Archive for the ‘POLITICS’ Category

The Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) of 2023

Friday, December 29th, 2023

Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys of 2023

This list is dedicated to the late radio host Austin Hill. He was a great guy who left us far too soon. He loved this list and gave it more attention than it ever deserved. May he never be forgotten.

This list was inspired by Dann Florek, who played Police Captain Donald Cragen on the “Law & Order” franchises for a couple decades.

A lot of people did not make the list. Joe Biden is ineligible until he admits his baldness and stops hiding behind hair plugs. Vladimir Putin is ineligible because he is a ruthless killer and I do not wish to die. If he asks, I think he has lovely hair. 

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, but he is no longer the CEO of Amazon. Being rich is not the same as being powerful. Bring powerful requires doing things. He seems either bored or retired. Rupert Murdoch seems to be retired as well. 

Virginia Congressman Bob Good will almost certainly make the list in 2024. He is the incoming Chair of the House Freedom Caucus. He does not take over until after the New Year begins, rendering him ineligible for 2023.

With that, here are the 2023 Austin Hill Awards dedicated to the Top 10 PBWGs of 2023.

10.) Chip Roy:  This Congressman from Texas is a member of the House Freedom Caucus. He says what he means and vice versa. He has spent the year dragging other politicians kicking and screaming into fiscal restraint. He would rank higher on the list except that he has had few successes on this front. It is tough to govern when you barely hold one of three branches of government. If and only if Republicans increase their majorities in 2024, expect Congressman Roy to have significantly more influence.  

9.) John Stanley: The CEO of A T & T is on the front lines of the newest tranche of the digital revolution. While this company has a reputation for nickeling and timing their customers, that also makes a terrible company a great stock over the long term. After destroying DirecTV, Mr. Stanley came in and spun it off. Mr. Stanley according to surveys of various companies ranks near the bottom in likability, with less than 5% of his employees approving of his job performance. To be fair, employees have gotten terribly worse, especially among young people. Mr. Stanley would rank higher, but A T& T is one of the most mind-numbingly boring companies in America. If they somehow catch the AI wave, his standing on this list might improve. 

8.) Kevin O’Leary: Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful” is one of the sharpest investors around. He speaks plainly and with common sense. He actually ran to be the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party in 2017. He should have been on this list for years but 2023 was his breakout year in terms of exposure. He went from being almost everywhere to everywhere. His insights are valuable. He would rank higher except sometimes it is hard to figure out exactly what it is he does. 

7.) Dave Calhoun: The CEO of Boeing is more influential than ever. Just when it looked like Russia and Ukraine were headed toward stalemate and possible ceasefire, Islamists in Gaza waged war on Israel. World War III may be bad for society, but it is great for defense contractors. with the Middle East on the verge of exploding into flames, Mr. Calhoun will make sure to crank out the necessary weapons.  More importantly, he seems to be a very competent CEO. Boeing stock recently hit an annual high. 

6.) Warren Buffett: On a personal level, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO suffered the loss of his Vice Chairman Charles Minger at age 99. By contrast, the Oracle of Omaha is a spry 93. Buffett is the epitome of a value investor. He avoided the dot com boom and bust a couple decades ago. Now he is warning anyone who will listen that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a scam. Buffett is also against woke investing despite being a lifelong Democrat. He refuses to bring his personal politics into his investing, which is why people across the spectrum trust him. He is often wrong in calling for higher taxes, but after all these decades, there is still nobody more respected when it comes to picking a stock. 

5.) Bob Casey Jr.: Like his father, Senator Casey the younger is that rarest of creatures, a pro-life Democrat. A staunch Catholic, Casey is an accurate representation of the heavily Catholic, blue collar Pennsylvania voters. Normally a reliable Democrat vote, Casey often confounds his own party. He has a brutally tough 2024 race against conservative David McCormack. If Casey can survive that race, his influence will grow if Democrats hold the Senate.    


4.) Jared Polis: The Colorado Governor is more than just the leader of one of the first states to allow recreational marijuana. Now he oversees the first state to suspend the rule of law and ban a major party presidential candidate from running for office. While it was the Colorado Supreme Court that made the decision to ban Trump based on an insurrection he was never charged with, Polis gets to have it both ways. He can pretend to be above the fray while privately maneuvering to be the 2024 Democrat nominee if President Biden resigns. Polis is not known for ever taking a brave stand, so his rise or fall on this list will be determined by how he navigates this Constitutional time bomb. Polis benefits if the U.S. Supreme Court renders the issue moot. 

3.) Gary Gensler: The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a political activist with a thirst for regulating everything in sight. With the stock market hitting all time highs, he is expected to throw cold water on the party. Gensler is fine with woke DEI at the expense of corporate profits but heaven forbid a good CEO not have enough diversity. With calls to regulate cryptocurrencies, Gensler will have even more power. He is a former Goldman Sachs guy, which propelled his access to power. Republicans are trying to have him fired, but Goldman Sachs power brokers are usually above the law.  

2.) John Fetterman: This rich white leftist spent his entire life doing hard drugs and leeching off of his parents. Like most failures, he became a hardcore leftist virtue-signaler. Despite suffering a stroke during the campaign, he still got elected as a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. He was expected to vote leftist down the line. Then he shocked the political world by offering startlingly lucid thoughts that broke from leftist Orthodoxy. He came out as a staunch supporter of Israel in a party with an increasingly influential and militant anti-Israel left wing. He also called for more border security. He even declared that he was not a progressive. When he was verbally accosted by an angry leftist who accused him of betrayal, he showed a surprising sense of humor. He pointed out his recent stroke and claimed that this left him unable to understand what the angry protester was saying. Senator Fetterman is less than one year into his term, and he has already angered people across the political spectrum. He has at least five more years to confound people without consequences. That is power. Yet for the second year in a row, Fetterman comes up one spot short. 

