Archive for January, 2008

From Ground Zero to South Carolina

Friday, January 11th, 2008

Iowa is irrelevant. New Hampshire is useless. New York City is what matters, since that is where the giant crater exists along with the memories of 3000 murdered new Yorkers.

I am working out of my firm’s Wall Street office this week, and there is a television and a computer here in the break room, allowing me to watch the Fox news republican debate while blogging about it.

Just around the block is the New York Stock Exchange, where people can no longer go on the trading floor as guests. Those days are long gone.

I just got back from Ground Zero several minutes ago, or 15 minutes before the debate began. It is one thing to read about it. it is another thing to be there. I was walking with my friend, who was right there when it happened in 2001. He said a prayer to God that he would live, and he did.

I well up with rage every time I see the memorial. I will never forget.

The republican debate is not about gay marriage, stem cell research, African American vegeterianism, or any other narrow issue that affects a select few disproportionately.

Let the democrats debate nonsense.

The republicans need to spend time eplaining how they are going to kill every animal that is even remotely connected to the barbarians that took down the towers.

We have made significant progress, but there is more to do.

With that, I bring the 2008 republican debate from South Carolina.

While we are watching television, Al Queda is plotting more murders.

Here is the recap Between Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Fred thompson, Mike Huckabee, and another fellow I will mention when necessary.

Brit hume, Carl Cameron, Wendell Goler, and Chris Wallace were the moderators. The first question dealt with whether we were in a recession, and what should be done.

Romney reiterated his record. At the Federal level, he mentioned the housing crisis, lower taxes, gas prices, and research and development in science and technology. he got in a jab at McCain by saying that the Senator stated jobs in Michigan were gone forever, which Romney disagreed.

McCain stuck to his guns, saying some jobs were gone forever. He mentioned going to community colleges and designing new training programs. He does not believe we are headed into a recession.

When asked about short term government fixes with regards to a slowdown, and would he be ok with adding to the deficit, he mentioned cutting spending, and using Detroit to develop technologies to reduce foreign oil dependency. He said he would make the authors of earmarks famous.

Huckabee was asked about his short terms stimulus package. He spoke of four problems, that being fuel prices, subprime mortgages, health care and education costs. he mentioned the fair tax.

Giuliani was asked about his wanting to cut taxes despite others saying that tax cuts do not pay for themselves. Giuliani cited Ronald Reagan, President Bush, JFK, and the Club For Growth. We have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world. He spoke of cutting federal agencies, and regulatory reform. overtaxing, spending, regulating and suing must be stopped.

McCain agreed, but stated that we have to cut spending as well. He wants to make the bush tax cuts permanent.

When asked about a government program to stimulate the economy, Ron Paul said that recession is predictable. He stated that the housing market is in a depression, and that we had artificially low interest rates are a mistake by causing a bubble and then a bust.

Thompson stated that Rudy’s tax plan was one he proposed a couple months ago, and that the tax cuts always bring in more revenue than the experts say. The entire housing market is hurting, not just subprime. Credit is getting tighter, and we have two handed economists because nobody knows. We have to count on the Fed, possibly speed up depreciation schedules. We have to consider a low income stimulus like in 2001, but a rebate would not work because the poor do not pay taxes.

Huckabee was asked what part of the Reagan coalition was gone, based on comments by Ed Rollins. He disputed that being said, and started talking about abortion and gay marriage, in addition to the Second Amendment. He stated that that was a part of the Reagan Coalition.

McCain stated that republicans have drifted from Reagan, especially since 1994. He mentioned the bridge to nowhere, and then mentioned Teddy Roosevelt and climate change.

Romney covered abortion services in his Massachussetts plan for health care. He stated that was a court order. He stated that Reagan’s principles are still valid today, and his optimism was vital. We need a strong military, strong families, and a strong economy. our economy is still the envy of the world.

Thompson went after Huckabee. He would be a social conservative but economic liberal. he mentioned gitmo, and the NEA endorsement. He mentioned huckabee wanting to ban smoking, which violates Federalism. It was a sharp attack, and the crowd roared.

Huckabee stated he is under attack because he is the target. He mentioned thst Reagan raised taxes, which is true, but not an excuse for being a tax raiser.

Giuliani was asked why he was the complete conservative. He mentioned peace through strength, and lower taxes specifically to empower people. He supports a strong national defense. We must devolve power to the people. Disagreements about social issues should not trump being competitive in 50 states, including states we do not even try to win any more. We need a broad outreach.

Ron Paul was asked about the 9/11 truthers, and whether we were responsible 9/11. He said he disagreed with them, but would not ask them to stop. he is now officially Rupaul for good. He stated we are no longer fiscal conservatives. We are big government people. We are entitlement people. We have undermined the Fourth Amendment. he has never voted to spend a penny of the social security fund.

Huckabee was asked by our passive response to Iran with regards to not shooting our ships this week. He stated they would “face the gates of hell,” if they tried to shoot, but that he trusted the current president’s decision not to attack. Brit hume delved further, but Huckabee stood his ground and said he trusted the generals.

Thompson agreed with Huckabee on this one, and that one more step and they would have “been introduced to those virgins that they were looking forward to seeing.” the crowd roared. Thompson brought up the british military hostage crisis, and said that if Iran crosses the line, they will be destroyed. He also offered some red meat to the crowd by pointing out that “You can tell that the news coming out of Iraq is good, because you read so little about it in te New York Times.”

Giuliani quickly rejected the NIE report stating that iran was benign. He mentioned that iran was collapsing economically, and that we should push them further.

McCain was asked what he would do if he were the captain of the ship, and he refused to armchair quarterback despite his naval experience. He agreed with Giuliani that people think Iran is seen as less of a threat due to the NIE report, which is a major mistake. Like the other candidates, he supported President Bush’s decision.

Rupaul urged caution, brought up the Gulf of Tonkin, and said we were ready to start World War III. Some in the administration are looking for the chance, and that there have been no attempts to avoid war.

Hume stated that the other candidates agreed with the passive response, so what as he upset about?

He responded that we were itching to bomb Iran.

(I hope he is right…we should)

Romney claimed that Rupaul should stop reading Armageddonijad’s press releases. The crowd roared, and the Rupaul supporters booed. He backed Bush, and stated that we need new sanctions against Iran.

McCain was asked about the surge working. McCain shined at this point. He ordered Hillary to retract her comments about General David petraeus, who should have been Time’s man of the Year. Only when we win can men come home with honor.

Giuliani was asked about how to prevent a Palestinian state from being a haven for terrorism. First they must recognize Israel’s right to exist. Then they must renounce terrorism. Then there must be a period of time. Giuliani politely disputed McCain’s claim that he was the only one to support the surge. Giuliani said neither of them have wavered. McCain stated that only he condemned the Rumsfeld strategy, which is a separate issue.

Rupaul stated that the USA gets in the way with regards to Israel and the Arabs, and that we should cease giving foreign aid to all nations. Israel can handle its own problems.

McCain got tough, saying that he did not want to trade with AL Queda, all they trade is burkas. He does not want tot ravel with them, they only want one way tickets.

Rupaul went ballistic, and i wa slooking for the German subtitles. He said mcCain wants us to be in Iraq for 100 years.

McCain replied that we have dramatically reduced casualties, and that we should support the troops, not condemn them. We have been in korea for 50 years, but nobody is dying. It is prescence, not casualties.

When asked about how we can side with Musharraf when 2/3 of the people want him gone, Thompson responded, “We can’t go against polls.” The crowd laughed. Leadership is not giverning by polling. He stated that calling for Musharraf to step down or cut off aid was irresponsible. He nailed it perfectly. We should pressure Musharraf to help with finding Osama bin laden, but not kid ourselves into trying to replace him without consequences. We also needed to secure the weapons.

Romney stated that foreign policy is now 3 dimensional chess, not checkers.While Romney mentioned various hot spots, he spoke coolly,while Thompson seemed much more passionate. Romney did mention getting Islamic countries away from Wahhabism, and helping their economies.

Huckabee, whena sked about accounting showing money was missing, reiterated that pushing Musharraf out was not the solution. Huckabee forgot that he was the one who advocated replacing him to begin with. Huckbee then admonished Rupaul over Israel, and promised to defend the Jewish state.

Rupaul stated that we undermine Israeli sovereignty, especially by arming Arab nations. We should treat Israel like adults, and that he defended the israeli decision to bomb the Osirak reactor in 1982. he stated israel is a stepchild of the USA.

Rudy ripped into Rupaul, and stated that the defense of Israel is smart for the USA. They are one of our staunchest reliable allies. As for Pakistan, we should work with musharraf.

Thompson stated that Huckabee mentioned our aid to the Pakistani military. Thompson said that is what the money is for, that we should support the Pakistani military.

While anybody ripping into Rupaul was on target, Thompson ripping into Huckabee was highly effective. The battle for social conservatives is between these two, and Thompson shredded him, without much of a counter response.

Romney was asked about change, and whether voters preferred experience. Romney replied, “nope.” he repeated that “Washington is broken,” and that nothing gets done. He then rattled off several examples, and stated that his career has been about change. “He would take Washington apart and bring it back together.”

When asked about Romney stating that McCain is Washington, McCain stated that “the answer was obvious.” McCain said his biggest change was to support the surge in iraq. He went after the democrats on Iraq, not Romney. He then mentioned going after Washington insiders such as Jack Abramoff, and the Defense Department’s bloated budget.

Huckabee was asked about higher taxes and more government while being a governor. He replied that “he got the job done.” H ethen ofered an incredibly rehearsed line about how what he raised was “hope.” he became Barack Huckabee Obama. He stated that Arkansas did not have falling bridges because he took care of them. People in Minnesota might be offended by that.

Thompson was asked how he differed from Huckabee. He pointed out that Huckabee signed the tax pledge only under pressure. Fred then focused on his own record, including passing five tax reductions. He mentioned his 100% pro-life voting record, but that does not differ from Huckabee.

Huckabee pointed out that Congress passed welfare reform, but Governors had to implement it.

Giuliani was asked about McCain’s comments that 9/11 is not foreign policy experience. he started out by saying that the change the democrats want is the change coming out of our pockets. Socialized medicine, and pulling out of Iraq were negative changes. Change itself can be good or bad. As for foreign policy, Giuliani was on a terrorism task force when Gerald Ford was President. He then reiterated throwing out arafat and snubbing the Saudi prince’s blood money. Senators are one out of 100, executives are leaders.

