Archive for the ‘WOMEN’ Category

Yummy Bouncie Medical Saturday

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

There comes a time when a man has to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

I have decided to become a champion of women’s rights.

The Democratic party, which for decades has been pretending that it cares about women, has decided to take them back to the dark ages of…well, whenever that was.

A liberal wack job in Florida got elected to Congress by claiming what most liberals claim, that most Republicans simply want people to die.

At least the Democrats are now willing to tell women that they can go ahead and drop dead.

The issue deals with those phenomenal God made creations known as yummy bouncies. When not thinking of hamburgers and football, my attention turns to one of the loveliest aspects of the human female.

(The woman below is as titillating as she is married. How unfair. She is a Republican Jewish brunette. Also, it is impossible to discuss this topic without the word titillating.)

Breast cancer kills women. Early detection saves lives. In the first sign of rationing health care and death panels, women are being told, with regards to prevention, in the immortal words of Gilda Radner as Roseanne Rosannadanna, “Never mind.”

What possible reason could the government have for telling women to forget about breast cancer before age 50 and to get tested every other year instead of every year?

(Harry Reid said something in a press conference that I am deliberately and completely taking out of context because it sounds hilarious.

“We have plenty of provisions for women. We are going to make them better on the floor.”

Wow, who knew that C-Span was turning into the Playboy Channel?)

What is it about saving lives that is so objectionable?

More importantly, why should I care?

Because I like yummy bouncies, and if women shouted out that they loved my (redacted) and wanted them to be preserved and healthy, I would be appreciative.

Some guys take yummy bouncies for granted. I don’t. The bottom line is we do not appreciate what we have, or are allowed to temporarily have, if it is taken away from us.

I recently got to play with a girl’s yummy bouncies. They were awesome. Even though we did not make it as a couple, I thanked her for the recreational game of volleyball.

Now could I do this if she no longer had them? Of course not.

Now some women will think I am a male chauvinist oinker looking for an excuse to talk about women’s yummy bouncies.

To these women, they should shut up and be grateful that I am talking about this subject, because beneath all the sophomoric lusting is the fact that women will die if they do not get educated on the facts.

Tom Green once wrote a song dedicated to men called, “Play with your balls, or else you’ll get cancer.” If that gets people to spend intimate moments with themselves in the name of medicine, I say keep singing.

So, ladies, even if I never reap the benefits of getting to see, touch, or taste, make sure to rub and bounce those things for your own sake.

Do it for yourselves. You want to live.

If you won’t do it for yourselves, do it for me.

For those of you who will be on Spring Break in Florida, I look forward to seeing you happy, jiggly, bouncy…and most importantly, alive and healthy.

No need to thank me for this public service announcement. The pleasure is all mine.

Happy Yummy Bouncie Medical Saturday


Miami Dolphins at Carolina Panthers

Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys

Cleveland Browns at Detroit Lions

San Francisco 49ers at Green Bay Packers

Pittsburgh Steelers at Kansas City Chiefs

Atlanta Falcons at NY Giants

New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Buffalo Bills at Jacksonville Jaguars

Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens

Seattle Seahawks at Minnesota Vikings

Arizona Cardinals at St. Louis Rams

NY Jets at New England Patriots

Cincinnati Bengals at Oakland Raiders

San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos

Philadelphia Eagles  at Chicago Bears


Republican Party Animals

Monday, November 16th, 2009

This is not your Father’s Republican Party.

I just got back from Arizona and Texas, but last week in Los Angeles I felt like I was in Las Vegas, or at the very least Sodom and Gomorrah.

It was fabulous.

A new “political” group has formed. Welcome to the world of the Republican Party Animals.

I would like to thank Scott Edwards and David Stein for bringing this group to several places in America, including Los Angeles. I would especially like to thank my friend Leo Bletnitsky for informing me of the event.

Several rock bands performed, including my friend Eric Porvaznik. He has previously done a takeoff on Neil Young’s “Rocking in the free world,” with the lyrics to “Blame Barack, it’s not a free world.”

This time he went after the liberals and their excessive lust for our tax dollars with the Georgia Satellites song, “Keep your hands to yourself.”

He then sang the standard versions of “I won’t back down” by Tom Petty before blowing the lid off of the place with a pair of ACDC classics. “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” was perfect for this gathering,” and “TNT” had the whole crowd chanting “Oy! Oy! Oy!,” which some thought was either 1980s Australian football star Jacko or Hebrew complaining. It was neither, since the “oy” was not followed by a “vey.”

Scott Edwards described the people perfectly.

“We represent the smoking, drinking, cursing, gambling, and screwing wing of the GOP.”

