Editors Note: I am en route to San Diego for Sean Hannity and his Freedom Concert. I will not be covering the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation because there is nothing to say. She got confirmed. If Republicans want to prevent another mediocre talent and leftist ethnic grievance monger on the court, then winning back the Senate is the only hope.
Besides, I have bigger concerns.
I am now officially a mobster.
This is surprising to me. I am not Italian, and most Italians I know are not mobsters either.
I like Italian food, but found the Sopranos colossally boring. For those who said “Bada Boom!” and “Bada Bing!” I responded with “Bada Yawn,” also known as “Bada who the hell cares?”
Yet in the current health care debate, anybody that goes to a town hall meeting and disagrees with the President is now part of an angry mob.
So this is actually less about mobsters than mob(ster)s.
To be part of a mob, there is only one qualification. One has to disgaree with President Obama and refuse to be silent about this.
When George W. Bush was the president, dissent was patriotic. Very leftist ran wild. Were there reasonable Democrats that protested in a civil manner? Sure. Yet the lunatics were celebrated. Every organization from “Lesbian Vegans for Libya” to “Hillary’s hags and harpies” to “Bush lied, the music died” was out in full force.
Cindy Sheehan engaged in behavior toward President Bush that can only be described as stalking. Medea Benjamin and the rest of the Code Pinkos engaged in verbal bombthrowing that bordered on terrorism.
Yet despite accusations that President Bush was clamping down on free speech, those accusations from Hollywood celebrities and other leftist nitwits defied logic. After all, people yelling about censorship at the top of their lungs with no repercussions hardly sounds like a police state.
As for Barack Obama, anybody disagreeing with him is a concern. Leftists are constantly complaining about Gestapo tactics, but they seem to enjoy them themselves. After all, what else would one call collecting evidence of conservatives criticizing the President, and then emailing the White House to inform them.
Despite having the White House and both houses of Congress, the left is more enraged than ever. They still have not grasped what election after election has told the rest of the civilized world.
Leftists don’t matter. They are, were, and lord willing, will always be irrelevant.
Without rehashing past discussions, in short, conservatives get elected by saying who they are and what they believe. Liberals get elected only when conservatives mess up, and only be denying who they are. They make up phony terms like “progressives” because they are too gutless to admit they are liberals.
Because of this, there is no mandate for liberalism in America.
For those that point out the last two elections, think again. The Democrats won in 2006 by not discussing anything remotely resembling a policy or a program. They stood for nothing, which was good enough whe the Republicans were seen as less than nothing. Naturally, outside of non-binding resolutions, and hating President Bush, they did nothing.
Then they got the White House in 2008, and they claimed a mandate for liberalism. This is false because Barack Obama denied who he was from day one of his campaign. He had a mandate to fix the economy. He did not have a mandate to remake it in the tradition of FDR.
Democrats had a few brief months where blaming Republicans for everything from killing puppies and kittens to hating seniors and children worked. Yet then a funny thing happened.
The voters wanted results. They wanted the blame game to stop. The liberals were incapable of stopping.
Liberal hatred of conservatives is pathological. They need hatred the way normal human beings need oxygen.
With no Republicans to blame, the liberals had no choice but to blame somebody. It was tornado temper tantrum time. First the Democrats lashed out at each other. The Blue Dogs correctly understood that allowing the Pelosiraptor to dictate legislation would not her. She has a safe seat. She would not care if they all lost their seats once the legislation was passed.
Yet the Blue Dogs eventually turned into lap dogs. There was just one problem. Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and even Rahm Emanuel ran into the one group of people that could not be bullied…voters.
First the Democrats got shellacked at Town Halls. Then they simply decided to stop holding them. They began a ruthless assault on ordinary Americans. Just ask Joe the Plumber.
They then verbally attacked people attending tea parties and town halls as either lunatics, or plants. Now liberals are experts in having planted questioners in their midst, to ensure favorable coverage.
I remember attending a press conference by Barbara Boxer where the questioners were required to write the questions on pieces of paper, and she would choose which ones to answer.
The liberals once had complete domination of the media. Then conservatives found outlets, including talk radio. The left came unglued, knowing that dissenting conservative opinions were even allowed.
This led to citizens getting more politically active. This is not a threat to Democracy. This is democracy.
Now the left is demonizing people attending Town Halls for simply disagreeing with the President.
