Archive for the ‘POLITICS’ Category

Donald J. Trump for President

Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Donald J. Trump for President


Indiana Primary Recap

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Indiana Primary Recap


CAGOP 2016 Convention Recap

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

CAGOP 2016 Convention Recap


5 years ago, Osama bin Laden got his 72 Helen Thomases

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

5 years ago, Osama bin Laden got his 72 Helen Thomases


Why Ted Cruz should never have picked Carly Fiorina

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

Why Ted Cruz should never have picked Carly Fiorina


Presidential race shifts from Northeastern Smugistan to Normal America

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Presidential race shifts from Northeastern Smugistan to Normal America


The way to stop bullies is to stop them

Monday, April 18th, 2016

The way to stop bullies is to stop them

Due to things I’ve witnessed & death threats I’ve received, one cause I believe in is stopping bullies.

Andrew Breitbart (rest his soul) and Michelle Malkin both taught me to publish my hate mail. Most of my hate mail comes from either Islamists or leftists. I publish the names because I do not believe people should hide behind anonymous identities when terrorizing people.

Bullying comes in many different forms. This past weekend I saw 2 cases of it.

1) A female Rabbi dedicated her sermon to leftist politics in a place that should have been solely for Judaism.

I decided to call out the Rabbi by name not to hurt her, but to get her to realize how much hurt she inflicted on others.

2) A woman broke a date with me and then sent me vicious messages that were solely designed to try and humiliate me.

At first I would have left her name out of it. However, she sent repeated texts bragging about her sex life and attacking my male appendage.

I warned her that if she did not stop, I would cut and paste her remarks. She persisted. I cut and pasted her remarks.

I don’t like these kinds of conflicts, but the way to stop a bully is to stop them. There is no other way.

If somebody does not tell the Rabbi to stop abusing her pulpit, she will keep doing so. If somebody does not shame this other girl into not sending abusive and humiliating texts, she will keep doing so.

I wish we lived in a world where people did not treat people badly simply because of ideology, religion, race, gender, etc. However, bullies do what they do because they feel like it. Anything other than overwhelming force just invites more bullying.

Settling a conflict peacefully is not possible when the aggressor sees kindness as weakness. This is especially true of Islamists and leftists.

I hope that we can end bullying once and for all. Barring that, if you try to hurt me, I will hit back many times as hard.

If any of you have a problem with this, that is on you. I will never accept bullying. Not now. Not ever.

I look forward to Monday, which will hopefully be a day of peace.


Ideological Bigotry from “Rabbi” Diana Fersko

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Ideological Bigotry from “Rabbi” Diana Fersko

Diana Fersko is the “Rabbi” at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue who rammed her leftism down my throat Friday night.

Here is the message I just sent her:

“I am choosing my words very carefully since you are a leftist and I do not want to be accused of microaggressions. I am a proud Jew, son and grandson of Holocaust survivors. I came into your synagogue hoping to hear actual Judaism. Instead you gave a lengthy commercial for Bernie Sanders. I am a Ted Cruz supporter. Imagine if I used my synagogue to tell people that Bernie supporters are stoner parasites who want free stuff and that Hillary Clinton is a lying felon who belongs in prison. Or that Bernie is a self-loathing Jew. Or that voting Republican is the only way to save America from lazy, airhead crying millennials who are good at nothing except protesting. Or that social justice is code for leftist mobs to commit acts of domestic terrorism which usually results in dead Jews. These dead Jews are usually liberals, since conservative Republican Jews own guns and know how to use them. You would tell me to leave my politics out of the synagogue and stick to Judaism. You rammed your views down my throat Friday night because I was too polite to get up in protest and disrupt your speech. That’s what liberals do. I hope next time you give a speech, you remember that Republicans are human beings, and just stick to Judaism. I am sure you will complain to Mark Zuckerberg rather than learn from this. Be a social justice crusader on your own time and your own dime. My Friday night Shabboses are too precious to have them filled with self-loathing leftist nonsense unrelated to Judaism.”

She will probably get me banned from Facebook because that is what leftist bullies do. Since she is a leftist millennial, I bet the chances she takes an introspective look and realizes why she did something wrong are zero.

Place your bets.


My visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic

Monday, April 18th, 2016

My visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic


Wisconsin primary epilogue

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Wisconsin primary epilogue
