Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hal Levine 2010–Pimps, Players, Mack Daddies, Hotties, Hootchies and Doofuses

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

I will not be covering the insignificant human beings attending the left-wing hate rally in DC disguised as comedy. Giving them attention would just embolden them.

Besides, this is a fun weekend. Before getting to football, it is time to get orange and black.

To all the Jewish people and supporters of the Jews, I wish you all a happy Hal Levine.

May the goodies get treats, the baddies get tricks, and the neutral get…well, something neutral.

I am declaring Hal Levine a day early, because tomorrow is the holy day of the National Football League.

The Pagan version of this holiday is Halloween.

Either way, it is normally a day for hobgoblins and ghosties and other scary stuff.

This year Halloween will be dedicated to other potentially scary creatures. I am talking about pimps, players, mack daddies, daddy macks, hotties, hootchies, hos, and doofuses.

I am not even going to pretend to understand what I just said.

For clarification, I visited the hysterically funny and brilliantly wicked Great Satan’s Girlfriend.

Great Satan’s Girlfriend is a woman barely 19 or 20 years old. She was 11 on 9/11, and noticed Palesimians sharing Laffy Taffy as Americans burned. At that moment she developed what she calls “Palestinian Sympathy Fatigue.” She is a hardcore Neocon, and an exceptionally bright one at that. Her column “Green Eggs and Hamas” is a must read.

Yet today is not about politics. She is also a master of street cred. She rolls large, although I am not sure what that means either. On her Facebook page she has a section of photos dedicated to “Pimps, Players, Hos, Hotties, Hootchies, and Doofuses.”

I know what a doofus is. It is not the same as a goofus or a dorkus, according to my swash-buckling, black-clad (perhaps for Halloween) alter ego “El Dorko.”

Yet I had no idea what the rest of it was. What is the difference between a pimp, a player, and a mack daddy?

Great Satan’s girlfriend educated me. I decided not to translate from the original gangsta slang, so read carefully to try and grasp her.

“Quick def – players are guys that meet girls and get phone numbers all the time.

Pimps are guys who get girls to do their bidding – errands, money lender, chauffeur etc – they use girls (not in a sexyful way all the time – but exploit them).

Mac daddies are guys that always Make A Connection with girls – a specialty player if you will.

My street creds ain’t all that – just hanging at the mall and Barnes and Nobles alla time.”

I am tempted to respond with “You dig! Holla!” I have no idea if that applies here, so I won’t.

I still did not know the difference between a Mack Daddy and a Daddy Mac. I know a Big Mac comes from McDonalds, so I suspect a Big Daddy Mack is cool enough to get extra ketchup packets without even asking.

Again, Great Satan’s girlfriend ‘splained it. I guess that is like explaining it.

“A daddy mac is a baby’s daddy that sleeps around or is actively on the prowl.

A mac daddy is good at collecting cell numbers and making a connection. Derived from the French and later Louisiana Creole patois term ‘maqereau’, which means ‘pimp.’ Adding ‘daddy’ makes it mean ‘top pimp’.”

This was followed by even more invaluable advice.

“Check the urban dictionary. Link it in your faves, it helps!”

Who could possibly disagree with that advice? I would need an interpreter first.

Anyway, for all you pimps, players, mack daddies, daddy macks, hos, hootchies, hotties, and doofuses, I wish you a Happy Hal Levine.


For those wishing to get back to the world of sanity, let’s get down to football.

Washington Redskins @ Detroit Lions

(Lions by 1, Redskins win outright)

Green Bay Packers @ New York Jets

(Jets by 6, they win but fail to cover)

Carolina Panthers @St. Louis Rams

(Rams by 3, they cover)

Miami Dolphins @ Cincinnati Bengals

(Bengals by 2.5 Dolphins win outright)

Buffalo Bills @ Kansas City Chiefs

(Chiefs by 7.5, they win but fail to cover)

Tennessee Titans @ San Diego Chargers

(Chargers by 4, they win but fail to cover)

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Arizona Cardinals

(Cardinals by 3, they cover)

Seattle Seahawks @ Oakland Raiders

(Raiders by 1.5, they cover)

Minnesota Vikings @ New England Patriots

(Patriots by 5, they win but fail to cover)

Pittsburgh Steelers @ New Orleans Saints

(Pick, Saints win)

Denver Broncos @ San Francisco 49ers

(Pick, Broncos win)

Jacksonville Jaguars @ Dallas Cowboys

(Pick, Cowboys win)

Houston Texans @ Indianapolis Colts

(Colts by 5, they win but fail to cover)


My 1000th Facebook Friend

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

Before getting to football, today is a day for me to bask in all my glory.

