Archive for April, 2009

Dear David Letterman

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Tomorrow will be more of the official announcement, but today is a quick unofficial announcement.

I was invited by Andrew Breitbart to be a guest contributor to his politically conservative entertainment site “Big Hollywood.”

This is an honor and a privilege, and I hope to do the site proud.

I will only be posting there sporadically, not daily. I will still be contributing daily to the Tygrrrr Express. For now, I will only be writing columns connected to the entertainment world, although of course there will be a political angle.

My first column for them was an open letter to David Letterman.

Feel free to leave your comments here, and there as well if you like.

I made one mistake in the article. Although the mistake was completely irrelevant to the overall article, naturally the leftists felt the need to use that to declare their moral superiority.

Ted Kath wrote the following. (I redacted the cusses.)

“you dummf(redacted)!!

thirty seconds on could have told you that!

what a CONSUMMATE, LYING (redacted)HOLE!!”

Ed Grimley of Kansas even gave me a death threat, which I will be turning over to the police just as a precaution.

“the best thng about your column is it identifies you so one night, when the black vans are on the street, they will know where to find you ….
keep that overnight bag packed, LOSER…..of course, you may not be allowed to take anything with you!!

ed grimley

So yes, the liberals are going wild. However, most of the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Read the comments to see that.

Happy Saturday all!


My Interview With Byron York

Friday, April 10th, 2009

At the 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis, I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Byron York of National Review.

In addition to being an admirer of his conservative and clear thinking analysis, I have an apolitical reason for liking Byron York. He and Sean Hannity, like me, wear jeans. We do not like dressing up. ABove the waist is fine. I will wear a nice collared shirt and a tie with a fine jacket. Yet below the waist it is jeans. Seeing Byron York show up to the GOP Convention in jeans made me feel like I was not the only one. Then again, by definition, I wasn’t.

Anyway, fashion aside, below is my interview with Byron York.

1) What are the most important issues of 2008?

BY: “I thought Iraq, but the surge has diminished that. If progress continues on that front, then the economy will be completely front and center. ‘Drill here, drill now’ is taking hold.”

2) Do you have any predictions for 2008?

BY: “I don’t have a prediction for the White House, but the democrats will gain seats in the house and senate. It is looking very tough. The Democrats could reach 60 senate seats.”

3) Who are your 3 favorite political heroes?

BY: “I don’t know about heroes, but I really admired Bill Buckley. He brought conservatism to a wider world. I really wish he was here. I would love to hear his thoughts about Sarah Palin.”

4) Who do you think has been the star of this convention?

BY: “I would say Fred Thompson. He did exactly what John McCain wanted him to do.”

Normally I would have asked Byron York how he wanted to be remembered, but he really was lamenting William Buckley, who had recently passed away.

Besides, Byron York is not a politician. He is a thinker and an intellect. Political parties come and go, but ideas can transcend time. I would not be surprised if the admiration he feels and expressed towards the late William Buckley is one day directed at Mr. York himself en masse.

His predictions were solid. Then again, I am sure even he had no idea how serious the economy would become as an issue only days after I interviewed him.

I look forward to what he has to say next.


My Interview With Congressman J D Hayworth

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

At the 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis, I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth.

Congressman Hayworth came into Congress with the 1994 Gingrich Revolution. He won several reelections until losing his seat when the Republicans lost Congress in 2006. While he has many accomplishments in the legislative arena, he is mainly known by many as one of the driving forces behind tougher laws to combat illegal immigration.

With that, I present my interview with Congressman J.D. Hayworth.

1) What are the most important issues of 2008?

JDH: “Illegal immigration, energy, and the economy are important. Everything is interrelated. With the signing over of Anbar, Iraq has disappeared from the front pages. Sarah Palin did the right thing by inviting John McCain to Alaska. By having him see ANWR for himself, she can educate and persuade him.”

2) When illegal immigration is mentioned, many people think about Mexico. Yet the 9/11 terrorists came through Canada, not Mexico. Do you have any concerns about Canada, or just Mexico?

JDH: “Yes, Canada is important. That is where we have ‘cold terror.’ The Northern border is a problem because of immigrants that overstay their Visas. Some are Chinese, and some are from the Middle East. It does not matter where they are from. We have to do whatever it takes to secure our borders. People can go to to learn more.”