“Democrats enact smoking bans. Republicans say ‘light ’em up.'”

“Democrats offer frigid feminists. Republicans have smart sexy women. They have Hillary. We have Sarah Palin.”

Although I do enjoy traditional Republican rallies, the trapeze artist was a nice touch. So were the pole dancers, including the one with the delightful underclothing slogan “Got Pole?”

A “firedancer” named Angeldust dressed in pink and black. I used to think fire was made by rubbing two rocks or sticks together. She managed to rub other things together, and her skills with fire were incredible.

Comedy acts included my friends Evan Sayet and Ari David, in addition to myself.

Yet how do you follow that stuff?

My opening line summed it up.

“The Democrats have medicinal marijuana, but we Republicans have Angeldust.”

I am a proud member of the debauchery wing of the GOP.

This is my kind of political party. The drinks and cigars flowed, the miniskirts of the ladies were hiked up, and the cleavage was barely contained.

If this is what we stand for, we should and will win in 2010, at least among the youth male vote. Heck, among the entire male and non-uptight flaming feminist vote. There is no way the politically correct left is having this much fun.

All hail the Republican Party Animals!


Power and Pressure

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Before getting to football, today I am thinking about what it all means. No, I am not talking about Fort Hood Texas or the shooting in Orlando Florida. I will never make sense of that, and will wait and see like everybody else.

I certainly don’t mean health care because today’s vote means nothing. The President is speaking, as if that will result in real news.

Between all of this and over 10% unemployment, today is a day for escapism. Tonight until 4am there is a group called “Republican Party Animals.” Heaven help us all.

Until then, I am enjoying solace, and I am thinking about what it all means, in my own little way.

I am thinking about power and pressure.

I had the extremely good fortune awhile back of spending time with a brunette whose brains were matched only by a set of (redacted) and (redacted) that I eventually got to play with.

(Hence the words “extremely good fortune.”)

She was over 40, but was no cougar. If anything, it took a decent amount of persuading on my part. Yet as I was trying to explain to her through my actions that she needed to remove her clothing, she made some comments that led to a deep conversation.

Yes, when the conversation was over, I finally got to play body bongo drums with her (redacted). Yet while that memory will stay with me for some time, the conversation will stay with me much longer.

(Or at least almost as long.)

She remarked that I lived in a very nice place. She lamented that so many people like me got to live in nice places while so many like her struggled.

While I have been accused (justifiably so) of letting anything a hot woman says go unchallenged, on this night substance would trump style. Her comment bothered me, and it needed to be challenged.

Yes, I live in the wealthiest nation on Earth, America. I live in one of the most glamorous cities, Los Angeles. It has poor parts, but I live in the nice area of LA. The very street I live on is the dividing line that everybody asks about. When a girl wants to know a guy, they ask if I live North or South of this street. I tell them I live on it.

They react with pleasant surprise, making me reiterate that, yes, I live right on the street that divides the city. I am three blocks from Beverly Hills, but Beverly Hills is rich people that want to be seen. Three blocks away means my postal address says Los Angeles. This is for the wealthy people that nobody knows.

I live in a high rise condo building. The penthouse people have a view of the city. I have a great view of others who have a better view. I wish the Mayor would get rid of the building across the street. Yet I am facing the city, and do have a good enough view.

At no time has this ever let me lose perspective. Yes, this is a wealthy area, but I was never wealthy. In fact, like most people, I was broke when I graduated college.

When I moved into this area in 1996, I did not even have my own bedroom. Four guys lived in a two bedroom apartment. I could have gotten a studio apartment (the equivalent of a “loft” that only starving artists could glorify), but I wanted a big living room. Not having my own bedroom was a non-issue, even though I had my own room my whole life growing up and in college. It was like being in a fraternity house, which I never did.

The building has a heated pool, a jacuzzi and tennis courts. It has 24 hour security guards. Yet I was broke. When one of the guys had a girl come over, the other three guys would scatter. A woman would come over, see one guy in a two bedroom condo, and be impressed. My having a jacuzzi allowed me to entertain women far more beautiful than I ever had a right to be around.

Somebody once asked me if it was wrong to use my place to attract women. I remembered advice from my Orthodox Rabbi grandfather (rest his soul). He used to sell indulgences. When asked if it was unethical for him to sell passes into Heaven, he responded, “No. It is unethical for people to buy them.” I miss him. So when asked if it was shallow for me to use my place to attract women, I would reply, “No. It was wrong for them to be impressed.”

