There is a reason why Valentine’s Day and the dating season comes after the Super Bowl and football season.
eric @ the Tygrrrr Express
There is a reason why Valentine’s Day and the dating season comes after the Super Bowl and football season.
eric @ the Tygrrrr Express
Recycled Valentine’s Day musings
Maybe Hillary Clinton and Wendy Davis are just terrible human beings
Five years ago liberal Americans socially promoted an unqualified black man to the presidency to atone for past racism. Now these same individuals determined to create one giant collective are socially promoting unqualified women to high political positions to make up for past sexism. Hillary Clinton and Wendy Davis are not good people. They deserve real scrutiny.
Missing person alert: Help find Kelly Dwyer
On October 11th, Kelly Dwyer went missing.
Every little bit helps. For anybody with an ounce of spare time, please help in the search for Kelly Dwyer and any other missing individuals.
In dating, being broke is no excuse
In a tough economy, the last thing many people want to think about is dating. It is difficult to be social when financial worries hang over a person’s head.
While being broke is hurtful on a person’s pride and wallet, it cannot be a deterrent to dating.
Screwed up people do not get better
In the dating world, compassion can only go so far. More importantly, it should only go so far. There are times when we all know what course of action to take, and yet move in the opposite direction or stay still to our emotional detriment.
There is one thing normal, emotionally healthy people need to remember.
Screwed up people do not get better.
Hollywood loves fantasies about the person who overcomes alcohol or drug abuse to become a successful vegan horticulturalist hero.
In the real world, alcoholics keep drinking and drug addicts keep doing drugs. There are exceptions, but they are called that for a reason. Most of these people have multiple relapses.
This is where the compassion fascists rear their politically correct heads. After all, it is easier for them to show empathy for the person engaging in self-destructive behavior than the well-adjusted person trying to get through the day without society’s powder kegs.
Mental illness, despite protests from counselors, is absolutely a deficiency. Mental illness comes in many different forms, but the bottom line is that crazy people do not become normal. If the word “crazy” is too harsh, then force every mental health professional to sleep in the same bed with a lunatic for a few weeks until the political correctness is drained from their body.
A normal person can only stay awake so many nights worried sick over a spiraling partner before the healthy person is broken down and exhausted themselves.
Some people are just the kings and queens of trainwreckistan, and the rest of us have zero obligation to put up with them. When a man has a morning business meeting, panicked telephone calls at 4:00am because she is arguing with “voices” is not acceptable.
People often make excuses for these people and their repeated messes. The phrase, “stuff happens” is a common refrain. Wrong. Stuff does not happen. They happen.
Normal is a subjective term, and we all have our idiosyncratic peculiarities. Yet this is several standard deviation from the many people in our society who are outright basket cases.
They do not get better. They get exponentially worse. The quicker the problematic behavior starts, the worse it will be in the long run. Since most people put their best feet forward in the beginning, it is reasonable to be leery of anybody who cannot contain their worst elements during the early glow period.
Even the few people who beat the odds do so because of something inside them. They cannot be “loved” by another into good behavior.
The current woman I am dating is normal. She is sane. She is totally lucid and capable of logical reasoning. She is not an alcoholic, does not do drugs, and does not argue with inanimate objects.
For those who like to take on projects, become a social worker. Just do not date your cases.
For those who want to lead happy lives, avoid defective individuals with every bit as much effort as one would avoid using a defective product. Nobody would drive a car with the wheels falling off. That should apply to our romantic prospects as well.
Screwed up people do not get better, and they can only hide their “special” qualities for so long.
If you see them, run away like Flo-Jo. Otherwise, the result will be a relationship that can become a permanent trap. If it leads to children, those kids could also be predisposed to those qualities.
Productive individuals deserve better, as does society at large.
In dating, politics does matter
In dating, politics does matter.
When a breakup lacks a villain
Like flowers, all relationships die.
When the blame game begins, the next step is to divide up everything from possessions to friends.
Yet what happens when there is no villain? In a counter-intuitive way, this type of ending to a relationship can be the absolute worst.
What every woman (and many men) could learn from Mo’Nique
It’s all about Mo’Nique.
Forget Kate Upton, Elizabeth Hurley, Cindy Crawford, Eva Longoria, Tara Banks and every other model of beauty that society has foisted upon us.
It’s all about Mo’Nique.
Mo’Nique is one of the sexiest women alive, and every woman could learn from her. So can plenty of men.
The former hostess with the mostess of “Showtime at the Apollo” is a shining example of how to succeed in the world of romance when the deck is supposedly stacked against you.
Mo’Nique belongs to the one group of people who are still ridiculed by comedians in the cheapest of ways. She is, by current standards, “overweight.” She most likely weighs somewhere between 200 and 300 pounds.
It has been at least a couple of centuries since overweight people were considered the most beloved people in society. They were “rubenesque,” a euphemism that currently fools nobody.
Current supermodels through no fault of their own have young women convinced that “thin is in,” and that “no guy wants to date the fat girl.”
Yet while attitude may not be everything, it goes a long way. PMA (positive mental attitude) turned Mo’nique into a superstar.
She became a sex symbol by declaring herself one. She just decided she was, and acted like it.
She showed up at the Apollo jiggling and shaking her body, singing, “Hey girl. It’s your birthday. We’re going to party, like it’s your birthday.”