3) Who are your 3 favorite political heroes?

JDH “My political heroes are Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan.”

4) How would you like to be remembered 100 years from now? What would you want people to say about J D Hayworth the person?

JDH: “I was somebody who spoke truth to power. People always knew where I stood.”

5) Is there anything in your career that you wish you could have accomplished that you could not get done?

JDH: “I regret having never served on the Ways and Means Committee. That would have allowed me to do more for border security and national security.”

It was a pleasure meeting J.D. Hayworth. Illegal immigration is a highly charged issue, but there is no questioning that a deep passion and love for America motivates Congressman Hayworth. Politicians take an oath to protect and defend America and our Constitution. Congressman Hayworth takes that responsibility seriously.


More hate mail from Palesimians

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

With Passover approaching Wednesday night and Thursday, and Good Friday leading to Easter Sunday, I need to get the bad behavior our of my system now so as to not sully the holidays.

I am declaring today the day when a new civilization was born, that being the Palesimians.

Yes, I am now referring to Palestinians as Palesimians.

For those who insist on creationism, I may have to rethink my view and lean toward the evolution side. After all, the hate mail I receive from Palesimians is significantly closer to descendants of baboons than anything a God who created me could come up with.

Spare me the “peaceful Palestinians” garbage. There are plenty of Arabs. Many of them are good people. The worst of the Arabs, aka the defective ones, are the Palestinians.

With that, I am now offering their version of reasonable discussion followed by my response.

The woman calls herself Citizen Shelly. I recommend she change her name to Deported Shelly with a little help of some Israeli launched bazookas.

I cleaned up the language.

“Whoever you are,

No way in hell would I sign up for your bullsh*t blog, so I’ll send
this to you directly.

I’m on the side of the Gaza citizens. You are a Zionist @sshole who
sends spam to strangers.  The Israeli govenrment is racist and is
universally hated around the world for what they did to Gaza in their
recent “war”.  What a bunch of crap they represent.

Don’t ever send me your spam racist sh*t again.

You’re goddam right I think for myself.  Israel sucks, and so do
Zionist fascists and so do Aussie fascists.  You’re all racist pigs.”

Now this is what Palesimians refer to as “thinkers.”

I responded in kind.

“Thank you so much! I am now about to make you famous.

You should chill out and listen to disco music. My favorite song from the disco era is ‘Burn Gaza Burn, Disco Inferno.’

Please give my regards to your homicide bomber friends. Oh wait, you can’t. They blew themselves up.

I happen to agree with you about the war in Gaza. I am not happy about it either. Israel should have done much more.”

Yes folks, these are Palesimians. This is who they are. This is how they behave. This is not an aberration. This is the norm.

Somebody throw them some bananas.

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

More wisdom from Michael Barone

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

At the 2009 Republican Jewish Coalition winter leadership meeting in Fort Lauderdale, I had the pleasure of once again seeing Michael Barone.

Michael Barone is the author of the Almanac of American Politics. He also writes for U.S. News and World Report.

I originally met him at Restoration Weekend in Santa Barbara in May of 2008. He agreed to an interview, which we did in September of 2008 at the GOP Convention in Minneapolis.

One word that people across the political spectrum use to describe Michael Barone is “respected.” Some people assume that he is neutral. This is not the case. He is a conservative. However, he simply keeps his political biases out of his reporting. This is why he is respected. It is called professionalism.

Yet the audience he was speaking to in Fort Lauderdale was a partisan audience. This allowed him to remove his sense of balance and feed the crowd a few partisan lines.

Yet his specialty is analysis, which he delivered with the eloquence and thoroughness that America has come to expect from him. With that, I offer more wit and wisdom from Michael Barone.

“Let me take a quick poll of the audience. Are there any MSNBC fans here (not a single hand went up)? How about CNN? No supporters for the Clinton News Network? Ok, not too many. How about Fox News? Wow, the entire room. I see we have a fair and balanced audience here.”

“Please turn off your cellphones. I don’t want any of you to get interrupted by a call from Rudy Giuliani’s wife.”