13 years later, I still live in the same building, although in a bigger place on a higher floor. I have my own large master bedroom with closet space that makes women envious. It never occurred to me, but in the stockbrokerage industry, the phrase “fake it until you make it” is common. My friend remarked to me two years ago that somewhere along the line I “really did become that guy living in the highrise condo.”

Until he said it, it did not hit me. I was not faking it any more. I had actually achieved the status I was striving for.

It did not come easy. I worked hard. When I started out as a 22 year old stockbroker, I arrived in the office at 5am and stayed until 7pm. Four days of 14 hours was followed by a half day on Friday, which was still eight hours. Come 1pm, we were out for the weekend. I had the whole Friday to play, which I spent sleeping before going out.

Like anyone, I scratched and clawed. If it was not for the jacuzzi, I am not sure I would have gotten a single date, certainly not from the caliber of women that came over. The security guards were incredibly kind to me. It made an impression when the woman would arrive in her car, and the guard would say, “Ms. (name redacted) is here.” Nobody came up without a phone call. That gave me a few extra minutes to make sure the place was spotless clean.

One time a woman that I was pursuing for two years finally came over. The guard called up and said, “Ms. (name redacted) is here…and she is very beautiful. You are one lucky man.” She was in a great mood before she even reached my door.

Yet as much as this appears to be a story about women, it is not.

It is about life, and what it takes to live in this area.

It costs a high price. Everything comes at a price.

At any minute, anything and everything could be taken away from me. It can happen to any of us.

The greater the power, the greater the pressure.

The stock market collapse of 2000 did not wipe me out, but it could have. I was lucky. The collapse of 2008 was even tougher, but through a combination of luck and skill I am still in the game.

I have always kept my expenses low, but financial time bombs hit all of us. I have loaned money to friends and borrowed money from them. Everything was paid back.

I have had the same friends my whole life. When we are sitting around the dinner table at a restaurant, some make more than me and some make less. It is impossible to tell who is who, which is how it should be.

Spending money does not mean wasting it. I bought a $2,000 black leather sofa set for $600. The couple getting rid of it was simply too rich to care. One person in my building was throwing out a gorgeous marble table. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I still can’t believe they got rid of it. My big screen television was worth $3,000 at the time. I bought it for $800 factory refurbished after doing much research on factory refurbished and getting a warranty.

I do not have a million dollars in the bank. Far from it. Yet I am surviving, and at times, thriving. More importantly, at the risk of excessive rhyming, I am always hard driving. Sometimes I am too hard driving.

Fear of failure drives me to succeed. I do not want what I have taken from me.

When I explained this to the 40+ woman in my condo that night, we reached a very clear melding of the minds. She had had a rough life, and knew what it was like to struggle. It does get easier, but it is never easy.

When we were done tasting the sweetness of life (and the rest), she got up, straightened herself up, and went to the balcony to look at the view. I stared at her to look at the view. She said that what she saw was amazing. I, still staring at her, let her know that I thought she was amazing.

She gave me that look that told me to focus on something besides her fabulous (redacteds).

Yet at this point I was staring at her because I did not want to look out the window. A few weeks later I would finally look outside and get some perspective. On this night I did not want to think about it.

Playing with her body brought me a brief respite from my worries. I wanted to just enjoy the moment, but as I told her, in 48 hours I had some business to take care of, and I regretted having to wait two days to get started.

I just can’t go back to being broke. When one is older, it is harder. I am only 37, but it goes by rapidly.

As I kissed her goodnight, we both realized that what had overwhelmed us an hour earlier was just another metaphor for life.

The greater the power, the greater the pressure.

I have little relaxation, but zero regrets. This is the life I chose.

Everything must be earned. I am still learning and still working.

Otherwise the view and everything that comes along with it will be fleeting.

Getting it is tough. Keeping it is tougher.

She saw power. I felt pressure.


Kansas City Chiefs @ Jacksonville Jaguars

Jaguars by 6½

Baltimore Ravens @ Cincinnati Bengals

Ravens by 3

Houston Texans @ Indianapolis Colts

Colts by 9

Washington Redskins @ Atlanta Falcons

Falcons by 10

Green Bay Packers @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Packers by 10

Arizona Cardinals @ Chicago Bears

Bears by 3

Miami Dolphins @ New England Patriots

Patriots by 10½

Carolina Panthers @ New Orleans Saints

Saints by 13½

Detroit Lions @ Seattle Seahawks

Seahawks by 10

Tennessee Titans @ San Francisco 49ers

49ers by 4

San Diego Chargers @ New York Giants

Giants by 5

Dallas Cowboys @ Philadelphia Eagles

Eagles by 3

Pittsburgh Steelers @ Denver Broncos

Broncos by 3

The Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2009

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

The Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies remains my most popular column of all time, which proves that Americans are willing to put aside partisan politics to look at pictures of hot women with even hotter yummy bouncies.