I am on the verge of having my 1000th Facebook Friends.

I think I speak for all of mankind when I say that nobody cares.

For those of you who do care, heaven help you.

Yet to celebrate this absolutely useless milestone metric, I will be celebrating that person, whoever they are.

I resisted using Facebook. I think social media has turned us into the nation of Narcissista. Yet I found a use for Facebook.

I have a blog and three books. Using Facebook allows me to promote my blog and my books.

I am not on here to play Farmville or Mafia Wars. I have never poked anybody and have no desire to be poked.

I have friends in real life. I have always said that there is no need to contact me on the computer if you have my phone number, and there is no need to talk on the phone if you have my address. My friends come over to watch football. We talk football and politics. Yet to go online and just talk sports with strangers seems a bit of a waste of my time.

Sure, I could reach out to people I have not spoken to in ages. What inevitably happens is we catch up, and then have nothing to talk about. These are good people, but the reason why we have our friends is because those are the people we have a sufficient bond with to continue the relationship.

Some people “de-friended” me. Ok. I guess that deserves a shrug seeing as I did not immediately notice.

I have refused many friend request, mostly from politicians simply looking to rack up friends.

Racking up Facebook friends takes us back to our days of youth, when we bragged over which dad could beat up which other dad, and who had more cars, more money, more sex, or larger (redacted). Now we see who has the most friends, or in Facebook translation, people we barely know who barely know us.

I contact people for business purposes. I do not want to get invitations to events in Libya or anywhere else where I know nobody.

Even worse than Facebook is Twitter. Celebrity tweets are coming from celebrity twits. Nobody cares who went to the mall, what restaurant at the food court they ate at, what they ordered, or any other minutiae of their mundane lives.

I have a Twitter account. When I post my column on Facebook, it automatically exports to Twitter. Once a day, people can read my column. Regarding what else I do from when I wake up to when I sleep at night is so colossally boring that people tracking me will keel over from narcolepsy.

Yet we live in a society that celebrates metrics. We like round numbers. So as I approach my 1000th Facebook friend, I am prepared to honor them.

I am also not sure what causes volatility, since the other day I had 997. Then it dropped to 996. Then it was back at 997. Now it is at 998. This was all without me sending a single friend request or accepting one from somebody else. If others understand it, bully for them.

My prediction is that reaching 1000 will take time for several reasons. I refuse friend requests from people who just collect friends as a hobby. I also send very few friend requests myself.

Most importantly, this column will probably remind people that they have been meaning to delete me for quite some time, and I helped remind them. Maybe I can make a game of it and see how many friends I can lose with one badly written column.

(Then again, if that was the standard, I would have had zero friends with each passing column.)

At some point I will reach 1000. That person will be celebrated. I will dedicate an entire Saturday column to them and give them the internet equivalent of winning a prize. It will be just like a prize, only with zero actual value.

So whoever you are out there, feel free to be my 1000th Facebook friend. I will make you infamous.

Better yet, rather than do that, just become a fan on Facebook of the TYGRRRR EXPRESS. That is my fan page, and that one does matter.

Then read my blog every day and buy my books.

At some point I will publicly apologize for this column. If it is in my next book, I will apologize for the entire book.

My 1000th friend…who will it be?

The excitement is building to a fever pitch…for somebody, somewhere.


