Archive for June, 2010

Ben Shapiro Gets It

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

I am outsourcing my column today because a fellow Republican Jew wrote something absolutely brilliant that must be read.

I have had the pleasure of getting to know Ben Shapiro personally.

While he is so conservative that he makes me look like a liberal, I share his no holds barred method of communication. I met him at UCLA Hillel and enjoyed his blunt nature.

I have said on many occasions that liberal Jews need cranial-glutial extraction surgery. He shares this belief with less tactlessness.

Ben is only 25 years old, yet has already authored three books. He is a rising star in young conservative circles, and I look forward to him achieving success in whatever he does.

Judaism has been hijacked by liberalism. It has infected Jewish professors on campuses, led to a culture of filth in Hollywood, and poisoned many synagogues that long ago replaced the Torah with Earth goddess Gaea and other leftist nonsense.

With that, I present the hard hitting body blow of reality that is Ben Shapiro.

“Dear American Jews,

I write to you as a charter member of the  tribe. I’m not only Jewish, I’m religious. I’m married to an Israeli girl  (she’ll receive her citizenship next year and she is a proud soon-to-be  American). I go to synagogue regularly, keep kosher, keep the Sabbath.

American Jews, I have one request of you: please pull your heads  out of your posteriors.

I mean that in all sincerity. Your  continued support for Democrats and an administration that is openly  anti-Semitic is a disgrace. Your embrace of a party that seeks to hamstring  Israel in the name of a wholly fictitious Middle East peace process is  contemptible. Your loyalty to a president who consistently sides with  Palestinian and Iranian mass murder-supporters  is disgusting.

Your backing of a man who has spent his life  surrounding himself with the worst anti-Semites America has to offer —  Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khalidi (former Palestinian terrorist spokesman),  Louis Farrakhan (“I don’t like the way  [Jews] leech on us”), Samantha Power,  Robert Malley, to name a few — is nothing short of reprehensible. Rahm  Emanuel’s presence in the Obama cabinet doesn’t  ameliorate Obama’s  anti-Semitism — it just provides it convenient cover.
Al Sharpton wrongly  called Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell “house negroes”; Emanuel is  a kapo.

Even as you continue to buttress a president who seeks the  destruction of your co-religionists, you demonstrate your myopia by rejecting  the tea party movement and evangelical Christian Israel-supporters. The tea  party movement is your ally for three important reasons.

First, it supports  capitalism against the forces of socialism — and capitalism keeps America  strong
enough to provide Israel with a hand against its evil adversaries.

Second,  American Jews are, by far, the highest-earning religious group in the  United States — the tea party fights for your right to keep your money.

Third, the tea party stands against government overreach — and in an era  when government overreach promotes anti-religious secularism, Jews must  stand with the tea party.

Your rejection of evangelical  Christians is even more idiotic. Evangelical Christians are the only major  voting bloc preventing President Obama from breaking ties with Israel. When  Janet Porter, an evangelical Florida talk show host, heard about Obama’s  anti-Israel tyranny, she responded by asking her listeners to buy dozens of  yellow roses to send to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office as a show  of support.

The price per dozen:

$19.48, in honor of the year of Israel’s  founding (1948). Over 14,000 flowers were delivered. Meanwhile, Adm. James  Jones, Obama’s national security adviser and the man who brought  Jew-hater Zbigniew Brzezinski into Obama’s inner circle, was busy telling  anti-Semitic jokes before the Washington Institute for Near East  Policy.

‘But they want to convert us!’ many American Jews shout.  Not all Christians do. But for the rest — so what? Would you sacrifice the  support of millions of good-hearted Christians because they want to discuss  Jesus with you? If your own belief system is so fragile, the weakness is  yours, not theirs. While you expend energy whining about Jehovah’s Witnesses  who show up at your door with a Bible, Obama supports radical Muslims who  would show up at your door with a gun — or, as in the case of Daniel Pearl,  a butcher’s knife.

Now, I understand, American Jews, that most  of you don’t care about Israel. I understand that you’re more concerned  about a woman’s unconditional right to abort her unborn child (which Judaism  rejects) than you are about Israel.

Fine. Understand that you have removed  yourself from the vast river of Jewish history in favor of a chimerical  morality that values libertinism over liberty.

I understand that  many of you — all of you above age 70 — still think FDR is alive. He isn’t,  but Jimmy Carter is. I understand that some of you still think that  conservatives and Republicans are the same folks they were during the 1950s,  when they banned you from country clubs. They aren’t.

The simple  fact is this: There is only one mainstream political ideology in this country  that asks you to check your principles and cultural history at the door in  the name of the greater good — leftism, the same ideology that virtually  exterminated Judaism in Russia and Europe . While the left exploits your  adherence to bagel-and-lox Judaism by appealing to your watered-down and  perverted ‘tikkun olam’ sensibilities, you are enabling your own destruction.

The same people who urge you to reach out to terrorists will be the first to sacrifice you to those terrorists’ tender mercies. The same people who urge you to worry about same-sex marriage rather than religious freedom will  be the first to take your religious freedoms away.

I love you,  my brothers and sisters. That’s why I’m writing to you.

Time is running  out; the clock is winding down. Pick a  side.”