Yet as 2008 turns to 2009, the beginning of Summer brings the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2009.

When high finance meets high society, we get finance movies such as “Stocks and Blondes,” where the woman is covered only in the ticker tape. Yet even more powerful than the cocktail of sex and Wall Street comes in the mixture of sex and politics.

It is in that spirit that I have compiled the list of the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies.

Technically this is not much different from listing the top 30 hottest political women, except that the focus is on their T and A.

From the front, I dream of playing sexual volleyball, bouncing them vigorously. From the backside, I hope to play Sir Mixalot’s “Baby Got Back,” while giving them the ketchup bottle treatment.

For those wondering why my girlfriend, the Sacramento Queen, is not on the list, the answer is simple. Her parents are NRA members, and I like being among the living. There is not a woman on earth that compares to her in my opinion. Her body is a temple, and I enjoy worshiping at her altar. Yep, her holy grail is quite holy indeed.

Nevertheless, I had a life before her, which basically consisted of uncontrollable sobbing knowing that the women on this list were not mine. To the best of my knowledge, I have had sex with none of them.

Compiling the list was more difficult than I expected. I thought the trouble would be narrowing the list. The reverse was the case. To even find that many women that caught my attention were rare. Politics is mostly powerful bald white guys, and I have never been attracted to the cue ball look.

The list has been divided into the top 10 liberals, centrists, and independents. Given that they were all anatomically correct, this added up to 20 breasts and 20 hides per all three political denominations.

I did not include pictures to all of the women because they were all fully dressed in the pictures, making the exercise pointless.

Several of these women are over 40, and even in a couple cases over 50. So what? Hot is hot.

Also, some of these women have been removed from the 2008 list. This is not in any way to slight them, even the ones that are raging lefty basket cases. One reason some of these women slipped out of the rankings is that they were fairly apolitical, or at least more under the radar in the last 12 months than in previous years. Another reason is that fresher “talent” showed up.

Lastly, pictures of women are specifically designed to increase ratings, which on blogs means more traffic in the form of hits. Women that don’t generate hits get demoted from the bod squad.

Nevertheless, I now bring the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies.

Liberals/Democrats: I left out Barbara Boxer because she is older now, although she was a hot piece back in the day. Oh wait, make that Senator Barbara Boxer. She worked hard to get her job, which means that she raised money and made speeches. Upon her retirement, she will be playing the lead of Kate in “Taming of the Shrew.”

With that, the official list is below.

10) Liz Chadderdon/Julia Piscitelli–They are both Democratic strategists. For those who like the anorexic look, these women are not it. They are both curvy and confident. Politically they remain wrong, but that is for another day.

9) Tanya Acker–I sat next to her on a plane recently, and at first I thought she was a Supermodel like Claudia Jordan. She is actually also a Democratic strategist, and an accomplished lawyer as well. She is smoking.…&p=tanya+acker&oid=526d6c5d6e2c7226&fr2=&no=1&tt=3&sigr=11r55d983&sigi=11ojs9qeq&sigb=12ociiuli

8.) Donna Brazile–She makes this list because of her hysterically salacious appearance on the Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert. She sang “Kansas City,” promising to meet him in a hotel room in that city.…&p=donna+brazile&oid=95ab1b0e6831d1e0&fr2=&no=23&tt=410&b=21&ni=20&sigr=11q4ago8p&sigi=125n07941&sigb=13f9mln02

7) Alexis Glick–This woman thinks that reporting economics means being a sycophant for everything Obama says and does. Like I said, this is a beauty contest.…&p=alexis+glick&oid=eaf7d6e6ee1f84ba&fr2=&no=2&tt=135&sigr=12m3gjug4&sigi=11vica06r&sigb=12qhdnuke

6) Maria Cantwell–She is is a Senator for Washington State. In addition to being hot, she is also wealthy.…&p=maria+cantwell&oid=db15aae450da374e&fr2=&fusr=mgonamission&no=15&tt=823&sigr=11f1bmsun&sigi=11glcaa78&sigb=12sr774pt

5) Sarah Silverman–I am still frightened to death of her for some reason. Her great schlep to Florida for Obama was highly disappointing, and another reason why celebrities should just stick to being beautiful.…&p=sarah+silverman&oid=5bd0cf71113a07ec&fr2=&no=2&tt=15899&sigr=11glln195&sigi=11vl4llt0&sigb=12td2pvo2

