In recent days I have expressed contempt for the mentally ill, and for radical feminists. I have found significant overlap. I have always held leftists with some degree of legitimate scorn, and I do not need scientific studies to show the high correlation between them and the other two aforementioned groups.
So today I am offering a tale of what happens when a radical feminist is also a leftist and mentally unstable. It makes for a cocktail of lunacy.
I am not happy to be telling this tale. I take no joy in ripping another human being to shreds. I will only say that they completely deserve it.
For legal reasons, and because I am a decent human being, their name will be redacted. They may sue anyway, but remember, this is not a rational individual.
At one point I did care for them. Yet they decided to become a verbal suicide bomber.
I am retaliating for the same reason Donald Trump needed to destroy Rosie O’Donnell. He could have just “let it go.” After all who cares what a hideous and possibly quadrisexual leftist nutcase has to say about a wildly successful billionaire businessman?
Mr. Trump did not need the publicity. When he breathes, the media cover him. He struck back against Rosie Queen of Morona because letting such disgusting comments go would be seen, correctly, as weakness.
Bullies need to be decked between the eyes.
With that, I offer the next installment in my series of “liberals gone wild.”
It began in December of 2008, when I received an email from a woman I went to college with. We were close friends in 1990, and then one day she went bonkers, and we had a fight. She saw the movie “Thelma and Louise,” and then flew into a rage at the nearest man that dared be politically conservative. Then again, on a Jewish campus back then, I may have been the only one.
We made peace 3 years later. We lived in separate cities, and the only time I would ever hear from her was when she needed something.
She did let me stay at her home on a couple of occasions in 2007, and she regaled me with her horror stories of how dreadful her life was going. Then, in December of 2008, The following email arrived.
Hope everyone is warm and healthy…
Next Monday, 12/22, I am undergoing a neurosurgical procedure involving the implantation of a vagal nerve stimulator, a pacemaker-like device designed to treat epilepsy and severe depression. The treatment is referred to as Vagus Nerve Stimulation therapy, or ‘VNS Therapy’.
After following VNS therapy for nearly 12 years and working (fighting) to obtain this treatment since late 2005, it is finally becoming reality for me.
Some people have been able to discontinue all of their medications–permanently–within one year of beginning VNS therapy.
I had my first neurological work-up when I was seven years old, my first episode of depression when I was 13. In 29 years, I have been through 15 doctors, five nuclear brain scans (three SPECT, one MRI, one fMRI), two EEG’s (including 4-day telemetry), two hospitalizations, 10 medications, and countless sessions of hypnotherapy, group therapy, individual psychotherapy, and counseling. I look forward to ending all of this nonsense, and finally beating this thing for good.
The surgery date of 12/22 is very symbolic, and holds a great deal of meaning for me, for it is the first day of Chanukah, and the day of the Winter Solstice: It is the day the light returns, and we begin emerging from winter’s darkness. From here, it looks beautiful…
A brief blurb with a diagram and 3-minute video about how VNS therapy works can be found here:
(I deleted the link)
All the best to everyone
(name redacted, from hereon out known as ‘BSC,’ FOR ‘Bat Spit Crazy.’)”
I sent a very warm hearted email let her know I would be praying for her.
On December 24th, 2008, I wrote a controversial column called “Light a Candle, Smack a Woman.”
I will be the first person to admit the title is provocative. The column itself is one of the best columns I have ever written, judging by the love and hate mail I have received over it.
People who actually read the column and understood it had a more positive reaction than those that were unable to discern the crystal clear point.
Anyway, that is when she did what leftist feminist unstable people do. She flew into an email rage. I must say I was taken aback by the fact that anybody would end an 18 year association over an email column. I allow others to disagree with me. I am not an ideological bigot. As for her, well we all know how tolerant liberals can be especially, angry ones that fall into every possible category of victimhood.
Throughout her rants, I edited the foul language.