Philadelphia Eagles at Tennessee Titans

(Titans by 3, they cover)

Buffalo Bills at Baltimore Ravens

(Ravens by 13.5, they win but fail to cover)

Washington Redskins at Chicago Bears

(Bears by 3, Redskins win outright)

Pittsburgh Steelers at Miami Dolphins

(Steelers by 3, Dolphins win outright)

St. Louis Rams at Tampa Bay Buccaneers

(Buccaneers by 3, they cover)

Cincinnati Bengals at Atlanta Falcons

(Falcons by 3.5, they win but fail to cover)

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers

(49ers by 3, Panthers win outright)

Jacksonville Jaguars at Kansas City Chiefs

(Chiefs by 1, they cover)

Cleveland Browns at New Orleans Saints

(Saints by 13, they win but fail to cover)

Arizona Cardinals at Seattle Seahawks

(Seahawks by 5.5, they win but fail to cover)

Oakland Raiders at Denver Broncos

(Broncos by 8.5, they win but fail to cover)

New England Patriots at San Diego Chargers

(Patriots by 2.5, they cover)

Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers (-3)

(Packers by 3, Vikings win outright)

New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys (-3)

(Cowboys by 3, they cover)


20 Years Since Quick Change

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

A couple quick housekeeping notes. At 1pm today I am speaking near Oakland at the Alameda Fair Grounds at the Pleasanton Golden State Take Back America Rally. The crowd is expected to be in the thousands. I speak a little after 1pm. Then I hop on a plane to Orange County, where at 8pm I am speaking at the Young Americans for Freedom 50th Anniversary West Coast Gala.

Now on to the main event.

Before getting to football, I would be remiss if I did not get to a story I have been meaning to mention for several weeks now before real life intervened.

A few weeks back was the 20th anniversary of “Quick Change.”

Long before Saturday Night Live gave us movies of heroism ranging from “Old School” to “Happy Gilmore” to “Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo,” there were the “Not Ready For Prime Time Players.”

The greatest of those heroes was Bill Murray.

When Michael Jordan retired from basketball, having accomplished everything, to play baseball, Bill Murray held his own press conference. He announced his retirement from comedy, having accomplished everything, to play professional basketball.

He did help Michael Jordan with the winning basket in “Space Jam,” but a knee injury prevented him from helping repeat as champions.

How could a man who gave us Caddyshack and Stripes possibly top himself?

Some people just get better with age. 1991 brought us “What about Bob?” Yet as good as that was, his finest comedy was Quick Change.

The premise is simple. He dresses up as a clown to rob a bank. He then tries to sneak out of the bank by pretending to be one of his own hostages.

His sole reason for robbing the bank is to finance his escape from New York City. He hates New York, and wants money to just live somewhere else, anywhere else.

As things go wrong, he looks at the New York sky, people, and surroundings, and says, “God, I hate this town.”

The first 20 minutes of Quick Change are Bill Murray one-liners in rapid fire succession.

Security Guard: What the hell kind of clown are you?

BM: The crying on the inside kind I guess.

Hostage negotiator: I’ll give you what you want as soon as you give me the d@mn hostages.

BM: I’m sure no harm will come to me when I’m all alone in the bank by myself.

Hostage negotiator: At least give me the women.

BM: Get your own women!

Geena Davis: I can’t believe you did this.

Randy Quaid: It was an accident.

Geena Davis: So was Chernobyl.

BM: True, but Loomis (Quaid) didn’t eradiate anybody.

Bank President: There is no way out my friend.

BM: Tell the hostage negotiator that in 15 minutes I am going to send your thumb through the night depository. Oh, and thank you for calling me friend.

Hostage: We’re all gonna die.

BM: Button it up pal, nobody likes a whiner.

Hostage: Let me go first. This is my watch, my gift to you. It is a 12,000 dollar Rolex but it keeps appreciating every day.

BM: Let me trade you. This is my watch, a Timex with the Twistiflex by Spidell. I appreciate this d@mn thing more and more every day.

Flight Attendant: Do you think you’re late enough?

BM: Oh, you must be from around here.

Hostage negotiator: Enough of your comedy clown, I’m coming in after you.

BM: Ok, I have to hang up now. I have to go kill everybody.

Hostage negotiator: I’ve had it up to here with your comedy, clown.

BM: I was in Nam with a jerk like you.