4) Christine Pelosi–She brings a camcorder around America filming Republicans. I wonder if she just wants to see them in embarrassing positions. I wonder if any Republicans have filmed her naked in the name of “research.” As hot as she is, remember that she will grow up to resemble the Pelosiraptor. Be afraid.…&p=christine+pelosi&oid=5168d68a91a95cca&fr2=&no=7&tt=49&b=1&ni=20&sigr=11jo0ka9b&sigi=11jvf03hi&sigb=13ht2it69

3) Norah O’Donnell–She is an impartial analyst on MSNBC, meaning she is a liberal. Again, this is a visual contest, with the less auditory aspect being the best. She is stunning.…&p=norah+o%27donnell&oid=5ec3001b698ef5a0&fr2=&no=7&tt=233&ni=21&sigr=11qmrpfgf&sigi=11v2cul1g&sigb=13a803d43

2) Naomi Wolf–Yes she has become part of the lunatic fringe that believes in 9/11 conspiracies, and compares President Bush to the evil in this world. Who cares? This is a subjective beauty contest, and she is a hot piece of Jewish rumpus. Plus, one of her sex books helped me get more than my fair share, which proves that even feminists can be useful from time to time.

1) Alicia Menendez–She is the Jane Fleming of 2009. There is something sexy about an angry hot woman. She looks like she is ready to pop out of her skin when debating Republicans. I wish this Latina would just pop out of her clothing.

Centrists/Independents: Entertainment reporter Shira Lazar would have made the list, but she rarely discusses politics. She is a sweet girl, and easy on the eyes.

10) Lu Parker–She replaces Mirtha Salinas on the list since Los Angeles Mayor and alpha dog Antonio Villaraigosa made the switch as well. No wonder this guy gets such positive news coverage.

9) Alycia Lane–This psychotic news anchor has emailed illicit pics of herself to the married Rich Eisen of the NFL Network, in addition to assaulting a cop. Like the Jerry Reed song says, when you’re hot you’re hot.

8.) Robin Meade–This news reporter has covered everything from the Olympics to the war in Afghanistan. She can cover anything she wants at any time for any reason. I just wish I could uncover her.

7) Tammy Bruce–I am pro-gay rights for everybody except her. We should donate ugly women to the lesbian community in exchange for her. She curses like a sailor, and the fact that I am completely intimidated by her is a turn on.

6) Ashlee Dupree–Any woman that destroys Eliot Spitzer and appears in a Girls Gone Wild video is a Goddess. I normally do not endorse drugs and prostitution, but she is why the lord created Spring Break.

5) Campbell Brown–CNN would have much higher ratings if she was allowed to moderate Presidential debates in her undies. She is a smart woman, but this column could care less. She reigns supreme at the Cheesecake News Network. Additionally, she converted to Judaism to marry her husband, a Jewish Republican.

4) Kiran Chetry–She is also a Cheesecake News Network girl. She was not the hottest woman at Fox News, but at CNN where the journalistic standards are lower, her legs fit in perfectly.

3) Lauren Sivan–This Fox News goddess is smoldering. Her last piece was about something I cannot even remember. Speaking of piece, I would love one.

2) Dagan McDowell–Scarlett O’hara made it to Wall Street. Her accent could melt butter, and her brilliance is overshadowed by her beauty.

1) Carla Bruni–She is the first lady of France. Nicolas Sarkozy understands that the only reason to gain power is to bed models. Between Bruni and Segolene Royal, the French have all they need for a prime time jello wrestling special.

Conservatives/Republicans: I left Barbara Bush off the list. I am not referring to the President’s mother. I am referring to his daughter. Barbara is adorable, but out of respect for the Dub, I will say no more. George W. Bush, just know I want to be her Secret Service body guard. Please do not waterboard me, I voted for you twice. Michelle Malkin is not on the list because I am beyond intimidated by her. When she goes on television and flares her nostrils in anger, I want to hide in the corner and cry. I am a sissy. The blogosphere has a republican Jewish blogger named Spree. When she becomes more famous, I will make sure the world knows that I was the one who made salacious comments about her when others ignored her body and insulted her by judging her blog on the quality of the writing. I also left out Ms. California Carrie Prejean only because I prefer brunettes.

10) Monica Crowley–She worked for Richard Nixon. Her sister is married to Alan Colmes, but she has stayed on the right side of the aisle, where her loveliness resides.

9) S E Cupp–She is not an A cup. She is not a DDD cup. She is an S E Cupp. I asked her if I could cup her S E Cupps in my hands, which is how I obtained these brand new stitches. She is so hot that the stitches are popping out. Lust hurts.

