As Jews celebrate Passover, one Jew will not be allowed to have a moment of peace on this holiday or any other day.
Congressman Eric Cantor is under siege because he is a Republican Jew who exists and breathes air.
It is bad enough that a left-wing crackpot threatened to kill him and his entire family.
It is bad enough that his office was shot at.
Left-wing zealot Joan Walsh of Salon decided to engage in some good old-fashioned ideological bigotry by accusing Congressman Cantor of crying wolf.
Even by liberal standards, the column is too disgusting to link to.
The title of the column is “Eric Cantor’s Phony Victim Story.”
The subtitle is even more vile.
“His false claim of office gunshots functioned as the Ashley Todd tale of 2010, distracting from right-wing violence.”
Ms. Walsh is pathetic on so many levels. Even liberals should be embarrassed by this pen wielding zealot.
First of all, his claims were not false. They were absolutely true, and have been proven true.
Secondly, Ms. Walsh has zero problems taking liberal claims of right-wing slurs at face value.
This is where liberals get all condescending and start acting like themselves. They claim that the people making the claims are “credible,” and that they would “sooner believe such good people as opposed to the bad people being accused.” This is nuts. What this means when translated is that because the accusers are ideologically desired, they have to be telling the truth.
That is an emotional argument. It does not matter if the accusers are credible. A story used to remain unreported until two or even three separate, independent and verifiable sources corroborated the story. In today’s world, anything bad about a conservative has to be true because conservatives are evil themselves.
There is no evidence that Congressmen Clyburn or Frank were slurred. There is evidence that Anthony Weiner and Eric Cantor were victims of domestic terrorism. It is not about politics. It is about evidence.
Does this make Clyburn and Frank liars? Perhaps not. They could have simply misheard something. That is an honest mistake. I personally suspect Frank is lying through his teeth, but that is not evidence either.
Thirdly, it is the left trying to distract from left-wing violence. It is not possible to distract from right-wing violence because the right gets covered by the media. They have no place to hide bad behavior. The left gets a free ride. That is why the left despises Fox News and talk radio. They miss the days of abusing the right with impunity.
At no time has the left apologized for the murder attempt on Katherine Harris or the movies advocating the assassination of President George W. Bush.
(Leftists who claim they should not be blamed for random bad actors should stop blaming every conservative or even every Tea Party person for an isolated bad actor that has not even surfaced yet. That is the entire point. The left does this deliberately.)
There is nothing the right is doing in this country that comes close to the left. Yes, there are militias, but when was the last time a militia actually did something? Also, militias are the fringes. The haters on the left are the mainstream of the party. Right-wing agitators are an aberration. Left-wing speech is hate speech. The right condemns the bad behavior. The left revels in it and celebrates it.
Lastly, and this will shock Ms. Walsh because it involves coherent thought, there is no mass right-wing violence in this country. It does not exist.
Name a left-wing speaker on a campus that was shouted down or targeted violently. I can name dozens of conservative speakers facing threats to their lives.
Compare the rare occasion anti-abortion violence occurs with the number of eco-terrorism and animal rights violence. It is not even close. The greeniacs and critter worshippers win hands down.
Compare that when a conservative breathes incorrectly, liberals blame every Republican on Earth. Yet when a left-wing wacko tries to murder Eric Cantor, there is silence.
So what happens to leftist terrorists? In the case of Bill Ayers, they become schoolteachers.
In the case of Ms. Walsh, a leftist terrorist herself (If she can accuse talk radio hosts of fomenting violence, then I can accuse her columns of fomenting violence. Do I believe this? No. Would it be healthy for her to get some of her own bile medicine shoved down her leftist throat? Absolutely.), she has some hate speech for Mr. Cantor that is as disgusting as it is plain wrong.
“No one is accusing Cantor of shooting up his own office…”
Nobody is accusing Ms. Walsh of being a hybrid between Joseph Stalin and Maureen Dowd, but…When somebody says “I am not saying…,” they are saying exactly what they claim not to be saying. So yes, she is saying Cantor shot up his own office by even planting the seed.
“No one is accusing Cantor of shooting up his own office, but from the minute he made his claim–also implying he was targeted because he was Jewish…”
He did not say that. He said he has received threats in the past because he is Jewish. Perhaps Ms. Walsh should read my hate mail. Republican Jews are not beloved, especially with savages like Ms. Walsh inciting the left-wing crazies (keep blaming her until she stops using the same tactic). Mr. Cantor did not say this incident was because he was Jewish. To rule out that angle would be foolish. We now know that his Judaism absolutely was a factor.
Ms. Walsh is so wrong on so many points that she should work for the Jayson Blair Times.
“…targeted because he was Jewish…it was almost certain to be untrue.”