1.) David Solomon — Normally the Head Sled at Golden Sachs is the top PBWG because Goldman Sachs runs the world. Goldman Sachs has a history of flitting in between corporate power and government power. Jon Corzine, Hank Paulson, and Lloyd Blankfein are all former Goldman Sachs PBWG top dogs. Solomon has missed out on the top spot in recent years due to tough economic times, war raging across the world, and an anti-Wall Street climate. Yet in 2023, happy days are here again. The stock market hit an all time high. Goldman Sachs now has its usual level of undue influence over the government. The company that is too big to fail with executives who are too big to jail escaped scrutiny during financial meltdowns. They are not going to lose power when Wall Street is making money hand over fist. 

For being the most powerful guy at the most powerful company, David Solomon is the Top Powerful Bald White Guy of 2023.  

The Top 10 B*mbos of 2023

Thursday, December 28th, 2023

Top 10 Bimbos of 2023

Dedicated to Barack Obama and Taylor Swift, the Top 10 Bimbos of 2023 highlight shallow, vapid individuals who do well in life without having an ounce of substance. Through their words, Obama and Swift represent overprivileged spoiled brats who complain about anyone and everyone they perceive to have done them wrong. They are both airheads and terrible role models who are held up in high esteem by their equally shallow and vapid supporters. 

The term “bimbo” is gender neutral. This is to keep the nose-ringed, blue-haired Gen Z social media censors from screaming bloody rage about sexism and every other ism. They are bimbos themselves. If you do not know your own gender, you should not comment on any issues committed by any human beings, much less censor anyone. 

Too many of these young people claiming to belong to 200 different genders are taking drugs that could turn out to be every bit as dangerous as heroin and cocaine. In at least one case, a trans person who took dangerous hormones went into a homicidal rage against innocent young Christian children. Nashville school shooter and radical trans activist Audrey Hale can very close to making the list, but her horrific story is incomplete. Portions of Hale’s manifesto have been released, but until the entire manifesto is released, this story will not get the attention it deserves. 

Sam Bankman-Fried did not make the list. As awful as he is, his arrest and conviction in 2023 is not the beginning or end of the story. His crypto exchange FTX went bankrupt in 2022. What happens to these cryptocurrency firms in 2024 is a bigger story than SBF himself. He is not the first scammer who took advantage of suckers by peddling a fake product that does nothing. 

With that, here are the Top 10 Bimbos of 2023.

10.) WeWork customers:  WeWork, according to WeWork, was a revolutionary company that forever changed the concept of office space. In reality, WeWork was a company that did nothing, made nothing, and produced nothing. It was the Bitcoin of furniture. Its business model was catering to narcissistic young people who also in many cases did nothing but wanted to give the appearance of doing something. WeWork rented small office spaces to young dreamers who wanted to convince potential clients that they had an office. People living beyond their means wanted to appear hip and cool, and the best way to do that is waste money on totally unnecessary expenditures. When the COVID pandemic hit, people stopped going into offices. Many people did not return. Young people returned to their parents’ basements. Some of these people tried to get rich by becoming “content” creators only to find out that nobody cared what they had to say. At this point it became even more unnecessary for people to pay for office space when they did not offer a product or service. People who could afford nice big office spaces did not need WeWork. People who needed to just keep up appearances could not afford WeWork. 

9.) Josh McDaniels and Brandon Staley — The Raiders and the Chargers have been AFC West rivals since 1960. Both of them have recently suffered under terrible coaches. Yet there are plenty of bad coaches throughout the many sports in America. McDaniels and Staley are special cases. Their aloof nature and constant arrogance without the results to back it up caused them to take talented teams and drive those teams into the ground. They both had “my way or the highway” systems. McDaniels got rid of the heart and soul of his team, Derek Carr. All Carr did was lead the Raiders to the playoffs the year before. Staley would repeatedly go for it fourth down deep in his own territory with disastrous results. Both of these teams would be on the verge of winning games until their coaches found ways to help their teams lose.  The Raiders set a record for most blown double digit leads in one season in 2021. McDaniels doubled down and became more defiant. The Chargers blew a 27-0 lead in a playoff game only to lose 31-30. The Chargers even lost a game this year where they gave up 63 points…ironically to the Raiders. This would rank higher except both of these teams fired their coaches.  The owners admitted they got it wrong, something the coaches they fired could and would never do. The worst people are people with power who are bad at everything and blame everyone else for their own incompetence.

8.) Brittany Mahomes & Jackson Mahomes — While the Raiders and Chargers flounder, the Kansas City Chiefs are on the verge of winning the AFC West for the eighth straight year. The defending Super Bowl champions have a great coach in Walrus Andy Reid and a 25th century Buck Rodgers freak of nature in quarterback Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes has won two Super Bowls and has the potential to be the greatest quarterback to ever play the game. Yet he also has hanger-ons who have no skills of their own while exploiting his fame to their benefit. His wife Brittany Mahomes is constantly throwing temper tantrums and mouthing off to the media. Now she hangs out in a luxury suite with Taylor Swift and acts even more insufferable. Swift is annoying herself, but at least she built a majorly successful career as a singer. Brittany Mahomes simply married a talented guy and confused fame with accomplishments. Jackson Mahomes is even worse. Patrick’s brother is a TikTok star, which means he does goofy dances and demands to be given money and fame for them. If he had another last name, nobody would care. He is banned from at least one eating establishment in Kansas City for forcibly trying to kiss the owner. Off the field, he faced sexual battery charges. On the field, he has danced on opposing team logos and provoked fans of opposing teams. Jackson and Brittany both attack the referees and behave badly during games. Patrick is famous for his earned successes. Brittany and Jackson are famous for being famous. People who get ahead based on the hard work of others and then complain about life are truly among the most narcissistic people on earth.