8.–tie) Kate Obenshain–She claims to have 4 children. Some women never age. She is deep into Republican politics, and I am deeply into her, albeit from afar, given the restraining order.

8.–tie) Patricia Heaton–The mom from Everybody Loves Raymond is a Republican. Forget Raymond. Everybody loves Patricia.

7–tie) Bristol Palin–I am treading VERY carefully on this one. I have a deep respect for her family, and was enraged when David Letterman made his callous remarks. Yet I have to admit that they keep showing that video of her at the convention where she is wearing that black fuzzy sweater. She is as gorgeous as her mother, which says a lot.,0,1547800.photogallery

7–tie) Sarah Palin–She is the Governor of Alaska, and a possible candidate for President in 2012. Her 91% approval rating may be because men outnumber women in Alaska by 25-1. Her enemies want to destroy her. My only problem with her is her stance on marriage. Specifically, she is married to somebody who is not me. The former beauty queen could easily win that same title today.

6) Michele Bachmann–This Congresswoman from Minnesota is smart as a whip. She is not into whips, preferring family values. She was never in Bachmann Turner Overdrive, but she turns me into overdrive. She should reprise the role of underwear model made famous by Terri Garr.

5) Patti Ann Browne–Her bare shoulders light up the nighttime Fox News channel. She is especially hot when quoting gangsta rap lyrics.

4) Mary Katharine Ham–I met her in real life, and she is incredibly classy and dignified. She is a sweet, cool person. She was the subject of the worst blogging 4 part trilogy in history, which began with “Help me Rabbi, I am desiring Ham.”

3) Julie Banderas–As for why I want to paddle her, it might be because I have a pulse. College students may not get Playboy in the dorms, but viewing her on Fox News is the next best thing.

2) Andrea Tantaros–This republican strategist has a devastating piercing tongue, and men around America want to experience it. She was the spokeswoman for Jeanine Pirro, and they would rival any mother-daughter jello wrestling tag team. Only she could get away with calling Barack Obama a “wussie.”

1) Shannen Doherty–Her speech at the 1992 Republican Convention captivated men. So did her playboy spreads. I have met her and spoken politics with her. I wish I had taken her on top of the jewelry table, but I was moderately less tactless back then.

Well, all these women will have to live with the fact that my focus is now on the Sacramento Queen. They are simply too late. Now I need to take a midday nap. Time to count sheep, or in my case, the Sacramento Queen’s apolitical yummy bouncies.



The Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies–2009 Nominations

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

On June 21st, 2008, I wrote what to this day (God help us all, America) remains my most popular column.

I listed the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies. 30 liberals, 30 centrists, and 30 conservatives were judged by their T and A.

This is not a beauty pageant where idiotic things like talent competitions take place. It is solely based on physical appeal.

For those of you who are feminists, shut up. I don’t want to hear it. If you were more attractive, you would want to be judged by your looks, and kill to be on beauty lists. Until politically correct people are out buying the Susan Boyle Swimsuit Calendar, get off your moral high horse.

This is not misogyny. This is a celebration of female beauty, and nothing more.

I would like anybody and everybody to send me ideas. For those to embarrassed to leave them in the comments section, email me privately.

For those who disagree with my final decisions, get your own d@mn blog. This is subjective.

Below were my choices for the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2008.

Liberals/Democrats: I left out Senator Barbara Boxer because she is older now, although she was a hot piece back in the day. I left out Obama Girl because she was too lazy to even vote for him. Patti Davis, despite a playboy spread, should be off the list because her father, the great Ronald Reagan, deserves to rest in peace. Al Gores former campaign manager Donna Brazile almost made the cut, due to her salacious appearance on the Colbert Report where she offered to have sex with him in a Kansas City hotel room. This list was written before I saw Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell on television. She will absolutely make future lists.

With that, the official list is below.

10) Rachel Sklar–She is affiliated with the Huffington Post. Providing a link to promote that site is a non-starter. However, with her, just hit the mute button and enjoy.

9) Julie Roginsky–She is a democratic strategist. She is hot. She speaks as well, but I remember not one word.

8.) Sarah Gore–Her father tried to steal an election, but she used to steal the loins of men with pulses. She recently got married. I am green, but with envy, not environmentalism.

7) Lisa Lange–She is associated with Peta, and was behind their naked marketing campaign. She is proof that no matter how awful an organization is, guys will listen when a woman is promoting nakedness.

6) Alexandra Kerry–I really wanted to be between her legs in 2004, but not enough to vote for her father.

