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Hanukkah Night 7–Lighting Candles, Smacking Women, and Clubbing Men

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

No column has offended people more than my 2007 Hanukkah Column “Light a Candle, Smack a Woman.” Luckily the people that were offended are people that need to be offended. Therefore, I am running it again with 2009 Updates.

What is not to like about Hanukkah? We get to play with fire. It’s like July 4th, except we smacked around Brits instead of Greeks.

Speaking of smacking around, nothing has changed since Hanukkah 2007 except the date. So below I offer Hanukkah tips with 2009 updates on when it is perfectly acceptable to slap around women.

Fresh from a ton of parties on the seventh night of Hanukkah, I now need to prepare for partying on the eighth night. I love this holiday. Since I do not drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or do drugs, I will stick with my vice of choice…women.

2009 Update: I have spent the first few nights in Sedona, Lake Havasu, and San Francisco, barely dipping my toes into Los Angeles, Phoenix, and parts of Nevada. Judaism is not recession proof, and Bernie Madoff did not help matters. The social calendar in New York and Miami will have to wait until March.

Sticking with women, one of the reasons Judaism is seen as “weak” by outsiders, and why Jewish men are seen as “momma’s boys,” is because our religion emasculates men. Of course we call it “celebrating women,” but it is out and out emasculation of men. We have holidays specifically dedicated to the power of women.

That is another reason to love Hanukkah. It is pure male testosterone. We came, we saw, and we conquered. We kicked some rumpus. Pure military force allowed the Maccabees to just smack around the enemy like they were women in need of a good backside slap.

For those of you wondering why out of nowhere I am deliberately advocating the denigration of an entire gender, just relax, the twist is coming any sentence now.

Ever since the feminist mistake, women have been up in arms looking for ways to exact vengeance on the male gender. It was supposed to be about the right to vote, and equal work for equal pay. Now it is about attempting to destroy men. Unfortunately for the radical feminists (redundant, I know), they are cannibals. They eat their own. They betray each other. They do more to commit violence against their fellow females than most men ever could.

Therefore, in the spirit of Hanukkah, I will describe 8 situations where it is perfectly acceptable to abuse women physically, sexually, or psychologically, one for each night. You can take these women and paddle their backsides, and there will be no consequences, unless gratification is a consequence. Do not worry about the feminists getting angry, which is how they normally go through life. They will allow this abuse to happen. So for those of you out there looking to abuse women, here are the eight acceptable situations.

1) The male sexual predator has to be politically liberal. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton have carte blanche to abuse women. If the woman ends up dead, it is acceptable, provided that the abuser is pro-choice on abortion. Of course they will be pro-choice, because that way they can be irresponsible and be able to get rid of the evidence. If abortion is not the way to get rid of the evidence, driving over a bridge is plan b. Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones…sorry ladies. The feminists do not care. Anita Hill? No evidence required. Republicans do not get this exemption, even if they are pro-choice. Sorry Bob Packwood.

In fact, the NOW announced that Bill Clinton should be praised because after he tried to get lewd with Kathleen Willey, he did not try a second time. He took no for an answer. Therefore, every man in America gets one free chance to cop a feel.

2009 Update: Eliot Spitzer gets an exemption as well a year later. Not only is he wealthy limousine liberal that rails against the wealthy, but he paid for the sex. Therefore, implied consent from Ashle Dupree renders any rumpus whacking to be obligatory. For $5,000 an hour, I might let Spitzer hit me on the @ss for 6 minutes to get $500 bucks. Ashlee Dupree is now a  New York Post columnist, another reason to love that paper.

2) The woman can be a beauty pageant contestant. They are fair game for being violated. Feminists hate beauty queens, due to obvious jealousy. Angry women have more wrinkle lines. Desiree Washington alleged rape against Mike Tyson, and I do not recall any feminist groundswell.

2009 Update: Sarah Palin became the subject of a porn movie called “Nailin’ Palin.” Let’s see Caroline Kennedy be featured in a movie called “Being Mrs. Schlongberg,” and see how funny liberals find it. Every feminist in America that can’t stand being significantly uglier than Sarah Palin inside and outside should get a slap on their rump until they apologize for their vitriol towards the wonderful human being that is Sarah Palin. Carrie Prejean and Stevie Rivenbark have also been abused by “tolerant” leftist bullies.

3) The woman must be politically conservative. Radio djs recently advocated raping Laura Bush and Condoleeza Rice. Stone cold silence. I can advocate taking a paddle to Hillary’s badonkadonk and believe you me the secret service will have something to say about it as soon as they find out what a badonkadonk is.

2009 Update: The “abort Palin” t-shirts were another example of high brow liberal sophistication and wit.

4) Poor and/or ugly women are not given the same protection as attractive women, provided the women are not too attractive as to be in a beauty pageant. If a woman is considered hideously ugly, a man can abuse her because nobody would believe that he would be interested anyway. If the man is considered handsome, then the case is closed. There is no way Bill Clinton could have raped Juanita Broderick. He is considered pleasing to look at, while she is not.

2009 Update: Anybody vile enough to have an adult video of Michael Moore giving a spanking to Rosie O’Donnell should be ashamed of themselves. Whoever you are, you disgust me for even bringing it up.

5) Muslim women can and should be beaten as often as possible. From Detroit to Dubai, from Afghanistan to Zambia, the feminists condone the brutal beating of Muslim women. The feminists really struggle with this one, because they want to be against male violence towards women, but those who abuse the Koran for their own evil purposes also tend to hate republicans, especially George W. Bush. Besides, if they succeed in destroying America, and we become part of the Caliphate, there will be no republicans left. If some women get beaten in the process, such collateral damage is part of a greater good.

2009 Update: Some women were brutally murdered in Mumbai last year. “The Stoning of Soraya M was a powerful story of the abuse women face under Radical Islam. Feminists kept silent in both cases. Normally this would be a good thing, but the one time they should unshut their traps, they say nothing.

6) Non-Muslim women in Muslim nations are entitled to 40 lashes at a minimum. Any woman that allows a teddy bear to be named Mohammed should know better. The feminists of America will not speak up to save her. They will treat her as if she smoked tobacco or caused global warming. To get an exemption, one has to submit to Islam and denounce all republicans, primarily George W. Bush. This how Nancy the Pelosiraptor escaped her lashes. She wore a Burkha, sipped Tea with Assad, and denounced the tyranny of an American President.

2009 Update: Women in Afghanistan are now free from beatings. Liberals would rather condemn George W. Bush and erase his Presidency, allowing these women to get spanked harder than the Pelosiraptor did recently by Obama and Rahm Emanuel. They called the show “Charles in Charge,” not Charlene in Charge.

7) Prostitutes can be beaten. Feminists will go insane when some radio shock jock refers to women as “nappy headed hos.” Some feminists will even criticize music that refers to women as b*tches and hos. Ironically, these same feminists will not stick up for actual hos getting pimp slapped by…well, pimps, I guess. It could be because prostitutes tend to be attractive, and feminists despise women who succeed by being pretty and offering sexuality, whether they be strippers, call girls, etc. Besides, many women have lost their men to these women. Once Hugh Grant cheated on Elizabeth Hurley, aka proof that perfection exists, no woman was safe anywhere.

Before going further, all people are prostitutes. I am a corporate slut. I will not compromise my principles, unless there is money in it for me. I sold out to the establishment for money, and got a decent haircut. The old joke is quite true. A man asks a woman if she will sleep with him for a million dollars, and she says that she would. The man then asks if she would for $10. She responds that she is not a hooker. The man explains to her that, “we’ve already established that you’re a hooker, now we’re just negotiating the price.”

2009 Update: Ashle Dupree is getting no love from the feminists. She got tossed under the bus faster than the male hooker running a prostitution ring out of the house of Barney Frank, and the other male boyfriend running the drug ring out of Barney Frank’s house.  Now if Eliot Spitzer was caught having sex with Barney Frank…no, never mind. The left would be angry that they were forced to sneak around rather than get married. The House of Frank is like the House of Saud. They are equally financially corrupt.