Don’t send me your columns anymore. In fact, don’t send me anything anymore. Your smug, right-wing, divisive, us-vs-them attitude is no longer welcome in my life. P*ssing people off is not ‘making people
Think’; it’s simply bullying. I’m disgusted that the Jewish Journal has
chosen to feature a ‘columnist’ who thinks joking about violence against women is appropriate in a civilized society. I will be sending the editor a letter which will include your little ‘Lighting candles and smacking women 2008-style” quip. Grow up.
I responded in a restrained manner.
“First of all I did not even know you were receiving my columns. My (redacted college) list got mixed in with my political list. My (redacted college) list is for births, deaths, weddings, etc. Secondly, if you think my article was advocating violence against women, you are off your rocker. The article clearly states that I have a problem with left wingers that say they care about women, but really don’t. Otherwise Ted Kennedy would be in jail. Otherwise Freeing Afghani women and Iraqi women would be celebrated. Otherwise ‘abort Sarah Palin’ t-shirts would not exist. Third, if you are going to complain to the
Journal, then at least be honest and in engage in full disclosure. You know me in real life, and are not a disinterested party.
Fourth, the Journal already HAS that column. It was my first column. It was on their front page. Fifth, even conservatives have a right to free
speech. It is liberal bullying that you would try and recommend removing a column simply because you disagree with
it. That is censorship. Sixth, I prayed for you on many occasions, and told others to as well. I would be happy to let all of our friends know
that you have nothing better to do than wage a Jihad against a friend of 18 years who treats you with kindness simply because you completely misread my column. Of course I would not do that. I should, but I won’t. I stand by every word of that column, and wish you would reread it so you get my message. I will remove you from my political list since my columns upset you.
Happy Chaka Khan.
Her response was “typical” for every victim category she happily resides in.
“Your ‘message’ is inane, inflammatory blather. You are no Conservative; you are a right-wing idealogue. Politically-Conservative Jews (in Los Angeles and elsewhere) deserve better representation in the Jewish press than the purely partisan drivel of a misogynist
blowhard. And I don’t need your brand of ‘kindness’, either as a woman, an American or a Jew. Your little threats mean nothing to me, and your claims to victimhood (censorship, ‘Jihad waged’ against
you) are pathetic. Like I said before: Grow up.”
Oh well. Another person needed me to take the gloves off. This might be the first time I felt I needed to give a woman a spanking, and yet was not turned on by it (Although in all fairness, if she let me, I would. Her head may be scrambled, but her body has everything in delightful proportions.)
“You can hurl all the insults you want, but I don’t remember you being this way when you wanted to borrow money from me, or when you wanted me to pray for you, or any number of times…like when I bought you breakfast at your favorite place because you are broke. I don’t remember any leftists offering to help you when you were down. You are just venting because that is what you do. I have never threatened you. I am also a moderate republican, and no amount of you protesting
otherwise will change that. I will say it again. You may have read the
article, but you didn’t GET IT. That is why you are hurling insults rather than debate on facts. You show me one thing in my column that is not true. You can’t. You are no dummy, but I challenge you to find
something in my column that is factually false. You will then respond by saying ‘I have better things to do than argue with a (insert insult here).’ You’re wrong. That’s it. You yourself said that you are bipolar, and perhaps you are having a bad day. I took you off the mailing list. Do what you need to do. I lead a happy, successful life,
and nobody will change that. I will also pray for you despite your recent attitude.
(She has in the past offered me sex for money. I turned her down. Don’t get me wrong, it was not for moral reasons. I just did not want to be subjected to future blackmail. Bill Clinton should have learned that THAT was why his adulterous affairs mattered. I knew she was vindictive, and thank my lucky stars that for once I did the right thing, even if for the wrong reasons. Then again, I missed out on playing her backside like Howard Stern did in “Butt Bongo Fiesta.”)
Howard Stern tangents aside, she continued. If you are asleep by now, my attitude is I had to suffer, so you shall as well.