5) Segolene Royal–The former French Socialist candidate for Prime Minister is so regal. She was sleeping with the party chairman, and they had kids. The French election was a coin flip, since my head supported Nicolas Sarkozy despite her being a hot piece of tail.

4) Julia Allison–She used to date a democratic senator. Every aspect of her life is on the internet. She is like Jim Carrey in The Truman Show, only with a much sexier body and much more granola lifestyle.

3) Jackie Clarke–She did an entire play dedicated to the movie Showgirls. She likes football, cursing, and talking about her female body parts. She is equally frightening and ketchup bottle worthy.

2tie) Norah ODonnell–She is an impartial analyst on MSNBC, meaning she is a liberal. Again, this is a visual contest, with the less auditory aspect being the best. She is stunning.

2tie) Naomi Wolf–Yes she has become part of the lunatic fringe that believes in 9/11 conspiracies, and compares President Bush to the evil in this world. Who cares? This is a subjective beauty contest, and she is a hot piece of Jewish rumpus. Plus, one of her sex books helped me get more than my fair share, which proves that even feminists can be useful from time to time.

1) Jane Fleming–Recently married with two children, those pouty lips of hers are a perfect fit for her constantly angry television appearances. I think she actually has a Hillary Clinton nutcracker that she keeps on her kitchen counter. She is the reason pool tables were invented.

Centrists/Independents: Entertainment reporter Shira Lazar would have made the list, but she rarely discusses politics. She is a sweet girl, and easy on the eyes. Sarah Silverman frightens me to death, and her comments are barely political. She is proof that hot women can say anything at any time for any reason.

10) The women of Poland–Women in Poland are stripping naked to protest against politics being dominated by men. I support their freedom of expression.

9) Alison Rosen/Michelle Collins–They are both commentators on Redeye, and I do not think they have ever been on at the same time. They might be the same person. I hope they have 8 yummy bouncies instead of 4.

8.) Gloria Estefan–Yes, she is a Cuban singer. She also got very political during the Elian Gonzalez fiasco. I would do the Conga if I was in bed and she was there.

7) Tammy Bruce–I am pro-gay rights for everybody except her. We should donate ugly women to the lesbian community in exchange for her. She curses like a sailor, and the fact that I am completely intimidated by her is a turn on.

6) Ashlee Dupree–Any woman that destroys Eliot Spitzer and appears in a Girls Gone Wild video is a Goddess. I normally do not endorse drugs and prostitution, but she is why the lord created Spring Break.

5) Campbell Brown–CNN would have much higher ratings if she was allowed to moderate Presidential debates in her undies. She is a smart woman, but this column could care less. She reigns supreme at the Cheesecake News Network.

4) Kiran Chetry–She is also a Cheesecake News Network girl. She was not the hottest woman at Fox News, but at CNN where the journalistic standards are lower, her legs fit in perfectly.

3) Dagan McDowell–Scarlett Ohara made it to Wall Street. Her accent could melt butter, and her brilliance is overshadowed by her beauty.

2) Mirthala Salinas–She is the news reporter that slept with the Mayor of Los Angeles with a name that is hard to spell. I give the Mayor credit. He has excellent taste.

1) Carla Bruni–She is the first lady of France. Nicolas Sarkozy understands that the only reason to gain power is to bed models. Between Bruni and Royal, the French have all they need for a prime time jello wrestling special.,_Gloria/Pictures/

Conservatives/Republicans: I left Barbara Bush off the list. I am not referring to our current President’s mother. I am referring to his daughter. Barbara is adorable, but out of respect for the Dub, I will say no more. George W. Bush, just know I want to be her Secret Service body guard. Please do not waterboard me, I voted for you twice. Michelle Malkin is not on the list because I am beyond intimidated by her. When she goes on television and flares her nostrils in anger, I want to hide in the corner and cry. I am a sissy. Patricia Heaton, who played the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond, is one hot mom. She has contributed to republicans, and I wonder if she was naked when she wrote the check. Fred Thompson’s wife Geri is stunning, but out of respect for the Alpha Dog, I will leave it at that. I met them and liked them. The blogosphere has a republican Jewish blogger named Spree. When she becomes more famous, I will make sure the world knows that I was the one who made salacious comments about her when others ignored her body and insulted her by judging her blog on the quality of the writing.

10) Jeanine Pirro–She may not have defeated Hillary Clinton in New York, but this prosecutor would easily win a contest over Hillary in terms of who guys would want to paddle. She also appears on Redeye, where she pops out opinions as she pops out her cleavage.

9) Amanda Carpenter–This Townhall political reporter is an incredibly sweet person. I almost left her off the list out of respect, given how dignified she is. However, I needed one more name, and she is very pretty.