“There are two types of politics that take place over various time periods. There is trench warfare politics, and open politics. Trench warfare politics leaves the status quo. This was the case from 1983 through 1991, when we had the Republicans in the White House and the Democrats controlling Congress.

From 1992 through 1995 we had open politics. There was upheaval. We had the fall of Communism, Ross Perot, and Colin Powell. I have said before that 19% of Americans in 1992 voted for a guy who was clinically insane.

From 1995 through 2005, we went back to trench warfare politics, with the parties reversing roles. The Democrats held the White House and the Republicans controlled Congress.

In 2005 and 2006 we went back to open politics. Upheaval came in the form of Hurricane Katrina, Iraq, and Mark Foley. The GOP had their bond of faith with the American public snapped.”

“Four years ago the Republicans were talking about GOP majorities forever. Now the Democrats are saying it.”

“Who would have thought that Obama would have beaten Hillary Clinton? Clinton actually gained more votes in the primaries. We all assumed that she was going to fly in on her broomstick into the Whie House.”

“John McCain did not win majorities. He won pluralities in a series of winner take all primaries.”

“There has been change on major issues. $4 gasoline changed many people on the issue of drilling. People went from concern over the pristine environment to an attitude of ‘nuke the caribou.'”

“On Iraq, despite the mainstream media, people appreciated the surge.”

“John McCain and Sarah Palin were ahead in September, but the responses of the presidential candidates to the financial crisis was telling.”

“The 2008 numbers are not etched in stone. The ground is unsteady. The numbers are in sand.”

“There are strengths and weaknesses in the Obama coalition. He won the top and bottom Americans with regards to money and education. He won those that earned less than $50,000 and more than $200,000, but lost those inbetween. He won among people with a High School diploma or less and a post graduate degree or more. He lost those inbetween.”

“Obama wants to place a 90% tax on AIG bonuses. That actually comes to 102% with New York City taxes. Only Italy has done that. Only in Charles Rangel’s district could 102% of income be taxed. Rangel’s constituents that are on the upscale end of the socioeconomic ladder are votes that are available to the GOP.”

“Christopher Dodd’s failure to disclose his house in Ireland is a felony. Just ask Ted Stevens.”

“Those under 30 voted for Barack Obama by a margin of 66-32%. Those over 30 voted for Obama by only 50-49%. The GOP is looking into ways to raise the voting age to 35.”

“The Democrats are currently in a circular firing squad. Timothy Geithner is fighting with Christopher Dodd. Neither one of them is being a grownup.”

“There are tensions between President Obama’s 21st century campaign vs. his 20th century proposals, like a new welfare state. He wants to remove popular deductions on mortgages and charitable giving. We have gone from Alex de Tocqueville to Central Command. His campaign was decentralized. Yet government is centralized for Obama.”

“Do we want to be like France where government decides everything? That takes away our choices. Do we want the Teamsters and federal arbitrators controlling the workplace? The Union of Auto Workers handbook has 5000 pages of work rules. The Japanese have more cooperative relationships between workers and management, and have greater profits.”

“Young people like Obama, but the issue for the GOP to emphasize is choice. Young people like choice. On health care, Obama is offering less choice.”

“In Russia in 1989, if you had heart trouble, care for that was on the fifth floor. There was no elevator. That was one way to reduce costs.”

“Yelling ‘lower taxes’ will not bring everyone to the GOP’s side. The key is to relate to people’s lives. Either we can choose our own future or the government chooses.”

“Polling shows that people have not shifted away from markets to government. The changes have been marginal, not major.”

“The 1930s and 1970s were political inflections because the next decade after these periods provided positive results. The 1940s validated the 1930s government intervention. The 1980s validated markets, which led to Morning in America and winning the Cold War.”

“We are not at an inflection period yet. We are at an earlier stage in the process.”

“We are now in a period of open politics. The main thing the GOP must do in making the case is by finding and running good candidates.”

When I spoke with Michael Barone, I let him now how much I enjoyed his Santa Barbara presentation. I also told him that I asked Larry Sabato who would win an electoral smackdown between the two, and that Mr. Sabato immediately ceded the crown to Mr. Barone. Mr. Barone laughed, and while appreciating the compliment, said that he is constantly researching because things change so rapidly. Also, he has been studying politics for decades now.