McCain praised Rudy as a person, but stated that it was McCain himself who has been a part of every foreign policy situation in the last 30 years.

Huckabee was asked about supporting an ad in the paper asking women to obey their husbands. Huckabee claimed that he was getting all the religious questions. it is because he keeps bringing it up. He got folksy and praised his strong wife. He then stated that his personal beliefs were not how he would govern. We should all submit to the lord. Marriage is 100/100, not 50/50.

Rupaul, with regards to electability was asked, “Do you have any?” The crowd loved Carl Cameron’s question. Rupaul repeated his beliefs, and cited Robert Taft. He did have a moment of sanity by stating that we doubled the NEA, which he wants to abolish. He stated that he is a Constitutionalist, and a true republican.

When asked about immigration, the crwod clapped before the question itself was asked.

McCain was asked about his failed plan. He replied that the plan failed because the American people have lost their trust in government. He reminded people that he is from a border state. He said he would not deport the wife of a serviceman missing in action. We would not reward law breakers, but we must be compassionate.

Romney was asked about his plan, and the moderator pointed out that McCain dodged the question. Romney stated that the difference was between the current 12 million illegal immigrants. He felt that a pathway to citizenship was special treatment. All 12 million should be given time to get their affiars in order, and then leave.

Thompson said we need to be a nation of “high fences and wide gates, and we get to decide when to ope it and close it.” We have to crack down on employers and sanctuary cities. He said you cannot deal with each immigrant individually. We could have enforcement by atttrition if we cut off funding to sanctuary cities. He then went after Huckabee’s immigration stance, which he portrayed as soft.

Rupaul was asked about his immigration stance. He focused on the economic issue, saying “if you subsidize something, you get more of it.” he stated the problem was “welfarism.” We should pull people from Iraq to guard the border.

Huckabee was asked about how to convince Hispanics that the GOP was not against them. Huckabee accurately replied that many Hispanics are against illegal immigration. He then offered lofty preacher rhetoric about light and darkness. We should assume everybody here is legal, so nobody feels shame.

Giuliani was asked about refusing to deport illegal immigrant whistleblowers. He correctly reported it would be absurd to deport them, and that his policies reduced crime more than any city in the history of America. He defended allowing children of illegal immigrants to go to school, and that letting 70,000 kids be criminal victims or perpetrators was wrong.

The night was a chess match, with different candidates going after each other for strategic reasons.

Rupaul is a nut. He did the worst, and nobody else had to be asked if they were viable. All five other candidates went after him, because the 90% of sane republicans like it. Romney actually backed off because he realized it was too easy, and could be seen as gratuitous.

Romney blended into the backgorund. nobody attacked him, because he is seen as falling apart. He did nothing wrong tonight, but did not distinguish himself.

Giuliani and McCain sparred because they are fighting for moderates. They were both so polite and respectful of each other, because they genuinely do respect and like each other, and wish they were not both running. Therefore, their exchanges were so civil that it was a stalemate. This benefits McCain because he is ahead. Rudy did not knock him off. The man who acts decisively hesitates around McCain, and if Rudy does pass him, it will be interesting to see how McCain reacts.

Rudy did slightly better than mcCain when they were not sparring, especially on the immigration and Israel issues.

The fieriest exchanges were between Thompson and huckabee. Thompson mopped up the floor with his fellow Southerner. Fred knew he could not move to the right of huckabee on social issues, but his attempts to show huckabee as an economic leftist, especially on taxes.

Fred thompson won this debate, and he won big.

As I prepared to leave my office and head home, I knew that while South Carolina was going to be a distant memory in a couple weeks, Ground Zero will be seared into my bloodstream forever.

I passed by it again on the way home, and I can still again barely suppress my rage.

The Iranian ship question would not even be asked in a democratic debate.

Forein policy questions must be asked. The War on Terror must be asked in every debate, and often.

For the sake of honoring 3000 dead New Yorkers, we must go balls out and win.

Winning means letting soldiers scorch enemy Earth. It also means government has to be better on every level. This starts with the various levels of government in New York. The construction workers are fine people. They are the best of the best. the bureaucrats need to get out of the way, and let the towers be built stronger, tougher, and higher than ever before.

I am tired of seeing that hole in the ground.


Repeal the 19th Amendment

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Ok, January 9th was my birthday. January 10th it’s back to business. No more warm fuzzies. Time to save America from those that wish to screw it up.

Repeal the 19th Amendment.

Yes girlfriend. I went there. Talk to the hand if you have a grievance.

Yeah, I know this could cost me some Jewish brunette frolicking, but the liberal ones don’t like me anyway and the conservatives will understand.

There is no reason for women to vote anymore. Voting is a responsibility, and the female gender, at least in New Hampshire, has proven that it has no interest in this sacred trust.

Women were supposed to be the thinking species, while men were emotional John Wayne types that went off half cocked without using their brains. No more.

Women were supposed to be liberated, and they were to embrace equality. Instead they chose vengeance.

Women were supposed to care about women’s issues. Apparently abortion was a woman’s issue until a couple days ago, when staunchly pro-choice candidates were defeated by a woman who vaccilates on the issue, as she does with every issue.

Women were to respect themselves. Instead, they chose somebody who, with help from her husband, treats women like dirt.

The worst stereotypes about women were revealed during the New Hampshire primary. What was learned in that dreadful state was that crying on cue works. Yelling about breaking into the boys club and then playing the victim card works. Substance means nothing.

I am sure elderly women are turning to their granddaughters and saying, “Honey, this proves that you can be empty inside, have no core values or beliefs, and spread venom, but if you evoke enough sympathy, you too can be President.”

I used to blame Hillary. I realize it is not just her. She has every right to be a phony, a woman who is more scripted than Jim Carrey in the “Truman Show.” Hillary’s whole life is a giant poll driven focus tested meal spun in a blander.

Yet the blame goes to the women who support her, because of why they support her. She is their sister.

The fact that she would slit their throats to get what she wants does not matter. She has the correct appendages.

Some may argue that many women simply agree with her philosophies. Her philosophies? About what?

She has been fighting for 35 years about something, she keeps reminding us. Yeah, and my Dad’s Army service, of which he told me about in some detail, qualifies me to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. My quarter of a century watching football qualifies me to be an NFL Head Coach. My shares of stock in various companies makes me a part owner, and therefore I should run the companies.

Yet Hillary, a woman who has succeeded at nothing more than getting her M.R.S. degree and riding her talented husband’s coattails, wants people to believe she has political accomplishments.

I am a republican, and am diametrically opposed to the policy prescriptions of John Edwards and Barack Obama. I disgree with what they stand for. Yet at least they stand for something (although barely at times).

They are both staunchly pro-choice on abortion. Yet women flock to Hillary. They are both good to their spouses, at least on the surface. There are no reports of either man verbally or physically abusing his spouse in fits of rage. Yet women support Hillary.

Hillary is not a feminist icon. She is to politics what Martina Navratilova was to tennis. Hillary charges the net, and plays the game like a man. She goes for blood, and has ruthlessly dispatched any woman that has stood in her way (In all fairness to Martina, she played by the rules, and deserved her accolades).

Sticking with tennis, Billie Jean King did not defeat Bobby Riggs by crying, or pretending to cry. She relied on her ability, and was an undisputed winner. She advanced the cause of women.

Hillary appeals to the worst in women. After all, how can women not be embarrassed by a woman married to a sexual predator who plays the role of feminist with such ease?

The answers are simple. Some women are blind. They simply know nothing about Hillary. They are apolitical, and she seems nice enough on tv (not really, but to them anyway).

Some women are willfully blind. They refuse to believe she could be that awful. She is one of them. They want her to be good on women’s issues.

Some women don’t care. They are amoral, if not immoral. Men ruled for so long, and now it is payback time.

So yes, an entire gender, at least in New Hampshire, has let a combinaton of stupidity, naievete, and vengence allow them to sell everything the feminist movement stood for and flush it down their collective pink frilly toilets.

There are plenty of women candidates who have actual records of accomplishment, many of whom I disagree with. Dianne Feinstein is wrong about virtually everything, but at least she works hard at her job. Some women may have no record of accomplishment, but at least have core beliefs, wacked out as those beliefs may be. Barbara Boxer may be insane, but at least she proudly stands behind her insanity. She does care about women (unless her cousin Bill Clinton is harassing them, or the victim is conservative).

Yet Hillary is the Paris Hilton of politics. She has nothing to say, and yet continues to speak. She demands to be seen as relevant, and enough people oblige. She cannot stay out of trouble, yet she fascinates just enough people to where she cannot be removed from page one.

Women fought for the right to be equal. If Hillary is the pinnacle of their success, then maybe men should start celebrating. On every level of life that matters, we took the women of the world and kicked their @sses. We got them to vote against their own best interests.

Men want low taxes and dead terrorists. We will support the candidate that will take his steel toe and jam it up Al Queda’s hide.

Women want…things…things that matter..and make us feel good…and warm and fuzzy…and yet they support an ice princess whose sole redeeming quality with regards to women is…(gimme a few weeks)

If this is the best women can do, than the last 80 years have been a waste. Stick them back in the kitchen where the worst damage they can do is to my dinner.

Yeah, some women are going to get angry with me. So what? I am angry that terrorists want to kill us, and they are more concerned with…whatever the heck it is they care about.

As for women who resent my words, my words won’t damage our nation. Your actions very well could. Your anger at my ranting is less threatening to society than your willingness to sacrifice principles you claim to have fought for since Eve tricked Adam and got us into this mess.

Bill Richardson happens to be Mexican. He did not run as a cross between JFK and George Lopez. Barack Obama happens to be black. He is going out of his way to appeal to white Americans, which prior black candidates failed to do.

Hillary is not a candidate who happens to be a woman. She is simply a woman candidate. She is an empty shell that is whoever you want her to be…except honest and genuine.

She did not fool me, nor did she fool most men. Unfortunately, we are only 45% of America. The remaining 55%…hang your collective bras in shame. At the rate you are going, you will be worse off than in 1900.

Since men slapping women would be seen as domestic violence, I hope the women will start slapping some sense into each other. Have some pride. Grow some dignity. Demand to be seen as human beings, not sheep.

I will not say you are “better than that.” I am not convinced.

As for Edwards and Obama, start crying immediately. Maybe women will buy it.