Amen Ben! Amen.


Election 2010 Primary Analysis

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Today will not be short shrift Wednesday. These election returns deserve serious analysis.

Sorry to disappoint the imbeciles that want me to cover some guy who has a name that rhymes with Sandar Gloat. I prefer news.

I will not be covering the NBA finals because I conceded the season a couple weeks ago. I threw in the towel. The Los Angeles Lakers are the evil empire of basketball, and whatever deal they made with the devil, payback will not occur in my lifetime. I detest everything about the Lakers, and am too disgusted to say any more on the subject.

The NHL finals are going well because I also prefer Chicago to Philly, especially since Philly knocked off my NY Rangers on the final day of the regular season.

Back to politics.

Every race that I care about that has been decided comes with pluses and minuses.

One thing I want to emphasize to Republicans and other right of center voters everywhere is to…and let me say this loudly…FALL INTO LINE.

If your candidate lost (and many of mine did, as usual), shut up, deal with it, and back the Republican nominee.

Any conservatives that threaten to go third party should be b*tchslapped and locked in a room until they watch video returns of the NY 23rd special election that we LOST.

Ok, enough capital letters. I don’t give a d@mn about ideological purity. I am interested in winning and governing.

While the entire country may shift to the right in 2010, California may very well shift to the left.

Despite the fact that Democrats control both houses of the legislature, they will blame the current economic mess in California on right-wing policies. They will say that we had a Republican governor, and that is that.

This is ludicrous. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very liberal Republican leader. Meg Whitman is a very moderate and possibly liberal Republican. Jerry Brown will try to tie them to the vast right wing conspiracy, but there has not been a real conservative nominee for governor in years.

Steve Poizner was slightly more conservative, but still fairly moderate. Meg Whitman won handily. Meg is bright, capable, competent, likable, and tenacious. I hope the Poizner people immediately rally around her.

The California Senate race was a big win for Carly Fiorina. I backed Chuck Devore, but he and Tom Campbell both lost significantly to her.

I am very concerned about this race in terms of the general eletion. Obviously I am going to back Carly in the general election, but Barbara Boxer will have plenty of money and presidential support. Barbara Boxer is like a vampire. Until the stake is driven through her heart, she is very much alive. Every 6 years she is beatable, and every 6 year we screw it up. If we can’t beat her in this climate, we have only ourselves…and Carly…to blame.

The 30th congressional primary where I backed Ari David saw David Benning nip Charles Wilkerson 33 to 32%. Benning is a very credible candidate, and a decent and thoughtful guy. The 36th congressional primary where Mattie Fein and Pete Kesteron slugged it out saw Mattie triumph 50 to 43%. They both fought the good fight, and Mattie is a very strong general election candidate. Harman should be worried.

Defeating Henry Waxman will be an uphill battle, but Jane Harman is more vulnerable than people think. She did dispatch leftist Marci Winograd, but the protest vote of over 41% was still large.

To me the big story in California was the passing of proposition 14, which created an open primary.

I voted yes, and am thrilled it passed. I believe in the Republican Party (both parties were against it), but think for myself. I am tired of extremist candidates. I want candidates who will focus on cutting taxes and killing terrorists, not red meat social issues that will be ruled unconstitutional anyway. California is broken. We need to fix our budget before anything else.

Republicans will point out that open primaries are why Republicans are getting slaughtered in certain races such as the LA Mayoral race, where it is usually two liberals and no conservative on the ballot.

Too bad. If we can’t get one conservative in the runoff, we deserve to lose. Richard Riordan was a moderate Republican, and he won.

Republicans in California need to decide if they want to be an ideologically pure perpetual minority (as we are in the legislature) or a governing majority. Moderate Republicans like Pete Wilson win elections. Conservatives such as Dan Lungren and Bill Simon went down in flames.

For those who want real conservative leadership, move to Idaho. The votes in California are not there. I would love conservative leadership, but if Californians want to destroy the state with budget busting liberalism, I don’t have the votes to stop them.

The open primary will force candidates toward the middle. If a real conservative wins, great. At least we will not have to deal with hard leftists anymore. The best part of this proposition is it totally forces third parties to shut up and become mainstream. I am tired of candidates with 3% of the vote sucking up political oxygen. These people are not viable for a (many, actually) reason, usually a very valid one.

The best news for Republicans came in Arkansas. Blanche Lincoln is a weakened candidate with depleted coffers. Bill Halter could have said that he had nothing to do with the liberalism of the past couple years. It is for this very reason that I would have rather seen Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania face off against wounded Arlen Specter than fresh face Joe Sestak.

The worst news may have been in Nevada (although less disastrous than earlier results in Kentucky). I do not know anything about Sharron Angle or Sue Lowden except that Angle was the outsider and Lowden was the establishment.

Outsiders have proven that they can win primaries, but their success in general elections over the years has been awful. I am terrified that the conservative movement, in its obsession to ideologically purify the party, is resorting to cannibalism.

Of course I want Angle to take down Harry Reid. Yet Harry, like Boxer, will have tons of money. Lowden would have been more difficult to demonize.

I have been at tea parties. The people are good people. I have even headlined some myself. Yet I believe in working within the system, not tearing it down.