Jason Robards plays the exasperated hostage negotiator and police chief. Tony Shalhoub is hilarious as a foreign cab drive who keeps babbling about a “blufftooney.” The late Phil Hartman has a riotous cameo. A temperamental cab driver keeps sniping at people who do not have exact change or stay behind the white line, leading Bill Murray to say, “You better get some help pal. You’re becoming Ralph Kramden’s evil twin.”

Quick Change is one of the all time funny comedies of the last 20 years.

Bill Murray went on to more serious roles, but to me he will always be “Grimm” from Quick Change.

This movie should be mandatory viewing for all college students, and more importantly, to every New Yorker who has either escaped New York for a better quality of life (me!) or stayed in New York and bragged about their toughness while privately admitting the hopelessness of life there.

(This movie was made while David Dinkins was Mayor, but even Rudy Giuliani could not make the snow disappear in the winter, the construction jobs finish on time, or the cab drivers drive safely and speak in a  comprehensible manner.)

Thank you Bill Murray. You are a comic hero for the ages.


San Diego Chargers @ St. Louis Rams

(Chargers by 8, they cover)

Kansas City Chiefs @ Houston Texans

(Texans by 4.5, they cover)

Baltimore Ravens @ New England Patriots

(Patriots by 2.5, Ravens win outright)

New Orleans Saints @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers

(Saints by 4, they win but fail to cover)

Atlanta Falcons @ Philadelphia Eagles

(Eagles by 2.5, they cover)

Detroit Lions @ New York Giants

(Giants by 10, they win but fail to cover)

Seattle Seahawks @ Chicago Bears

(Bears by 6.5, they cover)

Miami Dolphins @ Green Bay Packers

(Packers by 3.5, they cover)

Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers

(Steelers by 13.5, they win but fail to cover)

New York Jets @ Denver Broncos

(Jets by 3, Broncos win outright)

Oakland Raiders @ San Francisco 49ers

(49ers by 6.5, they win but fail to cover)

Dallas Cowboys @ Minnesota Vikings

(Vikings by 1.5, they cover)

Indianapolis Colts @ Washington Redskins is the Sunday night game.

(Colts by 3, they cover)

Tennessee Titans @ Jacksonville Jaguars is the Monday night game.

(Titans by 3, they cover)


Man vs Food…Taking on the Four Horsemen Ghost Chili Pepper Burger

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

On September 24th, 2010, at 7pm Texas time, I prepared to try and win the battle of Man vs Food.

I have only seen the television show once. The star of the show took on the Four Horseman Ghost Chili Pepper Burger.

From Chunky’s Burger joint in San Antonio, I took on what only 3500 people have ever tried and 200 people have ever conquered.

I saw the wall of honor.

I also tried their “Frings,” a combination of fries and onion rings.

Another fellow in the restaurant was taking on the real challenge.

A regular jalapeno has 8 units of spice. The ghost pepper chile has one million units of spice.

It is beef covered in death.

I have eaten a piece of food per inning for all 9 innings of a baseball game.

I have ridden a mechanical bull and impressed the house.

I would sooner try to eat a live cow with horns than try this burger again.

This burger is not allowed to be taken to go. There are liability issues.

I had to sign a waiver saying I understood the risks before I could be served.

They keep buckets nearby for people who need to get sick.

The rules of the challenge itself are several. The burger must be consumed in 25 minutes or less. No bathroom breaks are allowed. If I get sick and cannot keep the burger down I am disqualified. 5 minutes after I am finished I am allowed to drink a beverage. Milk is recommended. There is a Dairy Queen across the street for those needing more.

The recommend you wear plastic rubber gloves when eating the burger to avoid rubbing your eyes and going blind.

(I thought rubbing something else repeatedly made you blind, but that is for a different time.)

Nevertheless, at 7pm I went to work.

In my head I heard “Eye of the Tiger.” I was ready.

I lasted 4 bites.

I downed some milk as fast as I could, took the bucket outside, got on one knee…prayed…

and stayed strong. The first shock wave is the toughest.

I may have failed the challenge, but that bucket remained empty.