8.) Women can be beaten in the movies. After all, the feminists cannot advance their agenda unless society is convinced that every white, conservative investment banker in the movies is busy sexually violating minority women in between drinking oil flavored martinis at lunch and chopping down trees for sport. After all, if both genders actually felt life was getting better between them, the feminists would have no power. They are the angry, white liberal versions of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Exacerbating hostility between the genders allows these feminists to have something to do. Most women in Hollywood are liberals, but since Hollywood is about acting, the more liberal the woman on the screen, the more oppressed she is. Only in real life are liberal women protected.

2009 Update: Jesse Jackson threatened to do to Obama what Hillary threatens to do to Bill every night. So Jesse Jackson actually is an angry woman. Obama’s election was the emotional equivalent of a paddling to Jackson, who as of now has been knocked into irrelevance. May he take the equally irrelevant NOW with him.

I want to make it clear that I support women receiving equal pay for equal work. I also support women achieving full equality in society, because if the radical feminists ever do shut up, men and women will be better off. We will not have to listen to women comparing marriage to slavery while secretly praying for flowers and a wedding ring from a strong, smart Adonis who will turn them into paddle Queens.

It is very important that men do not try to physically or sexually abuse women who are politically liberal, the correct amount of attractiveness, or the wrong religion or ethnicity. For those who are still unclear which women are fair game and which women are off limits, Barbara Boxer’s office will be publishing a list of the women she has defended and ignored over the last three decades. The list will be available in Spanish, Braille, and Ebonics. Coincidentally, Ms. Boxer herself is the first woman in the protected column, meaning that conservative republican men should not even think about spanking her liberal hide.

The world now knows the 8 categories of acceptable abuse of womyn, one for each night of Hanukkah. May the men of this world enjoy this testosterone driven holiday, and as for the women of America, I suggest you join a protected group very soon.

Ok, off to find my tennis racket and go visit a certain republican Jewish brunette. Don’t worry sweetie, I will bring some ointment for you after I am done. You may object to this, but you do not have a say. The feminists will not defend you, since your beliefs justify my misogyny.

2009 Update: What is good for the goose is good for the gander golfer. Some golfer with a similar name to my blog cheated on his wife, and she beat the tar out of him with a golf club. Not since Brenda Ritchie beat up Lionel and his girlfriend has a problem been solves with such appropriate violence. The woman did not act like a crying feminist. She got tough, kicked the guy’s hide, and was done with it. Good for her.

As for me, I have no desire to hurt anyone, although I would not mind the radical feminists having their mouths ductaped while I am trying to watch football. They could voluntarily shut up until the commercials, but that has never happened.

The bottom line is either all women should get abused, or none of them should get abused. I prefer none of them get abused. I also prefer to live in a world where feminists actually stop promoting a liberal agenda, and start fighting for all women to be treated with respect. Men and women would both benefit from this.


Hanukkah Night 5–Los Angeles Bound

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

The Tygrrrr Express is traversing Arizona back to Los Angeles. At 7am I am speaking to the Lake Havasu Republican Men at the Golden Corral. Yesterday I spoke to the Lake Havasu Republican women. At 11:30am I am still in Mojave County, speaking to the Colorado River Republican Women’s Federated in Bullhead City.

My evening speech to the Arizona Young Republicans in Phoenix has been rescheduled, so instead I get to drive back to Los Angeles for a few hours of sleep before my flight to San Francisco tomorrow.

No rest for the Tygrrrr Express, as 8 crazy nights in 8 cities reaches Hanukkah Night 5.

In 2009 Hanukkah news, as was the case when I originally wrote this, Iran is still nuts.

Although I am not an environmentalist, I am recycling Hanukkah columns for several reasons.  While some of my columns are badly written and lacking relevant time value, somehow my Hanukkah columns fail to meet that threshold. It could be because this one deals with Iran, and they are, were, and may always be nuts.

That brings the 2007 rehash with occasional 2009 updates.

As the wonderful holiday of Hanukkah entered its fifth night, Jewish people engaged in behavior that strict Islam forbids, that being drinking alcohol and gambling.
The Jewish religion is loaded with alcohol. We even have two drinking holidays, one in March and one in September. Sometimes we show solidarity with our Catholic brethren when the March one coincides with St. Patricks Day. Before delving into the consequences of alcohol, a happy Hanukkah story for you.

Two religious Jews in a synagogue could not find a Menorah with less than an hour before the first night of Hanukkah. Yes, I still remain incredulous that a synagogue would not have a Menorah laying around, but I witnessed this incident myself. These two very enterprising young men quickly between them drank 8 bottles of beer. A Menorah actually has holes for 9 candles, with one of them being higher than the other 8. Therefore, these two creative, but at this point inebriated men drank a bottle of what they referred to as “Rabbi Smirnoff.”

At this point these devoted, pious, and completely blitzed individuals did what any blasted individuals would do at this point…play with matches. By taking candles and lighting them, this created wax. The wax was used to fuse the bottles of beer and vodka together to form a makeshift Menorah. In a reversal on the story of Hanukkah, they had enough alcohol for 8 nights, but miracle of miracles, they drank it all on the first night.

I remember these two guys dancing on the table that night. While they were highly entertaining, the lesson I learned from that night is that for those who want to witness human stupidity, just add alcohol, mix, and wait.

It is in this spirit of overindulging on spirits that I bring up the issue of Iran. Liberals everywhere have just declared world peace, and I can only hope that they all came back from a drinking party at a Kennedy compound. Otherwise, an entire political party is engaging in mind boggling stupidity, reminding us again that, to quote rock group Spinal Tap, “The more it stays the same, the less it changes.”
In 2007 the National Intelligence Estimate stated that Iran stopped trying to pursue Nuclear Weapons in 2003. The implications are that Iran is no longer a dangerous threat to the world, President Bush knew about this, and he purposely and dastardly hid this information so that the Neocons could deliberately wage war with Iran.

Ok liberals, put down the peace pipes and stop smoking whatever illegal substance is inside them. Once again, the suicide of logical reasoning needs to be stopped before we invite Armageddonijad to Friday night synagogue services for jelly donuts, latkes (potato pancakes) and games of Dreidel.
The report is called the NIE, which stands for National Intelligence…what was that word again? Oh yeah…estimate. It is not called the NIC, or National Intelligence Certainty.

Why is it that reports of countries trying to kill America and blow up the world are considered sketchy, but that countries refusing to murder us are taken at face value, no questions asked?

Iraq was thought to have WMD. They were never found, leading many to think President Bush lied, or at worst was incompetent. I have maintained that Saddam did have WMD, he hid them in Syria, and even if there were no WMD, I never cared. The left said we were waging war over WMD because they desperately wanted to have it both ways, depending upon how the war went. We went to war to get rid of Saddam, and we were right.

Libya learned form the Iraq War. Iran did not. Khadafi decided to become normal. Armageddonijad went bonkers.

Saddam acted like he had WMD. Even if he was lying, who cares? If a group claims responsibility for a terrorist attack that they are innocent of just so they can burnish the Arab version of “Street Cred,” then they deserve to get blown to kingdom come.

Armageddonijad is acting like he is on the verge of nuclear weapons. It is he who is saber rattling, not George W. Bush.

Can the NIE be right? Yes. Does it matter? No. Should we blow up Iran anyway? Yes.

Yes, you all heard me correctly. I am advocating that either Iran immediately decides to knock it off, or they and Syria will be turned into 50,000 hole golf courses. They fund Hamas and Hezbollah. They control the world’s supply of oil. They think we are imperialist now? Let’s show them some real imperialism. The slogan can be “kick their @ss and take their gas.”

Jews live today to celebrate Hanukkah due to one thing and one thing only, and that is the appropriate use of overwhelming military force.

I say again that we should take an American flag and shove it up Armageddonijad’s hide until he goes to the toilet red, white and blue. Given his love for the Jewish people, we can hang the Israeli flag from his two tiny weapons of mass sexual dysfunction. In fact, in the same way we brought down Noriega with rock music, we can do the same with Armageddonijad. I recommend George Thorogood and the Destroyers singing, “Move over little dog, there’s a mean old dog moving in.” That big dog’s name is America.

Respected republican pollster Frank Luntz emphasized that the Israelis do not believe the NIE report, and while my heart bleeds American, Israeli intelligence is the best in the world. So before we start inviting Armageddonijad to go shopping with us at the holiday sales at Bloomingdales, let’s keep in mind that this fellow, despite being an honorary Poison Ivy Leaguer, is a terrorist.

He played a direct role in the taking of American hostages. Every one of those 444 days back in 1980 was connected to him. He funds worldwide terrorism.

