Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Marc Rudov–Alpha Male and American Hero

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

The Phil Donahue era has finally ended.

The American male has a chance at salvation, and his lord and savior is Marc Rudov.

For the sake of full disclosure, the Sacramento Queen and I are doing back to back weddings in different cities. The first wedding is her family, the second one, friends of mine. Since this the “meet the parents” weekend, perhaps writing about testosterone driven maledom might not be prudent.

Yet apparently I am still typing. Now, back to American Male Patriot Marc Rudov.

Not since Al Bundy on “Married With Children,” formed “No Ma’am” have men had such an inspirational leader (side note…Al Bundy once scored four touchdowns in one game.).

Below is one of the best quotes from his site.

“Chivalry is benevolent sexism.”

Even the title of one of his books is raw testosterone.

“Under the clitoral hood: How to crank up her engine without cash, booze, or jumper cables.”

The following insight is shockingly yet simplistically brilliant.

“Men built America, landed on the Moon, and comprise 85% of legislators. So, how did America become a ‘womans nation,’ where 60% of college graduates, 50%+ of med-school graduates, 50%+ of law-school graduates, and 80%+ of veterinary-school graduates are female where Barack Obama created an unconstitutional Council on Women and Girls and now wants to institute a Title IX-like push for women in science & engineering?

Simple: men, who have a perpetual fear of not getting laid, never had any real power. Back in the day when women were home baking cookies, couldnt get credit, couldnt own property, and didnt run businesses, men had perceived power.”

The man is not a sexist pig or a neanderthal. He is just a guy that has had it.

“When men are bashed in TV sitcoms and commercials, they tolerate it. Thats why so much is on the air. Corollary: You never see woman-bashing on TV, do you?”

Marc Rudov will take on sacred cows that everybody else are gutless to go after. Nobody criticizes Oprah. Well, he does (No, I am not calling Oprah a cow. Let it go.).

“Oprah Winfrey is increasing domestic violence in America. By being Harpo remaining silent on the truth about violent women, she unwittingly perpetuates the problem.  Repeatedly excusing womens culpability and unfairly blaming men only serves to foment this pernicious societal scourge.

On March 19, 2009, Oprah aired an anti-male show about domestic violence (DV), to capitalize on the biggest news story: Rihanna. Oprah holds men totally responsible for both causing and ending DV. Outrageous! Nowhere on her show was mention of all-too-common incidents of female violence such as those involving actress Kelly Bensimon and NFL player Geno Hayes.

Instead, Oprah stridently cautioned her female audience: If he hits, hell hit again. Fair enough. Missing from her mantra, though, was: Never hit a man out of anger, revenge, jealousy, hormone imbalance, or any reason whatsoever! Also absent from Oprahs show was a reciprocal warning to men: If she hits, shell hit again.”

In the same way that there is a difference between black pride and simply hating whitey, Marc Rudov is not interested in hurting women. He simply wants to stick up for men.

Yet if people only learn one thing about this man, his advice on sex must be drilled into people’s…well, their (redacted).

“Ive written, ad nauseam, that men chase women because theyve been socialized to believe a lie: the male libido far exceeds the female libido; chasing women is the only road to sex. In fact, this lie is the single source of all stupid male behavior.

The truth is, women are hornier than men, every day of the week (hint: thats why they buy vibrators), and men dont have to pay or chase for sex ever. This is the underlying principle in my popular book ‘Under the Clitoral Hood.'”

I could go on and on, and believe me, I want to. For now, I encourage everybody, men and women, to spend lots of time on his site.

All hail the Alpha male!


Rabbinical history has been made

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

Rabbinical history has been made.

I love history. I am not a “history buff” by any stretch of the imagination, but to see something done that nobody has ever done before is exciting.

I find baseball colossally boring (spare me the hate mail, I’m right), but still found the home run chase between Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa to be exciting. The taint notwithstanding, when Mark McGuire hit his last home run on the last day of the season, and the announcer yelled, “70 is now a reality,” it was significant.

Regardless of what one feels about President Obama’s policies, his election is socially and culturally significant. I personally prefer Michael Steele, and his ascendancy to the head of the Republican National Committee should be a nationwide source of pride.

From Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the Moon to the inventions of the automobile and the internet, American exceptionalism has led to a greater world.

