I wish I was a liberal. Yes, I said it. I am a conservative republican, and I wish I was a liberal. That way I can get entangled in as many sex scandals as possible with no consequences.
First of all I want to make something crystal clear. There is nothing funny about sex with under age citizens, or even pursuing it. Mel Reynolds is in jail, and Mark Foley resigned in disgrace, as he should have.
Secondly, I do not condone adultery. As Ted Koppel stated, “The 10 commandments are not the 10 suggestions.”
Having said that, it is unfair that republicans have to be held to higher sexual standards. If I was a liberal, I could just be expected to have no moral boundaries, and be free to run wild like a drugged out hippie (redundant, I know).
As a single male, there is nothing wrong about wanting to sleep with every hot republican Jewish brunette that conflicts with my also wanting lower taxes and dead terrorists.
The following is a conversation that I never had, because I value money and want to avoid getting slugged.
“Ms. Finch, you did an excellent job on this report. Well done.”
“Thank you Eric. Is there anything else?”
“Yes, Ms. Finch. I really want to paddle your hide. I know it is a sensitive area in more ways than one, but I want to play table tennis with your backside until you are red raw. Oh, and after that, I need to see paperwork on the new account we are seeing next week.”
I am not implying that to do the above behavior is appropriate, but to think about it should be fine. Republicans are so conditioned to be straitlaced that we are pegged as boring. Family values are for families, but why should single people be straitjacketed?
Also, for those claiming the above scenario is sexual harassment, how do you know Ms. Finch is the subordinate? Isn’t thinking that sexism? She could be the boss.
I thought about this when Spree at Wake Up America interviewed Melanie Morgan.
She did an excellent job with the interview, but I never could have done that interview. Melanie Morgan is smart, republican, and hot. She would think I was an imbecile within 5 minutes, especially if my first question was a marriage proposal.
After seeing her picture, I was determined to have a Morgan before bed. I could not convince Melanie Morgan, so I decided to settle for Captain Morgan. I figured if I finished the entire bottle, I would not be able to tell the difference. Actually, I don’t drink, but I need an excuse for my behavior pattern.
I know a gorgeous republican Jewish brunette who has experimented with some mild “girl on girl” action. I can talk to her about Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, but why should that stop me from admiring her physically and wanting to be reincarnated as a pillow that she hits her friend with? When did lust become only acceptable with liberals?
Senators are soliciting prostitutes. So what? Whether it is gay or straight, they are guys trying to get laid. Again, forget they are married. If they are single, how is that different from a surf and turf date? Does any woman in her right mind really think that a guy takes her out to steak and lobster so we can hold hands? We have an agenda, and that involves using our teeth to claw through your underclothing. This does not mean we would do so without permission, but within the laws of decent society, we have every right to make an attempt.
For the Milli-Vanillionth time, one can respect women and want to sleep with them. One can respect a woman’s mind while wanting to devour her body. Men are hunters, women are the hunted, and we have every right to adhere to the laws of nature and biology.
There is nothing in the republican party platform that says that men have to be repressed until we go crazy.
Bill Clinton lied under oath. That was my objection with him. He should have just gone on television and said, “I can’t help it. It ain’t nothing but the dawg in me. I bounced her like a volleyball, and I might do it again.”
So where is the line? Well Juanita Broderick, if believed, was a rape victim. That is totally not acceptable anywhere, ever. Letting them die in a river like Ted Kennedy did is certainly unethical. Yet fear of approaching a woman out of desire? Are we that puritanical?
We are all flawed. We all make mistakes. Yet republicans are seen as pious, and therefore, hypocritical.
Some say the war on drugs is lost, and others argue the same for the War on Terror. They are wrong. However, let’s declare the war on sex lost. We can kill drug lords and terrorists. Sex cannot be killed. It is too powerful. It will always be there.
Rather than trying to humiliate every politician that tries to play paint belly with a hot woman, why not simply accept this as normal? If the guy is married, it will be his fault when his wife gets the shotgun and exacts Texas Justice. Actions have consequences.
Larry Craig is being forced to resign. Why? For being gay? Isn’t that gay bashing? Jim McGreevey and John Corzine put their lovers on the payroll. Yet only McGreevey resigned. Wasn’t Corzine’s sexual crime just as bad, even though it was heterosexual? David Vitter is not being pressured to resign. Is it because his prostitution was heterosexual?
Why is a 535 member club filled with drunk drivers, tax cheats, and other reprobates so puritanical when the issue is sexual?
Rape is wrong. Sexual harassment is wrong. Prostitution is legal in some parts of America. Doesn’t it seem strange that Senator Craig was arrested in Minnesota for a crime that would not have been a crime in certain parts of Nevada? Perhaps if Harry Reid let loose, he would actually smile. That dour look on his face is probably due to his frustration at attacking every republican less repressed than he is.
I will never preach family values, and when I get married, I will still live by them. Until then, I want my taxes cut so I can have more money to spend on women who will dance provocatively in my condo like Tawny Kitaen in Whitesnake’s “Here I go again.”
Should my being a conservative republican mean that when I was in college, I should not have found Barbara Boxer a hot piece of (redacted) just because she was a liberal? Flaming fiery liberals are kinda sexy. It doesn’t mean they are right about taxes or Iraq.
We should stop focusing on sex scandals, because sex itself is not a scandal. It is a privilege. Either members of the republican party defend their right to go buck wild, or we will all end up either repressed or worse…liberals.