8.) Sarah Palin–She is the Governor of Alaska, and a possible candidate for Vice President. Her 91% approval rating may be because men outnumber women in Alaska by 25-1.

7) Kate Obenshain–She claims to have 4 children. Some women never age. She is deep into republican politics, and I am deeply into her, albeit from afar, given the restraining order.

6) Michele Bachmann–This Congresswoman from Minnesota is smart as a whip. She is not into whips, preferring family values. She was never in Bachmann Turner Overdrive, but she turns me into overdrive. She should reprise the role of underwear model made famous by Terri Garr.

5) Angie Harmon–She is married to retired football star Jason Sehorn. As the hot republican prosecutor on Law and Order, her first episode was fabulous. When she thundered, “Hang ‘em all, no deals for anybody,” I realized that there is nothing sexier than a tough hot woman in charge of the penal code.

4) Mary Katharine Ham–I met her in real life, and she is incredibly classy and dignified. She is a sweet, cool person. She was the subject of the worst blogging 4 part trilogy in history, which began with “Help me Rabbi, I am desiring Ham.”

3) Julie Banderas–As for why I want to paddle her, it might be because I have a pulse. College students may not get Playboy in the dorms, but viewing her on Fox News is the next best thing.

2) Andrea Tantaros–This republican strategist has a devastating piercing tongue, and men around America want to experience it. She was the spokeswoman for Jeanine Pirro, and they would rival any mother-daughter jello wrestling tag team.

1) Shannen Doherty–Her speech at the 1992 Republican Convention captivated men. So did her playboy spreads. I have met her and spoken politics with her. I wish I had taken her on top of the jewelry table, but I was moderately less tactless back then.

Now the only thing to do is to select the Top 120 Political Yummy Bouncies of 2009.

Let the bouncing begin.


Bea Arthur–Farewell to a likable feminist

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Comedians have lost a target, and the rest of the entertainment industry has lost a jewel. Bea Arthur is no longer with us.

She died peaceably at her home in Los Angeles at the age of 86.

She will be missed.


Happy 70th Lee Majors

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

The Fall Guy turns 70 today.

Happy birthday Lee Majors.


From Susan Boyle to Janeane Garofalo

Monday, April 20th, 2009

For my column comparing Susan Boyle to Janeane Garofalo, please link here.

Below is another link on the subject.


Happy Passover Shannen Doherty

Monday, April 13th, 2009

Excluding my present sexual administration, there is not a lovelier Republican brunette on the planet than Shannen Doherty.

The rumors are false. She and I are not back together.

Go to Big Hollywood for the truth.


Ideological Bigotry–My book is now available

Sunday, April 5th, 2009


My book, Ideological Bigotry, is now in stores and available for purchase.

Ideological Bigotry is the hatred of people based on their political views. It is just as harmful as racial or ethnic bigotry, but gets less attention.

The book can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or through iUniverse. freechatrooms

Below is the picture of the hard cover copy.

For legal reasons, I had to use a picture different than the one on my blog. Simply put, after much searching, I cannot find out who owns the rights to that picture.

Below are a couple of testimonials that will be found on the back cover.

“Many will find this reading highly charged, and most controversial. But hey, that’s what we have come to expect from Eric aka The Tygrrrr Express!”

Radio Host Armstrong Williams

“You don’t have to be a political ‘conservative’ or agree with every word in this book to appreciate Ideological Bigotry. In a society that professes to value tolerance and dissent, America has become infested with bigots who taunt, intimidate and even hate those who dare to disagree with them.  Eric exposes this evil in a witty and insightful manner that makes for very delightful reading.  Unlike many who beat you over the head about this problem, his wit and sense of ridicule are a welcome relief.  A great read!”

Ward Connerly—Chairman, American Civil Rights Institute

I am described as “politically conservative, morally liberal, and completely off kilter.”

If you would like me to come to your city to do a book signing, then invite me! I am arranging a book tour as we speak.

I am also available for television and radio interviews.

I had no say in the price of the book. As for free copies, please understand that if I gave the book away, this would not be a successful business venture!

I will be autographing copies of the hard cover version.

My goal is to visit all 50 states, so at some point, your hard cover book WILL be autographed.

If I left you out of the acknowledgments, again, don’t resort to verbal violence. Every person that I have ever corresponded with through the Tygrrrr Express has made it a special place.

After you have purchased the book, please let me know that you did so.

Lastly, just know that while I am the person who wrote the book, and writes the blog, every single one of you is what makes it worth while.

Thank you very much.

Now please go buy my book!

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express