One does not need to down bottles of Rabbi Smirnoff to understand that this guy is a lunatic who on the surface is not afraid to die. Ask, and he should receive.

The Greeks tried to kill us off, and today Jews celebrate Hanukkah. The Romans tried, and as impressive as their empire was, Israel at the least matches Italy. The Germans tried, and the third Reich lasted 12 years. The Arabs try every few years inbetween plotting to kill each other.

Thousands of years later, we will not back down from a madman that wants to wipe Israel off of the map. If he truly does not have WMD, then he can let in inspectors…or we can wait until planes fly into towers, at which point the Jayson Blair Times will blame the republican president for not “doing something to prevent this.”

2008 Update: As much as Obama will get credit for things that began before he took office and be absolved of blame for things that he can claim began before he took office, one thing even the Obamamessiah cannot duck is a potential attack on America. If we are attacked, people will all of a sudden remember that President Bush kept us safe. Even the Jayson Blair Times might reevaluate things, although the terrorists would most likely spare the JBT building. After all, it does not make sense to kill allies. Besides, I think they recruit there anyway, when not visiting their West Coast Campuses to find John Walker Lindh and his new friends in the Facebook Jihad Group.

2009 Update: The first gasbag in chief grades himself well for things he has failed to accomplish, because he loves him some him. The Iranians have clenched their fists even tighter.
We can try crippling sanctions until the country cracks, which would only hurt the Iranian people. North Korea is proof that this can fail. Or, we can repeal the law banning political assassinations, and take the madmen of Iran out. That includes every Mufti, Mullah, Ayatollah, Ayamufti, Muftitolah, and other multisyllabic hybrids that are merely Persian for the word “terrorists.”

Some will say that if we act this way, then they will. They already are, or did people not notice a British woman being threatened with death for a teddy bear named after the Prophet? Perhaps people forgot about Daniel Pearl and Theo Van Gogh.

2008 Update: Mumbai India…Arab Muslim Terrorists murdered Jews and peace loving Indians. Liberals responded by pointing out that they hate George W. Bush, and it was all his fault. Conservatives debated whether to drop their pro-life views so that liberals would have as many abortions as possible to prevent more future apologists.

2009: Sanctions remain useless. Liberals love to point to South Africa, but make no mistake about it. The world will fight for black people. They are a good minority. Jews are significantly less important. They are a bad minority. The world watched in 1945 as 6 million were murdered, and would happily do so again. Sanctions are a joke. If Iran threatened an African nation rather than a Jewish one then the world would stand up. Armageddonijad knows this.

Enough is enough. Iran is claiming they will soon have weapons. The NIE report to me is toilet paper. It can be used to clean up the Mullah’s palaces when they are eliminated.
At the very bare minimum, which is all I ever expect from the left anyway, let’s be calm about this NIE report. Armageddonijad is a serious problem. World peace did not break out today.
I want to celebrate Hanukkah next year with my fellow Jews. I also want to celebrate July 4th with my fellow Americans. This cannot be done if we are wiped off of the map. Just because some report by a flawed agency says that it will not happen tomorrow does not mean we should forget about the day after that.
Off to play Dreidel while listening to my favorite 1950s songs,”Yakkety Yak, Bomb Iraq,” by the Coasters, and “Bomb Iran,” by the Beach Boys.

2008 Update: It is one thing for a private citizen and blogger that gets ripped daily by some of his own readers to sing songs of blowing up infidels. It is another for Presidential candidate to do so.
I still think it’s funny, and I still think America should print as many offensive cartoons as possible. Some will say that will make us hated. Oh the horror…hateful savages that believe in violence may act like savages and resort to violence.

2009 update. Iran is getting nuclear weapons, and Obama is fine with this. Everything in life is George W. Bush’s fault, and heaven forbid we are attacked, Obama will find a way to successfully deflect blame. Israel will hopefully take out Iran, because Benjamin Netanyahu does nto take marching orders from some irrelevant academic with no real world grasp or skills about anything.

Besides, if we do shove the Israeli flag up Armageddonijad’s hide, we can then spin him around and see which way he lands. I think I just invented a new religious game.
Spin the Mullah! It’s time to serve up Latkes and play Armadreidelijad!


Hanukkah Night 4–Lake Havasu Miracle

Monday, December 14th, 2009

The third night of Hanukkah ended with a miracle.

The day had me driving from Sedona to Lake Havasu, Arizona. I began the day as a radio guest on the Elise Richmond Show out of Palm Springs. I explained the true meaning of Hanukkah, that being that the Jews took their enemies and militarily beat the daylights out of them.

Yesterday, after speaking to the Verde Valley Republican Women’s Federated in Sedona, I experienced a Hanukkah miracle. Unable to reach a Synagogue, I walked outside my hotel and saw 3 palm trees. Each one had blue lights around them. They looked like 3 giant Hanukkah candles. Ok, so it was less a miracle than a bizarre and pleasant coincidence, but religions declare every little thing a miracle, so this was a miracle. Anyway, I decided to bless these trees. If they die tomorrow, then we know that God still loves giving the Jews, or at least me, a hard time.

Or it means that another coincidence occurred. If these trees get chopped down by a Christian, I will declare the return of the crusades. Or it will be somebody trying to get a Christmas tree for their home. If an Islamist flies a plane into these trees, then it means that Islamists are now flying much smaller planes, which is dangerous to begin with. They are dangerous to land, but then again Islamists seem strangely unconcerned about this.

Apparently this Hanukkah miracle went way off track. I do not even like trees.

I did not talk to the tree. The tree did not talk back. I certainly did not hug the tree.

Nevertheless, it is nice to know that even in an area with very few Jews, at least the trees are Jewish.

Some may wonder why I am spending an entire blogging day talking about a tree with blue lights on it.

Again, should I waste my holiday talking about some golfer? The only thing more boring would be discussing members of Congress that will be taking time away from doing nothing to enjoy their own holidays.

Today I speak to the Lake Havasu Republican Women’s Federated.

In other news, nothing is happening. Islamists are still trying to kill us, and we are busy worrying about some fellow who takes time away from wearing ugly pants and hitting a ball with an oddly shaped stick to sleep with hot women simply because he can.

Folks, Jewish trees exist in Lake Havasu. I saw the blue lights myself.

May you all find your own miracles this holiday season, or at least some mundane coincidental occurrences that you can embellish with moderate rhetorical aplomb.


Hanukkah Night 1–San Diego Bound

Friday, December 11th, 2009

The Tygrrrr Express is pulling out of the Los Angeles station and is San Diego bound for the first night of Hanukkah.

This morning I speak to the Fallbrook Republican Women’s Federated, and tonight I have Hanukkah on the beach at Pacific Beach in San Diego.

So how does one blog and cover the news while on the road? The same way as always…badly and cavalierly.

So while I may detest environmentalists, and want Prius drivers to become an endangered species, I do believe in recycling when it comes to my columns.

So celebrate the festival of lights, where the second coming of Judah Maccabee is Paul Wolfowitz. You see, we recycled that joke from yesterday.

My friend pointed out that since Mccabee means “hammer,” we can now call the brightest man on Earth Sir Charles of KrautMaccabee, or as mere mortals know him in English, Sir Charles of Krauthammer.

Having said that…

Happy Chaka Khan!

What can I say? For those who do not celebrate this lovely holiday, “I feel for you.” For those who truly want good things in life, the world truly does need “higher love.”

As the Hebrews get ready to celebrate the festival of lights, I shall use the next 8 days to either expand or drive away my audience, depending on any number of factors.

Both spellings of the holiday have 8 letters, so if you add a C, you subtract a K. It is Chanukah or Hanukkah.

First, let’s dispel some myths. People like to pass on beautiful stories of miracles. People hear that the Jewish fighters only had enough oil for one day, and miracle of miracles, the oil magically lasted for 8 days. For those of you with small children, have them leave the room so some hard truths can be discussed.

Santa Claus is not real, Palestinians are an invented fictional people, the secret formula for Coca Cola is (redacted), and the person who shot JFK was (redacted). Oh, and this oil lasting for 8 days is a bunch of mularkey.