To Angle’s credit, she ran and won as a Republican, not a third party fringe candidate. If she wins in November, the tea partiers are fabulous. If she loses, they are a cancer. The only metric I use to judge their worth is election results. Either win or get lost.

Republicans will win seats in 2010, but situations like Kentucky make our job much tougher.

I understand that the trendy thing to say is that we need new ideas, bold fresh leadership, and innovative approaches, but those are buzzwords. We need experienced insiders who know what the heck they are doing and how the system works.

Boxer and Reid may have been thrown some lifelines. They are very beatable, but Republicans have potential to screw up those races. Time will tell.

I will have more to say about other races in the coming days, but right now there is so much to digest. I could give the election short shrift like I usually do, but 2010 is critical. Congressional districts will be redrawn. It is time for me and everyone else to buckle down and get serious.

I will say more when I know more.

5 months to go.


Suicide Bomber Helen Thomas finally blows herself up

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Arab sympathizer and anti-Semite Helen Thomas was finally knocked off her perch to make room for some younger bats. The old bat had to go.

She said that the Jews of Israel should “get out of Palestine.”

(There is no Palestine. She never let facts interfere with her reality.)

She suggested that the Jews should all move to Poland, Germany, and America. She laughed as she said it, but she was deadly serious.

(This is why Jews like myself don’t want to give Palesimians anything. It is obvious that when they talk about a homeland, they mean murdering every Jew and taking all of the land of Israel.)

It takes a lot for a liberal to ever face consequences for their actions, but Helen Thomas finally went so far beyond the pale of decency that she had to go.

Even some liberal Jews…yes I am shocked, but even some liberal Jews…decided to show some gumption.

(It is not the same as standing up to President Obama, but it is something.)

Other moderate Democrats leveled Ms. Thomas. Ed Koch and Lanny Davis deserve particular praise for their immediate principled stands.

(Robert Gibbs was more circumspect, but better than usual.)

Naturally, conservative Republican Jews understood the situation, with Bernie Goldberg providing his always astute analysis.

Ms. Thomas would like the narrative of her life to be what a terrific journalist she was.

Nonsense. She was always terrible. She just never got called on it.

When asked why she was liberal, her response was “What else would I be?”

It never occurred to her to be what she should have been, an objective journalist.

She never missed an attempt to bash Israel. She would hide behind the notion that legitimate criticism of Israel did not make one an anti-Semite.

While this is true, it is also true that many people hide behind this canard to bash Israel for the sake of doing so, with anti-Semitism being the reason.

It did not matter what the topic of the day was. Whether the country was focused on health care, environmental legislation, or sports, Helen Thomas had an anti-Israel question to ask.

Her love of Palesimians allowed her to whitewash their behavior.

The late Tony Snow once (totally properly) told her that she was advocating the Hezbollah point of view.

Bernie Goldberg pointed out last night that her views were expressed in the exact same manner as  Iranian President Armageddonijad. He accurately noted that her views were expressed in the same manner as Iranian President Armageddonijad.

Former George W. Bush White House press secretary Dana Perino handled her perfectly. When she would ask one of her insane questions, Ms. Perino would calmly say, “now Helen…” so that the public record would reflect who asked the question.

As for her “retirement,” let’s not sugarcoat it. She was fired by the Hearst company.

If I were a New York Post writer, my larger than life headline would read “Helen gets the hearse from the Hearst.” Maybe I would say “The Truth Hearsts.”

I have not been this pleased with a media comeuppance since Gunga Dan Rather and Mary Mapes got Monster Mashed for trying to help rig the 2004 election. I enjoyed their graveyard smash.

These liberal media bullies need to be decked until they bleed and run away crying. Otherwise they will never stop.

Some will say that Helen was just a senile old biddy who did not realize what she was saying. This is baloney. She is lucid. She knew exactly what she was saying.

I am absolutely not in any way calling her a Nazi or a murderer of Jews. However, a  parallel to her situation would be that of a 90 year old Nazi SS Guard caught by SImon Wiesenthal. They should absolutely stand trial. They don’t get sympathy for getting away with it decades longer than they should have.

Again, for the politically correct, it is not the best comparison. Helen never killed anyone. I am merely stating that age is no defense to bad behavior.

Some on the left will now offer the tired cliche about how since she has retired (been fired), we should all “move on.” Liberals love telling us that there is nothing to see here.

This does not end with her firing. Now the issue is to make sure that this horrible incident defines her legacy.

The days when liberals get to rewrite history and define their own legacies is over.

These same people decided that even though Richard Nixon opened up China, his legacy will always be Watergate. Bob Packwood and Larry Craig will forever be defined by sexual scandals. Their years of service will never see the light of day.

(Not defending any of them)

Time to hit back.

Dan Rather was the guy who relied on fake but accurate memos, dragging down CBS News from Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite (the most trusted man in America) to the lowly Katie Couric.

Bill Clinton was the guy who was impeached for soiling the Oval Office with an intern.

Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne.

John Edwards gave the public a scandal that would have made us forget Bill Clinton had he gotten elected.

Helen Thomas deserves to be treated with more harshness than Jimmy the Greek Snyder and Al Campanis, since her comments were far worse and meant with malice.