As always, it was a pleasure meeting Michael Barone. I hope his predictions going into 2010 are good news for Republicans, because he is usually right.


Ideological Bigotry–My book is now available

Sunday, April 5th, 2009


My book, Ideological Bigotry, is now in stores and available for purchase.

Ideological Bigotry is the hatred of people based on their political views. It is just as harmful as racial or ethnic bigotry, but gets less attention.

The book can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or through iUniverse. freechatrooms

Below is the picture of the hard cover copy.

For legal reasons, I had to use a picture different than the one on my blog. Simply put, after much searching, I cannot find out who owns the rights to that picture.

Below are a couple of testimonials that will be found on the back cover.

“Many will find this reading highly charged, and most controversial. But hey, that’s what we have come to expect from Eric aka The Tygrrrr Express!”

Radio Host Armstrong Williams

“You don’t have to be a political ‘conservative’ or agree with every word in this book to appreciate Ideological Bigotry. In a society that professes to value tolerance and dissent, America has become infested with bigots who taunt, intimidate and even hate those who dare to disagree with them.  Eric exposes this evil in a witty and insightful manner that makes for very delightful reading.  Unlike many who beat you over the head about this problem, his wit and sense of ridicule are a welcome relief.  A great read!”

Ward Connerly—Chairman, American Civil Rights Institute

I am described as “politically conservative, morally liberal, and completely off kilter.”

If you would like me to come to your city to do a book signing, then invite me! I am arranging a book tour as we speak.

I am also available for television and radio interviews.

I had no say in the price of the book. As for free copies, please understand that if I gave the book away, this would not be a successful business venture!

I will be autographing copies of the hard cover version.

My goal is to visit all 50 states, so at some point, your hard cover book WILL be autographed.

If I left you out of the acknowledgments, again, don’t resort to verbal violence. Every person that I have ever corresponded with through the Tygrrrr Express has made it a special place.

After you have purchased the book, please let me know that you did so.

Lastly, just know that while I am the person who wrote the book, and writes the blog, every single one of you is what makes it worth while.

Thank you very much.

Now please go buy my book!

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

Great Americans

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Today is a Sunday dedicated to some great Americans and more. Great Americans can be found anywhere and everywhere.

I will keep it simple today and just say that people can tell their stories  better than I can. Those stories are below.

For those that still do not know the truth regarding Israel, I recommend that you get your Israel news first hand from the Israpundit.

A powerful movie is coming out that pays homage to who and what safeguards our liberty. The movie is called “Forgotten Heroes.” Always remember.

The Slavblog has an interesting take on our current leader.

My friend Larry Greenfield is a fellow at the Claremont Institute. He now does weekly podcasts, including one with Conservative comedian Evan Sayet, also a friend of mine.

The Townhall blog Outside of the Box has a full throttled trilogy defending President George W. Bush. Read every single word and commit it to memory.

Lastly, many of the truest and bravest heroes are unsung. Well no more. We shall give them their due loudly and proudly. They are the best of the best. This website is dedicated to Great Americans.

God Bless Great Americans everywhere, and God Bless America.


Kukla, Fran, and Ollie Saturday

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

For two years I have been looking for any excuse to mention Kukla, Fran, and Ollie.,_Fran_and_Ollie

For the sake of full disclosure, while I knew it was a puppet show, I did not know exactly what it was. This was not the first time nor will it be the last time that I will have no idea what I am talking about. Some would say that goes for every column I have ever written, but then again those same people probably violate puppies and kittens.

Anyway, as a former stock trader, life can be stressful. Several years ago, one of the guys on the trading floor started screaming, “PBMMJ, Pep Boys, Manny, Moe, and Jack!”

How is a guy supposed to get some sleep on the trading floor when some other trader keeps screaming? For several minutes all I heard was “Manny, Moe and Jack, Manny Moe, and Jack! PBMMJ, Manny, Moe, and Jack!”

I thought I would have some fun and ease the tension. I began running around yelling, “KFO, KFO, Kukla, Fran, and Ollie, Kukla Fran, and Ollie, KFO, Kukla, Fran, and Ollie!”