So what is Hanukkah? Folks, Hanukkah is my favorite holiday because it is the Jewish version of July 4th. It is a Neocon’s fantasy. As a Neocon, I never get tired of the true story of Hanukkah. We fought some Greeks in battle, and b*tchslapped them. That’s it. People think of the Jewish people as constantly suffering and weak. Actually, our history has been our military strength. I have nothing against the Greek people of today, but back then they were the bad guys. They destroyed the first Holy Temple, but we took care of them. Gorgias? Get out of here! Nicanor? Knock it off!

We royally smacked them around, and they have not been a power since. We are still here. For those that are troubled by this…deal with it.

Yet the actual celebration of Hanukkah is a tad bittersweet for those that are educated about this holiday. We as Jews won the battle but lost the war.

What I mean by this is that there was a major difference between how the Jews and the Greeks celebrated their holidays. Greeks celebrated holidays created in the wake of their military victories, which were many. Jewish tradition was to not name holidays after military successes. We did not glorify blood triumphs.

The Greeks wanted Jews to assimilate, or they would kill us. Thankfully we never had to face that threat again. Just kidding. Jews were fighting for the right to remain independently Jewish, without forced assimilation into Greek culture. So after Judah Maccabbee and his brothers helped the people of Israel crush the Greeks in battle, the first thing they did was hoist a flag of victory and declare this military victory a Jewish holiday. So after fighting for the right to prevent assimilation, we adopted a Greek tradition we were against. To this day, some would argue that what Hitler failed to do to the Jews, we do to ourselves through a 52% intermarriage rate.

Cynical people would say that we broke the war rule because we were so used to losing that even we were shocked to have won, and were concerned we may never win anything again. These people can (x-rated, redacted) themselves. Others say that we needed to adopt different traditions to give us flexibility in the future so that we would face less internal conflict when Jewish teenagers needed a historical justification for skirt-hiking and balling Roman Catholic teenage girls. Actually, only I say that, but I am right.

The bottom line is Hanukkah, while my favorite holiday, is the least important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is an excuse to party for 8 days, or 14 days if you count pre and post Hanukkah parties. The only reason Hanukkah gets any attention is because it occurs around the same time as Christmas.

Briefly returning to the Neocon aspect of this holiday, the true lesson of Hanukkah is a political one that the 70-80% of Jews that like to sing Kumbaya with those that hate our guts would do well to heed. The lesson of Hanukkah is simple. Force works. There is no dialogue or negotiation with those that refuse to recognize your right to exist. Survival is not pretty. It often involves spilling large amount of blood. When your enemy is on their knees with their face bleeding, negotiation is possible.

The other lesson that comes from the Jews during this time is the idea of mercy. We did not rape the Greek women, chop heads and limbs off, enslave their people, or indiscriminately engage in deliberate cruelty. We defended ourselves. In keeping with the values that unite Jews and Americans to this day, both remain a people that use their power for noble and good purposes. America through its economic and military power, and American Jews through their sense of justice, help feed, clothe, protect, and defend others all around the word, many of whom are neither Jewish nor American.

Hanukkah is a celebration of serious life saving accomplishments, but it is also a lighthearted holiday filled with food, alcohol, and candle lighting ceremonies around the world. Life for the Hebrew people has had much darkness, but for the next 8 nights there is only light.

So as I light candles and hope that a certain young Republican Hebrew brunette will show up at my door wearing a blue and white Hanukkah bow…and only a Hanukkah bow (negotiations are ongoing)…I look forward to the next 8 nights.

Happy Hanukkah everybody! Shalom!


Hanukkah 2009–8 Crazy Nights in 8 Cities

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

The Tygrrrr Express is ready to celebrate the great Neocon holiday of Hanukkah.

Hanukkah 2009 officially begins at sundown of Friday, June 11th of 2009, ending at Sundown of Saturday, June 19th. Given that Ramadan is 30 days and Christmas is 60 days from just after Halloween to the beginning of 2010, expanding the holiday from 8 to 10 days in terms of blogging is more than appropriate.

I will have wall to wall Hanukkah coverage interspersed with real news.

Those complaining probably are at home watching endless coverage of some golfer.

He is not Jewish, and therefore irrelevant to Hanukkah and the Tygrrrr Express until December 20th at the earliest.

So for those that want to hop on board the Tygrrrr Express Hanukkah train, here are the various stops I will be at.

If I had one and only one regret, it is that none of the cities I will be in for Hanukkah will be Miami.

If there was ever a city to have a Republican Jewish brunette show up at my home covered in only a blue and white Hanukkah bow, Miami would be it. At least I will be there for Spring Break in March.

Even without Miami and scantily clad bow bunnies, there is fun to be had across America.

Pre-Hanukkah, also known as Hanukkah day zero, Begins on the morning of Friday, December 11.

I will be driving from Los Angeles to San Diego, and speaking at the Fallbrook Republican Women’s Federated holiday party in San Diego at 10am. Fallbrook Golf Club:  2757 Gird Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028. Please contact Stella Young for details.

Jewish holidays begin at sundown, so the nights occur before the days. Hanukkah Night 1 stars at sundown on Friday, December 11. There is nothing like a Hanukkah party on the beach. The Young Jewish Professionals of San Diego have their annual Shabbat Ocean Soiree at 7pm. Time for Hanukkah at Pacific Beach.

On Saturday, December 12, I will be speaking at the San Diego County Republican Women’s Federated Holiday Party at 2:30pm. Bahia Resort Hotel, Bahia Belle Paddlewheel, 998 West Mission Day Dr. Please contact Mari Perez for details.

Hanukkah Night 2 is a mystery. I have to make my way from San Diego to Sedona, Arizona. So if anybody knows of a really great Hanukkah party in Yuma, Arizona, count me in. I think I will sleep in Yuma because I have never been there, and it is there.

On Sunday, December 13 in the morning, I will be a guest on the Elise Richmond radio program based out of Palm Springs. I will be calling in from somewhere between San Diego and Sedona. I will be discussing 18th century Russian footwear. No, not really. I will be discussing the true meaning of Hanukkah.

Sunday, December 13–USC Chabad has its 10 year banquet. It will be in Los Angeles. I will be there in spirit.

On Sunday, December 13, at 2pm, I will be speaking to the Verde Valley, Arizona Republican Women’s Federated in Sedona for their annual holiday party. Please contact Joni Dahlstrom for details.

Hanukkah Night 3 has me en route from Sedona to Lake Havasu Arizona. I will be at a Hanukkah party in either of those cities, or whatever is in between. Hopefully they will have football highlights on in the backgorund since it will be NFL 2009 Week 13.

On Monday, December 14, I will be speaking to the Lake Havasu, Arizona Republican Women’s Federated at Noon. Please contact Linda Hasslen for details.

Hanukkah Night 4 will be in Lake Havasu. Finally, some certainty. I guess that means the previous night should be Sedona just to spice things up. Monday Night Football will be played as scheduled.

On Tuesday, December 15 at 7am, I will be speaking to the Lake Havasu Republican Men’s Club at their breakfast at the Golden Corral. Please contact Jim Woodyard for details.

I am not a morning person, and three events in one day will be as challenging as it is fun.

On Tuesday, December 15 at 11:30am. I will be speaking to the Colorado River Republican Women’s Federated in Mojave, Arizona at 11:30am. Please contact Susan Case for details.

Hanukkah Night 5 will occur just after I have completed my drive from Mojave County to Maricopa County, as I celebrate in Phoenix, Arizona.

On Tuesday, December 15 at 7pm, I will be speaking to the Arizona Young Republican League. Please contact Christopher Campbell for details.

The rest of Hanukkah Night 5 has me driving all the way from Phoenix to Los Angeles. After a few hours of sleep, Day 5 (remember days are after nights) has me flying from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Hanukkah Night 6 has me in Marin County.

On Wednesday, December 16, at 6pm, I will be speaking at the Marin County GOP holiday party as the undercard for California Republican Party Vice Chairman Tom Del Beccaro. Please contact Karen Molden for details.

Thursday, December 17 begins as Hanukkah Day 6 and ends as Hanukkah Night 7. This day and night is a total mystery to me. I will either be Los Angeles, San Francisco, or San Jose. I could check and see when my flight is, but that would be boring. The bottom line is whichever city has more Republican Jewish brunettes is where I will spend my time. Actually, special Thursday editions of NFL Football will force the ladies to wait a few hours.