“DON’T ‘pray’ for me. Your prayers women, liberals, Democrats, Gays, feminists…YOU’RE the one who doesn’t ‘get it’:
‘You are just venting because that is what you
do”; “You yourself said you are bipolar, and
perhaps you are having a bad day”; “You’re
wrong. That’s it.’
Like your column, this is so (redacted) smug and derogatory, it’s sickening! I am NOT bipolar; you have never heard me say that, because I have never been diagnosed as such. I have epilepsy. One thing wrong with your column? Here’s one:
‘Poor and/or ugly women are not given the same
protection as attractive women…’
Oh really? Well, with no false modesty here, I’ve been told many times by many people that I’m quite attractive…so why the hell did Los Angeles County courts let the (redacted)hole who beat me black-and-blue 12 years ago (landing me two emergency room visits) get off without even
so much as a slap on the wrist? How come *I* got written-up two months ago when I reported to my supervisor that a male employee cursed at me,
called me names, and physically intimidated me on the job? Again, where was this wonderful “protection” that you so confidently assert I have by virtue of being an attractive woman?
‘Ever since the feminist mistake, women have been
up in arms looking for ways to exact vengeance on the male
gender…Now it is about attempting to destroy men.’
What a load of (paranoid) horse (redacted). Who are ‘The Feminists’ that you constantly refer to in your diatribe, Eric? I live here in the liberal bastion of the San Francisco Bay Area (grew up here, too), and for the life of me, I have never met any of these evil feminists that you rant and rave against. And I have yet to meet or read a modern feminist that compares (modern) marriage to slavery. Who are these people? And do you really believe these ‘radical feminists’ exist (assuming they do, in fact, exist) in large enough numbers to even put a dent in popular opinion?
‘It is very important that men do not try to physically or sexually abuse women who are politically liberal…’
And why is this? Because we’re ‘protected’? Because the man would be punished severely? If so, again, where was MY protection? Why wasn’t my ex-boyfriend punished severely (as the law, according to the books, prescribes)? Ten pages of physician’s notes (from two different doctors), three X-ray films, photographs of bruising and scratches, a police report, a social worker’s report—and the case didn’t even get beyond the initial hearing. I wasn’t poor or ugly–I was a 24-year-old schoolteacher! Here’s a third thing for you: Judaism is seen as ‘weak’ by outsiders? Funny, why is it that so many outsiders that I’ve come across bash the Israelis (i.e. ‘Jews’) for being ‘overly aggressive’?
And what about the usual crap about a mere 14 million of us
‘taking over the world’? And ‘controlling the Banks’? And ‘controlling the media’? Doesn’t seem to me like outsiders see us as ‘weak’…
And Judaism “emasculates men”? Just because there are holidays that ‘celebrate women’? Now *there’s* some (redacted)-up logic…Oh–and about that bull(redacted) regarding ‘freeing Iraqi women’ (from your earlier message), here’s some “light reading” for you:
Iraqi Women ‘Forced to Veil’ Prefer an American source? How’s this:
Violations of ‘Islamic Teachings’ Take Deadly Toll on Iraqi Women
‘We thought there would be freedom and democracy and women would have their rights. But all the things we were promised have not come true. There is only fear and horror.’
How about NPR? Iraqi Women Face Greater Danger, Fewer Rights
(NPR link deleted. Nobody that matters cares about National Palestinian Radio.) and In Iraq, Activist Struggles as Women’s Rights Shrink
Take me off of ALL your mailing lists. I don’t want you in my life. Tell whomever you damned well please if it makes you so happy.
And don’t you ever–EVER–speak of my medical condition in such a context again!”
And…exhale everybody. She did mention to me she was bi-polar, as well as bisexual. She might be bi everything. In fact, if she was twice bi, she would be Bibi, which would make her the next Israeli Prime Minister.
