I recently attended a symposium at UCLA entitled “Gaza and Human Rights.”
As I said, I felt like I had infiltrated a terrorist sleeper cell. There was nothing human about the speakers or most of the crowd. For those wondering what savage barbarians look like, I am sure somebody took pictures.
Since then, one of the anti-Semitic speakers, Lisa Hajjar, has had her terrorist mask ripped off. Her department has been shut down. Yet like cockroaches, anti-Semite Arab terrorist enablers are many. After publishing my column detailing the verbal genocidal atrocities committed by Arab terrorists posing as “academics,” I received hate mail that only a Palestinian homicide bomber (or a UCLA professor) could love.
Some of the bile is below. I redacted the foul language. As with most “intellectuals,” they cannot argue on substance. Instead they criticize spelling, grammar, and anything else that allows them to retain their rare combination of smugness and ignorance. Remember, those are the qualifications for being a leftist professor, although supporting terrorism helps.
One email came from a guy named Jascha, who insisted he was male. Rather than address the substance of my column, he offered the following:
“Pity that (me, eric) does not know the difference between ‘incredulous’ and word he sort of had in mind, viz., ‘incredible.’
Jascha Kessler
Professor of English and Modern Literature, UCLA”
Now I could have let that remark go, but letting it go is what supporters of Hamas say Israel should do. So I did what any decent person would do with garbage…I removed it.
“Ms. Kessler,
I wrote a column explaining that a Symposium on Gaza and Human Rights was the academic equivalent of a terrorist sleeper cell.
Your rebuttal was to criticize my not knowing the difference between incredulous and incredible.
Only an elitist gasbag, a terrorist enabler, or a college professor would offer that as a rebuttal.
I plan on making many more unintentional linguistic errors in the future. Your silence on the issue of Palestinian Terrorism support at UCLA would seem to be a bigger error.
Feel free to correct the record, and if possible, do so with significantly less arrogance.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express”
The response I got was perhaps not a Fatwa, but at the very least a leftist Palestinian screed. It was incoherent, but I am sure somewhere on the web it can be translated form the original Jihad.
“Rebuttal it was not! Schm*ck, you! I was helping your credibility, not your credulity or incredibility.
Drop dead yesterday. Gasbag, indeed. Professor to you and your illiterate cohort. Stay off the web for the public if you cannot distinguish between important words. And are you a misbegotten sexist? I am no Ms., and my name is male, all the way back to the patriarch Jacob.
Toothless, cursing gnashing blogger. What you had to say was okay, but if you cannot spell in English, welll then, as the Brits say, F*ckall!
As for my silence, I am anything but, brainless person. Here is a letter published in the FT before the UCLA event took place, which I have taken steps to oppose.”
I deleted the link, because it was commentary on Kublai Khan. I honestly never thought I would mention Kublai Khan on my blog, but if this professor thinks that the Arab-Israeli conflict relates, so be it. I responded for no other reason than I knew the response to me would be classic.
You may claim to be a poet and a linguist, but like most Islamists, you resort to verbal violence and rage. Do you speak to your students with such foul language? I recommend you do some deep breathing exercises or some meditation from Deepak Chopra.
If you are the best UCLA can do, than enrollment at USC should increase rapidly.
I notice you won an award by George Soros. Perhaps you can win a Nobel Prize like Yassir Arafat to complete your inconsequential career. After all, those who can’t do, teach.
I checked the terrorist watch list, and did not see your name. So before you criticize the spelling and grammar of others, if it was not for a misspelling due to your oddly spelled asexual first name, you would have already been captured.
I shall plant a tree in Israel in honor of your support of the Jewish state.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express”
Sasha did not disappoint, although his/her responses would only reinforce the point of lunacy. At this point censorship would benefit us all. Besides, there was more hate mail.
Philip Andrew Jones was one of those fellows that started out trying to sound borderline cerebral before eventually descending into the Palestinian city of Bonkersville.I have taken excerpts of his comments without taking them out of context. This was to reduce length.
“Dear Sirs/Madams,
Although I realize that you do not answer emails, however, I do hope that you would read the following:- I find it quite strange that the writers and promoters of ‘Campus Watch’, would charge UCLA with ‘Jew – Hate’. I clicked onto quote, ‘…how best to spread…’ End quote. Excuse me for any ignorance, but I did not sight any ‘hate’ in the news article on anti-Zionism, anti-Semitism or anti-Americanism.
As a very concerned person for the welfare of all human beings created equal under the LORD Thy God, I witnessed via main stream media and other news resources from around the world, the shocking scenes of high tech Israeli weapons raining death on civilian men, women and children trapped in the Gaza Ghetto. Although 1300 human beings have been reported dead, further intelligence received is reporting that over 4 thousand have been genocide murdered.