Otherwise, let’s take this whole experiment of women voting and throw it in the trash. It is one thing to vote for Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Golda Meir, or Benazir Bhutto. It is quite another thing to vote for a woman whose sole claim is to be a champion for women, when her entire life has shown her contempt for them. Given her contempt for men as well (and anybody who is not her actually), perhaps that is her version of equality. She can blame and condescend to both genders.

Hillary is a disaster. She is an enabler, In the exact way she let her husband behave the way he did, her supporters are doing the same for her. An entire gender in a state has enabled her.

The men running for President (republicans) want to save civilization. Hillary wants to sit and have tea with people, which is what her entire career has been. In a post 9/11 world, that doesn’t cut it.

If women cannot understand this…or do not think it is important…then stop talking…and stop voting.

Repeal the 19th Amendment, before these clueless dumb bunnies get us all killed.

Oh, and Hillary…”Iron my shirts.”

If you know how to work an iron that is. Of course you are domestic. You are not a feminist…not even close.

If any women were offended by this column, I am offended by your voting patterns. I can send you my crocodile tears in the mail, since according to female voters, that works every time.


Happy Birthday to me…Oh, and New Hampshire is dead

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Before getting to New Hampshire…


Ok, so once a year I am entitled to a little irrational exuberance.

I am now 36. 18 is a lucky number in Jewish culture, and multiples of 18 are blessed. So I am twice lucky.

I am in New York right now, and technically I am 35 in Los Angeles for 3 more hours, but I am born and raised in New York. I celebrate New Years Eve at 9pm in LA instead of midnight. So therefore, I am 36. If I were to use the birth minute, I would actually have another 18 hours, but that is too complicated, and growing older gracefully is the order of the day. Plus, I am still stunningly smart and handsome.

I am also cut off from much of civilization, given that parts of Brooklyn near Coney Island make Afghanistan seem modern. I am twice as lucky to be separated from the madness.

As awful as events in the United States have been in the last 24 hours, what is scary is how dependent all people are on the outside world. So many things have happened, and I have missed them by a country mile.

Out of nowhere, I was instructed to go to New York on business. When in New York, I stay with my 99 year old grandmother. I love her dearly, and am thrilled that she has her faculties. She has her vision and her hearing, knows who I am, and I enjoy spending time with her, knowing that most people do not have the luck of having family for that long.

I heard that the stock market dropped over 250 points yesterday, but I did not have a chance to catch the business channel. My grandmother only gets 5 or 6 channels. She has never had cable, much less satellite. She and I were watching Wheel of Fortune for a few minutes, and then switched to some movie with Barry Bostwick. His wife was cheating on him, and then she killed him…I think. I have my grandmother’s gift for falling asleep while watching television. We had group nap time. We also both woke up around the same time, around 10pm. She went back to bed, and I stayed up to blog.

I wanted to follow the New Hampshire Primary returns, but without Fox News, CNN, or even that vast wasteland MSNBC, I had to try and find local news coverage that looked better than snow on her massive 13 inch set. After watching the equivalent of Ron Burgundy in “Anchorman,” eventually the local yokels reported some actual news.

Forget the republicans. It will all be forgotten about with minutes. The news, not that I can watch it, will now be all Hillary all the time.

I am glad I missed the coverage. Rooting against Hillary is like rooting against the New England Patriots. It is pointless. I have said from the very beginning that she would win no matter what. Ed Muskie fights back tears, he is seen as a crybaby, and his campaign implodes. Hillary does the same, and women flock to her. I mean she showed a human side…let’s reward her. After all, there is no way that a cold, calculating, scripted woman could have coldly calculated such a scripted heartwarming moment.

Are women that stupid that they will fall for such a ploy? Of course they are. Ask any woman that forgives a cheating husband. Anybody that says women are smarter than men need to have their heads removed from their hides and examined.

Women have book smarts. Men have street smarts. Unfortunately, women make up 55% of America, so a person with no personality, a tin ear, and a few placed crocodile tears can bamboozle just enough people.

Men are not fooled by Hillary. It doesn’t matter. When Hillary cried, you would think that she was Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, rather than an enabler who has done more to hurt women as she and her husband have stepped over them to get to the top. Hillary is not a crusader for all women. She is a crusader for herself. Yes, an entire gender vaccilates between stupidity and willful blindness.

As for Obama, I deliberately kept my hopes down because I somehow have myself convinced that the Clintons will not lose. They can’t. I don’t know how they do it, but every time they seem down for the count, they pull out another political miracle.

True, the democrats of New Hampshire are a bunch of dipsticks, but that does not matter. Hillary will wrap herself in the mantle of a fighter and a comeback kid, and four years from now candidates will grovel at the feet of 32 imbeciles from Dix Hills Notch. Thousands of reporters will report about it. The only thing that could make the event any more pathetic would be if the New Hampshire Primary was moved to Groundhog Day so that the reporters can choose which act of nonsense they can fawn over, Punxatawney Phil or Punxatawney Hill.

I said from the very beginning that the media wanted to create fake excitement, but when all was said and done, the favorites would win. Obama, you are a nice kid, but even Oprah can’t help you on this one. All the polls had Hillary down. It did not matter. All it did was embolden her supporters.

This was not just a chance to drive a stake through the heart of Vampiress Clinton. It was a chance to eliminate New Hampshire, or at least reduce it to no more than a place with second rate chowder. Yeah, I said it, the red Manhattan style tastes better. Hillary would have won the nomination anyway, but at least then people would have said that Iowa and New Hampshire are irrelevant. Now we will not be able to be free of her or that useless state.

Some will hold out hopes that since women flocked to Hillary, black America will flock to Obama in South Carolina. To quote New Englander Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, “Dream On.” Between Bill Clinton and John Edwards, black America already has two champions. Obama is the candidate of guilty white liberals, and they are not as powerful in South Carolina.

The reason why this is so important to me, is because with Obama it is political. I disagree with him on issues. With Hillary, it is more personal. I find her and her husband, but especially her, to simply be awful individuals. She disgusts me. Her election would be poison for this country because she would use the White House to settle scores. People are her friend or enemy. There is no middle ground. She could not govern, because too many people despise her. She would blame them, but at some point she has to acknowledge that her image as an unlikable person is not entirely undeserved.

She cannot and will not ever do this. She was so close to being humbled. She was so close to acknowledging that she was wrong. Now…that is a pipe dream. She was right all along, and everybody who bet against her has learned their lesson.

Obama will be pressured to drop out at some point for the sake of unity. Edwards will rail, and nobody will listen.

As for me, I am relieved I did not watch the returns. It would have sickened me before the one day I want to be in a good mood. The last awful birthday I had was when I turned 24. Ironically, that was the last time I was in New York for my birthday. I had planned to stay for one week, and be back in LA for my birthday, but the blizzard of 1996 kept me there an extra week. All of Brooklyn was closed except for one theatre showing only the movie “Waiting to Exhale.” I now know more about middle class black women living in Phoenix than I ever needed to know.

Every birthday since then has been good. At least the weather here is balmy by wretched New York standards, so I will be able to fly home in time before my party on Saturday night.

The birthday itself tonight will be dinner with some friends in New York, so at least it will not just be me and Whitney Houston.

The licking of Hillary’s appendages by every member of the press will be unbearable for me, so I will be grateful that I will not see it. Besides, I have it on good authority from my grandmother that Wheel of Fortune will be a good episode tomorrow.

The whole point is to make the world a better place, but it means nothing if we get so caught up in the means that we forget the end. Hillary is a disaster as a politician and as a human being, but she cannot hurt my family directly. What would be a disaster is if I spent time watching politics instead of sitting with my grandmother.

After all, no matter who is in the White House, she is just happy that her grandson is visiting.

For that reason alone, turning 36 is pretty cool.


Just Another Manic Monday (In New York)

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Monday, January 7th…7:45am…in the middle of a bathtub jello romp with Elizabeth Hurley…her British accent sparkling as she is covered in strawberry…

7:48am…Phone rings…d@mnit.


“Yes sir?”

“What are you doing?”

“Talking to you sir.”

“Were you sleeping?”

“Yes sir.”

“I need you to immediately fly out to our New York office. Buy a ticket today, be there tomorrow on Wall Street.”

“Please say this is an April Fool’s Day joke sir.”

“I’m afraid not. I need you to take care of this pronto.”

“You got it sir.”

Tuesday, 1am…arrive at hotel, check email, prepare pathetic excuse for column for Tuesday, get 6 hours of sleep.

Tuesday, whenever I remember to hit the publish button…

The Tygrrrr Express is now in New York, jet lagged as can be. Yes, I know today is the New Hampshire Primary, but I am exhausted. I may snap out something, but more likely I will watch and wait. Like Wall Street Analysts, you will find me brilliant when I predict things after they have already happened.

I hate cold weather, and my birthday on Wednesday will not be spent in LA with my friends.

On the bright side, I am still young, successful, and astonishingly handsome.

Now to put out this NYC fire, get back to Elizabeth in the shower (hope she is still waiting), and God willing get back to LA soon.

As Susanna Hoffs would say…just another Manic Monday…Susanna Hoffs…man she had great Bangles.


Fox News 2008 Republican Debate

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Chris Wallace got things off with a bang.

Mitt Romney was asking about his raising of taxes as Massachusetts Governor. Romney stated that those were fees, he wants lower taxes, and that McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts. He contrasted his own record with Huckabee’s. Romney wants 0% capital gains taxes on those making less than $200,000 per year. This is an excellent proposal.

McCain emphasized that tax cuts have to be offset with spending cuts to keep the deficits from ballooning. He announced his support from supply sider Jack Kemp.

When Wallace challenged that America rebounded from 9/11 and Katrina, mainly due to tax cuts, McCain again emphasize spending cuts, and promised to eliminate earmarks. He also mentioned Jack Abramoff, saying he would fight corruption, which helps taxpayers.

Romney stated that he cut spending when he was Governor, and cut taxes 19 times.

Huckabee was asked about his net tax raising as Governor. He stated that he cut taxes 94 times, and eliminated the marriage penalty. He entered with deficits, left with surpluses, and raised teacher pay. He stated that a 3 cent gas tax went to pay for roads, and the people voted for it. The purpose is to govern, not just keep taxes low.

Huckabee and Romney then sparred. Romney stated, “You make up stuff faster than you speak, and that says a lot.” Romney insisted that he supported the Bush 2002 tax cuts. When pressed on whether or not he raised taxes net, Huckabee refused to answer, dancing around the matter. Neither won that exchange.