I tried to finish the burger. Yet after 25 minutes I began chanting what our current president is hearing from the American people.

No we can’t! No we can’t! No we can’t!

I was told that I will feel the aftereffects for 8 hours, maybe more.

I drank one and one half glasses of milk. I ate half the burger.

The challenge was one, but by a better man than me.

His name is Rudy Falcon.

He was on the other side of the restaurant. It is on videotape. He felt like death afterward, but he did it.

I went up to him and shook his hand vigorously.

I announced to the room, “I am a girl. This (Rudy Falcon) is a man!” I held his arm up in solidarity.

Life is about life experiences. I do not have a bucket list because this burger might have caused me to kick the bucket had I finished it, or at least gotten sick in it.

I feel no shame. I gave it my very best. Yet at 7:30pm I took a paper towel, waved it for everyone to see, and tossed it on the floor.

Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov at chess. There is precedence for even the best men losing to inanimate objects.

I wanted to be John Henry moving the rock 15 feet while the steam drill drove just 9. Yet he drove so hard that he broke his heart, and laid down is hammer and he died.

I was still alive. I was still in the game, able to try and fight this burger another day, which I will not do.

Joe Frazier only lasted 14 rounds against Muhammad Ali in the Thrilla in Manila. He could not answer the bell for the 15th round. That fight led to boxing being reduced to 12 rounds. I was more like Roberto Duran yelling “No Mas!”

To Rudy Falcon, you sir are in my food hall of fame. Given that I have not started the list yet, you are the only inductee. Actually, we will start with two inductees. Respect requires Joey Chestnut go first, then Rudy Falcon. Rudy could take down Kobayashi. Maybe Rudy was the guy that the Notre Dame movie was based on.

I did manage to eat the fries and the onion rings, which I am told counts for nothing. So much for the Fring of Honor.

Actually, since nobody else thought of it, I am declaring myself the first inductee into the Fring of Honor for downing one half of a half order of frings.

Chunky’s Burger place has t-shirts in many colors. Given my girly-girl status, I went with pink.

I then said a prayer to God, all the while realizing that on Friday night a good Jewish boy should be praying in Synagogue, not eating a non-kosher burger.

Then again if God did not want me to eat this thing, why would he have invented Pepto Bismol?

(My years on Wall Street involved doses of the pink stuff. Traders kept it on their desks.)

At about 7:45pm my lips were no longer burning. Yet my stomach was, and a long night that will never be described publicly awaited or repeated awaited me.

I fought the food, and the food won. I only hope it was a singular defeat and not a repeated one.

At 8pm the waitress officially took the other half of the burger from me, seeing as bringing it home was akin to culinary hara kiri.

It was then time to go back to the house I was staying at.

Flying down the highway (as quick as possible to go lay down) headed West…

In a streak of black lightning (and red skin) called the Tygrrrr Express

On to the next adventure.


San Francisco 49ers  @ Kansas City Chiefs

(49ers by +1.5, Chiefs win outright)

Buffalo Bills @ New England Patriots

(Patriots by 12.5, they cover)

Pittsburgh Steelers @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers

(Steelers by 2.5, they cover)

Atlanta Falcons @ New Orleans Saints

(Saints by 4.5, they win but fail to cover)

Cincinnati Bengals @ Carolina Panthers

(Bengals by 3.5, Panthers win outright)

Tennessee Titans @ NY Giants

(Giants by 3.5, they win but fail to cover)

Dallas Cowboys @ Houston Texans

(Texans by 2.5, Cowboys win outright)

Detroit Lions @ Minnesota Vikings

(Vikings by 10.5, they cover)

Cleveland Browns @ Baltimore Ravens

(Ravens by 10.5, they win but fail to cover)

Washington Redskins @ St. Louis Rams

(Redskins by 3.5, Rams win outright)

Philadelphia Eagles @ Jacksonville Jaguars

(Eagles by 2.5, they cover)

Oakland Raiders @ Arizona Cardinals

(Cardinals by 4.5, they win but fail to cover)

Indianapolis Colts @ Denver Broncos

(Colts by 5.5, they win but fail to cover)

San Diego Chargers @ Seattle Seahawks

(Chargers by 5.5, Seahawks win outright)

NY Jets @ Miami Dolphins

(Dolphins by 1.5, they cover)

Green Bay Packers @ Chicago Bears

(Packers by 2.5, they cover)


Yom Kippur 2010

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Tonight begins Yom Kippur.

