Archive for the ‘POLITICS’ Category
Dr. Anthony Fauci has Covid
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022Dr. Anthony Fauci has Covid. While I wish Covid on nobody and hope he recovers quickly, there is a big difference between his Covid case and mine.
I did not help unleash Covid on the world and then lie about it and then use my government power to get social media companies to censor the truth. He did.
Mark Zuckerberg and Parag Agrawal, shove your disclaimers and fact-checks where the sun don’t shine. Your stock price is down 50%. Take your head out of your hide and stop censoring truthful posts. It’s morally wrong and bad for business.
D. Fauci, don’t cause problems you’re unable to fix.
Steve Scalise: 5 years later
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022Steve Scalise: 5 years later
5 years ago today on June 14, 2017, a leftist Bernie Sanders supporter shot conservative Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise.
5 years later, the left spends every waking minute fomenting leftist violence against conservatives. There have been hundreds of such acts, including the recent attempted murder of conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The left continues to use January 6th, in which alt-right individuals committed misdemeanor trespassing, as a distraction from the real story. Leftists, unwilling to accept that conservatives have a right to exist, continue to try and murder them.
Those leftists tossing Molotov cocktails into buildings where conservatives work, live and breathe had no comment.
Flag Day: My pride flag is red, white and blue
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022Flag Day: My pride flag is red, white and blue
Many liberals have been waving rainbow flags in honor of pride month.
Let’s see how many of these same liberals wave red, white and blue American flags today in honor of Flag Day.
Supporting gay rights without supporting America is hypocritical and insane. Only in a nation as beautiful as America could gay people have the right to wave rainbow flags unimpeded.
If you are proud to be gay, or black, or Arab, or anything else without being proud to be American, you are living in the wrong nation.
Try waving rainbow flags and being gay in Saudi Arabia, Iran or the Gaza Strip. Good luck with that.
Gay rights exist here because we have a Bill of INDIVIDUAL Rights established by the Founding Fathers. Not Founding mothers or people representing 155 other genders. Founding Fathers.
These men gave all people the right to own a gun to defend themselves, protect themselves from self-incrimination, protection against cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to freedom of speech.
So whether you fly a rainbow gay pride flag or a silver and black pirate flag to represent the Raider Nation, fly those American flags high today…and every other day.
As Ray Charles sang, “America, God done shed his grace on thee.”
Understanding red flag laws
Monday, June 13th, 2022Understanding red flag laws
Liberal #1: “My neighbor has conservative political views. I don’t know how to force him to see things my way.”
Liberal #2: “Does he own guns?”
Liberal #1: “Yes, but I’m more concerned about his views on abortion and gay rights. He never said what they were but he goes to church every Sunday.”
Liberal #2: “Easy enough. Just call the cops and the feds on him. Say that he has guns and is acting erratically. The government will come, kick in his door, and seize his guns.”
Liberal #1: “Doesn’t he get a trial?”
Liberal #2: “The guns get seized first. Guilty until proven innocent. Even if your neighbor is exonerated, the government can drag out the paperwork. It will take forever for your neighbor to get his guns back, if ever.”
Liberal #1: “Can I get in trouble for filing a false report?”
Liberal #2: “It’s not a lie if you believe it. You felt scared. You did what you had to do.”
Liberal #1: “Thank you so much for letting me know. I’ll make the phone call as soon as I get back. I’m so glad we can make our neighborhoods safer. Anyway, I’m off to a BLM/Antifa rally. These evil corporations won’t know what hit their businesses.”
This was today’s explanation of how Red Flag laws happen, and why liberals should not be put in charge of anything.
Stock market summary in various forms of English
Monday, June 13th, 2022Stock Market summary in various forms of English:
Great Britain: “Beastly day, what?”
USA: “Things are f*cked.”
Me: “Liz Warren in spandex levels of ugly.”
France: “Vive la surrender!”
Ukraine: “At least your stock market wasn’t bombed today. Thanks for forgetting about us.”
China: “Fentanyl is down 10%. We must fix the supply chain so we can ship it faster.”
Iran: “Death to America! Now we can’t even afford to buy the materials for our nuclear bombs!”
Friday, March 11th, 202215 years ago today on March 11, 2007, the TYGRRRR EXPRESS was born. I chose March 11 because it was the 3 year anniversary of the Madrid bombing and the midpoint of 9/11.
I never thought people would care what I had to say. Yet somehow a tiny blog turned into 6 books, over 200 t-shirt designs, and a national professional speaking career that has taken me to all 50 states.
On March 11, 2022, I thank almighty God and anyone who has ever supported the TYGRRRR EXPRESS.
God bless you all.
State of the Useless 2022
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
CPAC 2022 Sunday Recap
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
CPAC 2022 Saturday Recap
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
CPAC 2022 Friday Recap
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022