On June 6th, a small Jewish congregation in North Carolina will have a new Rabbi.

For the first time ever, the Rabbi is a black woman.

She was not given any special treatment. She went through the rigorous process that it takes to become a Rabbi. She excelled because she is special.

I have never met Alysa Stanton, but I am rooting for her.

While I really do not like making assumptions, I am going to assume that she is politically liberal. She is black, female, and Jewish. Reform Judaism is quite liberal (unlike their Orthodox counterparts that are often right of center).

I hope that she does not teach liberalism in her Synagogue because I want to root for her. I hope she remains apolitical, because from a Jewish standpoint, she is a treasure.

I have a deep respect for those that convert to Judaism, because it is an agonizingly long process. It truly is a test of faith. I am glad I was born into the religion, because I am not sure I would have made it through the Rabbinical equivalent of boot camp. The Sacramento Queen is going through it, and I am trying to be supportive of her efforts.

While Judaism does not proselytize (it is forbidden), I think it would be wonderful if her role in the community leads to more black Americans learning about my faith. There is tension in this country in sme areas between blacks and Jews, and she could be a unifying figure.

One mistake I do not want to make is to expect too much of her. In the same way people have unrealistic expectations for the very mortal President Obama, some people may project their desires of saving the world onto Ms. Stanton. Tiger Woods, for example, has no interest in leading social causes. He simply wants to get rich and play golf. This is his America. We have the right to not only be activists, but stay quietly on the sidelines.

While Judaism, and being a Rabbi, does have political overtones, there are so many other responsibilities.

There are marriages, childbirths, and Bar-Mitzvahs, but too often there are divorces and deaths. Clergy people are doctors for our souls. They have to sometimes help people cope with impossible situations. When the cancer patient in the hospital is lonely, the Rabbi cannot just turn away.

Ms. Stanton will have a tough job ahead of her, but for now I hope she enjoys every moment of adulation thrown her way.

Congratulations Rabbi Stanton. You have made history.



Bicoastal Link Love Wednesday

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

The Tygrrrr Express is bound for New York.

While I am airbound, I offer link love to many.

Tracy at No Compromise Radio had me as her guest.

So Did Steve at the Republican Temple.

My friend Jerry helps blind children.

Help support the education of visually disabled children in Israel by riding or supporting the Friends of ELIYA-USA BIKERIDE.  We are once again join the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition LA River Ride.

ELIYA is the Israel Association for the Advancement of Blind and Visually Impaired Children.  Our mission is to educate and train children who are blind or have a visual impairment or additional developmental disability.  We help them acquire the skills to thrive in a mainstream classroom, or least restrictive education environment possible.

We have a Kids’ Ride, 10 Mile Family Ride, 36 Mile Double Chai Ride, 50 Mile Half Century Ride, 70 Mile Park to Playa Ride and 100 Mile Century Ride.

Michael Tannenbaum

I am playing a musical gig on Lag B’omer, next Monday night on the balcony in front of the Carvel’s Ice Cream on Pico and Beverwil. We are inaugurating a summer music series on the balcony, which will continue on Saturday nights after Shabbat during the summer months. We will be playing a mix of famous Jewish folksongs and rock & pop classics from 8pm until 10pm. The event can also be found on Facebook at:

Brian A. Hoffman
Producer, corked!

David Hini-Slzos

Hauk puts out good rock music.

Tim Maxwell at Critical Bias writes well.

Ron arranges travel packages.

Richard Carroll

Debbie Lee

Lainie Sloane

Josh Bashioum

Dean Allen says:

I need help at the SC state GOP convention in Columbia, SC on Saturday May 16th.

For those who support Operation Gratitude, Operation Mot is just as important.

Jeffrey Jena is a great guy, fellow writer on Big Hollywood, and force behind an animation series known as “The Gloomers.”

Jeffers Dodge runs a site called PopModal.

Rabbi Nachum Shifren is the Surfing Rabbi.

Happy Wednesday all. New York and more adventure awaits.


Wanda Sykes–May her vocal chords fail

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Wanda Sykes has decided to be the latest celebrity to cross the line from comedy into hate speech. Her refusal to let other leftists have all the fun without any social consequences has led her to embrace Ideological Bigotry.


Mom, I’m sleeping, here is an old column

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

I love my mom, but she knows I like sleeping in on weekends.