I don’t care if she has covered every President since Abraham Lincoln and got her start by sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom with Honest Abe himself.

Her comments about Jews…not Israel, all Jews…were not an aberration. They expressed exactly who and what she was her entire career.

The liberal White House press corps tolerated an anti-Semite because she was liberal. Liberal Jews kept quiet because she was liberal.

I doubt this will get liberal Jews to wake up in the long run, but at least the 2010 elections today will be better because Helen Thomas will not be covering them.

She was a verbal suicide bomber, and I am glad that she finally pulled the belt around her vest and blew herself up.

(I never want to know what she is doing with her 72 virgins.)

Whenever dealing with Islamists or those who support, finance, or harbor them, removing them is the only solution.

An Islamist has been removed from the White House press corps.

Time will tell if she is hired by NPR, MSNBC, or some other engine of hate. Perhaps the Huffington Post or Daily Kos will find a place for her.

Helen, I am not going to say you deserve to be euthanized, but your career certainly did.

Bad riddance.


2010 Endorsements

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Here are some 2010 Endorsements for California and beyond.


Governor: Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner are both very good people, and both are significantly more moderate than they are letting on. This is understandable in a Republican primary. I will enthusiastically support either one in the general election. While I have been publicly neutral, my advice to people is to find one person they tremendously respect politically, and listen to them. For me that man is the only real serious conservative in California, Tom McClintock. He made his choice, and that is good enough for me.

Senator: I am enthusiastically backing Chuck DeVore. I believe in him, and California would be blessed to have a principled conservative like him in Washington. He is as good as it gets. Barbara Boxer is the worst democratically elected legislator in the history of any nation, and Chuck is smart enough and likable enough to beat her.

House District 30, Los Angeles: Ari David is the one to take on Henry Waxboy. Waxboy is a bully, and Ari David is a fighter who will not back down. He is a true Reagan conservative.

House District 36, Los Angeles: Mattie Fein and Pete Kesterson are both seeking to fire Jane Harman. I have a ton of conflicts of interest in this race I cannot disclose. I know them both. Ms. Fein is Jewish, which like Ari David, does matter to me. Pete has a following of hardcore loyalists, while Mattie is very well financed, which can only help against the wealthiest member of Congress in Harman. They are both conservatives, with Pete appealing to the social conservatives and Mattie having strong foreign policy conservative credentials.

House District 37: Star Parker is appropriately named.

Secretary of State: Damon Dunn is fabulous. Plus, he used to play NFL football before entering the political arena. He is a rising star.

Sam Aanestad is the right guy for Lieutenant Governor.

School Superintendent: Diane Lenning and Lydia Gutierrez are both good people. Neither one supports my idea to convert all schools into prisons, but nobody is perfect.

42nd Central Committee, West Los Angeles: Gary Aminoff and Ashley Ingram are the ones to go with.!/missingram?ref=search

San Diego: Bruce Ruff for Sheriff, Larry Kincaid for Judge

FLORIDA: I enthusiastically back Bill McCollum for Governor. I support Marco Rubio for Senator, but will not lose sleep if Charlie Crist wins. Pam Bondi for Attorney General.

NEVADA: Bernie Zadrowski and Suzy Baucum for Judge, Elizabeth Halseth for State Senate.

ALABAMA: Beau McKinney did his tour in Iraq and is running for Congress. Support him. Don Spurlin and Clay Scofield are both running for State Senate and are both good people. (Full disclosure: Don’s wife Sherry runs an Alabama chapter of the RWF, I spoke to their group.)

HAWAII: Charles Djou won the congressional seat last week, but he already needs our help in November. Help him.

MINNESOTA: Help Michele Bachmann get reelected to congress. She is the Pelosiraptor’s top target.

ARIZONA: In the tough senate race, JD Hayworth has been nice to me personally. However, John McCain has a better shot in the general election. I tend to put pragmatism over ideology. I would back Mr. Hayworth in the general if he wins the primary with no reservations.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Support Dan Lederman for reelection to the State Senate.

ILLINOIS: We must rally around Mark Kirk in his senate race. I am wholeheartedly backing Joel Pollak for election to congress.

OHIO: Josh Mandel is an American hero, and he deserves our support for election as Treasurer.

NEW YORK: Rick Lazio is a much better choice for governor than Andrew Cuomo, who will bring back the failed policies of his father. Rudy Giuliani is not running for anything, yet I still wish he would.

INDIANA: Dan Coats for Senator and Mike Pence must be reelected to congress.

PENNSYLVANIA: Pat Toomey is as great as Joe Sestak is awful on issues. A true conservative vs a true liberal. Forget the Sestak scandal. This is about policy. I support Toomey and his Club for Growth credentials.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Mande Wilkes for State Senate.

NORTH CAROLINA: Theresa Yon for the State House. Howard Coble deserves to be reelected to Congress.

VIRGINIA: Eric Cantor would make a fine house majority leader. We need to make sure his own seat stays safe first.

MARYLAND: Jim Rutledge for U.S. Senate to fire Barbara Mikulski. She is the 3rd worst Babs in America behind Boxer and Streisand.

