Yesterday I wrote a column suggesting that do exactly that…move on.
The whole point of the column was to suggest that Move get beyond hatred of George W. Bush and develop an actual philosophy that can be translated into a positive agenda. Disagreeing with the President is fine. Comparing him in any way to Adolf Hitler is antisemitism. As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I know a thing or two about Hitler.
Commenter # 6 offered overt antisemitism.
“George Bush is compared to Hitler at for several reasons.
1. Bush is guilty of the same crimes as Hitler. According to precendents set at Nuremberg it is an international war crime to invade or attack another nation that has nothing to you. Bush invaded Iraq and it had done nothing to us.
2. Hitler attempted to create an ethnic state and slaughtered all those who were different. Bush puts Israel’s interests before US interests and Israel is an ethnic state and Jews slaughter all non jews.
3. Hitler rounded people up and put them in camps. Bush has rounded people up and put them into Gitmo.
4. Hitler took away the rights of the German people under the excuse of protecting the homeland. bush has taken away the rights of Americans under the guise of protecting the homeland.
5. Hitler unleashed chaos, wars and slaughters and destablized the entire world with his warmongering. Bush has destablished the entier middle east and caused a dangerous shift in the world and untold suffering and slaughter that has spread to Pakistan.
Rather than look to our best interests bush is taking out Israel’s enemies. ”
They also left more virulent antisemitic comments at
Commenter # 13 was more troubling because his antisemitism was done in a stealth manner. This covert approach started out very reasonable.
“Personally, I believe in free speech. I am also a charter member of MoveOn. Here’s the other side: The originators of MoveOn and I were raised Republicans.
We BEG them (The republican congress of 1996) to censure and move on. AND THEY STILL CONTINUED WITH THE IMPEACHMENT!!! They lost the chance to go down as one of the greatest Congresses ever, all because of their hatred for ONE man (Bill Clinton).
To be fair, it is true that both MoveOn members and I will never be Republicans again. Let’s get past that, and continue having an adult discussion.
What are the Republicans doing once again? They are shooting themselves again in the foot, this time not just for the next election, but probably for the next generation at least.”
Not one word of that offended me. The fellow wanted a constructive dialogue, and I was prepared to engage in a spirited but respectful debate. However, before I did that, I sent him the following email:
“So that I can decide whether or not to give you an intelligent response, I need to ‘gauge’ you first. Please read comment # 6 by Southern Voice. I want your honest, brutal opinion on those specific remarks.”
I was hoping that this fellow would condemn the remarks. This did not happen.
“I don’t like that post. I will tell you honestly that I do not like what Bush is doing, but I think those comments take a kernel of truth and exaggerate it into untruth. I don’t like untruth. I will also say, I don’t blame Bush so much as I blame the Loyal Bushies who ALLOW him to do what he’s doing.
Also, I think we should be very careful about throwing out the Hitler sh*t. (and, in return, I’d be interested in what you think of Bill O’Reilly comparing DailyKos with Hitler.) Like the Dogs, my interest in Hitler is not 1939; it is 1933. People made choices in 1933 about what power they would cede to their government. Hitler roused them and for that they rewarded him with some of their liberty. I do believe that Bush did some things in 2003 that are not good for a democracy.”
I responded as follows: “The difference between you and post # 6 is you at least put a semi-moderate face on it. Your refutation of the Bush-Hitler link was too tepid for my tastes. Your inability to unequivocally condemn those remarks invalidates anything else you may have to say. Perhaps there is someone in Moveon.Org who will actually have the decency to disagree with Bush while condemning comparisons with Hitler as wrong and evil.”
I then recommended the fellow learn about the Simon Wiesenthal Center, so that he could gain a better understanding of why this issue was important. I also stated that dialogue was no longer possible, and his commenting on my blog would no longer be welcomed.
The final response I received was this:
“A brook, a toy, and annoy…You have NO idea who I am! You label me an anti-semite… !!!!! Do you know where Skokie, Illinois is? What a f*cking arrogant FOOL you are! Good riddnace.”
I have sent these comments to,,, and If they choose to follow up with these comments, that is their prerogative.
I also sent the responses to, Daily Kos and the Huffington Post. I want them to condemn these remarks and state unequivocally that their websites and their organizations do not condone any comparison between President George W. Bush or Adolf Hitler. I do not expect any responses from them, but when they get angry at their organizations being labeled “antisemitic,” it is because the analogy fits like a glove.
I will for the milli-vanillionth time explain to those on the political left what decent people know everywhere. Dissent is healthy. Political disagreements are vital to America. Disagreeing with George W. Bush on every political issue is legitimate. Comparing him to Adolf Hitler is antisemitism, and antisemitism is a cancer that must be removed from society.
Moveon, Kos and Huffington have all allowed antisemitic rantings on their websites. I am responsible for every comment on my site, and so are they. The comments do get removed when enough pressure is applied, but at this point more needs to be done.
The left has a cancer eating itself to death. If allegations are lodged against me, and I do not refute them, then silence is acquiescence. The leftist websites need to condemn hate speech in the strongest possible terms, without equivocation. Tepid statements of regret will no longer cut it. Saying that such remarks are “not helpful,” is not good enough.
Hatred is wrong, and that includes hatred of republicans, conservatives and George W. Bush. While I would enjoy watching the democratic party rip itself to shreds trying to fight their own cannibalistic left wing elements, I would rather that these elements that embrace Moveon, Kos and Huffington simply become decent human beings.
They are the axis of antisemitism, and that axis must be confronted from within and externally. Honorable liberals and conservatives will be better off for this.