Wallace stated that Rudy Giuliani had some tax cuts pass over his objection.

Rudy responded that he proposed 64 tax cuts, and got 23 passed. He stated that the overall tax burden went down 17% during his Mayoralty. He cited a George Will column praising Giuliani as the most conservative leader in the last 50 to 60 years. He insisted he is a supply sider.

Fred Thompson was asked about cutting social security benefits, and how he would react if the democrats blocked such a proposal.

Thompson stated he never said he would reduce benefits. He would allow individual accounts where government would match funds. Initial benefits should be indexed to inflation, not wages. The Cola (cost of living adjustment) would still increase, but less. As republicans understand, slowing the rate of growth is not a cut.

Romney claimed that Thompson’s plan was a mistake, with regards to benefit reductions.

McCain praised President Bush for trying to tackle Social Security in 2004. He praised the 1983 deal between Reagan and Tip O’Neill.

Huckabee was asked about his economic populism on the campaign trail. He denied that Romney was the focus of such rhetoric. He said that if his rhetoric was populism, then he was guilty. He worries about jobs going overseas.

Romney said he was offended by attacking corporations that provide jobs. He spoke of his private sector success.

Huckabee said we should eliminate all taxes including on death.

Thompson jokingly asked if Huckabee was trying to get rid of death, or just the death tax.

Huckabee responded that in his old profession (Minister) he tried to eliminate death.

Thompson responded that it did not work very well. It was a lighthearted exchange that they both laughed during.

Giuliani stated that he had the most experience with bringing people out of poverty, getting poor people off of welfare, and reducing unemployment. He acknowledged that republicans do a bad job of explaining to poor people why republican policies are better at getting people out of poverty. He spoke of fighting the ACLU to get people off of welfare and on the job.

Thompson wants a flatter tax, and the goal is to get things passed, not just pass feel good legislation that will be stopped cold.

Wallace brought up to McCain his being a creature of Washington, and how he is better to bring about change than Romney.

McCain responded that he supported the change from the Rumsfeld Iraq strategy to the Petraeus Iraq strategy. He stuck by his support for campaign finance reform, and his support for the line item veto, which was ruled unconstitutional.

Romney passed up the chance to directly attack McCain, sticking to his own record. The system is broken, and a Washington insider cannot change things from the inside out. Romney even positively cited Giuliani as an example of executive leadership. Romney emphasized that he himself is an outsider.

McCain pointed out he had experience in leadership, not management. He led for patriotism, not profit. He led a squadron. He stated that change was important, but security comes first, and he is best equipped base don his history to understand how to keep America secure. He promised to get Osama.

Thompson stated that change is the buzzword everyone heard from Iowa, and change is the buzzword for every election unless you’re an incumbent. He said leadership is more important than change, and leadership involves being truthful. He cited the length of the war, and social security, as examples of how we have to level with the American public.

Giuliani explained that change can be good or bad, and the democrats want to raise taxes, and pull out of Iraq regardless of consequences, both negative changes.

Romney was asked about his being a leader, not an expert, contrasting himself with McCain during a meeting with voters. He stood by those comments. He replied that unexpected events such as Tsunamis require a President, not a General, and that temperament matters. He stated that the Clintons endorsed McCain’s immigration plan.

McCain stated that Governors do not always bring results. That joke fell flat. Reagan understood national security policy, and such knowledge was vital. He stated that he opposed sending marines to Beirut back in the 1980s. When asked what he meant by saying that Romney was “staring at his shoes” during the Iraq debate. McCain replied that Romney never questioned the Rumsfeld strategy, and said the surge was “apparently” working.

Romney stated that he was “running a state at the time.”

Huckabee was asked about his lack of foreign policy experience given his various flubs on issues such as Pakistan and the NIE Iran report. He responded that he had been to 41 countries. He cited his 10 1/2 years as Governor, which I am not sure in any way relates to foreign policy. He rambled about domestic issues, ducking the question.

Wallace insisted on bringing it back to foreign policy, at which point Huckabee said he slipped on comments, but not with the truth. He then rambled some more, this time offering tough talk. It was not a good moment for him. He did praise McCain by saying he did not think being a Senator disqualified somebody from being President.

When asked if 9/11 actually had anything to do with foreign policy given that he had never been to Iraq, Giuliani explained that he was responsible for the safety of millions of people. He was the only one that had to directly deal with an Islamic terrorist attack. He negotiated with governments while at the Justice Department. He worked on a terrorism task force during the Ford administration. He has been to 35 countries, and went after the Mafia. He banned Castro and Arafat from U.N. celebrations, and gave back money from a Saudi Prince. “The DNA of New York involves you in foreign policy because the U.N. is there.”

Thompson got in a great line saying that “Mitt (Romney) believes expertise is important in every area except national security.” He mentioned his being on the Intelligence Committee. He was a republican floor manager for the Homeland Security Bill. He disagrees with Huckabee not due to missteps, but due to his comments about closing Guantanamo Bay. If they came here they would have rights here they do not deserve. He also mentioned that Ted Kennedy endorsed Romney’s health care plan. Thompson was very effective at offering contrast without taking cheap shots.

Huckabee tried to say that he felt Gitmo should be closed because it was too good for prisoners, a nonsensical assertion.

Thompson pointed out that if they came here they would get Habeas Corpus rights. It was a very polite exchange, but Thompson clearly won the argument that it does matter where they are.

McCain was asked by Wallace if he really meant it when he said he could get Bin Laden, and he implied that he would, and that he needed sound intelligence reports. He then had a great line that it was his life experience, not his Senate experience that mattered. Under captivity, “My time away from America, I grew to love her.”

McCain was asked how his immigration plan was not amnesty. McCain reiterated his plan in lengthy detail, and emphasized that border security was important, but so was compassion.

Romney questioned how we could know that 2 million out of the 12 million were criminals, and that granting amnesty is unfair. He also claimed that in 2002, McCain used the word amnesty himself, and was in favor of it.

McCain claimed that Romney in 2005 stated that McCain’s plan was not amnesty.

Huckabee was asked about allowing the children of illegal immigrants to go to college, followed by his tough plan forcing everyone to leave, which would punish children. Huckabee reiterated that the children of illegal immigrants should not be punished for the actions of their parents. Huckabee then got testy with Romney, looking very flustered, stating that he would answer Chris Wallace, but that Romney was not the moderator. It was brief, but a mini temper tantrum. Huckabee also praised Giuliani, stating that you cannot throw children on the street. Laws do not allow it.

Giuliani was asked about 1994 comments regarding illegal immigration that were softer than his current views. He again brought up his three exceptions…schools, emergency medical care, and whistleblowers. He is very good at explaining that New York City is not the entire country, and different circumstances require different actions. Adaptability is key, and he handled things in a humane way. He also stated that we are not doing any favors by letting illegal immigrants come here and be second class citizens. It hurts them.

Thompson said one concern was that our next generation was at risk, and that illegal immigrants also risk being thrown into a truck, and being beaten and raped. Their own methods of trying to get here risks American lives and their lives. It was a fascinating point, as was the one Rudy brought up just before him.

McCain was asked if Romney was lying about his record with regards to attack ads. McCain insisted that he was running a positive campaign, and that what mattered was his qualifications. He also added that “politics aint beanbag.”

Huckabee was asked about his comments that Romney was running a desperate and dishonest campaign. He then brought up his stunt refusing t run his own negative ad. To remind people of his own flub is odd. He then stated that he won Iowa because of it, forgetting that abortion was why he won Iowa.

When asked why he spent so much on negative ads, Romney stated that he offered many positive ads. He also spoke of the difference between an attack ad and an ad contrasting the records of various candidates. Romney brought up the threat by Ed Rollins (managing Huckabee) to kick Romney’s teeth in, and that he just did not want his hair messed up.

Huckabee laughed and stated that Chuck Norris (backing Huckabee) was waiting outside. Thompson chimed in and stated that he would have John Wayne take care of it.

The lighthearted moments were gone when Huckabee then cited the New Yoek Times review of a Romney ad calling the ad untruthful. It may have been, but relying on the Jayson Blair Times is not the answer for republicans.

Romney was asked about whether he thought the other candidates flip flopped as much as he did. He stated that changing a position on an issue is acceptable, as opposed to being stubborn. He changed on abortion, and apologized for his previous position. He then contrasted his giving out zero pardons with Huckabee giving out over 1000 pardons.

Giuliani was asked about Bernie Kerik and the controversy over Judy Nathan’s secret protection. Giuliani admitted a mistake regarding Kerik, and that the New York Times totally cleared him regarding his wife. Again, relying on the New York Times is not helpful, but he then attacked the paper for putting the correction on page 37. He acknowledged that nobody is perfect, we all mistakes, an those who have not, have done nothing.

When Wallace brought up that the Kerik matter was still open, Giuliani unequivocally stated that nothing regarding Kerik will come out to hurt him. He apologized, took responsibility, and said it would not happen again because he does not make the same mistakes.

McCain was asked about his age, and whether he would promise to serve only one term. He said no because “you become a lame duck quacking on inauguration day.” He stated that he is “older than dirt, more scars than Frankenstein, but learned a lot along the way.” He cited Reagan’s successful second term.

Wallace then asked all the candidates to explain why they were the best person for the job of President. It was a softball, but overall Wallace did fine.

Giuliani stated that he had been tested, and then went over his record again. He emphasized that America currently is not moving in the wrong direction, and people who feel that it is are wrong.

Thompson stated that he was the only one at the table that never lost an election. He mentioned fighting for strong conservative judges and a 100% pro-life voting record.

Huckabee brought up the issue of living an ordinary American life, supporting the Second Amendment, states rights, and letting families run their lives, and not Government. “Americans are not looking for ideology. They want practical solutions.” That reminded me of Michael Dukakis and the competence argument.

Romney simply mentioned a bunch of issues, and reiterated his private sector success.

McCain mentioned leadership, and restoring trust in Government. He also said we needed to reenergize the base, which is ironic given that he has fought with the base more than the others.

I did not see a crystal clear winner, but Huckabee came across as petulant. He lost this debate hands down.

The other four candidates all did well enough. It very well could have been a four way draw. The real winner was the average republican voter, who got to see a discussion free of distractions and nonsense.


2008 New Hampshire Debate–Republicans

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

FINALLY, debates the way they are supposed to be done. Charlie Gibson made it clear the moderator would not be the focus. The candidates were sitting around the table, with interaction encouraged. Except for the useless presence of Rupaul, this debate was well done in terms of questions and answers.