Friday, December 18 features Hanukkah Day 7 followed by Hanukkah Night 8 (there is a pattern here). The Simi Valley Republican Women’s Federated has their annual holiday party at the Towne Center. I will either be there, partying in Los Angeles, or laying face down somewhere sleeping, hopefully indoors.

Saturday, December 19 is the 8th and final Day of this glorious holiday. At night, it will no longer be Hanukkah. Nevertheless, for those celebrating the 9th night, I will be speaking at the Rush Limbaugh Club of Orange County at 6:30pm at their holiday party as the undercard to Congressional Candidate Mason Weaver. Please contact Joe Snyder for details.

San Diego, Yuma, Sedona, Lake Havasu, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and either Silicon Valley, Simi Valley, or something else.

8 Crazy Nights, and 8 crazy cities.

Beginning Eastbound and Down.

Ending flying down the highway headed west.

In a streak of black lightning, called the Tygrrrr Express.

Happy Hanukkah Day -1, or pre-Day 0.


Law and Order Nonsense Saturday

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

For those of you who skip this column, do not worry about missing anything. Apparently America is closed for a few days because of the holidays.

Today is Nonsense Saturday, because that is all that I see around me.

Therefore, I offer a combination of disjointed thoughts on a few issues that range from whatever constitutes opposite ends of a range.

First of all, only in America could an entire news cycle be dedicated to a professional athlete having a driving accident that might possibly involve something but might not.

If ever a story deserved short shrift, this non-story is it. Here is my input.

Tiger Woods is the perfect spokesperson for golf. He is colossally boring, and so is golf. He is a great golfer, which does not make him remotely interesting. Somewhere out there a guy exists who manufactures ball bearings better than anybody else. Hooray. Tiger Woods is as far from the Dos Equis guy on the interesting scale as our President is. Being boring is not a crime. Elevating boring people to interesting status is a waste. Stay thirsty, my friends.

One news story that actually is serious is being treated like a childhood prank. A scheming bimbo desperate to be seen as relevant crashed a White House party and managed to meet the President.

No, not Katie Couric, that ideologically bigoted slutty dancer shaking her badonkadonk while turning her nose up at other women. The other one. If this event had any more useless wannabe flesh candy, it would be the Clinton White House.

As for Mr. and Mrs. Salahi, waterboard them. Or beat the heck out of them in a private room. Burn them with cigarettes if need be. Just do something.

This was not a harmless prank akin to toilet papering somebody’s yard. This was a serious security breach. I don’t have to have voted for President Obama to pray for his safety. The idea that he was not in danger is ludicrous. Anybody that ever breaches his security potentially puts his life in danger.

In private, I hope he bangs his fist on the table and demands that heads roll, whether it be resignations or more. What if this couple had anthrax or something else that would not be picked up by metal detectors?

They wanted to be on a reality show. I say make them America’s Most Wanted.

It was funny when Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson became Wedding Crashers. The Salahis are not funny. They are criminals.

I would spend more time on this but America is asleep from either Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, or Nonsense Saturday. It would not be the first time one of my columns put people to sleep.

Too many people think Law and Order is just a television show.

Which leads me into my next random segue in the great tradition of Larry King Live, an oxymoron if there ever was one (Thank you Evan Sayet for that joke).

Why is Law and Order so d@mn predictable?

I can save you all 20 years of watching this once solid program that is now just liberal blather. Here are a couple things that sum up the show.

First of all, if there are four suspects, three of them are white, and the fourth one is black, the black guy is automatically innocent. There is no way he did it. For those who do not know, the American crime statistics are wrong. 95% of all violent crime is committed by rich, white, Republican, investment bankers.

Folks, Wall Street has its share of greed, but men in navy blue suits with red and blue diagonal neckties are not out murdering people. For those who want to say that they are killing society metaphorically, this show is about murders in the literal sense. Minorities are victims, as corporate white executives bludgeon minorities on the street during their three martini lunch breaks.

More importantly, the level of the crime is predetermined by the number of Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) barking orders.

PBWG Level 1 usually involves the phrase “One Police Plaza is all over my @ss!” Then the guy storms off.

PBWG Level 2 has another guy show up with his military uniform on with all of his medals. He growls, “The Mayor is all over my @ss!”

PBWG Level 3 is like Defcon Highest Level. At that point it gets kicked up to the Governor (Donald Shalvoy is an Eliot Spitzer character played brilliantly by Tom Everett Scott, a Tom Hanks lookalike, only balder.) or Fred Thompson.

Law and Order worked when Sam Waterston, aka arrogant liberal gasbag Jack McCoy, was the number two guy. He would get bombastic, and Fred Thompson’s Arthur Branch would calmly, and I am paraphrasing, say “sit your liberal @ss down McCoy.”

Even when the boss was a liberal, Stephen Hill as Adam Schiff was great. His answer to everything was “Make it go away. Offer him a deal.” McCoy would ramble on, and Schiff would remind him was that his job was to put away bad guys, not save the world.

Now McCoy is like any other raging liberal with unchecked power.

Without Fred Thompson, Angie Harmon, or even Dennis Farina doing his tough guy Chicago cop routine, the show is just another left wing program. They should just bring in Dixie Carter and rename it “Designing Women.”

No wait, I take that back. May those ladies never be on my tv again.

Some of you may think that Julia Sugarbaker is not worth discussing today. Oh, and Tiger Woods is?

What the heck should I discuss? I live in a country where Saturdays are dedicated to commercials about a “Snuggie” for dogs. Anybody who bought that or bottled water for their dogs on Black Friday should face black and blue Saturday for spending this money when others are hurting.

Sunday is football and on Monday politics returns. Those days cannot come soon enough.

Some of you think I have a masterful ability to say so much and say so little.

No, that would be our current President and Vice President. At least I don’t pretend to be important.

For them, every day is Nonsense Saturday.


Green Bay      @      Detroit

(Green Bay by  10, they win but fail to cover)

Oakland      @      Dallas

(Dallas  by  13.5, they win but fail to cover)

N.Y. Giants      @      Denver

(N.Y. Giants by   6.5, they win but fail to cover)

Miami      @      Buffalo

(Miami by   3, they cover)

Carolina      @      N.Y. Jets

(N.Y. Jets by  3, upset special, Carolina wins outright)

Cleveland      @      Cincinnati

(Cincinnati  by  14, they cover)

Arizona      @      Tennessee

(Tennessee by  1, they cover)

Indianapolis      @      Houston

(Indianapolis  by  3, upset special, Houston wins outright)

Chicago      @      Minnesota

(Minnesota by  11, they cover)

Tampa Bay      @      Atlanta

(Atlanta  by  12, they win but fail to cover)

Washington      @      Philadelphia

(Philadelphia  by  9, they win but fail to cover)

Seattle      @      St. Louis

(Seattle by  3, they cover)

Kansas City      @      San Diego

(San Diego  by  13.5, they win but fail to cover)

Jacksonville      @      San Francisco

(San Francisco  by  3, upset special, Jacksonville wins outright)

Pittsburgh      @      Baltimore

(Baltimore by  2.5, they cover)

New England      @      New Orleans

(New Orleans by   3, upset special, New England wins outright)


Black Friday

Friday, November 27th, 2009

Like many of you, I enjoyed a good Swanson dinner derivative yesterday and watched 9 hours of football plus highlights, or in the case of the Raiders, lowlights.

Thanksgiving Thursday is in the bag, and now it is time for Black Friday 2009.

That reminds me, I really hate it when I try to write a column and I keep getting interrupted. Anyway, the interruption is not your concern. It has already passed for now. Back to Black Friday.

(Not to be confused with “Back in Black Friday,” a pre-weekend party ritual involving lots of rock group ACDC and people in short skirts. Sadly, it is men, and they are kilts.)

I am so sick and tired of these politically correct holidays. Look, having a holiday for Martin Luther King Jr. is fine. Black history month is fine, although I have no idea why February was chosen instead of January. Wouldn’t it make sense to have MLK Day be during black history month?

The truth behind that is that racist white politicians made a deal with black leaders, a sort of compromise. February used to be 31 days. To balance the lunar calendar with the solar calendar, three days needed to be eliminated from the calendar. The compromise gave February as black history month, but February was reduced from 31 to 28 days.

