Ok, enough fun and games. It is time to get to work.
Am I the only person who thinks that there were just too many inaugural balls?
This is not a knock on our new President. I bet he probably felt there were too many balls. In fact, the overload was similar to college football except that one month ago it was bowls, not balls.
Last night we had the Tostitos La Raza Fiesta Ball, The RU486 Now Ball, The Persian Environmentalist Global Shawarming Ball, and I think the Poulon Weed Eater and Tinactin Toe Fungus Balls.
I genuinely did want to hear what he had to say whenever he spoke. Yet does anybody really need to interview Kanye West or Puff Diddy Daddy Howdy Doody (or whatever he calls himself this week) for their opinions?
Whether democrats or republicans, we decry partisanship, but love a good party.
Well now the balloons have been popped and the floors have been cleaned. Hopefully the environmentalists did not leave their signs of “hope,” “change,” and “Yes, we can,” on the lawn to ruin the D.C. grass.
Before getting serious, a quick fun note. Young actor and husband of Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, wrote a column entitled “I pledge to serve President Obama.”
Andrew Breitbart of “Big Hollywood,” had a brilliant satire entitled, “I pledge to ridicule celebrities (who refuse to recognize that we are at war with people that want to kill them too).”
Ok, enough fun. It is time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. I could care less about the Inaugural speech. I felt it was bland, but only because he set the bar so high in 2004 that he may have set unrealistic expectations. Nevertheless, I am going to judge this man not by what he says, but by what he does.
I do not see this as the greatest day in human existence, nor do I see it as armageddon. According to my calendar, it is Wednesday. On Wednesday, I work. Our politicians need to do the same, and fast.
The stock market dropped 300 points on Inauguration Day, which means at this rate the stock market will be at 0 very soon. No, I am not predicting that.
The only thing I want in my new President is for him to get the job done. Three different columns address this in various ways.
One of the most decent and thoughtful liberals I have ever seen on television (and met in person) is Juan WIlliams. I disagree with him much of the time, but he is a genuine and sincere person that cares about fixing problems. He makes it clear that for Barack Obama to truly be judged fairly, he has to face criticism when he is wrong. People that are too scared to criticize a black man are patronizing. Juan Williams is right when he says, “Judge Obama on Performance Alone.”
“If his presidency is to represent the full power of the idea that black Americans are just like everyone else — fully human and fully capable of intellect, courage and patriotism — then Barack Obama has to be subject to the same rough and tumble of political criticism experienced by his predecessors. To treat the first black president as if he is a fragile flower is certain to hobble him. It is also to waste a tremendous opportunity for improving race relations by doing away with stereotypes and seeing the potential in all Americans.
Yet there is fear, especially among black people, that criticism of him or any of his failures might be twisted into evidence that people of color cannot effectively lead. That amounts to wasting time and energy reacting to hateful stereotypes. It also leads to treating all criticism of Mr. Obama, whether legitimate, wrong-headed or even mean-spirited, as racist.
This is patronizing. Worse, it carries an implicit presumption of inferiority. Every American president must be held to the highest standard. No president of any color should be given a free pass for screw-ups, lies or failure to keep a promise.”
Juan Williams is a good man. He will condemn the truly racists in our society that will reflexively oppose President Obama out of a bigotry that will hopefully breathe its last breath in my lifetime. Yet he will also criticize those that will not criticize President Obama for any reason at any time, as if that is the appropriate remedy for past injustices.
Juan Williams gets it. He understands that it is time to get to work.
Christopher Dickey of Newsweek does not get it in terms of Israel, but despite using tired anti-Israel language, he does offer some insight into how President Obama’s election can be a message to Arabs in the Middle East.
Barack Obama was an acceptable alternative to the race baiting black “leadership” in the form of race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is revered, while the Black Panthers are reviled. The ARabs in the Middle East have never tried non-violence.
As I said, Mr. Dickey is dead wrong in trying to morally equate Israel and the Palestinians. However, he is right when he says that if the Palestinians, and Arabs in general, would ever try non-violence, they would reach heights that Dr. King and President Obama reached.
Arabs in the Middle East need to stop their culture of failure and blame. They need to get to work.