With that, I present my old column “Dear Mom, Happy Useless Symbolic Holiday.” Updates to the column are solely to create the illusion of effort.

I will call her when I wake up.

No, I am not the worst son on the planet. I am not even in the worst 100. It is just that I was born to parents who simply do not care about holidays. This is not reverse psychology on their part. They just don’t care. I have never understood this, and I plan to make a big deal out of every holiday known to man when I have own family. Here is a contrast, from the beginning to the end of the calendar.

New Year’s Day–I have to find the biggest party in the biggest city with millions of people, be it Vegas, New Orleans, or Los Angeles. I somehow stagger out of bed to watch all the bowl games. My parents get up early, partly because they fell asleep the night before at 11pm and missed the ball drop, partly because they do not want to be slothful like me. They would not know a football from a meatball. My dad remarks that the Rose Bowl is as interesting to him as the toilet bowl.

(2009 update…That reminds me, I need to clean my bathroom before the Sacramento Queen visits again. I miss being a kid. My mom handled that.)

President’s Day–I am grateful for the day off. My parents are reminiscent of when Washington and Lincoln were worth separate days. Given that my parents are retired, I am at a loss as to why this concerns them.

(2009 update…they still say I am at a loss to understand most things.)

Purim–I spend days perfecting my costumes and going to every party on the planet. My parents wonder when I am going to grow up.

(2009 update…my readers still need to remind me to one day tell the story of going pantsless.)

Passover–I go to Seders because I enjoy them. My dad goes to one sometimes to keep my mom happy. We never had one in my home because the grandparents handled that.

(2008 update…Passover with the Sacramento Queen was awesome…all holidays should involve lingerie…next year she insists it would be less weird if she was the one wearing it.)

Mother’s Day–I am exhausted from Cinco De Mayo or whatever other party was that week. I plan to stagger out of bed today at 1pm, and wished my mom a Happy Mother’s Day. I am still in a state of food coma from last night’s dinner of burgers and tacos. Yeah, I overdid it. I didn’t get mom flowers or a card because she finds that stuff useless and cluttering. She read a book and typed stuff on the computer, which coincidentally she did yesterday, and will do tomorrow. If I want to be a good son, she wants me to just live a good life. I hope the boo she is reading is mine.

(2009 update…My mom is mortified at the above tasteless lingerie joke from Passover. I hope the Sacramento Queen’s mom is not reading this. I hope the Sacramento Queen is.)

Father’s Day–Like my dad needs a necktie. He is retired. The phone call is not to interrupt his tv show. If I want to be a good son, spare the useless gifts and succeed at my job, have a decent haircut, shave, meet a nice girl , put money away for retirement, and stop flying so much. Every time a plane crashes, he worries. I wish him Happy Father’s Day anyway, and he repeats his litany of what he wants.

(2009 update…I met a nice girl…he will judge for himself. Either way, I am still saving money sparing him gifts.)

Independence Day–This one is a major deal for me. I break out the Toby Keith, the Mellencamp, and the Springsteen. I need a barbecue with lots of friends. My parents see a kid blowing his hand off with a roman candle on tv and pray I am smart enough not to do so. The fireworks used to disrupt the dogs, they remind me. We no longer have dogs, but my parents wish people could celebrate quietly.

(2009 update…American Joey Chestnut won the Hot Dog Eating Contest at Nathans in Coney Island for the second straight year. Japan surrendered again, although overtime was required.)

August–No holidays. I plan everything through the end of the year. My parents sit, watch tv, and relax…the same as the other 11 months.

(2009 update…I hate August. I have not had a day off since July. These 5 day work weeks are killing me.)

Labor Day–I am excited because the following week, football season starts. My dad worries that my intelligence level will drop because football season starts. He thinks we should have a holiday called “Shut the hell up and go to work day,” rather than give my lazy generation a day off. Nothing we do resembles labor, since we sit at desks and do not build buildings with our bare hands.

(2009 update…I am ignoring all of you because football is on.)

Halloween–This is the big one. I again pick out tons of costumes, spend months preparing, and go to every party, dragging things out a whole week. My parents wonder when I will grow up, the same as the other 364 days a year. I did stop trick or treating when I was 22, but costume parties…come on, that is for adults as well. Women dress up slutty. As I said, my favorite holiday.