The left is determined to find people that act badly. In the same way Palesiminans are having a tougher time recruiting new homicide bombers, leftists are posing as hateful conservatives because mainstream conservatives refuse to act like bat spit crazy nut jobs.
When Senator Boxer complains that the protesters are fake because they dress well, she is conceding that most liberal protesters are unshaven creatures that should be profiled at airports.
I recently attended a strategy session, and we were told as conservatives that we were to be civilized and polite. We were told not to hold up any crazy signs, or yell any bad words. This is because one incident of bad behavior will allow liberals to present all conservatives as wack jobs.
The funny thing is the conservatives did not even need this advice. Unlike liberals, they do not need to experience extensive training in civilized behavior. We do not throw objects or celebrate those who do. We would never throw shoes at Barack Obama or a pie at a liberal commentator.
The left has become so unhinged that they actually accused the senior citizens in the audience of grandstanding so that they could be on You-Tube.
It was at this moment that a liberal mobster had to settle down other liberal mob(ster)s, even though he agree with them politically.
I never thought I would witness this, but the voice of reason in this discussion was Joe Piscopo.
As a political blogger, I never even thought to ever write his name. H eis an actor or comedian who was famous for something a while back. I mean no disrespect. He seems like a nice enough guy. Yet his recent appearance on Hannity was brilliant.
I still do not understand why he wa son Hannity, but again, for a Hollywood celebrity, he actually spoke like somebody thoughtful. When the You-Tube issue was brought up, Piscopo deadpanned that “These are senior citizens. They don’t even know what You-Tube is.”
I admit, to me that is hilarious, and quite accurate. They call it “new media” because it is new. It is mainly the tool of young people.
I do not know what Joe Piscopo knows about new media, but Joe Piscopo knows about mobsters. He and Danny Devito was hilarious in “Wise Guys,” when Dan Hedaya hired each of them to kill the other one. Ray Sharkey was killed, but Piscopo bungled his way into survival.
He knows comedy, and apparently he knows seniors as well. They are not looking for internet glory. That is a young thing. They do not know You-Tube from My-Space to the Space Race to the Great Space Coaster.
My father is a bright man, but he has no idea how to do most things on a computer. He is old and set in his ways. He dictates letters, and my mother types them. I taught him how to download music, and he got angry when nobody else had the songs he liked. My mother wakes up 3am to handle eBay auctions. Again, this man is no dummy. He is just old, and not interested in Twitter and Facebook. My mother checks his email.
Many seniors are angry because they truly love America, and see liberal policies wrecking the nation they inherited.
These poeople are not fake plants. The assertion is ludicrous.
The pelosiraptor claims that these people are “carpet-bombing” this country. Many of these seniors belong to the World War II generation. They know more about carpet-bombing that the Pelosiraptor ever will.
These are not political agitators. They don’t put on war paint like Code Pink. They are not college kids that wouldn’t know a fact from an opinion if it was drilled into their skulls.
The seniors simply want to get to the truth. They want congress to read the bills they vote on. They want congress to level with them.
They want honesty.
They are not an angry mob. I have seen angry mobs. During the LA Riots of 1992, I saw a city have to be put on lockdown. It was not Republican senior citizens burning and looting. It was young people with a sense of grievance and entitlement.Why would seniors steal VCRs back then? They did not even know how to program them. (I let mine blink 12:00 because twice a day, every day, it was right.)
The left can kick and scream and cry and hurl epithets. What they cannot do is govern.
They control everything, and they are repeating their mistakes of 1992.
The louder they yell, the more they will be rejected, and the more desperate they will become.
They could try reaching across the aisle, but if they did this they would not be liberals.
Again, when hatred is a religion, it is difficult to let reason trump emotion.
I will continue to exercise my right to free speech. I will engage in democracy.
I may attend some protests. I am sure the crowds will be filled with decent and civilized human beings.
For now, it is time to hang out with some great AMericans.
The Tygrrrr Express is San Diego bound, ready to hear Charlie Daniels, Lee Greenwood, and of course Sean Hannity.
I never thought I would say this, but if Joe Piscopo is there, that would be cool as well.
We will be portrayed as angry mob(ster)s, but thousands of people singing “God Bless the U.S.A.” along with Lee Greenwood sounds like a lovefest to me.