Barack Obama is being done in by his own arrogance. Yes, a man can be black and be arrogant. Attitudes are 100% uncorrelated with melanin content. Anybody can be smug.
To make things crystal clear, I have often stated that I personally like Barack Obama. I disagree with his views on taxes and trade, but find him to be a decent fellow. I wanted him to defeat Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary because I simply like him better than her. I am voting for John McCain, but am thrilled that Hillary is on the verge of being taken down.
Nevertheless, Barack Obama has not closed the deal. Every time Hillary is about to be counted out, she has survived. Yes, the Clintons are the political equivalent of Lazarus. Yet Obama does not help the situation by driving the stake through his own heart when he should be finishing her off.
The bottom line is every time Obama is on the verge of wrapping up the democratic nomination, he gets too full of himself, and takes a step backwards.
After Obama crushed Hillary in Iowa, he was supposed to cruise in New Hampshire. Then when Hillary was asked about her likability, her major weakness, Obama got pompous. He coolly looked barely at her and said, “You’re likable enough Hillary.”
Most people agreed with him, but realize he should not have said it. His nose was so high in the air that he was starting to look French (pre-Sarkozy). “Looking French” is a death knell criticism. It did in John Kerry. Americans want a man’s man, not a guy who eats Brie cheese and surrenders in war. Yes, this is a stereotype, but stereotypes are based on truths.
Had Obama won New Hampshire, Hillary would have folded. He would have crushed her. Instead, she survived.
This was after he asked an Iowa corn farmer if he planted arugula. This is akin to when former President George HW Bush looked befuddled by a scanner at a grocery store. Ordinary people know what a scanner is, and they don’t buy arugula at the grocery. How could anybody running for a serious office not know that Iowa corn farmers plant corn? That is why they are called corn farmers!
After these gaffes, in San Francisco of all places, he made remarks about how bitter people cling to guns and religion.
First of all, liberal politicians should not even be seen in San Francisco. If they have to walk the streets, they should wear disguises similar to politicians or celebrities who visit prostitutes or gay bath houses. They should absolutely not be seen hobnobbing with “celebrities.”
These “bitter” remarks allowed Hillary to portray herself as culturally conservative. Yes, this is ludicrous. No, Hillary does not have anything in common with average Americans. Yes, she has contempt for Middle America. Those are facts. Facts do not matter when the perception to the contrary is overwhelming.
Now Obama is making another arrogant mistake. He is barely campaigning in West Virginia.
Obama has conceded West Virginia. Yes, he is technically in the state, but he is already campaigning elsewhere. He is treating West Virginia the same way Hillary treated South Carolina.
Hillary refused to compete in states with large black populations. She discounted losses there as not counting. This was racially poisonous, and bad judgment from a delegate standpoint. Her race based campaign in South Carolina led Obama to gain 90% of the black vote in subsequent primaries. This was not the case beforehand.
Now Obama is dismissing West Virginia. Rural white voters are simply not his target.
This only feeds into the perception that Obama is an elitist.
First of all, the notion that black people cannot be arrogant because they have traditionally been abused by society is a nonsensical argument. Societies are not individuals. Individual black people are not monolithic. They have all the same traits that white people have. So yes, a person can have a dark pigmentation and still have negative qualities.
I am not convinced that Obama is an elitist. I just think that sometimes he gets too full of himself, and does not have somebody to remind him that he is a mere mortal, and not the guy who could take a trip to the toilet and then sell it on Ebay. His wife is certainly an elitist, and she seems to have a seething rage that would make Hillary proud.
The fact that Obama grew up under tough circumstances does not mean anything. People often forget where they come from.
He once remarked that if he wanted to gain advantages in society, he would not have his name, since being named Barack Obama does not give one built in advantages in life. That is a great line, but it is false. His unique name gives him branding, which is key in politics. A guy named “Barry,” which he used to be known as, is simply less unique than a guy named Barack. In the same way Lamar Alexander wore a flannel shirt to appeal to lumberjacks in Tennessee, Barack Obama emphasized his ethnic background to appeal to people. There is nothing wrong with this, and it worked.
As for his wife, I absolutely do not blame Obama for comments his wife makes. However, Bill Clinton muzzled Hillary when she kept opening her mouth in 1992. One “baking cookies” remark was enough. Winning was more important than keeping the missus happy.
John Kerry would not shut his wife up. He lost. Michelle Obama is a loose cannon, and her comments about how she was not proud of America until Barack started winning was off putting.
The bottom line is while front runners occasionally stumble even after victory is well in hand (such as Jerry Brown defeating Bill Clinton in Connecticut 37-36%), for a front runner to lose by 20, 30, or 40 points is mind boggling. This only happens when the leader has not closed the deal.
Some will say that West Virginia does not matter, because Obama has already won the nomination. This is wrong because the general election is not that far away. West Virginia was owned by democrats for decades, until President George W. Bush won the state in 2000 and 2004. West Virginia has reelected liberal Robert Byrd to the Senate forever. Their other Senator Jay Rockefeller is also a liberal. Yet West Virginia also has coal miners and gun owners. They like democrats, but not liberal elitists. Only Al Gore and John Kerry could lose that state…and perhaps Barack Obama.
Barack Obama should have given one of his major inspiring speeches like he did in other states. Instead, he conceded the state.
I have argued for years that republicans must go into black neighborhoods. It is always better to talk to people, rather than ignore them.
Barack Obama must go into culturally conservative white neighborhoods for one reason, and one reason alone. White people in West Virginia are human beings. The President has to lead everybody.
Democrats have been trying to win the White House with an 18 state strategy that ignores the 32 states that make up “flyover country.” Obama seems determined to run that same strategy. Even if it allows the democrats to eke out a victory, it does not allow for effective governance.
Barack Obama is basically a good, decent, likable man that occasionally gets too smug for his own good. Many of us are guilty of that on occasion. However, if he truly wants to lead all America, and his speeches are not phony platitudes, he must speak to all Americans. If he wants to transcend race, he has to reach out to the very people that do not automatically gravitate towards him.
West Virginia is not “white trash.” It is a state consisting of people.
Obama had better figure this out before he gets trounced in Kentucky.