MISSISSIPPI: Angela McGlowan sadly enough lost in the Republican congressional primary. Be on the lookout for her. She will hopefully be back, and aiming even higher.

WISCONSIN: Support Paul Ryan.

MICHIGAN: The entire state should be given to Canada with the exception of Thaddeus McCotter.

5 months to go.


Belated Coca Cola 600 Sunday

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

The Tygrrrr Express has wrapped up appearances at the North Carolina Republican Convention, and is now preparing for the Coca Cola 600.

Some of you who follow Nascar may claim that the Coca Cola 600 was last week, and that Kurt Busch won it.

This is my version of the Coca Cola 600. I am in North Carolina, and I have a long drive from Winston-Salem to Charlotte.

Ok, so in my case it is the Coca Cola 60, and should only take an hour. Also, it will most likely be a Coke Zero or Diet Coke with lime that I drink as I drive.

The point is only a week after the race, I am in the city, and I am going to claim part of the glory.

At least Winston-Salem didn’t go politically correct and change their name to Nextel-Salem or Sprint-Salem.

I might even have the North Carolina cigarette experience, although if I do mine will be candy cigs, perhaps strawberry.

On Monday I am off to Dallas for the Texas GOP Convention. For now, it is nice to just sit back, drive the car, and enjoy life. Life is meant to be lived, and I enjoy seeing America.

I have not watched a full Nascar race since Dale Earnhardt died, although I do root for junior. Well this weekend Junior should root for me, as I will be in my black transam.

Or I will be in an awful mint green Ford Focus, less disgusting than a Prius but worse than a lot.

Anyway, for those who need to find me, I will be flying down the highway headed West…

(Or North, who knows, I have no directional sense. My literal compass barely outshines my moral compass.)

In a streak of black lightning (or some mint green contraption), called the Tygrrrr Express.

Happy belated Coca Cola 600.

On to the next adventure.


Give Seattle to Canada

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

We should just give Seattle to Canada and be done with it.

I hate coffee, rain, grunge, technology geeks, and smugness, which seems to be everything that is Seattle.

(I also used to dislike the Seahawks, but they are no longer a rival of the Raiders.)

The Seattle Post Intelligencer is the biggest oxymoron since “tough diplomacy,” and “Jews for Jesus.”

Does anything good come out of that place?

The Seahawks used to be at the top of all that is detestable about Seattle. The Kingdome was a house of horrors for the Oakland Raiders. Now they are just a team with ghastly uniforms. They now play in an open stadium, proving that idiocy exists in the Pacific Northwest.

How can anyone live in a place where it rains 300 days per year? Some people romanticize the rain. I think they should be forced to stay outdoors permanently. There is nothing romantic about getting wet socks and shoes. That leads to death by pneumonia.

As for technology geeks, I wish I could hit control, alt, delete, and get rid of them all. Every time they come out with a new and improved version of their product, it is incompatible with the old version. The first thing they disable is the ability to send them complaint emails.

The liberalism is out of control. I would declare it smug liberalism, but in Seattle that is redundant.

The only thing worse than regular liberals are latte liberals. I don’t care if they are Grande, Venti, or whatever the heck those things are called. Anybody who pays $5 for a cup of a beverage needs to have their head examined. At least at McDonalds the lady who scalded herself only paid $1 for her cup of scalding hot death beverage.

Yet the worst of Seattle has to be the remnants of grunge.

For those who do not know, the golden age of rock music occurred from 1986 to 1992. It was known as “glam rock” or “hair metal.” The guys had long hair and high falsetto voices. It was happy rock.

Then in 1992, grunge descended on America. Some incoherent individual decided that smelling like teen spirit was somehow something positive.

(I am not speaking ill of the dead. If Cobain was still alive I would still be hostile toward his music.)

“A mulatto…an albino…a mosquito…my libido…”

Does anybody know what the heck he was saying?

Really. Come on. Here are my versions.

“Eat gelato…Spearmint Rhino…a potato…a torpedo…

Sing legato…with a wino…in Salado…eating Fritos…

From Novato…to Encino…Corleon-o…he shot Fredo…

Baked Risotto…parmesagno…add romano…that’s my credo…YEAH!”


How about Kurt Cobain agonizing while singing “Polly want a cracker.” Then in the song for some bizarre reason he sings “Polly says her back hurts.”

My mom taught English. This can’t be English. I could offer my versions.

“Polly is a crack whore.”

(She very well could be.)

“Polly lives in Krakow.”

(She could be Polish.)

“Polly needs a clap cure.”

(Can birds get Syphillis?)

Kurt Cobain brought gibberish, but it was Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam that brought the true surliness and smugness that made grunge and Seattle so contemptible.

Homeless people can’t help dressing that way. If they could afford better unripped clothing they would buy it. Eddie Vedder and his “I’m rich, I’m miserable” routine is insufferable. Songs about students committing suicide in school are not my thing.

Also, the guy had a chance to do something positive by testifying before congress on a ticket pricing issue. He showed up looking like a homeless person, and of course they ignored him. Congress may not be what it once was, but he could have put on a clean shirt and dropped his attitude long enough to make his case. This is typical behavior from a man who wins a music award, shows up to the ceremony stoned, brags about it and tacitly endorses drug use, and hands the award to the kid in the video by saying, “He’s Trevor. He lives.” He did not even bother to thank the crowd.