The first question was excellent. The candidates were asked if they would run on or away from the Bush record. This question separates which candidates are too cowardly to stand with the President when the media is against him. The issues of arrogance and a bunker mentality, which Huckabee had said in the past, were brought up.

Huckabee’s answer was nonsense. He bashed Donald Rumsfeld.

Fred Thompson nailed it, by again reminding America about the global struggle against radical Islam.

Rudy Giuliani stated that President Bush got the big picture right. He stated that Bill Clinton slashed the military.

John McCain stated that he supported the Bush Doctrine. McCain has been critical of the President, but he gave the President credit for keeping us safer. He did state that he was the only one who disagreed with the Rumsfeld strategy several years ago, but that the President deserves credit for “one of the finest military leaders in American history” in David Petraeus. McCain praised Giuliani’s handling of 9/11, a classy gesture.

Ron Paul sounded very normal when stating that he disagreed with preemptive war. He stated that 3rd world nations are not capable of hurting us. Rupaul sounded normal until he went off the rails by stating that all religions have violent elements.

Mitt Romney immediately laced into Rupaul by stating that he did not understand the threat of radical Islam, and then effusively praised President Bush. He then stated that we have to get to the Madrassas so young Muslims can be educated away from radical Islam.

Thompson coolly explained that preemption was an issue thought of during the Cold War, and explained that preeemption has to be kept.

Giuliani went after Rupaul, and explained that Rupaul’s thinking was why Giuliani returned the check from the Saudi Prince. He said that our foreign policy is irrelevant to why they hate us. They just hate us.

Rupaul continued to try and argue the devil’s advocate position.

Romney said to Rupaul that we should read their writings but not espouse their propaganda.

Rupaul said we were occupying, and the other five candidates wanted to verbally pound him into the ground.

Huckabee claimed that he supported the President early on and Romney did not.

Romney disputed Huckabee’s assertion and his own position, and Huckabee cracked “which one?” It was a cheap shot. Romney reinforced his support for the surge.

Rupaul continued to rail, and Romney cracked, “They are not attacking Luxembourg.”

Rudy shined by bringing up London, Bali, Leon Klinghoffer. He is magnificent when he does this. He explained that on 9/11 itself, he did not blame all Muslims for a few evil people.

Thompson joked to Charlie Gibson, “You brought this up.”

The next question dealt with a video of President Bush on December 20th, 2007, saying that the next President must have principles, and not be led by polls. The candidates were asked what their principles are.

McCain went back to his Naval career at age 17 to protect and defend America, restore confidence and trust in government. He stated he has been involved in every major national security issue that has occurred since then. He never wavered on the surge, and that had we done what the democrats wanted, Al Queda would have been trumpeting their victory over the USA.

Romney spoke of his family, but offered little else. He stated the importance of the family. Keeping America strong through families, the economy, and our military was paramount.

Giuliani spoke of leadership. He spoke of his 12 principles that he wrote about on the internet and distributed. First was staying on offense in the War on Terror.

When the moderator mentioned how all the candidates had altered something somewhere, Giuliani responded that you have to stay true to the big things. Views can change, but your central philosophy must stay the same.

Huckabee got pious by saying that policies were not principles. He then babbled about the history of America. He then said policies are not positions.

Thompson stated that our first principles must be based on the U.S. Constitution. He stated the 10th Amendment, and related that to tax policy and personal responsibility.

Rupaul railed. Rudy then decked him in the face and said Osama was next. Just kidding. Rupaul stated America was being a bully.

The debate then turned to health care. The candidates were asked how we could afford a trillion dollar war without covering everybody.

Giuliani stated that privatization is key, and that more government intervention would make things worse. We should provide tax incentives and health savings accounts. Large consumer markets improve quality.

McCain stated the problem is inflation, not quality. He mentioned the young people developing diabetes and obesity, and that fitness programs should be emphasized.

Romney mentioned his plan that covered all people in Massachusetts without raising taxes. He claimed that 300,000 more people in his state were covered.

Rupaul blamed the war on the health care issues in America. Rupaul claimed Americans are going to India to get heart surgery.

Thompson ridiculed Rupaul. He was honest when he stated we would never get total coverage because some people refuse to buy coverage.

Romney stated he liked certain types of mandates, at which point Thompson said, “Yeah, the ones you come up with.” Romney then stated that people who refused to buy insurance had to pay their own expenses if they got sick.

Thompson and Romney tussled, and Thompson got the better of the exchange.

When pressed about Federal mandates, Romney was flustered.

Huckabee stated that our entire model was upside down. We focus on disease cures instead of prevention. 80% of the spending is on chronic diseases.

Giuliani stated that health savings accounts would be a way to implement what Huckabee was talking about. Huckabee gave a general statement, but Giuliani offered specifics.

McCain spoke of outcome based treatment, and that 5 major diseases are 75% of costs. He spoke of an Arizona plan giving incentives for providers to keep people in home care settings rather than long term care facilities. He then bashed greedy pharmaceutical companies that prevent drugs coming in from Canada.

Romney chided McCain for bashing the drug companies, stating that they create drugs that save lives. McCain bashed them again, but Romney won this exchange.

McCain was asked about his illegal immigration plans. He reaffirmed his support for the guest worker program, said border enforcement was important but that the illegal immigrants were “God’s children.”

Romney talked tough and stated that guest worker programs amounted to amnesty, but that he welcomed legal immigration.

Giuliani was asked if illegals currently here need to leave immediately. He spoke of border enforcement, but none of the candidates advocating deportations of those currently here. Giuliani stated that you cannot throw them all out, but we should throw out the ones that commit crimes. He slyly hinted that Romney might try to remove them all. He stated that taxing and fining those that are caught was not amnesty.

McCain stated that 2 years ago, Romney praised McCain’s plan. Romney acknowledged that he had some reservations, and McCain disputed that. The exchange was heated, but McCain told Romney “you could spend your entire fortune on attack ads, that would not make them true.” It was a great line, but McCain smiled too quickly. McCain then stated that Romney gets misquoted because he keeps changing his positions.

Giuliani stated that Reagan was for amnesty, and even as the hero of our party, Reagan would be in one of Romney’s negative ads. He stated that fines and conditions and then allowing people to stay is not amnesty.

Thompson stated if you’re allowed to stay, it’s amnesty. Giuliani stated penalties remove it as amnesty, but Thompson respectfully disagreed, that anyone staying has amnesty.

This was a brilliant point in the debate, because they could both be right. It is a very interesting point worth debating. If somebody faces penalties, but get to stay, have they “gotten away with it?” I honestly do not know. Giuliani and Thompson both contributed a major discussion point, the whole point of debates to begin with.

Giuliani stated that it was inhumane to deport children of illegal immigrants and kick them out of school, to refuse emergency medical services, and to give breaks to whistleblowers of crimes who happened to be illegal.

Huckabee added nothing. He said people can leave, but did not say how we make them leave without some “help.”

Rupaul spoke about the runaway welfare state, and spoke about the incentives for people to break the rules.

Romney praised legal immigration in a suckup moment.

Romney was asked why Barack Obama is not the right man for the job. Romney stated that Obama’s health care plan is a government run plan. Romney reaffirmed his credentials as a businessman, his Olympics experience, and as a Governor.

Thompson simply stated that Obama was a liberal down the line. He pointed out that Obama speaks in generalities, and that the real change we need is to go to Constitutional principles, which means not taxing and regulating to death. Obama would increase the welfare state and weaken us militarily.

McCain got in another dig by saying Romney was the candidate of change (because he keeps changing). McCain then said he has more experience than Obama on national security issues.

Romney expressed his agitation with McCain’s barbs.

Giuliani stated that Obama has no executive experience, and that not all change is good. Higher taxes and withdrawing from Iraq, are negative changes.

Huckabee stated Obama is wrong on the 2nd Amendment, 10th Amendment, life issues, national defense, same sex marriage, etc. Huckabee this time stuck to policies, and it was his best answer of the night because of that. Huckabee praised Obama for being likable, and that republicans had better be for things and not just against them.

Rupaul compared himself to Obama favorably, they are both antiwar from the beginning, and supported by young people. He eventually stated that Obama supports the welfare state, and would not abolish the income tax. Overall, he spoke like Obama’s campaign manager.

The candidates were asked if high oil prices were here to stay, and we should level with the American public.

Rupaul correctly pointed out that the value of the dollar is what is hurting us, but then blamed the War in Iraq for the high prices. Rupaul is dead right on economics and dead wrong on the war.

McCain stated we must reduce foreign oil dependence and reduce greenhouses. He mentioned other technologies.

Thompson stated that oil companies have profits, but they also face lawsuits, and taking profits was not the answer. He perfectly explained that the issue was supply and demand, but that demagoguing the oil companies was wrong. He mentioned the refinery problem.

Giuliani stated that talking is not doing. We need to give alternative energy the same attention that 30 years ago we gave to putting a man on the moon. He mentioned that France is 80% nuclear, and China is building 40 nuclear plants.

Huckabee stated we can be energy independent in 10 years. It was pie in the sky rhetoric.

Romney stated we cannot do it in 10 years. Corporations spent more money on defending tort lawsuits than on research and development. This is upside down.

Rupaul was a nut as always. The Fox News debate without him will be a welcome change.

Huckabee proved he is a one trick pony, and cannot communicate effectively outside his narrow realm of social issues.

Romney got beaten up badly, and McCain got in some very effective shots at him regarding his veracity.

McCain was clever, but he needs to deliver his jabs witha serious face. His wide grin after each zinger reminded me of George W. Bush getting criticized for “smirking” in 2000. McCain did look smug, which is not him. Also, his lines were rehearsed, which is usually what Romney gets criticized for.

Fred Thompson looked Presidential, and he spoke in a crisp, calm manner. He does not always elaborate, but then again some situations require brevity. His words are solid in terms of quality.

Rudy Giuliani bounced back in a big. When foreign policy is discussed, he is virtually unbeatable. He still remains the only candidate to relate the War on Terror all the way back to the 1970s. It mystifies me why the other candidates do not. He does not just mention leadership. He gives examples, such as being principled in returning the Saudi blood money.

Fred Thompson came in a close second, but Rudy Giuliani won this debate.

Charlie Gibson was spectacular as the moderator, and must be brought back.