(2009 update…The Sacrammento Queen will lord willing dress sluttier than anyone else I have ever met. In return, her list of demands may remain endless. I hope her mother and my mother do not see this. I hope she does.)

Thanksgiving–We never celebrated this in my house. I would eat a Swanson dinner. To this day, if no one is around, I eat my Swanson Dinner, watch the Lions and the Cowboys, and relax. My parents do not like football, but they do sit and read books or watch tv.

(2009 update…The Oakland Raiders play the Dallas Cowboys. It would be nice if the Raiders win, although no matter what, the real game is the Detroit Lions, the first 0-16 team ever.)

Hanukkah–8 days of partying, which I do from coast to coast. I have been in 4 different cities the last 2 years over the 8 days. My mom does light the candles, and I do visit my parents around this time of year. My dad remarks that I should find a nice girl, and then when I tell them I am going to Hanukkah parties, my dad asks which bimbo I am chasing this time. I tell them they are nice girls, and he responds that they are all nice girls, and I have no taste.

(2009…The Sacramento Queen needs to show up at my door wearing a Hanukkah bow…and only a Hanukkah bow.)

New Year’s Eve–I call my parents at 10pm to see if they are still awake. They wish me a Happy New Year, tell me they love me, and ask me if I have plans to start the new year properly. I tell them I plan to sleep in and then watch football, and then both they and I lose interest in the conversation.

(2009 update…this might be in lieu of my snappy remark for 2010.)

I genuinely love my parents dearly. They are good people. For whatever reason, they simply do not get worked up over holidays. They never have.

It makes for a less stressful relationship. Some people have a month of stress trying to find dad the perfect necktie. I just have to roll out of bed, and make a perfunctory phone call that he could care less about receiving.

I sometimes think that they do not celebrate holidays because every day of having me as their son is a holiday. They reject that notion. Besides, if somebody ever created a holiday called “Tuck in your shirt, get a haircut, and shave day,” they would absolutely celebrate it with enthusiasm.

All I know is my future family had better be prepared. Everything is a big deal. I grew up watching the Cosby Show, and everybody is going to be gathered around my table.

Then again, with all the horror stories about people sitting down to dinner and fighting, perhaps I am better off knowing that my parents don’t need balloons, parades or fancy meals to know that I love them or vice versa.

I do call to wish them happy birthday, but they just sit and watch tv and relax. I naturally throw a big party and invite the world.

I love you mom. Happy useless symbolic holiday. I love you too dad. Happy useless symbolic holiday in advance, in case I forget to call. It is Sunday. As always, I will give you the best gift that you always wanted, the one you never had when I was growing up…peace and quiet. I will call in the afternoon so as not to wake you up. Ok, who am I kidding, you will be up 5 or 6 hours before me anyway. I will call you in the afternoon so I can sleep in and get peace and quiet.

I would ask you when “son” day is, but then you would remark about how every day for 18 years was son day, and that you have the grocery bills to prove it.

I could send you a cd of Madonna singing “Holiday,” but you would use it as a coaster. Then you would tell me that you used to listen to “The Coasters,” who sing “Yakkety Yak, don’t talk back,” which is actually something that would make your day ideal if I ever decide to follow that advice.

I love you both. May you be around for many useless symbolic holidays for a long time to come. In my home, they will be a big deal, but don’t worry. You do not have to come or bring presents. 3000 miles is alot to travel for a useless symbolic gesture. A phone call will suffice. Actually, scratch that. Send lots of presents. In fact, any gift you have that you hate, just send it to me. Anything from precious metals to McDonalds gift certificates would be cherished.


(2009 update…I am still asleep…I will call mom later today. That is good enough for her, and therefore good enough for me.)


Dom DeLuise–Larger than life

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Farewell, Captain Chaos.

The great ones leave us way too soon. Dom DeLuise has left the road on Earth for the big racetrack in the sky.


Jon Stewart–Courageously defending his bottom flank

Friday, May 8th, 2009

This particular column was picked up by RealClearPolitics and even made the Drudge Report.

It is on Big Hollywood.

Below is what the RCP website looked like on May 7th, 2009.