Yet the biggest challenge for President Obama will not come in the form of a suicidal death cult in the Middle East. It will be the suicidal death cult in his own party. Liberals are masters at hara-kiri.
Make no mistake about it. President Obama has an icy cool veneer, but many liberals, beneath the hope and promise, are scared to death they will screw it up. I have repeatedly said that I do not worry when democrats win elections because they can’t govern. Liberals would rather gouge their eyes out than have me be proven right about this again.
The question before them is whether they will choose governance or vengeance. President Obama has no bloodlust. He truly wants to move forward and actually govern. Yet too many in his party want to take President George W. Bush and keep trying to destroy him. They want to punch him, violate his daughters, run over his dog, and strap him and Vice President Cheney to a medieval torture rack (Yes, they would favor torture in that situation).
They can’t let go. They don’t know how to not hate.
J R Dunn at American Thinker has an outstanding post about the depths of the hatred towards President George W. Bush.
“There is one thing certain to go through Barack Obama’s mind during the inauguration: at one point or another, while glancing at George W. Bush, he will consider the treatment that Bush got as president and hope to God he suffers nothing even vaguely similar.
It can be stated without fear of serious argument that no previous president has been treated as brutally, viciously, and unfairly as George W. Bush.
Bush 43 endured a deliberate and planned assault on everything he stood for, everything he was involved in, everything he tried to accomplish.”
When liberals say that “we should all come together,” what they really mean is that conservatives should “shut up and agree with them.” When asked how coming together can be combined with vitriol towards the outgoing President, the answer is that hatred of Bush is an exception because “he actually deserves it.”
By what criteria? Because they say so?
I do not blame Barack Obama for the fact that too many of his supporters are out and out lunatics. I will blame him if he caters to this mob. So far he has not. Yet Mr. Dunn knows what he is talking about when he warns of what will occuir based on what already has.
“His detractors were willing to risk the country’s safety, its economic health, and the very balance of the democratic system of government in order to get at him. They were out to bring him down at all costs, or at the very least destroy his personal and presidential reputation. At this they have been half successful, at a high price for the country and its government.”
The left was never willing to get to work. They needed vengeance like normal humans need oxygen.
“What were the reasons for this hatred and the campaign that grew out of it? We can ask that question as often as we like, but we’ll get no rational answer. All that we can be sure of is that Bush’s actual policies and personality had little to do with it. Al Gore’s egomaniacal attempt to defy this country’s constitutional rules of succession merely acted as a trigger, giving the left a pretext to open up the attack. The same can be said about lingering bitterness over Bill Clinton’s impeachment.”
The cancerous elements that formed Moveon.org never did truly move on. In the case of the Jayson Blair Times, hatred for President Bush was so deep and so vile that the paper was willing to get innocent Americans killed over it. After all, jihad does involve collateral damage.
“But even this pales in light of the actions of the New York Times, which on its downhill road to becoming a weekly shopper giveaway for the Upper West Side, seriously jeopardized national security in the process of satisfying its anti-Bush compulsion. Telecommunications intercepts, interrogation techniques, transport of terrorist captives, tracking of terrorist finances… scarcely a single security program aimed at Jihadi activity went unrevealed by the Times and — not to limit the blame — was then broadcast worldwide by the legacy media. At one point, Times reporters published a detailed analysis of government methods of searching out rogue atomic weapons, a story that was no doubt read with interest at points north of Lahore, and one that we may all end up paying for years down the line. The fact that Bush was able to curtail any further attacks while the media as a whole was working to undermine his efforts is little less than miraculous.”
I will again say that I do not blame our new President. Just because some political psychotics agree with him does not mean he agrees with them.
Yet can democrats put aside their hatred and actually govern? Will they work on solutions to current problems? Or will they conduct endless investigations of industries such as “big oil,” and then wonder why the stock market fears them?
Will they try to pursue war crimes charges against everybody in the Bush Aministration?
Barack Obama seems reasonable, but it will not be easy to pacify the centrists and the wingnuts.
I will continue to take a wait and see atittude with our new President. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.
The wingnuts deserve nothing, and will hopefully get nothing. Until they wipe the blood from their fangs, there is nothing to discuss with them.
As for the rest of us civilized human beings, we do not have time to indulge the tantrums of the left.
We have serious work to do. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.