2008 New Hampshire Debate–Democrats

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

The democrats had the debate they should have had ages ago, without the annoying nuisances of the smaller candidates. In the same way the republicans could not eliminate Rupaul, the democrats had to deal with Bill Richardson, although at least he is respectful.

Charlie Gibson got the debate off to a very intelligent start by bringing up the issue of nuclear terrorism. I was expecting the big 3 to blame President Bush without stating what they would do. They were asked how aggressively they would go after Al Queda.

Barack Obama reiterated that he would go into Pakistan without their permission if necessary. It was a flub then, and still is. Obama insisted that Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, heads of the 9/11 Commission, stated the same thing. He said we could lock down loose nuclear weapons in 4 years. When the moderator told Obama he was basically supporting the Bush Doctrine, he insisted this was not the case, and then did not say why.

John Edwards would lead a long term initiative to rid the world of nuclear weapons. I believe he would click his heels together 3 times and call it 1940.

Bill Richardson stated that going into Iraq inflamed the Muslim world. He bashed President Bush and Pervez Musharraf. He stated we should ask Musharraf to step aside. This is the dumbest idea out there, which says a lot for the democrats. Going after Musharraf is irresponsible, and wrong. Richardson did not state what he would do if Musharraf decided not to fire himself.

Hillary Clinton spoke of trying to targeting Bin Laden in 1998. She is full of garbage, but at least comes across as an adult. She stated that we need more NATO troops, and Predator weapons. She stated that removing Musharraf could have consequences that could hurt America in terms of who replaces him. She then stated that President Bush walked away from Afghanistan.

Richardson continued to insist that we remove Musharraf. He was still wrong.

Obama stated that Iraq was “a distraction and a war of choice.” He stated that we have to get Pakistan’s agreement before we act, contradicting his own comments from several minutes earlier.

The candidates were asked what we would do the day after a nuclear attack, and what should have been done to prevent it.

Edwards stated that our immediate response is to find out who attacked us, and go get them. He then stated the President must react calmly.

Obama stated that retaliation is a must, but that we must rebuild the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

Clinton stated that there should be one person responsible for marshaling resources. She mentioned port security issues, but did not say what she would do about it. She then stated that we will go after safe havens, which makes me wonder how she can repeat the Bush Doctrine while disagreeing with him.

Richardson stated that he was responsible for securing stockpiles while he was Energy Secretary. He would immediately seek negotiations with the Soviet Union, which actually does not exist anymore. He then spoke about reducing greenhouse gases, which has nothing to do with reacting to an act of war against us. Richardson supports realism and human rights. So he would help people worldwide but not be ready for an attacking against America.

The candidates were then asked about the concept of change, and how Obama according to Hillary needs to be vetted.

Hillary had been doing well up to this point, but she blathered on this one. She then stated that Obama could have a debate with himself, especially on health care. She stated she has no problem with scrutiny towards her.

Obama stated that the AP people who made the vetting comments were quoting Hillary campaign workers. Obama explained his health care plan is different from Hillary and Edwards in that the people he meets simply cannot afford health care. Obama rejects the idea that people will refuse to cover themselves voluntarily. He is wrong, but it was a respectful disagreement. On payroll taxes are out of wack, but Obama cited Warren Buffett, who is supporting Hillary.

Hillary stated that Obama does not go far enough because there are only mandates for covering children, not all people. She stated that Obama went after Edwards for changing positions, and then listed Obama’s changes on issues such as the Patriot Act.

Obama reiterated that mandating health care for children is necessary because they have no choice. He meekly stated that Hillary was distorting his record, and that his method of reaching out is why they liked him in Iowa.

Edwards wisely stated he and Obama are agents for change, which brings out attacks from the forces of status quo, aka Hillary. Edwards hit hard by stating that Hillary did not attack when she was ahead, but is now because she is losing.

Hillary again mentioned that change is about working hard, not just talking about it. She angrily responded that she has made change for 35 years. She looked like she was on the verge of a meltdown.

Richardson stated that he has been through hostage negotiations thatw ere more civil than this. He spoke in a very conciliatory manner. He stated that experience is a good thing, and that his being a governor, giving health care to kids under 12, balancing budgets, etc, were positive things. His head was far up Hillary’s hindquarters, angling for the VP slot.

Edwards stated that they had differences on how to fight the middle class, and that entrenched special interests stand in the way of change. He stated that not all corporations are bad, that Costco and AT & T were good because they were unionizing.

Obama spoke of his helping to pass ethics reform, and that voters want transparent government, and are tired of being told falsehoods. The change he wants is for government to be more responsive.

Charlie Gibson then shocked the entire room by announcing that many signs indicate that the surge has worked. He is now the best moderator of the entire campaign, forcing candidates to deal with tough realities that conflict with their world view. He challenged the candidates to state that the surge has worked, reminding Clinton that she stated a “willful suspension of disbelief would be required for that.”

Hillary blamed the Iraqi political situation for negating the surge, stating that 23 dead Americans in December meant we should bring the troops home. She did not see any reason why they should remain beyond today. She would start bringing them home within 60 days of taking office.

Richardson called the Iraq situation a massive failure. He stated that nobody has participated in a regional solution, which is totally false. He then switched to domestic policy, stating the war should be ended within one year, leaving no troops behind.

Obama stated that we lowered the bar for success. He reiterated his opposition to the war from the beginning. He stated that all the surge did was reduce violence to levels of two years ago, but could not state it worked. He even had the audacity of (something) to state that the democrats winning in 2006 reduced the violence. He was now tied with Richardson for the stupidest debate comment.

Edwards stated that he would listen to military generals, but that we should pull out anyway. That was a head scratcher. Then again, he is a double talking trial lawyer. He would pull 40-50,000 troops immediately. They would all be out within 9-10 months, but he would listen to the generals. He said we must end the occupation.

Richardson said you had to get everybody out, before there could be political reconciliation. He kept rambled about domestic issues, when the question asked about foreign policy.

Hillary offered platitudes, but looked cerebral and sensible in doing so. She spoke about the translators and others that helped. She then stated that President Bush was not planning for withdrawal. She is right about him, and he is right for staying.

When Hillary was asked about being “double teamed” by Obama and Edwards, she cackled, which she does when she is angry. She was asked about why people like Obama and Edwards more than her.

She replied, “That hurts my feelings…but I will try to go on. I do not think I am that bad.”

Obama replied, “I think you’re likable enough.”

She then calmly laced into President Bush, and offered her 35 years of experience. She stated she liked and respected Obama and Edwards, but that she stands by her record. She states that she embodies change, and that being the first woman President is change.

Obama was then asked a softball. The republicans were asked what he thought of him, and he was asked what he thought of them.

He calmly replied that he was alternating between the republicans and football. The moderator tried to test him by asking how the Redskins did. He replied that they lost. Had he not known, he would have been caught lying, so it was a good save. It made him look human. He then stated that the republicans would all continue the policies of George W. Bush, and he disagrees with them all.

Asked about Thompson calling him a liberal, Obama stated that any democrat would face that barrage. He stated that people are losing faith in government and politicians, and he can create a working majority to actually get things done.

Richardson was asked if prior experience is necessary. Richardson stated it was important. He balanced budgets, lowered taxes, among other things. Whether this is true is irrelevant. He is the only Governor on stage. He is the only one that has negotiated with foreign governments, had the highest national security clearance, and dealt with the North Koreans.

The moderator asked if Richardson could get things done now when he couldn’t as Energy Secretary since the problems are worse now. Richardson listed his accomplishments, but they were standard work of a cabinet secretary. He then went into what we should do, glo0ssing over what he failed to do. He praised Al Gore, and stated he was glad Gore stayed out of the race. Richardson said that relative youth was not a disqualifier because JFK was young, and JFK helped us get a man to the moon.

Edwards refused to go after Obama’s youth and inexperience. He then went into his standard stump speech about corporate lobbyists. He again mentioned his father the mill worker, even though his father owned the mill. When asked about his empty Senate record, he spoke about the Patients Bill of Rights in 2002, which he shepherded right after the democrats briefly took over the Senate. He said the bill was written by him, Ted Kennedy and John McCain.

I guess he is trying to destroy the McCain campaign by praising him. Also, even if Edwards is not believable to some, he believes what he is saying, or at least looks like it.

When Obama stated that he had put restrictions on lobbyists in terms of meals, the moderator pointed out that the law said they could not eat sitting down, but could eat standing up. Obama meekly pointed out that people eat less when standing, but it was a very weak response. Edwards defended Obama, enjoying the tag team against Hillary.

Obama again emphasized the need to have a working majority.

Hillary, again angrily, stated that the evening needed a “reality break.” The bill Edwards spoke about never became law. Edwards stated that the President vetoed it, but nevertheless, it did not pass, so nothing was done. “Words are not action,” and Edwards did not get things done.

Hillary stated that Obama had a lobbyist as his New Hampshire campaign chair, which he disputed. When asked if she can do what Obama and Edwards cannot, she replied “absolutely.” She stated what she worked on, but none of it actually passed, so she was the exact same as Edwards on this issue.

Charlie Gibson stated that they all claimed change, but nothing got done. All 4 candidates tried to shout over each other to speak first.

Hillary stated that she fought with her husband to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

Edwards railed about corporations strangling the middle class. He then cited Teddy Roosevelt as a trust buster.

Obama praised Bill Clinton for balancing budgets, but that it did not lead to a working majority to get things done beyond that. Words do matter, because words can inspire people, and while he does use lofty rhetoric, it does make people feel better, which does matter. The point was valid.

Richardson again did everything but recommend that the group all hug. His cabinet would be diverse, but he “would not overdo the republicans.” Richardson makes the audience laugh. He is likable. He is also irrelevant.

Edwards…again…went after moneyed special interests. These people “cannot be niced to death.” He then praised Obama and Richardson, leaving out Hillary.

Bringing up global warming, the candidates were asked if they were against a carbon tax because it was a bad idea or political suicide. AL Gore and Chris Dodd favor it.

Richardson said it was a bad idea because it was not a mandate, and gets passed on to consumers, hurting the economy. Cap and trade is better because it is a mandate.

Obama agreed with Richardson and said that he proposed the cap and trade system, and that a 100% auction was necessary. Obama politely disagreed that there were costs to cap and trade in terms of retrofitting, which would be passed on to consumers.

I had no idea what either of them were talking about, but they sounded believable.

Obama insisted that the sacrifices would benefit us in the long run.