I never thought as a republican I would start singing “Kumbaya,” but wow that woman makes Alanis Morrissette seem happy. Out of curiosity, and because I knew this was worthy of a scientific study, or at least a column, I responded.
“I have already taken you off my mailing list. You requested
that earlier. However, your entire screed will be one of my columns next week. I have a series about ‘liberals gone wild.’ I will redact your name and the profanity. The fact that after 18 years you would make something ‘personal’ is your choice. This is not personal
for me. It is business. Oh, and being pretty is not always a get out of jail free card, but if beauty did not give people an advantage, the
modeling industry would cease to exist. Your rage is misdirected. All I did was write a column, receive one angry email (yours), and a ton of positive emails from other women that I will be publishing.
Again…you take politics way too seriously. This is just
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express”
She replied, “Don’t you dare publish it.”
Well I needed a column, and I am hoping that Helen Reddy would sing “I am woman, hear me complain,” in the musical version.
“I said I would redact your name so nobody knows it is you.
I would NEVER be so cruel as to let anybody know who you are.
However, other more experienced bloggers have taught me that publishing hate mail is an effective deterrent.
In the future you might wish to debate somebody without getting personal. I never once personally attacked you. You read a generic column and made it personal because of things that are deep inside of you.
Now stop lashing out. You have every right to criticize my views, but personal attacks cross the line. I am handling this the way I would with any other hate mail.
Besides, if you believed your email was appropriate, you would encourage me to publish it. The fact that you prefer otherwise tells me you realize you were harsh with me unjustly.
I am much more sympathetic to what you have been through than you will ever know. Feel free to believe otherwise since your mind is made up.
I mean the facts show otherwise, but ignore them. Oh wait, you already have.
For the last time, not personal, just business.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express”
Like Bill Clinton not understanding the word, “is,” she has a unique label for “hate mail.”
“This wasn’t ‘hate mail’; it was personal correspondence. Important difference. Can’t believe I wasted 18 years being “friends” with someone who would be such an (redacted)hole as to publicize my private affairs!
You publish it and I contact my lawyer. Nothing personal–it’s just business.”
She will probably contact her lawyer. She will probably find some legal aid person who would be delighted to help her. She is broke, another reason she rails against people like me. After all, while I am busy working she is busy writing hate letters to various conservative papers (I have some). For those who do not know, Birkenstocks are actually biodegradable. In their original form, they are used to make veggie burgers.
Her lawyer will tell her that since her name was redacted, the only way anybody would know about her is if she revealed it.
What is she going to do, spread dirt about me? I reveal my own laundry right here!
Yes, she gave me an erotic massage, yes, I saw her naked in the shower in 1990, and yes, she has still held up well physically.
No, I do not think we should abuse women. I also don’t think anybody should be abused.
No, she did not “have it coming,” by her ex-boyfriend who hit her.
However, she absolutely did have it coming in terms of me trying to teach her about responsibility and behavior.
Wow, my soul has not been this cleansed since I finally told my therapist about all of my problems.
Ok, so it was not a therapist. It was the teenager behind the counter at McDonalds. At least he was empathetic. He did offer me fries and a drink with my burger. Granted he was like a hooker, just using me. I mean hear I pour my heart out and he then tries to get me to buy apple pie with that.
I can’t help it. I am healthy and well adjusted.
Now if only God would stop wasting spectacular yummy bouncies on such screwed up women. I am not sure if that is to torture men, or to give every person “something.”
Ok, time to think of her, and listen to the song “Crazy.” Aerosmith has a version, and so does Gnarles Barkley.
I would pray for her again, but the more that I think about it, prayer is for hopeful situations.
I will pray for me. After dealing with her, I am sure God himself is up there preparing for the Super Bowl thinking, “I feel for you buddy. I owe you one.”
Ok, off to seal my rumpus with caulk so that the lightning bolt I may receive for that last remark will not penetrate.
I’m just a soul, whose intentions are good…Oh lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood. :)