Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Religion Solace Saturday

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

To the Jews, Happy Passover.

To the Christians, Happy Easter.

To atheists such as my friend Kevin, happy baseball season.

I will never understand why Kevin worships baseball, but I respect his right to do so.

To everyone else, to quote comedian Anthony Clark, “I hope you win the lottery dude.”

To those who recently did, congratulations.

This weekend is as good a time as any for quiet reflections.

Hug your loved ones. Enjoy meals with your families.

This concludes Religion Solace Saturday.

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

Eliminate Valentine’s Day, Iran, and Hollywood Celebrities

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Valentine’s Day is like a cross between Hollywood celebrities at the Grammys and the Mullahs in Iran.


RIP Whitney Houston–Predictable but still tragic.

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Troubled pop star Whitney Houston has died at age 48. Her untimely death was predictable, but still tragic.


2012 Post-Super Bowl Recovery Monday

Monday, February 6th, 2012

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday.

The Giants beating the Patriots 21-17 was fantastic. Watching the Evil Empire of Football lose when it matters most is always nice.

Yet Super Bowl Sunday is also about gorging on tons of unhealthy and delicious food.

The Monday after the Super Bowl should be a national holiday. The next president should work on that.

So for those expecting insightful wisdom, come back Tuesday.

This concludes the 2011-2012 NFL season. Now for Recovery Monday.

I need a nap.



I am now 40

Monday, January 9th, 2012

I am now 40.

Here are 40 happy memories as I turn 40.


I am now 39 and 363/365

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Tonight, friends and I will gather at a restaurant as we “celebrate” my being 39 and 363/365. On Monday, January 9th, 2012, at 3:28pm EST, my 30s will officially be gone forever.

The “f-word” is approaching any moment now.



Sunday, January 1st, 2012

We can do this 2012

I need a nap. Happy 2012.



You’re Welcome America–My 2012 State of the Blog Address

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

My 2012 State of the Blog Address

Happy New Year all!


More vapid than Barack Obama–The Top 10 Bimbos of 2011

Friday, December 30th, 2011

The Top 10 Bimbos of 2011

Some people are more vapid than Barack Obama. Here are the Top 10 Bimbos of 2011.

The First Gasbag in Chief held a press conference awhile back where he stated that his first two years in office “were the most productive two years in generations.”

He recently declared himself to be at worst the fourth greatest president of our time, and possibly the best.

To paraphrase one overrated NFL player, the president sure does love him some him.

Any further discussion of his press conferences are unnecessary, since (shockingly enough coming from his hollow majesty), he speaks plenty and says nothing.

Yet while Barack Obama is an empty suit who defines compromise as everybody shutting up and agreeing with him, he is not the least substantive person on the planet.

While it is true that he uses so many words to say absolutely nothing, he has competition in the uselessness department.

While he is the leader of the nation of Gasbagistan, there are people in existence who make him look and sound relevant.

There are people significantly more vapid and hollow than he is.

Well, not significantly, but slightly more.

Barack Obama is left off of the list solely out of respect for the office of the presidency itself. It would be nice if he had that same regard. Besides, it would be unfair to include him without his supporters. Also, for once, it is nice to have a discussion without having to include his rhetoric.

One criteria was that the people on the list had to be utterly useless, talentless, and worthless. For instance, Lady Ga-Ga may be a lunatic, but she does have talent. She can sing and dance. Some people on this list may have had talent at some point, but a long time ago. Jon Huntsman was left off the list because even mentioning him tenth would lead him to start claiming that he was on the verge of being first.

With that, I offer the people who are more vapid than Barack Obama.

Last year brought the Top 10 Bimbos of 2010.

More vapid than Barack Obama–The Top 10 Bimbos of 2010

Here are the Top 10 Bimbos of 2011.

10) Vince Young/Albert Haynesworth/Matt Leinart

These three NFL players are a disgrace. Leinart made the list last year. Despite throwing away his career in Arizona, he ended up in Houston as a backup. The starter went down due to injury, and Leinart had his chance to redeem himself. He lasted almost half of one game before getting injured again and missing another season. Young is worse. He quit on his team, walked away from headquarters, and then tried to make it up to his coach through a text message instead of a face to face meeting. He was cut, ended up in Philly, and blabbed to the media that they were a “dream team” destined for the Super Bowl. He was the backup, and the team began 1-4. He finally came in for one pass, and it was intercepted. Haynesworth has been lazy for much of his career. He went to New England, which has resurrected many players. He lasted a few games before getting cut for still being lazy. Tampa Bay picked him up and has lost nine straight games.

9) Katy Perry/Russell Brand–These detestable overexposed celebrities were much higher last year after a string of stupid comments ranging from her taunting a high school ex-boyfriend during a concert to his imbecilic comments about Israel oppressing the Palestinians. They are lower on the list this year because perhaps they realized that shutting up would do them some good. She is a singer and he is an actor, and they both take pride in lacking substance, especially her. She was even fired from Sesame Street for shaking her (redacted) on a children’s show. Despite a quiet year, they have to remain on the list due to their overall toxicity. Another silent year may get them removed.

8) John Edwards–The former North Carolina Senator, vice presidential candidate, and ambulance chaser was left off the list last year solely out of respect for his late wife. She died of cancer days before the list was released. Yet a year later, he remains the guy who cheated on his dying wife, got his mistress pregnant, and tried to get a staffer to claim fatherhood of the child. Now the man who used the courts to redistribute wealth is fighting for his freedom. He has been indicted for campaign finance violations, although his being the darling of progressives could get him a free pass.