Some of the traders began checking their research, while others began typing in the symbol KFO to check the charts. A couple of guys were so greedy that they thought they would save time by just buying the d@mn thing without any research. Whatever stock KFO was several years ago, you’re welcome. If the SEC needs to investigate any large blocks, guilty as charged.

One of the older guys was about to research the stock when he said, “Wait a minute…Kukla, Fran, and Ollie…wasn’t that a puppet show?”

I cannot repeat the expletives that were hurled at me upon this discovery.

Actually, I can, they went something like ?*!”:+&*!, also known as the word (redacted).

My dad had his own take on the matter.

“It was a stupid, moronic show.”

My mother was nicer.

“It was perfectly harmless.”

My father had his rebuttal, which resembled his original opening argument.

“It was a stupid, moronic show.”

His closing argument was equally pleasant.

Well I am bringing the show back today on Kukla, Fran, and Ollie Saturday.

Anyway, for those of you who would rather think about anything else, here are some sites that aired during the commercials of the show.

Actually, that is not true. However, consider this the commercials of my column. Check out these sites.

My Uncle Joey does business consulting. My endorsement of him does not in any way imply a reverse endorsement. However, for those that need top notch business consulting services, utilize him.

My friend Mare Mare has a cool music site. She is a brunette, and has in her life voted right of center.

My friend Laura also has a music site. Also, she is a Republican Jewish brunette.

My friend Harold is doing real estate. He is a Jewish Republican. Yes he has brown hair, but don’t go there girlfriend (I learned that from Oprah).

Ok, enough commercials. Back to the program.

Now, given that in previous columns I pointed out that C3PO was gay, and posited the question of what would happen if he got in a fistfight with Wembley from Fraggle Rock, it is time to throw Kukla, Fran, and Ollie into the mix.

Fran was a tough woman. She could take C3PO.

Kukla and Ollie together still couldn’t take Wembley. Besides, they would all end up dancing and forgetting about the fight.

So if we could just ship old tapes and tape players with copies of these shows around the globe, there would be world peace.

Ok, 22 minutes has been spent on this derailed thought train. May you all have a pleasant Kukla, Fran, and Ollie Saturday. See you next time, back in 1957.


Meeting Elliott Abrams

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

At the 2009 Republican Jewish Coalition winter leadership meeting, I had the pleasure of meeting Elliott Abrams.

Elliott Abrams was the Deputy National Security Adviser for Global Democracy Strategy under President George W. Bush. His expertise and analysis of foreign policy, particularly the Middle East, is virtually unparalleled.

(His comments were off the record and have since been redacted.)

Elliott Abrams offered a sobering assessment of the region, but it was not grim. He has hope, but not a Pollyanna based naivete.

I spoke briefly to Mr. Abrams briefly in front of Ari Fleischer. I asked them both the same question.

“How is President Bush? Is he at peace, or has everything gotten to him?”

They both let me know that they would be speaking to him soon, but that in recent visits with him, he was absolutely at peace. He is a man who remains comfortable in his own skin. He did what he felt was right, and is comfortable with his actions and decisions.

I thanked them both, and let them know that I will go to my grave knowing that with regards to the biggest issue, the War on Terror, that they did the right thing. Naturally they thanked me. I also asked them to give the boss a hug. I suspect it will be a handshake, but they did appreciate my sentiments.

I am glad President Bush is at peace. Perhaps part of that peace is due to having great advisers around him such as Elliott Abrams.

I also thank Mr. Abrams for putting me at peace as well.

Now if only the region will achieve peace. That will be a tougher task, but the timetable may very well improve if a future Republican President brings Elliott Abrams back into the White House foreign policy apparatus.


Meeting Senator John Cornyn

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

At the 2009 Republican Jewish Coalition leadership meeting in Fort Lauderdale, I had the pleasure of meeting Texas Senator John Cornyn.

Senator Cornyn introduced me to his communications person, and at some point I will interview him. He is a very likable man, and I loved his commercial where he wore a ten gallon hat and rode a horse, as a deep voice in the background sang, “Big Bad John.”

He is also one of the key Republican Senators responsible for helping Republicans retake the Senate. His main role at the conference was to discuss political strategy.

With that, I bring the remarks of Texas Senator John Cornyn.