Yet at some point Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson need to stop meddling. Do we really need another million man march today? This whole black Friday thing is just another feel good ebonics type…

Wait, hold on one second. Somebody just slipped me a piece of paper. Well now, this is embarrassing. Apparently black Friday has nothing to do with race or politics.

Ok, so black Friday obviously deals with Wall Street. Can we all stop whining about the stock market? Trading is always light the day after Thanksgiving, so even a market drop today really should not be overanalyzed. Stocks go up, stocks go down. Stop being glued to CNBC. It’s not like CNBC is the NFL Network or ESPN. Get lives.

Oh no, another interruption and another piece of paper. Apparently those reading the front page of the Wall Street Journal can just skip and go to the editorial pages. Black Friday has nothing to do with the stock market or any financial matter.

Ok, in sports news, today is Silver and Black Friday. I would like to congratulate the Oakland Raiders on a spectacular victory. The ticker tape parade is in order. It is about time the team started winning and…

Sheesh, can a guy write a sports column without being bothered. Well apparently another note scribbled in crayon has confirmed that the Raiders lost again, and that black Friday is not happening in Oakland or anywhere else due to anything sports related.

So if it is not about sports, politics, or business, then a certain individual who is not even close to being well rounded is unaware of black Friday.

That’s it. It is historical. We are back in the dark ages. Some people worry about bird or swine flu. We should be worrying about the resurgence of the Bubonic plague. Oh lord, I knew we should have quarantined those kids today. Now they will be sick all weekend. I am not an expert on medicine but…

You know, these notes are beginning to make me feel like I don’t know what I am talking about, even more way off base than usual.

I can’t stand the hassle of trying to write this column. I need peace and quiet away from everybody. I need a place where I can be by myself.

That’s it. I can go to the mall. After all, Thanksgiving is over, people are back at work, and the stores should be empty.

Hey, who and where is the person throwing spitballs at me? Oh, they are big notes. Hmm, apparently black Friday is about soccer moms killing each other over some Furby, Elmo, Garbage Patch Kid, or other toy that is to be given at another holiday celebrating peace and love.

(In a tangent even irrelevant for this column, one hilarious guys t-shirt I saw had a downward pointing arrow with a sign that said, “Tickle THIS Elmo.”)

Do they call it black Friday because the women give each other black eyes when fighting over the last toy?

If only there was a solution.

Actually, there is. Forget swine flu. The only pork product of today is pig Latin. The word “be,” as in “to be or not to be,” in pig Latin is pronounced “eBay.”

I don’t even have to leave my condo today. Heck, I can eat my lunch, watch more football highlights, buy sports stuff, and…well whatever else it is that people do.

I think I will take a nap. Off to close the shades, close my eyes, and block out all of the interruptions and distractions.

Now THAT is black Friday I can believe in.

Now shut the heck up Elmo. I am trying to sleep.


Solitary Confinement Thanksgiving 2009

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

After weeks of traveling, the Tygrrrr Express is spending Thanksgiving 2009 in solitary confinement in my Los Angeles condo. Please do not cry for me Argentina. I am fine. One set of friends had me over for a pre-Thanksgiving meal last week, and another set of friends did the same this past Tuesday. I had offers to go places this year, but I could use the rest. It is health for people to be comfortable in their own skin.

My parents never celebrated holidays, so a Swanson dinner is just fine. I can catch up on paperwork and plan the rest of my year and 2010.

Actually, this is my favorite time of year because it is the only time with five straight days of football. In addition to Thursday with the Lions and Cowboys, the regular games on Sunday and Monday night, and college games on Saturday, even Friday offers fare. Growing up was the annual Oklahoma vs Nebraska game. I miss that game. I have never been to either state, but I rooted for Nebraska because Tom Osborne was the good guy while Barry Switzer was the outlaw.

This Thanksgiving has the Green Bay Packers at the Detroit Lions at 9:30am, The Oakland Raiders at the Dallas Cowboys at 1:15pm, and the New York Giants at the Denver Broncos at 5:20pm. The Raiders game is another reason I am in solitary confinement. They have won one game in a row, and I do not want to be around children if I have to say bad words.

Before getting to those that I am thankful to know, the list only contains people who have helped me regarding my career as a blogger, author, and public speaker. So if you are a family member or longtime friend, let it go. Chances are I like you.

Since most of you have no idea who these people are that I am thanking, that is at the end. With that, I am now offering my (barely) annual updated list of what I am…and am not…thankful for.

Surely I can put aside partisan griping on this holiday. No, that is what Yom Kippur is for. Rather than give you something that flows, I feel you all deserve nothing less on this holiday than disjointed musings.

I am thankful that I belong to a rich religion in Judaism that has 6000 years of traditions.

I am not thankful for the fact that a bunch of crazy Arabs in the Middle East think they will get 72 virgins for blowing Jews up. Oh, and I wish we had the oil.

As awful as the Raiders are, I am thankful it is football season.

I am not thankful for the fact that I still get bored between February and September, mainly because baseball is boring. I say give the NFL players a month off, and have a second season.

I am thankful for the fact that any woman would want to sleep with me, and that enough have…well not enough ever, but enough for this moment.

I am not thankful for the fact that no woman I have ever dated has developed laryngitis. Can a guy watch the game in peace?

I am thankful for Republican Jewish brunettes.

I am not thankful for the fact that their Republican upbringing often involves being taught about chastity, abstinence, and other issues that make religious people zealots. It is also tragic that the women that want to get buck wild are liberal outside of the bedroom as well, and again, refuse to come down with laryngitis.

I am thankful to live in Los Angeles, where the weather is gorgeous, and the jacuzzi water is perfect year round.

I am not thankful for the fact that Los Angeles is the plastic capital of the world, where women visit my jacuzzi year round only because my dad is a movie producer (actually he is a retired schoolteacher, but mercenaries beget mercenaries).

I am thankful for the fact that I live in America, the greatest nation on Earth.

I am not thankful for the fact that half the population loves America not for what it is, but for what they want it to be. Their prescriptions may have us fleeing to Mexico for a better quality of life in a generation.

I am thankful for the fact that a guy with screws loose who has unhealthy fascinations with Susan Boyle and Monique from Showtime at the Apollo can become a successful blogger, author, and public speaker

I am not thankful for the fact that this country has sunk so low on the lowest common denominator scale that people would spend one minute of their life reading about some blogger that has unhealthy fascinations with Susan Boyle and Monique from Showtime at the Apollo.

I am thankful that in America, anybody can become President, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.

I am not thankful for the fact that so many guilty white liberals will vote for empty suits whose only noticeable quality is their race, gender or ethnicity.

I am thankful that I understand the beauty behind Thanksgiving, and how it represents the spirit of harmony and the resilience of the American spirit.

I am not thankful that I live in a nation where public schools are declining so rapidly that in 20 years they might not know what this holiday is about.

I am thankful for the fact that I am free to practice my religion, even though I am not Christian.

I am not thankful for the fact that Christmas starts two months in advance, and that the day after Thanksgiving, mothers who preach about peace and love will be trying to kill each other with shopping carts to get the last Elmo, Furby, Garbage Patch Kid, or whatever toy the toy stores tell these sheep to buy.

I am thankful that Ebay and Craigslist allow me to avoid the malls altogether.

I am not thankful for the fact that hot women in their 20s have to go to the mall, rather than just try on their miniskirts in front of my home mirror, with a rose in their teeth, and my teeth through their miniskirts.

I am thankful that America has the military force to blow up nations like Iran and Syria that could use a good @sskicking.

I am not thankful for the fact that bombing these nations into the stone age will not improve them because they are already there.

I am thankful that circumstances have led to a holiday that is marked by sleeping in late, watching football, eating meat, getting stuffed, and then going back to sleep. Heck, we even have a food that is named after the concept of getting stuffed, aka stuffing.

I would like to thank God, my family, my friends, and my readers, for indulging me. I have a platform, and I am grateful that I am still liked even though I have never once used this platform responsibly or in a way that would improve society.

Happy Politically Incorrect Overindulgent Eating Meat and Watching Football Day!


The following people have led to the Tygrrrr Express as a full time existence.

Greg Neyman, aka the Hat, showed me in 1997 what the internet was. This led to eBay and Jdate, where I do most of my pleasure shopping.

Lara Berman in March of 2007 convinced me emphatically that I should become a blogger. Had she not been a Republican Jewish brunette, I may have ignored her insistence. She is still hot.