7) Katie Couric–While Dan Rather had already destroyed the credibility of the CBS News brand of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, Katie Couric took it to new lower levels. Perky pom-pom cheerleader Katie became a darling of the left when she did a hit job on Sarah Palin. Yet it was Couric who ended her first broadcast by asking what Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy from “Anchorman” would have to say about the news. Couric’s fluff was fine for a morning television show. It was not acceptable for a hard news show. The ratings collapsed and she was fired.

6) Lindsay Lohan–Putting this teenage actress on this lit almost seems gratuitous, but she deserves it. While Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Tara Reid all went through their phase, they eventually recovered. They were bimbos, and they decided to stop. For Hilton, it took time in jail. Britney became a mom. Lohan is more than an alcoholic, drunk-driving, drug addicted, jewelry stealing, community service avoiding mess. When she appeared in court, she had the f-bomb etched into her fingernails. The judge was not amused, and nobody in America should encourage this train wreck.

5) Susan Sarandon–This person used to be an actress who along with her boyfriend Tim Robbins would use their celebrity status to launch into leftist tirades. Now she has embraced Occupy Wall Street. The problem is the dregs of humanity infecting that movement have no idea who she is. She was famous a long time ago. Now she is a has-been who lost her boyfriend, and desperately wants to be seen as relevant. There comes a time when people need to grow up, not just grow old. She has done neither gracefully. Rumor has it when she returns to her wealthy home she does not invite OWS protesters over to eat and shower.

4) Occupy Wall St Protesters–These protesters should be beaten with as much force as possible until they disperse. They are not peaceful, and nobody has any Constitutional right to violent protest. They claim to be the 99%, yet then claim that the drug addicts, homeless people, and sexual predators in their midst do not represent them. Are they saying the filth is the 1%? Are they protesting Wall Street or their own? They have no idea what they are protesting. They just want free stuff. If they cared about Wall Street, they would go after Jon Corzine rather than ruin business for the local hot dog vendors and shoe shine people. 

3) Kardashians–These people remain the trio from Hell. The original KKK burned people alive. This KKK of Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim just refuse to go away while burning the brain cells of their fans. Kim got married and divorced after about 22 days, all of it on video. The only reason anyone knows her is because of her video experience, found in X-rated areas on the internet. Every athlete from Reggie Bush to Miles Austin to Chris Humphrey should be boycotted due to guilt by association. A dishonorable mention also goes to Sinead O’Connor, whose fourth marriage just ended after only 16 days because her husband did not approve of her going on their wedding night looking for weed to get her stoned. Nothing compares to her idiocy, except perhaps the Kardashians.

2) Jon Corzine–This failed human being was fired from Goldman Sachs, then fired from the New Jersey Governor’s job, and then left after bankrupting that state to end up bankrupting MF Global. 1.2 billion dollars is missing, and customer funds appear to  have been commingled with company money. Corzine will skate because the CFTC Chairman is a personal friend of his. Corzine used to run Goldman Sachs, making him above the law. Also, he is a leftist, giving him blanket immunity from prosecution because his intentions were good. He is the epitome of Wall Street greed, but luckily everybody from OWS to Barack Obama only pretend to care about that.

Yet as absolutely worthless as these people are, one person truly deserves his own hall of shame.

1) Anthony Weiner–This sex-crazed hound doggie was married less than a year before getting caught sending his appendage over Twitter to various women. Weiner is a leftist bully who never missed an opportunity to engage in the politics of personal destruction against anyone he disagreed with. At first he claimed that his account was hacked. He lied for a week, refused to resign, and was dragged kicking and screaming from power. He expressed surprise to one Jewish paramour that she would engage in certain sex acts, since he as a Jewish person stereotypically thought Jewish women were frigid. He also may have used his office to engage in lewd behavior, which is possibly illegal. His resigning prevented him from having to turn over his phone records. The biggest source of amusement was not his appropriately given surname. It is that he was kicked out of office, and he never even got to sleep with the women. He received all of the scandal with none of the actual sex.

So congratulations to one of the worst human beings to ever infect Congress, which starts out with the bar fairly low. Anthony Weiner is the Top Bimbo of 2011.


Hal Levine 2011

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Today is the Jewish holiday of Hal Levine, or as the non-Jews call it, Halloween.

The name Hal Levine was created by my former Jewish university where I attended college. They called it Hal Levine because they thought the Jewish students would be too dumb to know that made it ok to celebrate a pagan holiday. Actually most of them were.

Last year Halloween was a true nightmare. My girlfriend and I got in a fight and broke up that night. It was an acrimonious hostile breakup, and we were both better off going in different directions. Yet she used to quote the Dalai Llama and say that “the purpose of our lives is to be happy.” So I hope this Hal Levine finds her in a state of happiness.

For me, happiness means being with my friends. I drove yesterday from Des Moines, Iowa to Chicago, Illinois, a 6 hour drive, or in my case (allegedly) about 4 hours.

Today has me flying from Chicago to my home in Los Angeles, driving to see my friends, and attending the freak show in West Hollywood. Normally I have a girlfriend and we do matching costumes. This year I am flying solo, and I honestly do not know what costume I will break out. After sleeping in my own bed tonight the next day is a plane to Florida.

So a precious few hours in Los Angeles is just enough time to enjoy Halloween.

The whole point of Halloween is for men to enjoy young, attractive women of legal age and higher dressed as salaciously as possible. The trick is to get these French maids, lady cops, and Playboy bunnies to wear those costumes throughout the year and not just October 31st. In that sense women are a work in progress.

Anyway, here are some musings from Hal Levine’s past.

For those who choose to dress up like Occupy Wall Street protesters, just understand that the Monster Mash is more than a traditional Halloween song. Some monsters deserve to get mashed.

See you in November.

Happy Halloween, Hal Levine, and Hobgoblin hunting.