7.) Kamala Harris and Anthony Blinken: The entire Biden administration is one big bag of third tier untalented people. The only qualification seems to be to check various identity politics boxes and be bad at everyone. Yet two administration officials stand out for their utter uselessness. Vice President Kamala Harris is unable to complete a full sentence. Her numerous “word salads” are the way she tries to hide not studying for the tests and not knowing the answers. She is fooling nobody. She was socially promoted because of her race, gender and ideology. Her supporters keep demanding that Americans see her race as an accomplishment. She is a fairly dumb woman who romantically dated t the correct people and got pushed upward. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was hired specifically because his approach to foreign policy is unilateral American surrender. He shuttles to and from various world locations without anything resembling an accomplishment. No matter how badly Harris and Blinken fail, they cannot be fired. President Joe Biden needs them to placate his far left wing. Normally John Kerry would top a list of useless administration officials, but at least he runs a department that nobody cares about. With the war on Israel raging, Harris and Blinken are both openly calling for actions akin to Israel surrender and suicide. That is also their approach to the United States, but luckily for those who value global civilization, the Israelis have told them both to go pound sand. Their constant attacks on Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while his army faces off against genocidal Islamist terrorists would be shocking if it weren’t so expected. The world burns, and Harris and Blinken babble about diversity, multiculturalism and other causes of American failure. They are failure. The world knows it, yet they march on as if they have an ounce of competence and respect anywhere. They confuse power with worth. 

6.) Alissa Heinerscheid: It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, but it can all be destroyed at the speed of (Bud) light. 2023 was the year where two of the most respected institutions in America destroyed their once platinum reputations. Anheiser Busch was one of the best companies in the history of American business. They did everything right. They wrapped themselves in the American flag. Their Super Bowl ads made us laugh with frogs and lizards and tugged at our patriotic heartstrings with noble Clydesdale horses and fire rescue dogs. Budweiser was America, the King of Beers. Then a political activist named Alissa Heinerscheid joined the Anheiser Busch marketing department in a senior role. She came up with the worst marketing campaign in advertising history. She hired transgender social media personality Dylan Mulvaney to be a spokesperson for Bud Light.  The backlash was swift and severe. Making matters worse, Heinerscheid attacked her company’s own customer base as “fratty” and “out of touch.” Sales plummeted as customers flocked to Miller and other beer companies. Anheiser Busch dropped as low as 14th, and has yet to recover. Naturally, in typical Gen Z activist fashion, Heinerscheid doubled down rather than apologize. Arrogance and certitude of being right while completely failing is truly awful behavior. 

5.) Ivy League Presidents:  Claudine Gay is one of far too many Ivy League professors who range from openly tolerating antisemitism to openly being antisemitic. Just before Hanukkah and only two months after a terrorist attack against Israel, Ivy League university presidents imploded at a House committee hearing. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik asked three university presidents what should have been an easy question. Would calling for the genocide of Jews be against the rules and laws of their universities? Harvard President Claudine Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth all tried to whitewash antisemitic calls for genocide. They babbled about how such remarks had to be taken “in context,” as if there was ever was a justifiable context for murdering Jews in cold blood. Large donors immediately began canceling planned future gifts. Prestigious law firms and other companies vowed to no longer hire graduating students from these institutions. Three days after her disastrous congressional testimony, Magill resigned under pressure of being fired. The other two have survived for now. Former President Barack Obama personally lobbied behind the scenes to protect Gay, given their shared status as DEI cheerleaders and token hires under DEI themselves. 

4.) Claudine Gay: On the education front, Harvard was the top of the top. Then they socially promoted an unqualified woman named Claudine Gay to the elite institution’s presidency solely because she is a black woman and hardcore activist for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement. Gay came under fire during a disastrous House committee hearing where she refused to condemn calls on her campus for genocide against Jews. Matters got worse for her when it was discovered that she is a serial plagiarizer She has been in open violation of rules that would get her own students expelled. She is now refusing to provide the data for the very few papers she published, leading to charges that her data was completely fabricated. She is threatening to sue Harvard if she is fired. Yet there are people at Harvard far worse than her who deserve b*mbo recognition.

3.) Harvard Board of Trustees: Harvard’s Board of Trustees cannot fire President Claudine Gay even though she is corrupt and incompetent. Firing her would require admitting that they were duped by the twin frauds of DEI and Ms. Gay herself. 20 years after the New York Times was humiliated for socially promoting Jason Blair, Harvard has learned nothing. For the first time in school history, students are rejecting early entry into the school. Harvard’s selling point was that it was the ultimate meritocracy. Only the very best and brightest got to go there. This has been exposed as a lie. There is nothing about Claudine Gay that screams merit. The Harvard Board of Trustees, like many bimbos, would rather double and triple down rather than just admit error. Keep in mind that these people all range on the political scale of liberal to leftist. Arrogance and a refusal to ever admit being wrong are trademarks are rich white liberals. The Board of Trustees would rather lose donors and let their reputation burn in flames than admit that being a black woman by itself is not an accomplishment. Gay is a leftist, and the Board has to publicly declare that being a black female leftist automatically makes a person superior in intelligence. This has never been true. Supposedly bright people have been exposed as dumb, and they are helpless in correcting the error. They went woke and are paying the price. 