May 7, 2009
Real Clear Politics Thursday
RCP Afternoon Edition
Obama is Mismanaging the Collapse of Detroit’s Giants – The Economist
Special Deals for the Govt’s Special Friends – Megan McArdle, The Atlantic
The Future of the American Dream – William Greider, The Nation
Obama’s Health Care Quackery – Shikha Dalmia, Reason
Will Senate Moderates Work Together? – Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix
Jon Stewart, Harry Truman & George W. Bush – Eric Golub, Big Hollywood
Republicans in Wilderness: Is the Party Over? – Michael Grunwald, Time
Revisiting ‘The Case Against Sotomayor’ – Jeffrey Rosen, The New Republic
The Center-Right Trap – Gary Andres, Weekly Standard
Recovery? What Economic Recovery? – Kevin Kelly, Newsweek

On Friday, May 8th, I saw this on the RCP website front page.

“Most Read

Last 24 Hours

Obama is Mismanaging the Collapse of Detroit’s Giants
– The Economist
Jon Stewart, Harry Truman & George W. Bush
– Eric Golub, Big Hollywood

Dems Shun Specter, Undercut Obama and Reid
– David Paul Kuhn, RCP
Obama and the Automakers
– George Will, Washington Post”

Little by little, this blog is growing into something special.


Celebrity Apprentice–Donald Trump absolutely still gets it

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

Life should be based on merit.

The Celebrity Apprentice works because Donald Trump bases his decisions on merit. He absolutely still gets it.


Travis Cohen shocks the house

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

I had the pleasure recently of attending the Right to Laugh comedy night at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. As always, Evan Sayet and Al-Sonja Schmidt rocked the house.

Eric Porvaznik cleverly integrated a couple of guitar songs in his routine. He also let the room know that the comedians want to raise $700,000 so that they can do free shows for unemployed people around the country in cities where times are tough.

A recently married man, Eric Porvaznik offered some lighthearted humor about married life.

“Don’t clap, my wife is not here, I can roll my eyeballs.”

“For those who know the Steve Harvey rule, there should be no sex for 90 days. This is because new employees don’t get job benefits for 90 days. Hey, I’m married. I can do 90 in my sleep.”

The real fun was when he brought out the guitar and parodied “Rocking in the free world,” by Neil Young.

“Blame Barack, it’s not a free world.”

Yet while these comedians rocked the house, Travis Cohen was more interested in shocking the house.

I am not sure if he realized he was in a room full of Republicans, but he left nobody spared. Nothing was sacred.

I cannot begin to describe him. I will let his routine do the talking.

With that, I offer Travis Cohen.

“Things didn’t work out with my girl, and another woman told me ‘There are other fish in the sea.’ I say ‘F*ck fish!'”

“Then again, it might be fun to f*ck fish. I’m horny and they’re wet.”

“Do fish vaginas smell like people?”

“I was enjoying girl scout cookies the other day. I went through three boxes of them. The cookies weren’t bad either.”

“I know people who just bought the new African-American Express Card. There is no bill for 30 years, and it can be used as a credit card and a race card.”

“If we had a Jewish president, he would just circumcise the deficit.”

“I hate when women do annoying things during sex…like wake up.”

“Then they start asking annoying questions…like, ‘What’s your name?'”

“When they ask me that, I just tell them the same thing. ‘If I tell you, you’ll just tell a grownup.'”

“People say that when you’re being talked about, your ears burn. Well a couple of women must have been talking about my penis the other day.”

“I knew I should have kept those girls in Thailand from babbling.”

“Some people say that black is a slimming color. This is not true, because fat black women still look fat.”

“The Chinese built their Great Wall, but America will not build the wall on the Mexican border. They say it won’t work. Yes it will. The Great Wall of China worked. How many Mexicans do you see sneaking into China?”

“I like to read short books. I have a short attention span, so I read short books. Here is my collection of some of the shortest books.

French war heroes…

Amish gangbangs…

Women and logic…

Famous gay Nazis…

Of course, my shortest book is the unabridged Obvama resume.”

Travis Cohen is no shrinking violet. He is not for everybody. Yet for those that like provocative humor, he very well could be up their alley.


Bea Arthur–Farewell to a likable feminist

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Comedians have lost a target, and the rest of the entertainment industry has lost a jewel. Bea Arthur is no longer with us.

She died peaceably at her home in Los Angeles at the age of 86.

She will be missed.