Enough with Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Temple of the Dog, as if being dyslexic is trendy and hip. Enough with grunge. Good riddance.

This is what Seattle has brought us.

Seattle is the land of rain…the Seahawks…technology geeks…lattes and other coffee derivatives…liberal smugness…and grunger angst.

Give it Canada. Then we can work on Detroit. At least Detroit has Motown, not grunge.


Barney Frank–Proud Gay, Self-Hating Jew

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Barney Frank has spent his entire life showing his gay pride. Unfortunately when it comes to his Judaism, he is the model for self-loathing.

I never cared that Barney Frank was gay. I supported him on allowing gays in the military and disagreed with him on gay marriage (dispassionately in both cases, staying out of the culture wars).

I only went after him when he used his sexual orientation to escape punishment or criticism for misdeeds.

When his boyfriend ran a prostitution ring out of his house, he played the gay card. When another boyfriend ran a drug ring out of his house, he again played the gay card.

Ok, so maybe he really is completely blind. Maybe he can have a sexual relationship with Eric Holder, two blind men in love. His boyfriends broke the law. He did not.

Yet he did have an inappropriate sexual relationship with a man that worked for a company that his congressional committee was supposed to be regulating. Again he played the gay card. The homosexual aspect was irrelevant. A government regulator cannot sleep with people they are regulating.

When Barney Frank gets criticized for being a major contributor to the current financial crisis, liberals claim homophobia. Earth to liberals: He chairs the financial services committee. I don’t care if my tax cuts come from gay or straight people. Just shut up and cut taxes.

When a Republican is caught in a bathroom stall or texting congressional pages, Barney Frank is the first to call them self-loathing hypocrites.

On this issue I agree with him. The problem is that Barney Frank is a self-loathing hypocrite as well.

He is proud to be gay. On gay issues, he is consistent. He beams with pride. He reserves his self-loathing for his Jewish faith.

After incontrovertible evidence that Palesimians tried to murder Jews aboard a flotilla, Barney Frank did what any leftist Jew would do…he blamed Israel.

Yet he took it one step further.

He announced that the flotilla incident made him “ashamed to be a Jew.”

Not ashamed of Israel…ashamed to be a Jew.

Barney Frank, I agree with you. I am also ashamed you are a Jew. You should immediately follow the example of your fellow self-hating Jew Arthur Sulzberger Jr. of the Jayson Blair Times and convert to Christianity.

Get the heck out of my religion if you are ashamed.

Mr. Frank claims to care about gay issues. Perhaps he might wish to know that Israel allows gay marriage. Hamas has a different policy toward gay people. It involves having them shot to death. That is why Armageddonijad of Iran says there are no gay people in his country. He kills them.

So yes, when Israel defends its right to exist, it is defending the very pluralism that Barney Frank claims to worship.

I wish Judaism could be like Catholicism and just excommunicate people. Barney Frank can be kicked out of the religion along with Roseanne Barr and every other self-hating Jew.

My grandfather and father did not escape the Nazis so Barney Frank could sell his own people down the river on public television. Again, he did not express shame at the nation of Israel. He expressed shame at being Jewish.

Perhaps he is too stupid to know that all the renouncing of his faith will not change the fact that anybody with Jewish blood is a Jew now and forever in the eyes of our enemies. His being gay will also not help matters when the Islamists decide who they want to kill first.

Barney Frank is not ashamed to be a Jew because he is a Jew.

He is ashamed to be a Jew because he is a leftist. Self-hating liberal Jews act this way because they are liberals first and Jews second.

If they want to prove me wrong, they can condemn Barney Frank’ remarks. They will not do it. They are too gutless to do it. Barney Frank is a liberal, and that gives him a free pass.

If they come for Barney Frank, I cannot imagine that I would be around to speak up. After all, he would not speak up to defend me. I am just a Jew.

I am a proud Jew. I am angry that Barney Frank does not understand why this should be a source of pride.


Bibi Netanyahu Fires Back

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now the leader of the free world.

With George W. Bush of America, Tony Blair of England, and John Howard of Australia all retired, Bibi Netanyahu is the only world leader left.

His speech to the world yesterday should be mandatory viewing for every citizen of the world.

For those who have not been paying attention the last few decades, a bunch of defective Arabs known as Palesimians decided that eradicating every Jew from the planet would displace soccer as the world’s favorite sport.

In the 1940s, 6 million Jews (including members of my family) were killed as the world watched and either did nothing, or encouraged the genocide.

The climate for murdering Jews just for being Jews is at a fever pitch not seen since then.

Bibi understands that the Palesimian-Israeli conflict, and the overall wider Arab-Israeli conflict, has nothing to do with “settlements,” “checkpoints,” “blockades,” or any other phony issue.

There is only one Palesimian issue toward the Jews. Palesimians want to kill every Jew and eradicate them from the Earth.

Some will say that “innocent” Palesimians should not be blamed. Nonsense. They are a genocidal death cult as a people. I know this because they elected Hamas as their government. Hamas has in their charter the destruction of Israel.