2.) Greeniac rioters: All around the world, upper class leftists are committing ecoterrorism based on some pseudo-scientific claptrap about “climate change.” For people, on the left course of course, who believe the ends justify the means, violence is always on the answer. Young leftist climate activists are gluing themselves to expensive paintings, vandalizing office buildings, and getting away with it. These radicals have now infected America’s government. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s daughter Somah Haaland committed a ct of domestic eco-terrorism and got away with it because of her mother’s power. Try Googling Somah Haaland. Her incident has been scrubbed from search engines. She was arrested. She was guilty. Yet she is free as can be. Many of these young thugs are airheads who riot for the sake of rioting. They move from cause to cause without knowing or caring about the facts of what and why they are rioting. So as people get bored of climate change, they are forced to shift to another cause. Unfortunately for America and the world, Greta Thunberg and the rest of the eco-terrorists have found their new cause. 

1.) Anti-Israel rioters: After the Holocaust, it was taken for granted that America was the one place besides Israel where Jews could feel comfortable. When the most recent war between Israel and her Arab neighbors broke out, carefully organized anti-Israel protests broke out all over America. Virulent antisemitism bubbling below the surface exploded out into the open on college campuses. America’s most “progressive” cities held rallies where people chanted genocidal claims such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Even New York and Los Angeles, home to the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel, felt the wrath of violent anti-Jewish mobs. These were not free speech rallies. They were pogroms. In Los Angeles, an Arab man assaulted and killed a Jewish man named Paul Kessler in broad daylight. The Arab killer is being tried for a lesser homicide charge but not murder. Pictures of Jewish hostages are being ripped down by anti-Jewish mobs. Jews are having their stores vandalized with Nazi symbols. Chants of “Go back to the ovens,” once unthinkable in America, are openly being said without consequences. The antisemitic mobs are claiming the right to free speech, but there is no constitutional right to violently riot. Jews are taking extra safety measures and buying more guns than ever for protection. The federal government has issued meaningless platitudes condemning all forms of hate including Islamophobia. Yet Jews are the ones explicitly being attacked, often with impunity. Despite efforts to blame everything on “MAGA,” this antisemitism is clearly coming from the left. Many of the rioters have rioted for other leftist causes including radical climate action and radical gay and transgender actions. “Queers for Palestine” marches loudly and proudly without a hint of self-awareness. Many young people on TikTok are openly supporting Hamas and even Osama bin Laden. Jews are attempting to fight back, but the battle is an uphill one. Many of these protesters are idiots, claiming they care about “Palestinians” without being able to articulate where “Palestinians” came from. The rioters also cannot tell you which river and which sea they want the Jews free from. For combining evil Jew-hatred with utter stupidity, these leftist rioters, many on Ivy League universities, are the top bimbos of 2023. 

These are the Top 10 Bimbos of 2023. May they go away in 2024 and stay away.


The Top 10 News Stories of 2023

Thursday, December 28th, 2023

Top 10 News Stories of 2023

This list of the top 10 news stories of 2023 is about what matters. This is list of hard news stories that are important whether or not they are popular. Wars matter more than pop culture. Sports and pop culture only make the list of they involve history, because history matters. Life and death matters. Unprecedented life and death events matter most.

For these reasons, Taylor Swift did not make the list. Pipe down, Swifties. She’s a singer. She became a billionaire. She has screaming fans. She is the new Beatlemania. She almost made the cut but came in at #11. There were 10 events more important than her. Deal with it. 

The Southern border did not make the list. Fentanyl deaths did not make the list. Both of these have been problems for several years now. The war between Russia and Ukraine was the top story of 2022, but did not make the list this year. The reason is because at this moment, there is stalemate. A resolution one way or the other would instantly put this situation at or near the top of the list.

The 2024 presidential race did not make the list. There have been zero surprises on either side. The frontrunners have been entrenched for some time now. While the general election will most likely top the 2024 list, the primaries will not make the list unless something notable happens. Former president Trump’s many indictments did not make the list because there has been no resolution either way. President Biden did not make the list because he has been largely irrelevant. 

COVID waned, removing it from the list. Inflation remains stubbornly high, but has receded from the peak. It is not a new story for 2024.  

Matthew Perry’s death did not make the list. When someone dies at a young age, it is tragic. Yet Perry had a history of drug use. He died with a prescription drug in his system. Famous people die. He made the world a better place during his brief time here, but drug deaths have been happening for decades. 

The Nashville school shooting by radical trans activist Audrey Hale can very close to making the iist, but the horrific story is incomplete. Portions of Hale’s manifesto have been released, but until the entire manifesto is released, this story will not get the attention it deserves. 

With that, here are the Top 10 News Stories of 2023.

10.) House of Representatives recriminations: This was a year where members of the House tore each other to pieces. Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker after a record 15 ballots. He had to agree to a provision where one member could call for a vote to remove him. Matt Gaetz called that vote, and McCarthy went down. Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan tried to replace him, but neither one had the votes. Mike Rogers ended up being the consensus GOP candidate. He seems to have stopped the fratricide for now. After being ousted, McCarty announced he would leave Congress altogether at the end of this calendar year. Democrats saw several of their members face censures on the House Floor. Censure is a very rare rebuke. Adam Schiff was censured for his role in prolonging the Russia hoax. He was also stripped of one committee assignment. Rashida Tlaib was censured for antisemitic comments promoting anti-Jewish genocide. Ilhan Omar was stripped of one committee assignment for her antisemitic comments. Eric Swalwell was stripped of one committee assignment for his being compromised due to a sexual affair with a Chinese spy. For only the fifth time in House history, a member was expelled. There was bipartisan support to expel Republican George Santos, a gay Hispanic who pretended to be Jewish and allegedly engaged in repeated financial campaign misdeeds. He almost finished out his first term. This would have all ranked higher except that most people’s lives are unaffected by inside baseball described as palace intrigue.

