Archive for July, 2022

George Soros is a leftist. I’m a Jew.

Sunday, July 10th, 2022
It is with sadness that I discovered a new “Jewish” book online called “Bad Jews.” I refuse to link to garbage.
“Bad Jews” is written by a self-loathing leftist apologist who happened to have been born Jewish. This “academic” (it’s always an academic) is Emily C. Tamkin.
The book is meant to inoculate leftist Jews from legitimate criticism and demonize attacks against George Soros (May his name be erased) as anti-Semitic.
Dear non-Jewish friends: Do not let leftists put you on defense or apologize for things you have nothing to apologize for.
1) The worst attacks on George Soros are true. He IS a convicted felon in absentia for insider trading in France. He DID make his money destroying currencies and impoverishing millions around the globe. He DID say in a videotaped interview that the happiest days of his life were as a teenager when he sent Jews to the gas chamber. These are not conspiracy theories. They happened.
2) Most attacks on George Soros have nothing to do with Judaism. Many Soros critics have no idea that he is even Jewish. Attacks on Soros are ideological, not ethnic. He’s a leftist. Conservatives disagree with leftism. When a white liberal attacks Clarence Thomas, it does not make them a racist. Liberals hate his conservative ideology.
3) It is perfectly legitimate to attack Soros for funding destructive leftist causes. He DOES fund Antifa & BLM. That’s not conspiracy crazy stuff. He gives to the organizations who fund various leftist rioters and agitators.
4) Judaism is based on Torah values. The Torah is what Christians refer to as the Old Testament. The Torah is non-partisan. Nothing in the Torah endorses radical environmentalism, veganism, transgender rights, or any other issues the left obsesses over. Those are political issues. The Torah is not a political document. Leftist Jews believe what they believe politically because they are leftists. Judaism has nothing to do with it. As a conservative, I passionately support supply-side tax cuts in marginal rates. I’m also pro-gun. Those are politically conservative positions. I happen to be a proud Jew, but Judaism has 0% correlation with tax policy, even if your CPA is Jewish.
5) Legally, any person with a Jewish mother is legally Jewish. However, that is not the same thing as living a Jewish life or having a Jewish identity. Plenty of people born to Christian fathers (Christianity goes by the dad) don’t live according to Christian values. The 9/11 hijackers called themselves Muslims, but Islam forbids prostitution and gambling. The 9/11 hijackers were in casinos and with prostitutes before the attacks. That does not mean those acts were sanctioned by Islam. Far too many leftist Jews have adopted leftism as their religion and then tried to falsely claim their beliefs were inspired by Judaism. This claim is false. Again, the Torah has no political ideology.
If any of you have questions about Judaism, ask me. If I do not know the answer, I’ll ask one of many Orthodox rabbis I know. Do not let leftist Jews try to convince you that leftism and Judaism are one and the same. They never have been. As a politically conservative Republican Jew, I categorically reject the false notion that being Jewish requires being a liberal Democrat. This has never been true. Liberals bleating it does not make it so.

July 2022 TYGRRRR EXPRESS Missouri Fair Schedule

Saturday, July 9th, 2022
Time to go back on the road. Flying tonight from Los Angeles through Salt Lake City, Utah on to St. Louis. I have 3 fairs back to back to back in the Show-Me State.
July 12-16: Lincoln County Fair in Troy near St. Louis in Eastern Missouri.
July 18-23: Northeast Missouri Fair.
July 28-August 6: Springfield Fair in Southwest Missouri.
I will probably do some speaking events on the days I am not working a fair.
Time to flee the coast and get back to Heartland, Normal America, USA.

Shinzo Abe? Molon Labe!

Friday, July 8th, 2022
Japan has very strict gun control laws.
Draw your own logical conclusions.
Shinzo Abe? Molon Labe!

The founders had no assault weapons…or Internet…so?