Can anybody imagine if in 2012 the Republican or Democratic Party platforms called for the eradication of Mexico or any other sovereign nation?

If the Klan built roads, they would still be the KKK. No amount of schools (which teach terrorism and Jew-hatred) built can change the fact that the Palesimians are a terrorist supporting people led by a terrorist supporting government.

Unlike the rest of the world, whose attitude toward this terrorism against Israel ranges from indifference to tacit support, BIbi Netanyahu understands the grave threat his nation faces.

For those who did not see is press conference, I will sum up the main bullet points.

There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel allows food and medicine in.

(I am against this. Israel is at war, and every tactic should be used to crush the Palesimians.)

The Palesimians repeatedly take advantage due to their bloodlust and try to smuggle in weapons. Those weapons are used to try and obliterate Israel. Israel has every right to prevent this weapons smuggling.

When Israelis boarded the Palesmian ships, it was the Palesimian terrorists that attacked. This situation, like every situation, is 100% the fault of the Palesimians due to their homicidal lunacy.

The rest of the world are a bunch of worthless hypocrites that blame Israel first, foremost, and only. Europe has already surrendered to the caliphate.

I will go beyond what he said.

Liberal Jews need to have cranial-glutial extraction surgery now. This trend of having their heads shoved up Barack Obama’s hide needs to stop. Henry Waxboy, Brad Sherboy, Anthony Wiener, Debbie Wasserman-Schulz and the rest of the self-loathing liberal Jews in Congress will do nothing to stand up for Israel.

(Barney Frank said that he was “ashamed he was a Jew.” I agree with him. I am ashamed he is a Jew as well.)

This demonizing of evangelical Christians like George W. Bush and Sarah Palin needs to stop. Conservative Christians are the only people standing up for Israel. They are not trying to convert all Jews. They love us because God tells them to, and that love is pure.

Stop bashing Christians and making excuses for Islamists. Stop attacking Bibi Netanyahu, and Ariel Sharon before him.

The only reason liberal Jews can spout their idiocy in Boca Raton, San Francisco, and the Upper Westside of Manhattan is because Israel exists. Israel exists because Likud and the Israeli Defense Forces do the dirty work that the kumbaya loving peaceniks won’t do. Maybe liberal Jews should pretend that the terrorists are conservative Republicans supporting Bush and Palin. Maybe then the terrorists will finally be hated. Stop worrying about the abortion of the month club and global warming and start focusing on Iranian Mullahs and Palesimians. They do kill babies and trees, in addition to bunny rabbits.

Hating terrorists does not mean spouting platitudes. It means doing something about it, which means force. Bibi gets this.

The last point Bibi made was that Palesimian terrorism supported by Iran is not just Israel’s problem. It is the entire world’s problem.

Israel is Little Satan. America is the Great Satan. Either Israel defends itself using every possible method, not matter how ruthless, or the rule of law is meaningless.

There are no responsible leaders in North America or Europe that can match Bibi.

In 1982 Saddam Hussein was building nuclear weapons. Israel took out the Osirak reactor and saved the world.

30 years later the most condemned nation in the world is the only nation willing to save civilization.

Benjamin Netanyahu is willing to save all of our lives, even if most people are too stupid or stubborn to admit this.

Hit back hard Bibi. Hit back with all the ferocity you can muster. Do not back down a single inch.

The Palesimians will either knock it off or be destroyed. The Mullahs financing them must either knock it off or be wiped from the face of the Earth.

The time for talk is long gone. Talk is cheap.

Israel is at war with savage barbarians.

The world can dither.

Bibi, do whatever you need to do.



Leave the Sestak issue alone

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Before getting to the main event, I want to make it clear that I will absolutely not be covering the Al Gore and Tipper Gore divorce. When I heard the news I was genuinely saddened. I don’t like to see any marriage fail. I have always found Al Gore to be a sanctimonious gasbag, but he is still a human being. Unless there is any remote political angle that comes out of this story, it is a personal matter.

Another story I hope to avoid at all costs is the Sestak story.

Some Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to investigate what potential payoff the Obama White House offered Joe Sestak to drop his primary challenge against Arlen Specter.

I am pleading with the conservatives and Republicans to leave this issue alone. Let it go. Stay as far away from it as possible.

I say this for only one reason. If we Republicans pursue this…we will lose. We will lose badly.

Don’t I want to get to the truth?

No. Not at all.

I want to win the 2010 elections and stop the Obama train of liberalism. This issue is begging for conservative overreaching that will result in sympathy for the White House.

Republicans need to accept the fact that Barack Obama is above the law. Rules do not apply to him. He is a liberal. Only conservatives can be corrupt. Liberals are never guilty of anything.

I am not being sarcastic. I am deadly serious about this one.

There are people on this planet who believe that Bill Clinton is a morally finer person than George W. Bush. What those people really mean is that they preferred Clinton’s policies, but separating the political from the personal does not exist on the left. The personal is political.

Bill Clinton and Al Gore repeatedly broke the law. Their 1996 reelection was rife with illegal fundraising. They understood that campaign finance reform was an inside the beltway issue that main street found boring. Al Gore used the phrase “no controlling legal authority” to justify his violations.

The Clinton White House used the IRS to dig up dirt on enemies and audit them. Yawn.