9.) Detroit sports teams: Sports usually are not the top news stories. Sports are games. Yet two Detroit sports teams made history, and history matters. For Decades, the Lions have been a punching bag. In 2008, they became the first NFL team to ever go 0-16. Yet after 30 years, they are finally NFC North Division Champions again. They are 11-4 and have legitimate chance of making the Super Bowl. Coach Dan Campbell is fiery, and his team backs up his tough talk with tougher play. These Lions are no longer laughingstocks. They are hungry. On the flips side, the Pistons have made the worst kind of history. On December 26th, they lost their 27th straight game. That is an NBA record for most consecutive losses in a single season. The most consecutive losses is 28, but that was spread out over two seasons. This column will be updated to see how long the losing streak goes. The Pistons actually started 2-1 before the roof caved in. This would rank higher, but again, real life hard news events were far more serious.

8.) Colorado bans Trump: In a stunning and controversial ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court voted 4-3 to ban former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 Colorado state presidential ballot. The frontrunner for a major political party has for the very first time been banned from appearing on a state ballot. The Colorado justices declared that Trump is ineligible under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for his role in starting an insurrection against the United States on January 6th, 2021. This would rank higher except that the United States Supreme Court is expected to overturn the Colorado ruling. Every other state faced with this issue has rejected demands to remove Trump from the ballot. A key issue is that while Trump has repeatedly been accused by his political opponents of fomenting an insurrection, he has never formally been charged, much less convicted, with insurrection. To ban him from the ballot without due process of law sets a dangerous precedent. Republican governors across America are now debating whether to remove President Joe Biden from their state ballots due to allegations of bribery, money-laundering, and influence peddling. President Biden has not been formally charged with any crimes, but Colorado trying to lower that standard could have far-reaching consequences for all elected officials going forward. 

UPDATE: On December 28, 2023, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, unilaterally banned Trump from the Maine state ballot. She is not a judge, and no judge in Maine ruled either way before she made her arbitrary decision. She cited the 14th Amendment and insurrection. Again, Trump has not been charged with insurrection. 

7.) Stock market hits all time high: The previous stock market intraday high of 36,952 set on January 5th, 2022 was followed by a sharp retreat. The stock market dropped several thousand points. Yet happy days are here again on Wall Street. On December 13th of this year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new all-time high and broke 37,000 for the very first time. On December 27th, the DJIA hit a new intraday all time high of 37,683. On this same day, the Nasdaq hit an intraday high for the year of 15,114. Even by traditional Santa Clause rallies, 2023 has been generous. Storm clouds may be on the horizon. Much of the stock market has been powered by seven stocks known as the “Magnificent Seven.” Many stocks are not keeping pace with the overall market itself. 

6.) Damar Hamlin: Sports is normally not life and death, but this was. On January 2nd of this year, The Buffalo Bills were at the Cincinnati Bengals in a key Monday Night Football matchup. Both teams were legitimate Super Bowl contenders, but that soon became irrelevant in the moment. In the first quarter with the Bengals leading 7-3, Bills safety Damar Hamlin made what looked like a routine tackle on Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins. After the tackle, Hamlin got up, walked around, and then collapsed on the field. He was unconscious for nine minutes. Players and coaches prayed and cried together. Players have gotten injured in games before, but this was different. Hamlin was in cardiac arrest and at risk of dying. This was an unprecedented situation. Both coaches consulted with the league and decided to cancel the rest of the game. It was never replayed. The outpouring of love for Hamlin contributed to a miracle. After nearly dying, he was able to go home after nine days in the hospital. His charity to buy toys for children raised over seven million dollars in the days following his heart scare. He has now become an advocate for everyone learning CPR, since CPR saved his life. Hamlin even came full circle, playing full contact tackle football for the Bills in their October matchup this year against the rival Miami Dolphins. Thanks to God’s grace and top rate medical on the field, no NFL player has ever died on the field during a game (Korey stringer died during practice and Chuck Hughes collapsed on the field but died later at the hospital).

5.) Bud Light scandal, Harvard plagiarism: It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, but it can all be destroyed at the speed of (Bud) light. 2023 was the year where two of the most respected institutions in America destroyed their once platinum reputations. Anheiser Busch was one of the best companies in the history of American business. They did everything right. They wrapped themselves in the American flag. Their Super Bowl ads made us laugh with frogs and lizards and tugged at our patriotic heartstrings with noble Clydesdale horses and fire rescue dogs. Budweiser was America, the King of beers. Then a political activist named Alissa Heinerscheid joined the Anheiser Busch marketing department in a senior role. She came up with the worst marketing campaign in advertising history. She hired transgender social media personality Dylan Mulvaney to be a spokesperson for Bud Light.  The backlash was swift and severe. Making matters worse, Heinerscheid attacked her company’s own customer base as “fratty” and “out of touch.” Sales plummeted as customers flocked to Miller and other beer companies. Anheiser Busch dropped as low as 14th, and has yet to recover. On the education front, Harvard was the top of the top. Then they socially promoted an unqualified woman named Claudine Gay to the elite institution’s presidency solely because she is a black woman and hardcore activist for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement. Gay came under fire during a disastrous House committee hearing where she refused to condemn calls on her campus for genocide against Jews. Matters got worse for her when it was discovered that she is a serial plagiarizer She has been in open violation of rules that would get her own students expelled. Harvard’s Board of Trustees cannot fire her because that would require admitting that they were duped by the twin frauds of DEI and Ms. Gay herself. 20 years after the New York Times was humiliated for socially promoting Jason Blair, Harvard has learned nothing. For the first time in school history, students are rejecting early entry into the school. 