Hillary stated that the economy is slipping into recession. She is wrong, but she is not an economist. She said we have to require utilities to move towards conservation. I am not sure how she can force them to do this. We also need a low income heating oil program. She did not say how she would pay for it.

Charlie Gibson stated that consumers spend America out of recessions, and before he could mention why raising taxes was bad, Hillary jumped in. In fact, Gibson stated that two professors could make a combined $200,000, and they would get hit by the higher taxes on the supposed “wealthy.”

Hillary stated that George W. Bush’s tax cuts did not help the middle class. Yes they did, I am living proof.

Edwards used wildly inflated numbers to describe the destitute situation in America, and that trade deals are bleeding America. Edwards stated that 20-30 million people could lose their jobs in the next few years, especially college graduates. I am not sure if we even have that many college graduates. He stated the income gap is widening.

Obama offered a glimmer of honesty by stating that some of these problems preceded George. W Bush. Obama would close loopholes and havens. This is not original, but Edwards and Hillary were blatantly lying, and he was not.

Richardson for the Milli Vanillionth time mentioned his executive experience. He mentioned the line item veto, which was ruled unconstitutional. He stated we needed to invest more in math and science, pointing out that education was not dealt with in the debate. He stated that China and India are graduating many more engineers.

Charlie Gibson was fabulous, but the last question was lame. He asked the candidates what statements, if any, in past debates, they would take back.

Hillary ignored the question and attacked republicans. She stated the democrats actually talked about issues during the debates.

Richardson actually answered the question. He stated that he admired Byron WHite, who Kennedy appointed. He then found out Byron White was against civil rights and Roe vs Wade. He said he was totally wrong.

Edwards was wrong about teasing Hillary about her jacket in the past.

Obama danced around the question and offered platitudes. Obama is as Obama does. Actually, he does not do, but he says stuff.

While all the candidates are disasters on policy, debates are about performance. Obama was crisp and cool most of the time, but had a major foreign policy gaffe.

Richardson rambled, kissed rumpus, and repeatedly emphasized his experience, but he also had a major foreign policy gaffe as well.

Hillary was winning the first half of the debate, but her angry response midway through the debate should be seen as a meltdown. Whether the liberal media lets her off the hook for it, time will shortly tell. George Stephanopoulis noticed it. She looked angry.

John Edwards was his snake oil salesman self, but again, debates are about performance. He made no mistakes.

John Edwards won this debate.

Charlie Gibson gets a phenomenal review for asking tough questions, and being respectful. He was the best moderator in all of the debates.


NFL 2007–2008 Wildcard Recap

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Playoffs? Are you kidding me? Playoffs? Don’t talk to me about playoffs. Playoffs? We’ll be lucky if we win another game.

Jim Mora will live forever, and after 17 weeks, the NFL Playoffs are back. Enjoy it now, because after the Pro Bowl, there is a 7 month layoff. Layoffs? Are you kidding me?

All four of the road teams had a reasonable shot at winning their Wildcard games. I predicted Washington to lose at Seattle, despite riding a wave of emotion and a four game winning streak. Jacksonville, despite being a better team than Pittsburgh, will find it is tough to demolish a team twice in three weeks on the road. Nevertheless, Pittsburgh is depleted, and Jacksonville should win. Tennessee has what it takes to upset San Diego, and Jeff Fisher is a better coach than Norv Turner. Even if Vince Young can’t go, Kerry Collins will get the job done for Tennessee. New York is a much better team than Tampa Bay, so if Eli Manning does not have meltdown, always a big if, New York should have little difficulty.

Never mind. Playoffs do not require hyperbole, and my analysis is worthless. It’s game time! Let’s get it on!

Washington Redskins @ Seattle Seahawks–Early on the Seahawks won the battle of field position, and after starting a drive in Washington territory, Matt Hasselbeck’s passing and Sean Alexander’s running got Seattle into the red zone. Leonard Weaver ran it in from 17 yards out with 3:45 left in the opening quarter for a 7-0 Seattle lead. Twice in the first half, Washington began drives from inside their own 5 yard line, and this was the difference. Josh Brown connected on a 50 yard field goal with 9 minutes left in the half to extend the Seahawks lead to 10-0. Another field goal had the Seahawks up 13-0 after three quarters, but despite controlling the game, it was well within reach.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, Todd Collins threw a short touchdown pass to Antwaan Randle El, closing the gap to 13-7. After a Matt Hasselbeck interception, Washington started at the Seattle 42 yard line. Todd Collins, who has been on fire in the fourth quarter the last few games, went up top to Santana Moss for another touchdown and a 14-13 Redskins lead with 12 1/2 minutes remaining.

The next play of the game was bizarre. The kickoff was shallow, but the wind carried it past all the Seattle return men. Nobody was back far enough to field it, and the Redskins recovered it as if it were an onsides kick all the way at the Seattle 14 yard line. The opportunity was completely wasted when a 30 yard field goal was no good. Yet despite a promising drive, Hasselbeck was intercepted for a second time in the fourth quarter by Landry, this time at the Washington 9 yard line. As expected, the television cameras showed that Mike Holmgren was not a happy walrus. Under 10 minutes remained, and again Washington had awful field position.

After a 32 yard punt, Seattle started their next drive at the Washington 42 yard line with 8 minutes left. This set up Hasselbeck’s short touchdown pass to Hackett, followed by a successful 2 point conversion toss to Pollard. Seattle had a 21-14 lead with 6 minutes remaining. A strong kickoff return had Washington starting at their own 46 yard line. On the first play from scrimmage, Collins decided to go for all the marbles, and his ill advised deep pass was intercepted by Marcus Trufant. Awful tackling by the Redskins led to Trufant returning the interception 78 yards for a touchdown to ice the game. With 30 seconds left in the game, Babineaux intercepted Collins and returned it 57 yards for another touchdown.

The see-saw game had Seattle dominate for 3 quarters, Washington score twice in 2 minutes, andĀ Seattle score twice in 30 seconds. The missed opportunity for Washington after the kickoff proved fatal. Seattle will travel to Green Bay next week, as Mike Holmgren and Hasselbeck face off against Holmgren’s former team and quarterback Brett Favre. The score will give the appearance of a blowout, but this game was tight after more than 3 1/2 quarters. 35-14 Seahawks.

Jacksonville Jaguars @ Pittsburgh Steelers–Pittsburgh took the opening kickoff 80 yards in 10 plays for a 7-0 lead 5 minutes into the game. Maurice Jones Drew returned the ensuing kickoff 96 yards, getting tripped up at the one yard line. Fred Taylor plunged over the goal line for the tying touchdown. The game then settled into a defensive slugfest as expected, with the tie being broken when Rasheed Mathis intercepting Ben Roethlisberger for a 63 yard touchdown and a 14-7 Jaguars lead 5 minutes into the second quarter.

A Bizarre play occurred when Mathis intercepted Roethlisberger again at midfield. He returned it to the 20 yard line, but the return came back because his hair…yes his hair…was out of bounds. If he had been bald or normally cropped, the rest of him was inbounds. However, his long dreadlocks were on the white chalk. Hair is part of the body. No matter how often I watch football, I learn something new. It did not matter, as David Garrard threw a pass to Maurice Jones Drew, who took it the distance for another touchdown and a 21-7 Jacksonville lead. The Jaguars missed an opportunity to turn the game into a route early when Josh Scobee missed a field goal just before the 2 minute warning. Nevertheless, Roethlisberger was intercepted for a 3rd time just before the end of the half.

In the third quarter, David Garrard was intercepted, and several minutes later, a 28 yard field goal had the Steelers within 21-10. The Jaguars, having beaten Pittsburgh only 3 weeks ago in Heinz Field, remained unrattled. Garrard took the Jaguars 82 yards in 5 minutes on the ensuing drive, and with 4 1/2 minutes left in the third quarter, the Jaguars were comfortably ahead 28-10.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, Pittsburgh faced 4th and 12 at the Jacksonville 37 yard line. A mistackle was the difference between the ball being turned over on downs, and a 37 yard touchdown pass, and a 28-17 ballgame. For some inexplicable reason, Jacksonville tried three straight passes on their next drive, rather than eat some clock. Roethlisberger drove the Steelers on a 10 play 70 yard drive that culminated on a touchdown toss to Heath Miller. A holding penalty nullified the 2 point conversion, and from the 12 yard line, Roethlisberger tried to run it. He got only 9 yards, and the score was 28-23 with 10 1/2 minutes left. Jacksonville kept throwing, and Garrard was intercepted again. Ike Taylor returned the bal all the way to the Jacksonville 16 yard line.

Pittsburgh faced 4th and goal at the one, when a controversial defensive pass interference penalty gave Pittsburgh a fresh set of downs. It was an awful call, as both players were locked up. Najeh Davenport barely broke the plane of the goal, and after another failed 2 point conversion, the Steelers led 29-28 with 6 1/2 minutes left. Yes, the Steelers came back from 28-10, but had they not tried the first 2 point conversion from the 12 yard line, they would not have needed to try the second one. Jacksonville went nowhere on their next drive, and the Steelers got the ball back with 3:43 to play.

Jacksonville held, and got the ball back at midfield with 2:38 to play and one timeout. A pass to the 25 yard line was ruled incomplete, and Jack Del Rio’s ill advised challenge ended up costing Jacksonville their last timeout. On 4th and 2 from the Pittsburgh 43 yard line, David Garrard lined up in the shotgun, and on a designed quarterback draw, executed it to perfection. Garrard ran 32 yards to the 11 yard line. The entire dynamic of the game changed, as Pittsburgh was forced to take a timeout. On 4th down and 1 from the 2 yard line, out of timeouts, Jacksonville took a deliberate delay of game penalty. The 25 yard field goal was good. The Jaguars led by two points with 37 seconds left. Pittsburgh took over at their own 29 yard line with 29 seconds left. On the first play from scrimmage, Roethlisberger was hit, fumbled, and saw the Jaguars fall on it. One kneel down later, and the Jaguars escaped with a win.