Bill Clinton lied under oath in a deposition. Snore.

People called George W. Bush a liar even though he did not lie about the war at all. He was truthful. In his eight years there was not a single credible scandal. Enron had nothing to do with him, and he was never accused in the coverup of a non-crime by a staffer.

Yet Republicans are pilloried while liberal Democrats get free passes.

Life is not fair. The media hates the guts of conservatives. Barack Obama is their noble, virtuous God who promised to make the oceans rise. They have too much invested in him to put up with a “Republican witch hunt.”

We need to go after the president on his awful health care law, cap and trade, raising taxes, and other policy issues. We can win on policy. We cannot win on personality.

Some will argue that his star is fading, but those people are living in a dreamworld. Bill Clinton was toast in 1994, and two years later easily won reelection.

We cannot win the personality game against this man. He is the ultimate cult of personality. He got elected because of this.

The minute proceedings are brought against him, somebody on the left will find a statement that a prosecutor may have made 30 years ago that will prove that every Republican criticism of the president is racially motivated. It will make what the left did to demonize Ken Starr seem like child’s play.

Clinton fired 93 attorneys and nobody cared. George W. Bush fired 8 of them, and he was investigated. Liberals complained that the “way it was done” seemed suspicious. The media blindly accepted this, because they do that.

Republicans will never defeat Mr. Obama on style. They proved this in 2008. John McCain was an American hero and one of the most honorable men ever to enter public service. Barack Obama was up to his neck in typical Chicago corruption. The public did not care.

Americans want their president to provide a strong economy and keep us safe. In a nutshell, this means cut taxes and kill terrorists.

We will never get to the truth of this story anyway since there are no audiotapes or videotapes. Sestak has his version, Obama has his, and they will all coordinate their responses. This is not like plugging an oil leak. It is easy.

True, one question could be asked. Why the heck can’t Bill Clinton stay out of trouble?

Even that is a non-story. The public long ago shrugged its shoulders and decided that the morally bankrupt Clintons were fine as long as the stock market was rising.

If the Republicans want to lose in 2010, they should pursue a scandal and allow a backlash that will result in sympathy for Mr. Obama.

If they want to win, go after Mr. Obama on his failed policies.

The issue is not what happened. The issue is whether the public will think it matters.

They won’t.

Mr. Obama could kill 20 Republicans and stuff the bodies in the trunk of a car. He will blame the Bush administration and everyone will nod their heads. The man is above the law.

He is above the law. He can be as corrupt as he wants, as long as he remains politically liberal.

Leave the Sestak issue alone.


Israeli justice for 9 Palesimians

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Water is wet. The sun rises in the East. Palesimians are third world genocidal lunatics who try to murder Jews for sport. They are the Inspector Clouseau of murderers, as if that should make the enraged fuzzballs more sympathetic than baby seals at an animal rights convention.

None of this is new. Until Israel militarily breaks the Palesimians, they will continue to act like the bloodthirsty savages they are.

Benjamin Anthony of “Our Soldiers Speak” has video evidence of Palesimian behavior in this incident.

The newest round of “violence” was more Palesimians trying to attack innocent Israelis, who were forced to defend themselves. The Israelis did, and 9 sources of colon cancer were given their final proctological separation from this world.

The reason these boils were lanced was because this was a provocation by the Palesimians to deliberately provoke Israel into action. For those wondering why Israel took the bait, the answer is that the alternative in this situation was to allow the Israeli Navy Seals to be murdered.

Israel has a blockade of Gaza to prevent arms smuggling. They absolutely do allow humanitarian aid. There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There is a humanity crisis, which will be solved when the Palesimians develop human characteristics such as hearts and souls. Instead of developing institutions, they invest in weaponry, which does not taste good at the dinner table.

The United Nations, which exists to finish what Adolf Hitler failed to do, immediately condemned Israel. South Korean UN leader Moon convened an emergency session of the UN. Apparently his own countryman being attacked by North Korea did not merit an emergency session, since Jews were not involved.

The only good that will come out of this emergency session is that nothing will be accomplished. Arabs who secretly despise the Palesimians will rail against Israel, and Europistan will bluster inbetween the required five daily prayers toward Mecca.

The key question will be if the United States sustains a veto of any anti-Semitic resolution condemning Israel. Barack Obama may throw Israel under the bus, because liberal Jewish Democrats are too weak and pathetic to stand up anyway. What will they do, show some pride? Of course not. They will offer rationalizations.

I am unconcerned that the same world that let Jews be taken to gas chambers 70 years ago continues to be as awful. As long as Israel does what it needs to do, everything will be fine. They cannot and must not bow to international pressure by thugocracies that have miserable human rights records.

9 Palesimian terrorists were removed from Earth yesterday. Good. Now to get every last murderous Palesimian zealot until the remaining Palesimians look in the mirror and see who and what they are, and what the results have been.

Israel is at war. Wars end when one side surrenders unconditionally or both sides agree to a truce. The Palesimians reject these options.

The Israeli military must continue to eradicate these bugs and shove the Israeli flag up their hide until they go to the toilet white and blue.

Yesterday was not a massacre. It was Israeli imposed justice.