Jamie Krasnoo, who over a decade earlier built my first computer, taught me about WordPress, where setting up a blog was so easy that even a caveman could do it. Yeah, I know. I should shave.

Mark Harvey, a blogger himself known as Snooper, was the first person to read my blog and ask me for permission to copy my words onto his blog with proper credit. I had about 10 hits a day at that point, and it told me that somebody out there read me.

Micky2 is a guy living in Hawaii. I have never met him, but he became my first regular reader who did not know me in real life. He agrees with me on most issues, but more importantly he told me that I made a difference in my life. He definitely made a difference in mine. I now have many readers, but he was the first.

Jersey McJones became my first contrarian. I disagree with him on most issues, and he rips into my arguments on most days. Yet make no mistake about. Contrarians are good for America. He keeps me on my toes, which forces me to try and strengthen my own arguments. I have many critics, but he was the first.

In real life, my friendships are long term. It is humbling to know that when readers come to my site, whether publicly or privately, they stick around.

Susan Duclos, aka Spree, had me be a guest blogger on her site, increasing my readership.

Larry Greenfield in 2004 was Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. I met him at a party, and he got me involved with the RJC, which has led to lifelong friendships across America. I initially joined to meet Republican Jewish brunettes, but began caring about issues. In 2007 Larry put me on a panel in San Francisco with Richard Baehr and Thomas Lifson of American Thinker. That was my first public political speech.

Georgette Gelbard told me that I had a future as a public speaker. I never worked with her, but her enthusiasm got me excited about speaking more.That day she introduced me to Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, and that Wekend I also met Cinnamon Stillwell. Both of them have helped me add serious blogging work as a counterbalance to my more lighthearted fare, while making a difference in the Jewish community.

Georgette also got me invited to Restoration Weekend, put on by David Horowitz and his Freedom Center. I met Ward Connerly at that event.

Doris Ohayon worked in Larry’s office at the RJC. She has been an amazing friend. Except for relatives and Nancy Reagan, no woman has my respect as much as Doris. She asked me to be the person to introduce Andrew Breitbart at an event. I would also like to thank Andrew Breitbart for the opportunity to blog at Big Hollywood. That really increased my readership.

The biggest spike in traffic I ever had by far came from Matt Drunk at the Drunk Report, a brilliant satire of the Drudge Report. I am beyond thankful for his link.

Larry Greenfield introduced me to radio host Hugh Hewitt. After vetting me for about a year, Hugh Hewitt linked to one of my columns, and had me as a guest on my radio show.

Through Larry I met conservative comedian Evan Sayet, who does a national “Right to Laugh” series of conservative comedians. He took a chance on me to do a ten minute set, and now I am a regular.

Klara Bergman got me my first paid speech, a 10 minute undercard to the Thousand Oaks Republican Women’s Federated. Rosemary Licata was the President of that group, and she gave the approval.

Chad Everson of the Grizzly Groundswell and Doug of the Stix Blog convinced me to cover the 2008 GOP Convention in Minneapolis as a blogger. I met tons of people that weekend, including radio host Armstrong Williams, who had me on as a guest. Oh, and me, Chad, and Doug slept in a sportsbar that week. It was awesome.

In April of 2009, my book, “Ideological Bigotry,” was published. Armstrong Williams and Ward Connerly wrote the endorsements on the back.

Celeste Greig of the Reseda-Tarzana Republican Women’s Federated gave me my first attempt to speak as a headliner of an event. This was in May of 2009.

In the Summer of 2009, the Simi Valley Republican Women’s Federated had their Golden Anniversary Gala at the Reagan Library. Sarah Palin was going to speak, and then it was announced that she would not. President Peggy Sadler and Vice President Patricia Saraceno took a chance on a virtual unknown in front of hundreds of people. That speech launched me.

Richard Baehr and Thomas Lifson offered kind words about me to radio host Dennis Miller, resulting in me being a guest on his show.

Jay Hoffman introduced me to Sean Hannity and other Fox News muckety mucks. We shall see. It was great of him to do so.

My boss, knowing how much I loved my job and public speaking, gave me his full encouragement to try and succeed full time as a public speaker. While I still consider myself a stockbrokerage professional, after 15 years, in September of 2009, I decided to become a full time public speaker.

I began traveling anywhere and everywhere, speaking to large groups of several hundred such as at the Reagan Library, and small groups such as one chapter of the Republican Women’s Federated in San Diego. It was me and ten ladies sitting around the table. They were delightful. I sold six books, and one of the women was on the county, which led to more speeches. I will not turn down small groups.

I traveled all throughout California, but wanted to go national. The Republican Jewish Coalition sent me to Chicago with encouragement of RIchard Baehr, Ventura County with support of Mitch Silberman, Ls Vegas and Reno with support from Leo Bletnitsky and Don Kaplan, and Arizona with support from Amy Laff.

I even got to meet Stevie Rivenbark, who is the current Miss Wilmington, and a top ten finisher in the Miss North Carolina pageant. I got to go to the 2009 National Young Republican Conference in Indianapolis, making new friendships and lining more YR events nationwide. I also struck of friendships with the College Republicans as well.

Sydelle Rothstein introduced me to radio host Elise Richmond, who has had me on her show.

Through Larry Greenfield and Evan Sayet I met Gary Aminoff, the Vice Chair of the California Republican Party. Through Celeste Greig I met Jane Barnett, the Chairwoman of the CRP. Through Evan Sayet I met Vladimir Cymbal. Val has told many people about my book. Val also helped me get to Indian Wells for the 2009 Spring CRP Convention, where I made many contacts.

At Indian Wells, I met Don Genhart, the Prince of Palm Desert. Don is the Dos Equis Guy without the Beard. He knows everybody, and they all find him fascinating. He has introduced me to many people.

Woody Woodrum and Ari David have both had me emcee kickoff events for them. Being the first speaker at a new organization or event is a thrill.

Finally, on November 13th, 2009, I was flown to Galveston, Texas, to speak to the 2009 Texas Federation of Republican Women’s entire state convention. I am so thankful for TFRW President Toni Ann Dashiell for taking a major chance on somebody unknown in Texas who lived in the People’s Republic of Los Angeles. I sold 100 books that weekend. When I got home, I looked in the mirror, and realized that I really can do this.

I met Scott Gluck through Doris Ohayon. He has me as an RJC Guest blogger. No matter where I go, I want my Republican Jewish identity to be a major part of everything.

Only 11 weeks after beginning to speak publicly full time, I now have plenty more speeches in California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, and beyond coming up.

I have even been an undercard several times to Chuck DeVore, who hopefully will be the next U.S. Senator from California. He and his wife Diane are great. Being his opening act allowed me to open for Jim Rutledge, who is running for Senate in Maryland.

On December 16th, 2009, I speak at the Marin County GOP holiday party near San Francisco.

The Bay area contains dear friends Lisa and Bob Cohen, and David Blumberg. I met them through the RJC.

Yet beyond this, San Francisco matters for two reasons. First of all, that is where I had my very first speech two years ago. I actually have fans now. They tell me that they saw me at that first speech.

Secondly, I am the undercard at this event. The headliner is Tom Del Beccaro, the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party and most likely the next Chairman. In Indian Wells, he introduced me to Greg Poulos, who treated me with much kindness. I met Tom Del Beccaro at that first San Francisco speech through Larry Greenfield.

This incredibly small world really does tie together.

So as I enjoy the solace and solitude of a quiet Thanksgiving at home while watching football, I feel truly blessed. I am not alone. I have so many friends and supporters who believe in me.

Also, that is before getting to those long time friends and loved ones that could care less about politics but care about me. They are too numerous to mention, but I am the luckiest guy on this planet.

Happy Thanksgiving indeed.


Yummy Bouncie Medical Saturday

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

There comes a time when a man has to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

I have decided to become a champion of women’s rights.

The Democratic party, which for decades has been pretending that it cares about women, has decided to take them back to the dark ages of…well, whenever that was.

A liberal wack job in Florida got elected to Congress by claiming what most liberals claim, that most Republicans simply want people to die.

At least the Democrats are now willing to tell women that they can go ahead and drop dead.

The issue deals with those phenomenal God made creations known as yummy bouncies. When not thinking of hamburgers and football, my attention turns to one of the loveliest aspects of the human female.