4.) Ivy League professors antisemitism: Claudine Gay is one of far too many professors who range from openly tolerating antisemitic to openly being antisemitic. Just before Hanukkah and only two months after a terrorist attack against Israel, Ivy League university presidents imploded at a House committee hearing. Congresswoamn Elise Stefanik asked three university presidents what should have been an easy question. Would calling for the genocide of Jews be against the rules and laws of their universities? Harvard President Claudine Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President  Sally Kornbluth all tried to whitewash antisemitic calls for genocide. They babbled about how such remarks had to be taken “in context,” as if there was ever was a justifiable context. Large donors immediately began canceling planned future gifts. Prestigious law firms and other companies vowed to no longer hire graduating students from these institutions. Three days after her disastrous congressional testimony, Magill resigned under pressure of being fired. The other two have survived for now. Former President Barack Obama personally lobbied behind the scenes to protect Gay, given their shared status as DEI cheerleaders and token hires under DEI themselves. 

3.) Ecological disasters from East Palestine to Maui: Ecological disasters are not new, but 2023 brought a pair that were truly heartbreaking. In February of this year, A train crash in East Plestine, Ohio released toxic chemicals into the air. This small town of three square miles and less than 5,000 people has been irreversibly harmed. Many of the town’s residents are suffering from respiratory ailments. The largely Republican residents in this small town have claimed to be abandoned by a Democrat President unconcerned with Trump voters. In August of this year, wildfires devastated the Hawaiian Island of Maui. Over 100 people died in Maui. The gorgeous town of Lahaina was practically wiped off of the map and rendered uninhabitable. Over 1% of all of Maui burned. This was a avoidable disaster. Hawaii’s electric utility admitted that its own flawed power lines started the fires. This was the deadliest wildfire in over a century. Hawaii also rarely gets attention in a presidential election, leaving the residents begging federal officials for desperately needed relief. 

2.) Pogroms in America: After the Holocaust, it was taken for granted that America was the one place besides Israel where Jews could feel comfortable. When the most recent war between Israel and her Arab neighbors broke out, carefully organized anti-Israel protests broke out all over America. Virulent antisemitism bubbling below the surface exploded out into the open on college campuses. America’s most “progressive” cities held rallies where people chanted genocidal claims such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Even New York and Los Angeles, home to the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel, felt the wrath of violent anti-Jewish mobs. These were not free speech rallies. They were pogroms. In Los Angeles, an Arab man assaulted and killed a Jewish man named Paul Kessler in broad daylight. The Arab killer is being tried for a lesser homicide charge but not murder. Pictures of Jewish hostages are being ripped down by anti-Jewish mobs. Jews are having their stores vandalized with Nazi symbols. Chants of “Go back to the ovens,” once unthinkable in America, are openly being said without consequences. The antisemitic mobs are claiming the right to free speech, but there is no constitutional right to violently riot. Jews are taking extra safety measures. The federal government has issued meaningless platitudes condemning all forms of hate including Islamophobia. Yet Jews are the ones explicitly being attacked, often with impunity. Despite efforts to blame everything on “MAGA,” this antisemitism os clearly coming from the left. Many of the rioters have rioted for other leftist causes including radical climate action and radical gay and transgender actions. “Queers for Palestine” marches loudly and proudly without a hint of self-awareness. Many young people on TikTok are openly supporting Hamas and even Osama bin Laden. Jews are attempting to fight back, but the battle is an uphill one.

This brings us to the obvious top news story of 2023.

1.) The October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel: For decades, Israel has had a far superior military advantage over her enemies. Perhaps complacency set in. In a shockingly brutal and effective surprise attack, Hamas crossed into Israel and murdered over 1,200 Israeli Jews. Several Americans were among the murdered. Hamas also seized 240 hostages. Many of the victims were people partying at an Israeli music festival. Innocent women and children were raped, tortured and even beheaded by Hamas terrorists. October 7th became Israel’s September 11th. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added opposition parties to his conservative government to form a unity wartime government. Unlike past wars, Prime Minister Netanyahu said this one would be vastly different. Israel was no longer seeking to minimize the threat for a few years. The Israeli Defense Forces were preparing to completely eradicate Hamas. The IDF was preparing once and for all to “finish the job.” while the IDF performed as effectively as expected, Israel faced a ticking clock from word bodies drowning in antisemitism. Calls for an immediate ceasefire were calls for Jews to disarm and let Hamas murder them. Israelis have never mastered the public relations game. Displaced Egyptians and Jordanians calling themselves “Palestinians” claimed that they suffered over 20,000 deaths. Yet those numbers come from the Gaza Health Ministry, an Islamist agency run by Hamas. The GHM does not distinguish civilian deaths from terrorist deaths, nor does it distinguish those dying from Israeli fire from those being killed by their own government. Israel’s operation revealed that Hamas used schools, hospitals and mosques as bases for terror operations, eliminating the protected status of these institutions during wartime. Israel has started flooding Hamas’s underground tunnels with seawater to flush the terrorists above ground. Hezbollah has also gotten involved in the fight. Israel has vowed to defeat them as well. Houthi rebels in Yemen have been firing rockets at Israel but also on over 100 American military bases. Most of these attacks on American bases have gone unpunished. In the past, American Democrats have bullied Israel into “restraint” that has often come back to harm Israel. This time seems different. Israel is at war, and they are determined to remove any and all threats to their security, from “Palestinians” to other Islamists. 

These are the Top 10 News Stories of 2023. 


