The Tygrrrr Express is Bay Area bound for the weekend. After all, nothing says republican, Jewish, heterosexual and proud like Northern California.
I frequently attend events involving the Republican Jewish Coalition, since I am a member of the leadership. I frequently get to witness panels of experts discussing various topics, and I take copious notes.
I have been invited to be a panelist myself. The topic will be “The case for the GOP in 2008.” I will be speaking from a blogger’s perspective.
Since I am not talented enough to take notes on myself while speaking at the same time, I can reveal that I will make the same points I have been hammering since day one as a blogger.
The main thing I will emphasize is that it does not matter how good ideas are. If the marketing is bad, people will ignore the ideas. Yes, there are those on the hard left that actually believe that if they changed a few words, their noxious prescriptions for America would be palatable. Most people have seen liberalism, and realize that the entire ideology needs to go the way of the horse and buggie.
Yet conservatism is still a relevant philosophy. When practiced right, it works. The problem is that conservatives have not had a good marketer since Reagan.
President Bush was brilliant in a debate, when asked about gun control in the wake of a Columbine style shooting. Rather than take the bait, he stated that one thing we need to do is put our arms around kids and tell them we love them.
I can picture Oprah wetting her underwear at such emotional claptrap. Yet it works. Trying to argue against gun control on ideas such as respecting the Constitution do not work. We have to pull heartstrings.
We also have to force democrats to define themselves. We have to verbally smoke them out by forcing them to answer questions they desperately do not wish to answer.
When they blather on about “tax cuts for the wealthy,” we need to ask them “Who are the wealthy?” I want to force them to give me an exact dollar amount, where above that number, a person is wealthy. My parents managed to earn six figures when their incomes were combined, which is not wealthy, especially with a mortgage on Long Island. Once people see that their own middle class lives are deemed wealthy, they recoil in horror.
Bill Clinton claimed he would only raise taxes on the wealthy. Even the Jayson Blair Times saw this as false. It might have been the only time they were right about anything.
We need to ask liberals “If success could be attained in Iraq, would you stay?” When they start crying about how we are failing, and mismanagement, and lies, and blood for oil, steer them right back to the point. If we can succeed, would they stay? Then we should watch them twist like pretzels. Feeling failure is pessimistic. Endorsing failure is morally vile. That is today’s democratic party.
Yet the main point I will emphasize on the panel I am on is that we absolutely must be pleasant. We must be likable. Virtually every issue can be defused with humor.
I am deadly serious about my conservative beliefs, but I am still able to explain my beliefs in a lighthearted manner. The biggest sins of anybody trying to communicate are stridency, viciousness, and especially…being boring.
Boring people stand up and talk about postulates. Interesting people captivate an audience. I must confess I am on the verge of boring people to tears to describe what makes people interesting. So here are some examples of captivation.
The problem of Jewish people dying off through lack of reproduction is the biggest threat the people of the book have faced in 50 years. Yet to describe in mind numbing detail the statistics of reproduction is torture that the Geneva Convention might take issue with. Yet my article, “Sir, I impregnated your daughter. No Need to thank me!” hits the issue home.
I have spoken about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with columns entitled, “Burn, Gaza Burn, Disco Inferno,” which compares the problem to 70s disco music. “I’ll have Gaza Strip and Eggs for breakfast please, sunny side down and burnt to a crisp,” offered another angle. “Mr. Moderate Palestinian Leader, Meet Mr. Easter Bunny,” offered yet another take. The message was clear.
People who encounter me start out by saying, “This guy has some serious screws loose.” Yes, it scares away the more stodgy people, but some stick around because they like train wrecks. By the time they are done reading my column, they are thinking, “There is some serious common sense here.” Also, I am as likable as the average bear.
There is nothing wrong with the conservative message. What is wrong is when republicans betray our own message. Liberals win elections when they run away from themselves. Conservatives win when they show their true colors.
Americans are frustrated with the Iraq War. Yet at no time did the American people want to lose. They were not upset we were still there. They were upset at a perceived lack of progress. Americans demand success, and have every right to do so.
Americans do not hate rich people. They like living in a nation where they can become rich. Forcing the rich to pay their fair share is a tired slogan. Rich people provide jobs. They are producers. They already pay their fair share.
Not every CEO in America is greedy. Not every person with means is a bad person.
Most importantly, conservatives are happier people than liberals. Listen to those on the far left. They are often dour. The world is miserable, the sky is falling, and everything is wrong.
People do not want to hear this. They want to hear about what we can do. We put a man on the moon. We invented the internet. We have revolutionized medicine. People are living longer, and many diseases that killed 100 years ago now are cured with a pill.
We are a nation of manifest destiny, and the way to spread a message is to let people know what we are capable of achieving with good old fashioned American ingenuity.
I disagree with the politics of Barack Obama, but his slogan “Yes, we can!” is simply more inspiring than anything Hillary Clinton has come up with. John McCain’s personal heroism and sacrifice make for an amazing message about what happens when a brave man digs down deep and finds what he is made of. He has the style and the substance.
Americans believe in personal responsibility. Now if I were to write a column called, “Lost your home? Screw You!,” people would be angry with me. So instead, I can write a column about deliberately trying to lose as much money as possible, because the more I lose, the better chance I have of getting a government bailout. I will buy a 7 billion dollar home later in the week and then default. Like a Dilbert Manager, I will bungle my way to wealth and success.
Yes, it is the same message, but it is palatable, and self deprecating.
Trying to argue the intellect of global warming is exhausting, and changes nobody’s opinion. Yet when Howard Stern suggested we start recycling toilet paper, it was a way of poking fun at where to draw the line.
As for what I have just told all of you, I doubt I will get to it all. I only have a limited time to speak, which is best for pretty much most of Western Civilization.
I will make sure to brag about my three fatwas, one from a Palestinian group, one from the Daily Kos, and one from the National Organization for Women. Apparently they simply do not agree with my column advocating the repeal of the 19th Amendment.
The illegal immigration debate is entrenched, but a discussion of sealing off red states to protect them from blue state migration is a lighter approach.
Also, abortion is a less charged topic when the issue becomes one of eugenics. By allowing liberals to have more abortions, it helps conservatives win elections.
I may not always be right (although I very well could be), but I am always entertaining (or perhaps not).
When all is said and done, I only hope that the RJC sees my contribution to the panel as sheer brilliance. If I was writing the review, I know I would. Yet as I said earlier, trying to write my own notes while speaking will be next to impossible.
I could use this column as my pre panel notes. Or I could forget to bring it with me.
I may wing it, since I speak better on the fly. I just have to remember that discussing my plan to impregnate republican Jewish brunettes would not lead to a second panel experience. Plus, the Chicago Cannonball would be quite salty with me if I did.
So what is the case for the GOP in 2008?
I will let you all know after I say it, if I remember.
I know it has something to do with us being right and them being off their leftist rockers.