I also have read concerning the ‘violent’ Hamas attacks on Israel – REALLY – but I suppose we could compare perhaps this Israeli atrocity to perhaps the British RAF bombing in Belfast, because of a terrorist attack in Manchester. That Israel can murder on this incredible huge scale, with the blind eye of Britain and America being totally despicable”
Ok, so he is not completely nuts yet. He needed another sentence to let the madness flow.
“It quite interesting that Tony Blair has of course revealed himself to be the usual puppet of the new world order banking elite, which is keen to stoke up the Israeli action to help divert attention from the global banking collapse.”
There we go. The Zionist conspiracy to take over the world…those d@ng moneylenders. Tony Blair is in on it. He forgot to mention Kublai Khan. Luckily, he continued.
“While many are reticent about commenting, or being drawn into the debate about the ‘Israeli / Palestinian issue’, the brazen, wanton, criminal atrocities that have and will continue to be committed in this sick business by the superpower of the region are simply too heinous to be ignored. It is not enough for Israel to hide behind their historic suffering, when their actions are so vicious and unacceptable today, Jewish politicians and their lobbyists in the West, must be made fully accountable. No doubt, the smirking Mr. Blair has failed to stand and be counted due to US and home grown lobbying pressure. Just where did New Labour funds come from? No doubt also, that the United Nations has also failed to take action due to the powerful US/Israeli lobby.”
Yes, all those powerful Jews. I wonder why I never got a share of this money and power. Oh well, according to these bigots, my time will come at their expense. I can live with that.
As for that gutless, useless, worthless organization known as the United Nations, I am not sure whether I should be happy or sad that their humanitarian relief workers were robbed at gunpoint by members of Hamas.
As punishment, they are suspending aid to Hamas. Now that is talking tough. They are refusing to provide supplies and aid that were already stolen. Perhaps Hamas also stole supplies of Viagra, which could explain the impotence of the U.N.
As for the intellectual impotence of the blusterer, he continued misfiring on half cylinder.
“On a deeper level, what is it about the Israeli national political character, the ‘siege mentality’, that violence and murder against civilian populations can be pursued with such inhumane and calculated precision? How can a culture that who say they believe in God be so immune to the cries of the dead, maimed and dying – in the prison camp they have created, of what remains of the country they annexed from the Palestinians so long ago?
Could it be that one possible answer is to be found in the laws of the ‘man – written’ so called secret Babylonian Talmud, which documents the most racist, anti-semitic, most anti-human writings ever written by the carnal mind of man.”
Forget Kublai Khan. It is all about the Babylonian Talmud. As for killing with “precision,” Israel should not be punished for not only defending itself, but doing so successfully. Conversely, Palestinians should not be rewarded just because they are the Inspector Clouseau of murderers. In fact, being stupid and incompetent killers should be killed with extra precision.
A third piece of hate mail was less serious. I have no evidence that the person is a bigot in any way. Also, since I contacted them first, and they responded to me privately, I will allow their name to be redacted.
However, my contact was polite. Leftists need to understand that incivility will be met with severity. I don’t coddle verbal homicide bombers. The woman (I think it was a woman) was from Iran, and not sympathetic towards my support of Israel. She also did not think much of conservatives.
“Reading your incredibly stupid comments and completely ignorant analysis of world events literally makes me nauseous. I choose not to communicate with stupid people, and your emails qualify as this type of communication.”
These people are the gift that keeps on giving, hence my using them for entertainment purposes in the same way that circuses hire clowns and elephants.
“You claim you don’t want to communicate with me, but yet you emailed me, which means you communicated with me. This makes you a liar.
You are also Persian, which means you are a guest in my nation. You should kiss the feet of George W. Bush every night. I bet you were not that brave in your insults under Ayatollah Khomeini.
You need a hug.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express
P.S. I publish my hate mail so my readers can see what passes for ‘intellect.'”
Yet a fellow named Tanweer Mahmoodullah livened things up. Mr. Wierd Dullard had his own screed.
“Hundreds of doctors and specialists have confirmed that Israel used White phosphorous and dime bombs on civilians. photographs, live and from Gaza do not lie! Israel has lied from day one. All its people, military and civilians should be tried for theft , murder, genocide, apartheid and crimes against humanity. hands up for Lisa hajjar and people like her who are brave and have a conscience. Israelis , get ready to be tried and persecuted!Your end has come!”
Wow, my time has come. Perhaps the fellow can sing “Time has come today,” before detonating himself.
As for “hands up,” perhaps he thinks this is a sporting event, and he was doing “the wave.” Given that these rantings occurred the same week as the NFL Pro Bowl in Hawaii, that could be an explanation.
Yet a better rationale would be that there is not rationale for those that are irrational.
These are Arab Palestinian terrorist enablers. This is how they behave. this is what they are. notice I said “what” instead of “who.”
Once again, these savages do not need a homeland. All of them, including the “English Professor,” need a thesaurus, and some soap to wash out their mouths. As for soap, make mine a double shot of lava. I always need a good scrubbing to cleanse myself from the stench my “critics” need behind.