“I see Senator Norjm Coleman in the audience. Norm Coleman is one of my heroes. 225 votes separate Al Franken and Norm Coleman. That means that 225 votes separate Al Franken and America.”

“If Mitch McConnell were the Majority Leader, you would not see card check legislation or this turkey of a budget.”

“Nobody can deny President Obama’s charm and articulateness, but people are scratching their head looking at what he learned from this election.”

“With regards to terrorists, using video diplomacy only demonstrates weakness and naivete. It is like Democrats didn’t learn from 9/11.”

“We cannot have four years of a president stuck in a pre-9/11 mentality.”

“We have been given opportunities, strangely enough, by losing the White House. We have opportunities in New York, Illinois, Delware, and Colorado. In New York, Hillary Clinton gave up her seat to become Secretary of State, creating an opening. Representative Peter King and former Governor Pataki are considering running. This chance came about due to another bungled appointment by the Democrats. As much as I hate to praise him, Republicans need to learn from Chuck Schumer. He found a pro-life Democrat who sleeps with a gun underneath her bed.This is a great example of choosing targeted candidates from specific areas.”

In Illinois, Obviously Barack Obama is now President. As for his successor, what can I say? Thank you Governor Blagoyevich and Roland Burris. Who could have imagined this? Bill Daley is trying to play cleanup and run, but nobody there seems separate from the corruption.”

“In Delaware, Joe Biden’s chief of staff his holding the seat as a placeholder until his son Beau Biden reutrns from Iraq. We respect Beau Biden’s service, but Americans do not want dynasties.Two term Governor Castle will be a formidable opponent.”

In Colorado, Ken Salazar left to join the Obama cabinet. His replacement is an inexperienced superintendent.”

“Kansas is very winnable. Governor Sebelius was the only viable Democrat, and with her joining the Obama administration, that seat should revert back to the Republicans.”

“In New Hampshire, losing John Sununu was a big loss. Judd Greeg saw the how hollow bipartisanship claims are with this administration. Judd Gregg saw this on the census issue and on the budget. The Democrats offer Paul Hodus, who is an ultra-liberal.”

“In Ohio, George Voinovich is retiring. Congressman Rob Portman is running. On the Democratic side, there is plenty of bloodletting among several candidates.”

“In Missouri, Kit Bond is retiring. Roy Blount is running. Yet the Democrats have Robin Carnahan running. She will be tough. She is the daughter of former Governor Mel Carnahan, who was running for the Senate when he died in that plane crash. Her mother Jean Carnahan filled the Senate seat.”

“In Kansas, Sam Brownback is running for Governor. As I said earlier, Governor Sebelius is becoming the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. That is a good job for her. She was the only viable Democrat for that senate seat.”

“In Florida, Mel Martinez is retiring after one term. Former Governor Jeb Bush would have been formidable, and he did seriously consider running. However, he said no. Governor Charlie Crist is uncommitted, but he is the leading candidate at this time. Multimillionaire Alex Sink decided not to run on the Democratic side. That is good for us. She would have been very tough.”

“Can you say the word Connecticut? Nobody thought we would be talking about Connecticut, but thanks to CHris Dodd’s travails, the state is in play. I personally like him, but he lost touch with his constituents. He moved his entire family to Iowa to run for President. That does not send a warm and fuzzy message to his constituents in Connecticut. He literally moved out of the state.”

“In Nevada, Harry Reid’s numbers are pretty bad. Majority Leaders never used to be targeted, but that has changed. We could have a repeat of 2004, when Tom Daschle was taken down by John Thune.”

“We must raise money. We must support our candidates. In 2008, in Oregon, Gordon Smith raised 11 million dollars for his reelction. His Democratic opponent only raised six million. Yet the Democrats raised 154 million while the GOP raised only 91 million. That was enough to offset the financial advantage that Gordon Smith had, leading to his very narrow defeat.”

Senator Cornyn has a very clear head, and he has laid out a very clear map. It will not be easy, but as he reminded us, we have to do our part. As I told him, I will do my part, because I know he will do his. If I were the Democrats, I would be concerned.

Pretty soon, like the Senator from Texas, the GOP will be standing tall in the saddle.

Don’t mess with Big Bad John.