The bottom line is like many people, I am far from a saint and hopefully not a complete screwup that God regrets creating.

I have a long way to go, and to quote the theme from Smokey and the Bandit, a short time to get there.

I need to remind myself that while my blog gives me a platform, that comes with responsibility. I should not get personal, go after families, or engage in slander or libel. I should remember that politicians I disagree with are my opponents, never my enemies.

With regards to my parents, I should remember that plenty of people don’t have them. I thank God I do, and should tell them that more often. My inheritance will not be much, but I want to make my own fortune. I hope regarding what they have, that the last check they write is to the mortuary, and that it bounces.

Then again, advocating check kiting on Yom Kippur might not be wise.

I have the best friends a guy could ask for. I need to appreciate them more and let them know that.

As for romance, the Miami Shark is the love of my life. Some readers of my blog observe that I have a habit of pointing out other hot women and making salacious comments.

In real life I am in a monogamous relationship with a woman I love very much. While she knows this, I want the entire world to know that sophomoric comments about other hot women aside, no other woman comes close to the Miami Shark. She is the love of my life.

I have come to the conclusion that I am obsessed with pursuing wealth and power. This may not be very admirable. I vow never to let my pursuit of this lead to me ignoring the people I love. I also vow never to hurt other innocent human beings in my quest to get what I want. Lastly, I vow to remain the same person and not become corrupted by such power.

I am not a patient person. Lord knows I have to do better.

I also promise to continue being sincere. I will not pretend to stop engaging in bad behavior that I know I will continue to engage in.

I hope to one day be a pillar of my community. As I keep reminding myself, I have so much work to do.

Lastly, I vow to offer one more totally socially unacceptable comment before Yom Kippur starts to get it out of my system.

Delaware Senator Christin O’Donnell offered very sensitive comments about a very sensitive subject.

All I will say is I am not going to touch that one.

I think I just did.

I apologize for that remark.

As for the rest, I was very sincere. I appreciate those who tolerate me despite my many flaws.

May Almighty God weigh my good against the bad and keep me around for awhile.

I could help matters by eating healthier, but that falls into the insincerity category.

To the Jews of the world everywhere, I wish you a peaceful Yom Kippur.

To good people everywhere else, peace and blessings to you and your loved ones.


Testosterone Tuesday

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Today is Testosterone Tuesday.

Before getting to the main event, after years of searching I have finally…after all hope was gone…found the entire version of the Lee Greenwood song “Bandit Express” from Smokey and the Bandit 3. I have searched everywhere, and can now enjoy the nobility made famous by Burt “Bandit” Reynolds and Jerry “Snowman (rest his soul)” Reed. When Buford T. Justice sees me on the highway at least I will have the right music playing.

This has been a fabulous few days for a certain Hebrew Alpha Male. It should be heaven for alpha males everywhere. Between songs about car chases, NFL football, and lots of red meat, only one thing could make things even better. This brings us to Testosterone Tuesday.

The other day right before Rosh Hashanah I went with a friend to see “The Expendables.”

Thank the heavens for this movie. I have said many times that sometimes it is time for alpha males to go watch people in the movies just blow sh*t up.

Why? Because it’s cool.

Not since “Judge Dredd” and “Over the top” has Stallone been this cool.

(Great scene 1 from Judge Dredd…Stallone…”It’s impossible! The evidence has been falsified! I never broke the law! I am the law!

Great scene 2 from Judge Dredd…bad guy Armand Assante after killing his political rivals…”Now who says politics is boring.”

Over the Top had the best tough guy character name in Lincoln Hawk, and truckers slapping each other in the face to get pumped up before arm wrestling is as good as it gets.)

In the Expendables, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, Micky Rourke, and Dolph Lundgren (as much fun to say as it is to watch) all play a role in either exacerbating or reducing problems through carnage.