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022
“Our Founders used muskets. There were no assault weapons.”
— Disingenuous idiots everywhere
There was no Internet back then. So everyone who is against modernity is free to join the 17th century Amish. Turn in your cellphones. Stop using the Internet. Shut down all your social media pages.
There were no abortion clinics back then, so don’t even think of getting one.
Many lifesaving drugs had yet to be invented. So if you use everything from Viagra to Rogaine, you must stop.
None of the four major professional sports existed, so stop playing and watching them. In fact, stop watching all television because there were no TVS back then.
Turn in your automobile. Cars did not exist then.
There are plenty of disingenuous reasons to be anti-gun, but none as mind-numbingly stupid as being anti-technology. The people who call themselves progressives sure are anti-progress when it suits them.

Joe Biden’s endless excuses

Tuesday, July 5th, 2022
Even if one accepts the preposterous argument that inflation and gas prices are Vladimir Putin’s fault, ask yourself who is at fault for Putin invading Ukraine.
When Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s VP, Putin’s Russia gobbled up Crimea with zero consequences.
When Donald Trump was in charge, Putin didn’t even think of trying this garbage. American liberals kept calling Trump
erratic, unpredictable, and liable to do something crazy at any moment. That very unpredictability kept Putin off balance.
Putin sees right through Joe Biden. He sees a man who is too weak, frail and gutless to stop him. Putin invaded Ukraine because he could. He knows Western leaders will give angry speeches and then do absolutely nothing.
As for the supply chain issues and shortages, that is also a direct consequence of miserable decisions by the Biden administration. They fired thousands of workers across America who refused to get jabbed in their arm with an experimental treatment. Many industries lost competent, capable workers because of this incompetent and incapable administration.
Many of those fired workers were police officers. This is why we have had skyrocketing crime, in addition to leftist District Attorneys and Mayors who refuse to prosecute criminals.
So yes, it is the pathetic policies of the Biden Democrats that are hurting people. They will never take personal responsibility for anything, but the midterm elections will sort this out.

How to fix Chicago

Monday, July 4th, 2022
No to gun control
Yes to Chicago control. Yes to Democrat control. Yes to mentally ill control.
I’ve said it for 15 years+. Quarantine the mentally ill. Fire Democrats everywhere they hold office. Send the military into Chicago to secure the place. Lock it down like a supermax prison. Nobody goes in or out until the violence stops.
Appoint a civil administrator to oversee Chicago like we did Iraq.
Replace the barbarism with something resembling civilization.

Kamala Harris and Chicago: United in Failure

Monday, July 4th, 2022
As if Independence Day could not get any worse in Chicago, Kamala Harris has been dispatched there.
For what possible reason? She’s useless. Does she really think (No, I should stop there)…
Does she really think cackling her way through remarks about environmentalism and gender pronouns will fix things?
She is the queen of platitudes. Chicago desperately needs substance, healing and effective leadership. She offers none of that.
When you have nothing to say, say nothing. Say nothing quietly. Don’t be like Kamala Harris and say nothing loudly, badly and endlessly.
She is all talk in a city begging for action.
Don’t compound Chicago’s agony. Don’t bring Harris in.
On Independence Day, give Chicago a chance. Don’t punish them further. Don’t bring in the woman who is anti-police and pro-violent rioters.
Chicago needs people who care about and value human life, not people who worship power and are indifferent to human suffering. They have a Governor and Mayor for that. They don’t need a VP.

Chicago is not America

Monday, July 4th, 2022
I love America. It breaks my heart to see one city in America constantly ruin everything for everyone else.
Give Chicago to Canada and be done with it.
It can’t be fixed. They elect the same leaders and get the same results.
No other city in America has these problems on a consistent basis as badly. Not DC or Baltimore. Not even Detroit.
Pray for the families of the fallen. Do nothing else. Nothing can be done until the people have had enough. You can’t save people who keep electing leaders committed to destroying public safety.
Every Independence Day I thank God I’m American. From now on I thank God I’m American and not Chicagoan.
Chicago was once a great city. Now it’s just Afghanistan with worse weather.
We need to send the military into Chicago. We need to stop coddling criminals and start locking them up.
We need to remember that liberty and the pursuit of happiness can’t start without LIFE.
I’ll try and offer a more optimistic message later today. First I need to finish recoiling in horror at what Chicago has become.
Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan have Illinois roots. Getting back to their values is the only solution.
Until then, This is not the America I love. This is not even civilization.