I believe the Jaguars are a stronger team, and hopefully they will play New England, and soften them up so that Indy can take them down and blow up their perfect season. Either team would have had to face questions had they lost. Jacksonville dodged questions about why they kept throwing in the fourth quarter instead of running. Pittsburgh instead will have to answer questions about the two point conversions. Mike Tomlin did an excellent job his first year on the job, and Pittsburgh lucked out in selecting him. Both of these teams will be back, and their future matches will be headknockers, featuring hard nosed running, defense, and coaches that preach toughness. Today Jacksonville was a bit better, by one play by David Garrard. 31-29 Jaguars

New York Giants @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers–Decisions made last week during the regular season would be watched closely today in terms of ramifications. The Bucs chose to rest everyone last week, deciding that the # 4 seed was no difference than the # 3 seed. The Giants decided to play their starters in a meaningless game against the Patriots, expending plenty of energy.

Both teams got off to a sluggish start, but Jeff Garcia eventually got Tampa Bay moving, and with two minutes left in the opening quarter, Graham plunged over from a yard out to give the Buccaneers a 7-0 lead. Eli Manning was able to bring the Giants back, and his 5 yard touchdown pass to Brandon Jacobs tied the score at 7-7 with 10 minutes left in the half. Manning settled into a groove, completing 11 of his first 14 passes. With 4 minutes left in the half, Brandon Jacobs barreled up the middle for a 9 yard touchdown run and a 14-7 Giants lead. Michael Spurlock fumbled the opening kickoff of the second half, and the Giants recovered. However, the Tampa Bay defense, still solid under respected defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin, held New York to a field goal and a 17-7 Giants lead five minutes into the third quarter.

While the Giants might be the least flashy team in the playoffs, they slowly but surely got the job done by avoiding mistakes. Eli Manning does not dazzle like his brother, but the goal is to win. He engineered a 15 play, 92 yard drive that ate up over 8 1/2 minutes of clock. The drive culminated with a short touchdown pass to Amani Toomer with 8 minutes remaining that put the game out of reach. Manning has faced much scrutiny this year, but neither he nor anyone else on the Giants turned the ball over against a ball hawking Tampa Bay defense. The Buccaneers scored a garbage touchdown late in the game, but it was not enough to save their season. The final score was close, but the game was not.The Giants, having lost to Dallas twice this year, will get a third shot at their hated division rival next week. 24-14 Giants

Tennessee Titans @ San Diego Chargers–Tennessee has perhaps the best coach in the league in Jeff Fisher. The Chargers have Norvelous Norv Turner, desperate to show he can win a game where his team is overwhelmingly favored.

Tennessee dominated the time of possession in the first quarter, hanging onto the ball for 11 minutes. Their opening drive led to a field goal, and San Diego could not move the ball. With six minutes remaining in the opening quarter, Vince Young got belted to the ground. It was a clean hit, and he did come back in the game, but he is one shot away form having Kerry Collins replace him. The Chargers started a possession at the Tennessee 42, but Philip Rivers went for the deep ball and was intercepted by Cortland Finnegan. Another deep ball attempt by Rivers later on was broken up, and Nate Kaeding’s 45 yard field goal attempt was a knuckleball that went way wide. In a game only a defensive guru could love, Rob Bironas added a second field goal on the last play of the half to put the Titans up 6-0. Then again, Jeff Fisher is a Buddy Ryan disciple, so he might have been loving it.

The Chargers took the second half kickoff and methodically drove down the field. On 3rd and 3 from the 4 yard line, they came up a yard short. Turner made the right decision, and decided to kick the 20 yard field goal, bringing the Chargers to within 6-3. The 88 yard drive took over 5 minutes. Later on in the period, with San Diego at midfield, a personal foul penalty on Albert Haynesworth for hitting Philip Rivers after the whistle had blown proved costly. On the next play, Rivers threw a 35 yard touchdown strike to Vincent Jackson. With 2 1/2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, the Chargers led 10-6. Tennessee did come right back on their next drive, but one minute into the fourth quarter, Bironas missed a 38 yard field goal.

With 9 minutes left in the game, San Diego had a 3rd and goal that ended up inside the one yard line but short of the goal. Norv Turner challenged that the play was a touchdown. The call went against him, and San Diego was charged with their final timeout. On 4th and goal from inside the one, LaDanian Tomlinson went airborne. Initially he was stoned, but when he got knocked backwards he landed on another player, not all the way on the ground. The whistle had not blown, so he reached over on a second effort and stretched the ball past the plane for a touchdown. This time Jeff Fisher challenged the call, but the touchdown was upheld. Tomlinson was initially stopped, but the whistle had not blown, forward progress had not been stopped, and he was not on the ground. Tennessee was charged with their first timeout, and more importantly, trailed on the scoreboard.

Yes, Norv won where Marty Schottenheimer did not, but Norv survived barely at home against a # 6 seed with a wounded quarterback, while Marty’s team lost to the Patriots, as does everyone else. Next week the Chargers have a rematch with Indy, and we shall see if their lightning bolt strikes twice. I suspect otherwise. 17-6 Colts

Saturday January 12th and Sunday January 13th bring the divisionals.

AFC Divisionals: Jaguars @ Patriots on Saturday, Chargers @ Colts on Sunday.

NFC Divisionals: Seahawks @ Packers on Saturday, Giants @ Cowboys on Sunday.


God Bless Major Andrew Olmsted

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Today I will be relaxing, watching the NFL Playoffs and the Presidential debates.

Army Major Andrew Olmsted will not have that luxury. He was killed in Iraq on January 3rd, 2008.

He was a military blogger, and I only learned about him an hour ago. People on his blog happened to check out mine. Let’s just say that what he did was far more important than anything I write about.

It is for this reason that I want people to learn everything about this man. He did his job with honor, and he blogged with a humanity that only somebody deeply committed to his situation can write about.

May God bless his family, and may his writings live on forever.

I will go to my grave believing the Iraq War was…and is…the right thing to do.

Major Olmsted made the world a better place, and his fellow soldiers are still doing so.

With that, I bring you the blogging of Major Andrew Olmsted.

God bless you Major.


Al Queda versus Al Gore

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Mr. Alex Trebek said the following words: Iowa, New Hampshire, and Britney Spears.

I raised my hand and said, “Alex, what are things that nobody in their right mind should care about, and not worth any media coverage?”

So for those who have Iowa fatigue, there will be plenty of time to over analyze the next set of debates, and more importantly, the NFL Playoffs.

Until then, to quote Paul Simon, (the singer, not the late Senator), “If I can call you Betty, you can call me Al.” This column is dedicated to the only pair of Als that irritate me more than Al Sharpton. Al Queda and Al Gore, compare for yourselves.

Al Queda: Power obsessed individuals that want to destroy the world.

Al Gore: Power obsessed individual that wants to convince Americans that they are destroying the world.

Al Queda: Shave their beards to avoid being captured by U.S. Forces.

Al Gore: Shaved his beard to remain politically viable.

Al Queda: Hates republicans and President Bush, earning a runner up position as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. He was denied the top position solely due to fear of people canceling their subscriptions.

Al Gore: Hates republicans and President Bush, earning a runner up position as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. He was denied the top position solely due to fear of people canceling their subscriptions.

Al Queda: The people who knew thm best and initially supported them eventually turned against them, as the surge worked and Sunni Muslims got tired of being murdered.

Al Gore: The people who knew him best and initially supported him turned against him, as a surge of Tennessee votes for George W. Bush cost Al Gore his home state and the election.

Al Queda: Refers to America as the Great Satan, and blames America and President Bush for all the evil in the world.

Al Gore: Blames America for destroying the environment, and maniacally screamed that President Bush betrayed his country.

Al Queda: Tried to overthrow a fledgling democracy in Iraq by any means necessary, with 10,000 suicide bombers.

Al Gore: Tried to overturn an election in an established democracy by any means necessary, with 10,000 lawyers.

Al Queda: Bin Laden’s own family has distanced themselves from him.

Al Gore: His former boss President Clinton has distanced himself from him.

Al Queda: Recruits suicide bombers over the internet.

Al Gore: Invented the internet.

Al Queda: Against waterboarding.

Al Gore: Against waterboarding.

Al Queda: Uses murderers such as Khalid Sheik Mohammed to intimidate others to drop their opposition to him.

Al Gore: Used murderer Willie Horton to intimidate Michael Dukakis to try and remove him as political opposition.

Al Queda: Trying to establish a society with one religion, where we bow down to the Islamic Caliphate.

Al Gore: Trying to establish a society with one religion, where we bow down to to the Earth Goddess Gaea.

Al Queda: Failed to prevent the 2004 election win by George W. Bush. Bin Laden has almost no influence in 2008 despite his insisting otherwise. Is sliding into irrelevance.

Al Gore: Failed to prevent the 2000 election win by George W. Bush. Has almost no influence in 2008 despite his insisting otherwise. Is sliding into irrelevance.

Al Queda: Lampooned brilliantly on South Park. Terrorists hijacked our imagination, and Osama has fartypants.

Al Gore: Lampooned brilliantly on South Park. Terrorists hijacked our imagination, and the search for ManBearPig.

Al Queda: Osama speaks in a tongue only Arabs can understand. Normal Americans tune him out, find him grating.

Al Gore: Speaks in a tongue only liberal elitist snobs can understand. Normal Americans tune him out, find him grating.

Al Queda: Bill Clinton helped elevate them to power by doing nothing to stop them.

Al Gore: Bill Clinton helped elevate him to power by rescuing him from the ash heap of failed Presidential candidates.

Al Queda: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars while railing against American capitalism, through drugrunning, gunrunning, prostitution, gambling. Initially inherited the money from dad.

Al Gore: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars while railing against American capitalism, mainly through gambling in Google stock. Initially inherited the money from dad.

Al Queda: Blows up airplanes, wants to disrupt the world supply of oil.

Al Gore: Flies on private jets, eating up fuel and jacking up the price of oil.

Al Queda: Will be with us forever, they refuse to go away.

Al Gore: Will be with us forever, refuses to go away.

Al Queda: Like most terrorists, can be brought to their knees with the USA staying on offense in the War on Terror.

Al Gore: Like most liberals, can be brought to his knees with a phone call from Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

Al Queda: If only General David Petraeus had stayed home and wrote books.

Al Gore: If only Hillary Clinton had stayed home and baked cookies.

Al Queda: Wants to destroy all Jews including Weird Al Yankovic.

Al Gore: Destroyed Weird Al Yankovic on MTV Celebrity Deathmatch.

Heck, for (e)mailing it in today, not bad. Off to watch the NFL Playoffs and the debates, and do recaps of it all. Life is peaceful, but we cannot be complacent. At this very minute, Al Queda and Al Gore are plotting to get our attention and dominate our news cycles.