While this movie was totally apolitical, Phil Donahue and other liberal pansies were nowhere to be found. Nobody sang Kumbaya in this movie.

Initially when watching the Expendables I pictured the bad guys as the Palesimians. For a moment I saw Ariel Sharon burning down Gaza. It was a beautiful way to lead into Rosh Hashanah.

Yet while the Expendables could take down Palesimians, imagine how great life could be if the few Hollywood stars who are not completely worthless took down the rest of Hollywood.

Not since Ken Wahl of “Wiseguy” fame played a guy named Boomer in the “Taking of Beverly Hills” has an opportunity to wreak glorious havoc on the worst elements of American culture been so tantalizingly close.

First the Expendables should invade an area even more corrupt and dangerous than the Middle East or South America.

That’s right, they should launch an attack from New York and take down New Jersey.

They would start with the cast of the Jersey Shore. If Mike Sorrentino thinks he is a tough guy Guido, let him contend with Stallone. I am sure Dolph Lundgren could beat the daylights out of Snookie and then force her to spell her own name right.

Once the Jersey Shore cast was eliminated, Jet Li could singlehandedly kickbox the tar out of the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Given New Jersey’s strict gun control laws, it has been impossible to give these ladies all guns and let them duel at ten paces. Therefore, karate moves by Mr. Li will be needed to eviscerate the worst garbage from the Garbage State.

(Chris Christie can join the team if he passes the initiation test that Schwarzenegger did not, taking down the teachers’ unions. Rudy Giuliani took down the mafia, but that pales in comparison to the teachers’ unions.)

Schwarzenegger was a failed governor of California because he failed to crack down on crime, as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan remained free. He could redeem himself by taking down every celebrity to the left of Jon Voight.

Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer was not in the movie, but no movie is perfect. While Guns n Roses was in the soundtrack (Schwarzenegger is a fan), not one of the characters smashed any Barbra Streisand or Cheryl Crow records. Again, no movie is perfect.

So for those who want to attack the movie as simplistic, jingoistic, chest thumping, I summon Jack Nicholson as Colonel Nathan R. Jessup. You’re D@mn right is is.

We are all expendable. Yet for one hour and forty minutes, the complexities of life were boiled down to simple principles that Neocons understand.

Take the bad guys, blow sh*t up, and shove the American flag up their hide until they go to the toilet red, white, and blue. Then pull their trousers down, and either hang the flag from their blankety-blanks or take a cattle prod and brand a tattoo of Uncle Sam on their hides.

To paraphrase a famous NFL quarterback after a Super Bowl loss, we need to take the bad guys and hand them their hides on a platter with the tray being bent.

I hate to criticize the movie, but not a single United Nations diplomat was blown to kingdom come.

Other than that, for a brief window of time, the wussification of America was suspended.

I am not in the mood to wrestle a live bull right now since if I won, the animal rights activists would bother me. So instead I will eat a dead cow after violently hitting a bottle of blood until it pours all over the steak. The blood will resemble ketchup.

For those worrying about the alpha male crash after the high, don’t worry. Gordon Gekko is out of prison any day now and ready to retake Wall Street, because Money Never Sleeps.

For now…

Long live the Expendables!

All hail Testosterone Tuesday!


Rosh Hashanah 2010–A line of thought

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Today is the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Again I will be in Temple in New York.

This pre-written column is just my thoughts on one line of thought I have.

A recent experience had me thinking in ways that disappointed me. One person sent me an email wishing me a happy Rosh Hashanah. I thanked him for his support, and that I appreciated Christian support for Israel. He seemed confused, asking If I thought he was Christian. I have known him a few years, and always assumed he was. It turns out he is Jewish.

He has never hid his Judaism, but I always assumed he was Christian. For one thing, he is Republican. For another, he is very tall. Also, most people in America are Christians.

Yet the real reason I thought he was Christian was that he is overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

Despite the fact that I am a Jewish Republican who is staunchly pro-Israel, I still figure that when I meet somebody who is Republican and pro-Israel, that they are Christian.