Hanukkah 2023 Epilogue

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

Hanukkah 2023 Epilogue

Eight Days and Nights of Good News

Hanukkah 2023 Night 1: Pearl Harbor

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

Come light the Menorah

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

We’ll all dance the Hora

Gather round the table

We’ll give you a treat

Lots of tasty chocolates

and latkes to eat

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah

come light the Menorah…

Act as if the hostages are dead

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Act as if the hostages are dead.


Even writing that sentence chills my own body. Saying those words out loud terrifies my soul. Defiance then requires saying those words again.


Act as if the hostages are dead.


The Israeli mentality has always been about preserving human life. Judaism teaches us to value human life. The Torah commands us to do whatever is necessary short of murder, adultery and idolatry to save a life.


Sadly, sometimes saving a life inevitably leads to even more deaths in the long run.


When Israel traded away over 1,000 hardened Palestinian terrorists for Gilad Shalit, Jews rejoiced over saving his life. One Jewish academic even admitted that the deal was “a mistake worth making.”


This sentiment is as wrong as wrong can be. It was a mistake that led to deadly consequences on October 7th of 2023. It also set a precedent. Rather than learn from this mistake, Israel has repeated this mistake. They recently gave away three Palestinian terrorists for every one Israeli hostage.


Even America has gone down this destructive path. The Obama administration released five Taliban terrorists in exchange for one American military deserter named Bowe Bergdahl. The Biden Administration surrendered a Russian international arms dealer to bring home a basketball player.


These deals are all based on a flawed premise. Although every human being is created by God, we are inherently unequal in terms of negotiation value. Any nation placing the release of its hostages as the top priority is failing to understand the purpose of waging war.


War has a defined purpose. War is designed to completely crush an enemy until that enemy is unwilling to fight.


President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address freeing the slaves only mattered because of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea. General Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground. This broke the backs of the South, won the war, and preserved the Union. General Sherman’s brutality saved thousands of lives that would have expired due to a continuation of the Civil War.


President Harry S. Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This killed 100,000 Japanese people, many of them innocent civilians. President Truman’s action led to a rapid Japanese surrender and an end to World War II. Again, this saved thousands more lives.


In recent years, concepts such as proportionality have corrupted Western militaries. Fear of collateral damage have led to strategic impotence.


Every life is precious, but saving one life in exchange for 1,000 future deaths is not noble, wise, or in line with Torah values.


The Israeli Defense Forces have a golden opportunity to permanently crush Hamas. They can flood the Gaza tunnels and force the Hamas Jihadists out of hiding and straight into Israeli gunfire. The only thing delaying the flooding of the tunnels is the possibility of Jewish Israeli hostages being held captive in the tunnels.


Act as if the hostages are dead.


The family members have every right to place their own loved ones at the top of their personal priority lists. The rest of us must follow John F. Kennedy’s maxim “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”


We Jews are descendants of Abraham. He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice of his beloved Isaac.


Jews everywhere must demand that the Israeli military do what is necessary to preserve the survival of the world’s only Jewish state and Judaism itself.


It may kill our souls to put winning the war over rescuing the hostages. That pain is temporary. It will kill our civilization if Judaism is eliminated permanently.


The Israeli military must finish the job. This is incompatible with putting the hostages first.


Finish the job. Flood the tunnels. Crush Hamas. Win the war.


As much as it pains our hearts, this cannot be done if living hostages can be used as bargaining chips.


Win the war first. Apologize later.


Act as if the hostages are dead. Bring their murderers to justice.



Jewish Thanksgiving 2023

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

There Is Plenty for American Jews to Be Thankful For

Burn the village

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Burn the Village, Win the War, Smoke a Cigar

With constant calls for pauses and ceasefires in the Gaza Strip, it is necessary to separate fantasy from reality. Even more important is separating symbolic gestures from meaningful actions. Jews need to adopt a strategy that can only be described as “Burn the village, win the war, smoke a cigar.”

Symbolism and platitudes do not save human lives. The recent pro-Israel rally in Washington, DC was pleasant symbolism. It was not a policy, plan or accomplishment.

From a substance standpoint, the choice of keynote speakers was curious.

Senator Chuck Schumer refused to use his power to block the Iran Deal that former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden foisted upon the civilized world. House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries has never disavowed the words of his rabidly antisemitic uncle. Professor Leonard Jeffries uses language that would make everyone except Louis Farrakhan and Ilhan Omar blush. Actress Debra Messing spoke about being pro-Israel despite constantly attacking ardent pro-Israel Republican politicians. Ideological bigotry is as toxic as antisemitism.

While the rally created an illusory appearance of Jewish unity, stark divisions remain that will affect Jews everywhere. Time will tell if politically liberal Jews have the stomach for a real fight that needs to be fought on plenty of fronts. Just as Schumer ducked and covered during the Iran Deal, plenty of liberal Jews may buckle under the pressure of taking on their fellow progressives.

The sad reality is that winning a war requires using brutal tactics within the confines of international law. General William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea involved burning Atlanta to the ground. The North won the Civil War and the Union was saved. Legendary General George Patton described defeating the enemy as “going to kick the hell out of him all the time and we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose!”

Before being imprisoned, former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori waged a brilliantly successful raid against leftist rebels holding hostages. Every rebel was killed and every hostage was rescued. Afterward, Fujimori released a picture of himself with his feet on his presidential desk smoking a giant stogie. The message was clear. The hostage-taking stopped.

Anti-Semitism is too global and eternal to be defeated by any one army, even one as effective as the IDF. Yet burning the village goes beyond razing Gaza hospitals used as Hamas headquarters. Burning the village means rooting out anti-Semites wherever and whenever they peer out of their sinkholes. It means playing whack-a-mole until every last zealot is removed from every Jew-hating institution.