An alien from another planet observing her would conclude that she is big, black, and it is always her birthday.
On more than one occasion she would single out her fellow hefty women for praise.
“I want all the big girls on stage. Only the big girls. Big girls, get up here and do your thing.”
All the heavyset women would dance on stage with her as the crowd cheered them on.
Mo’Nique even made a movie where the entire premise was about her girth. It was entitled “Phat Girlz.” Comedian Chris Tucker explained to Americans in “Moneytalks” that P.H.A.T. stands for “Pretty Hot and Tempting.”
When a woman is that big a deal, she does not even need a last name. Madonna, and Beyonce have proven this. Yet to add an apostrophe jazzes everything up. She is not just Monica or Monique, but Mo’Nique. At the Apollo, she was Mooooooooniiiiiiiqqqqqque.
Mo’Nique’s weight has not prevented her from getting married and having children. It has certainly not limited the roles she has played. While she is a comedienne by trade, she won a best supporting actress Academy Award for her very serious villainous character in “Precious.”
She is an accomplished woman who has had more pain in her life than any human being should have to go through. She was a childhood victim of incest.
Yet this woman who could have ended up at the bottom of the barrel refuse to let her self-esteem be measured by her weight. It is easy to tell other people to just be happy with who they are. It is a very difficult thing for those people to actually do it.
Most men would never admit it, but when Mo’Nique walks on that stage, they find her sexy.
So to Mo’Nique, I say shake those hips and that badonkadonk. You are the very definition of sexiness.
To women and men everywhere, learn from this woman. All the weight loss pills and diets and exercise regimens in the world will not fix what ails the human heart and mind. Weighing more is not a barrier to love and happiness provided it does not become a health issue. To love others, one has to love the person in the mirror to the point of confidence but short of vanity.
A great birthday present for any woman would be to feel special for all the right reasons. For men, a great birthday present would be to find a woman as self-assured as Mo’Nique, which leads to a better chance at a healthy relationship.
As for Mo’Nique herself, she should just stay lovely. Go on girl. It’s your birthday. Do your thing while the rest of us watch and admire what you do and how you do it.
Dear Sydney Leathers
It seems you have found yourself at the center of a sex scandal. From the moment you were discovered to be the most recent victim of an internet sexual predator named Anthony Weiner, your life has been turned upside down like a freshman on prom night. Although you voluntarily sent a “selfie” to him displaying your pink underclothing and little else, this is in no way your fault. You are a hot girl, and if men have been taught anything since birth, it is that hot girls are never to blame for anything.
The liberal media has crucified you in the cruelest of ways, even attacking your facial beauty and pleasingly plump posterior of perfection. The media never got the memo, but the anorexic look has not been popular since people read Rolling Stone magazine a couple of decades ago. Many guys like a woman with some serious junk in the trunk, and you are obviously bright enough to know this. Kim Kardashian launched an entire career off her oversized backside, and has not had to do an ounce of real work since. If you play your cards and your backside right, you could be a multi-millionairess within weeks.
Pornography is not the answer. Do not do it. You will be used and abused, and at risk for diseases. Playboy is a possibility, but you only get once chance. There is a better way for you to experience the best life has to offer.
Your mistake was not in sending nearly naked pictures of yourself to a man over 40. Your derriere err was in sending them to the wrong man. Weiner is untrustworthy. He is married, and cheating on you and his wife with many other internet paramours.
Next time, do the smart, decent, and honorable thing. Send your pics to me.
If you do not understand why this is the appropriate way to handle things, I can explain it to you personally.
Things will not be easy in the beginning. You will need to become a Republican. Enough of this liberal progressive “yes, we can” blather. Become a conservative, although not one of those uptight ones that refuses to take adult pictures of themselves.
Then you need to become Jewish. Christianity teaches people to feel guilty, and that everything is a sin. Islam is not the right choice, since some in that faith would put you to death for taking selfies. Also, fasting on Ramadan is not good for a woman needing to maintain her curves. Judaism celebrates lust within certain confines.
Then you need to move to Los Angeles, since cold Indiana winters are terrible for a woman’s complexion. All the Aloe and Lanolin in the world cannot counter frostbite.
I suggest you take classes at the local community college. My recommendation is that you major in home economics with a minor in sports business. That way you can fix my dinner while I am watching football, and still understand what the announcers are saying during the game.
(Calm down feminists, those remarks were gratuitous and deliberately designed to get your panties in a bunch. Unlike Sydney Leathers’s pink panties, I have no interest in yours and you know it. If men did, you would not be feminists.)
At this point you are probably wondering what you get out of this. You already have had an entire column dedicated to you, so do not get greedy.
Now take your angelic smile and spectacular honkeytonk badonkadonk, and shake and bake your way over here.
You have already wasted time with sleazy men not willing to appreciate a girl of your considerable talents and caliber. Learn from your mistakes. Since you like Jewish men who pretend to be Latin lovers, I will correspond with you using my secret Twitter handle. My black clad, swashbuckling alter ego is “El Dorko.”
I eagerly await your arrival. Like the classiest finest joint in town, Motel 6, I will keep a light on for you.
Oh, and wear the pink thing. I prefer my Leathers in lace.
Come anytime, and thank you for bringing true romance back to dating in the 21st century.