contributed to the killing of Bin Laden. Only hyper-partisans would deny this.

Now while Mr. Obama got much right, there are some concerns.

He needs to release the photos showing a dead Bin Laden. I can understand waiting a couple of days so as not to spoil the initial jubilation. Yet unless there is proof that Osama’s death certificate was swapped with Osama’s birth certificate and both were secretly born in Israel to Orthodox Jews, what is the delay? If Mr. Obama has a national security reason, he should tell us what he can without compromising sensitive information. The photos may be gruesome, but we need to see them.

No, I do not think the death was faked and that Bin Laden is playing shuffleboard on a cruise ship near Palm Beach. So just release the pictures.

One area of criticism with Mr. Obama I am going to dial down is his lack of graciousness with Mr. Bush. He was totally right to call Mr. Bush after the mission was completed before the general public knew. Yet he was wrong to not be more gracious toward Mr. Bush in his nine minute speech to the nation.

I am dialing down this criticism because Mr. Obama did call Mr. Bush again and invite him to participate in a ceremony on Thursday at Ground Zero. Thursday, May 5th is the National Day of Prayer. I want to see in the coming months if Mr. Obama can finally put his animosity toward Mr. Bush aside. It would actually raise his own standing if he did, and disarm his conservative critics on the issue. Time will tell.

What Mr. Obama may get wrong regarding Bin Laden is that so far there is no hint that he will use this successful operation as a precedent. He could kill Khadafi in Libya and Assad in Syria tomorrow, and be totally justified in doing so. He should repeal the executive order banning the targeted killings of foreign leaders.

Syria is a tougher case to make because they did not directly attack the United States. Mr. Obama could simply watch Benjamin Netanyahu do the deed from Israel and then stay silent. Getting out of the way is good enough. George W. Bush gave Ariel Sharon a virtually free hand in dealing with Arafat, and this was proper.

Libya should have been carpet-bombed every day since Reagan did it in 1986. Khadafi did murder Americans over Lockerbie, Scotland. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Mr. Obama has every right to take out Khadafi, and he should do it. His reasons for killing Bin Laden apply very well to Khadafi.

Another thing that Mr. Obama is definitely getting wrong is his refusal to acknowledge that the George W. Bush War on Terror policies are right. They absolutely must be kept in place. Karl Rove labeled seven things that the Bush Administration did.

1.) Al Qaeda were treated as enemy combatants, not common criminals.

2.) Rendition.

3.) Enhanced interrogation techniques. They are not torture. (John McCain is a hero. That does not automatically make it unpatriotic to disagree with him on this issue.)

4.) Military tribunals. No more civilian trials for terrorists.

5.) Guantanamo Bay.

6.) Donald Rumsfeld transforming the military.

7.) Intelligence reform. The Chinese walls set up by Clinton appointee Jamie Gorelick had to come down.

Mr. Obama cannot have it both ways. He cannot take credit for killing Mr. Bin Laden while disavowing the Bush policies that allowed for the process to get to the final stage.

Congressman Peter King stated that waterboarding of Khalid Sheik Mohammed absolutely was use dto obtain the nickname of a courier who Bin Laden trusted. Even the liberal Washington Post back Congressman King.

Liberal radio host Alan Colmes appeared as a guest of  Bill O’Reilly and piously declared that Donald Rumsfeld disputed the claim made by Mr. King. Yet one hour later, Rumsfeld told Sean Hannity that he never said that. What he said was that nobody was waterboarded at Gitmo. People were waterboarded and then later brought to Gitmo. This is a far cry from saying waterboarding did not yield the intelligence information. Mr. Rumsfeld absolutely backed Mr. King, and Mr. Colmes should admit he screwed up. As Warner Wolf used to say, “Let’s go to the videotape.”

Mr. Obama has to know deep down that coercive interrogation methods cannot be ruled out. Therefore, he should not allow liberal ideology to get in the way of sound policy. He must continue these policies.

He got the Bin Laden killing right because policies set up by Mr. Bush did not handcuff him. Yet Mr. Obama has handcuffed himself over the past couple of years, resulting in the dreadful decision to initially have KSM receive a trial in New York. This political correctness has led to Fort Hood, the Christmas Day Bomber, and other plots that were total security failures. Dumb blind luck prevented tragedy in some cases.

As for American liberals, they are as hypocritical as ever on this issue. They have two options. They can call for Mr. Obama to be impeached for war crimes (an idiotic idea). Or they can admit that sometimes presidents need to take drastic measures to save American lives. Even better, they could choose a “third way” and just say that everything in life is acceptable as long as a liberal is doing it, while conservatives are evil for doing the same things. Heck, the left does this now.

Politics used to stop at the water’s edge. Now it only does when conservatives are defending liberal presidents. The favor is never returned as conservative presidents get accused by liberal leaders of war crimes.

The lazy liberal slobs in the media must ask Mr. Obama exactly what he plans to do regarding these policies. He must give clear answers. He must not be allowed to take a victory lap while placing us at future risk.

Mr. Obama and liberals have also gotten wrong the attitude of the Arab Muslim world in the Middle East. Bin Laden is dead. They are showing zero gratitude. Apparently Barack Obama and George W. Bush are the same to them. American liberals may wish to pretend to grasp this. We need to stop kissing backsides and start kicking them. The George W. Bush “boot up their @ss” strategy is the right way.

Mr. Obama and liberals continue to be clueless about the attitude of the Palesimians. Hamas is yelling for revenge.  That is a declaration of war. Obliterate all of the Hamas leadership now. Kill them all and let God declare them his worst mistake. There is no reason a single Hamas leader should be among the living right now. They are the same savages who handed out candy after 9/11.

Other people who got things wrong were useless, harmless, but still worthy of derision.

The American Indian community complained that the CIA used the code name “Geronimo” for Bin Laden. They are offended. I am offended that they would focus on utter stupidity. I am not interested in their feelings on this one. Let them name a newborn son “CIA Cracker” and call it even. I have nothing against American Indians. I loathe political correctness. Perhaps the American military should no longer defend them since soldiers yell “Geronimo” when jumping out of planes. I am more worried about those trying to blow up planes. American Indians know about being killed. They should focus on preserving life.

Priests who criticized those for “excessive celebrations” should become NFL referees and ruin that as well. The jubilation was totally appropriate. Celebrating justice is not celebrating murder.

Mr. Obama will see his deserved bounce in the polls evaporate in a couple of weeks when the glow fades. This happens to all presidents. Mr. Obama, contrary to MSNBC reports, is mortal.

Lastly, American liberals need to stop babbling about coming together and civility until they truly learn to mean it. George W. Bush loyally served his country. He was not a liar, warmonger, murderer, war criminal, or traitor. Those claiming he is are beyond the ability to engage in reasonable dialogue.

I am obsessed with combatting ideological bigotry, and the death of Bin Laden is another opportunity for leftists and Islamists to stop despising conservative Republicans and Judeo-Christian Westerners respectively.

When a liberal is told that the right rallied behind Obama while the left will not to this day, do that for Bush, the left has their simple, snide, smug answer.

“Mr. Obama deserves the praise. Mr. Bush deserves the scorn.”

After all, anybody disagreeing with this is either evil or an imbecile.

If the left does not give Mr. Bush his due, they will be the worst of all possible people. They will benefit from his actions while disavowing them simultaneously.

In a situation where much was done right, this is the biggest wrong. If the left ever decides to let policy trump politics, we will all benefit.