That is a sad commentary on my part, but maybe if more Jews were loud and proud I would feel differently.

I hope on this Rosh Hashanah Jewish pride flies loud and proud.

Happy Rosh Hashanah to all Jews and thank you to others for your support.


Rosh Hashanah 2010–The endless sports dilemma

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Today is Rosh Hashanah. I will be in Temple in New York.

I am under no illusions that I fall way short on so many levels. I also know that even the tiniest sliver of decency is better than zero.

Anyway, this column is pre-written.

I wrote these words a few days ago. I decided to write them again because the dilemma between religion and sports will never go away. I will make my decision at the 11th hour.

Next week is Yom Kippur, where I apologize and try to do better. I hope I do not have to add to the list before then.

A peaceful Rosh Hashanah to the Jews of the world.

I am hoping Brett Favre has a great game tonight, and the Vikings beat the Saints.

(Saints favored by 5.5. They win but fail to cover.)

Of course, good Jewish boys will be in Temple and not watching the game.


Labor Day lies and rumors

Monday, September 6th, 2010

As Americans get prepared to eat hot dogs and steaks on the grill, Labor Day represents more than a celebration of the American worker (especially ones not held hostage by union thugs).

Labor Day is the last Monday without NFL Football for 17 weeks.

Yet even on a day as important as this, some lies and rumors need to be debunked.

First of all, Labor Day has nothing to do with pregnancy.

More importantly, I am not in labor.

I know people have seen pictures of me, and know that my “diet” consists of buying bigger clothing. Some have pointed out that I am in my third trimester. If it is a boy, I am going to name it “gut.”

For those who think trying to birth a baby is painful, try getting out of bed in the morning when one is really tired and the sheets are really comfortable.

So Labor Day should honor people like me, because ending sleep and starting the day will be a labor in itself.

For those who think that Britain has anything to do with this, that is Labour. Elitists like to add extra letters to words for no reason. Average neighborhoods have harbors. Rich neighborhoods have harbours.

I would say more, but let’s be honest. Labor Day for most people is a day off and nothing more.

Ironically, obstetricians will be working.

As for me, I will be eating several hot dogs and hamburgers because if I have been wrong all this time and really am with child, eating for two allows me to expand the waistline.

Off to relax until the real pain hits on Pepto Bismol Tuesday.


The “Situation” in Afghanistan

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

I was watching the news when I heard the commentator discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

I kept hearing that phrase over and over when I drifted away from foreign policy.

What was the hidden meaning of “the situation in Afghanistan?”

Obviously people are finally taking my advice and sending the cast of Jersey Shore to dangerous world war zones where they can be eliminated.

Mike Sorrentino, also known as “the Situation,” is finally being sent to Afghanistan.

Now if only Snookie were sent to Iraq, pop culture would be slightly less vapid by an infantecimal amount.

(She spells it “Snooki” without the “e.” I am right, she is wrong.)

I have never watched the Jersey Shore. As a lifelong New Yorker growing up, I have nothing to say about New Jersey. Outside of Governor Chris Christie and a girl I liked at Summer camp in the 1980s, the state is worthless.

(Please do not cite Springsteen. He does nothing for me, although I did like Bon Jovi and Skid Row.)

The Situation in Afghanistan would be a great reality show. One minute he is flexing his muscles and preparing to fight, and then he realizes that the Taliban have guns and are unimpressed by his celebrity.

Snookie could finally get romantic with a goat. It could teach her Pashtun, and she could teach it…well, not everything has to be reciprocal.

She could show them the naked pictures she took of herself. They would then try to stone or behead her since even showing ankles is forbidden under Shariah law.

While it is tempting to have the entire cast waterboarded, coercive interrogation methods should only be used to extract vital intelligence information. I do not picture Snookie offering anything vital, informative, or intelligent, at least not from a security standpoint.

I do not know if any of these people are connected to Mr. Big (actor Chris Noth, not the 1980s rock band), although deporting the cast of Sex and the City would be fine as well.

So let’s have the Situation in Afghanistan along with the rest of them, and may none of them ever return.

America can be great again if we just dumb down the rest of the world to levels below us.