This means removing Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and the rest of the Squad from Congress. This requires pouring massive amounts of money from Jews and other Philosemites into primary challenges against them. If they survive their primaries, liberal Jews need to vote Republican until the Squad is eliminated from having any legislative power.

Burning the village means removing every violent antisemitic professor from every university. If the universities refuse to do the right thing, then bankrupt the universities. Shut them down. Sell the buildings on eBay. At the very least, revoke their tax-exempt statuses and make their endowments taxable. Do the same with public schools continuing to push intersectionality, DEI, and other programs that harm Jews.

The rubber has met the road. Either liberal Jews be prepared to take on the teachers’ unions, or see their progressive frenemies steamroll them again.

Burning the village means everything from fumigating Hollywood and the State Department to shaking up antisemitic corporate boards. If a CEO does business with the mullahs in Iran, then Jews and our supporters should punish that CEO. One option is to sell shares of stock. Another approach is to buy stock and lead shareholder revolts that oust problematic CEOs.

Burning the village means arresting protesters who cross the line from speech to violence. This also requires removing prosecutors who treat leftist protesters with kid gloves.

It is easy for Jews to unite in wanting to defeat the Islamists. Rooting out antisemitic leftists will require a lot more from a liberal Jewish community reluctant to call out their political allies.

They are not friends. Every Jew-hater is an enemy of every Jew, regardless of political ideology. The time is past for excusing antisemites who preach tolerance of every other non-Jewish group besides Republicans.

Antisemitism has corrupted some of our institutions beyond repair. The time for a ceasefire with these institutions is over. To preserve Judaism in perpetuity, all-out war against Jew-haters is necessary. If an institution is a haven for Jew-hatred, burn the institution down with as much force as legally allowed. Legal disproportionate force is appropriate and necessary.

Burn every village. Win every front in this war. After each major victory, smoke a cigar. Then put your feet on the table and make sure the Jew-haters see you smiling in victory.


Give war a chance

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

All We Are Saying is Give War a Chance

Israel at War: Separating Facts From Fiction

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Israel at War: Separating Facts From Fiction


As Israel advances its incursion to remove Hamas from the Gaza Strip, it is important for people to separate facts from fiction. This allows for a better understanding of the war itself.


For starters, the conflict is being portrayed as one between Israelis and “Palestinians.” This is false. There is no such thing as a Palestinian. The term “Palestinian” is a fictional term that a certain group of Arabs invented out of thin air in the late 1960s.


Displaced Egyptian Arabs illegally occupy an area that they refer to as the Gaza Strip. Displaced Jordanian Arabs illegally occupy an area that they refer to as the West Bank. Both of these areas are part of Judea and Samaria with roots tracing back several thousand years to the Jews.


Palestinians declared themselves a people under Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organization. Yet the PLO’s entire rational for existence was based on factual falsehoods. Mr. Arafat was Egyptian. He was only the third PLO Chairman. The PLO founder was Lebanese.


While the Palestinians are people, they are not a people. This distinction is necessary to knock down straw man arguments. They are human beings created by God. What they are not are a people with any connection to Judea, Samaria, or modern-day Israel. Their ancestral homelands are Egypt and Jordan.


Another false claim is that it is necessary to separate the Palestinian people from terrorist organizations such as Hamas. This is akin to claiming that people who donate to the Ku Klux Klan are somehow any better than the KKK members who burn crosses on black-owned lawns. A person who supports terrorists in any way is a terrorist. The Palestinians overwhelmingly voted for Hamas. While Hamas does build schools and roads, again, so does the KKK. Hamas’s charter calls for the destruction and elimination of Israel. The Palestinian people voluntarily voted for terrorists knowing fully what Hamas’s platform has always been.


After Hamas launched the deadliest attack against Israel in several decades, the Israelis went to war to stop Hamas. Rather than just annihilate every Palestinian, the Israeli military dropped leaflets in Northern Gaza warning the civilians to evacuate. This is an act of mercy and compassion deliberately designed to reduce collateral damage. This action is in direct contrast with Hamas, which has committed horrific war crimes including massacring babies. Palestinian supporters deny that this atrocity is taking place, but the evidence of murdering babies exists. The images are too much for the ordinary human being to stomach and impossible to defend.


After the IDF turns Hamas into Hummus, the next issue will be what to do with the displaced Arabs who are truly against terrorism. The logical solution is to return them to their ancestral homelands of Egypt and Jordan. While those governments have no desire to absorb their fellow Arabs, that is the easiest hurdle to overcome. Give Egypt and Jordan a choice between tripling their foreign aid budgets or having them reduced. American dollars would help build Palestinian cities and neighborhoods from scratch. These neighborhoods would be located in the parts of Egypt and Jordan furthest away from Israel. The safety and security of the new arrivals would be mandatory for the increased aid to continue. If Palestinians truly just want a better life, they will jump at the chance at a significantly higher standard of living. Americans frequently relocate to new states and cities for better job opportunities and quality of life. The flight from the Arab-occupied areas of Israel to their new homes in New Egypt and New Jordan would be shorter than a Jewish relocation flight from New York to South Florida.


This conflict is fixable. The solution can be the first step toward true peace on earth. To get started, we must tell the truth about who is at war, why they do what they do, and where they come from. There are no Palestinians, but there can be plenty of happiness for the people of the future cities of New Egypt and New Jordan. They just have to have the courage to take yes for an answer and experience a better life outside of Judea and Samaria.


Until then, Israel will have to administer tough love through the IDF’s compassionate destruction.