It was true, you leftist bigot. It happened. Even the producers of 60 Minutes could not cover this one up. A man tried to murder Eric Cantor and his family.
“On CNN Thursday night, Gloria Borger insisted that not only should tea parties rein in their members, but ‘Moveon too.’ It’s crazy time.”
I agree with Ms. Walsh. The two should not be equated. Most tea party attendees are civilized. They may yell in the town square, but that is what the town square allows. Moveon contains the most unsavory aspects of America. They advocate violence, and carry out protests that go beyond anything the First Amendment protects. Unlike the Tea Parties, Moveon lunacy by their members, along with Code Pinko violence, is well documented. Code Pinko engaged in a violent disruption of a Karl Rove book signing the other day. What they yelled cannot be printed. I wonder what Walsh, Clyburn, and Frank feel about that.
There is no moral equivalence. Replace the word Jewish with Republican. Replace the word Palesimian with liberal democrat. The left are verbal suicide bombers, only less warm and fuzzy.
While wondering which member of MSNBC will be the first one to strap on a suicide belt and head toward a tea party or Fox News headquarters (eliminating the competition literally could help their pathetic leftist ratings…not rantings, but ratings), I wrote Ms. Walsh an email that was far more polite than she deserved.
“Ms. Walsh,
I wrote a book called “Ideological Bigotry.”
I did the research as to why the left hates the right. It is because we exist and breathe air. Minority conservatives such as Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, and Eric Cantor are targeted for extra abuse.
One can disagree without being guilty of ideological bigotry, but I am afraid your most recent column attacking Eric Cantor has gone so far beyond the pale of reasonable discourse.
Now that a man has been arrested, you may wish to apologize for accusing Mr. Cantor of crying wolf.
Barney Frank and James Clyburn made unsubstantiated claims, which you accepted as gospel. Eric Cantor made a claim, and you dismissed it. Now we see he has every right to be concerned.
I am a Republican Jew and son of a Holocaust survivor. I know what happens when threats are not taken seriously.
I doubt you will apologize to Congressman Cantor, or even consider my words. Just know that while I was calling Congressman Weiner to pray for his family as well, you were spreading poison.
It is possible to be liberal without being hateful. I hope as Passover and Easter approach, you consider doing this.
eric @ the Tygrrrr Express”
So why does the left not apologize for the violence against Eric Cantor and other conservatives?
Because they support it. They favor it. They may not support his murder (debatable), but they are delighted by his being intimidated. That is what community organizing is about. Bully, threaten, and silence conservatives into submission, and get liberal federal dollars to continue the abuse.
They can claim until they are blue in the face otherwise, but the left is an entire party of community organizers.
Al Sharpton yells “no justice, no peace” and calls Jewish business owners “diamond merchants.” Jewish businesses burn, and Sharpton is still a respected speaker in liberal circles.
This is the left. The right marginalizes David Duke. The left lionizes Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Shoes are thrown at President Bush, and the left laughs. Yet criticizing Obama on anything is proof of racism and right-wing extremism, even though he won an election with white support.
Eric Cantor and his family face a murder attempt, and liberals accuse him of fabricating the entire incident.
What is it going to take for these leftist media savages to apologize?
For once in their worthless, wretched, leftist lives can they admit that they were wrong? Can they admit that the murder of Eric Cantor would be a bad thing? Do they even think this? Or would the murder of an Obamacare opponent be celebrated?
When does the madness on the left stop?
I would not celebrate the murder of Joan Walsh. I am sure somebody benefits by her existence, although I have not met that person.
The left will continue to make excuses for disgusting creatures like her while having the nerve to blame Eric Cantor.
The evidence, which liberals refuse to acknowledge, is in. It is there for all to see.
The left doesn’t care. Talking about mythical right-wing violence and nonsense about a map with “targets” on it is a distraction from real bullets by a leftist at Eric Cantor.
Liberals celebrating Easter and Passover should skip their holidays and avoid any churches and synagogues until they develop compassion for their fellow human. Yes, Eric Cantor is human.
I prayed for Anthony Weiner. The left should pray for Eric Cantor.
Otherwise, when the right has had enough…there might actually be right-wing violence (which I would condemn). We will start acting like them. Right-wingers will snap and run over them with our cars.
Will they deserve it? Nobody deserves this.
Yet liberals have stoked the fire. If it rages out of control, they will not be able to put out the blaze they set.
I wish no ill will on Joan Walsh, but I will remain indifferent to any human suffering she incurs.
After all, she all but endorsed violence against Eric Cantor by rationalizing and justifying it.
Joan Walsh has potential blood on her hands.
Using the same tactics the left uses to bully the right, what does that make Ms. Walsh?
A typical liberal ideological bigot.