(The woman below is as titillating as she is married. How unfair. She is a Republican Jewish brunette. Also, it is impossible to discuss this topic without the word titillating.)

Breast cancer kills women. Early detection saves lives. In the first sign of rationing health care and death panels, women are being told, with regards to prevention, in the immortal words of Gilda Radner as Roseanne Rosannadanna, “Never mind.”

What possible reason could the government have for telling women to forget about breast cancer before age 50 and to get tested every other year instead of every year?

(Harry Reid said something in a press conference that I am deliberately and completely taking out of context because it sounds hilarious.

“We have plenty of provisions for women. We are going to make them better on the floor.”

Wow, who knew that C-Span was turning into the Playboy Channel?)

What is it about saving lives that is so objectionable?

More importantly, why should I care?

Because I like yummy bouncies, and if women shouted out that they loved my (redacted) and wanted them to be preserved and healthy, I would be appreciative.

Some guys take yummy bouncies for granted. I don’t. The bottom line is we do not appreciate what we have, or are allowed to temporarily have, if it is taken away from us.

I recently got to play with a girl’s yummy bouncies. They were awesome. Even though we did not make it as a couple, I thanked her for the recreational game of volleyball.

Now could I do this if she no longer had them? Of course not.

Now some women will think I am a male chauvinist oinker looking for an excuse to talk about women’s yummy bouncies.

To these women, they should shut up and be grateful that I am talking about this subject, because beneath all the sophomoric lusting is the fact that women will die if they do not get educated on the facts.

Tom Green once wrote a song dedicated to men called, “Play with your balls, or else you’ll get cancer.” If that gets people to spend intimate moments with themselves in the name of medicine, I say keep singing.

So, ladies, even if I never reap the benefits of getting to see, touch, or taste, make sure to rub and bounce those things for your own sake.

Do it for yourselves. You want to live.

If you won’t do it for yourselves, do it for me.

For those of you who will be on Spring Break in Florida, I look forward to seeing you happy, jiggly, bouncy…and most importantly, alive and healthy.

No need to thank me for this public service announcement. The pleasure is all mine.

Happy Yummy Bouncie Medical Saturday


Miami Dolphins at Carolina Panthers

Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys

Cleveland Browns at Detroit Lions

San Francisco 49ers at Green Bay Packers

Pittsburgh Steelers at Kansas City Chiefs

Atlanta Falcons at NY Giants

New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Buffalo Bills at Jacksonville Jaguars

Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens

Seattle Seahawks at Minnesota Vikings

Arizona Cardinals at St. Louis Rams

NY Jets at New England Patriots

Cincinnati Bengals at Oakland Raiders

San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos

Philadelphia Eagles  at Chicago Bears


Nationwide Comedy Tuesday

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Yes, there are many serious issues going on in this world. However, between constant nationwide travel and news stories exploding and just as rapidly dying, I have dedicated today a day of levity. If something tragic happens today, leave me alone. This was a pre-written column.

In the past few days I have spoken to five Arizona GOP groups and at the Texas State Republican Women’s Federated Convention. Before that was North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and DC.

Today I start the day in the Northern California area speaking to the Novato RWF. I then fly to Southern California past my home to Orange County to speak to the Seal Beach chapter RWF. On Wednesday, the morning is the Rancho Mirage RWF in San Bernardino, with the evening back to Orange County for the Irvine Republican Council,  Thursday is the Pepperdine College Republicans in Malibu followed by Friday speaking to the Simi Valley RWF.

Yes, on Saturday there is a rally in Westwood within walking distance of my home. Yet I might not be speaking at that one. No, of course not, that would make life easy for once. The people who know me best prefer I shut up I guess.

So today is Nationwide Comedy Tuesday, as I offer some lines to various recent audiences.

“It’s great to be here in Arizona. I almost didn’t make it. As a Jewish person, I should have known better than to rely on a Palestinian GPS Tracker. I made one wrong turn, ended up at a cemetery, and heard a sinister voice say, ‘You have reached your final destination!’ I got so angry that I threw the thing out the window, which was good, because 5 seconds later it exploded.”

“Before getting to politics, I want to go over some football happening, because when talking to a womens’ group, the best way to keep them enthralled is to start talking about football.”

“The Arizona Cardinals had a great week. As a Jewish person, I have always felt that the Cardinals were the Jews of the NFL. They wandered all over from place to place, from Chicago to St. Louis before finally finding a home in the desert. They suffered endless defeats for decades until a hero finally emerged to lead them to the promised land. We have Moses. You have Kurt Warner.”

“On offense last week, Kurt Warner had 5 touchdown passes. On defense, Janet Napolitano had 4 quarterback sacks.”

“Actually, I apologize for that last remark. I should never use ‘Janet Napolitano’ in the same sentence as ‘defense.’ She can’t defend anything.”

“Arizona is being overrun by undesirables. They drain the state of services.  They demand new services. They don’t work. They contribute nothing. They are pure parasites on the Arizona economy. Of course, I am talking about AARP liberals. Some of them might be Mexican. I have no idea.”

“It’s great to be here in Texas. I am not going to take sides in the battle for supremacy in Texas. Rick Perry vs Kay Bailey Hutchison? No no, I meant the Texans vs the Cowboys.”

“I have always felt a bond with the Texans because they are like the Jews of the NFL. They were minding their own business as the Oilers when they were cruelly uprooted from their homeland.”

“Everything was peaceful until they were driven from their land by an evil dictator named Bud Adams. Whether it is Egypt or Nashville, it is not the true homeland.”

“Bud Adams wanted to come to the Houston with his team when the Titans play the Texans. I say to Bud Adams exactly what I say to the Palestinians. There will be no right of return.”

“Thank you for welcoming me to North Carolina. It was a pleasure to meet Ms. Wilmington. Some of you asked if I was willing to buy her dinner. Have you seen and spoken with her? I would be willing to buy her a third world nation. I hope she likes Laos. $6 should cover it.”

“Your North Carolina military base near the airport is very impressive. As Veteran’s Day approaches, let me say to all the veterans in the room, ‘Thank you, and welcome home.’ I know something about war zones. I did two tours of duty as a student in a New York public school.”

“It is great to be here in Baltimore. I know you are all concerned about Barbara Mikulski, but don’t worry. Next year she will have a new job playing defense for the Ravens alongside Ray Lewis.”

“For those of you complaining in Maryland about Barbara Mikulski in Maryland, I offer no sympathy. I am from the People’s Republic of California. We have 2 of the 3 worst Barbaras in the country, that being Boxer and Streisand. At least Boxer spells it correctly.”

“Hello San Francisco. It is so great to be here in Northern California among so many of my fellow gun toting bible thumping fascists.”

“Here is a great wedge issue to use against the Democrats. First we should ask the Pelosiraptor if the detainees at Guantanamo Bay should be relocated to her San Francisco district.”

“I’m not talking about the general vicinity. I am talking about where they can hop over the fence and steal her barbecue. Or in her case, the tofurkey.”

“Now I know some of you are thinking that the detainees might be too moderate for the district. After all, the only thing more dangerous than a violent Jihadist is a violent peace activist. Combine them you get a radical centrism.”

“Some of you have other concerns Isn’t relocating them to San Francisco cruel and unusual punishment, even for terrorists?”

“Let’s say the ACLU for once stop acting like themselves and we get the detainees there. We then force Nancy Pelosi to answer a serious question on camera. Should the detainees upon being in San Francisco get gay marriage rights?”

“We can call it ‘Getting Gay at Guantanamo Bay.’ For those who like acronyms, we can call it ‘Getting Gay at Gitmo’ or G3 for short.”

“If she says yes, she further enrages the Islamists. If she says no, she further enrages the hypertolerant leftists. Forcing her to choose…that is her entire base. We have just fractured her coalition.”

“I recommend we put San Fransisco on Ebay.”

“Don’t worry, I am sure there are people in Seattle or Boston willing to overbid for it.”

“Once the Earthquake hits and we float away, we will become part of Russia. This will be fine, since living under Vladimir Putin will be less oppressive than living under Barbara Boxer or the Pelosiraptor.”

Well all, I have to admit it is pretty cool getting paid money to tell people what I think and hopefully make them laugh.

Best of all, wherever I go, I make friends I will have for life.

There is nothing left to say for today, but plenty more to do.

The Tygrrrr Express is on to the next adventure.
